Potomac News August 30,1972 Previously microfilmed issue was incomplete. This issue has both Sections A & 6.

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Page 1: Potomac News

Potomac News

August 30,1972 Previously microfilmed issue was incomplete. This issue has both

Sections A & 6.

Page 2: Potomac News


Rescuers djg into cavedin ditck at GfMO Valley

Ditch caves in,

worker killed BV MARILYN MUSE '

~ iO p.m. Monday Ave. tons of •••J. :ni(i ; construction ditch

> ! ; red in at Green Valley ;' 'k Woodbridge, IdHing

1 i..ene Phelps, 28, of as he worked on a water.

' KiiTt hoi!i">Jatfr at 4:10 pjn. < liftearfoir-ifce r^tbot >Mher woricer, Hanin^on

I Unhaih, Md., ivho -^ out of the ditch but was

i J :jkcn to Fairfax Ho^)ital ^ L-. ijir condition with a rib

i!.' tj^ pulled from waiit-deep

t' hid run for the far end of

Bascue is fired —again

- T.'UTi Council on Saturday .-• \. Basque for a second time

•.::. policeman, the Potomac -.r-ed. .-• cr dated Saturday from Mi>or J. Robert Ritenour, he :-. lo that the Town Council .r.iriniously'" lo lermirute ot-iployment, "effecti*c

t-o > for harassment..." j \ .Mr . Claude Greene did :o tneeting Saturday. She

-:.i could not attend Ibe -o.:!.i^e she needed an

' ' her eyeglasses that could .. at the time vitta dw

•- ' • t.r.cii on Aug. 8 voted to-V .ic The Council held a

\^eJre5day, a few citizen* :hc Council memben

• :.'erts that they felt were - Bascue The Council

'• he sugges t j on of 0,! to rescind its Aug. 8 tiro Bascue and reinstated

vo (KTOQl \S V^ic .^•^

(rfower Ml

the approximately 2S-foot-long ditch «4ien the wall feu. The dead man wai found under ax feet of dirt about halfway from tte end of tbe ditch. Investigating Officer Daniel Tabcr of llie Piince WTiUiam County Police said be (Bed from suffocation'.'

According to trailer park manager Ernest Rom, who lud taUced to M eye-witlKu to tiiB accident, dw wall firit cracked at a manhole at the far end of the ditch. The work on the line had begun on June 1,

"She cracked at dial manhole and she just came rigM on down that tfitch," said RoK as he watched lescuemen and pghce woric to try to get Phelp* out ^ve.

Phelps' brother, Terry Lee Phelpt, who had also been working in the difadi just before the accident, took turns at working the backhoe di(^r as it removed dirt from the site. Another brother, Jerry Wayne Phehw, of Woodmark Apartments, WoodbridBe, had been working at Country Oub Esuies, and was on die scene after, the accident.

"We had just one more piece of pipe to lay b<ifore we quit for hinch," said Rote.

Helping in die rescue efforts was WD. Braswel l , c o n s t r u c t i o n safety representative for the Virginia Department of Labor and Inihistry.

Mien asked if the sides of the ditch should have been refaiforced, he said: 1 won't answer that question b«t you noticed that I wouida't let aayoM go down there withodt reinforcing AOK -sides."

Bras««Il said there is ahwm a cftaiue that a man could sitrme such a cavern; but it is "one in a miUioo dMnce."

The acodent occurred at Lot 69, ia front of the home of Mn. Yaiuko Peaiaon.

"I beard a man screami but I didn't know how serious it was," said Mrs. Pearson as she watched the site fron her living room window. .

"The men were sitting around on top like they were takng a break wken I . beard a tcream and jneiyoac started ' ^ p i n g aromd. I thoii||i imy had tit something," * e added.

The men were laying pipe for tkc American Tralar. Corp., aad w m . woridaf fcr WBtaa C. tn»gf htt^ Arliagloa.

Grov*r P. Maiid«rfMd

By BETTY CALVIN Grover P. Manderfieid, who has b««n

depicted as one of the foidsra of Woodbridge as it la kRom today, is daad at dK aft of 71.

His ostly son. Grover J. lianderfieM, said of Ms father "He HIeed to see thk* row: he feh a great aenM of prMi ia seeing the county pow."

Coming to Prince WiUan County ia 1938. Urn seaior Mandsrfield fnt was a nwaibtr of a coaatrvctiosi crew wMch bath a chimney for a brick piMt belonging to the Woodbridge Oay ProdiKis Co. Subaequendy be bacanM wpaiiaaiaJtiit of #iat aasne piMt mi

•K ooaatnsettoa af 4M

Board foursome weighs Honsen replacement moves

BY HERALD GRAKDSTAFF If four members of the Board of

Supervisors can follow their plans through. Prince WilUam is to have a new county executive on the iob by Nov. I.

Four memban of mt Board mat Monday night to discuas 37 applications for Ae cotmW executive pott and established the Nov. 1 objective is part of their schedule fcr seeking a new county adminittrator to re|riatt Bobby J. Hansen.

It wu evident Monday that those four supervisors who met to discuss the county executive job are solidly in favor of chanft. Since only four of the seven Bosrdmen were piesent, nothing wu dec ided a bo ut the industrial development (Urector's positioa which Hanaaa H to move into aftat a new county executhe is fotmd.

The supervisors Monday pueed resolution*- which - continued Caanty

AUy. Floyd Bagley u Om acttag county •aacuthi* until next Thanday and abe granled HaiMen a vacation untii that

From an Informal poll takan, howwver, none qf die foor would apae to givt Hansen a twO'vear contract -which he ha* requested - aa industrial development (Srector. Tfascefore, if Hasuen insist* on a twoyeat contract, hs probably would not be given the industrial director's pott.

Board Vice Chairmm Donald Turner of Neabtco District acted as chairman of the Board since C. Scott WinOeld of Coles Diitrkt did not attend the specially called meeting. Alio absent from the meeting were Ralph A. MauUer of BrentsvUle Distrkt and Roy W. DoggeU of Manaiaat District. MauUer was in CharlottetviSe at a gbvamment conference, as was Hansen. Tumar said. he had not heard from Doaett and

-IMIDVIfaEKK-WwlnaMtoy, Augmt 30,1972

Turner expected Winfleld to Aow. . Charte* Colgaa of Gaineavtle District,

Vemon Dawson of Occoquan Dutrict, and Dr. A J. Ferlazzo of. Dumfries District were present.

Following an executive sestien Monday which lastad nearly m bow*. Turner annouasad the plans of four stmerviaorspreaeni:

each supervisor is to review all county executive applications and submit Ave choices - in the order of preference -to the County Executive Reviewing Committee by Tuesday. Turner Is chairman of that Committee, with Wnfleld and Colgan also members of it. The Reviewing Committee is then to narrow thote names down to five

&roipects by next Thurtch^ for iterviewlng. The Board is to have those

fWc interviews completed by Sept. 30, with the aelectioa of the new county executive - "hopefoly" - ^ Oct. 4. And the new executive is to be on the job by Nov. I. Turner said after the

Board adjourned that it may not ba poiaible to strictly adhere lo the Oct. 4 dM« since th» Board may want to ra-intervltw some (ounty executiva hopefuls.

Salary for the new county executive was not discussed. Turner told the preM corps that salary for the new administrator "wiU depend on th* reaction of \hg Board," and money is to be negotiated.

B a ^ has prepared a "work sheet type of contract" for Hansen's new pott, Bagley said, that can be negotiated with the Board. Bagley said the work sheed conuact did not specify a time element. .

"I think," Ferlazzo told the press, "that contract business is a dangerous thing - enedally with this job in th* county." He emphasized that he would not support "a contract of any kind." Ferlazzo hutened to add, however, that it was "a little unfair to talk contracl with only four (Board) member*

-See HANSEN, Page A-19

July Paid Avg: 14.456 PreiB Run: 30,000

Serving Potomm: fifevu Land Southeast Fairfax, Prince William County, North Stafford

Post Office Adtfrast: Dumfries, Virginia 22026

BevHIe to depart

Prince William Stuart Seville, superintendent

of Prince WilUani County sdroois . linoe 1954, plans to accept a

poaition with Viisbiia Polytechnic Institute early in October.

Altboiti^ Seville would not c o m m e n t on h i s pending reaifaatian here until after he talk the School Board about it officially, next Wednesday, reports indicate he will ask to be releaaed fimn his contract. He had sigMd a fbor-year oontnct on July 1; 1969, bat had indicated he wotdd.resign after that tenn was up-

Offioais at VPI said they could not diactMS SevSle's new position

imtil hb resignation had become effective in Praioe Mlliam.

A native of souAwest Viiginia, BeviBe hfMs an M.A. degree from Duke University. He came to Prince William from FarmviBe where he was ttie high school princapal.

Enis Hawkins, School Board chairman^ declined to comment for p u b l i c a t i o n prior to Wednesday's meeting. However, diere are indications tiiat one or more piesent central office stafT m e m b e r s may be lip for c o n s i d e r a t i o n as Seville's replaoenient.

Here we come/ School doon opened throughout Prince William County tWs week and unong the new facet were theae.iacoiBiag fbat gnidna M

El i zabe th V a u g h a n Elementary Schooi-f iom left. Annette Pre^iiaacft. Kare» O'Connor and Chris Sprouae. (Staff pboto by PMi Lewis)

*He liked to see things grow' Trogress was bound to come and be

bked to be a part of it," IBS son went on. "He iked to see people moving into new homes, home* dut were better thaa they'd ever had before. He Hked to tae •ew face* in the community."

Bom ai Houghton. Mich., a copper asid iron miniiig town in the Nortbem NniaMla, the retired businessman and cMc leader exemplified the phtaae "a self made ntaa." At an early ^ he became a s s o c i a t e d with Rust Engineering Co. For nearly SO yevs. be travelad for the ram, throughoat dM c<matry, superviaiaf the coMtntction of jaAstUiai binaiiis. Ha coadaaad Ua doas Mstiaets wdi the Itaat hm^ aid hi* darotion ta thaai axiaadad

(kKMifhout his later years.. "He WH of the old school." Ms ton

explained. "He believed in the ri^ts of the individual."

The elder Manderfieid crgniaed Woodbridge Realty Co. Inc. and developed the Woodbridge Shopping Caaler. He joined the bankif« fraternity ia the I9¥k. fmt becoming a aMfoiiiy •(ocUMidar in the Bank of Occoqwi, **a a S2 million iattitutioa It later hacaaw the arigiaal autitutian in dw Bank of Prince WBham system wWch then grew in to the Bank of Vlf|tBia-Pio«osnac, now a tlOO nrfbosi

-•"- • with 21 omcaa. H* was ef iN has* M t i a far I

of the board, ht 1969. he rctiRd from the baak and was named honorary chainnan of the board. He aho was osi the boards of the Basik of ViigiRia Ce. and Piedmont Savings aad Loan AiBociation.

"He was truly comimmity oriented," coiiuiiented Mrs. John Humphries, of Behnont. herself a oomsmarity leader.

Active in pubfcclife al his yaars Bi the county, ManderfMd and dw late M. G. Garber dcsuted the land on wWch Gar-Field Hi|^ Scbod w« bolt. He dao wat aa avid supporter of Little Leagae basebsll in which sevtrai of Ma giasiihfs participaMd each SBMmt*.

~ d alto WW a asaaabar «r * * TaHtM Bactani BoMd mi a

founder and constant backer of the Oocoquan-Woodbridge Sanitary District.

A Democrat , he represented Occoquan District on dse Board of SanerviaoTt for two four-year ttnaa but M not seek reelection laM yets.

N. C. Sharp, who was exaculive secretary lo die Board during Mr. Manderfield's t e n u r e , said "Mr. MandtrfieM was the strongest, aignl man who I have ev Tratb and honesty did a d i piaot with Mm...On nuaq v4Mn the supcrviaort seemed Aoat to aiaM a haM decinoa, it waa Mr. Maadcrfieirt aonnd jadMsat «Mt


t MANDOtFOLO, h«t A-3

Page 3: Potomac News


' I OM A< NEWS, W«ta«itay, AUiUit 30,1972, A-J

Man in the middi*

Lotion's Jackson faces problems

B) EILEEN M E A D I iicre IS trouble at the 'i<'n turrection conH)l*x, -I Delhert E. JacktOft, ;:. n i i i e n d e n t of adult

•- ^•^ ai the Lorton central • • -'^ • 1 'he man in die

I .t • Hi males have died 'ill. J week of stab wounds -~-d''.\ suffered at the hands

IK: inmates and one is - J lo have died of a drug

: .!• V .\ fourth inmate is in • ^ -ondit ion at D.C.

:ji Hubpiial as a result of viouiids. Two of eight

^ •'•._• I ^ who escaped seveiif -.- 1 .5 jre still at large and

/U.N IK the Lorton area are •^r-.f up a petition to . -1 ihc laxity at the prison.

gujrds are disturbed :ILO increase in assaults

'^o:;; and la« week a .-.. ji which they drew up

'I grievances to be sent M.0>-: Walter Washington I) t tbrrections Director

:li L Hardy averted a

. ^vj wjs appointed by V^ashington to the

i. lit Superintendent of vrv^.es at the Lorton

•JCLITV in April. Prior J: Jj:r.e he had turned -LU-;J1 offers to take the

l.J^ deputy director of Kpjiimeni of Corrections J-: i-.gton at the time he

• iM the position. He was :ej ;rom West Virginia

• • •••t Technology with a iO in b u s i n e s s

^rjiion and sociology

:i his degree in hand, d Negro, said he

• J: I \ pounded the -• •-! ooking for a job,

J-'. :.) setiie for a job as ';>or.jn earning J1.55 .: lie sjid he passed the'

• -T.ice exam with a -• at a time when 45

pci cijht ot tlSe" - -5 nii^fd, but still,. 1 ?. 0 1 g.et a j o b

•:. 5 .;ratjt wi th his

'•.0 went to work for S Postal Service and

koj :or the Bureau of '•• r s as a correctional

•o; three years. Before - up to programs

.r 'or the Bureau of • ,i:J -hen acting deputy • •" jJm;nislration.

^- " did not try to >-ih' the situation at

jJiritting readily that - - —.asstve problems at

- - i ; t y - m a i n 1 y Ji:-.t. poor facilities,

• j :urg . and lack of -." security for some •> whom he feels should .-0 reen sent there in P . J C C

:-' thing he did when ^ .^or the prison, he - :." ask Hardy to see

• '.e 1 SO hardened ^ wore moved to a

• - . security federal '': > has not yet been

-. J

:hcr. he has made . iL' 's and some of

: -• .ommg throu^. :C prefabricated

..r^ were brought to • • V put to use as ^ and three new

. .'vi siructures are on - he railway cars were

designed u hospital trains and WiU sleep 34 people; however, they are going to be revamped to house c n ^ 24. Thay tn a i r - c o n d i t i o n e d a n d Comfortable, he said.

Presently, there are only 13 beds in the maximum security wea. The rest of the complex i i considered to be "open area" and the dormitories are not locked up at ni |^t. The men are fret to walk around the complex.

J a c k s o n said that the temperature has gone as h ^ as 120 in the cdd dormitories this summer and he feeb It would be inhuman to force the men to stay inside. It would be dangerous, too, because under conditions where bunks are two deep and 15 inches apart, all it would take to set off tempers would be for one of the meii to accidently kfck another while sleeping. The idea] lituatlon is to keep tbe men moving outside, he said. They aie encouiaged to maka use of the recreation Held P l a y i n g b a l l a n d runningT-any thing to bum off the pent up feeliiigs.

Jackson expressed concern that there is not a center for screening tite prisoners u they c o m e In. "They come in everyday by the busful and we don't know what we have," he said. "We are forced to put them in with the rest of the residents. They should have a h e a l t h c h e c k - u p and be questioned as to their feelings and bac.kpounds before we place them with the rest of the inmates."

He said he has requested thitt a recqjtion center be built as soon a* possible. '

" W e h a v e $ 5 3 1 , 0 0 0 ai^ropriated for a cultural art workshop and $447,000 from Congree for . three Butler b u i l d i n g s t o r e l i e v e

ovtKrowding, but die time fnme Is agabut u*. We need th* bulldingt now," Jackson

Jackaon h u requested a new youth center to housi young first offenders and keep them •eptrattd from the older men.' A d d i t i o n a l recreat ional fac i l i t i es have a lso been ifequested, u well u funding for a computer-training IBM program and a prefab plant to train long-term residents. He feels that the men should learn a marketbale skill while in di« facillw. They coidd be paid at prevailing wage rates and the money used to support tbtb families on the outside. A meaningful work program is sorely needed, he said, because idleness causes many of the problnns in the cosnplex.

In tbe past there were a broom factory, a mattress factory, and a farm at the prison, but now there are only a print shop, a metal dudt f a c t o r y , a n d a garment

' industry where dothlhg is made for the inmate*.

The fadlitie* have changed . with the time*, a* have the

inmat es . Once the a v e r ^ inmate w u 37 years old. Today the average inmate is 23 1 / 2 y e a r s o l d a n d " s t r e e t - w i s e " . Ninety«ine

Beroent are black, he said, [any have n o respect for

a u t h o r i t y or. s e n s e of regwnsiWIlty. "You name a crime and III name a man in this in*t i t i i t ion w h o has committed it", be said. "We have a little of everything here."

There are good inmates and many of diem are invofved la "self^Ktp^ programs where t h e y g o o u t I n t o the communitv 4*1^ itw abuse ptogra clean up ^ fadllL nplex, be •aid. neople in


Ldrgi^ PW'trdct ' changes owners

btia for misdemeanors, matt of Ibote offender* do not go to JaU today. The aujority of the man In here hav* committed a teat crime agtinat society," h* •aid.

J a c k s o n s a i d re'Vent statements attributed to dw gineral force did not o o n t ^ alt the detaib, creating t mitimptesaioo.

For example, he said, it wa« not br6ught out that th* guar4 Irwin Levy who w u placed on adminiatrative leave alier an incidtnt law week in which h* WM injured, w u using a pockat knife while scuffling with a prisoner who had a pair of garden shtan and a railroad sp ike . The' prisoner was •ueaidly cut about tbe faca durmg tbe ftey. Guard* tn forbidden to bring any kind of weapon into tbe prison, be noted. . In another episode, dM

guards said a captain allegedK cdled down one o f the guartu in front of the inmates. However, Jackson said, he w u at the scene and that is not the way it happened. He said he w u called to the complex late at night bccauae diere was a large gathering of inmates around a pile of bricks, and they would not disperse. He s a i d t h e r e were several c o r r e c t i o n a l o f f i cers , a sergeant, a lieutenant, and the assistant superintendent at die scene when he noticed that one of the officers had a can of mace in his pocket. He then noticed another offlcer coming toward* the group carrying a paper bag Bid he toM the a**istant superintendent to lake Uiat .man into the tower and find put what he had in the bag. As it turned out, it w u simply P e d with cans of sodu , Jackson said.

After the incident wat over, he said, he called all die officer* into tbe office and took the mace away from the o f f i cer . N o prisoners were present, he said.

He cited a recent incident In which one of the correctional ofTicers working the gate had sprayed his own can of mace on an unruly visitor and, accidently, some went into die eyes of a pregnant woman «4io w u waiting in line to sipi up.

An incideiit concerning a group of itmtates chasing 10 officers was also disputed by J a c k s o n . He said in that incident the inmates and the officers were all chasing one of •J* wraates who had gone b « f i l k 4 I M K f g Q M M I b ^ < , „

tower it looked u t h o u ^ the

L o r t o n ' i iWUiert E . J a d c i o n

The Boise Cascade Corp., Washington, D.C. has sold i u 640-acre tract in e u t e m Prince William County to K. E. Minchew and others n listed hy deed transfer record* in die Prince Wilham County clerk'* office.

The land, south of Powell's Creek and east of VS. 1, had been purchased from the firm of Johiison and Wimsatt in 1967 and had been zoned for apartments , s ingle family residences, townhouses and businessies. It is the only Urge tract left in die Dumfries irea, and was sold for SI .7 millioa.

The land w u purchased by the Mincfaew family of Great Fal ls , several members of which are in devdopmeat projects throughout Nofthent

The engineeritig wiB be done by Runyon and Huntley, a civil engineering firm in F ^ Cinirch. Charles Runyon said that preliminary plans have been submit ted to Prince W i l l i a m ' s Publ ic Works-department for a project caBed

" W a y s i d e . " whlch^ will probaUy retain tlte zoning already o b t a i n e d by the previous owner*.

Conc«r kills mon chorg«d with murd*r

Emeit Smith of Gainesville, a * o was indicted by tbe Prince Wlliam County Grand Jury on ^ m l 3 in connectian widi the ihurder of Charlie Womack of Deltaplane on Nov. 1, died u a result of cancer at the state penitentiaiy in Ridanond. He was *erving 2 0 year* for attempted murder aiidrobbeiy in cenaectitm with a caae in Fairfax County.

$mitfa w u awaiting trial on die Womack murder in Prince Wiham County. An alleged accomplice, Charlie CampbeU of Alexandria, will be tried on Sept. 8 hi Circuit Court.

officers were being chased, and he fired diree thou over dielr heads.

Beeauae tempers were hot, Jackaon said, he told die officer, William F. Dudley, to .go home for his own safety. He w u not disciplined, he said. There w u a misundentanding among the officers as to what had actually happened.

Recendy, members of Local .1550 American Federation of Government Employees, which tepreaents die Lorton guard force, drafted a list of demands vMch were presented to Hardy and Mayor Washington.

Jackson said he went along with many of dieir concerns, especially the ones concerning s a n i t a t i o n , i n c r e a s e in

f>ersonnel and improved iKilities but money will have

to be appropriated for this u funds are not available. He said a move ha* been made to pubUsh all orders diat die men work under. They wfll be poeted in prominent places and read at roll-call each day. -

He laid no prisoner* will b* aOowed to work in the records office, as they have in the past, and that t ighter security itoeasuiet will be taken.

He noted dut one of the u n i o n d e m a n d s was l o throughly search all linng quarters, and working areas to l o o k for knives and other weapons including handguns. He said dut such a search would have to be made by die c o r r e c t i o n a l o f f i c e r s on overtime and diere w u no money availaUe to pay diem. When asked if die men would n o t m a k e t h e s e a r c h voluntarily to make their job% easier in the long run, he sal' that the union would permit it. The union will . „ even allow men to volunteer t go out widi self-help groups tc

C-" said


I not

J no person is,^

admitted or aUowed to enter or leave die facility while wearing blue denims. The men all must wear diem, aldiough they may wear any type shirt diey choose. Tbe guards asked dtat the men vraar institutional clothing at all times to prevent diem from walUng out dressed as guests. Jackson said he did not feel diat it w u ttecessary to make them wear die institutional shirts u well as the trousers.

He said there is a metal detector on order to screen the many visitors for weapons, but it would be futile to think that

VA, FHA and C'onventional

iaOANS now available;


o IKS! VIR(;i\IA


! r>^V. F O R B O m - K e r r y Payne , a Woodbridge H i ^ Schoo l craduate her teaching career o n M o n d a y , d ie t a » e day Oeae Tint g n d a n at re H e m e n t a n j Schoo l began their acfaooi c a r e m . M i a PayiM ia a k o a

o ' R a d f o r d C o f c f e . ( M a n a M B y m n p h o t o h y H e n U ^ ^ M M n

the prisoners wHI not find somediing to use u a weapon if dwy want to. In dw shMt i knife can be nude "juat Uke dat"he*aid.

A 23-year old inmate at tbe Lorton re formatory died Sunday in a D i s t r i c t of C o l u m U a jail from what officials say may have been a drug overdose. It w u the second apparent drug-related death at the institution in two days. Robert Patterson, serving a 7 to 2 ! year aenteiice for assault widi intent to commit

r o b b e r y . , w a s f o u n d unconscious in hi* dormitory (bout 3 p j n . Saturday and given emergency treatment for a pots lb le overdose then rushed to the D.C. General Homital.

He w a s g iven f i irther treatment for a drug overdose dien released to die D.C. jail infirmary where he w u found dead at 6:45 ajn. Sunday.

On Sunday nuht , Enoch Creek of Washaigton w u found staggering frotn stab wounds b e h i n d a prison

dormitory. He died in an ambulance on the way to the D.C. General Hotpltal. District poHcc said he w u apparendy stabbed by anodier inmate arid diat the asuult may have been drug related.

Jackson *aid d u t be and the admin i s t ra t ion are trying everyth ing pottible to cut down on inmate iwrest, tbe drug problem and attempts are being made to ease the guartb appiehension. "But the union vriU not tun tbi* hiadtution," Jackaon said.

Federalize Lor ton— Parris Del . Stanford E. Panri*,

Republ ican candidate for Congress from the E i ^ t h District, has called few Federal l e g i s l a t i o n r e m o v i n g the c o n t r o v e r s i a l D i s t r i c t reformatoiy at Lorton front D.C. control and making it a federal insdtution-a step long proposed by Rep. William L. Scott.

Parris m e t with Fairfax County Sheriff James Swinson diis week to discuss the Lorton f ^ i l i t y . F o l l o w i n g the

m hSRf tn 4 ^ ! ^ r ^ • Commit tee" oT Courts sma Just ice , said the Lorton faci l i ty , "...with its recent numerous escapes and growing personnel problems among the g u a r d s , p r e s e n t s an ever-present cause for concern f o r the Fairfax C o u n t y

res idents l i v ing near the facility." Parris said liumerous e scapes from Lorton have placed a heavy burden on die c o u n t y ' s law einforoenient a g e n c i e s . H e s a i d h e w h o l e h e a r t e d l y e n d o r s e s C o t i n t y S u p e r v i s o r Jack Herrity's proposal dial die facility be transferred to die federal government.

"I believe diis would be die most practical way to resolve many trf' die problems which have evolved over, dn^ y^ars

land were vTwilly'brought "to jevetyone's Uf,ff^m„m»<it} ' when a fami ly was helu hosuge by a host of escapees from Lorton," Parris said. He c a l l e d f o r i m m e d i a t e Congressional attention to the Lorton problems". . .before someone in Fairfax County it forced to pay with his life for

t h e D . t . g o v e r n m e n t ' s shortcomings In the area of correctional administi-ation."

Parris said he intended to parsue the mrtter further widi the House District Committee to see if something Could be done right away to "...ease die minds of residents who l i v e near the Lorton reformatory."

SHERWIN-% WlLLIAMSW^ We le More Than A Paint Store '^''

LABOR mm iNSHxiiiiunuNr



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13t06Mt.WiiiiiilDri>» • I

Page 4: Potomac News

•MWa I IwMlMlw '•' 'W '<PPP IIHP<

Ritenour's laiUr wtnt on to say dut tine* Batcu* had not subsequtntty laaigntd, Iha Council took itt action Saturday.

Ritenour't letter alto indicated dut di* to«m wat sending Baacu* a cheek to cover hit tarvioat lo dw town for the mondi of Augutt. Friedlander did not tahtaaa tht amount.

Commenting on th* ktter from Ritenour, Fritdlandar said, "We haven't deddtd what we'ragolagtodo."

A previous Potomac Ne«« article indicated that one of the situations leading to Bascue's dismissal had occurred «4ien Myron (Ed) Lynn and Don Sbnner had gone to Mayor Robert Ritenour's home with Bascua for traffic violatkMt. Lynn clarified dut he and Sonnet had not received traffic v i o l a t i o n s but were protesting harassment of their customers.

Wkat's happening • rouMl t iM


R A D I O •-?'.vr?r.r-r

POTOMAC NEWS, WedBMdigr, Aai»ul 30 ,1*72 , A-3

Train Now for a Naw Ufa of OppcrtuiHty, Indapandanca and Sacurity.


I I S SPLITJ-Tamniie Rene Brent, 3 , greeti »ini;o, of the Banana SpliU, who were preiented in .1 flood benefit Sunday by the Gi9«ter MitiHaat Jiyceettes. The fun waa at Stonewafl Jackson High s^!)ool. (Manassas Bureau photo)

Houtawivafl Now that childran ara back In tchool-take advantage of our fall daiM .

Woodbridge, Va. Phone: 494-7800 13928A Jeff Davis Hwy.

Occoquan • Confinuec/

trom Page 1 Ritenour next suggested

iliJi since the town ha* Sgt. IX)n Fenton as a full tim* policeman, and since the town Jii get help from the County

Police Departrtient, the town ioeds but one poUceman. I herefore, Ritenour leatoned, MiK-e Fenton has tenure, dte C\:uncii should termiiute l i a s c u e ' s e m p l o y m e n t .••.mediately. That motion was • jde and seconded but not

^o-ed on, Ritenour wanted to .orisult with Manassas attorn^ Turner Smith, Occoquan^ ^ 'unsel. Ritenour said he mended to talk with Smith :! .J: night and hopefully •I'.orivene the Council for

action Thursday. T h e P o t o m a c News

contacted Ritenour yesterday, and Ritenour dc«Biied to report «4ut happened at the Saturday meeting.

Mias Mamie Davit, tacietaiy to die Town Coundl, abo decUned comment.

Fairfax attorney Blaine Friedlander, who repftsentt Batcuc, releaaed. to tbe Potomac Kewa part of die letter which die Town CouncQ tent Bascue.

Tbe letter from Ritenour itated in part dut prior to die C o u n c i l ' s hear ing last Wednetdiy, at 7:45 pjn., he tdd Baicue aad Friedlandeir that be would aik die Council to tetdnd itt Aug. 8 decision to fire Bascue and tefantate Baacue to "aliow" Batcu* "to res ign that p o s i t i o n . "

TRIANGLE PLA2A is ideally located for your shopping convaniarKa and serves the arsas of Dtimfriea, Quantico, Woodbridge, Dale City Triangle and Manassas, .

TRIANGLE PLA2A- the Shopping Centar designed to serve YOU .


Manderf ie id • Continued

-from piagt 1 Manderfieid wa« a member of the

Woodbridge Kiwani* Qub and OarlAdy of Angels Church, where the funeral service was held yesterday afternoon. He had been a patient at die Fairfax

-iHosftitjIjjjfjjj several weeks, after sufCering-a Maafc^ut had been moved'a week ago to tbJtairftit'mtd^'tfdW where he died Saturday afternoon. Interment was atPohickCenKleiy, with arrangements by Cunningham Mountcastle Funeral Home.

In addition to his ton, who is now p r e s i d e n t o f t h e Bank of Virginia-Potomac, Mtndetfield ia survived by hi* wifie, Hilda, of 1314 Devil's Reach Road; a dau^ter, Mn. Jose(^ V. Gartlan, Jr., of Alexandria: and 14 grandchildren.


Bwv Ml AcGuMn or BwlovA and ttrifif in yOM aU wMeh. Wtll Mttad » HI g.ga« Uoch «l lue**. FfM. Tli« 9»—^*y PMS WW MOk Uh« ttwy-(« wptntfad w gpao- And wy


LARGE-26" Hirfi; 18" Wide, w>«t Cover.

Fresh Gentle Dry cleaning

Buy Mt AAetimn' •r Butgwa Mw- • jaMawagiif* •

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TRIANGLE PLAZA OUtlFRIES, VA. 2aO» Hours: tton.-Tliun., 04; Fri., »«; Sat. 9 * .

MEDIUM-22K" High, 18" Wide, with Cover. . . . *4.95 • • • • • • •

Airf Vinfl NEW & UNUSUAL IVtialKfl DIIED NATURAL FLOWEfS Uanf* For Your Fall AiTgnpntants

VnSIT us IN TRIANGLE PLAZA (Ntxt to Tony'i Sport (>nt«r)


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Do you have a mdrtg^e on your house?

Fall Fashions

are tn

'e- .uLir family should t>e pro- ' . :<: J agams! tile possibility of your : ." ing around to complete tlie • Ticms We can provide diat r^.]\ security with our Mortfaae t-ccllaLon Plan. If something -jid happen to you, it fOarail-r the cash to pay yow ——fur '•••'A Or our ptan can be used to jM.sh a permantm addition to ' -r hfe insurance «4ien Ac aart-cc IK paid off For all the ^'*»-''T r:3c: me

PAT MURPHY OHtc«: 491-4116 Honne: 491-2054 C/ LitainMnnc*


>M>UR*> Man.. TiMt., Wad. a. Sal. *IOAM - c PM * Tnura. a Fr(„' 10 AM - aPMi CMMM sun.

HOURS: 10 8jn.-9 f>.m. MON. thru SAT,


Knits, Woveiis.. . Silks, Satins... Wedding Gowns...

Gently, carefully cleaned in the largest, most modern dry cleaning plant in Prince William County.


Peerless Cleaners Inc Servint Eaitem Prince WilUanithuniy^ Siitce, 194S '

* •"miln:9AJil.loI0PJI.,lion.uini'Fri.'.' ' K 7 ^ W I < " " S*tftSim.,9AJI.to6PJI. .o/pili:^



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875-5000 Houn: Moo. thru Thuti, 11 am to 10 pm; Fri. & Sat., 11 am to 12 Mkinight; aoied on Sundays


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•from your r i m i iiij> copy

MIDWEEK and VVEEKENO Dumfrias. Va. 87547IM)





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Dumfrias, Va.1



' » ? • , » • » - ; - « i . - - « ^ > * » - ! ^

^^-'^:^'^^m Prt*r»«e«at»7 !S^^^^»^^]^.jikbiliL

Page 5: Potomac News

• T * > f » >- ->• -..

POTOMAC NEWS, Wada day. A«»u, JO. 197J, A-«



CLUB MEET IN SEPT. Sue MorrUaay, publicity

chairman for the Dale City Home Demoiutration Oub, wishes to mniiu! nxmbert of (he next rtfular meeting, S«pt. 12 The tima ii 12:30 pm. at the Civic Center on Dale Blvd and N. Birchdak.

Memben are aaked to bring | lue and icli ior* ai the workihop for that meetlniwiB entail rosUiii flowen Item wool. Come and brin| thit new nelchbor down the ttnet.


The Tuesday 0 ^ City • Women's Bowling Ls^ue wu

This W0Bk

hold an organizatianal meetlaf tomonow at 10 ajn. at IS Unwood Bowling Allay ia Woo<n>ildp, The member* of the letgue wlU bowl each TuMday at 12:15 p.m. >)«|bining Sept. S and ninnlag until May 34 of next year. Cjf Ana Plerpotat at 670-4610 for ftvther information.



Police offer free tools

to mark personal goods Operation identification"

• now underway in Prin^ ^;iljani Co.

County police officers at G.ir Field and Manassas now hjve the electric etcJimg tools which they will loan out at no

Iiarge to county reddenti. r-.ew are to be used to etch :.'e ov.r.er's identificatioh -;.niber on all types of "•-..vchold articles and j..:om;ibile parts. Social i- .unty numbers are most

ninonly used. The tool also " J > be borrowed by "".- mosses.

P.''.:cc Chief George' Ow«Ai !r-J tlie Potomac News-th»\ JiT :;tication program is

i.JiiahIo to ail, as atneans to .; J own on the burglary rate rhe county. The current rate

jirage^ about 60 incidents a • r.-.h. It also makes it r s<ib]e for the police to :-:or~.ine the owners of items : J: are recovered by the

.;,e alter burglaries. A.- rhe present time, there is

)• unclaimed property at :. f^'.Kc station. It is iwld at -- ' '0 days, by the police,

'• then sold at public auction' : \l^a!;>. If these items had-r rinrked, the owners could

- . beer, notified they had



Operat tn IdnKificatian StkdUr

ben found. The engraving tool can be

borrowed for a two-day period, free of charge, Owen* said; The police also are distributing decals to be placed on doors of home* and businesses, ythkb warn the would-be b u i ; ^ that valuables in the home are niarlad

through the Operation Identification program.

The program U nonaored by Town and Country Propertiea, a red eaute Ann. wim the cooperation of the police departmeata ta all Northern Vfagiaia dtiea and counties.

Public l ibraries open

on two more holidays Jing the approval of the • of Supervisors, the

public bbraries will be '" Columbus Day (Oct. ; the Friday following \cjvL-.g (Nov. 24). On

.ojnry holidays, the »ould ordinarily be

jddi'jon, the Litffaiy decided this week the > Mill be closed the

~i\ before Christmas ;."' Schedules wfll b« .-eJ so that the staff wil

/andols paint

*own red

and white • 1 < siruck the Birchdale

• Dale City Thundiy -> Red and white epiay

•^3% used on tuio^ • • ^ vs. lamp poets aad

an G N. Breraeitoa • • f.

