Potassium Argon Dating

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  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    Potassium-Argon Dating

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    A radioactive counting technique used to datethe age of geological formations which are

    associated with fossil remains of early hominidsites from rocks as old as 2 billion years old and

    as recent as 100, 000 years old.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    Based on the steady but very slow decay of the

    radioactive potassium-40 isotope to the inertgas argon-40 isotope in igneous/volcanic rocks.

    Fossils are not dated but the rocks thatsurrounds them assuming they are of the same

    age as of the rock.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    The rock layers above and below the fossil aredated using K-Ar dating to get a minimum andmaximum age of the fossils sandwiched

    between the two layers.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    RocksRocks that can be used in this process are:

    1. Igneous rocks

    2. Volcanic Rocks

    3. Volcanic Ash (hardened)

    *Most resistant to later argon diffusion are: biotite, muscovite, sanidine

    *Other possible igneous/metamorphic rocks: Hornblende, anorthoclase, plagioclase, leucitnepheline, phlogopite, and lepidolite

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    1. Argon is inert.

    -does not chemically react with other elements

    2. Argon is a gas.

    -it just bubbles up when it is present in the liquid, flowing lava

    -it escapes from the rock when it is heated in very high temperatures

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    When lava flows over the land, the naturally occurring argon gas is drivexcessive/intense heat. (no more argon gas inside)

    As the lava cools and hardens into a rock (crystallization), it becomes a closystem which traps the argon-40 gas that will form from the decay ofpotassium-40 inside the rock.

    The formation of the rock which also drives off any naturally occurring aformerly present sets the radioactive clock to zero .

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    1. Samples are collected and thcrushed.

    2. Treatment of Hydrofluoric aremove remaining atmospherifrom the sample.

    3. Sample is heated to extract isolate the argon gas into a sepcontainer

    4. Gases are then monitored ansubjected to mass spectrometryspectrographic analysis.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    Ratio of Potassium-40 and Argon-40 atoms

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    Has a wide range of time.

    Can be used to date rocks that are associated with fossils that lived a very long time befo

    Very useful for dating artifacts that are found near volcanic areas.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    o It can only be used to date sites buried by volcanic formations.

    o It is rarely possible to achieve an accuracy of better than 10% .

    o It can only be used with rocks that contained no argon gas when they were formed.

    o Possible contamination of atmospheric argon gas.

    o Possible loss of argon gas after formation of rocks.

    o Rocks to be used should not have gone through a heating-recrystallization process after initial formation.

    o Standard deviations resulting from this method are very large.

    o Expensive.

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    -volcanic area (volcanic tuff beds)-9 miles and 350 feet deep site-excavated by Louis and Mary Leakey (mid- fossils of Austrolopithecus (Paranthropus) Homo habilis, Homo erectus- Achulean and Oldowan stone tool assembl-almost 2 million years of occupation-bones of about 1.75 million years of age

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating


    -determination of age of tuffs associated with early hominid finds extending thechronology of human existence back further than 2 million years

    -association of lava with human settlements in East Africa- Australopithecus of age 4.5 million years

    -stone flakes and chopping tools of age 2.6 million years

    -earliest date for human artifacts

    -Homo erectus -bearing levels dated by Berkeley scientists-1.8 million years (laser-fusion technique)

  • 8/11/2019 Potassium Argon Dating




    http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/K-Ar-dating.htm https://www.khanacademy.org/science/cosmology-and-astronomy/life-earth-universe/measu



    http://archaeology.about.com/od/oterms/g/olduvai.htm http://www.boneandstone.com/articles/detrich_04.html
