The status of control record is very important to be noted .Control record has the following functions in payroll: It determines the current payroll period for the exact date. It defines the payroll past for the retroactive accounting recognition. It locks the master data and the time data to prevent changes from being made during the payroll run. This lock is valid for the payroll past and the payroll present. Changes which affect the future can still be made. It determines the earliest retroactive accounting period. Create a new control record for each payroll area.

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  • The status of control record is very important to be noted .Control record has the following functions in payroll:

    It determines the current payroll period for the exact date.

    It defines the payroll past for the retroactive accounting recognition.

    It locks the master data and the time data to prevent changes from being made during the payroll run.

    This lock is valid for the payroll past and the payroll present. Changes which affect the future can still be made.

    It determines the earliest retroactive accounting period.

    Create a new control record for each payroll area.

  • C-Expense account

    FC-Balance sheet

  • After payroll live run we use tcd pc_payresult to check the results

  • Now we will do the simulation run to check if posting is error free


  • Evaluation of posting run

  • When we see there is no error, we can do the live run.

  • Choose live posting run .Please pay attention to control record status when live posting is done. Status

    of control record to be in exit when live posting is done

  • Choose pernr and Click document overview

    The document need to be released first before posting .choose the document created and click release

    dcouemnt (F9)

  • Click yes and please not the status changed to Released

    Now go to TCD PCPO to display the posting runs

    Now filter the status by name or status

  • Different status

    Status of posting run

    The posting run can have the following statuses:

    Fixed value Short text

    00 New

    10 Selection is running

    11 Document creation initiated

    21 Document creation is running

    22 Write file

    23 Download file

    30 No documents created

    31 Documents created

    32 All documents released

    35 Document transfer is running

    40 Transfer documents

    41 Document transfer has failed

    50 Documents posted

    60 Reverse document creation is running

    61 Reverse documents created

    62 Reversal is running

    63 Reversal documents have been posted

    64 Reversal documents have been transferred

  • 65 Reversal has failed

    66 Reversal documents are incorrect

    70 Partial archiving has been executed

    80 Complete archiving has been executed

    90 Documents are incorrect

    91 Documents deleted

    92 Deletion is running

    93 Deletion of Archiving is running

    We will filter by name and status as 32-all documents released

    Choose the document release in previous step and click post documents

    Click immediately

  • Posting initiated.Now go to TCD FS10/FS10N to see the posted results in FI module

    Choose the G/L created in FI and display

  • We will see the credit and debit entry in FI

    Now we try to reverse the posting

    We will use TCD pcpo

  • Status is 50-document posted

    Choose the document and clik edit ->reversal->reverse documents

    Click yes to reverse documents

  • Click immediately

    Now check in FS10N Tcd to find the reversal

  • The amount is both in debit and credit after reversal.