' rs;:mtted that the > i ( t r u c k a t

• V --arely 2 *jn. leantafl ' .'bicenities and o l»r

or sidewalk* tad

- ^crpttoplaMinear *?pt *D c»ii j j i - i n *

work a fiill week between Monday n d Friday.

The ex tra hour* are contingent on the Supervisors' •pproval of $820 to pay the public servfce suff of the libraries for the two extra days' work. Ubrary Directs Phi l ip Place said that employees will be given the option of compensatory time

orpjy. The reason for the increased

schedule ia that both d ^ mt times when the liee of fte Ubrary would be heavy, riacc families can OOIM to the faciUfies.

Since there is no money involved, the Dec. 23 closing wQl not have to be tp^oiti by the Supervisors.

pi mn BudPughASruoaHlQham

S2^Sl!l'*Si "**"•" *«»*• «* *S»«rt«Mrfa2

.t Of eons . «M pnoesB h e o f « r . 7 s N

»Mlm1a»ySirTrilM ' " ~ is M

Y M I •I to mis* 1 »• »o HAJUYI TV,

Woodbriaii, 4M.7M4 tm a mm MMM

•* •»« j ' l t i i i , wsem w» SsaU a n m

IBLIPU. HIMT: ItaMM < a e ^ * •

' M a aM lU,


LEAGUE OPENS Couple* interested in

faming a mixed four bowHog lesgue have until Sept. 6 for %» up. The league will boiH each Tuesday evenii^ at 9 pja, in the Lynwood Lane* to Woodbridge. ^xnaond by « u o u p from Holy Famliy Cluueh, the leuue is opiM lo any couple In Dele Qty. (M Braie W u l l e a w e b e r at 6709537 after S:30p«,^


The season ha* beguni The Dale City Jaycee* are conductiag their annual Friday and Saturday a i^t turtey •hoot at the Sknoketawn Road lite just acroet VS. 95. For SI per ihot, Ae fuy* and adsBMv try their luck at winatog a ham, turkey or baeoa. Shooting run* from 7:30 pja. to midn^t. Why not piaetiee BOW and win a turkey for Ai holiday*.


Dale a ty Voluntew Hte Dept. wU hold their aaxi meetlog oo Sept. 5 at the Ifaehouae.He « pan. meeting wlU plan the fovf't aext moaey maUag project.

The gala wish to Aank §11 those who su^^orted their hake lale last week. Aa ambulance full of tempting goodie* is a treat for the buyers wfade helping to pay off

the aew ambulance. N.D. CARNIVAL RAFFLES CAKE

Ktai Eames, 10, snd her co-chairman Liia Rover y u s d SI9.41 in theMuaicular Oyttroahy carnival diey hdd la*t Seturday. Kim* ^ner Kathy, age 9, was hi on all tlM plannfaig and tunning too.

The high point of the aflemoon for tome 50 chlldiea •4to attended wu the ««t •poiiai throw. Brother An^, aa* 7, and other neighboAood chiidwn wwe tlw targti*. Their mother, Mr*. Thonas Eame* of 3311 N. BeOflower, made a cake decorated with "UD (hank* vou" whkh wa* raffled off tt the afternoon'* end. TIM wiaaer of tU* ta*ty dailcaey wae Keany Pafaner ftom acroee theetreet.

Mr*. Eame* wishe* to ackaowledr all the help riM received from her greet aaiatooc* without whom td CMld not have orgtniied Ihs effort. Re*t well until next year!


A n y o n e f r o m t h e Cloverdale, Darbydale or Evanadale aectlons inlemted hi fanning a car pool for the m o i a i a g aetsion of the Woodbridge Primary Day •chooi ahonld call 6704937,


Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Lilly

aad son Terry Gene of Mullina, W. Va., viritad with theh tea and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Larry T. Lilly of Hemingway Dr. They arrived on AuBuat 13 aad aUyed until the 20th. Ihey had a b«tl viaithu all die reeuuraau hi the Woodbridg* aad Dale a t y area.

The visit wa* apedal for the LiUy'* u it wa* the first visit to their new home ia which they have Uved hi just under one year. It wa* abo th* ilret tfane Mr. Roy LUy had *een then to two year*.

A* the Lilly'* of Dale City await dieh seventh wedding aaniwrtary en Sept. 9, thay pian another evenhig out at oiM of our local reatauiants.


Deve Lynch of Dele City VFW Poet 1503 bivita* tU eligible women to help form a laoe* auxiliary. One mu*t be a IWted Sutei citizen end a mother, fotter mother, wife, widow, titter, foater liiter, half l U t e r , daughter, foiter daughter, grandmother or gnuiddaughler of a man who ha* lerved oh foreign soil or la ho*tJle water hi Ae armed force*, Thit foreign eervice muet have been in thne of war, for which a campaign badp had been authorized.

Commander Dave Lynch 1* opthnittic that enough women will come forward before Sept.

24 which U the date of the 10th diatrici meeting in Arlliwton. Lyttch hope* to have hi* 25 eUglUe neme* *a thai the charter may be epplied for at that time. Call hhii at 670-3432.


The Dale City Baetlng Aseodation hivlte* yoa all to mark the doee of the 1972 boating aeaaon with ut by a t t e n d i n g the Annual Sh4)wreck Dance, Saturday, Sept. 23, from 9 pjn. to 1 ajn., et Bott* Fiie Hall. BYOB, sat up* tad beer an tachided for only S7 per couple. Dreu it eatufi and one or (he door Pdaa* may be youn If yo« have the lucky tichet aumbcr.

Mueic will be provided by ^ StarUghu. Tk;keu are on ide now from any boat chib member, or call Kay Yohn it 670-6070. See you at «M Shjpwreck Donoe Sept. 23.

By popuhu' demand, then will be another cnbieaat at Sweden'* Point Sept. g, etarting about 7:30 pjn. SSJO per peraon for cnbe. beer and lalaa ahould be paid la advance to Demy Chaataln to tvold confu*ioa. Deadline for leeervatiotu will be at the Sept. 7 meeting.

The Dale City Boatini A**ocittion'* next mtethig wjil be Thunday. Sept. 7, • pjn„ at the dvlc oanlK. ftotptcilw membatt are thnyt •mlrnnia at our maetiRi*.

Prince William Exterminating Co,, Inc,

r.o. *ox ni, woooattooi, v*. nti\

Ut * . fc«t tM*'H •! friK* WDHcai wl.( yn, Himlt, wW pM mmtnl pnkhm,. Thh Iwaltr Mmtrf ,ni t ^ r t M -nk, itm * • iMNt . tilpiMM l„ r».WtiiH,t, »«iw«l»t ni InrfMlrlal kvlj^lu, Ur,kn ,r,.rM:A. .„J V.A. .pprwW. W. «(«• IrM iKi^Mi*. md •MliHim. AH «w( !• |Mt.M,»ri p,4 «i.fM.«il,l. UMmrk,4 WKMM • ' • m,4.

491-3344 > ^ ^ ^ ^


R-erve powar! Faat, aaqy dr i l l i i i i - i4 ' into wood;

%• into ataeL Uaea atandaad aftjwwriea fcraand-mg, i m d i n g ; palialiiB|. UL b t a d .

saF-sncKmc sDvimn


Rip thru 2 ' lumber in seconds. Easy miter cuts, has adjustable shoe. Ac­curate, with calibrated bevel guide, rip guide, depth-of-cut adjustment!

Tilting shoe for 45" bewl cutting. Wood, plastic, metal with proper blade. Includes 1 blade. UL listed

2^6 Mw or (fc I f X ae* wiiiata

Be yna owa daoocator - jnat praaa on wall, tfaaftaOIDanhfcvi^yl paaala ara waababla. raaiataat to fraaaa,

' Matoril i i t h a ]

REMEMBER: You can enjoy

better living with GRANTS Credit.

3/8 UTIUn DUU KIT Drill with 2.5 amp, Vi hp motor. Extra totqna for all joba, materiak. 12 aaad-papar diaca, rubbar backing pad, lamfa*. wool poliahing bonnat, 4-pc. wood augar aet, paint mixer, auxUiary handle, noldad high-impact plaatic carry caaa.

^YS, SUNDAYS 12 TO 5:00 P.M. LASOfl DAY » • fl


Page 6: Potomac News

POTOMAC- NEWS, WedneKl«y, Auguit 30, 19T2, AS.




N'^ w librarian Susan Kimdavig wltti aide Shkley <

Library branch supervisor bails from Montana

ny (ARRON MCCONNON rho new branch supetvitor

the Leesylvania Public : : j r \ at the Garfield

-. :;'.!in;stra!ion building is Mnj ~< .>J:: iCnudsvig of Ariingtoa. M:> Knudsvig came to the :- KUon on Aug. 9 from tfie ii- jj^.'st Pioneers Libraryin • ^-'•::ngton.

\ i though her family --:.-\c'ound has been tn - : .^ JL asting, with her ••.:fiJia;her. one of the radio

i-'.vn in eastern Montana : J \u'irem .Vorth Dakota in

•-~ . Mrs. Knudsvig prefer* i: -.iP, worlt. f ~~*.--; -I ^varTt*^ gtr^ad^hlfif " ••-i. iibrarifes ftid toTlle •- . .Jus of working with

r' p: ' 10 build their public :-r> i> stem." said Mrs.

k: , Jjv;|; She expressed ifae po that the public would

: . . Ai:h the library board to .• -.-r. tlie 5625,000 bond issue

:o J for the ballot this ^ -.iyiber Mrs. Knudsvig finds

I cesylvania branch has a good selection

• - .uoring the space .:j::.in. She praised &e

• .,; .n^e of "a hard working •• hom she has found to

••.-•.piul, friendly and eager ' :i. \c: the success of their

' itir-.aily from North : a , Mrs. Knudsvig

r v! ir. English at CarroU -.- ;r. Helena, Mont. She

. -J her master's degree in -rv Science at Rosaiy

Rl ' IT GRAD -Airman Recruit

- i Allen of 7603 , - m a r i e Dr ive ,

•-^j'>. graduated r,, ruit training at N j \ a l Training - ;: Orlando.

College in Chicago. She tlwn tan a pub&c library hi her home town of Wlliston, NJD. and taught English at a community coQege there.

Mn. Knudsvig came to the Washkgtoa an* in I97Q with her huiband, fcier, who i* a member of the Army Band at Ft. Meyer. In addition to punuing a doctorate in music at Catholic University, Peter ^ y s with Northen Virginia Chamber Symphony, tbe L y n c h b u r g S y m p h o n y

. Orcheatra n d die Fairfax Symphony.

oMrai. Knudacfg^.loves

the weather." Aldtough Ae occasionally misaes die sld ^opes of Montana, ihe ilnds purchasing fresh sea food equally rewardug. Both she and. her husband enjoy gourmet cooldng with her Fiench ^ecialty being ioq au vin. Her husband's favorite it Chinese -coofcing^-eggdrop *Qitp in partiodar.

Coming from a rural area. Mrs. Knudsvig enjoys urbn living and takes advantage of die (joieness to die Kennedy Center about onoe a week along with Waifau:etaa*s art gaUeiies. She will begin work on a masters degree in history at George Mason aa die is intripied by tfw field and feel* i t good to pursue an intellectual discipfine.

She has mvited the public to browse at the Ubrary and welcomes the opportunity to hear citizca suggestiaas. "I'm gjad to be heie,'*niinmed up her feeliag* of lUa new position in Prince mSam County.

Help pay oiff your mortgage Hdpfree your wife of worry with an Allatatc Moctga** CutccUation Plan.

ack a

r t e - t w o - f h r « «


^ j n your tiaaaifiad ^d in the °oTomac Nawit Aeekond V e w t and t h * Ou«ntioo San»Y.

PhaM 221-2m


RES. ««-373i MAmittKO

SHomas cfirnEii WMDMIOGE.VA.




Shop Now ond SAVE! Assortedi Decoraton

Sports Material prints, solids ONLY 2 Yd.


3 Days only*** August 31, Stptmbor 1-2

• 2 ^


SAU 'PriMcata'-tbe blaitket for all seasona. Uae alone on warm nights or top with sheet blankat for cold weatiier. Machine wash polyaster. 72"x 90" fits twin or full size beds.

' m l

loHS-WMring durabU


Snowy white 128-count cotton muslins take lota of rough wear.:. washing aftar washing. Stretch ends on fitted stylea for easier bed making. Stock up now and save while our low aala ^ » ^ prevails.

Pulllkrter n » * ^ atylM Sala $ 1 . M •«. .

. MartcMng pillow cafM-.taia t ferVtc'

Repro br AF.


Colorful bathroom coordiiMlos



IX^ i! i -J -

<n ,r?i4.


KM|IS r«Mu wariMr ia whrtw, c*«l»r la

SALE •A. BoHttowal

'Motch-Mcrtva'-sheared thidt and thirsty cot­ton terry in stripes, florals and jacquards... to mix and match in a host of decorator colors. Matching hand towol Sole 7ac Wa«h clelfc Sale 3«<


'Howaten'— Distinctive jacquard weave draperies of cotton/Avisco** rayon^.Tberma-coat' backinx for year 'round comfort Decorator colois. Ma-, chine washable and diyable, too! *A<rim to • ( • « . TJ*. • « * - « < « • ViMM* O M M I •« FIK

PINCH PLEATED TAILOREft CNRTAINS Sinslo width, 63", 8 4 " Ungth* ..SALE $ 3 . 1 3


22 0«ll«r iMarii i aad W W K M avaltabU •« O'vparaMy

Ww %at, prJccfl

33^ lea" WW*


sovo Hno, work, Moooy


SALE f 10-CUr mOHATOIt - View Brew' level for perfect coffee everytima. De-tadiaUe cord. &gnal l i ^ t .

2-SllCI POr-W TOASra -makes shade of toast desired from light to dark. R«-movable crumb tray. Plastic end paneh.

S'A QT. C O O K n - n i Y R - w i t h wire mesh basket for deep frying. Stewa. cooks, roasts, too! GInuning alundman fini^.

S-SMiO PORTAKLI MIXfR-niixea, whips, beats! . . . powerfol motor. Beater ejector for easy cleanupa. Great buy a t . our low price.

SnUV STtAiW/ MYHK>N-lightw«ight With 17 steam verts for quickai, i_ ironing. Fahhr dial for all fabrioa.


Page 7: Potomac News

r-iMOMAC NtUS. Wedncjdiy, Augusi iu, \t7i, \.t

<SALE T H R U S A T U R D A Y O N L Y ) .

Chess game action

tvLT Since Spasjky and FiKher, the chess laae haa spread. Now Godwin Middle Schoolh« formed a ^ncss ciub that meets once or twice a week after bdiool to learn the popular game. For the next se\eral weeks, the club will be engaged in a schoolwide tournament to determine a grand champion, (above) Larry Benson is in deep concentration prior to his next move, (below) Bobby McKee and Darreli Epps found playing space scarce, so they took their game to the floor.

No decision

on commuter

parking ban " Vlabry. assistant

-; -: anon planning ; e- \>r Ihe State Highway

-:•• met Wednesday he principle psirtie* J ::i the MaruriiKO •tnuter parking b n .

• ";rJing meeting w u ••• I b\ the Hi^way

'•: \r: in respcns tO-.or enquiries. :.i i:iion lo Mabry. Ihe J .1 j - attended by David

Highway Department • engineer; Gerald

president of the • • >. .1 M e rchants

: • . v D . and John ^ o f H y 1 1 o •

iv'N The merchants r <:aiod the shopping

rir\;ng facilities CONM -irr.xlate the 2S0 to'

> ici: durmg the day. >.lut)on as lo «4ieie

•o-<; ,an park appean to -• man's land. A

r parking are* referred .- .ire property and it*

.re not obligated to pi:Mic parking for

r p e T s, according to . Other possible

- > I. h as church Iota or ^ are again private - A there is no readily

public land, a < M appean unUcehr.

~ ~. irv for retoMnga* - -cit in no apedAe

:^f n t as far a* -x-rt either kxal, Ha** C:A: IS conccmsd, he

• ' prohlem is (

acute one in Eastern Prince • William County «4uch serves as a "bedroom communily" to the Washington metropotitaff area and as such depends on transportation for work opportunities. Fringe parking areas of Fairfax County have been arroiged as part of the N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a Transportatioa System, to which Prince WMham Pounty does not Mong.-

According to Camper, an immediate sohitioa to dte commuter's plight seems unlikely unti l pabtic w d prhiate kitoesti work togedter for a balanced Iranaportattiai system.

Youth arrested

for tampering

with automobile Frank Parker. Jr., J8, of

13S1S Wood St., Woodbridge, wa* chaffed with tan^ i i i« w i t h an automobile on Saturday.

Police said that Parker wa* accused of attempting to steal a tire off the aatomobile of Barbara Pat<|iaal of 1609 Kennicky Ave.. Wbo^rtdg*. «a Satnrdey aigfK bat mm frMrtewdoff.

He retaiaed to dw eeeaeon a Mcyde aid wa* amaied by cewatypoAoe offtoaaa.



Campus Mlsief Vtlveleea



The unmi*t*kable softne** o f v e l v e t e e n in a seneationel collection, of regular length iklrt* J thot ikirti . autton front*, • gore flip*, belt* I I novaity trim. 8.-18.

•Iris Heed Ihe Class SPAIMUm Haw

DRISSIS Baautifutly itylad no-cere cotton*! Nautical*, Juntper 'ft blouee, dre**e* with e.98Valual ve*l». Colon that k*ep l o c k J ng nice newt Seneatlonal prieel.Sizes4' U .

l O H D


7 . W V d M l S e t t e r a c r y l i c s , comfortably (oft In woven plaid* or knit *o«ld *kirt* diat pull-on over pcintad or *oltd body *uit* or atirvDe or lamfaekln. 4.4X,. 714.




Early-bird sale of reversible quilt to quilt jackets, mad* of ruggad nylon with warm' filKrtg. Two Rocicet jacket with hidden hood. Szes 4 • M .

Men's Vinyl Suede

BOMBER Men-Sized



2 SpaeialPkniMe

Rugged 10 or. denim in jeans with the new bush pockets, sdtds with striped pockets and striped jeem with solid pockets. While they iaetl 28-40 ia99 Value!

R u w e d vinvi suede jackets with knit collars & cuffs, slash pockets & zip f r o n t s . You get warmth without wwght in brown, came) or rust. Priced right for men who insist on real value for their money' S M L XL


Page 8: Potomac News

* - -**- ' '-smr% ' 3m -ifli:-

fOTOMAC NEWS. W«d«««t»y, Auiun 30.1»72, A-7



32'OUNa (OUAirr)





Page 9: Potomac News


Architects to begin plans for new east PW library

The Ubrary Board Monday iigreed to sign s conUact witt architect Spectot, Peake. and Howell to begin design work on the new Ubraw in Eastera I'rince William, the fkm had designed the Central Ubrary in Manassas Park.

Meeting wiUi die newly selected architects, the Boerd was told that only the v hematic phase of the

architectural work was "ecessary immediately. The 1 ibrary Board intend* to have :he first phase of the plan* complete before die UbFary goes lo referendum in November, in that way. Board :;iembers hope to give voters a .tear idea what they are getting I or their $625,000; thu*, dwy licpe the chances of paasageof 'he referendum will be iinprvwed.

Spec lor, Peake, and Howell lold the Board that die schejiiatic phase of the design wij; include an overall exterior. design, plus a basic floor plan !or the projected striictute. Noihiiig in that portion of the ilrjwmgs wUi be precise, but the people should have a fairiy specific idea of the form of the l ibrary, the architects . ;Mi t inued .

Board Chairman Mr*. Hdrbara Kirby asked die jr.liitects if they cou l i complete this work by Oct. 1 io the Board would have a month to present the plant.

The men shuddered a bit but •aid "yet." At ihey left, th* men were preparing to piher die site plant for the irea, after whkh diey. intended to walk the portion of the Potomac Hoapltal die which wlU be uaed for die library. Work wO! begin immediately. 'Problems sroae when die

Board tried to determine die total cgct of the building which the firm it to design. The Bovd of Supervisor* had approved a referendum amount of $625,000; however, a payment for die 3.9 acre site wa* to be included in die bond. No determination ha* yet been made on the price «Mch die library must pay: the cost could be die fair market value of die land ($20,000 per acre or $80,000); it could be dw price die. hospital paid for the tract, phi* interest ($3000 per acre or a p o r o x i m a t e l y $15,000 including interest); die Ubrary Board might aho be able to leaac the Imd for $1 per year. Widi an $80,000 difference in p o s s i b l e prices for - the structure, die architecU said that there could be a diffieience of more diaii 3000 square feet of floor ^ace in the building. Atked whether they could change the tin of the structure if to total financial ability were to change, the architect* replied that it would entail altering die

building completely. Arch i tec t s and Board

member* agreed dut changH wouU haw to be made in size radwr dim ki quality: ' Vhat you have here tt die Ceatial

• Ubrary it die rock bottom for a good quality budding." Spector maintained.

A f t e r c o n s i d e r a b l e madwmatkal cakulation; Mrs. Nellie Curtit nigastted dut die Board deduct 725.000 from -the total bond amount for die purchase of die dte and begin work. "I do hot *ee how dioee people could poeaibly have die guts to chargt u* $80,000 for dw land," the aaterted. At dw e*tim*ted $22 per tquate foot, Ubrary Director Philip Place figured dut die remaining avadable fund* wouM enable dwm to have about 17,700 iqutn ket of kterior space. "I have never been concerned with die amount of money hi thit; my concern hat been that we provide dte people a Ubraiy with approxhnalely ISJOOQ tquare feet of tpace. Thit estimate i* fine widi me." Place declared.

The final etdmates were der ived by adding the estimated coat of the site work ($86,000) to die estimated cost of the construction ($414,370 for an 18,835 tquare foot building) and lubtractine the $25,000 decided on ior site aquisition.

The architect's fee for the

schematic phaa* of dw deaipi will be IS pergwit of dw total architecU' tie, s^ikh 1* 6 p e r c e n t of the to ta l eonatnietlon coat. Thus, dw Libraiy Board will remit $4230 to Spector, Peake, and Howell for dw immediate work. Tlie Board voted to *i^ the entire contract, wiUch Howell aatund dwm could be terminated if dw refeiendum failed. Fund* for dw initial design will come from $10,000 advanced to dw Ubrary Board by the Superviaor* until a Uke amount i« forthcombig to dw Board from dw Sttte Hii^way Department. If fte nfarendiaa paetet, thete fund* will ultimately be taken from dw reierendiim amoOat.

In other action, the Board te*oh«d to allow dw new Manaisas campus of the northern Virginia Community Colk^ (NVCC) to use dw

. Central Ubraiy for dwir small book collection untd dw. permanent NVCC b i i i l ^ i* complete. Prbvott WHford Houtmon told Board member* dut he needed thelf space fbt approximately 700 book< and 25 periodicalt; initially, dw bookt wouM not drciihite, and ttudentt on a work-etudy program wculd be added to the library'* ttaff at die expenteofNVCC.

Place, in favoring the project, maintained duf die libraiy would lerve dw needs' of the new students in any event. Since the college would provide the necessary staff, he felt that "this is a good way for the community to serve the college and dw citizens of dw community."

The StonewaO Jackson Hi^ School library, Housmon contended, is aiadequate for its present use and is in a location which must be secured in the evenkig. Place tdi the Board diat a section of the adult non-fiction area of the Central Ubrary is not scheduled for use before the

o^^SeUUm^llfUoo date of die NVCC campus. When dw school's collection beguis to chx:ulate, a system will be wt up in the conference room presendy being used by dw S m ^ Busiiw'st Administration.

Looldng to the kmg range, dw Ubrary Board recognized that the presence of a college will have an effect on the library system as a. whole. Student use of a library. Place declared, is different from other use. Students stay in the

S I N G A S O N G -. S p e c t a t o r s ( r igh t ) brought blankets and . h j i r s to Battlefield Park Sunday to hear Jon Bachman (above) in h;s last Parks and Recreation-sponsored --oncert this summer.

bidldiag for longer periods of time, thereby using moif teating and detk space. In addition. Place noted dut dw ua* of du reference material* and the reference ataff it hiifwr than community uae.

"The Board of Superritor* welcomed the community coUege widi open amu," Mr*. Kirby remembered, "but now they are going to have to reaUae that the preapnce of dM tchpoi is going to mean a financial coawnitinent. I have heard plenty of words, but I want to see somediing .on paper." Pboe aggieed: "for dd* year, dw difference in u«* win be fai sendees and suppUt*. In the future, the student u*e will require additions In personnel and book purchaaes. These are going to have lo be reflected in our budget."

Final auUiorization for ute of the Cenual Ubrairy by NVCC wiU have to be made through the Board of Superviaor*.

The Board also authorized Place to see if there are meant available dirough which bookt. records, and art prints lost hi the flood mq^ be reimbursed to the library. Place will investigate all channels of funds to replace the mateiialt . «4udi were m the hocnes of flood victims and therefore lost.

The Board dto authorized final payments on die Central Ubrary. Bradley Tyree. Inc. wdl receive $13,680.09 as a result of the decision of dw arbitration held on Juiw 5. The B o a r d had taken the construction company to

3 cars recovered

and returned . Three automobiles were

recovered and returrwd to their owners when they were found parked on dw left side of . Stoneridge Drive m Manassas dnFriftjrwbiWl«J#wbof«kJ^' vehicles were reported stolen in Fairfax County and one in Alexandria.

A stereo tape player and tapes valued at $450 were taken from William Uwtcm's auto while it was parked at his home.,12986 Organs St., Lake Ridge, on Sunday.

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RAMADA INN proudly presents

the sensational sounds of

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The Bratwursthaus Restaurant in PRINCE WILLIAM PLAZA






Ffiduy s Children

PLEASANT A TMOSPHEf^E I A ptaca for tha antire familyli

sratiunriithcii anaLATuH.



a r b i t r a t i o n concerning flnidiing work on dw buildhig. AJao audiorized wa* payment of $2194 to Spector, hake, and Howell for dwir efTorU In the completion of dw library Autng tlie period of confUct with the connactor. Placa *M to diought dw*e would be dw latt bilb to be paid OB dw Central Ubrary.

In conjunction widi dw final bill*. Place preaented dw Board widi a final cost analydt CB dw Central Ubrary, which wa* prepared by Spector, Ftake, and Howell. According to dw report, dw total cost of dw buikling, exclutive of dw locea* road to Manaata* Drive, ««* $530,858.71. The exact coat of tto access road ha* not yit been detemUned by dw etaff; dw approxhnate price waa $60,000. Fund* remwting fnm dw original $600,000 for dw building will be returned to the coimty.

Place reported to the Board a discussion widi Hylton Enterprises' attorrwy John Walvius concerning the siw for the projected Dale City Ubriiry. The Board previoudy approved a 3 .9 acre iite at the interaection of Dale Boulevard and Keystone Road. Place said that Hylton. had previously been willing to donate the site. However, Place said diat dw developer was now leas eager, periups with dw idea of using part of the site a* a commuter parking area.

"Parking, in and of iteaetf, is desirable. Place contended, "it a**ure* that we will have people en dw site. However, we would not be able to tell how many cars we would have to deal widi. Ihere ire no accurate estimates now, and the number of commuters is bound to. go up substantiidly."

The Board tentatively decided to wait to see what would be. suggested: die consensus of the members was that a commuter parking lot

would be undesirable because of the Ktace it would require. Place said dut a kit for 250 cars, the preeent eatimate, would requhe about oiw acre. The Ubrary itself would need apptoxknately one half acre for parking space.

Finally, tiw Board decided to diange its meeting time. Starthig widi September, dw

Board will meet in tbe evening one month out of eadi

. q u a r t e r ; the other two meetlnp wiH remain in die morning. The next regularly scheduled meeting wfll be Sept. 25 at 7:30 pjn. The Board agreed that a number of special night meetings would be necessary while die new Ubrary is being designed.

Bai»a- i« THtaTaa


Cartoon l u r « at Ou*




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PLUS, CHEF GEORGES RICHA-S LAVISH BUFFETI '*» T(i«..W»d.Tt»ur.Sun. $12 FrLSet. TSmin. from br t twy. I $7JOSun.M«t. I mRESERVATIONS:^ r«ten!n«L VTII

f 368-3666 % ^^=™"-^J FAnd All Wirdi Sroiei~


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CM<Sl*w4iFr. Frtw »>.is


BAD u b N



»your i i «a for « ! •


Page 10: Potomac News

Man charged for switching prices rOTOatAC NEWS. WeJeiidiy, Aufwl 30,1972, A-9

At Dart Dn»a, Inc., 14S67 Jef ferson Davis Hwy., Woodbridge, Ronald Lee UUay. 23, of Stafford wu charged widi switching die price tig on a pdr of ntti's

trousers valued at $5.99 lo anedier pair of trouaer* valued at SI 2.99 and than paying $5.99 for diem.

The total amount of money charged against him was $7,

accordii to polioe. Barbara labell of U223

Caroline Ave., in Woodbridgi, told police dut someone stole SI68 in bills Sunday from her billfold, which was bi her

bedroom at her home. UonuaMat Eaao at 18625

lefferaon Davit Highway, WoodMdai. wat vicdadnd «tea $UOwwlalralrMa|^ ttation em tmiaffaecMim lopoHoe.

CiBdkhts DtOnd (3ad ifi^t) fMi sopport «r JaiMt J«w«B. U. Gov. HOIMI. F ^ Ba^

Howel l backs Durland candidacy Virginia Li. Gov. Henry

II"well came to northern ^ ..'Kinia Monday to endotaa '!:<.' candidacy of former Del, Kill Duriand for Ei|^dl Olttlict 1 "iigressman.

I le spolce at the opening of IJ u r i an d 's c a m p a i g n KiMdquarters at 5515 CMrofaw \ve., Alexandria, before an

.-..Jience of more t h u 100

. j i n p a i g n workera and Mipporters.

Prince William's County \ : ; y . Floyd Bagley and Mjnas:ia$ real estate bfokir J.i:Tie!> G. Jewell, both fofmer ::ic:nbers of the Democntfic

Youth aide

Is named

by Harris R o b e r t E. Harris, an

.;:dependent candidate for the ^ih Congressional aeat« h u announced the appolntinent of. Duk Rader, 1972 Oiympfc I r.dh competitor in hortebnek

p e n - j u m p i n g , fencing, .-jpiJ-fire shooting, swimmfeig jHvl cross-country runing, to •-.ad Youth for Harris.

Kader was an assistant r.^tructor in biology at tlw . nversity of ""

SUte Central Committee, abo endorsed Dutland's candidacy. Bai^y and Jewell wdl wiw u honorary co-chairmen for Prince WUam County.

Cajy W. Cnwford, PriMse William's delegate to die D e m o c r a t i c N a t i o n a l Convention, and former member of die Sute Central Committee, will lerve u D t s r l a n d ' t c a m p a i g n Coordlnttor.

Howell piaiaed Dutland's r e c o r d o f l e g i s l a t i v e accamplitiwient in hit two terms in the House of Delegates and called on the news medU to explote In depth and coomare the lecotdt dt aH four Eighdi Diatrict Conpeaiional candidates.

D u r l a n d not on ly supported the progressive measures proposed by Howell in dw legiidataire, but "He did thingt that hadn't, even occuned.to us," HoweU said.

Howell cited Dutland's efforts to save open, space and r e c r e a t i o n a l areas, hit tuccettful guidance throngh' dM Cetaai AaaemUy of a bffl to rei|idR VKV teatii« of newbon babies to pievent mental retardation, and Dutland's leadership - in die legitlatne attack on die sales tax on food uid medicine.

"These are the dihigs no one eberunning for Congress in

looking at." Durbnd ^>oke briefly about

hit "campa^ of contaence," attacking the "permlisivenett In national government which permits die drooping of five mflUon tout ot bomfai in one day in V i e t n a m , the

permis s ivenes s in the marketplace which aOowt contumers to be cheated, permiarivenesi in die inconie tax which allowi many rich cotporadons aad buaiamman to escape paying dwir fair share ortajtet.**


Why pay more for

Just in time for summer fiin

with' Tet'a •::;oiionally disturbed youth at JH' Partridge Foundation in vjjincsville. Most recendy, he p<.': ; tour years in ''H'iii^l

r^'^earch at St. Elizabedlt' ii . 'spital for the National i^.^!:;uie of Alcoholism while . ' p ie t ing two years of ; : j J u a t e work at George •i^j>hingion University in drug ..•M.'irch.

RaJer is directing several age J: ..ps in all areas of the 8dl

rcressional district, Hairit

Earn passes

for area

concerts )' .n^e William Co. teens

u.ant to hear Charlie . The Country Gendemen •he other artists on die .>:m:ng Arts Society

or: series are beingoffeted .opportunity to e a n

'.'s uckets, according to C raig Dobson, secretary

he committee. r ^\ling 10 season tickets

: o,r friends and neighbort, .vinous teens wfll be

: :ed with dwir own teriet .~ov wtiich will enable ttwaa

, "end all of dw concerts

. . jded in the coaoert -~ will be an OcL 18 -: featuring Charlie Bytd,

,- CI Performing on No»; A:II be the Maditon cj. Singers who can be

;his month wWl dw ~.<n Singers and the r.)i Symphony Orchestra

e Kennedy Center. -cton ' i top bhMgraai

.- T h e C o u n t r y ;-ren. will appear in

i:\ The March coaoert wrved for a return vitit by

••• Martin Berfcofsky and .,::ner Nadian Twining. ',-n« mtercsled in earahig

. ^ may call 670-5985 for K - deuils or cMtactMn. ...r at 14818 N.

iiaJf City.

aboiit tbe Congressmen Virginia hu now," Howell urged dw crowd. "See if you can diiidc of two constructive pieces of legislation they ever put through, no matter bow long t h e y ' v e b e e n t h e r e , coUecthely. That's nhat dw newt media ou^t to be

V&cation PLUS Loan It's cash to clean up your left-over bills and get ready. PLUS cash to go. PLUS extra cash at any of Beneficiars 1700 offices along the way with your Beneficial InteiOffice Identification Card. It's the one loan that does it all—fixim getting youoffonagreat vacation—to conning hoine to a mailbox without a lot of biUs in it. Call up or come in today!

You'regbod formdiPeTat Betieliciai"^

Beneficial Finaiide Sy^iem Loans up to $1(X» — always a choice ol payment plana

BanaAclol Finance af Prince WUHom County 14416 JEFFERSONOAVIS HIGHWAY, WOODBRIDGE

RriDCeWiUiam Piaza, 2nd n. • Pli: 491-2121 OKM EVENINCS BY APPOINTMENT • PHONE FOD HOUKS

CMMraM $1,91 High Top BASKETBALLS Siper action batkattaU shoes for inlants and chifckan. R*inforc«d aole, «w 9u«rd, grip toU. Infanta SIZM 8-10; chJkhen'k tizaa 11 -2. O N E WEBC ONLY MMleoniv.. ' -


CHEVY ^aOa^ CITY •.i.'^<i'^•^•^i^^i^• ^^^ i-v-iSi: J i S •ECAVSE


3rtt ^ .

Long wearing, rugged action shoes...mud guard, reinfoicad soi*. O N E WEEK O N L Y sura^p tread, racing stripe and star. Comet in ian, white. n*iy and ^ ^ * ' • " . • blade. Infants Stat &«; chitdranli sizes 8W-12.

SMS BOAT SHOES ftipar wear, ti,ipar action in these girk go« thoat. Rainforoad \ and lurrgrip toin. ConMt in a eariaty of eokxs. Girh tiaa 12iU: chiidnn^ sian 8K-12; and infomt tins 1-8.


Run yoor daaaifiMl 3d >r> dM ootomsc NMNk

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MONEY mmmmmKHmimKmmaaami>mtmmm-- •••'i''^'-^.f'f:'mmmmmmaism


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TENNIS SHOES tiyfoMd font WMT in thete dataic

in wMaawid Mwy. Sot S-10. ONLY

$2,97 wm, Uw BASKETBALLS 'MMR^Mift and fowl ONE WEEK ONLY

M t

Page 11: Potomac News

HOIDMA. NtWS.W«lne«l.,. Au^. i JO, 1972, A-IO


Business Board of Realtors sets buying guide

Phone company official

to retire after 41 years

One of the most uteful •uidM for t family wbM Iba •adalon it leachad to purduM a hofue, ita chart of wantt and ouablBtlet, says tht Priaoe Wiiltani Board of Reakori

Gary Raakopf John Flehivko

Realty personnel cited at banquet .\t a lormaJ dinner recently

.1. Washington, D.C, the N.irrliorn Virginia Boanl of Kojiiors cited four Mount \ err.on Realty personnel with ;iijt firm's Woodbridge and l>a;e City o f f i c e s for

..utar.ding performance in J'es and listings during the

ICnionih period ending jSarch.

At tlie dinner, held annually and known as the Millicn n'!:ar Club Dinner, other top. i-e.-iorming agents from other roalty companies among the : ^ in the Realtor Board't i.-r;sdiction were also honored.

The four Mount Vernon Rtaltv members cited were Ra> Carpenter of 11978 Onear.s Street, Woodbridge, ^ales manager of the Wccdbndge office at 13514 • Je:!ersor. Davis Higjiway; Dan Finregan of 3707 Del Mar Drive. Dale City, Sales manager •:" the firms's Dale Cily office

J: :944 Dale Boulevarf.

Man shot

in dispute

at Arnnory Jjstin Young, of 9519

l;r..;i!n St. in Manassas, was hj; early Saturday morning in • rt of the National Guard \":';i'>ry in Manassas.

i bled in good condition at 'o Prince William Hospital,

^ • II n g sus ta ined two -::Js- one to the upper arm,.

^:.-h went throu^ to-bocfy, • •'• one m the mouth. A

kesman for the Prince' !ia~. County police said :he ether shot, fired from-

- caliber revolver, entered r.cs upper lip. The bullet,

.• continued, hit a tooth, r..j;:ormg both the bullet and ho - oth. Young was left with

••.:.;th full of fragmentt. l.arry Layne, 26, of

i.rr.don, presented himself to .--ce of the Peace WiHiAn

iir^e about 1S minutes after ' .• <hoot:ng. Barbee said that . -- re reported having shot the in Barbee made out a jrrant on Layne for

• empted murder and releaaed . •• m bond. A preMminary fi-:-g date has been set.

•• ty police said ftat the -;:^g. which occuned at

•rr. x:mately 1:30 ajn., wn • c result of 1 disagieenMBt c:ween the two man'

'Wing the Friday o j ^ I'ce at the Armory.

Ashdale Plaza; and Gary Haslcopf and John Pichurko of the same office. Ratlcopf resides at 4492 Dale Boulerard in Dale City. Fichiirko b a resident of Alexandria.

Carpenter, Kaskopf and P i c h u r k o were awarded plaques for outstanding performance in sales. Finnegan was presented a silver cup at die number two lister among the ISOO-agentt in Northern Virginia.

Woodrow N. Vetier, vice pres ident in charge of panonnel for Commonwealth Telephone Co. of Vii^nia> latlrat Friday after 41 yaartta the telephone Induttry,

The c o m p a n y a l t o announced thit week that Earle G. Bellamy, area manuer for both .Commonwealth Taltphona and Piedmont Talaiilione Co., hat rtd|nad •M k returning to Kncxvllla, Iowa, where he will ba •iiocUted with Coramunlty national Bank and Truit.

Vattar ttartad with Central Mutual Talaphona Co., Inc., CommanwMlth^ prtdaoaaaor, on July 1, m i . a t a U n e m a i Mrniai SSO per mondi and worked hit way up tha ladder.

From 1936 to 194S he w u manager of the Lorton Telephone Co., and he contittued as manaaer for ilx years after Central Mutual purdiaied the company.

Vetter became a d ^ i o r of Central Mutual in 1946 and in 195 5 he was appointed peraonnel mapater- In 1968. the year in which the coRipany'i name changed to ConunoniMalth Telephone Co. of Virginia, he became a vice president. He continued as vice president aad director after tht c o m p a n y ' s merger with Continental Telephcoe Corp. in July. 1971: *^

After 41 years in die industry, Vetter and his wife, Christine, hope to enjoy their leisure time doing loiqe extensive traveling throughout the United States.

B e l l a m y c a m e t o CommonwaaWi Telepltane in 1971 toon after ita mid-year marfer with Continental. Ha had ttarud hit caiMr in tha telephone hiduttry 26 yean ago. tpending moat of that tana at petiidant of Ballaay TalaphoM Co., a famlly-owMd biHtaatt in Knonilla, l o w , aAiich bacama a MbaMlHy ot Contlnanlal In 1969. la 1970, ha trantferrad to G U M Mama Taladiaaa Co. Ltd, Is Fiaapoft, iifeamaa.

Drug Fair, Inc.

9al«s r«ach

all-time high Mnron L. Btbeig, president

of Drua Fair Inc., hat announced that tales for die fhcal year ending June 30 reached an all-time hi#i of $158,590,112, an Jncraaae of 10.7-peicent over 1971.

Net earnings after taxes were $2,175,787 or 9.2 ' percent increase over $1,993,227 for the previous year. Net eamingt per thare amounted to $1.42 u againtt $1.34 per share in 1971.

The rate of iscreaae wu affected by poor weather during the fourth quarter which seriously affected seasonal businett, along wib f lood damagei and the continued leveie consetithw conditiaiit that prevailed in die D.C. area.

Should the family: 1) build. 2) buy in a new subdivitkn, 3} buy a new cuttoa-built houte, 4) biw a houta i few yean old, or 5) buy an older houte?

Head up columni on paper for each of thact, then Uti tha facton important to tto family doara tht dda. The family now hu Iha bade for a durt. By f a c t o i i ara meant auch oooiUaratknit u attmati to w o r k , a h o p p i a a , traniporutlon, u a of &• bouit, modem convanitnoM, •a ln tanaaca , low prloa,

' flnanolng, and othan. IMng a teala of 1 to 5, the

lowatt number tht moat daiirable, rata each factor wltliin tht five typw of houalai. "Naaraaia to wotfc" iBiliit ute a 1 In an older houta, but 5 in a new tubdivtaloo. The tubdMtioa kouM, however, couU rate I ia "BMdwn convmlencw" widi tha oider houte nting 5.

When the ratlngt are entend, added and compared, the family hu at lutt t roiq|h Idea of what type of houte would bett tuit iu wantt and income. Then a decision can be reached u to what is poasible.

If income it limited to flnandng a $20,000 home, a ftmily cannot choose to build on a close-in lot for $40,000, no nutter how desirable the chart uys the more expensive house will be. Wanu mutt be balanc«d againtt reality. Facing leahty alto helps when the family consults a Realtor. He knows vduit ranfe of hijutet m the market, or comii^ on the mtffcet, might suit Oem.

At an added divUend, it

heads ofrditcouragement. New prospective homaownert •ometinwt Mt thalr haaru on a particular houat, not nally fadni iu diortoomingi u far at they are concerned -wortcominga they often had not even contidered. Then when they decide not to buy the particular home they had wanted, in reaction thay lometimet decide not to buy at all. The tituatlon it not really that bad.

It it rare Indeed when a houae completaly utiiflet all tha wanu of itt owaan. How many timet hu a penon compUmentad a Jwmeowiwr on hit houta oniy to hear Mmething like: "fliank you, wa Uke ft, but we dp with it-had a family room." or "If it w«a only a little larger!" or It I too much houte for ut,"

or tome other thortcoming? The reaUttic approach it to

aaak a houw that tatUfltt mott wtnu without trying 10 l a t i ^ all. Later, after the family hat bidit up an equity, ptrhut thay wiU than waat to NUI using the accumulatad capital to have a whirl at flndfaig a houte clotar tosatltfyiagairof their wanu.

Thit attitude alto allows a family to abide by genent rates of thumb. A tou^ rule, for instance, is that monthly paymenu should not exceed 20 percent of family income. Should the family ignore thit and qjend 30 percent becaute the neighborhood is good and income will rise later anyway, they could find themselves not able to afford tbe cultural pursuiu, dothet, cart, and other niceties the neighbors take for granted.

More often than not this generates a feeling of not b e l o n g i n g , a situation

ledaOy hard on chUdien

ROFFLER J U I R STYUST DONALD WARA RECEIVES TREATMEW - Aahdale Barbenhop'i D o n t l d Wan learns the Roffler hair ttyluii technique for men from the matter ttyliat himself '* i . " " ! ^ " " *" Baltimoie Sunday, Considered a worid champion jn the field, Lui»i Conti of Fltmnce, Italy is touting this country conductini auch teminan. The flnt nationally franchiied men I hairstyling system, Roffler "KuJpture kut" ipedaJizes in the^echoique o f w z o r cutttat, diving •ndstyBiig. . •». / »

who want to kup pace with the other children In their peer group. The whole family would have a considerably better chance at hspplnen where income levels are comparable. Later, if income does cite and diey want to move into the more expensive neighborhood, they can.

A chvt is only a helpful

tool at bett - a way of sorting out emotioni. Buying a houN it a very emotional experience. Why thit It true it mixed up in memoriM, iiWet, detiret and inttinctt. Whatever the reason, even a Uttle idea that helps guide the emotiimt to hkh tatisfactlon it weV ivorth trying, dieRwltors board s ^ .


Learning disabilities movie set tomorrow

The Northern Virginia Attoclation for Children with Learning Disabilities wi l l ho ld a meet ing tomorrow at 8 p.m. at ^ VEPCO building on U.S. 1 in Woodbridge. Parents and

profeitianals are invited to attend.

T h e r e w i l l . b e a presentation of slides entitled, "Introduction to Learning Diubilities."



Potomac News

van flips over • •fpher. Herbert Mahood,of

- Woodt ide Drive, ^ ^^"ridge, was injured at

-: a.m. Saturday whfla -•-i-:ng I Potomac Newt

.•'\ van northbound on - ?craph Road. The van went

a skid and struck the •-^^rkmert, causing the v n

Mrr over on iU left tidt, i -Tmi to Dohee nporU.

yaho^iffwat taken to - ^ u Army Hotplul by

^1 Rescue Souad wtaee ht ^ i\ treated anc filtaaa4. Ne

We believe an advertiser should know exactly what he's getting for his advertising dollar. So we tell him - and the general public - twice each week, right on the front page.

There are no " pie-in-the-sky" circulation promises involved. The paid circulation figure, an average for the most recent month available, is subject to verification at any time by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), a highly respected self-regulatory national association to which the Potomac News belongs. If a copy of the paper goes unsold on a newsstand. It cannot be counted.

The second figure on the Front Page masthead shows the press run for the Issue Involved, which Includes the distribution afforded by the vigorous sampling program of the Potomac News' circulatfon department Since advertising rates art based^w paid circulation, this is bonus readership for advertisers.

We are proud of the number of familiet buying the Potomac News twice each week, giving this newspaper the largest ABC paid circulation of any non-daily in Virginia. And we like to point out to advertlsen that they don't have to pay a fortune In advertising rates to reach this big Potomac News Larxl audience.

'iT»s were .•1 .onditiont.

to 10

Page 12: Potomac News


O-W district progress eyed by Va. board

rOTOtlACMEWS, WedaMday, AufLitt M, l»T3. A-lt

wRiM VIGIL-Terry Phelps sits with Us thoughts I. a lawn chair M rescue workmiwi^ a 12-fcot

: :.h in which Ms brother, Thomas w tnppedat r«n Valley Trailer Plik. ThStgi' b o a T w i

.-. evened after four h o u n . "v«y ww

The State Water Control Board (SWCB) has unexpectedly set a hearing for Sept. 18 in Sichmond to look kilo the situation in the Occoquan-Woodbrida Sanitary District. One of die uednc queaiioins to be answered it

. whether the Ditlrict hu a tite for Ito propoted Potomac Treatment ptent.

According to a letter from thi SWCB, four Interconnected plantt in the dlitikt have had for the patt thne mondu an aggregate hydraulic loading in axoaai of 95 paicent of thtlr approved c^«cittta,

The SWCB, tha ht'ier explaint, h u a policy that, where plant capacity It exceeded for three months, tha controlling Juiiadictlao ihaU itop tetdaa parml t i for tha baginniag of conttructldn and lubmit tnaxptntloii program.

AldMugfi an axpaaiion program hat bean in tha raOl for tUi Multaiy district for lona tea, tht 4ta for wUcb it wat Mgnad It owaad by HM Olatikt ot Colundiia. Tha Diatrict was to itE tha

land to Prince WUhaoi County in niuia foi sanitary landnu privilawt at Cockpit Totot. Earlier thit year Ae'permit Tot landfUUng w u revoked by tlM Prince WilUam County Board of Supeivison and die transfer of land bec«w veld. The Sanitwy Diatrict h « tubttquendy been ttytag to buy tht land outr^t. ' Mooney tald dtoat ntgotiatloM will continue.

Tha dittrict land it tdll flrtt choice, Moorny taid. However, he warned dwtt wfll come a point in pUnning whan it WiU be too late to diangt itu. Tha advitoty eommlttaa it aiUi^ dut dit Paadtarttona dte be oertifltd to diat planning can eondnue. If at tfw erudal point, die Dittrict ritt haa »o< baaa purchaud, dwn Feaditrttona wOl ba •haa tht plant will go.

Moooay laid if tha tupaniton dacida to accept tha leoommaadation of die •anitaty dIaMet cboaitttaa, naatiHi WiB ba htl4 in Iha aonnuiidly aaar « s proggad^ltot to antawr tha quaatiOM

A tecond purpoee of the Sept. 18 89IQB hearing wiU be to determine nlwther the district it engaged in an acttve poUuUon abatement program. If not, dte letter warns, die SWM staff may mcanmend dut t special order be aaat to the wperviaort wd die dittrict nquitiag dut thay thall not build a new tawtr or lewart, makt connection to an exitting lewtr, ot maka axtmtioBt, i ^ o u t tpaciflc audiorizadon from dM SWCB.

WUh S4 million hanging in dia balance, the Occoquan-Woodbridgt Saniltiy Dittrict Advitory Commlttaa hat decided to recommend dut dw Board of Supatviton oardfy property aaar dM currant PaadMritone Mwagt taaatmant plant u dM iM for dM future Potomac plant.

H. L. Mooney, tha dittrict't adnlDittrator uid dut dM coamualty tjuftji caaaot afford to iseMidtea dw aa ipaeotat gnat taam (wUS^eouU ba to axoaas or 14 mlkai) beeaaaa ot iBdkMaaonritataciliaa.

Hylton outlines Pale responses V : initiatives of Hylton

: ::>i'n are still anxious to -i.ih the Dale City

District Advisory : .Moe to discuss the .: :jes views of how

.: ^;\el> the Dale City x: should assist in civic

.oi:or written to lawyer J : J S t e v e n s , w h o

.-u.-.ti Hylton, John .;•. of the Hylton

'iiion. has outlined the : ~::)\ responses to the

i.n of the advisory

V:-;-j:er,tiy the letter was to ;-een read at a meeting w e e n H y l t o n

--.rtjiives. the Dale City • .- Association's executive - i and the advisory

• :;;ee members. Due to •••; .jsi minute changes, the

i ;- r> committee did not -rjr r.:i the letter was never . •rxij presented. \! tt.JU».the reipmeet 'lA-^ : new tn;t have been stated

:•.-•., -sA. Here they are: i-r;3.'> site-The Hylton

._• :/jt;on has offered . : : J.-.J the Ubrary has -- \ \ i une of them, with . : .•. . j i i c n s . pJ.• ^ and Recreation-A

• : L rban Park II and spj e has been prepared.

- j \ jppraised value of this : . r:> is in excess ol

••X The ground for -pj.e and recreation.

Walvius states, meeu all county zonii^ requirenienta. (Thit it apparent^ in retponte to the tequett by dM advitory committee that a certain percentage of tbe ground be 'utable.^ Walvius also sayi

dut "only tbe iirst edition of our tales brodiure used for a short time in 196S made mention of a golf course and bridle trails. Hie site «^re the course was shown at that time wu partially deeded to be used u a test area aloiig I-9S. The btilance of this property hu not u yet been developed but the topography does not Vpeu to be utitfactory for use u a golf coune." Walviut nys that a system of bridle paths could be used tkough the-open space;

- C o n s e r v a t i o n - T r e e s , Walviut explaint, frequeotiy nuiit be cut in a volume

construction operation. Ute organization it working new. with the county on a wtation plan and storm drainage system.

-Open tpace^ecreation-although diis is lUted u a separate category, dw answer is the same u given under parks and recreation except fbr the notation dut Neabtco and Godwin schools are nearby with ample recreation »ace.

-Fringe parUng^^ diit subject, Walvius suggests that the aheady-paved parking areu in the community be uaed, for . exan^e clnitcfa lots. He ttalet dut Hylton't John McCoole it working with Bob Gibbons of the bus company on this

- T e e n Center-Walvlus suggests that a center be incorporated into one of the parks. He reiterates an often stated stand dut dw ori^iul

• plan for playing area in Dale Cltv wu to utilize school litet ind the titet were dedgned l a r g e r t h a n t c h o o l lequiremenU to allow for thit. He alto recommends nigfit lighting to get fiifi use out of flelds.

-Traffic connections— Aldiou^i die potsibUity erf traffic connections between dales and exita out of the community other than IHle Bowlevwd are being looked into, the amropriate groimd it not owKd by die Hylton corporation.

- D a l e Boulevtrd-The Hylton organization hat

offered $32S,tX)0 to du State Kgiiway Department to get the dualization of Dale Boulevard underway.

-School tilet-this item (fid not appear on the list publicized by dw Sanitary Distrkt committee. Wahnus simply explains that die S c h o o l Board has an oppwtunity to select sites mi the RPC zoning and Dale Cily master plan reflect the locations caosen.

- D i v e r s i f i c a t i o n o f shopping-Wahiiut feeb that dot «4U be offered when du new Forettdalc ahopping center opent. Under Ihit

heading, Walvius states Hylton built the Marumsco Theater for die Neighborhood Theatre Chain and dut die lease for that theater ttipubites dut Hylton will not build another theatre within a 10 mUe radius. Since moet of Dak Qty Set wi th in I h t t ridius, no t h e a t re - u n l e s s t h e Neighborhood chain would. agree to come m itself or waive & stipulation iBid that is wha't Hylton is asking.

Discount gu is also listed under shopping and Walvius layt dut to ur no discount gaa company hu been interested in coming faito Dale City.


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Page 13: Potomac News

Photo finiali ihows rival CaOendar won beat

Prince WilliM,, County Soap Box Derby dumv Jinuny BavUle haaen Iwe in hh nra. h^^ asainat Mba Anita Biiaaon of Florida

Local champ at Akron toenUy. Aufuie 30, W72. A-12 J p •• ^ j frcdaeiday,

BeviUe wins fwo heats, loses 3rd

. Photos and Stories by The Charlie Mines

"tte 1972 worid champion, Robert L a i ^ of Boaldcr. Crfo.

:.ieive year old Jimmy B.'.lo winner of the 1972 I': • .e Wilham County Soap ;t. \ De:b\ on July 4. has done •^:.J: i;her county champions • .i-e :••'' been aSte to doaC Qie \! J^r-erican race in Aicron,

.Sj i jrday. .•te ceai somebody. \'V he did better than thai, ~c.;; ;wo boys and found >t.! rj.ing in the third

.'vi hefore being eliminated :. ;ho contest. In the first

• ! - hcai number 66, he ran - : : J ii:',. 14 year old Anita

15 .,s..:. ;>: Boyton Beach, Fla., - I -" female champions

. :- i ior.t:ng other cities. . \ ' :lio iun both cars were ..> Lnen for the first 100

.. I .hen Jimmy, in lane one • .J .ihcdd by a car length

Tic half the way down •'-.'-C :oot ruoway. Miss

•••• •- r then began to put] up Jc boitom of the hill and

..• :ssed the finish line H;v;iie less than one half

- '.cr.i-.h ahead. His lime -"~'4 seconds, quite slow ; ; .iToJ -.o the fastest time .OOJ> CM : ? . 3 0 seconds.

: . , J : number 161, BevUle : - u j r old Chris £>obson

*•! ".0. Ala., in which he -or an early lead and

:;.:i.o-;K>nably the winner :.; j h line some 27.66

-- :-:or by one car length i- :A.I This race was

• -.d :'jr several mihutet D,>bson's car was

:: c ;.:jal champ's hopes : iigh in heat number

•> hon he met Ronald .:. d fourteen year dd

( . :ocnfaay , Wisconsin. . j -v were fairly even

.-•: I j!iendar"s racer had oJve AI the end,

.1 js slipping up lo •••:: but a photo fmish

: .r ( allendar had won i 1-: -nree inches in lane

•>:.b: I was going to . doling Bevitle taid,

*: <•• [ was in the middle !. k I knew it would be

w.hor I was at the hne I . 1 iias a foot in front

''••'. (lie photo the • • k proved Calendar

Jirc ' if Ihe entile event,

anniversary of the > ,- ;4 year old Robert • B.iulder. Colo., who >• Cross, of Detroit,

he final rourd (heal o T t h e 1 9 7 2

•^hip • -^ son of Mr. and Mn.

Hevitte. left Monday ' ''ftit'*nc for a week ^ ^Pivities at Akroa r IBah. a 205 acre • •<•(•('. \S miles tooth of

The rett of dM Mdmg little brother.

Steve; didn't leave by car until Monday afternoon and didn't see Jimmy uiitit Wednesday.

That day, the family was ,_ rerunited at topside, where

botlTJimmy arid the clan had the chance to take a closer look at the 250 some-odd cars he was to race against lo attempt to become the 1972 Soap Box Derby Champion. On Thursday the family toured Camp Yndah to see what their daughter or ton did before. • The next time- Jimmy a w

his farnily prior to Saturday' race was Friday at a party honoring parents erf' local c h a m p i o n s where the derbyists were presented with watches, one of the many prizes which were given during his iUy there.

Jimiiiy watched his car being gone over by dtspectOTs on inspect ion day. The inspectors are trained to look for flaws in safety construction such as brakes and steering defects. Also at this tiirne, the derbyist has a chance to make alterations or repairs for the last time.

The past week a decision to run two cars at a time instead of three per heat wat a surprise and a first in derby history. Accord ing to a derby spokesman, the National Control Board had three choices , concerning an engineering study of the track which discovered dut the center lane at the race track (Derby Downs) wat faster than the two outside lanes. The survey s e t t l e d in old controversy that the lanes were unequal.

The board-members rejected a plan to attempt to equalize the three lanes because there was not enough time before race-day to do an accurate ai^ adequate job. Siich alterations,' it was argued, would throw off the equality of the two outside lanes. The two outside lanes were found to be within IM i riches of each other over the 953 foot course.

The board also rejected a decition against holding fust round heats Friday afternoon because many people, arriving Saturday would find that their hometown champion had already been eliminated from the compedlion. Therefore, the first round heats were moved up from 1. p.-m., Saturday, to 8 a.m. the same morning to accomodate the much longer racing schedule. (which lasted.8J4 hours).

Tuesday night the parents flocked to Cascade Plaza in downtown Akron to anxiously await, the first round heat drawings. The Bevilles sal with two other-Virginia famdies -Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith of Charlottesville, whose son, 13 • year okl Don, is Chark>ttesvffle champ and Mr. and Mrs. Chvick Lohr of Fredericksburg, die parents of Fredericktbucg champion, Mark. AH three families combined for the loudest rooting section, cheeriiig fot each Virgiiiia conlestant amounoed.

Other Virginia entrants included Aurica Georgene Sabau, 15, of Luiay, who is t h e s t a t e ' s f irst , girl representative to Akron; Michael Denton. 13, of

Norfolk, the son of a naval officer who has been a POWin Vietnam for seven years; Willie Litland, IS of Orange;i>hilUp """*•"" ' ^ - ^ " - I—rirn: and Michael Biags, II of Pulaski.

PennsyJvinit had the most entrants this year. 24; with Ohio having 23; New York 21, Indiana and Michigan 12, North Carolina 10 and Texas 9. Virginia was tied with the Lone Star State with 9.

Guest appearances were made by Cazzie Russell, tUr of the Golden State Warriors (s-ofessional basketbaU team, Robert Reed, head star of

- teieviskm's popular "Brady Bunch" clan, Lyifia Ann Hobson, of Lexington. Ky„ the 1972 American Junior Miss, Sid Collins, the "Voice of the lndianap<^ 500 MOe RaGe.*" Jim Backus, the voice of T.V.'j a n i m a t e d "Mr. Ma god," a character which won him the coveted 0«(^ two times, and George Kirby. the sUr of (he new T.V. show, "Half The George .Kirby Comedy Hour."

At first, Saturday mornii^, a thunderstorm pelted the area and with a 70 percent chance of rain in the forecast it looked as thou^ Ae race would hive to be postponed. But by 7 ajn. the rain had stopped and the track was "tinged" off bat not in time for die race to start an hour late by 9 ajn. Theft onder hazy partly cloudy skies, with temperatures in the middle 80's the race was continued in its entirety. Never has the race had to be poetponed.




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R»in cnech—rt w« mii out ot you' ji^e wm win Itsue you J riln ch«ck assunng future GMlv«fy at tn* wivertiwd pnca.


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• tu t t l .TSFaa . Ex I Tax and oM <lr*


7 . 7 t x l S I 7.7SXI4 < t .asxi4 i .asxis

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Page 14: Potomac News

Nines' Stghts wlHl Ch«rli« Hii i«t , aportsMMor

POW's son at derby

POTOMAC NLWS,W«taM<Uy, Au | i i . i 30 . IV7: \ \ i

. ai)N kiiida nice when a kid has a chance to moet I toys and girls hi» own age when he'i away from

'•••••• and Jimmy BeviUe tWa year'i 1972 Prince ^ H „H oiinty Soap Box berby Champion, had that

' ; ' " f" **•?''.*'i*/' hejoumeyeduptoAkioo. '^""\^.^fy called Akom) for the thirty-fifth

I.L; ot Ihe All-Amencan Soap Box Derby. w till I saw while there Satuiday waa over 250 . i M.n, from aU walkt of life competing gainst I "Micr ds individuals, yet cheering together as a V 11 their reserved section of the grandstand

'•••ii Ihc race. i I s . ilerbyists come frcxn all over the country and •i Ml jwjy places as West Germany, Okinawa, and

/uda Fven previous chanuiions of pa«t yean to watch the event and to meet the new

-M.inis Jimmy got to meet the 1968 worid :: I'jon. Branch Lew. .; iiK .all your attention to some of the highlightt

! . a.rhy First of all, there were 255 contestants - : ijuluded 27 female winnen from thdr

;..ll^i. a ties. But the field was cut by one :.s!L.!it when Richard Gouikeault's car (from Santa

( iht ) went out of control at the finish line I e iiK trial run on Thursday, and was wrecked

i.J repair The twehw year old lad waa able, v^cr. 10 participate in aU titw rest of tte activities

; K ; > lowii (Camp Noah) for the temainder of the

L ..i .IKre was Mike Denton, a 13 year old from ; > :k He was hoping that he could win the derby

se II would make hjs father extremely proud. : IS It his father were here. You see, young : us father is a prisoner of the North Vietnamese \:iKncan POW) whom Mike has not seen since

- \\ l;cii he was only five years old. I \\ .;:;ied to win it for him, just Uke I wwi the local >. he said. He won the Norfolk derby on his Is birthday but as far as Mike and his mother

^ his father has not yet received the news, as the s ihev receive from him are too infrequent and

\ .ciiiias first female made it to the AU-American:. :.a Sabau. a 15 year rfd from Luray, claimed she

u> give up dates in order to work on her :\-p;neered car. Then after awhile he started I;: iner to the house to give her a little friendly

M.s Sabau won Luray's first coasting crown and s 1(1 play basketball, swim, ski, travel, sew and

S!:e claims to be a good painter and would like

t6 teach art following studies at Ohio State University. I guess after winning the trip there she can't get away from Ohio.

For the past six years, Raleigh, N.C., has alwavs had its entrant to the All-American there first, and for the fiiat time that string waa broken upon, the arrival of Tim Lewis, of Btagor, Pa. He anived at 6 a.m. the Monday before the race for the sole purpose of being the fint derbyist to arrive at Akron for the week of activities there.

It has always been a tradition for the derbyist to huri souvenin into the crowd such as badges, buttons, and the like, from his hometown or state. Well, Genie Krueger, «rf Fort Pierce, Ftorida thought he wouU hand out something a bit different. Instead of catching buttons, the crowd found themselves chasing arid dodging oranges. He was the fifth derbyist to arrive at Akron.

Wh«» the 250 youngsters were re-united with their cars on the following Wednesday, some showed ofi" the new paint-jobe of their racers while a few met disappointment. Several of the cars were damaged sli^tly (but not beyond repair). Some had the steering cables snapped during the bumpy transport wbik others reported that the bottoms of their cars had fallen out. One had its paint job badly scared. Anyhow, time was given to repair the cars and all made it through the trial runs with the exception of the wrecked auto.

Ken Holmboe, the 1947 champion, was on hand to watdi his own 14 year old son, Eric, try to win the 1972 derby. History was made because this is the first time a scxi of a former All-American champ has raced at Akron.

On hand to watch the local champ at the derby besides his parents and myself was derby director and Dale City Jaycee member Bob Kalmin.

Duck hunting opens

Nov 22 thru Jan 20 A 10-day duck hunting

season beginning Nov. 22 and ending Jan. 20 with a basic-daily bag Hmit of three ducks was selected foi Virginia but' the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries from among

IT'S OPEN! - The new Woodbridge Mini-Golf course, located next to the Woodbridge Post Office, recently opened for business, Under the management of James Hochgertte, the miniature course features

two mne-hole greens made entirely of Astro-turf. Night openings will .begin as soon as U^te are installed, Hochgertle said.

Kagle takes 4th race

the options available imder the federal framework of pemiissible waterfowl hunta^ rtguUtions for 1972-73. The buic daily bag limit of three ducks is subject to certain stipulations, however.

Reds Kagle lead from start lo finish Saturday isvening but had to squelch a last lap desperation attempt by Carlton Coleman u be won his fourth consecutive Old Dominion Speedway race for Limited Sportsmen.

in an evening that saw as much fender bumping and frontend smashing 4hat is normally reserved for DemoUtioir Derby Days, the ODS fans were treated to an exciting race card that never seemed to end. - Due to a Limited Sportsman

washout two weeks ago, the Limiteds ran two feature races. -Jim Boyer won the fmt feature »*ile,Al Daily took the. second, just edging Mite Buel.

Old Dominion point leader Reds Kagle was unbeatable again as he took the lead away

.from Bobby Ballentine on the second tap and then sailed home unscathed. However, there were, several attempts along the way lo unseat the Lanham speedster. Carlton Coleman pushed Kai e the entire 2S laps and almost pulled even with two laps to go. but Kagle was too quick as he gunned the "02" across the wire just one car length ahead of the frustrated Coleman. BaHentine was a distant third followed by Charlie Wierman, Joe Westerman, Harvey Henderson and first time driwr Danny Collins (Dmited turned LaU Model).

Heat races took place prior to each feature event. iCa e and Wyman Buel were the LMS winners while'Mike Buel and Jim Breedon were victorious in the Limited

sprints. Excitement continues to

mount as ODS continues to. pjepare for the "McDonald 200" on September 9. Talledega SCO winner James Hylton and Ronald McDonald of TV fame will be.just a few of the many big names on

hand. Pulsating NASCAR action

will again resunle Saturday night, at Old Doiiilnion Speedway. An evening of six big races, highlighted by a 20 lap Feature for the Limiteds and a 25 lap LMS feature, will begin at 8 pjn.

Golf tourney still open The qualifying toiiraament

at Manassas Hilb Golf Course is stai in ptogreaa and wS be exteaded aa extn week until Sept. 3.

Anyone can still enter; and the matches wiO start S^t. 9 for the cup tfcam^oMUi. ("siriaif wll be poeted. taSe diMwoae.


Every penny counts when you're shopping. B« sure to Ghwk the adi in the Potom*;. Newt Nch wMk for bargains. You'll find- it pays to clip the

, coupons.

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^^ All N9W 1972 Buicks. Ponfiacs. and Opels So/d

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•V II receiva free gasoline. If you buy a t\»>M '972 Opel you will receive 100 gallons of go oline FREE. If you Purchase o new 1972 Eiick or Pontiac you will receive 150 goHons ct gosoline FREE! So don't miss out oa a .-•-ance like this to sove nnoney two vMiys . . . O' the car and on the gasoline, tool See in oon . . THIS OffER f»OSITIVEtY ENDS 5




ONTfiB •«»owim,Y r AnotNis TO nrTOMi


Page 15: Potomac News

POTOMAC NEW, Aii|H(tM,1972,A-U

Punt, Pass and Kick sign-up closes Sept 29

Regiatrttlon for Punt, Hm and Kick (IT4K) hu begun a I Cope Fofd.

More than on* roiUion youths an txpecMd to enrofl fur the fifth conaecuUva year. Aged eight to 13, they will make their apenlag bids for the Football Hall of Fame in less than two months. Six will nuke it - having their name* Jiiwribed at Cantcn, Ohio, H iiaiionalPP&IC winnen.

The program is sponsored y US. Ford dealers and the

Nauoiul Football Laaaue. RegistraUon doaaaSept. 29.

R e g i s t r a n t s must be accompanied by a permi or guardian.

PP&K participants punt, pass and kick against othan their own age. Any younaitan aged eight through 13 it eligible. There it no entiy iee and no special'equtpment it i : e e d e d . Thete it no

body-contact during tfiX . ccmpetitian and participanit do not loie amateur status.

Scoring it baaed on distance •nd accuracy.. One potai it given for every toot of punting, patting and kicking diitance; a point it deducted foreveiy fool offline.

Six Mveb of corapetiUant produce tix winnen. Trophiat an awarded to winnen at all levelt. Competitian will begin Sept. 30 with dealer-level con testa.

Starting at the fourth leel. competition it held before UM kick-off and during halftime of NFL garnet.

Six national linalitts will represent the NFL's American Conference and six tha National FootbaU Confarence Jan. 21 at the Pro Bowl Came in Dallas. Finalisu, their peientt and apontarini deatm will be guettt of Ford Oividan:

Marine gridder has great injury comeback

lie pust and aponaor Ifce -'a ball team. Reflecting on :hc teamt record, he remarkad ilut while the won and loat iccurd was not the beat, tm pUyeri had learned team work and had been involved in sumething worthwhile. Both, he Slated, were ienportant now and would be more important later. He alao presented Gary SuUard with a special award for being the laanu ieadhi| batter with a J60 betting averaae. He concluded hit part of the pfOfram by pieaentini certificatea of particmtlan to the playen at well at Mr. Diefenbecb, «4o abo reoehwd a small gift, Marie N n t n for her role u Saciataiy-Tieatwer and certlflcatet lo Ceorgt Suudinaer, Alan Mate and Don Auman.

There were duee olbar presenutiont made. Ceoitt Suudinaer preaented a plaque to Mr. Overcaah to *ow ftt posts appreciatioa' for the sponsonra financial aaristance. Gary Staltard wat called upon to preaent a gift to Keny Painter, Iha team'i coach during the year. The final pnatnUtioa wat aiao made ^ Gary to the taam manaan o* behalf of tht team pbyen.

Both the preaentaiion aad acceptance wen brief. Tha manager accepted At gift almoat in ditbeUaf, tiarted a vartial acceptance but after a very few worda, accMled tke congratulalloat of thoee menibera around him.

The next event to be vonaoead by tiw Kott wll be a dMoa acfceduiid for Se iambar

Pock a

ene-two'three punehl

Run yotir dmMti •d in <w hNdwwk totonwe Neiii% HM Waakand ft>toMae Waw» •nit t l ia


II 1st Lt. Joe Belatco, .urrent pilot for the Quantico .Marine football team's flnt offensive unit, can ifaake last

reason's shoulder injury, ba vcoutdn't mind having a fiiU ijiiie job.

The 5 foot 10.190-pounder, j^cd sparingly in 1971 at quarterback and halfback.

Save Your


Proper settini of your .arburctor is importaat aoC. orjy lo youi car mi to yte b.t to the OOKT people who. rhabi t your world. A

tachometer is ideal for makiiv <ure the carburetor l i operat ing coiiectly. A tachometer can dtteimine Ike be i gas-ail mixtuK aid fee - o:recl idling tptti for youi parMculai car. WiUi spropedy aJustcd carbuRtoi yout o r ^ill not only run mootber but your gas mileafe mU be better along with Kcekiatlaa putential. Also, by utiaf ap ca.. before it is icleaaed into the atmosphere, you i be Jo:r.g your part to aub po;;ution. AT W O O D B R I D G E <- HRYSLER-PLYMOUTH, :-i655 Jefferson Oivia Hwy„ -94-9121. we don't jusi i d w u a car, we Knrlcc it - •Ttplettiy in our iaige ocw > -rvicc facilities. Out espett ~erM.-emeii handle ereryMai t-.~ latK-ups lo body woik. '.'•r.e vo lume d l i c o e a t

:tr>slei-Plymouth dcdei • tite Woodbridge area, "wt cue i^>i-: you," and we bettetcia .^:^onal service- U8it|iy tv^r^uris offered. Opan: - • ••9. Mon-Fri; 8t3M, Sat; •• TMce dept. 7:30<, MoB-Fti HI LPFUL HINTt Whca t-.inj at night, keep u eye - tail lights ahead of yon to

v e a fracuon of a Mcoad re reaction time for *Of1

suffisred a major setback whan he dislocated his shoulder in practice prior to the 7l.claah with Prairie View AAM in the Houston Astrodome.

Since a Feb. 24 operation at Quantico's Naval Hoapital he's been on an uphill rehabilitoiy road, working hard to be ready for the 1972 campaign.

"It still hurts, mainly when I throw," admitted the 23-year old Jeraey City, NJ., native. "Until it's completely healed, I -wouldn't mind sharing Ae quarterback job. After that, I'd like to be in there full time."

He went both ways for Villanora en the freritraan squad, as a quarterback n d safety. In his second feaaon on the varsity he took over at the number one Wildcat field genetal and began workhig on a schf 3\ lecoti for moat touchdown passes in cne

was n a m e d ^ n H J e U M K C o u n t y , A l t - S t a t e (Philidelphia) and AU-East Back of the Week.

After moving to halfback hit senior yew he aet another school mark, moat rushing attempts in one game. In that particular contest be lugged Ae pigskin 34 times for 199 yards.

He enlisted in the Marine Corps on March 19, 1971, graduated from Villanova with a B.S. in accounting in May.

HERE WE COMB! Gar-Field's Robert Weelu. an end, Ppaea for the Potonuc Newi camenman ai Ua picture, ai weU as othen, were taken for the Fifth Annual Potomac News FootbkB Supi^ement,

scheduled for distribution Friday. Included in tte supplement will be reports rai all Cmamonwedth Distiirt teams, Quantico H i ^ Hayfkld n d West Spnngfieid, BrantsviUe and mudi more.

Woodbridge American Legion pays tribute to own piayers

Tom$latuaindatartttMn§ourati¥artkingpiaaaa mantion tfma tpadak to aatat claHf to racaiva aalaprka. Thank you.

REG. . SALE aOLOIattTaak 17.a8. . . . 14.N WOat-Datatw 7.96 AM •BOaLSetU^ 1 2 B M . . . . 11t.M SOa.Tat . . . hM.... Ui Qetfailt 2.48 t .M Haaantw V.BB.... t .M

. ; . . . . . *ltM v^M 4/i.oa

J» mm k T M

. «tjae


. vi.ae

. mjaa



Membert of American L e g i o n P o s t 3 64 o f Woodbridge gathered at the Pott Home on Sunday, August 20 to pay tribute to players of their baaebaU team. Tlie guest l i s t included Mr. Otcar Ovetcadi who represented the Piedmont Savings and Loan

'^l'*****«*laavM«ibr-''aBaMiM spon sorer during die peat season, Ifr. Diefenbadi of RCA Field and the team manaaer, Roger Painter.

After the opening prayer o f f e r e d by the P o s t C o m m a n d e r G e o r g e Staudinger, a buffet s t ^ dinner consisting of ham, salad, baked beans and variooa fresh vegeubkt plus cake and coffee were served. The evening's program f(riio««d.

Commander Staudinger' made a few opening remarks

relating how tiie team wa* started, how the manager waa tackled into taking over the team and the riioetMng budget and low number of playen the pott had to start wiA. Fnm thit beginning the team was born. He concluded his •wiarks by leadiM a noem

manager. He ben introduced Mr. Roger Painter.

The lemarici of the manager were varied. He paid tribute to the hard work of dw meinbers of the Poats Ameiicanlzatioa Committee, George Staudinger and Alan Make who were


Ihen reflecting on the recced of flie team during the juat coBchided aeaaon, he spoke of die poaiiUUtiet of a much better team for next year. He then introduced the. pi^wrt who were in. attendance -

Gary StaOard. Alii WUch n d DonEadey.

One of die hi||ai|^ta of dw eveninc "wc Ae lematfci made by Mr. Omcaah. He itated that it w u a plMMse for Ut offlce to become invoKed with


491-3990 HOURS: 10:00 (jn. to 9:00 pjn TUE8. a SAT. 10:00 to 6:00 SUN. 12:00 to B:00 .

r*foiaUk for die IM workin Ailing the.team and aecuring t h e t p o n t o t . He a l t o mentioiied the pXx^en as a group and as individuals reminding diote preaent dut it takes time to build a Wmner.


F I H A T , SEPTEmui 1SI




ctiimt sAriiBAT, sEpnMiii t n



tS^^^K-SCULPTURKUT Franchise System _ , AHO THE ' ^turSLook.HklR STYMMR TFPmiiniic

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«*"• »w All APfomiwar


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Hours. Oosed Mon. TuB».-Fri. 9-1. Sat. 8:3aS

Page 16: Potomac News

R^LSSr Thursday, Friday and Saturday *279" ° * The HUB in Woodbridoe

rorOMAC NEWS, Wednetdiy, Augu*! 30,1972, A-t3

Solid oak drawer fronts, on triple draater, chest. With mirror and headboard. Ail at one tow price I

*/iag. $370 Ward 4^c. Contim porary Bedroom

296 Walnut color triple draistr with mirror, B-dra war chest, full/queen headboard. At prt-Hoiiday savings.'


4 f c. Colonial by Johnsbn-Carpar

^397" Maple color triple drcsstr. with mirror, 6-<lrawar chest, fuM/quaen hcadi>oard. Stain ratlatant topt.

*Rag. $80

Maple CoJor Twin Size Bunk Bad

'39 aa Includes guanl rail, ladder arrd slatlatt, metal lida rails. Perfect 'or child's room.

I *Rag. $510

Traditional 3-Pc. Living Room Group!

396 Save $113,361 90" looae pillow back sofa, '"•tthing lounge chair, accent swivel rocker. Beautifully quilted. •MmmUmBSim

Early American 3-Pc. Living Room Save $84,461 Wtng back sofa, knuckle * M tf^ mmm arm. Attached tufted pillow back. * 3 9 ' 5 "

J5!!*lS!!i''ll '°*'"1I* ** ir . swivel rocker. * # ^ ^

3^c. Colonial Wood Trimmad Group Save $64,621 Wood wing sofa, knuckle «

skirted base. Matching print cover 9 '

Contemporary 34>c. Living Room Save $142,561 3<ushion flare arm sofa, « ^ Mr. & Mrs. Chairs in sturdy, • ^ stain -aslstant Hefeuien(fl). cover.

HoMl a lot in a tittle adventaga of. food .,.. aawal AamovaMa batket J


• AfMNCTON Psfkingtwi Shepping Ctr . NOOOeBOGC tt I . MANASSAS Rt 234 • MARIO* WIGHTS. Branch A«e . CAUWlLTOIl. lit. ISA • nOCKVIUf. Hwifirtar Or • LAU«l. Ut 191

Op»n Doily, Includitig $ 1 . lO-f

• V * f l '•ntt rMwcllOTC rrwn ** ;" ' ' ' ""»•"§ pn<m. or tram m<*m sfMne kut not aote. Hi « « " ' « € > > • • ln l * rm««lat« " • • " ' • " • ""<» —n antn*. » • • » • • • • « » e w r w — iwM

Enfoy quattty picture and sound at an economical price. 9aMd

componend In a I TV.

Page 17: Potomac News

POTOMAC NtWb. Wedneiday. Aii»uil M.l'ili. A

Cub Pack 1351 holds bike rodeo at Feotherstone f

Arrow, Bear. Steven Schnabtl became

eU|ibte for hit two year perhct t t t e n d a a c c bar. David McMaiter wat received into Boy Scout Troop I3SI by Scoutmatler Roger Oien.

George Gould and Goeffrey Budimlya alto graduated froia Cub Scoutt. ~

At the September meeting |t will be Round-Up time wtMn a special invitation it extended to all boyt between the afet of

ei^t and tm and their parenu to cone and ate what Cub S c o u t i n g i t alt about, Round-up will take place Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m., hi UM m u l t i - p u r p o t e room tt Fcatheratooe School.

TOMORROW IS YOUR LUCKY DAY-Fottutie teller Diane Mason teDs Leif GyllenhofFs fortune at a Carnival for Muscular Dystrophy Saturday at the home of the Howard Campbells, 3495 Beechwood Ln., Triangle. Under tbe direction of chairman MikcCampbeiD, neighbwhood children and parents sold 74 tickets and manned ten different booths and games. The higMight of the (.vent was a hayride arotmd the area. Sky Lawn and Garden Center donated the hav; Quantico Auto Sales, the flags and decorations; and Riley Building Supply the wood to build the booths. They collected $90.56 in all.

OBITUARIES James 4.owm9n

James R. Lowman, 51, of • -';: York Drive, Woodbtidgt, J.J suddenly August 27 at

Baitiinore County Genetal iinpital.

He is survived by his wife, M:lJred L. Lowman; a son, Robert Lowman, Baltimore; a Jai .ghter , Mrs. Sandra H\sinan. Florida; a sister Mrs. KJ> Curtis and his mother MIS. i :o;a Lowman of Mt: Vernon, Iri.l ind three grandduldien.

f ::ends were received at the '- iinningham-Mountcastle I ,.:!o;a; Home, Woodbridge on Tuesday evening. Puneral -.TMces wil! be from the N rw-li's Funeral Home, Mt. \ornon, Indiana Thunday •Hh inierment to follow in • n : Fork Cemetery, West : •j:iK!ori, Illinois.

Ambrose Petallat

daughter, Mary P. DeYoung, and a very close friend, Mrs. Lophia L. Adkins; nine grandchildren and 16 great grandchUdien. ^

Funeral service*-'•*§'WRl''-;^-mak?f^rit)

Monday morning by Rev. Roy Everett at the Cunningham-Mountcastle Funeral Home in Woodbridge.

^Mrmerv t was at PcAick

Picnk blankets and folding ublet dented the grounds or FeatherttosM School during the monthly meeting of Cw Pack 13.S1 00 a recent Sunday afternoon.

A bike rodeo, conducted by Omcert Hawkt and Smith of the Prince William County Police, wat the featured acUvity. The Cubt first had their btket ioqiected for safety features, thtn rode a zig-zag courte and t ttrai(^t line between robber balls on stands. Brian McAllister woti first place with IS points, a perfect score. James Chen, David Spice r and David Cain tied for third place. Each winner received a t n ^ y .

David McMasler received the Webelos Arrow of Light Award. Alto earning the Arrow of Light, but not present to receive it were: Scott Watring, Joe Czul, George Gould and Geoffrey Budimlya.

Ebncr Wilton was awarded the Artist and Sportsman activity badges. GeofTrey Budimlya earned the Citizen badge; Larry Fehrenback, Athlete and Showman; George Gquld, Citizen and Jose^ Hatchel, James Kersae, Craig iClopp, Michael Davis, Aaron OTerrell and Brian McAHister graduated into Webelos. Cubmasler Joe Hatchel took this opportunity to remind everyone that Webelos den leaders are now desperately needed.

Brian McAllister teceived the Bear Badge and a gold and silver arrow point; Edward Hatdwl, Wolf and Gold Arrow; Jeffrey Handdns, Wolf and Gold and Silver Arrows; Michael LidiM, Wolf and Gold Arrow and Q a ^ Klopp, Bear and Gold Arrow and four Silver Arrows.

C l i f f o r d Mallory was awarded a Gold Arrow, Woif; Joaeph Hatchell, fourth, fifth and tixdi tihwr Arrow, Bear; Aaron OTenell, fourth md fifth Silver Anow, bear; David



An-.b:ose John Petallat Sr.. of 1405 G Street;

•^dbndge, died Augutt 24, .IS home. He was bom June I ^8: in Baltimore, Md.

ic ;s survived by four tons, i!cs F. Peullat, Howsd A. i\'-d:. Harvey PeteOat, ~T.se J. Petellat Jr., atw

Mr. Re Dumfries Shopping Cenler

HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 10 is 9 Sunday 1 0 I D 6




^ M - r k * * L/rn/ EUSTACE *MERCH ANT

i_«»r •« mtr aanra j

Spicer, second and third Silver arrow, Bear; Brian Tupet, third Silver Arrow, Wolf and Thomat WlUam tecond Sih«r

Supervisor uninjured in mishap

Prince William Supervltor Ralph Maulter, 49 , of NoketviUe, wat involved in a mfnor accident Sunday afternoon «4)en his car wat invoWed i n a collition widi a c a r d r i v e n by . A n n e McComiack Tinidale, 36, of NoketviDe. No injuriet were rq>oned.

Pock o ene'iw o-fhree punehl

Run your daHJfiad ad In the Midwaak > >tomac timm. tha Waakand l^tomae N a w t and tha Quantioo Smtry.

Special price

27 cents par word

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House • buntiiig?

Youll find llstingi from Prince William's leading real estate dealers each week in the Potomac News' reel estate section. It's a handy and timely place to begin the hunt for a new home or apartment.

IPIM it^ time to 9^ sonwthlM .... I f S i l K f l " ' ^ ' f " ' ' ^ ' " * ' " ' ' "* ^"0W> ^'"'1 r'"s' IMI> lor as much 88 $10 000

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Fhumea Charge Annual percentage rale for S yeara ia 10.84% Annuel percentage rata for 7 yMra Is 10.56%

Credit life iiwuranoa. aveitabJe. Other tenne available.


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' l»Liil l( l iWIP

' M V M M :

Mail to: WoodbrMloaSfioppingCOTlar Woodbrtdga,V«.22lt1

APPlKANT'a aMMAfulii

co^ppiicAWTt atoNATune

Page 18: Potomac News

Air pollution may grow with auto population A:i pollution tenna are not

• t i household words in Prince v^.i.uin, but may toon be if J •''• emissions and induatdal ••j ici continue to p<duta tha

A.^ording to Dr. H. W,' ' I e, county health diiectar!

•'.c- citizens of Prince William .. .! Loudon counties leaily • '•f no problem as our

••^ings are nejiiglble, - l ega l ly compared to die :"j>.iy populated surroundioa •'•••-•'•: of Arlington, Alexandtja

.: non-rural Fairfax." < ever, he indicated tint

': year could be a diffetent :> as the populatian tod

- 'Mipanying automobilet : ur.ue to grow. i)..:ing the metropolitan -'hiagton alert tUt pait

-eekend. Prince WillUn i iiniy showed a reading for :e first time in itt hiitoiy. : • c Gar-Fie ld t t a t i o n

ed the oxidant level at

itatitUct relate. Thit plan hu been worked out in the greater



V > ppm (parts per milUoi) at : :-osed to the 0.1 mm alert

• . ..;i- ir. ihe metropolitan area. : ••••• :i.g.hest level on record wat ^l^en at 0 .2 ppm at •: • jasville, which produced

•...eabie eye irritation. As a member of the

Nj::v':-.a: Capital Interstate Air ; .jlity Control Region, Prince •V. :.i:n is a participant in the

pollution emergency :. plan," to which the

Aa Northern VOiiiiiU arte in eonplianoe wldi tht Suta Air PoButlan Coatrot Board. TUt ^an outgrowth of tht Federal Cleaa Air Act of 1970 wMdi made mandatory that each state submit a ptan to combat air pollution before latt Januuy. Vlrglnia't niulatiatu became affective on March 17. uiactlon to the itaiai hat aubiaquently ccme from the environmental Protectioa Agency (EPA).

Tht emergtncy epitode plan U tat in motion ht At foiecait ftW by the local Weather Bureau, whidi rtporu n "air *t<ipution advlaory." Thit it sent diiectly to At epitode c o n t r o l c e n t e r In the Metropolitan Council of Govemmenu offlcet in At Dittiict of CohimWa. Their •Adtory role it to relay tha warning to the regional dUecton. Tha Vhglnia office, located In Fallt Chureh, n o t i f i e t County Health Departmantt of the weatlwr conditions approaching the inversion state. That occurs when hot air containing pollutants is trapped close to the ground instead of dispersing into the upper air.

Dr. Coone thtn Inttrocto Us t t t f f to begin tak ing oteervaliont of 3M poUutaatt; tha type of tettlng dtpenda oa tha nature of tha pcUulaaU.

T e t t l n g for g a t e o u t poUutantt it cotiducled by aa Inttrumeat known at a "bubbler tiain." Thit patt waakand tht level of oxidantt or poiionout auto tmittiotu wat the item ordered for tetting, according to Frank Oteguada, aitittant regiaoal director of die State Air Pollution Control Board. Thaat a u t o m o b i l e fumet ara etpecialty danasrout when tht heat of tunll^t hKieaaei the photo-chtmk»] action. Tha bubUar train can abo tatt for Icwlt of sulphur dioxide and nitrogin dioxide which lenat from fttal bamiogin tha wlniar time. Thli equipment at Manatiat it ptattntly being c h e c k e d to verify the feUabUty of lit dau, Otagueda taid. He iadkated At tattt h u at Gar-Fitld and Quaatfco are vaUd.

A tecond kind of tatt called a "high volume lampier" it a tett nm for "particulate" or toUd matter, ludi at duat. Thete tettt tre conducted on a year-round batit for 24 houn every third day at Gar-Field, Manassas, Occoquan and Quantico.

If the bubbler train tests

ravetlt aa oxidant level of 0,1 ppm, tht plan goat Into tha alert iiagt. At thit point, pertont with heart or reipiratory coaditlom KO cautlonad to lamaln indoors. Uuwoettary autotnoMIt ute le dltcouragad.

Oiagueda repetfufly tUUi that lequettt for voluntary cltlxea control haw gone unheeded. "Thtie hat been no depreciable reduction in driving during the alerui tha p la t s for car pooli go unheeded." If the oxidant level leachtt 0.4 ppm, the wming itagt would bis reached. Then compuliory traffic control wouM be hivokad, ttpedally on official vehk;let, while personnel would be advlied to itay tt home or travel at s t a g g e r e d t i m e t . The emergency ttage would be dadand only t^ tha govenoe ahttt tha oxidant level teachad 0,6 Fpn. Air poUutton offfeiab aim tt newnting the level firon reaching .4 ppm.

In Pilnce William County^ ordinaacet compatible with state requirements keep poUution ht check, VEFCO^ Pottwn Point power plant hat eipployed an expensive air pollution control device to hold Its potential polluting to a min imum. VEPCO had received a variance Arouf^ the course of a public hearing. Thit is a temporary auAorizatioa to be out of compliance with Prince William's reguUtioRS due to the unavailability of fuel oil with a lower sulphur level. Oiantko Marine Coips bate abo mutt comply with county and itate ordinances u' must aH miUtaiy installations, Osegueda said.

In a county which has been predominantly rural, open burning was formerly a wideqnead practKe. Dr. Coone emphasized that the county Air Polhition Control Board has become mott ttringent in this matter, insiating on the alternate use of certain equipment known as "air


a Immediate Service. • No Digging Method e 7 Vr. Guarantee

curtain dettnictort," in At catt of large land claarancet. Three such burners are •nibble in the couaty and •nwral others nearby. A brai bad de«ek>per wch at Hylum Entetprltet hat found it practical to operate ito own tb curtain dettructor, ttatad Dr. Coone.

The air poUution control acthdtbt ia Prince WiUam aie conducted on a voluntary batit by the Health Department. Dr, Coone ettimatet more than 1200 senrices in air poUution were perfomwd bit year. Althoudi tequeits have been "**<» for penonnel and fundi bi the bit two budpu, tha items have been cut by tha Board of Supervltori. By contrau, Fairfax hat an tk PoUutioR attney lUfTed wfth 1 I f u l l time p e o p l e ; piedoroinately rural Loudoun County Boud of Supeivbort voted againtt eitat)HiiUng a board or a d o p t i n g aa ordinaaca,

Tht largit data for bringing

aB induttry tnd automobibt Into compUance wiA national ilandardt b June 30,1975. By that time, air pollution expertt e x p e c t motor vehic le manufacturers to reduce autojaoblle embtlon to a aa^bibb point; preaeatly only Cdforeb and New Jertey have bwt requiring ownen to inttall ifacUM control devicet.

In the meantime, the Sute Air PoOutian Control Board b attempting to regbter all manufacturing plaato, retail tnd whobaab itoiet, officei, tchoob aad church tchoob^ hotab aad moielt, hoapltab and labi, warehoutet tnd apartments u to fuel, lefuee and manufacturing bunUng. To date, 2500 have leMwndtd ivlA 2,000 lemainfaig to ba heard from hidudbv Frinoe William County*! School Board.

The regiontl offlce In Falb Churdi under tht directorship of Danbl I. Gatton, hat iUmi and Hitrature avaibbb for tchoob and dvb tfoapt. An a n t i c i p i t e d Increiie la

Cirtonnel bringing tht staff vel to 10, wHlenabb Gatton

and aaiitant, Oiegueda, to iptak on request.

rOTOMAC NEWI, WedB t4ty, Auiatl 30,1971. A.J7

By KEN HOPPt and GiOKGi FACiB Mt tae WMt mv h$ aHiHr htm o» ^laMM wh*a uMd at ool« comlHMthMt In a fcoew. or rawta, iioet botk nd and talM


TJWB vtnd torn* tlnM tt WIMDBIUOOE PAIKTSHOP, 1»J4 MTaaoa Davis Hwy, 494410S, CIMOIII« Jast Ota iWitwaipmr artpAit for your kom*. Unfm year oonplttt pdat aUd wat Mpar attdi «fjth panoaai SMvioa arf qiwHty, «e raatuie Maimy Matt, th* i|uaU» aaaM la ftiat with owir 100 yean •xperiaMa la palat maaafactaiiai, Opsa; 7-7. Moi»Ftii 1-4, lat

HELPFW. HINT: LlahUni iniui thviyi be cooiUeiad wbra you as* aiwatlM oolan for year horna.






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The above price applies to fabric ooiy on Wards Intullad. iofai of 100' or ntore. Line potts, top rails, tie wiret prtoad extra. Terminal potts, gate posts and custom gates extra at Wards k>w prices. Inttallation extra.

CALL: 361-5101 For Information

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Fifth Lake Ridge community. Knolls, now avoijable

ARTIC (7031 524 390S ARLINGTON

.. rhdn V i r g i n i a Je'vclopcr Edward R.

i .Associates' fifth .- :v. The Knolls, has .•-: od in Lake Ridge. - J:CSI community wBB

: 04 contemporary ••.^cj from the upper :'ui irtJividually sited

-- . .(.ooded lots, many ;c sacs and many

V.-.; the I.700-acre . • i n l e i .

i ors may select from ;c:-, that employ a Ji.ini of natural

wcxid. brick and expanses of glass. :nc!ude 15 foot ceilings, interior

• overlooking living . . . rmoms and studies, - :h a walk-in clotet

.^nveience kitdieiu . rjr.tr> and build-in

\ ^ Many bedroomt - • e n designed to

.ij'.e a balcony and :' 10 ceiling dotet

Mj^te: suites with •vts feature sudi

-'.-a'ments as a raiaad ; riatform. DInina -r vetningly extended ' :r. gardens and patio

The arciiitects, Kohbr and D a n i e l s , A I A , p laced considerable emphatii on entrance design. One of the modeb is entered ty a unique bridge ramp spanning a tunkan moat whOe the temafaiing three modeb utifize waOed gardens and trelhaedeatriet tomhance bdividuality.

The Manors of Lake Ridge, a comimmity of over. 200 comparabh^ prked traditioiiai hornet it abo under concunent devekipaieait by the Can firm.

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Page 19: Potomac News

imn-^^K^m!0ml <»»l'.ii»,«»i.i<*fS4ari»«„ .'^•^'•^^•memumoi-.'.

A look back

Eight months of tumult

By BETTY CALVIN Eight moBlht have now

pa:>sed since a fateful Jan. I meeting in which Prince William entered a new era under the county executhre lorm of government-eight months which found tiiK county embroibd in a political tutor unmatched in memoiy.

But beneath the smoke at tile- political inflghting can be tiicnd, perhaps surptbingty, a gtowing Ust of acticni which .onibatants on both tidtt dc knowledge fall under tilt Idbel of "accompUiikmentt.**

The hard 4-to-3 political aligntncnt under wUch tha new form wat uthmd—aa alignment which ia Itaelf turned Prince William klto two warring campt-hat alio undergone at leatt a partW transition.

.Neabsco SiqMTviaot Doa Turner , or ig ina l ly aa unreconstructed meabet of the 4 - a groupfaig guicidy d u b b e d t&e F o u r llor^enien-stliftedtoHMlra of a

swing rob. Now there b tome talk of a ' ^ w M^jcrlty''-Tnrner and the eniwhib three-member minodty, oa some board ittuet.

Board Chairman C. Scott W i n f i e l d , one of the "Hofaeman," and one of only two board membeia who ware canyovert from thi prtvioua board, was itkad for hb interpieUtioo of the eUit nwBtht. It wat hb feeling ttet the board had mada ^gteat progrett siaee Jan. I for die benefit of Prince WUliMi taxpayert."

A fellow tiqpervitor and newcomer to the board. Cbadat Colgtn, a member of tiie minori^ three, came up with a tomeeAat different tummation. The Gabietvine Obtiict tt^ervbor sak); "Tiw board b note conoeiaed with peracwalitiet fliao with ruaahig Aa gomnmaat Men ihey begin to look at what b iaeohad. titttad of who b kHohai. thty wfll baooBM a battar boani of •ipenjaoea."

Winibld'i co^oneman ia Ibe raaMty. betidet Turner, have been Roy Doaett of Manatiat Dbtrbt and Ralph UauDer of BrenttvUb, both aew facet with Aa new board. The minority bloc, irilk Colean, have iadudad another fieittnan superviaor, Veraoa Dawaon of Ooeoquaaiaad the board't "oid-thaer," Dr. A. J. Ferlazzo of Dumfriet, a fifth-termer.

Winfbld, in hb review of tha board't tccomplithmentt, Ibted 17 actioBi he contidtnd faiwortant.

The Hnt of these wat an independent audit "by die bett poeiibb auditing firm with an international reputation" (Pleat, Marwkk and Mitchell).

CoigM ackaowbdgad that the private audit wat a good move, "I beUeve we wiU mahitain better coabol oner couaty fundi by fautitutiag the recoaaaendatkioa mada by the auditiagan.''l»aild.

"Thb flna haa beea Boiathv out oertaia daaGbadaa,..1hay

Itttwr v y p i i i i o n T a c f e -WadMSdqr, Aufost 30,1972, A-ll •

Grover Manderfieid No better epitatfa deicribet Grover P.

Manderfieid, who died on Saturday at ~ 1. than the wtxds of his son: "He liked to see things grow."

.As a businessman, Manderfieid made tilings grow. He was associated with several enterprises identified with the Jays when Woodbridge was awakening trom a rural slumber. His nugor cotnmercial mdha&iiV 'H/is' thV' • 1 OO-million Bank of VinginiarPotomac, > hich he helped steer to phenomenal

iU owth from his cniginal interest as inajoiity stockholder in the little Bank or Occoquan, a $2 millicn instituticm in the late 1940s.

As a public servant, Mr. Mandatfield. also felt a fierce pride in the community's growtii. There are some today who criticize Piinoe William County's growth over the past decade-during a period in which Mr. Manderfieid wielded considerabie influence-as producing more piobienif than progress. And few would deny diat growth, indeed, has created some

Unt-iized headadies. But by the same token, Mr. Mariderfiekl did much to place the growth in eastern Prince mUiam on a sound footing, and the community, as a whole, has prospered. His particular concern was the Occoquan-Woodbridse Sanitary Dtstiict, which was able to -meet the sewer and

., w«t« demaids created by tbe growth miiie remainihg ba an extremely sound finandiil foundation. His unrealized dream was that of a water and sewCT authority serving all of Prince William east of the Occoquan.

While one of Prince William's major financial and political powers of tbe 1960s, Mr. Manderfieid remained gracious and approachable to friend and critic alike. He was an hononUe man, and when it came to the Prince WiUian County Board of Supervisees, on wbidi he served for e i^ t years, his votes were me votes of his coiacieace.

Prince William loat a vahied servant with MI. ManderfieM, but he left behind many momaiwnts.

Cham fences r.) the Editor:

What are we is Homeowneia n Marumsco Hilb suppoeed to '• 0 w hen some of our •oigjtbors have instalbd and .rend to install 42 inch high .".a.n link fences in t h ^ ftont

Our Rettiictive Covenant clearly itatet that no fence, or wall, oliier than a retaiahig w d than be erected, placed or ahered on any kit nearer to any ttreet thin ibe "'hMim bufltiag Ktback Sne. (Whkji to my wMlecttaadtag b 3S

Iptttmw^itm \

• Winner, 1971 National Geiwral ExeallaMa Award, Newspaper Editorial Workshop Sarvieat

• Winner, 1970 Copitand AMatd. Vii|inia PNtt Associalion, for eoMwaunity sarviea

• Winner. 1970 and 1971 SdMOl Ban Awent, Virynie Education Aasocialioii

• Winner, 31 Virpnia Praia OWBtialioii fim-pttee awards sioct 1967

Wnnw, 1972 and 1967 Siwaapnahas Ammi. Virginia Praaa /tetodation

Pubi.ihwj m&mamn mn Ftidart iw M a i K - . _ ' Pan OHiet Bu ISB. OuMlnw. V«; aSOOB

aaiifiatf: 231-2116; MtMstatkim


Dr. A J. Fiilaita, Ptaudant Pad A Miaa. EdMor-Genral Managw

Mat6v« MMaa. Aiaecieta Editor

HAY ELLIOTT. (AwtMMa dbMnr: KfLEN FRAJTfS »ss ' tx i .dMrtiwtt *nam: LCSTCM LAUaCK -- - nriM

ESSff, CBMPMMM SWMOT; OICK ATKIMI cDO'dmww: MARV ANN acorr,afaoa M N ^ i r ^ WOawC aw—lAT-aww C M . , mm ,0^; M,nSv. Mw agaa, btmw A M " CKariw MHMS. ipai ,t»tor.

.-ouniiw Ofa«w M TriM0t n«a rTmiaiNs. " '• i t A i tMt tdM ima A«W«

£eet.) I caBed Hylton Ealerpfbea

and WW told that we have to hantle diit matter on our own. Whidi meam that well have to take our aei^iban to court. I think Hylton Enterprbea thould itaad behiaa our Covenant or find tome aatwt of eaforciag it for aa. I rode around tbe MBt tnd « w aevetai diabi U t feaoaa. Aie we auppoaad to tabe d 8«e partiea hnolved to oowtT I t t ridicukNit.'

Theae pecpb know veiy wcfl that it it Obgil, yet tbty go ahead aad dare Ibtir aeighbcft to do aoaiethtag about It

I am veiy coocaned about thit matted, became we have our imeatuient bi our home to protect. If everyoae decides to dUy tbe Coseaant theie wB be bMineaes in tbe hornet. tnOm tad junk can parhad emywbere aad there wont be a aiiag that we caa do aboat it, *apiy becautipeoyb 4oa1

I l u g g e t t that every haaiaowaar ia tht Klb who hat kMtaBtd or iaitads «• iaiial a faioe ia thi boat, gat oat t b * aaatricUia Covaaaat aa6Hadttr

ItttyEWoodi 14I0S PrMUh St..


The board at Ha* iam.

have coweied items tlMt have aaver befote beca audited, at far back at 1914," WfaifbM euliined.

Bodi tupetviton abo cited a tix-month reiidentiai zoning m o r a t o r i u m at another favorabb aet ioa- '^ catch up on the pcovbiaiit of tchoob. aawagi. etc., for Ibt battat wrifaic of the county," taid Wbiflrid.

"The moratorium...wat a Mceataiy one; (it) gave the Planning Department aa apeortunfty to catch Itt breath and to Uke a delaibd look at the c o u n t y ' t planning piobbnn. Prince Wifiiam nee^ a comprehiiutM master plan," Colgaa *M, "and I panonaUy would be ia bvor of poitibly e x t e n d i n g the t e n i a g mbratoriam oa realdtatiM dnwkipaMat for laollMr da awaihii. Howteer. I do have aoBM menradoaa about iha


the Upper Authority

l e g a l i t y motatoriums."

Partkipation In Occoquan Sewage waa another podtive tlep thit tuperviaon mentioned. "We Mned..but only after we had neid out to get the conoeidont the couaty needed," Winfkld laid. (He referred to certain changes in placement of linet and other agntmenft between the counties and towns i n v o l v e d . ) In r e a l i t y , membtnbip ia the Authority wat for an practical puipoaet forced on the county by the State Water Control Board, which threatened a court battb if the county did not join the Authority and in other way* update itt lnade<yjate liewaga traatmmt fadhtiet.

On Ifab topic, Ccigan aolad that "oaa of Oa greatest problemt the county hoes today b the n M for tewen«a

I mmotkm: Coigui, MaoBar. Tamer. VnmOda. Do«»tt. FctlazM. Dnraoa z o n i n g

to adviK the tuperviKn." Thb hat freed the commonwealth't attorney "to giM mote tlmt aad effort to the prevention of crime and tht protecutMn of criminab."

-Retentioa of a legal firm to act at bond couniel. "Thb firm (McGufae, Woodt and Battb) hat 76 attomeyt whbb. will aUow the county the beat legal advke in VbgbiU on bead counaeUng."

-Tiw tattiu of "a HvaMe real estate Un.'^

-The kmaiing of rnvtmeRt deniity from 20 to 16 unitt m acre.

—The purchaie of nfaie additional voting machinet "to

ARISTOTLE VQM WOODBRIDGE. . ^'' "" " ''^ r:>»J'M WAXeRlNO ^^1 \ h REALLV DON»T "


facilitbt.,4Bid I btlbve Oat thb ttep wat one In the ri#it dbectioo, althoudi tht Board had great difflculty ia maUag the decbioB to go with tfa* Authority."

A third tree of ayeement related to the taiergency created by tropical ttonn Ayiet. WinTald pointed out that the county had lequetted the Cotpt of Eaglaeen to make attaidy of the Osccauaa watettfaed, reiative to. ifood control.

Colgan laid he bit tbe Board had done ah excellent job of provldbg eveiy pooifala aaiiatance to the vfctiaat of tha flood, even thot^h "The bdp Aa ceunW can oflar to flood idctimtb bailed."

Other acconpti ibnehti m e n t i o n e d by WinfteU include:

-Retentioa of "ttm beat. poaafUe bundai advitoiy flna

(Wheat. Fbit Securities) with 600 employees, obtain^b in Virginia, to build a lotid management team to work for Ifae taxpayers of this county.^'

- H i r i n g of a county attorney, Floyd Bagby, to "give fuU time and attention to

1, by $44$ each, (does liol indude school employees).

-Construction of an interim sewage treatment plant fai tht O c c o q u a n - W o o d b r i d g e Sanitary Dbtrict "to hup abatepotlution in the area."

The dediton to rejoin die tba affairt of the coun^ and 'Metropolitan Council of fn .Auim. Ml. «....rwi»^ »• TUI- Govemments "to continue to

Waiting teacliert laUibi "Mibttanti^."

-Rabbig Adl-time county employeet pay, effective Sept.

gain the benefitt of Ihe technological expertiti of thtb adviaon and plantien." -

- T h e "catching wp" on accountkig nutlen. "When thb board tocdt over on Jan. 1," Winfbld laid, "The county wu 45 dayt behind ki poitiaig lecordi."

-Development of "i better m u t u t l understanding" between the Boerd of County Supervisors and the School B o a r d an.d s c h o o l administration."

Winfield concluded by remarking that "in one day, th* new Board put throu^ 35 reso lu t ions , which were required by bw to maintain die legally required continuity of government and. to implement the form of government that the citizens of

-See AREAS, Page A-19


Troubleshooter mHaf. O.OoKiaf, Dumfrim; Va. OtOB

Q I ratpoHdad to a eoamatic company q/ecial for tuhieh I waa to reeeioe tm elactrie hair curtar

aet I aant my $8.99 but hooan't racaiaed the Aa»-acttar itor kava I hod an anawer to my follow up latter.

TrouUeahooter contacted the company and hai.rince faeeikadviaed tiutt tli^ cotmvnx JuM iMn in cootectwitfa you and Uiat you « • to besn^a "'^ new haiiaettar.

Q ln November 1970.1 reaponded to a newmaper ebmaifiad ad for World Field Reteareh. The

company waa looking far correapondenta to teat produeta. In reply to my letter, I received informatton from tfte company regarding itt function u» a teat market for eonaumer projecta. I had done tfua kmd of work previouaiy and thought it would be an intereating way to tupplement. my income to I »]^™«rf my required $10 fee for enroUment at a corre^tondent Thete wat a guarantee that if I wat not aati^ed with the tituation that I could receive a Refund of my etuoUmentfee at any time within tbe fbat year. Hu only product ever aent me for teatlm was a rectal daanaar. I wrote and atked far my money boek-nqthir^

^ TrouUeahooter haa learned that tiie company - has baosi out of businaaa and in bankruptcy ftw

ooa year. Cmnpany oCBeuia.haw been indicted oa one count of BHA fraud. It doeant look Ube yoaH ba pMnf your $10 bade.

CIHfn's Row

with Phyllis Prove B

Getting keys to a guided death missile

1^** taaMlfeMt ta iay7 - The Potomac Newt welcome* Mtars 10 Uw atttOK. Mail ttMin

Patt. Oumlhat. Vs. 23026. n0^fMW» feCttp VMM M OnVe M potaMa. T I M Niumac Newt * a a M t aaM aw aaaie at aie

Great Craadaw iMd it made when it came to raiaiag her youaotais. Her aiaia 3e^re wat diet ber gbb wdked dowa dw aiab la a pare Mate of lanocaaca aad at Cir at her boyt were coaceiaed, she wat tatfifled if ao irata panati came knocking at her door.

Modem mothen have oaa critet after laodMr. Wbib Great GiHidau waai*t too upiet if her daiwlHen didaH nnlsh acbool-afiw aB, iba reasoned, all they redy aeeded to kaow wat how to awka bedt, oook, aad aew-wi "moderat" kaow that everyoat, mab aad female, baaefltt by at nodi edscatioa as tbcy caa get. Tbe oat Ug ebteaa Great GraadaM dMat M«c to dimb wat tbt otM akaeai aU of ut have today aad dNt ia-tbe dileer's Ucaaa*!

, I have four down e to go, tad Iba has her 's penatt. A ooupb of

•Mks ago I aaat with ay toa to Maaaaaat to obtahi I * Jloaaae whtdi, lottiidiag to >%|bria bar, ii teat dkect M Ibt Court to be itaaed, "with dat catesaoay", by TMi b w k f a r d«ap«nt.ii

: t t

wat tuppoied to lecture the. redpientt of these Ucenset aid that a parent mutt acconpany the new driver to hear it. Over 100 <rf our young aiea aad woiaea weie dKie diat day.

F r a a k l y , I wat quite •Baappoialed in the "aKJufe". The judge went badt 70 yews to expWa how tbii law came about at tboqgh he vrere talking to ddrd or fourth gradert. It wat t ftirly tateiwting Uttory, but I waa bopb« be wouU, at Grandpa and to lay, "put the feer of God" into them icgarding tMi new guUed death miitflt diey were goiag to be operatii^. rtAmpt ttatiitics rebdvc to <eeaage driven as being tht caaae of tht high cott of iatarance couU have beta cilad. I with they coaid hive been ihown t couple of the movie* aviMable showing wiat aappein when speed, daiedcHI aatict, and outright flaunting the law takes over. Theae flhaa art pretty gory. I've seen quite a fcw of them aad made aa* my younpten taw tiMai, too. If itiythiag wfl rndte i driver, youag or old, tUak tarioe

ddata dttvtag. it Is 6w «r *aae flhat. What'*

that, you tay? Our yow^ peopfe shoukln't have to be expoaed to such horror fibasT Look, folu. better they tee tfeeaa oa fflm than experiuMe tbtaiiareal hie....

Lit tb lohaay wiS never walk agaia because a touped-ap car wat draggkig down the itieet tod lotany mii|tud«*d the med. AveUde going 25 mBh coaid have ttopped. Johany'i fault? Perhapc, but a 7 year old boy it hasdly Habb u d yet ht waa old Mough to croii dw street oa hit way to school.

Sally, Jiaany, aad Wanda ao longer have patents. Why? Bacaiwea carioad of wentgtn, anoUag pot, had difRadty teBiag one side of tbt yebow otalar bae froai the otbir. Two tett of panaii, frota tbe laaw aoddent, ao kagtr haia

I aad oa* lat haa a WIM wfl aaver «a KbMaldi doat eaia, m fiattf it tbt fiiee

that Uta tbiM. Robert a w a rrnadai^

athbta, aapadaOy M ^ t hi t c h o o l , a leader anoag ttadaai* aad a poiaatW badtf

forevar to a whaelehafe.

paraUzed from the neck down, -abb only to talk. A briSiMt mkid hi a handiome head, chained to a mechiaical chair becaute dw "didu" on a teeaager't car dkla't hold the road in Aa lahi and dw colUtiott fraa Ihe tkid wiped outMtcw.

Jemty It a beautiful girl, about 16. For over two year* dw hat lain in 1 ho^rital bed in a lemi-comt, unable to vohiataiiiy move t mutck. She wat ikUng a motorcycle behhid bar boy friend. She had bar helmet on-when a car of joyriding teenagen ipioced a stop sign tnd rin into them. Her head struck a tree aad the back of the hebnet evidently did loawthing tohernedi for ibe wat uabart otherwite. It woald bieak your baart to tae " d * beaaUM ddU, ao

I taw her aad n fotgat.

Withoat exception, I am a m . dw culprits in each of dwae caaaa with they could •ado dw dtaiage dwy did. Surely, no oaa could bUghtly throw off their guih by layiM "Johaay thouuST^ 1 ^ beef k Iba road", ee "pot mam

aty dfhb« Weaa-M

was a freak acddent", or "anyone e n AU on wet pavement", or "1 just didn't see the stop l i n - i t couM hwpen to anyoae .

Yea, I know, we humans are lunny. We bve by sayk« "it couldn't happen to me"...and we « e by it. But, somehow, we have to in Meat upon oar iiew driven that ^ ae obtaining the privilege of d r i v i n g a vehic le o f traaiportatioR. A car it supposed to get us from oae point to another...thai is itt oaly purpoie. If you wiai a race car. fine, have one. But race it on a race track. Rack^ sMcks v e for tbe race track, aot our highways. Keep theai there.

Befofc I hear a hue and cry from teenagen thet moat dnaik dttvenan ad«ils.bt ma my this. I know it and I tlMt tMs ia osw ana where you hav* a b^tiawtc gripe. If yon can think of a way to keep thaia off dw road, be my guest. Tbt whole world wfll build a wemotM to you. But don't Mioaaiize Owt just becanaa

adults doa't lwv« dw GodgavaaiNaaaatilt'i


> ^ * m m m am — • ^ • — • ^ < ! •

Page 20: Potomac News

Areas remain in which intense bitterness persists


Hagc 18 iiity liad voted for.

have restructured all dfparlments of the

• ^ r IJ m e n t o f t h e • • '> f un c t i o n t l l y .!:i:/cd accordina to the

• :.v executive form, lo • -hi- state code says must : I •- Winfield continued. - wi done without any •'•'•^'\ aisistance from the

H. j i j . who said the new •-jld do nothing until '• j> ihey had no

• '> Winfield charged. < .i- done despite the

•i.ji t Jiilax County, when '• ji 11 J to the county

•• >c N.rrii »f government, : ii.d prepared for six

I' ^ pi I or to the - >i.i " he added. • ' IN also fell Ihe Board • -k a wise decision in

' ^ 'ho use of Sudley " D.'ivi? as a part of the

Mjiiassas Loop. "Thb :- .1 lieavy traffic from



: i . . '

He J

. >iPii lo do the same .ill oiiiier alcholo or •<;i.jd iif using it as an -' ;'\|- '.lieni up...I dare

V '.'.MS. W: me say to .- i. npsiers just given ^ I ' the car. Your ..o:i50 IS equivalCHt to

iledgljng out of j^:: parent loves his J does not without :: see you leave the • yourself the first

second time, .or IS Is not necessarily

•'• >uur driving, but f someone else's

I:,;o. we ,;annof dwell e..aiise we would be

'> ree\s and besides •o; helps But you can

.-esponsible driver. - :ake a passenger in

remember you are :.' also for their life as v.ut own. Will this • i" .. out of an e-ariinieed'' .\o-but > ou are involved in

n: :r won't be you •> sleepless nights

•:•".( the slaughter,

rvate reckless driving. rr-akc our roads safe. reain ?n era of a j'jrornobile carnage.

'. w;:h you.

PMaing through a residentiai area tnd will permit dw conttruction of a high rite oHIce building and e^inate the need for removal, of dw Myeri-Hill offke building," Colgan added. "Both will contribute tubttantially to th* county's tax beta."

Colgan observed "I would b* leit than candid if I did not tell you diat I have been disappointed widi the progrett of diii Board of Suptrvbort during iu flnt lU moadu in office."

But perhaps things are looking up. Colgsn said )w felt Ihe supervisors should emphas ize a d o p t i n g a Comprehensive master plan, and constructing adequtte sewage disposal systems to meet current and future needs, inc lud ing needs of the residenu of the Yorkshire, Gainesville and Haymarkiet treM. "These reijdents have been paying taxes to the county for many years, and far as priorities on sewerage ate concerned, their needs should come fmt.

"The Dale Boubvard traffic problem must be solved," Colgan went on, "with the widening of Dale Boulevard. The Board diould keep dtb problem conttantfy before them, until it is solved."

He concluded: "We need a courthouse complex, Whkh'

. should include a new jail and a juvenile detention center..JUl of these needs should be incorporated into a maMer plan for the county."

In reviewing the actions <rf'. the Board, the Potomac News found other major areas where steps have been taken in addition to those already mentioned. Among these:

-The attempt, admittedly after pressure frtmi minority . groups, to establish a' Human Relations Commissian. This move ran into a tttmibling block but presumably eiTorti wilt continue'especially' U areas of equal opportunities in the way of Jobs and county services.

-The granting of a site for a library for eastern Prince William, on a parcel of tiw Potomac Hospital bnd in Woodbridge, ana the approval

November for l ibrary construction purposes.

Yet m^or areas temain in -which intense feelings of bitteraets persist.


Reston program expands - -.J Teeh's Graduate Program at..Reston is expected to

- J . ;:> rapid rate of growth this fall. CrjJuate Program has grown from 64 studenU «4ien it - -I Reston in 1969 to the point that more than 800

. ,:cj :c register this fall. jirari enables persons in business, industry and' > earn master's degrees in certain fleMs withbi tviio

irs without even visiting the Black^uig. campus of . - jr.d-craPit university.

<. . . ' ;: r will be conducted fnmi 8 ajn. to 5 pjn. Sept. J Sept. 18 20, from 8 ajn.- untU 9 pjn. Sept 1-5 aid

- :- jrrtil 3 p.m. Sept. 16.

Pool' on eye dafa ••:•••: Fye Bank is co-operating in a project initiated ijjr.k Association of America to provide hitherto .[:>'Tmaiion to eye siugeoos on aght-restoring r-ijni operations. . • ' h lludgins. executive director of the Eye Bank in :J information Concerning the physical conditions

; -ors and therecipients,aswellatavariety of other - rhe transplants performed and their effect, will a computerized data retrieval program being

u ishingion, D.C. by the EBAA. • •: information, he added, will provide, for the

.:'. I:.al data on processes and procedures used in : - : I surgery and the results achieved. 'ra:]on. Hudgins staled, wilt be of great value-in u-lopment of corneal traaspiint operaUom. '

One of ih«M b sutus. pnient and future, of County Executive Bobby J. HtnMn, who tubmitted hb letignation in May after flndlng he could not get support from many County employes, and for whom tupport on th* .board hat diidpated, with TUnwr de l erminad to find a replacement.

Another is the indecision over the future of the Parks and Recreation Audiorlty, whk^ haa been kept virtually unfunded ance its crtition latl fall. The board abo h u refuted to revive the County Hittork^ Committion, created by Ihe previous board.

Yet another open sore is the sutus of the School Board. A pr«-t972 board continues to function, by court fiat, through the Four Horsemen on Jan. 1 raimoded Ihroudi the

. -appointment. of virluaOy an enttrel.y new boerd whkh included Doggett's son at Manassas District member. The Virginia Supreme Court h u yet to decide which of the two botrdt b to be the real one.

T h e accomplishments tumed up in an eight-month review were sandwiched between Intter flaps over a variety of episodes.

Cbaiiy the one which mott brought'emotions to a boiling point was the "change of command" itself-ihe New Year's Day meeUag, before a packed chamber, in which the new government wu ushered in.

N. C. Sharp, executive secretary under the old board, had been assured in a public statement by all the incoming snperviscHrs that he wotdd be retained as county executiw tor at least, six months to help with an orderly transition. Instead, in a surprise to at lent two board members. Sharp was replaced-without notice, without severance pay. Named u hb successor, wiOiout any apparent effort to.cnnpate hb credentiab against those of 42 applicants, was Bobby J. Hanwn, president of the Prince William Federation of Civk Associations' and a close Winfield ally. The same meeting saw dw ouster-or atiempted outter-of the old School Board,>»~v«ll*ys the old Welfare Board and much of the Planning Commission. Two siqiervison were named to the Welfare Board, though the law seemed to spell out that on^' one couJd be named.'

The scene'rio was one implying thit the Four Honemen who. were taking over the povwr expected to find serious evidence of scandalous goings-on by the u n s e a t e d g o v e r n i n g establishment. Locks on the courthouse door were dunged, former County Treasurer C.N. Kin chelae was not allowed into his office, and the private-firm audit was ortbred to siipplement a sute audit then in projpess. Some sloppy examples of bookkee|xng and fund-transferr ing were uncovered, but few have contended that the results have . indicated wrong-doing for persooal gain.

T h e r e w e r e a g a i n intimations of wrong-doing concerning the Coclqiit Pofait Non-Prpfit Development Corp., when debate centered on' the • future of- the corporation's industrial tract, a n d some supervisors demanded a study. But suspidons never materiahaed and dw study never came to pass.

Then .came dw so-calbd "Mystery Man" episode. D o u g l a s M u r r a y , an unempk>yed former security guard, after beii^ in contact with Hansen and VMnfleM. a p p e a r e d b e f o t e the supeivison with wcrd that be had' informaliaa Iwrmfld to

the county, partkularly to Police Chief George Owens. Hansen's role in the affair drew strong condemnations frod? the board's minority members and there were i coupb of ttnte boird meetingt tt wtucb tempen reached the potemk ilagt, Thote who taid they heard privately what Munay had to say dbcounted itt tubttance; Murray faded from the public tpotU^t and to did Iht controveney.

But by this time-mid-q»ing, lenaon tnd dittrutt had become pervadve withki Ibt county idmin i i t ra t loo , bringing with it tbnoat a whobtab exadus of heads of d c p a r t m e n i s , tome by d i s m i i s a l , o thers by reagnations. .. Today , though some personality conflicu appear to remain sharp-particularly between Supervison MauUer and Dogget atid other board members-some observers d e t e c t a c h a n g i n g a t m o s p h e r e - s growing realization on the part of variourboard members that,if the county is to move ahead, compromises must be made by both factions and lealistic looks must be uken at the county^ problems.

POTOMAC NEWS, W«dii«di>. AafLSI 30 ,1972 , A-19

Gate fee was a surprise! To the E<fltor:

Saturday evening my

Speciol Olympics had Ifs problems

To the Editor: I dedded to write this btter

after* reading tlie fetter from Mrs. Lee Lawrence regardiilg the Special Olympics for ReUrded Children.

First of all, I apologize to Mrs. Lawrence and all 'Ae organizations she mentions, which luve helped in one way or another for the Olympks to Uke place. The information which accompanied Mans Nohrden's picture in last week's edition was given by me to the reporter who wrote the story. (Maris b my sister.)

But, there's a story behind my bck of information, and I'd like very much, to bU it. If 1 didn't acknowbdge anyone-else-'s contributiciis to the event besides that of the Kennedy Foundation, i t w u b e c a u s e t h e lack of o r g a n i z a t i o n ,

(even though the alternate had been notified) that she needed

.some s|>ecia] clothing and tite time and ' date of departure. Mrs. &nith herself had orily found ou( after niunerous calls to the office of Mrs. Beatrice Foster, one of the offkials and chaperones.

Before closing, 1 would like to say that 1. found the lack of more television and D.C. press coverage at the time of the events unfortunate. These very

.spedal children deserve a bit more recognition for thdr marvelous effort and writ.

Credit is definitely due to ail the organizat ions Mrs. Lawrence me'ntions, but personally and publicly, I with to thank Mrs. Karen Smith for the unsielfish effort, time and interest she gave Maris. She is a remtrkabb person.

nUslnformatidii \<itbich-'<0ent . ^ '''T501WAla^n1h>StJ along with the Nationaf Olympics wu atrodous- and unbelieveable'. I have never heard of any other event of t)w size of diis one handled in such an amateurish fashion.

Maris wu a gold medal w i n n e r in the S t a t e Compedticn and 1 wu tdd that onW a few cotM be picked out of all the winners u there wasn't enough funds for all the winners to go to

^California. I understood that if Maris wu chosen I would be informed by mail; and that any infoimadoo I needed could be obtained from dw rffice of Mrs. Dellu Frands, principal of Independent Hill and Northern Virginia Distrkt Coordinator.

Well, after weeks of not hearing a word, I calkd and' talked to Mrs. Franqs- This wu the first week in July. A source unknown to me lud informed her that Maris wu m Puerto Rko for the summer and would not be abb to go to Cahfomia: unfortunately, dw said, the alternate had not been notified so sfae could put' Maris' name back on the Ust, and tlut she would mail me i m m e d i a t e l y , all the information pertaining to the coming event. To this day I have yet to receive anyAing at all from anyone.

It wu only through dw tireless efforts and the perseverence of Mn. Karen Smith, director of tiw Muiiel Humphrey School, tlat four days biefore the team wu to bave for Cahfomia, I baraed that MeiB deiintieiy wat-goiig

Woodbridge, Va.

husband and I, a proud grandmother, an aunt, one unde and a littb brother all trccked to the Woodbridge Senior High School Stadium to watch our eldest son Uke part in the Eastern Prince WilUam S p o r t s Club f o o l b a U "kick-off."

When we got lo the bottom of the steps we met the first indication that this event wu not free. To get in we would have to pay a dollar each for the five adults and SO cents for the little brother. 1 wu advised that the "bc^s," meaning the football players I presume, had gotten in free.

I wu not only horrified but outraged. I also refused to pay it.

We walked back up the steps and waited on the grass until the ceremonies and the games were over. Except for the h u m i l i a t i o n a n d disappointment it would have caused our son I would have gone out on dw field and uken him out of the.progrun.

While we waited we watched quite a number of peopb trudge back up Ihe steps after being faced with the admission fee. I am sure many peapk didn't think to~ bring any money and some probably couldn't afford it

'o adMiiii _ ^ baaed on the fact that flwre

had been no advance notke of tfw charge and such an event as Ihe official opening should not carry an admission fee. If it is necessary to have extra money for the opening or the games the boys plav, an additional charge should be made at registration or some other provision made.

Before the a n ^ answers begin. Jet me say that I am-yery much aware (^ how expensive it is to run such a program. 1 am also . quite

willing to pay for our son's participation and to help raise funds for the program.

We haw been very pbased with the football program. This is my son's first year in football, the team is great, the coaches .are great, our' son is great - everything is great -but be fair, no more surprises such u d» one we faced-Saturday night.

Yours truly. Leslie Scott

Dumfries, Va.


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t 7JB0 SJO

10.10 11.00 itao 12J0 13.70 l a j o 15J» 1 8 ^

* f rom your camera-rMdy copy

iffordit. yUiMUWM* ^e9WP

the fact that ^here I uumtrm. va. 87&-8700






Hansen future pondered Confinued

torr Page I • -d, t that can't be broken

i .v or reason is a bad H .Miiphasized "diw cauw,"

'imcs in a year a roan hu :w ogress but hasn't

• I Jamn thing. He's got •I'jt and he's on the veige

, "ic Tiiriract'is an odious

I !.]< J that any new maa • 1 chance to perform. .: the Potomac News that

' ih:nk the industrial IrrrLtor'i pott would be

I :han any other job ia dw .':h«r |ob with Ibe county

, 1 he noted. .,1'v lold dw picu diet he v:p- J ciw tract for Hatnen's u piisi He

:iill Board <

Thursday. "We're not asMuing Um (Hanien) of anything at dUa poant," Tuiner stated.

Colgan said he definiiely wooM not agree to a two-year contracl for Hamen ai Ihe new job. Concemmg any khid of contract, Coigan saM he would *1iave to 4unk about It.*"

Of the 3 7 county executive applicants, about 10 are retired mihtary men. At but one hu a doctor's degree, several have matter't dercet, and Iheir ages begin at 3] and range up to 71. Turner said dut tome of dw yow^er men have imprtsiive backgrounds for their^ages.

Ow of the applicanu. it wu revealed, is from Vancouver. Canada. It wn reported that an applkaai from the West coast iadicaled that he wouM pay lut own expemn to come for aa interview.

hi dw Board tetuon, Ferlazzo tdd tiace tha Mocrrltoa wet* oa dw tuMact d gwtuaml, ba wat •^ooacenwdT ahaat

I coat of living incicaw lor ctosang pnrds, mdntenance workers, and others who work part time for tbe school qrstem. He suggesW diat theae peopb beglven the same types of rabes u had been panted c<Mnty personnel - a 4.45 percent incnaie for fuH time warbef*,a 2.2s percent for thoae on part tim*.

Dawson caHed for a "^oint of order," saying that the Board met merely to dacou the county executive pod.

Turner said that the wu in order if (he Bou-d wanted (o persue it at that *ne because the subject came under personnd. He asked dut this be placed on dw agenda for the Board's work mmt<m foe Tuesday and mgigeaied dM Bagley find out how nrnch mote rfiiuii Ibe county would need ai order to

at dw added raiaet. Tke work it to abo cover wbedwr baafct

r forcoaaty f a a d t aad triaki

Page 21: Potomac News

I'OIOMAC NEWS,W*lii««v. Aaful 30,1»7J, A-lO

In Greenwich Hills By OELORE8SHAKLEi-Phom4944B00

Doloras travebd to Madlton, Fh., to drop off their daughter Doana tt colbgi. After their wd goodbyi to Donna tbey drove on to Silver Sprlngt, Ditney World, St. Augutlhw aad Maiintiaad.

Pamab tnd Fat Tyson of Toledo, vitiled with Pam't

Cnt«, Vlrginit and Pbrcy ont, ofMUbank Rd.

Ed. Ludlb, Mike and Sutan Kapiblian tpent tix weeks diis summer at Wamer't Lake, N.Y., along vritti Lucille's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Suren Hrachian, Of courte, Ed had to work thb summer, but he wu abb to fly to tht bke each auekend to spend time with the family. LuciUe is back on Milbank sporting a lovely tan.

Monba, Melissa, and I drove home Sunday after a week's suy in CItirton, Pa. where 1 ittyed with my folks tnd Earl't. The mbn purpose of thb trip wu to attend the wedding of one of my clotest friends. Monica and MeUiu ei\joyed vacationing two days widi tha.picimt paadparenu.

ROOMMOTHER Kathy Shurtbff will be dw

^•• iui i teer in charge of I "oiiimothers this year at iKcoquan Bleraentaiy. If i< >>>ne IS interested in halpii^ •ui please give KaUty a caUT

VACATIONERS Mid^ and Jerry Buote Juti

iL'iuineil from a two week Stay • •• Newport, R.I.. Th* Buottt .<'J I heir daughlert viti|td '•'111 Midge's m d Jerry's | ) . i r fnts .

Murray and Mtri lyn ^.liooner of 1412 Oierfbld I Ji >.• arrived home. Tiwtday • •::! ii 10-day vacation, Tlwy •I ivcled to Atlantic City and : ' Huniun where they vititcd

H^tiy. Van, Curt and CaJe '' :iili visited their firailbt hi X jl'Jiiia last week. Bitly't :a.niis live in Burmingham .i.:J Van's parentt ire f/om ! - I ' j i l l j

I IK' Sliaklees" long trip came •••'-• end when (hey pulbd

; • Greenwich Hillt late - uirJay night. Don aid

Property is taken from rnotorcycle

K..!:3rd HiU of Buffalo, ^. > Vork complained to

.::!> police Thursday that le one r e m o v e d the

.•:Jih!olJ, two saddle bags, a hi!.\ and the front wheel

!.> inaiorcycle while it WM .:. \eJ in the yard behind

• "-I: .A Melrose Ave., Triangb. H:l. uas visiting his sister at

' .••• jJdress, He estimated the ^ ;.c ,it the stolen articbs to -• .w-rih S2S0. J H' W'eas of 404 Broadway

0-an t i co told paiUce 'i!o broke into his hcmw

,1 :^:iioved clothing valued at ~ - '<n Thursday. '-riK's Fitzgerald, 19, <rf

vM'fi Old Triangle Road, ..i:;i;lc was arrested on

"••'•-) and charged with' . 1 0 '.o stop at the scene of

. i , . ;Jor . i .

\ - ^ - irding to police, -t.:..iJ allegedly struck a

^^ K'longing to Columbia - C -v a: 8900 Mathis Ave.. ••• J J ,. 'hen jutnped from c v.hi,.ie, failing lo make his

'..!> known. -> -x'or.e stole tires and rims

.: ( on'Otle while it wu ^. J overnight for service at - i a!!s C h e v r o l e t in •

Woodbridge, llw tires and rims weie valued at $340, according to the owner of the velUcle ( Georgt A. Messier, of Quantico | Marine Corps Base.

Two Woodbridge juvenibs, aged IS, were charged on four I counts of statutory burglary { and one count of grand larceny I of a U-Haul truck from Lynwood Gulf station betwwen Aug. 18 and Aug. 23. The burglary v ic t ims were! Lynwood Giilf, Marumsco Phillipii 66 Station, Jims'] Cheap Cu. and Alton Mobil, i all on ie f ferson Davis I Highway, according to county I pcdice.

Child, 2, likea goodneigiij^, State Fjum ^

n mishap : ••'•:•: Baskelt, 2,suffered ^ ^ eve Friday when the

'>^hich she wu a .;-r, driven by her

-r Nancy Baskett of ; r;Jpc was hit from tiw ':> another vehicle, police . I !.c second car was driven

' '-•:. K'gers. 40,ofHomer

' .. Jar.o Beets, 39, and •Or L a u r a . 8, of

•- received cuts and - - .!. J one car accident on

: ::dj\ evening.

For help Kviih all your family inswMKa needs,




Anyone purchofing m*rchan-|

dise from Freight Liquidators

on Friday, August 25 and

Saturday, August 26,ploasa

contact Joseph Gr««n or

Michael Smith ot 671-5t00

or 281.44«0.

FREIGHT LKMATMS WMEMISE ""UTTr "^mTTv?'**' _^«>i»«t.i»t>

• -^--v . •»ti.nmn.,trt.m,mt ali'wi***

o EN aiotKMY an a*niMMv ie Ml» fl M

in the Laurel mountains. WELCOME

LCdr. William Koepke and hb wifeTenry, fomwriy of AbundrU, have just moved into 13182 Putn«n Cirde. Terry is originally from Pennsylvania and Bill is from CaUfomU.

Mr. and Mn. Leeper are new at 1420 DeerfbldLane.

FAREWELL The Craigs of 13162 Putnam

Circb will be baving us for a new home in Sprin|^ld Don and Helen were the original owners of their townhouw. (There are only a few of us




left). Coodby to Oon mt Helen and their children Carl and Lynda.

THEFTS Two cars were broken into

lut week and Ihe UIM decks ware torn out. One or the cart wu on Mead Tenace and the other on Putnam Ciscb. The culprits arc unknown, ao pbua notiiy the authorities if you aae any suspicious occurrences

CARNIVAL On Friday morning Tamara '

Page, Jean Marb Guzzo and Mary Guzzo, with the help of the boys in the neighborhood, raised S20 to h e ^ fight

muacular dysUophy by holdhtg a camhral on the common green by Milbank Rd. Many Greenwich Hills chlldmi ei\ioyed the tefteshfflMU mat pmes whkh tht gbb worked nard to prepare.

OPEN HOUSE Open house for Mrs,

Seymour's School will be Sept. 6. Parents of proapective students are invited to attend. There arc openings availabb only in the tfternoon clasws. After Sept. 1, tdeaae contact her at the school. The number there wU be 494-3232.


Masiy thanks to Don Md Doioces Shakbe for voluntarily betoing manage the Greenwich Hill Pool. I felt that a difficult Job was done well. Bruce Stenneit wiO be uUng o««r the pool next summer. Let's aO r e m e m b e r t h a t o u r cansidantion and cocnention WiU help make hb job eaabr.

rooLPARTy An impromptu pool party

wu enjoyed Saturday night by dw p e c ^ of MUbank Rd. After sitting around long enough in the hot summer evenkig, the neighbors went from door to door rounding up

gueata for a tefreahkig evening. Those who attended were, Katen and Joe Guzzo, Teity and Fred Page, Betsy and Troy Zaigbr, Mary and Bil Pratt, Donna and Tom Craan, Marilyn Fenton, Mbkey SaitU and Dee Brenner,

CHICKEN POX Little Morgan Moore b

^wiK&ng hb dnw at honw Ihb week wiA the chiclotn pox. This is the finl caae thb summer on Milbank Rd.

CONGRATULATIONS Sue Wakefield and Bruee

Stenneit celebrated their birthdays together thu year by

itapptag out with Ihab spouses and a few Menda. A fun evening of drinks and dancing waa apant at tbe Luau Hut in D.C. by the Wake fields, Stamwtu, Sam and Barbara DiMba, Greg and Pat Evans, Dean and Diane Kalivu, (former residenu of Greenwich Hilb). BiU and JoMne Byrne and lack and Nancy McKii^.

Happy birthday to Drew John of Rock Ridge Court.

Congratubtions to Elsie and Bill OeBardebben of Putnam Cirob who juat oabl^ated their wedding annhwrsaiy dib put week.




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Page 22: Potomac News


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3 PACKS ef2



T^^ZeA eaea»atmmn, ^ FOR I

Page 23: Potomac News

' I UM AC NtWS, WedncKUy, Aufuit 30,1972, B-2

Splro-Franzyshen rites

Ice cream viewers, Mary and Kathy Boiand, Teny EmOio

Ut. tnd Mn. Norman Edward Spiro of Woodbridga, havt annouoMd tha marriag* ol their dau|hur, Natalaa Ana S p l r o , to Hanry David Fraazyihan, ton of Mr. and Mr*. Frank P. Franzyihan Sr. Father Andrew Krafclk perforinad the doubla ttaa ceremony at Saint Row of Uma Church, Hampton, on Auguit 26.

The bride wat given in marriaae by her father. Sht wore a (own of cotton emboaaed with daiiiet atylad on empire Hnea with lead ple«e' attached to a fln|er.tip veil. Her flowert were camatiaiu and rosei.

Miss Lori Spiro o f Woodbridge, sitter of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Milt Ciitdi Spiro ot Woodbridge, titter of I lie bride and Miss Patricia I iaii/>bhii: 111 Hampton, titter • 1 :;;c aiuMi. Tiiey wore

lavender full-lensth gowm embotted with didaie* and carried dalriea and canutiaat. Tha gowna ware aO made by thehtide.

Ronald Franiyiban of Wllioni, brother of the brldepoom, tervad at bett man. Crocntman were Frank P. P r a n t y t h a n Jr . , of Hampton , and Richard Fraazyihan of Bathamaville, brother* of the (room.

A reoeptlon waaMd in the Holiday Room of tha Holiday Im In Hampton, after wMch the newly.wedt left for V in^BawA.

The couple wiU tcilde in Hampton while the groom completei U* educatioa at

Chriltopher Newport <'oilege. The bride it a graduate ol Mary WaaUaiton CoUege and is a

tei.hnician tor the Social .Services Bureau ui Newport News.


Art in the plaza

Some 40 pieces of artt and crafti wat exhibited ia the fourth ar.aual Sidewallc Art Show, ^ontored by the Ode City Arti and Cratts Club, in the Plaza. Paintingi, lane n d tmall. at well at many kinds of crafu were di^ayed and on tale by 1] exhibitors. Fran Butterworth wa* diow cfaaiiman and Fran .Siireve. co<liairman.

Edith Swecker wed to Richard Votta "I ho marriage of Miss Edith .• Swecker, daughter of Mr. JM^i. D(5lMfl<r5l,Sw«ei»rof "i'.o » B i f t n $ « | i a l r . , .-dhndge, to Richard Jamei ;!a. son of Mr. and Mr*.

..tiae; A. Votta of Belmont. C . took place Aug. 5 at

.-;.k Episcopal Church, :or. T.he Rev. Albert Jone*, P hick Episcopal Ctuirch

.; ±e Rev, Peter Dobrow^ Ou: Lady of Angels

rh.-.ic Ciiurch, officiated. \ reception followed the -::v.or:\ at the Parish House. "• 5 Mary Lisa Swecker of

vinridge, was maid of •r for her sister. Matron of

; Aas Mrs. Kenneth > ) r.s cf Manassas, sister oi

Br:desn-aids were Mrs. Mark ..^er of New Bern, N.C.,

Benjamin Swecker of :-.c:cr. and Mrs. Jonathan

.. s of Charlotte, N.C. Ser. ;r.g as flower giri wat >~ Mary Stuart Gray, c : .' of Mr. and Mrs. Jack

.• c-i Buxton, N.C. Bett J. as Robert Schelin of

: : ' j n . N Y . •- '.•'-ismen were: Carlos.de

.• ~ of Chapel Hill, N.C.; Farina, Jacksonville,

Beniamin Swecker, ' an J Francis Bostock

i - NAn.N.Y. -r:dc IS a graduate of -J College and is . employed as a social

worker with the Alexandria Department of Social Services.

V ' ^ e y i h r i d e i M K I m is a J l ^ u a t e & f Be lgnt Abbey ^;ollege, BainontrN.C. and tbe

graduate tchool the Sute Univertity of New York at Bingham ton where he recently completed hit Matters in Ulentuie.

Sorority holds buffet Delu Omlcron Chapter of

Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, W o o d b r i d g e , he ld i t t traditional Begbtning I>iy on Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. Gloria Pearton, Woodbridge, with a buffet dituier for membert and guest*.

Buinning Day it the fhrit todtlof the torority year and a day when member* thare their experiencet of the luitunet month* and diacua* new ideaa for the coming year, Proapective membert have a chance to acquaint tfaemaelve* with member! and with tradition* of BeU Sigma Phi.

The chapter committee* have met during the tummer and have many plan* for tbe year. The Sod^ Comndttee has planned great social* iactuding a scavenger hunt, Lat Vegai Night, progretilve dhmer, wine and cbeoe party and many more. The Ways iaod Meant Committee plan* a xaHle, fasMon tbow, and odds and endt tale. In helping others the torority will provUe for a family at ThaidcagMna and Chiistmu, help with the Prince Wlham County Bkwdawblle, vlak aokUen at kxsl bouttab and help with the ACTS

Mn^Hemy David Ftaazyaliea

Sue Jackson gets Belvoir award

<V * - J . -

Mr*. Sue Ann Jackson, of Dde City, hat been awarded an Outttanding Performance Award at Fort Belvoir.

Mis. Jackson was cited for "outttanding performance" a* a Stenographer with the S y s t e m s D e s i g n and Production Directorate from Sept. 26, 1971 to May 31, 1972. "Her bi^ily professional c o m e p t e n c e in t h e performance of the duties at Secretary to the Director during a period of extreme t u r b u l e n c e d u e t o

Mil .^nlSlvo•.J 9 i o ! »

organization, stafflng, and Initial operation is to be especially commended," the citation said, "ftrtlcularly tioteworth was her abiUty to organize the admUstrathe details, not only at the-Directorate level, but also in providing outstatidingguklance and aaaistnace to fi» divisioiis a n d b r a n c h e s of the Directorate."

Mrs. Jackson and her husband, PhiDip, reside at ISlUConcord Drive.

CKl painting was the work of Cheryl McPherson Pre-teen, teen

acting workshops Prince William County Parks

and Recreation la offering Acting Workshopa under flie direction cf Mn. KaAryn Mautone of the Oakton Childreji 's Theatre, for children ages 10 13 and teens 14 and older. All classes anil consist of ten two-hour sesdons and wiU meet at tiw Marumsco Community Cmter, 14300 .Feattwrstone Road in Woodbridge. The cost of the ten twcvhour sessions is $25.

Childien'S WoricAops win begin October 10, iiom 4 until 6 pju.

Teen Workshops will begin October 12 from 4 untU 6 pjn.

Registration is presently, being accepted by mall at Prince William County Parks and Recreation. 9300 Lee

Avenue, Manassas. Checks should be made payable to Prince Wham County.

A minjjnum registration niust be met before &e Workshops nuy be held.

For addifioaal infonnatioa, c o n t a c t the Fine, Arts S p e c i a l i s t at 368-9171 eidenslon 322.

Wedding rules

are told Wedd&g accounts roust be

submitted lo (he Potomac Newt within one month after ihe ceremony in order to be publidted.


„,•*'• •«» Mn- nrnt ItttcheB RUe,Tiia(fe,agiil.

AUGUST 18 MI. Md Mr*. Dooald Kobtti

Kaufinian. Cintievin*, t boy; Mr. and Mil. Dooiid Stew PeeB. WKicatOD, a boy-; Mi. tad Mn. Chailtt WilUim Rivinburth, Wntaton, t boyi Mt. tad Mn. Idip Gadaei Otttooi, "Tnwin. t gri; MI. md Mn. Wade Hancy Caitn, NakaniOe, t boy; Mt. a d Mn. Edwaid lonner Stepn. WooAridfe. 1 boy ad M r ! ^ Mn. Jaroet Lewlt Moult, MaatMi rtA.tiiv.

AUGUSTI9 MI. ladMnJaapliCludBakCT.

C«itfeT«B, • (M ad Mr. jad Mn. Alea Bowina Barim. MtMm. a

Prop were made by E&abeA B e n out Of towdi

Jeane Dixon visit

on o w e program . :• rri'tn Jeane Dixon, a . ard Western Ni^t

•" *er demonstration by Vuhaels are among the

" np programsplanned n"\ors Wives Club.

— ini Ihe 1972-73 teaabn <" J ".olcoming coffee

•ii ••' 12 noon Sept. 6 - I et- Hall.

.'- ^ hoard memben • itec chairmen have •he hest ideas froaa

• ni h c r sh i p for . • :-ieni and activities

-••.i'.>n to be loitg >~ •./ ard enjoyed."

' !>''' for tomethii^ ho cluh hat mada

•T.-t for Jeane Oixoa ••T them in eariy

• i- evening functicti ' i l ands wouldUca.a '- d Western Ni^t ii T .September 22.

^-haeis of MidMal^ with his flower

- <~> IS slated for -rr Hy popular

Other monthly fimctions will mdude a number to be announced as w ^ as the regular activities sudi as *«ek>y bridge, cbond grot^ snd book chib. A very fecial kitetest list of tte-up daiaet wM be offered. TVy include: bridge, Ml acieening, candfe crafting, cake decoiatiiv, needkpoint, decoupage, tole painting, beginners and advanced knittoig, aewing wrtfi kaitt, lemedU reading help, convertat ionat Spanith, antique flower arranfing, Japanese flower arrangtiv, oil paiatiag and a Chtittmat angel workskop. No pre-R#atrati(M will be accepted ht dwae

ad pertoM wamt be a of tha owe 10 take



SCHOOL OF DANCE Commerce St. Occoquan, Va. (m Hiitofic Oocoqi«,>

'it^MU^^^^M U » our LAY-A4«AY Plan

Olr«ctad and iMaht bv



^ CIcttSM for 4-Yr. Olcb ^ fhniAduhs


For Your Back To School Clothing Need* Young Junior & Teen Sizes 6 14


For ItofiitrMkM or Informoten, Crfi

491 -3566

Page 24: Potomac News

rOTOMAC NEWI, WadaMdty, Au|utl }0,1»T2, S-i


Sliowcase Dance Studio Carol Haugh's Showcase

Dance Studio wU open lu second season of dance tnstruction on Sept. S. Mrs. Haughl it a dancer and choreographer at the Hayloft Dinner ThiBater in Manassas.

The studio, located at tha Hayk>ft Theater at lOSOl Balls Fora Rd.l has been lemodaM for tha fan claaaas.

Mrs. Hafi^V < K ^ >»' studaats %a Imprattive. backarouad la diooe* Shi haa studied daadcal baBal ami

Pohick pool closing Labor Day wili be die last

chance this season to swim at the big new po<d at Pohick Bay Ragional Park, in southeastern Fairfax County off U.S. I.

The pool at Bull Run Rc^ianal Fkrk off U.S. 29-211 win be closed weekdays foUowkig Ubor Day but wOl be open Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 9 and 10 from 10 a^n. 'tfl6pjn.

Prince Wniliam pools iriB close Labof Day except for Ben Lomond and Marumsco, which will remain open Saturdays and Sundays through September.

ManassM Park pool will remain open dally until mid-September, weattier and attendwce permitting. .

ForPotomac Newa' ClaaaiDeda

Phone 221-1116

poiniB in New York City with Ihe Ballet Aru and in Canada with the National Ballet of Canada. Further, die hu studied Up dancing, jau, and acrobatks at the June Taykir School in New York. Mn. Haught has appeared u a soMst throughout the United States and in eight Far Eutem

countrin. Mrs. Naught's work is

known to local residents by her lead dancing in dw Hayloft ' i production of "Cabaret," for which tl^ wu a l t o the choreographer. "Dames at Sea" alto exhibiltd her talent for chiireograp^.

Daily clatset wiU be offered

at her studio in all tyoei of dance, including clatitcal ballet aad pointe, creative pre-tchool ballel, tap, modem jaiz, aaobatict, and boyt' tumbling. Slimnaitict clatiet for flgwe contdout raoihert will alao ba offered.

Fot more information or enroUroeni, call 36MS$S.

Carol Haugh, dancer-cAoreognplMr

SuiDed, fried, baked in a pie or served u an jppotizcr and called a Poor Man's Caviar, i {Oilplant, that purple beauty diat doesn't . l i en mike it to the dinner ttbie is r.cvertlieiess a versatile vegeUble. .

Ihe fruit of a plant iMch is a lutive of .".iiliern Asia, eg^lant has beenkiwwn for

^oniuries and some of the ancients believed it IO be poisonous.

In fact, it was known as.mala insane, (nwd jj'ple) in the belief that it caused insani^- A .jjr> over from that fear is the idea of soalcing oegplant in salt water before cooking: The Of pUnt is baked in its skin or cotdsed in oil or 'imjled to conserve its flavor from Greece to Asia Minor.

iiggplant is good many ways and soine of [lu various recipes, follow. For best resulte eggplants should be heavy aitd firm of unifonn Jark color and not soft,, flabby or shrivded whi.li shows a sign of old age.

FRENCH FRIED EGGPLANT Pool eggplant and cut into sleitder sticks,

j'roui 1/4 inch thick. Dip in beaten egg whkji has been seasoned with'salt and pepper and 'her. rolled into crumbs, about eoe cup or moie. Fry in deep hot fat two to four minutes, or uniil delicately browiwd and crisp. Serve ho:. • •

FRIED EGGPLANT Peel eggplant and cut in half4nch slices.

Diedge in seasoned fk>ur or crumb with eggg _; d erumbs and fry in oil or ofther diortening .mil well brown on both sides.

STUFFED EGGPLANT I guod sized eg^lant - si iee.> bacon, diced ; ibsp. finely chopped gteen pepper ; cup finely ch< ]pied celery

Dance workshops will begin soon

, William County Parks ke.reailon will begin • - J t ion t or Dance . p under the directicn

, l.in:.c Hoist on Friday. - loT the ten one4iour

• , •! inslruclion is $15. .oil he beginning die

• (Kiober I. . .<rkshops will include ••-r adults, a special • I ho\s. teens' and \ el asses for both

. .inJ Intermediates. : ,ie Jasses will accept

- :ha; hav<e had at least " v\oek sessions of ., under Mrs. Hobt's

. ..,.s are scheduled as

W, <rkshops will be |^ » - at 10 ajn. unto II 0 The Dale City Civfc

. , viork.<ihops(a^s8-13) iVioher 5 al dte Dale

, M, Center from 4:30 •li *; .'Opjn.

,: ntimg Workshops are - r beginning October 7

[>ale City Civic Center. and 6 will meet al 9

' ^ vear olds at 10 ajn., : - year olds at II ajn.


olds. October 3, i

pjn., Marumaco Community Center.

8-tO year olds (Sunshine Girls last year), October 3. 7 f jn., Marumaco Cosanamity Center.

Teena (high school studentt only) , October 3, 8 pjn., Marumsco Community Cater.

8-10 year aids, October S. S:30 pjn. (Orchard Group test year). Dale a t y Civic Center.

11-13 year oids, Octtber S. 6:30 pja.. Dale City CMc Center.

Beginning studenU wiD need to wear Mack leotards. Mack ii#ite Md Mack ballet Aoet.

Intermediate students wUI wear Mack leotards, pink tighte and pink baOet risoes.

Registratian Aooid include clan dasired, age of student, child's name, and phone number. Checks may be mada payable to Piinot County and mafled to William County Parks aid Recieatian, 9300 Lee ASMMT, Manassas. 22110, AttMlkx Fine Arts Specialist.

Classes ate limited, asid legistTation wfll be oa a flrst come, first served baiia. Additional aifoiBiatlon atay be obtained bjr caMai * t Rnt Arte »miSi l at JUmi


la pieces oi i r u n d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H eapp^^H^^^^^^ '

2 cupt toft bread crumbt 1-1/4 cups partly drained crushed pineapple 1 tbsp. butter dash of paprika salt water or. stock

Boil or steam egB>lant, unpeeled, until tender; about M hour. Cut in half lengthwise and remove pu^'leaving a sheD draut V .thick. Cup pulp in small pteces. In skillet cook bacon until fat runs freely. .Addpieces of eggplant and btnftwtt well. Add cdety untU celery is clear. Add c beaten egg, one cup of pinei ^ _ ^ seasonings and All eggplant sheQ with nuxbne'. Spread remaining pineapple over surface, dot with butter. Place eggplant in pan, adding Bttk water or stock to prevnt Stickia|. Bake in 3S0 degree oven, 35 minutes, serve hot, 'liidng with diarp knife.


1 medium eggplant 2 medium anions 2 medium cloves of garlic . 3 medium tomatoes, peeled

^cupolneoi l salt snd pepper

Wash egS)Unt, but do not peel it. Wru) tidily in aluminum foil. Place in baking (fish and bake in 350 oven about 30 minutes or untd soft. Chop anions and tomatoes into snufl bits. Crush garlic with K teaspoon salt. .Uawrap eggplant and peel. Chop eg^lant into smaH bits. Continue cheeping while adding slowly, onion, tomato, oil and garlic. Continue chopping imtil mixture is blended thoroug^y and pieces are size of caviar. Season to taste witti salt, pepper, chill thoroughly. Serve as appetizer with tnelba loast and cracicers.

BERGERS seamtG aiAoaNet. VACUUM ci.tM«ci«s » KNING i>taoNt

•104 Seikf U.

ii:;;iSLUatt,'^ S4l-SI43*IM.nH

WeVe Really Flipped Our Wigs This Time!







•20.00 Styling included

AH Venicelon

Permanently Curled


ltEO.t1«J '13.50 REC S3a.<6 '24.00

FREE WIG DRAWING Come In Now And Register For A Free WigOf Your Choice.

Drawing To Be Held Saturday September 9 At 1:00 P.M.



Of Wigs Or Hairpieces When Styled



U K BOXES MM. • » •

M.OO rmM 5 , 9 5


Vt prico on mony off our boautifful giffts

FREE CLEANING of wig or hairpi«c«

wh«n 8fyl«d. ormi f Katnn imn. a, wn


MflR^ TMIb, WML • sM* 3M* V^V

TtaMftFiL a t M t i S t


Page 25: Potomac News


> I OM AC NEWS, Wadatiday, AupiM )0,1«72, M

Quarry blasting has increased, say residents

( :: izens of Occoquan : '.end that blsiting at the <:..!!: Materials Quarry has

V icd u'd 111 intensity last week • •i -ijine said ihey ate

.p.<.iLly "fed up" with it. Or, Tuesdsy the " t o p

.i-,::\:;" iiJt with such force ..ins were said to have

. c .lit the shelves in Lynn ^ ..nd Mrs. Charles Pugh

J -nr. an antique clock . ..:. Iiadn't worked in years

^ - v.]ill tiie impact. :.a:ed, siorclieeper Carl

' li. ,.J>) Lynn marched over iuarry and had a few

1^-, Aiih the people there. .f caving, his son Denny

le slammed the' quarry ::.-• Joor with such emphasis J', -hi glass cracked. When I : he men came out and J Look at the crack you ..;. ;.i my window," Lynn .5 I Jilted as replying: **If I. :nink. that's a crack, you -: .o:nc and look at the i.^s jn my store!" and ,:.l:cd;)rf. .\:.d There are cracks in the :ir. s store ceiling. The II: V jre keeping track of

them as thay happen. After each blast, thay lald thay put a mark at the liia whafs dM crack ends. The cracks down in the baasmant ait wont, Donity laid, and ht wondtrtd wjiit other iiiuctural liamni ii being dont.

The Pughi r t c t n t l y remodeled Uielr homt and wallpapered moit of tht walls. A young ion preferrtd to kttp h i i room p a i n t e d and plastered, tnd dainafi from the blaiu is especially ^parent in that room, growing t v t v time a heavy blast goes off, Mn. Pugh laid. She said sht didn't loiow how ont could actually prove such daifiage In court but the houat is 40ytan old and has ctrtainly dont itt settling, she remarked.

Citizen calls weia made to the Fairfax Cleric of tht Board of Supervisors aftar (he heavy Tuesday's blast and Wtdntsday after dw ttriifk bltst tht office was called again.

On Thursday, Lynn went Id Fairfax to talk to county supeivisois ibont titt biatQM* Donny said.

Marumsco Village Moort, Perry Ptynt, Rtuns, and Rob

\ f ^ ^ ^ PROGRESS - Donny Lynn pbintt to a waU crack in Occoquan which be aayi giowi amy time there ia a mifor Mut at VUICMI Quairy, >^wf uV^^^ '^^^y °*^'* PWt«" between twoexpk>ck>ni. he old. (Staff

photo by meen Meed) •

By Oonna To«|d-Miont

WELCOME HOME Welcome home to Mlcbatl

and Ctorae Dttl. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Oaal ol 1919 Willow Lant. MkhatI « d George havt been iptndln| three months with thtk irandpartnta in Gtrmany. while there thty touitd Austria tnd tha Bavarian Alpt.

Scott Wtyland, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wtyland of Fomi CItn Road wts homt on Itavt from JacktonvlUt, Fla.

BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Jim

Printz, who ctltbrattd a birthday Aug. 26.

A btltitd happy hlrthdty to Barbtra Detl, daughitt of CUnton and Inge Dttfof 1919 Willow Lint, who caltbrtud htr birthdty Aug. 8.

Hi^py birthday to RusttD Chtilty of Fortat Gim Road who ctltbrattd a birthday Aug. 20.

And a happy birthdty to Robtrt L. Stout, also of Forest Gltn Road «4io celebrated Aug. 27,


CAMPERS A ctvaran wu formed at

Tht First Baptist Church for tht R o y t l Ambtsstdor Camptn to Irtvtt to Htrtfltld, Virginia. Tht foOowIng boyi KsliM for ont wetk wtrt: Jay Chrlitlt, Crtg Crouch, Chailts

boys going Sitv

Stanlty »bert Mtad, Tht for two mtks

fuvt'and Lany Sdiott, Tht drivers wti* Mr. Howsll Banits, Mrs. Bttty Moort at htr aialsiant wat Mrs. Carolyn Jamts, Mrs. Cttharint Schott u htr ttalstant wat Mn. Jetn Crouch. Mn. Moort tnd Mn. Schott ttch had t oaviptot thty wtrt Charilt J iow «UI Cwtn Crouch.


Residential & Commercia

Sale* - Leaee •> Service • Locel Alerms Superviaed Central Station 24 Houra


ftfmt.fl'.P«4<ua9man4fffd/a0j^0»tf>^m. Bwgltr/Flrt Altna OivltlMi

Alexandria Virginia (703)549-1568

Old Dumfries By Mri. Rowene Brawner T O W f l O

Phont; 0764681

Woodbridge-Hoadly By Mrs. Clarence Hart Phooe 070-9474

[i 0 .SYMPATHY community extends

it and h e a r t f e l t :;.\ to the family of Pennington. This is a il'.at will not Ije easily

.:: Harold will be sadly i'.v his family and hu •lends. •aih.y is expressed to i Virs Carl Schott and :n the death of Mr.

- father in Tennessee. RECEPTION

'iorvance of Christian •r. Weeic, Saint' Paul Methodist Church will •i.;c ;o public school > ji'.d St. Paul Day :.a.hers at a reception

;r. The social hall of


;'i(.l..\L SERVICES "'• '^' ' id^^ Central C!':irJfr\\in obsertwits* .nr.ivcrsary. Special jre planned. Rev. Jack ir Mii the Baptist Bible Springfield. Missouri

lie guest spealcer. •j fng the morning

''.ere v.\\\ be a picnic on •~\t grounds. Everyone

. i t jch family is asked epsMjgh food for their

J r;i>. There will be - '.>r all who are . : There will be hymn

- special music from-• ;• ::.. Rev. Elswick will

i-'jin at 4 p.m. There J:' evening service.

N I N D E R G A R T E N :::'.oi,t is siill open for ..iergarlen at First

' '" .r.ll. '- j!:.''n Ice IS SIS and

:::!> Tuition is S25. -: Jjy ol school will be I vou are interested or

' someone who is, - a 11 the church

. 4.)4-;848 or ,Mi^. !'---.i:i,s.4')4-:233. 1 IRCLE MEETS PiToc'v Circle of the

^ ui :hcS!.Paul United .Isi I hur.:h will meet at •"e :>l Janet Lowe at BTen:iux)d Court, Dale .-'. --is; at 8 p.m.

AlfiNTION • r gjr.t voung people of

:^' Baptist Church. • h. :T will begin ^ n

1' • 40 p m. Plans arc ; j j . - -ci have a snack

•h.-sc who attemJ. '.••]. Choir wili include

Childrens Choirs wlB begin Oct. 4 with enroDment taking place dut night at 8 pjn.


Beginning Sept. 10 and continuing for 8 to 10 weeks Mr. Arnold will work with interested adults, studymg what is means to be a Chris t ian; what church membership means and what is involved iia becoming a member of a United Mediodiat Church.

The first meeting will be held in the Memorial Oiapet Sept. 10, 9:45 ajn. Each session will conclude within an hour. People of. this group deciding to become members will be received in November.

CORRECTION 1 8'%t*!^^*»**' ^uttki. 11<«%« m wt-^week»>c«i«inn^ should have read: The beautiful flowers on the altar of Ihe Central Baptist Church Aug. 20 were given by Mrs. Sara Moore and Joe Moore. The Beihd Lbuted Methodist Church was mistaken^ fisted.

Properties wins case

Prince Properties, Inc. received a Judgment of S 11,250 plus interest from Sept. 1, 1970, from Sighitas Zubkus and Algis Zenaatis in

. Circuit Court Monday. The case involved a contract and promisory note for the purchase of 6.94 acres of land in the Yorkshire area. Selwvn Smidi argued dw case for Prince Properties, of whkdi pd McGoirick is presidient.

In Court yesterday, die town (rf Hay market won a judgment of SSOO from the Vernon I. Payne Bondiitg Co. The case had been appealed to the Circuit Court from the town of Haymarket. The bond related to the appearance of a person arrested in Haymarket.

Ais'<i in Circuit Court yesterday, Larry W. Muae of Roanoke was found not guBty' ..-on a charge of sodomy. Muae, 21. is presently serving time on a sodomy charge at Ctenrn 6 in Woodbridge. The alleged offense occurred on Feb. 1 v^ile Muse was serving on a road gang.

The lovely flowers in dw Unlttd Methodist Church Sunday were given by Mr. and Mrs. Let Lining, it. in mtmory of Ita. LaiMitt| ftthn, David Cummingi.

Tht Womtns Sodety <rf Christltn Stivict hthl their ttguhR mtetlng at the church Tutsday tvtniag. Plant art being made for thtlr aimual d inner and btzitt in November. Datea wHI be announced later.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cato, have returned after a vacation at Atlantic City, NJ.

Mr. and Mrs. HA. Peterson and son also Mr. Cecil Garrison vent several days last week touring the Pennsylvania Dutch County and also visited mUiamsburg.

Lt. Cd. (Ret.) and tin. £dward StaUknechi had u their weekend gijests their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ste(^n Eggieston, of WilUarasburg. Mr. and Mrs. Stallknecht entertained at a family dinner in honor of their daugjiter's birthday Sunday.

Mr. Elvan Keys has had as his guests the past week his maatitu, Mrs« EJia^ Van K Uattmn. Mr»r Marybel K.

Matheny and Mrs. Annie K. Chtpan aB of Tuicumfaia, Bla. Whfla hart thty had tha pletsurt of visiting othtr lalatlYtt of tha Kays fimfly, who they had newr met btfwe.

Ttie many friends of Mr. Lee LaniHi are glad to htar he is

doing nicely after turnery in Frtdtrlcktburg Hotpittl and hope to ite hbn homt soon.

Mr. tnd Mrs: Curtis Eltra hat u their overnight guetts latt Thursday Mlsstt Connit GUderdale and Donnt AsKjar, both of Sharon, Conn.

Mrs. Kitty Raines of Arlington and htr tlaltr Mrs. Uattgrtt Smiths, of S.C. also Mrs. Virginia Mahte of Woodbridge vltlted friends in town Stturdty. Mrs, Smith ittumtd to htr home in SC, Monday.


toeoi BALta FORD ROAO 27»e74e FAIRFAX




Singer shrinks the cost of stretching your school wardrobe

-km - ^


[ i . -

Iif •417moc»wi» 1

StrateK-StitchSpedali At this introductory priM

$148 OH Our Sirtger special waa made for knit fabrics; it sewa aeama that move as effort iessly as you dOr It not only stretch-stitches i>ut zig-zags, loo. And com»8 with "extras" (ike our exclusive slant needle, front drop-in bobbin and two-apeiBd gear nrator drive.

Ksai v Sale!

Oaaning J P M *


Woodbridge Cleaners 13417 JEFFERSON DAVIS NMHNAV


Page 26: Potomac News

Junior teer) party set at Lake Ridge pool

'. ddte for the Junior I'jriy at the Lake Ridgt

'. jb this Friday evenli^ •. s ki II p.m. This event it

: y iponsored by tht Youth \ :..iiic^ Committee of tha .:-< Kidge CommunltitsCivic

1 v ..iiiun so you do not htv* I' J member of tbt pool to

. . .:: ihe fun. Howevtr, yoM . ' I'c in Ihe 6th, 7th or 8th

: I < :c will be music, games .1M.J watermelons, etc.), - r s . g o o d food and

• •••• .irLg bo bring your suitsi ^ J dmission will bt . >;i'J bui Betty Crocktr i"!.^ will be collected tt

JiHii tor the Potomac • i i i j j Bring as many

: lii as you can carry. MUl.T POOL PARTY isi d remiiKler tiiat the

\ .1: Pool Party is this .s.^M-rid on Sunday Starting at

11- Nfis are sold out but you .. pui your name on a •y..^ lisi lor tickets in caae .i^'.cilaiions by callingCIto

,,! ,441-3580. OPtN HOUSE


K ,j ih L ' H o m m e d i e u , .,;: ::jn of the Open Houte .: :";;!ee, submitted the

. . i « . ; n g .

"I would Uke to take this .[•.un;[y lo acknowledfa

J iliank all the people.who . red plan and serve and who •- l^:ed with the guest - u l ^ : : a : i o n books at ^k.edge Elementary School

';H:, House. laJies who helped serve

, 0 BeV Van Gorder, Sylvia L.^:ed. Jayn Fra')z, Virginia .:• es Diane Jordon, Joyce |;Kc:'./o, Mitzi Moran, Jane eoJ Esther Murphy, Betty :..ih. Jo Prouty, Roberta

'. crv .Margaret Briggs, Anita •0 ind Kathy Seefeldt.

In ad di tion, several i-j^ers willingly volunteered

:.. ur of their time to serve :',. >: and hostesses at the

•.vMi! entrances. They Were J:> Hicks. Venetia Altom, irk Van Gorder, Ricky . in , Robin Wilfong, Joy - i ; m . K a t h r y n

.•[.uiimedieu. Barbara Franz, J ' h V F r a n z , Des iree ' Tro':;i m e d i e"ii~, Terri' .Donald and Jackie La . ' ,jre'.

Special thanks goes to . c ilea ton and Joan Brown ; ,• undertook the task of ...pping for an undetermined .:v:ber ot guests and initially 'jreing the refreshments at :n Open House hours." I r . a n k s t o R u t h H^:nimedieu and her , r.u-.ee the Open House

^- Truly a success. Voter :.s::j;ion was very successful -. ar. estimated 100 people .,>:ered during the aflemoon

.ver.ing sessions. For thott" i: .o,:id not come to register '•••.0 Open House, a re^trar ,

. - e ivailable at the Chdc , .a ..;a:;on meeting on Sept, - ^ .J n-.ay register at that

LAKE RIDGE Ettt McDon8kl-4B4-M07

grows out of a hanging amngement by her front door. Mrs. Beiqamin A. Watrous won a third and fourth place with herzhuiits; and Mrs. John E. Johnson a fourth for iter zinnias.

In the flower arrangement dlvMon, Mrs. DriscoU won a tecond and a fourth prize with her anangements.

The next meeting of the Garden Chib wiU be heU at 7:30, Sept. 11 at the home ol Evie Radcliffe, 12013 Skltjack Court , The Point. Mrs. R a d c l i f f e wil l give a demonstration on Japtnest . Flower Arranging. Guests are welcome.

THANK YOU A special thank you to all

die Lake Ridft tMldtntt tiMt htiotd with tha rtgittrtlkM for tht MM School tt Rnddatit EltffltnUry School.

THIS 'N' THAT A toy mtk collie needs to

find a good home. He is about tix weeks old. If you canjtvt Mm I homt, pletat CIH TMB Slwity tt 494-6362.

Rtglsltttkw fot Mtrilyn Boottt's danct daaits is now optn. Anyont biteretttd in fiathtr informitloa mty call Marilyn tt 49\-3»22. Agit a c c e p t e d are fr om prt-kinatrgarten tnd up.

A big welcolM to Lakt Ridge to the newly weds Jim tnd Ruth Btrktr. Jim and Ruth iutt movtd Into 2252 Splantkar Court fat Planlitkm ifarbor.

Neighbors in Planuiion Harbor gave a farewell party for Mike and Marda Ckidrasek several weeks ago. The Ondrasek'i moved to Florida. We wish them well in their new home.

Triangle News By Ruby Humphrttt Pttont 876-t20S

STAR POINT SOCIETY The Sttr Point Society,

Order of the Eutem Star met at iht home of Mrs. Gertie Martin in Quantico Aug. 25. Mrs. Nancy Bridges tod Miss K t t h y W a t s o n w e r e co-hostesses. Following tiw regular meeting a wedding shower wts held in honor oi Mrs. Ktthy Monriton Cabert, Kathy recently became the bride of Charlts Gilbert of Sttfford. Twenty-two Vtstt tttmded the ftinvtr, Ktthy lectivtd many liidt and uttful lifu.

BIRTHDAYS Brithday gieetinp go out

this week to Jcrfuma Marucci, Sept. t; Doris Liming Sept. 2: Eva Sue Anderson Sept. 3; Eioi ie Tolson and Jack Hungate Sept. 4 and Ruth Wanen Sept. 5.

BARBECUE .Tickats art on sale now for

the Potomac Hospital Barbecue Sept. 24. Plan now to attend, set a roembtr of tht Hotpittl Auxiliary to buy your ticket.

THIS AND THAT Mr. and Mn, Vincent Jones

and son, Brian, moved into Prince Willltm Estatts latt week.

Mr. and lilrs. Harold Thonuu tnd dtughttr, Shenie, viaittd relatives in Baltimore, over tht wttktnd.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren and children, Ruih, Cindy, Ricky, W.O.. Troy and Norma, left last week for their new home in Texas.

Mrs. Louise Stanley of Colonial Beadi, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fishers of Alexandria visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin and Miss kathy

POTOMAC NEW, Wataon on Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Anderson celebrated their i h i r i y - f i f t h wedding anniversary Aug. 13. Their children surprised them with t cookout on Sunday in honor of the occasion. Their son, Beaver, presented litem with a new lefrigeratot. On Saturday evening iheir son, Mike and hk wife, took them out to dinatr at Lake Jackson.


Wstnwtsy. AtfHt W, 1*7:, M


fs fSSUM

S f l V I N G v o u A N D VOUR C O M M U N I T V .

Far lalormailMi caH:

4B1 -27M



Lt^CHEON GROUP ! -e Lake Ridge LaiSes • e->n Group will meet at

; ;'.!(-: House on September ; : noon. Rides will be

.. arle from the Lake Ridge :niu',:ties Pool parking lot

30 a.m. The group will - Je-ing from the menu.

'•<c' o-\ations are necessary. Pa; Burd (morningi)

-; 44^6 or Sue Miller r-jsi 491-3438 before 8

• r."Sept, 6. GARDEN CLUB

: : Lake Ridge Garden - Riimmage Sale held on ^ : -> was a huge success.

:'-^ villi go toward' the .: :.ation of the grounds N .kiedse Elementsy

Tlunksare due to : :- who donated many

lems. husbaixls who •'. :r .ountless ways, bless

•eonagers Venetia Altom s .^n Higginbotham who

- •'. M' hard. Safeway wi» ' : he paper for the sifn; 'H, . i: for the cash boa;

•.•;•; ess co-chair-' Carol Altom aad

I'- of the cii* woa .awards in the recent

. *,;iiam County Fair.fa ;:kulturc division. Mrs.

" Bruton won flrstpriaes :h contesU with hsr

;, .ds and a third for bar , -..A Mrs WiObm G. .. Jr . won first for bar IV s<- <ind for her cotaaot

'.rd for her ziimias. v< s Hujji Barger woa a first

>n <taghorn fern, wkkh

Read tha


Tean Pag*

STORES . DuiiifitWL Vfe.


OPEN UN. 9 am

Tapf anv ANo'f SHUTCHINai^H^


i S T i U M

, T « f l

M m Effactiaa H m I M ^ l « S i 2

.^Sliced Imported Haiii....X^89* ' ^ ^ M S W BARBECUED P O R K t 1 U

j f Spare Ribs... L^T ' 4 * ^ ^ * "-UNCH PLATE • J ^

^mMt^ . EVERY WEEK DAY C 1 9S o B .^0M:- A DIFFERENT • I ' " ' j g ^




. S i B * CALIFORNIA ICEBERG ^ - j . «


lg»^ Cherry Tomatoes PINTBOXOS ' ^ • ^ SUfER SELECT ^ ^ ^ ^

^j^ CUCUMBERS.... 3 F O R 2 9 *


-^ Seedless Grapes..LB ^ 1 ^ CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN




A R M STEAK.. . . . . .99* Cround Beef U.S. CHOICE FULL CUT ' LEAN FRESH PORK

fV^ Quartered Loin


S LB. PKGS • • • B B B LB.

Stol l 'Chop* • • • • . . • • • L B .


69« 95* $159


Round Staak U.&.O.A. INSPECTED « — * .^^.r^,.,,-,^, ^y^^,.^^

Roasting Chicken...... 45* BUFFET HAM. U.S.D.A. INSPECTED m^^ LANCER-SLICED * * ^ *

Combo Pack Fryers.*45* BACON......... 85* $J29



Franks ......53 BOLOGNA... '^'^* BRIGGS M r t OSCAR MAYER _

Scrapple ..45* SMOKIE LINKS • B O Z P K G .

12 0Z. PKG.

65' 99*




Buffet . Dinners 2 JENOS 3 VARIETIES

f I L Z A .•..aaa13 0Z.4>KG.



99* 69*


Cook 'n Bags...5^^4'' PETRITZ


3-79* RICHFOOD 100% PURE


Evaporated Milk....4'<^71* BREAD.„................6iiJ5eU'" Fruit Drinks...............«^29* RICHFOOD .m^t^^ RICHFOOD Screw-Cap _ m t^a-

SUGAR .«69* Soft Drinks..... 3s^59* RICHFOOD GRADE "A" ^ 4 ^ * HEINZ Strained Fruits and Vegetablts j « m t^a.

Vir'D" MILK.........»o.. 59* Baby Food................6««59* RICHFOOD Pop-Top _ ^ ^ RtCHFOOD ^ ^ A t

Soft Drinks..........120ZCAN 10 Pancake Mix...... Z^\39 HALFHILLS «% 6K A P * RICHFOOD A F t

Chunk BonitaTuna3(495^ Vegetable OII.........<.OZ^BOT95' RKHFOOD-QUARTERS . t 1 A A ^I^^ESIDE ^ A t

Margarine ^'^J:\^ Sugar Wafers. ..i4o^«c<.39' SALAD DRESSING M « h * LINDSAY SELECT M * . ^ ^ *

Miracle Whip . 6 9 * Ripe Pitted Olives.!.%:;t?39* ^ a> « A A REG. Of CHEESE Mk.mk.A

SCOT TOWELS SsraU" Gaines Burgers.....,««.99* RtCHFOOD i ^ t \ t ' * ' " *^ F A t

StrawberryPreservesMR'69 Kitchen Bags Ka..is59 French Dressing.;;.K..°?..59* Cat Food 6'-i^99* RICHFOOD M t \ t I t , ' * * ^ " * J A t

Kosher Dill Spears...oT 4 9 Spray Starch ISOZCAN49'


Page 27: Potomac News

foi UM AC NEWS, Wsdaaedair, Aaftit M, 1*72, M

Wfiat's new in shoes for this

C O M F O R T A B L E A N D SPORTY-Al thou^ they may look Mice aneakws, theie shoet are aU sturdily made with tiiulti^otottd fueda and aoft leather. AH ara perfect for wear w i t b c w u d atoda .:nd jeans. (Shoca coiirtety of Le||ett'« <3i Weatgate. Peeblea of Marufluoo Pltza, and Brown and Sorii of Featherstone Plaza.)


OLD STAND-BY - Always available is the ladies slip-on, no longer called i loafer. They come in varied shades, and several heights of heels.

MEN'S HIGHER HEEL—Suitable for longer, flared slacks or jeans, these shoes have .hunky heels designed both for comfortable walking and good looks. The multi-colored -hoes are available in suede and suede, suede and plain leather, and suede and patent •-•.;!htfr.

FOR THE JEAN'S LOOK - Bold colors and cbmfortaUe atructure mark the caaual footwear for young women. Most. of the new fashimis m a k e uae of the. tie front, while the others

buckle on the side. The boot In the center may be worn by either men or women, and i( called a "wafflestompCT," beeauae of the design on the sole.

r Shoes for the fall and

winter aeaions ire geand to the jeaat look, say dioa dealers and nauufacnifaci, and offer t bcddar accattory to a caaual outfit.

The main emphaili in women's footwear li on sued* and soft leathen, both In l o l l d c o l o r * and contrasting ihadet. Stylet resemble the old saddle shoe, with the tie front and Ugher side*.

To compUment the longer pants leg, Jeans shoes have agaia this year the larger chunky heel, both on men's snd womtn's shoes. Men of sB ages wiU be lAle to find tbs U ^ , ttodiar heel that goes w«a with fkied decks snd jeans.

' Both men and women will be wearing tha same style shoe for walking long distances on campus. The new unisax shoe is called a "wafOastompei," to aanwd. baeausa—o^-iba amaaual pattern on the sole' that reseiid)les tfas design on a waffle. The ddes are Ugh to

7pact the anUe, snd made a sturdy but oomfottable.

suede. C o l o r s for w o m e n ' s

footwev will be bidder than those for men, u men's shoes win tend to remain with the oonssrvatife dark browns, trfuasi sad golds (^ fta.

Boots for men are stfll popular with the Idand-ovar crowd for use with both casual and dress outfits. For this season, the familiar ehukka b o o t has been replacad by. a sioflar styb made cf s ^ t leadMr instead of suede. 3}M soles are of

plantation crepe, a durable and comforuble material. As ia women's jeans shoes, Uie sole extends beyond the toe,. and is termed s "bumper sole."

Dbigo boots may be worn in a variety. of heights ind materials. Decorated leather snd buckles sre prevalent in many of the higher boots, snd in all styles, the "moot toe" is essential. With this, the. toe is more or less chopped off and tUts up subtly.

Dressier shoes for bodi .men and women will riemsln fisirty traditional, with juit s few changes. Men's, shoes will have a hi^er heel, snd may be- multi-colored hi ' pseference to the usual soUd coloring. Combinallons . of ' golds and browns, reds and rusts, and grays, and blacks will, be acceptable for. dfSMirr outflttj^

A higher 4 | B % essential <i2il:> f o P w o m ^ ^ ^ d r - e s s y o«»«pi footwear, but it Is a sU^tly sUmmer heel than that used for the jeans looks. Materials still include patent leatfaei, peau de s<^, soft leathns, snd dress suede in a variety of colors. A special style has- been added expressly for use with pant suits..

Comfort is stressed for the fan season, so the old familial styles have been retained for thpse people who do not like change. For women, die slip-on -no longer called s loafer -is available In both higher snd lower heels. The ever-popular Hush Puppy ' lock wul slso be in stock for men irito-prefer a shoe of sueded pigddn.

BOOTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS - Whie boota for women have remained basically the same, boots for men have evolved from the old, cowboy-type boot to a good looking dressy boot that can be worn anywhere. Decorated,. multi-colored leather is popular for fall, aa is suede and soft leather.

BUCKLES ARE IN - Still popular tlib seooa m dw tower cot boot < T ^ ) and the ili|KMi buckled shoe. TlMie cao be w o n widi drea^ outfit* or wear. The boot is made of a aoft, pliaUe JeaOm.

FOR DRESSY OUTFITS - Patent leather (left) is stiD oopuiar for evenug affairs, « ii gold or sihreiHinted material. Dress saadab are suitable BIM ror nigM daacca. The white, buckled shoe (ligbt) is designed expressly for pint suits.

G-F senior class

to hold meeting

ThiJrsday night

The fust meetaig of die Gar-Field senior diss will be held on Thursday st 7:30pjn. ia the G-F auditorium, naas for the Senior twoiaHMe snd for the Honacoming float snd elactkm of princassss wll ba a prinoessas

10 attend tUs awetii^ idy I - -

dM twote^one, to Kn« snd to cook snd dean up, sa wel as fcr dse pMbninaiy work of publicity aad parckasiag •spplsa. If inisresiad plsasa contact any Senior dssa

Ai^ donations by Ssnlos • s assMban oftke MknstM

items will ba

drcMing, grated parmewn dNsas, na^dns, paper cupa, Mgar, dMnrs*ii« HquM; (die aboaa lobs tamed ia by Sept 1 0 ) , tomatoes , lettuce, encnmbar, onions, bread, tatter or nMsgashM (dM aboaa to ba ttrasd ia by Sept 1

A spacW ptactati for • •- ' nflbe'i


G'F senior two-in-one planned The mnusT Gsr-Fidd Senioe

two%i-ane wiU be held tMs-year on September \i. Tht fsstlHUsi wlB btpn with a supper festuring spaghetti, totaad adad, tnd Itahtn biaad.

To lop off dM wsntsg dv clasi of 'TS wa hold dM traditional fowdar Pnff

FootbsB Game in wMch Senkn gbis batUs eadi odwr h a nm^isnd tnmMt gtmeof AM fbotbal.

Memben of dM Key C M

Vanity act ta Football ttam « •

Tickets wil be tvsilabie begianing dte second week of tchool It dM folowii^ pitoea: tpa^et t i dinwr: SI.25 |n advance, Sl.SO st dM doot; Powdtr Pafr footbdl gMM: SO eents la advtnot, 7S dM jst t : diBntr snd gMaa: SUtTadetneandttrndy

Page 28: Potomac News

WPGC disc jockeys set for Labor Day carnival Among the many ._^

.)! Ihe Marumsco woodt Oiy carnival snd parade a r r wi>oC disk jockeys Bob Riley OMJ "Big ' ' Wilson win ba rrubier of ceremonies. Parade (.i<iiid Mushall will be Sgt. [>dve Yuung and his famous •i«.o wheelers" motorcyda

Jub (more than SO cycka) of Qudiiiico. iieading up dM littla :c,iguers will be National punt, iM^ . kick football champion 1 'r.y Lilly.

'\inong the more than 60 i ' j i ade entries are dune *ioKgiei, antique cars, five cokw jiuo/ds, drill teami, two bands jiid two groups of horses.. •\v4drds wUl b« preiented to winning entries.

Uigani/ations snd groups I'arii^ipatlng in the psride are 4iked to be it Rippon Jr. High School no later than 10 t.m. • >ii Sepi, 4. The parade will get underway about 11 son. and proceed down Indiana AvtiUM, !c:i un Alabama and continue IJ the carnival grounds at the t u r n e r of Alabama and t cj:herstone Road.

The carnival wilt have a -d.;ety of games, rides and leUeshments for the young and old alike. Y'all come!

PhTS BiJCES-TRIKES .Marumsco Woods' youths

vM:l have an opportunity to Uiow ofT Iheir decorated bikes j::d trikes and their pets In dw .Mdrumsco Woods psrade. Tnere is no age Umlt or regisiration requirements for Wjods' youngsters. All they n«;d do, if they wish to march .n the parade, is to be at Rippon School along with ther parade participants at 10

J n; on Sept. 4. WANTED:

The closing date for the ciiiry of dune buggies snd ji-.tique ears in the Marumsco Vroodi parade has been o\:ended to Sept. 2. Anyone !rom any community \rtjo owns or has access to OIM of .hese vehicles and would Hke : j enter it in the parade is j>ked to call Mrs. Victor Tuck a; 444-6984.

ACRES GARDEN CLUB .^1eInbe^s and all other

i n t e r e s t ed persons from - M a r u m s c o Acres and *ii;cwbrook are reminded of '.omorrow evening's meetikKOf the.Mwumsco i o M M S b l Cub at 8 p.m. in the library at P o u m a c View Elementary School.

The Acres' Garden club is an irge

the 1-enibership. Throughout vcar. they engage in mariy ; :•. I e r e sting «and worth^vhile projects. One of their main projects is the groimds of P ;on;ac View School. School pi.f.cipal Mr. Elmore has been i.ejrd to say how proud he is

: vkhat the ladies have done. People from the Acres and

vV:i;uwbrook who are either. new. to the community or who J re not acquainted with dM Acres' Garden Club are sent a Ajrrr. welcome to stop by

rr.orrow evening and get ;,-:j3inted. Plans and projects

- the coming year will be ::-^ _ssed.

^COLT MOTHERS'MEET Mothers with dau^ters in

M^rurttsco Woods Girl Scout T- op 1826 are reminded of

morrow's meeting at the .- n-e of Mrs. Jane Stidhamat

^; s Florida Avenue tt 7:30

Mr^ Stidham and other -<jp leaders Mrs. Sharon

..ch and Mrs. Jackie Goodie ~... present the troop's plans

r the year and give out . :, rrration sheets.

M thers ' meetings are . -.t.-ed to let parents know I- \.t the activities their .. .jll-.ters will be involved in . J to give them a chance to

^ ar > questions tfiey may

WILLOWBROOK Lir new memt>er] have

- added to the membership :h.e Architectural Control --r-.ittee of the Wfllowbrook

• eowner 's Associatian. - V a r e - Fred Green

..-tarack Place. Glen BalUngtr .~.!'- ud Court. Mike WdlanM

-; . t rad Court snd Wayne

: be next meeting of dM V h : r e c t u r a i Contro l

••,;tiee will be tt 7 p.m. V . .sr ^0 at the National

ON .iihces in WUlowbrook. > .-terested DTilkjwbrook '

,;<rtts are invited to attend. V o,:ng the subjects to be

.s< a are the closing of dM ' . • rr>;ng pool sn

vj, plans. Snow • c the responsibility of dM • ' ..n:ty aj all streets in .u. brook except Wilnai

.- Aaie property.

viARlTViSCOWOODS .r to the many activities

„nding the « KH i jboT Day .

va. the asK>ciation


Mn, Grace 0NpMt-4tg-Mn Marumtco Woodt a Marumaoa Atrtt

Ftathantont aLy/mood , WUkntttfaok

not have a September meeting. Meetings will resume the first Wednesday in October.


July 23, Terri Goodie of Florida Avenue pui on a

carniva l for Muscultr Dystrophy. Helping TenI were: DeniM Goodie, Cindy Cook, Bkenda Bwnuist,Cindy Bergqulst, Kim Rointa, Brian Roman, Dlanna Ottlnmr, Karen Ot linger t nd Jeff

KapHnfv. Ttrri Goodie tnd Diannt

Otdngtr took turns being du targtt for the "spongi ton" game. This game caUa- fas wwionr «"'*i'^ diair heads throufh a bole and lattkig

.tnotlwr lomeone duow i wat tpongs hi dMk face. Both Terri wd Diannt report dut mott tpoagt tottert htd amazing accutacy in hitting tha targst. . Thire wtrt oMay othtr fun gtmtt and lott of ttmpdag refitethmtnti. 'fha youngilers made a proAt cf $45 whkh thay donated to help And a curt for MD.

• • • Another carnival whkh

catered mostly to the toddlers was sponsored by Les Crouch of Indlaiu Avenue and her frlea'd Ruth Luckette lut Friday. Many wee ones iiul their parents showed up for the event tnd etyoyea dte tames and the cookies and kool tiA. Another $7 was added to the fund to And a curt for MR

SMALL DEEDS COUNT S o m e t i m e s In our

topsy-turvy world when everything seems to ba out of peripeclive and wrong, we often overtook or eaiily forgit dM smtU, but beautiful Md mtanfaigrul, acts cf Undnitt tnd contUtrttkMi dMt one human being bettows on tnother.

A good txample of this tta the m t n y ctraivtit for muscultr dystrophy dMt havt been held by many youngMeis ki Wioodbridgs ^ast and odMr communitiei.

WhidMr the profit was $2 or $200, dw thought was dM same-helping others. I'd Uke to pin a bright, shhMy gold star on each youngiter who took tht time and effort to plan one of theit carnivals.

However. I'm sure they don't really need or wan I t gold star. When they turned in their profits, knowing what the money would be used for, I'm confident they felt 20-feet tal l - tnd they should have

becautt thah deed wai not to hdp themialvts but to htip odMit. Isn't tiMt wkat tnN hapoinett it IH tboulT

HAVE A HATTY WEEK With tht beglDBlag of

school, aew things begin to htppen. Don't foi^i to keep me infonntd about adwt's happtnlng In your ooaunwiity. News ikout ybtt or your eliib or organisation It what "Woodbrldgs Ettt" is a l about!

NTOMAC t e w . Witasitty, A^ptt M, If73, »-T,

Sept. deadline set for flood loons

T h e Small Bus ln t s s Adndnistnilon wfll eondnue to accept appttcadeni for dtsatltr loans uadl-aapt. M.

l a a n n o u a e i a g Iha

Mail, stamps taken from Haymarket mailbox Richard K. Jonei of

Haynurkat said that someone knocked over hit mailbox tnd removed mtil and 96 cenu worth oi U.S. pottage lUmps and a nickle on Monday. Two pieces of mall was recovered, from Chestnut Creek later.

A too lbox containing

tatorted tools valued at $606 was taken from i truck belonging to Tentace Gtnt Shown of Quantko Marint tMse on Wedneidsy.

. For Home Delivery Phone 221-1400

expiration date. Thomas F. RagMi. SBA District Director, tUtad dut 2.55} tppUcanU totaling $29,549,698 had been leoebwo since HurrictM Agnes cretMd widesprtad flooding' June 21-22,1972.

H M maximum direct loans lemaln dM stme - rtptirs of physical damtgi to homes up to $-50,000 - repsir or repltcement of household goods or persontl proptrty \tf to $IO,WO, t combkidon of bodi may not exceed $55,000 - business loans up to $500,000.

A Mtntssas loan office will continue opersting daUy. 8:30 t .m. to S p.m., Monday dirough Friday and 8:30ajn. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.


nnds of your neighbors have checked A&P WEO pric ' o€; oming back because wt; really i ^ 'ood cost







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'fr ^ PEACHES r.-,.



ffOAsrs ^ • O N E L f S S C R C



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Page 29: Potomac News

cV"'", "^ •^ -^^^• ^ ^ r W^'T W T * ^ ^ A:?.-f^-*A«*-

. • ".7 ^f^^^FR^

FOTOtlAC NEWS, Wwla»my, *»»al 30. l»72. M

Watct) out for school children

Joe Roysden Harold MohMipt Rohert Hetrick

' With dM return of mete than one miUan, children to Virginia's tdiaoit dds ftU, ntototltu t n urged totMialtt tht utmost caudon wiiaa appraacUng school bnttt tnd whm in dM vicinity of tchoolt. John T, Htnaa, dimctor ofdw Hi^iway SaCi^ OMafan of VIrglah tnd Rji. lyniim, t u p e r v i s o i o f p u p i l t r a a t p o r t a t l o n , S ta te Dsptftmmt of Edueatian «dd recendy.

"Lett year two tchool chlldmi wart killed gttthig ca tnd off tchool butta," Hannt stid. "Thete t r ^ dttdit could be prevenMd if til motoiittt obttned tiM law and took extn precautian wfatn apptoacUng a halMd tchool bus."

On a rural highway or c)ly ttteel divkltd by t p h y ^ btriitr or unpavad taction, motoiisu tie not rtquiied to ttop if dw but it on dM

'tliddian U years of i«i and under t n Invohed in a

oppotiM side, according to oflUab. Howtwr, dM stop is

I2!S!lZ^'^"?°**Jf W|hpei «tit"5fled;tWt; S r S f ^ i ^ ^ i i T *• •«*««"«»." Htmwttietttd. lear on t divldtd hii^way or "• street. On aU other roads tad streets dw motoiittt must step when tppiotching from tllhtr dirtctlon. Motorists mutt itmtia halMd uatfl UM raadit cUir of children Md dM butit tgthi In motion.

Alto but driven now mutt load and unloadpupason Hm iinM tklH of dttlSaidilnnvt qawhkfcttHpupitltw.

"Last ytar in Virginia 24 percent of tht pedettrita fttalitlet wait childrtn hi dth tgs group. Pifty.faur cbiMita agt 14 tnd under died hi tnfflc at ptdMtritan tnd eidit a«re UUed un Ucyeitt. Aa addldonai 1,157 wan iahiMd at pedetthaM Mid nica Uattat,"

Stadlet of school-chad acddut peab indioait dMy

folow dottly dM bowawftta cWdmi are goiai to aad ftma tchool - mondng. aooa « d laM tAemoon.

Banna poiaMd out thai parenu can help ttduoe dw — - , . . —. dtnjtrs thtir childrtn face in cany a H|ht tnfilB on telr way to tnd upon w a t ftom tchod by helptag thtm 'eomt li d teteet the i t f e t t - route . 'YiMott dw rautt with dka ftwttt ttrteU to crott tnd let

werit out dw reatont

adqr it It better to crott at eat ootatr than tnotfaar," Himu n i l Mid. "Encmuagt than ta flea baffle whMi walU^ en roadt withont ddawtlkt. md to rnir tonitthing wWtt or ctny a H|ht at aigit upon w a t that

ii dtar* tknr walk, not ran aciom aa Alao ha^ item famil iar w i t h tke new kiltnMttonal slfta."

Gov«rhm«nt ch«cki ar« ttol«n Government checks ia Uw

tmount of $144 wti« takan Tram dM apartownt of Mdcom Uwton Kirdec of 231 4th Av«„ Qu«ntk» on Wtdnetdty «4Ult. ht wts sleeping he toU polioe.

Ftul't Foreli^Csr Service at

1 8 5 0 5 Jef ferson Davis Highway, TriaiMJa raporttd that iometime Tuaiday oc Wodaetdty someone removed t 40 horsepower VaOuwagsn ei«int from hh k>t. It wat valued at $250.


A»>- fOVRS - CRUISES wmmngmmwuna nyunLAMNCY

l i fe WRNiMN Vte Fndariilitbwfc Va.

CaNCollact 37S«lt

Glenn lUI rmmaUhmm «nMMifc[i«Mi

Length^of-service award

given to residents \ i:uniher of area residents

\ioro among personnel at the Arniv Mobility Eijuipmeat Ro^edrcll and DevelopnMnt (tr.;cr Fi. Belvijir, receiving io'K'lMil'-service awards, at a K\orH L-eremony.

C'i>l. Bennett L. Lewis, V .>ni:nandin6 officei, made the

presentations at a progrtm marking dw 30di anaivertaty of the Center at its present location and abo dw lOih anntverstry of the Arnay Matetie! Command (AMC),'dM center's parent command.

Recipients of 30-year twardt, aO of i^tom reside in

NOKE$VILLt Ivis H. RaiKiall 504-2835

Soutf^Gux States Coj^j^

holds annual dinner lilt' annual meeting and

J:.:ncr of |4okesville and vi.irijssas Southern States c •porative was held Aug. 24 • • ilio Nokesville Fire Hali; \!- ;; ;50 members tnd - v ; Acre present. The local

'! :^e rs e lee ted were: (- .:::r.an Ted J: Shepherd; ^ --• Chairman Herbert E. *. •>;]. Secretary RA. Rich

- William T. Fleming Mtd K. • p C leiiicn were elected to tho hiiard. bringing tl» total'to --•-.•n riiiard members. .

F'u -he Home Advisory ( ii-,n:inee, Mrs. Ted 'J. Grj o) Shepherd was elecled

,• j.:-;ian and Mrs. Harry M. i -.1 :K es) Miller Jr., i t

- , ,:.!r>. New members are ''l- H.irvev (Hazel) Smidi tnd Mrs Lester (Kate) Huflf. A

:-. "• SIX memben now seme : -ho H A.C.

I '.0 dinner was served by - ^okesv i l l e Ladies

\.x.:arv. BIRTHDAYS

B. :;;Ja> greetings to Lany .:-Mrd who celebrated his

• ei"h birthday Aug. 25. B.rthday greetings t o '

;i;e Simpson on Augutt 14. n - Ladies Auxiliary of tbt

: 0 Department is in need of .J. "embers. The ladlet an

^ .K!ivc in fiinrl' lalsim

Parkhurst promoted in Navy •'•••> Officer ThinI dam

r. 0 Parkhurst.sonofHr. : Mrs Reed A. ParklMnt of

- •^- Bametie Cir.; Trian^a, • .- promoted lo his piettnt

V j ' J completed dM baak '•' iinAi Mate segment of

• •••• p' cr training at Cieat

ft.' wi i : bo assigned lo a ' Tuning period at Cteat

- < j nd then to taic ^ ar Power Sdtad at


activities and contribute a large . sum each year towards the

opemrions of an npkeq>jof the Fire OepertnMnt. ( ^ you heh>»

BLOOMfOBILE Mr. and Mrs. Donald

Simpten want to thtak tf of dw folks wfao.gtve biood at dw Red Crott Hoodmobile at Haymarket hnt week on behalf of, their son, Brian. Biimi laderwcnt surgery Itondiy at tbe Medical College of V igiaia. Mary's parents, Ae W a r r e n ' L imer icks of Woodbridge accompanied them to dw hoipitii. Mn. Limerick stayed over tot. several days widi. Mary, w win stay widt BcitB uaffl ha ctn come home from 'IIM hotpital.

EVENTS Upcoming for dw next two

months wffl be the Firemen's Auction,: Sept. 23 snd dM Nttioaal K i ^ Foundaticn has announced diat they wdl begin dwir annual hold diiva Oct. I aHridtwaraaiardnee w e e k s . This will be a door-todoor colectica. Mrs. Virgil Sawnow is chmntn of dw drive.

Woodbridge unlen 'otherwise noted, faKhided:

Joe P. Roysdon, 10709 Colchester Rd„ Lortoo; Wil l iam J. Nash. 9111 WiWwood St., Lorton; Francis' P. Keanoa Sr;, Manittas; Harold E..Mohaput, 123 4di St.; FrizeOe O. Givens, 2325 Davis Ford Rd.; Robert L. Hetrick. 13001 OccomMnRd.; G l e n n W, Hal l . 8 5 2 6 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton;. Benjtmin W. Howard, 1214 Etey St.; MitchaU H. Howard, 105 Rotedtle Ct.; Robert S. CiMel, 105 Ctnofl Ave. and WiHtam R. McLean, 13104 IHitnam Circle.

Roysdon, Hetrick and Hall are- among the Center's "senior c i t i z e n s " in po in t of c on tiq u oua^MjOKt spent i t l p u d H p serv ice t m l P t h e ' estaWstanent.- Hetrick joined dw center in October 1941; Roysdon in February 1942 and Halt in June 1942.

Twenty-year pins were presented to Donald R. Rogers, 3303 N. Bayfiehl Dr.; Wilham A. Yauti, 104 Beech Lane and James A. (2ueen, 173 Jo(dm Rd., bodi of Triangle; Mn. Vdda R. Hopkint, 12510 Deiaaey Rd md James P. Butler, 1 5 4 0 7 0 1 M Ave.

T e n - y e a r pins were pieaeated to Mrs. Bethr L. Sharp^ Rt. 2, Sttfford; Hendrick J. Omiga, Rt. 2, Mtnattat; Marvin E. inikms. IXmifiies; Mrs. Sctrlette Ami Boyd, 3604 N. 0eB Ct.; Wtyne L. Ctoote, 3004 N. Akron St.; Byrd M. Pritchett, Rt. 2, Stafford; Mrs. Lindt W. . Pulliam, 607 Payton Dr.; Aa&ew A. Ihompton, 2009 Cumberland Dr.; Jfits Joyce L. SulUvn, Rt. I, FAnoudt; Frederick G. hrkins, 1408 Longview Dr.; Ernest # . FitzgibbaMs, 8822 LaCkaMt St . Lorton; Ctd W. Hade. 1709 Azalea Lane; Mn. Maria C. Gtiffin, 13503 f^tjhv^ LMM; Mb. Lola B. Mi^owa, 1320firCt;Mn; Jewel Bunt, 12701 Gordon Blvd. m d Roratns Shipis. 1277S Chtnel Rd.,aiftcH.




TrMtff«r t Stor«9*, igK.

iF«EO£Rias«IW,»l 3734121 gwwincd, u 2217155






Page 30: Potomac News

Georgetown Village

By Ann Millar Moonw— Phone: 221-7808

' -' ••immmaamatmat ARCHITBCTURAL

COMMITTEB I here will be a flMttlng of

Uic Arciiitectunl ConmdtiM uiiiiurrow evening at te Kilters' honw, 16608 Caddy tt »p.m. The committee wil h.iid an election for (h^aam dt this meeting. Tldl Mooie, a c I uLg chairman, eneonsagm anyone who has ever taptttttd. ill interest in joWag dw ^ 'iiimittee to coma to iMl nice ling. The c9iiunittee Iwi v.:.:k to do tnd it naedt iirsjdents who tre wUii^ to v..i:k. Phil says it would be in ideal upportunity for residtntt ot Section 4, ptrticubrly, to I'.ave a say in this ImpcstttU aspect of the community's work. Phil says they welcome all help although mty ItlllM dial nut everyone has the thne tu help in community aciiviiies. But, he sdded,dani ^taad back and critidat if ^ vu re not willing to work.

The committee now hat a secretary and dwy hope to. be^n work on simplifying the va::ojs AC forms which an in use.

STORK DEU VERY Congratulations to Bob and

Htances Lawrence whott third child. Barbara Ann, wat bom Aug 26 at DeWitt Army Hospital. Frances had tht baby "naturally" and Bob ttayad with her even during dw dejvery. hie said it wat <{UMt' an experience. Barbtri Ann weighed in at 8 poundt, J3 ounces.

SCOUT NEWS Cub Scout Pack 1350meett

each Thursday afterttoott at 3 30 pjn. at dw Schneflt' ho.-ne, 2879 Gloucester Ct. Boys eight through 10, tre invi:ed to come to the rneeungs. More mothsn ite badly needed to help whh the group. Please ctll Barban Bell at ::i-2415ifyoucanhrip:

NEW iiESIDENTS The welcome mat is out for.

Larr> and Gloria SUdds n d 'heir two boys. Skipper and Buddy, who recendy moved into Gloucester Ct. Larry is m the Navy. T3ie ft '


mtnufactumn an exaloiting a eommon. miteoHceptian tJEat dogi and eait nted a tai|i •KMat of aiaat In tWr foel. fba Jownel of dM Amtrkan VeMnaryMadkialAim,.hi«i e d i t o r i a l i faraed that eeteiktatiana a n , tnatU« m incnaring Mimbar qf d<«i fot "autiitTonal deftclenclta" r e i u t l l a g f r o m t k e coatuaiptiM of aH mtat fCOdlKtt.

Aocoiding to RogtrCirtt,t innfrthw opponent of tB-mttt dbb for pata, "It It a mktaht td ddnk that eidMr dogi or cau an aMat eaten. Tlwy A not; thnr t n anfanal eaten, hi dM wild, fehnet and cMiaN eat dM entin eercati of dMii ua. TMt hmiitabiy kidudta paunch materiel whkh k vege table mattK. Hwy eat tidn. bone, Iw, alMW, etc. Yot can give a car or dog mahiuttitian by feedhig hkn chofa»rirk)initaaks."

On dM basis of kiformadan now avtUibla, it appean dut an til-meat diet, even If fotdfled wltti mintralt tnd vitandm, it not dw preferrtd food for dogs tnd ctu and, hi fact, it mty Iw harmful. HSUS recomnwndi, dwrefoie, dwt pet owntrtnot ute all«wat pet foodt tt tn exclusive diet, but nthtr ute such products to tupplemtnt odwr foods.

Belmont Events •vAUtei


Monday mosntag WM a Bad Utter Day at our houn. We tend Qw htt' chUd off to Ant

10 M aMwugh the didn't know wlwt tlH they woidd leach her after dwy taught her to wdM en dw flnt day.

However, the wat willing to go back on Tuetdiy and give tham a Mr chance to faaptrt pboe for you hi tht dl thtlr knowlednt to htf. At p r o g r t m . P o i .^t leppedout Atdooriogo faifonnation call Ihi

MM to be herrfer'flbut two


The Baby Sitting Oub wOi rr.eet Sept. 6 at Noel Preissler's home, 16704 Chowning Ct., 8:30 p.m. If you are interested in learning about the dub, make plans to attend this meeting.

POTPOURRI The Breakiions have been

uaveiing quite t bit &H' sum.Tier. Jim and Linda a;:ended her 10 year h i ^ school class reunion in Uniontown, Pa. Linda alto sper: a week widi her titter U St College, Pa. and tevenl ii> i LI Levittown, Pt.

Butch and Sue Burritr of 'Aren Ct. will celebrate Iheh. ninth wedding inniventry .Sop-.:.

B::i a-Kd Cindy Krtit ?r. oyed camping right on dw

.ean at Nags Head, N.C., re. e n ily . They toured R.ar.oke Island, dw Wti^t B r thers Memorial tt Kitty H a V. k and drove to Ctpe Hj;;oras where they took me :err> over to Okracoke Uand. We -e vacationed in the atea

' era! times and it's oat of • ^j- ;av,inte spots.

The Sandford family moved. - -• Gloucester Ct. recently.

Thev're now making thdr r..:"ie ;n Connecticut.

B:rihday wishes go out this Aech to Charlie Sooad and tar.:>n Heaser Aug 30; Latry

V:.ker^ Sept. 1; Dtve ttttn Sop' 3 and Jack Kdky tnd Ji,-e TruslowSept. 5.

Bill Heaser's parentt, Cd. anj Mrs Bill Hetser, am htm ::. :r (Germany visiting arMi

Heasers at dwir hoOM OM -.o-bum Ct. he Voung ftmily of imshurg Ct. hts had t

'-. ,VC!JI of compaagr t l . - -.er Sam's dtltr and

•ir- ^ rhe BorcherdingS, wen 0- T-m Hampton, la., for

, ' a week. Diaae't . a - inioiher, Mrs. Irma

~b from Fresno, Cahf., ..!< Vre for a mondL Dwrlag ha' :ime Disfw's pannla. Ik.

and Mrs HaroM StltM. caaat :''om Ft. WtHoa Beadi,

F.i :.n 1 few days. Aitnhaw '.V i visit WM Mi8i Ottqr P:l^hrr. Sam's ritttt, tMMI * aie-l'Hi. Ia.

ANIMAL WORLD The Humtne Sodety of dM

- leJ States hmbatnlookhlg c l a i m s by t k e

-ar...'ac lurers of tft«Mel . irred Jog food. AoCOtdhlgta he l i s t s News it now taama I ::y c e r 11 i a lh«a«

•.he vie-


Mft. Nancy nat«i


osslstant awarded

Mn. Nancy S. Fhtto of Woodbridge hm received a S u t t a i n e d S u p e r i o r -Perfonntnce Award for her

to dwVui.ttop aun dun S mbiutat befon it wts datttor tht but .1 could-aot help but oonman htr flnt day hi tchool with that of my oldest children. NataBe will have a nlat to three day tchool «4wrt8t RoMa wm on dwi afternoon sMfl at OixOquaa' widi tix teadwn In her Hrtt yeer. And tht coattoued on

£t sUftt for part of dw atxt It yean at two dlffeieot

tchoolt. Now dui the is in high

tchool she it tdU en shiftt tad ualtm ditn It tomt mkade, tuch It Iht new h^i tchool being ready on time, sht wa probably fhdth tchool on sUlit. I know all dw money it being tpent on Ugh tdtooh now hi an eifort to catch up but I wonder if in a few ye«t we wfll be back en dw tame old treadmill hi dw lower n d e t m befon or if by thtn flwy wffl have found the good tenm and c o u r ^ to (wt dw entire system on dw 45-15 plan. Otdy thne will tea;

LABOR DAY PICNIC The Park tt Aleak Road wfll

be dw site of tht btt picaicof the sunmwr for the Behnant Civic Attodaticn. Wt hopt you can attend and meet your iMighbars. We want you lo attend even if you tre not t ntember of the Attodition. We want til .retldence to come on out. The picnk will begin at 12 noon and continue til dark. We wfll have out cake, wilki, tnd our food and drink gtmes. Thit yeir we will also have t Mtgic Show. Bdio dw bhgicitn wOl tnvei tfl dw way fiiom Mt home on Regency Road to demcnttrate hit sU^-of-haad. Conwjoihinthefim.


Anyone who has ever attended our 'picnics.has seen how popular the cake walks are with dw younger diiklren.

19 at tha Vepco ttattiiigatSpm.

If you work but ttUI wint to ha^ hi dM hotpltel or if you mittad dM Augutt maeUM make plam to atteail dw mndng. Vohmlaen wffl be nttdtd to ittitt hi UM rooata, M lecapdonittt. hi tht gift thop, or Itkh^ dw pictutet of tht new bom baUia, What ever your IncUnadon dMn wfll be a

AmdHiry r m o r e

the hoaplty office and dwy wfll put yon ki touch with the Audhary OlBcert.'

9C0UTINCNEWS ^ CuhPack ll92mayhaveto M l Ut ttnt aad etem htla§. Vm taatoa for tUt te lack of adult patddpadon. It would ht alee if a tcovt pack could eaitt with ont or two edultt but it limply won't wetk. To mtke a padt work ki ttw OMttiar needed to benefli dw leeult teket many adulte. If you caa help plaen c d dM tchod now or whtn dMy hdd School Night for SeoudM Sept. 29. Tht Belmont Ttoop wa no kM«K exitt. for tlwt alght it dw deadUnt to att tiw troop organiatd and let ibr dw tchod year.

BRIDGE NOTES Tht Behnont Btkige Club

met at tha home of Maxine Milton on Frklty evening.

MaxkM took Mgh teon, I todf taoond high, ioan Oeyer wen low priae and OeirytHm Hedges won the tamllai duect priae.


Allta Embrey, oaMnied dwir 40th weddtag amdvertiry Aug. 27vHonM for dw ooek out wanlofdwirUchBdien. lS of dwir 23M gr«id«hiMnn, moet of tht tont ardau#Mn ki law and ana of SMf modwn dtten. Gifu tangtd from a new lounge chth m dad and a new vacuum daaner for mem lo ihtving k>dan for dad to Jtwthy for mom.

BELM(»rr BIRTHDAYS Stndy Milton ww 10 yetrs

oU Aug. 29; Susit WIsmon

rOTOMACNEW, oehbratad hei l l lh yew Aim. 9 while vacaOonlni hi H a i ^ Her fothar, PnnE. had U Urtkday AIM, 14 i l wMleUif iM^wmM


HOMEFRiCmHAWAn Danny Witnom hm niuraed

from a two oundi ttay hi MawtU Mid flddey Hid Swie we beck nftw t ont mondi atty. Thty wwe then vMdH S h i r l e y ' s s is ter Ruth Schwieckert. While, thtn SUrley had a diort vWt widi focmw Bebnonters Dtan and Uuv Kelly. All of dw children Detn, Gtiy t ^ Debbie htve grtdutted from schod tnd tre either woifckig or in college. They were doing fine and not intensted hi trading Belmont for HtwtU.



N « w g s»4 t l i f


mmm G e n e r t l , Army Materid^ ""»i * • "eed caket Command (AMQ, WaAington Col. John Burke. AMC Intpector General said in pretenting the awwd: I d n , P l u t o hat cont is tent ly performed her duties ia m Outstanding manner. Her; initiative, iatKivatiant, wcric o u t p u t ' a n d revition ia adminittrative acticnt han dbrecthr taved the Army fundi aa wA m contributed to a mote elBcient caerttioa. Sht h mtelig|nt, U | ^ atothrmed and d e ^ S e d to ber jd)."

M r t . P l u t o ' e n t e r e d goveimnent 'lervice m March 1961; ifae trantferred to AMC in 1967. Mr*. Pluto tnd her huiband, Joteph A., live tf-I50D2AlaikaRd.

For Home Delivery POTOMAC NEWS

MM* a __a ^ . - ^ M f , • • . I

iffiinvOTK sna vTBOKsna Phone 2211400

If yon can make t cake, or browntet,' or breads for dw wa& please do and caH me md I vvfll have them picked up or if you can drop them off at my .houte. If the weather it hot we wffi tdw I few at atmw over to the park to keep them fteah. Hope to hear from you.


The ho^tal wiO need many, vohmteen to make it an asset to the community' and dw AuxiUtiy knows thst maw women who work woukt ita Uke to glv« some thne to Aa. hotpttaL For dwte women the Auxiliary haa tet up t n ^ t Orieptatian Program. It is dw tanW' orientation given at the Augint meeting which wfll be required of all vohmteen. The Orientation wiB be given by Miss Joyce Fletcher, IXrector of Nursing at Potomac Hospital. The night program has been scheduled for Sept.



SAVE 40% - 60°


Cordejoanne^ Umf OIHQH* SQ MH


K f O U L A R « S ^ 7

VWTH um*(* bov* moccasin ilylevoinp. KnH lining. Com­position loln. FoihiOR trim.. Sim S to 10.

Page 31: Potomac News

' **-»i«wn^MP«i5fi^-

POTOM* NS«c wim..« . Aapai jo.itTi. ».ie



Live Entertainment .Provided by ttte "SWING RiDERS"


iPACIHCiJWWAN.- „ You can <to4t-your«8rf... gfves an ord room tmt beauty : . . a new room aMJeas alagance. Thia *-owe a-^NYouraalf paneling ia

pre-fintehed in a rich, womiay look with natural taood grainii^ tjrouoht out in a aoft. hiatrow finish you can dust or wipe clean. H?*t RI22!^ *«w the fimahma touch. Wth Loive'a "ahoir hoar . . . you can have the Itnow how" . . . it's easy! #1227»^



12"xl2''EXCEL0N* VINlirii FLOOR TILE You want a ftoor tfMrt can talce It . . .but you want beauty too. This is it ExcekMi* tHe Is known for rugged durability... it can take a beeting h<om wear md stay new looking. Fbr beauty, aeiet^ ' ' . ? ? ««5iting patterns l i k e ponshed marble, palatial, tkle-•tone in a range of fascinating colons Eaay le lay 12^12" tiie& Cut to fit wHh i^MHS. « l S ! »

Lowra LOW PRKie

irtBERGLASS BATH-SHOWEKCCnfE Here's a new way to di your bath in a hurry. Right or . „ . hand installaUon. 60"Wx 35^»0 X 731ft"H bathtub and shower combinalion eliminates costly in-staUatton a n d maintenance. Made of fiberglass rsinfbrced po-tyster vesin with a polyurethane foam ^ r e . No seams or Joinls. Slain, chip, mar reslstanL #20tO4



Hri . - ^,—, . . ^beauty . I. and' malntenance-f rae uae. . . basket-weave redwood fencing Is the anwrar. Providea utmost in prk vacy and adds rustic charm to your hoine. Ideal for pool or patio acrsening. Large p a n ^ measure 6x8* when installed. Knot-free Xate are pre-stained. Use ready made posts and gate to ecim-pMa your fencing. #92328


ELECTRIC START tMtM^-3l4IL(Hl^ ^aay to handle and hm to ride • v^ what more could you aak for? TMa mower has all the «xtraa . . elei tric start . . . big 36 htch out . . . east iron front grHI . , . four speed transaxle... 18 inch rear aitd 15" front pneumi^ tftea . . .floating deck . . . rack a n * pinion steering. #96191


Page 32: Potomac News

liOWB'S PtnoNAC NEWI. WaaBMdsr, iw.i*7a>i|





Definitely one of our most popular modnla. No-frost throughouti With a^Mratn cort-trois for frnah and frozen food compart­ments. AdjuatabM cantilever ahetves. 4 door shelves. Freezer door sheivee. Cof ered dairy storage: Magnetic door gasket. Rolls out on wheels. #S3530.

SAVE $50 . -REG. $319.86


.. - - . - • TOO LB. CAPACfTY (^ CHE8T FREEZER

Shop SNtMnfood prioat • • • at VlVn WWOTI . . . •no llWw vWM handUy In thkt chMl frMur. SaMy^ IM. FttwrjlBM wMUi FBMR bottofn. AiQti^teMt t tn" pwkura coMroi. ^90Bu«



SAVE $32. 14.7 Cu. Ft Fn





R s the rootin'est, tootin'e^ sale anywhere . . . Lowe's Last Chance Safe . . . your last chance to lasso seme mighty purty savlnga on summer merchahdlsel At Ihe end of sum­mer, Lowe's rounda up tcito of mewhawdbeand bcande N w W l * mMily fMeMn' prtoe. Og;a*Mndl^Jafala'OHnowthrouoiiLaberPay . • . ^ » a | w i r b—I chyea to iWeeit •^jfv.-*.. _aaddlswa||_fjMi et aavlnga'eif lelHgeratorsi freenrSi eir condMonierai ranpsaf-wvanarst diyetSi iV and leto mofai.

! . '



e Hotpo in t • Fedders • GibsoA

, oMSTic aspwcTiem m au. Moaas w STOCK

18 IN. DIAOQNAL PORTABLE COLOR TV Wgm In tunt with tht ttmtt . . . OQlor TV Ihtl QOM wtwrt ypu go. ^K tq. IneliM et RCA

HI AeouClttiiil weauta; WV flna kmeio. . . t t M MM* UHT. „Wn^K WOT. BBf^lV VHBOTMI. *»« t t

288'' SAVE$3a t «»l



|14t.7S $13473




V a M CtHNOI nfiiii¥a ^^* AVrOMATIC

s.a84^ B u ^ 5 8 W


i t l <28«


HHNS, Fri. M ; TaK H ; IM. M atuES -<f~ -^z

Page 33: Potomac News

7^crvt(fl,^JUMlfww •tr»ifi»iyMiiOi*»j. . . > > - -tv.:> *<•» - • • •^»- -» - . . * !» -^^ .»^ V-» —••< • > r * - » ^ t

rOTOMAC Ne«i, M,i*n.B-i}

Lprton watch dogs' survey landfill site

On Sttiirday moialnf memb«it of Uw "^mtch-iot c ummlltM**, at tk* Lottos A i e t C l l l i t a t Act loa Commltla* nadt t routlat survey of tht Lortoa Stiritiry Landnu ftdllly. 1>ty Kriwd at tbt 4it tt 7 »;ai. Mat iruclu Mtn wMi tmiitattml the ficUity wilWa tht hm and teven of dw alat ««rt grossly over loidsd.

The nauUiMim lt|il w*l||it fur a five ixit traek it 70,000 pounds. Thott tnMag Md 84,500 pouiKti, whta Ihqp passed thiouib Iht tctht. These iiuckt trtvtM oe ttatit roads from Wtthlmlon, wbb this excess wtlylit.

Membert ortlw cooMiitiM contacted locti ttitt poUet oniy lo be told- Hut tfat portable tctltt uttd in tbttt cases were in tiiollMr pitt of ihe sute. When It wtt poiattd out that the wtkhtt could ba verifyed on tht badflB tcaitt, committee memben wtt* tcM that this wts ftdertl poptcty and could not b« uted.

The c o m m i t t e e t l t o observed drtinigt pcoMeroi tt



Marie SMpp-ntani 338-7112-

cttch blowiag dcbrit md piptect hornet neaAy hitwM u yet been iatlaBed.

Memben of &m comnittae e t m t t w i y vtry much d i t m t y e d tt tht whplt procedure. They feel tht wttretti of the people of tht ooauMwlty haw been totally dhrtauded in tht mtttr from tht beiiaaiaa of the protect •ad that Iht Fedttal owntrthip ol the lind k «ontiaui|y evoked and uttd at t wetpoa whta etar It It oMvitnieat.

GUSKM MANOR NEWS The C u a t l o n Maaor

PraiMtty Owiie|i Aaiodtlion the site; water wtt not diaiahia wjtfhoW their aamiti mattite as specified ia Uie flauTmi aa m^tmi^^^^ui work w» beioi doot to mttrn Om «w h S S t ^ S ^ r S T t t 2 at a solution tt ^ time. No hard surface hat bees tpetttd to the entrance road MM iti |t clouds of dutt' caa be teta during heavy taaffie houat. Water trucks are beia| vttd to l(eep down dutt but tie aot entirely effective. A tect which was to be erected to

pjit. la tht event ot rate, OM meeliai wffl be held la tbt flee

' TIM mott iaportaat item oa the aitada, ft the tltctkai of offlotrt for Aa aatub^ Ml retideatt • « «im_ _ atttod. Htfrtthawata wfl be

WATER AUTHORITY ACTS Retideatt of GupttoA Manor

were happy lo tH tht Pibftx Co. Water Authority hi tht area latt wetk. SurvtyiM .U undtrway aad a ailUble wai tUe It beittt contidertd. Moia oattttititdevilopt.


. RetideBit of tfat MMwr ware torry to loai dM Lotnfi F k ^ family who tre movh« to Kentucky. The oommualty txtendt a welooaw to Capt. and Mrt. Robtrt Neweaafe. wbq have jutt moved into the area. - -

Get we l l w l t h t t ara extended to Mr. Chaita Elyard, who it recupetathw at home after belsv ooaflaad hi thrhonital.

A NOT* OF SYlff ATHY The C u n i t o n - M t a o r

IVOMOTION SUNDAY , haatotloa Sanday wll he hiU oa.Suaday at Craafotd M l a d MathodtM C f a u r S ^ ?fi ".•*: *«*P««»»ca. All church ttudtatt tad Mattett will be hooored with «Mtltte«et,phuandMrtet.

Thote it lted to laoeive aMMtftnet pint are: hun Faw « i M M t Wtatt. 2 yaan; C i * « Nsjjow. 7 yeaiTlW

H«WlF. 23 yeart; P h l p Hrii^24year*.MhlatwluS B«5-J|ogp.,IG-.,.i

AiaetptlonwSlbeheUfa illidwtt. leadMrt md faariltot l a t h t C ¥ a r c h H a l l

REUNION riaat aia mtaatiy behw

compltted for Iha IMMMI ClialM-niifceu ttualen at Crtaford United MeUwdkl Church, Sept. 10.

Anwouncemtntt wil) tags be made oa the aaaaal Haat-Turkay Oaoer tobahild ai tha church Sapt. 16.

SCHOOL NEWS S c h o o l b e i i a t for

alaaMatary aaa taooadary MadtMi Sept. S. Letten have been tent to all parentt ^ tht Fahf ax Ceatoy Schoolt lUthM but tchedaltt. htach feat, tchool fett, etc. If you did not lacelta a letter aad late a«* 4utelioat. pliate caU Cunttoa EleaMataty 339-S41S or Hayfltld Secondary, 971.|70d.

Advisory Board hears rec

Wiliam R. PtrwU, of Iht Dale City Sanilaiy Oittiiel Adviioiy Sotrd, pnttaltd Ut Widhip oa potitb|t liiM for a yoitth ctater tad other ttciaationtl Awihtitt for M e City Wedaetdty aad the •taiben wi ld to vWt two priaw titet oa Saturdtgr

Tht twiinniiBi poot rarneU id would be Olympic

tlat e({ulpped with a itaMraWt coatr to that il couM be uttd yaar-rouad for tduiol twin proftaaM tnd twhn ttaaat. A cowtttloa lettauraat for thott otdtn, niaehi, aad haKhtoM which would be Itatad to

uader an H l ^ pro|nm grtal for up to 7 s perceat of

Paraei l taid that dM lanitary dittrict plant lo provide the youth with nellitltt for atcrtaiiaa Md m active full-rangt nctaatifla protran for aD dtixtnt.

Inchided ia plant, hf uM It an. tU-purpOM youth otattr baildiai with t batfcttbril court. roM-up Ueachttt on two tidtt, md a ita|t at one tad which Mtavettt to tn tatidM area.

Next to tbt 0 m wouU be a "fair itaed" mtetini locta. adminittrative ofHott for the cealtr, tnd qffloM for Iht ttnitaiy dittiict, Thtie would liao be a.aaaw room, MM roonu, and awttlni rooan -to tttvt both Iht o m tnd iht twiamiac pool. A n tlto niaattttd.

e o n i t r u c t i o a aad laad aoBiiiiiian. Tht local parttaa it is perceat of total cott.

A bend refareadum would have to be patted to tMlM openwioaal fundt, Ftraell tild.

.— _ Memben of the laaitaiy privijt tBMrprlM WM part of dittrict favoiad two aiM^-ow •HPiw which Hyltoa hat oAeiad to

•Ivt M o f ^ tpace Md ont which would . havt to bt

Liihttd Pltyina fitldi, courtt. with UtKBtrt tnd

* 1 2 ? * * 5 « « » ' « « » y •*»«•• to expmt • J « * » 7 « J ; .to deepett tympathy to tha

I^LfStH fiunUy of Mr. Bob Fiike who

Public hearing deferred concerning amendment

Mrs. Ford named to school position Mrs Margaret T. Poid b a

been named .to dw Bumbcr two administrative potttioa in Fairfax Co. Public Schoob' Area 1, Division Superinten­dent S. John Davit anaooneed. Her title is area aihniiiitiTalet, w o r k i n g u n 4 e r Arfa Superintendent Taylor M.

u u . O^l



WHHami. M l . Ford, since September

1966 M elementary nmervitor in Area I. wfafch inchidet that part of Fiirftx Co. iMilh of Alexandria, came to fte cowtly in 1964 as a teacher at HoDitt Hifl Elementary. Fnim August 1964 unttt Ausutt 1966 Ae wa* priadpil of . - n FoMtdde^Elenwatary. extaaded thit wedc to D^M

— I * r p » . i ; 3 a i r a f . . u a i n i a P r e v . t t . I A»j •,-,. ^ ^ incaded 10 yean at t teacher if*"^* Oavid Shepherd, in Dtewiddie tnd Chesterfield-

family patted away on Fddi^ after a Mig Olattt. Mr. Flidce iMt been a member of the coBHminlty' for a number of yeart. Punderal tervloet wfll be held at the Lee Funeral tfooH, W a t h i n s t o n , D.C. with interment at Fort Liaoott Mmorial Park.

ALONG BELMONT BLVD. Mr. aad Mrt. Marvhi Learof

Haiil^ LMM hate m thik bouttgueiU Mr. and Ifa. M M Henry KiriDt WUie and fairily of Hamflton. Bermuda.

A dhwer party wat |hieR hi their honor on Saturday eveainf. Guettt indadtd fiudy, fHendt and lieishbart.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday (reetingt ate

Tht Ftlrftx Co. PlanahM Committioa haa defetwd tfat

KHc heattac tcheduled for t. 7 at ftlS pj£, on a

pn^oatd amtadnMnt to d» toolni ptdhianoe wUdt woaM ettabUth controb for iht reguJation of carnlvalt, iMvatt..lai(t. bo(M ihowt, polataMt tiet takt tad tht Uht. •

Tfat deferrmeat w « tt the te.quett of the znonlna a'4MlaiatratDr to allow

tad pcMpa

additional time to meet and t t u d y t h e p r o p o t e d tmmdmeat: Tht heaikg triB be reKheduled at toon at poaahk after <ddUonal ttudy aad m e e t ^ of inttntled. poupt.

Copiet of the ptopottd ordiaince mty be viewed in the Of f i ce o f Zoning Admiaittration and kiquiriet relative to the propoMd "riHaaaui thould be diiecMd to the Atiittant Zoalna Admtalttratpr«691.23iSl.

phorground tqu^nent neaiby eM Mto pitnatd.ht taid.

RavMUM producing pririectt tudi at a driving rang!, trab or tky chair, marty-g»fouad^, ttock^td f l t h i a g pond, bottridet, tnd a btMbdl battini practice machine were

- abo wggHltd. An ampUtfitatia, thaatm tnd

concert area'Md t pkaic ttea with paviUoM, TtttrooMi. tnd grillt, with playgrpuad t q u i p m e a t nearby, are propoted, at well u M aflwpoae grttn field.

A trtil lytttm v o u U i d e i ^ whid throiJigbout tfat tiet for "pMtivt" pleaturet ludi M walking or bicycUag tad

' tepante mhii-Wkt tnBt with " t o r t u r e tracfct" were propoted. ThtM aM being cciotidered for OM power4kie anat, hmtU taid.

Parneli tMd the sanitary diatrict plant to coottct with the Prinoe Wiliam County Recreation D^Mrtroeht to provide quaUiitd ttafflng to tupervlM, maintain, and police the Men at all time aad to provide actiW programt for familiet, etpecially for the youth.

The Initial coat of dw propam would be S2,7O0.OQ0 for conitructiaa tnd Itnd a c q u i s i t i o n . A n a t h e r 11,000,000 would be allotted for batic operaticn.

Famttag AQUM be available

KrchaMd from a privaM patty t which it atailablt. Tht IMton rite it bttweta'

Minetvilti Road Md Dab Boubvard and it beiiM caBed " M i n a e v i i l e Park" for identification purpowi.

The other t itt it "tht Flan property" betweea Wlindde IMt* and OMdMt Road which it quoted M ttlUag for S4000 M acne. EachiM eacempaiat* tpproxiaMbly 40 acret.

Pamell teemed eifthusiasiic about the propoeed iwiminin| pool saying Oat he had taUwd with several contractors who attured him that once the ale

WM prepaied the pool, with cover, could be coopiiteiy hMtaUedfai 190 dtya. The ppfl4 ht iiiagtittd WM a l(M by 10 fool CoUtftatt pool ttdnaltd to cott $280,000, iron^ltb with decking tnd tccatiorbt. A mtchaaical room aad ihowtr facUitiet woaM cottM addiHonal 1100,000.

Meffl.ben of Hm taaitaqr dbtrict plan to audb a final a b Miection Salurdiy lAat vWtiBg both ritaa.

,Pack «


Run your datiiflatl ad In tha MWwaak fotomac Naan^ itm Waakand n»tomn« Naws and tha Quantico Santry.



eewtaarie r MMwW-WMi •MnprasMn MwMt • M M . ' • •


RAWWAIERCWlCREfEl 33»m5 m^r 4

• ^ • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • M M B M I I M a i i i r .


are Counseling services available in advance of (he faH semester at the Fairfax Co. Public Schools Adult Centen, located in Annandab, EditcM, Marshall and Waodson. high s :hools, to assist pertont who a i e making' d e c i t i o a t c o n c e r n i n g adul t t a d continuing educatiott dataet.

A counselor at each ceater w.iii assist with plaoniag ld||l school completion programt, :nterpreling educatioiHl Ittt results and trtnsciipb, tnd regis ter ing for c lai iet sponsored by the ditbian of adult services.

Specialized counteUag tnd pretesting services tie oKted ;cr persons enrolliag la b u s i n e s s and o f f i c e -'Occupations and foreiga :anguage classes.

Persons wtshiag to enroU in typing, shorthand, and icbted :lasses can attend a iimai1iii| ind counseling tettian at 7 p m on Sept. 5, eidier at Weit Springfield or MinhaB hiili school or Edison on Sept. 6. r.-iunseling for ttudeatt or.iermg any of Ifat fo anguage classes it i

Woodson Sept. 6 at ' hese sessions, t deWiaihMliun

.5 made as to the ^ 't course placemmt.

couatiet in Virginia u d in - Mbmi, Fb. She abo has taught

ia St. Pktertbu^ Fla. wd hat been a pncaqwl in Cfaesterfield Conaty and. a tupervbor b ' Empotb (Va.) Pubfic Schoolt.

Mn. Ford hat faer BA. and Mattat in edueatian froM MadbonColl^ and hat done iddit ioaal study at the Unbersity of ^rgbia. From 1964 to 1970 dK tai^t U n i v e r s i t y o f Virginia exteatioa datrt.

28;DdeDay,Aug. 30:Giao« Vk>lett, Aug. 31 and Joaeph Campbell Jr. Sept. 3.

GET WELL WISHES Bett wbfaet are exteaded to

the foOowiag Lorton retideatt. Mr. Rogtr Bbka hu beaa moved to Veteran HMtUri fai Richmond. Judy CMc b recuperatlag at faoMt afbr uadergobw twgety at Fairftx HotfltaL Nonb Dewton tpeat five dayt in tfat faotpbal tuffiering. &om second depee burnt ictulting from ' a |t< expkMionte hb camper.

MMiliC nncL


lioiv Opfii Til 10:00 pm 1303 • 1305 G strati

Woodbridge, Va. PiiOM49U176 491-4177

comniTE iffvc of AUrOMOrftff FAKTS M ACCfSSOMES


n JaMi at i t7pM.At I biadMiiua I ptapar b t d •


pm t ScR. 1 IM. •at. MR. • ML

To fit raar up for campart. Odtan





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Get Ready Reserve Checkii^, And get ready to roll.


Page 34: Potomac News
Page 35: Potomac News

POTOMAC Nm..«t*Matr, AB«M M, i9n. s-u

AAcOovern forces hold farm picnic His 1 l/2'yaar4ld toa atop

his shouldert and Mt. wii^. Mar i t , at hb ridt. Hob art EUiou of OahaevMt aartayad the bade paituta of dM 0 . R. Hersh ftrm aev MiattMt, where Princt WMtm Cowaty'i McGovern forcat were haviag a picnic.

" I think thb b a typical g a t h e r i n g of McGovara workers for Virgiab," Qliatt said. "It's not very Ng."

Then he want on ubk^ to ddd: "Bui it'igoing to pbfcap. Nationwide, it^t goiag to bt a lot closer thtn peopb iUak."

H l l i o i t , t I t w y t r la Washington, heard about ihe tund-raislng picafc ($4 per' adult) just 1 few houn ttrlbr, and decided to cwne. Ht add he c o u n t e d h i n i e l f a McGovern supporter bacauM "he's a touna leader" and because "the coualry needs a p r e s i d e n t who It more concerned tbout domtttic affairs."

Once at the pbnk. however, he said be noticed moat of those attending wtre'camatiga' w o r k e r s , t t t h e r t'hi'a rank-and-flb vottrt. " I doti't know i f th i t wai their-intention or not," he taid.

Lynn Lang of Dale City, chairnun of the Prince William Friends of McGotera. ttenwd outwardly pbtted with the turnout. Better than 100 adults and youngsteit ndlled about the five ctnopiet under w h i c h cou ld be fouad everything from McGovern bumper stickers to oi lbd

hambuifert aad waurmekm tNcet. Other ptnont iMdcmM aad goAe.

iBvltatkMt had been ttat to over "2^00 Democrab who voted in last June's party primarv, including oouanr off ic ia l i and the party's

A ten bactor halpe w t tiaB i l i f t at O.R. Haarii tea tor ooonty M c G o t e m o u t i ^ .

coagreMional nomkbe, ftkhx-Comnoowaalth^ Atty. Robait Hoiaa. T Ia ooaoly efflctab « d a t « o n M , a a d l h M a . i r t i e priiMlilBg to try and ia aa appearaaea

F R I E N D L Y R E C E P T I O N - Wimam Durland. independent caadidate fe Co^pe ts , aot a fnendhr welcome at McGotem pkaltic. Here he's served a watermelon slice by L y m Lane o f Dale CSty chairman of the Fiieadi <rfMcGo»«n.

Help prevent

home burglaries .A few common tentc

practices ctn prevent a household from joiniag the Niaiistics of those biaghriaed Aer a holiday weekend which boon approaches. Thr Halii—I C o u n c i l on Crijiic a a d ' D e l i n q u e n c y shows aa c:>timated 20 perceat. O T a l nleaking and entefbg .Kcur because peopb ioave doors unlocked. '

According to Prince W H o a County Police CUef Geoifr Ouens. "Double ihinHi^ to 'OC if all doors are secwely ojked will not detet Ibt

determined thief, but he aHy " e less apt to Ukt the thae -ecessary to break b.'''Owaaa

j u i i o n s againtt teaviag w:uable posiestioaa lach at -.kcs and la¥m mowtts oat hi -le open. He figthMadibttto

' n . e l or m t k t other j-rangements for - .h as mail, - oaning.

The practice of bating a ch: or two buraiag

jv.a\ IS considered aa 4 ,Je:erent. electrical •^c market autonwticaRy lata ho iighis on aad aff «

p-odelermined tiatet. Am iJdi i ional sMtfaaid b la :>< iii.>n a broota htadb or red 1' tbe base of a l dMh^ glHB .ioors to i m i e t • f t r t a *

r>ers<vis keep aa hmattty at J i\ txisKssiom of I r i i h e n of nM^M clevision aett aad p M l b

helpful, too. Noiifying t atHlbai at

abtenot tad I M M M M

to keep a watchful eye aiay pretaat a probbm befote It occurs. For a vacation c^ a week or more, notifyiiv the kxal police d ^ i a e a t wfll abrt the petrol b yotir a m to tMte note o f your pioperty hi yoarabtence.

Adopting a iaare thooghM aad protective attitude Caa ledace b u r g ^ and aadtc for a aaaw ccbaed hDMay, b ttaa advbe gbca by the laauiaace farfbcaMtioa InatitBte.

Police officer injured

Officer E. M. Barrett of dM ' Pdace WflUam County PoUce Department wat injured Saturday night when ttruck Ity an unattended vehkde w h i a poikie said wat bft widi tfw motor running and in drite gearby amotoriit.

Lercy Edmund Boyd, 47, of

VdamS, (Ming drunk b p^hc and faihne to tecuK the htod brake on hbVehicb.

According to a police report, Boyd bft his vehkle parked in front of a buiinett on die Soudiwest comer: of VS.H tad Rt. 642 widi dw

"fiiotor riouiii^ aad in ''drive". Ihe vehkie croMed VS. 1 and pinned Barrett, who wat itndhig netr hb car, between die car aad die door aiien it itrack die po&c veUcb.

Barrett btertaid diat he w ^ | u s t h a n g i n g up the nacrophone ta hb car after talking to an invetdgafor and when he ttood 19 ht anv dM ctr coming towttdt iiat. He said he attenii>ie4 io pidl fatanelf up on die top or hb own vdacfe, but the car struck die door and pinned hb b|t between die door tad tba car. He taid the car door actualy btchedwHhhbh«i ia i t .

County PaHoe Sgt. J. K. SoUivtn and Pvt. David Ibaver of dM Quaatico Mariat Gorpa Beat freed Barrett aad ht waa t raaaported to Natioaal O r t h o p e d i c Hotpi ta l ia AriiattoB by OWL Bearae. I t wat teamed diM hb bg wat aot btofata batteteedy biubed.

Bviittt haa ntamed to w«afc and b iddag dMk daty Ite a

CoirraEiw mm UC84SB « N N D O IN oc MO. ft STATI OF VA



other tcheduled tppoiatmMib, didntthow.

Oat of Horan't qmonentt, former Del. WIBbja Durbiid, M thorn, tad w n warmly laoefawd. Durbnd, ruadw at

an independent, akhourii he tayt ht oonddert bfamirif a '*progret<lvB". Democfati wat btroduoed by Gtry Crawford of Manastai , t McGovern d e l e g a t e at t h e 1 9 7 2

Democratic convention, t t "tha neat VS. coagreMman."

Rk^Mrd Bcodtky, ia chant of btaet aad dM preH for McCovera ttate haaaquMlers, was oa head, M was Aileat Goodmaa, autlcal advitor for M c G o v t r a ' i a t t i o a a l head<|uaitM ("tfcb b a toag of todalpeotatt, tadal ptotaat. social prot«at..jia( aloag with me.")

Mrt. Laag dU aot appear ditmayad by Iht dim chaaee given by medb expertt fSot McGovtra tP uaaeat Reddeat Nixon ia NovembM. "My reactkie ta dut McQovara b M January w u dw uadardog by teveral peiceataat pohib, aad ht camt up aad f « aupatttd hit coBipetitori to get the nominat loa . Thi t i t hit potltioa tgshi now," iht laid.

Mrs . , L a n g t t i d Sea. M c G o w b had behlad him tuppottert "w^ an raaBy dtdieated to Um. aad to hb poaition 00 the war and oa poverty, and I partonally ddak a e w i l l move la to the forefront." Slwtaid ki Rriaee WilliaiR alone there were " p e r h a p s 150 hardcora workert" to gtt the can^Mlia ndUag.

. McGovero't groundtwell wOl pom, Mrt. Ung /eU, a t e a votart bam BMta about l i t feellngt on the eoooooiy, tbt Soutbeait Ada war aad otbtr . iatuet "tnd ledlM be b goiai to bcae& them."

»*«JOVERN'S THEIR MAK - Joan SchlMW (left) of ifaoMMM aiKt wane MoCarey DTDileCity peet fuaatejat Satuiday'a aicnfe booatiiw Gtatf* McGovani foe ptaadaat k tadwoiBid. Mkm Goodman, niAioiMl iudi^mtaa' tauaki aMnt, belts mt a pnitett iOQK.

Owiti. 2 0r.jBpi SpknakK HBriM.lK23-

V . n ... ; . i a . i ; . ,

^ a i H l a ^ M M b i b B ^ M

We must move the temaiaing I972's. We have ao room for the feuadndt of new 1973 ChiyMetsaad Plymouths due at Woodbridga ChryderPiymoodi in the next 1] dayt. Save.aa toaM foo« atid ttna-yoanatf a pib d^

. mooeyl Every laake and Model ta iatcladed ia tU t sale! WE NEED YOOR BUSINESS SO WE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY - LABOft DAY.

I i H t i — M A H * N ) 2 Or. HT,GalOLii<4F10 !3«a

Facy I I ; 4 Dr. 4F27

'72 Plvneet l i , CdtleM SMMI«;_4 Qr«M3t4a

troninjl 11)0 '•> .rummti J «• ,1 • .-iril

HTHeaeyDMana " **5Wfl5


'Tt ChniMar, Tdwi* ft Counay 3 . Sect WeeoB, Spinnate WhHa4yC47 ysm.

MtyeiMarsi ^ ' V v f H i

"71 2 Dr. HT, 4 /VC »!2825

72 P(yM*«tf t Ce steal. 4Dr .a td , l

Gfen. TSta-

"TS WiiiieiiM VMiiil. 4 Or. •ta..Tratahie7V1 !26«i


1t70 Oodp

\%m MiAmtt 2 fir. t< S i d , ^ *

1t71 Hut* 2 Or. $ 1495

wi *•«


Page 36: Potomac News

Courthouse Record TFTLC TItANgPBM

MANASSAS DiSTkm-; J*. Roberti to D. HTMtaM. tt3,M9: Ethel M. Joais to S J . WMw. S3 9.000: C I . M h n lo O.w! Fuij>, i3 i . |00; M.vThaasr at il, Tr. Id D.H. aNlHr, IJl,44«. CsOwrtoa; )f. Nspeg te Sadbr Rulty. lac.. ttO.TfO, Oait IMk{ DL ICnkribtli to PJ. YeMM. WS.OOO, LaataaMStuaiai W ? Hin« to a j . WWiby, tilMt. Loch Lomoad;KerPtaatolbt.la». >o D.R. GrMdl, tl4,l«SrMtaMi GardMi;

G«oct*wwa Sou*: O X HIM M J.B. Downv. t l l M I : U . WMb <o R.L. rtMm. tUptet 0X1.

$24,000; ^ Robnel: Eahatt SMb. Caaa. to

W.L. Reeves, $M42S;SJLCaMtby to J .P. NupoH. $37 JM.

OCCOQUAN DISTBKn-; TWid ' i . Win. n « t , lae. to Tiilihigtoa" P e i m i n e n i SerTle* Coia. . S332,620; Guy Booth, n . to WA Cuel, $2J,000; J. UieaahU. Jr. to Mt. VernoD InwiWMBl Ana-$31,800, WUowbKMlk;

t ike Ridai: Alton Otr. Com. to Joan W. Dcwejr et al, $41jg40; to J A. Roby, S)9.2Mi to WJt. Green, S3g,l50: Artwy, Ltf. M l>G. ThomM, S32,«M; to ILK ciuids, S34.290: Coaoart rfTiaii. Inc. to T.P. Ntprad, Jt, tMM^t OM Pott Dev. Cotr. to UXi. Svm, S04,090: Ridfe DOT. Con. to WJ. Husui, $33,300; to PJi. »—-fre • $33,300; R.W. Noitfa« tk K.T. EdwMdj, $42,950; CS. Woedt W R.D. RedingtOB. i^S,^09•,

Greenwich Hilb: JJL Sfcantr-to K.A. Gudfen, 333.300, Gntowfek Hill. . •

BRENTSVILLE DISTKICr: D H. Dodd lo H. aHwrifitiL S44.000; Cora E. BMIUI ot tt to H T. Dunn, 572,000; M « t e B. Turner to the Town of MaatMto: D.C. Foster to S.D. Woodwtog, S 19.000.

COLES DISTOICT; St. Hwiil u> L.R. PfeilTei.Sl8,900, M a ^ M Park; DE. Laird to WJ. Haclaait III. $23,900, MiiuMM Puk:J«aa Davis Realty, Inc. lo J.T. HofUm 1 al, $18,500, ManaiiM Parit; IJ.

Vlacquilliam to LJ'. Bnllllllt. S25.400, ManauatPifk;

Y o c k t h i i e Paik: Emi ly McGnlrick tn R.C. BImlm. $7,900; JE. McGoirick to J.D. Bbvbt,. S6.932.54; J.E. McCoifklt to RX. Smith, $4,864.

DUMFRIES DISTRICT: Bob* Cascade Corp. to ICE. Waebtw et al. $1,700,000; JD. PttMnoB to J W. Woodird, Sr., S22400 (1/4 ira.); Canie PaUinoa to I.W. -Wcodard, Si., $22,500 (1/4 b t h J D. Lona Contt. Co., lac-to DJP.. Locero. $62,500, CnhM Fade Shores; J.H. Ptrkai to ILV. Dicesaio, $42,900, Fstfhmtaat Terrace.

GAINESVILLE DISfRICr^ Bernard. Inc. to DJ'. GatU, S52.500; S. Clatartt to E.W. McClellan, $34,950; B i . B a i t t o W L SiniMiry, $56,900 Ridge; D.HMaWMT"

't3«,130; to A.M. MticaUa,

! ! ? d i " ' •" ^ A * ««C«WI. t3«,1tlO;,to Bi,. Nielwb,$M.5«0; to RA. R«qr, $|S,42Si to C.W. Sitott. $3«.45i; to J. WnUacMa, Ir., 133,10$; to RJI, idufet, tMjnS: to OX. Pavy, 1334*0: to It. Samnt , »3S430; ILA. ? « ft. " • ^ * *- CfPtatof. 127JI>0; JZ. SoaeMdMMi, Mt Vanaa RMlly, I K . , tMifiSiM; a X . Cuaaliigluai, Jr to JJD. Umna. Uifioo; w j . Port to L.O. CeeknS, IVjaoo. RJ. Bap., },. to ICX. Hal. l3$iOO:RJ>. WMM ta RA. I«art. $3tM>; RX. Oelaaay to O.J. • •rthiblt t . t27,»SCi RJ. Meob, It. to DJ. lacey, Tr., $2».77J; J£. QMttH L.D. OHMV, tUfiOO; HM. l^iUrt l e R X Patltr. 133400; WA. LtMt to'RJ. Gaaataaa, tU^iOO; KX. Ctana to CJL BanMta, $29400; WJS. StbMB te OJL RattNtoi, $31430; DJ>. RattooM to C J . WUHMII, «I il, $33,030: HM. Tan to JJG. Schmidt al il, Tr, $35,750; R,F. JtoiiHai to C £ . Hartay, $31,000; I.W.. Tyiaa to R.L. VflMi, $33fl00; LJ. Laauiii to L.T. Niohob, $31,130; M.O. ruektr te P.E. Mattb,' tiJflOO: R.P. CakidH to SJf. •Mbr, tUflVO: W.R. Funtah to DA. KatUdwk, $3«J05.9»;D.W.

.HaadtnoB toi Af. MM, Jr, tUfitO; UJ. Leaiktode to wa. Oulbr. $32400; J A . Pan to R JL ftcmttoy, $26,300;

ManaBKo: OX. Staittor to OS. Haaibtt. $29/106: CM. Do« to D.T.CaaiU. $27AOO;C£. Kobtn to Ptw^A. Stadw, $24,900; CB. Cram, •it., to HJ. Goidmaii, iUfiOO; JX. Halbroek to IS. Heiaa , $27400 (Aom); EM. Glaaa, Jr. lo F.R. Bowmto, $37,000; G.B. R«|aa ta JJ. Ddi, $ a , l 0 0 : Citbaao Laiiadiy * Day ClaaMai Ce., l a c . to MR. t**«ah«tra«r, $30.SSO; J.H. Cledfaltar to Ruby C Kaox, $ 3 4 , 5 00; R.W. Rich to E. Wiaataaa, $33400; FJ. DootiM to JX. Lyoa. $29400; RJ. Mba

.'to J. UoRMook, $34400 OUW: RX. Jalltln to LM. YvbcoMk. $Z».9S0 (Vmnp); KJE. Oom t o Aaaria F. Stiftad. .$2S.2S433: E.S. HtUtay to RX. CoObr. $29,900; GA. Cadna to R°. Uam, $29,400 (Woeda).

WoodbiJdta , Aaiatt II al

Pial A. ReMataaarWeedM^ • o L i S a a a d r a A. Byrd at. W o o d k i i d f t , Aatatt ta at WaodtcUat.

RWUMTD. Ikibi af Pt Head, Tax., te j a L. l»wtai> ai O e o o a a a a , A a i a i t 11 at

W. Coxtoaef to Laty A. WaoM af AaaaattaalHaaMMt.

Laoy R. Uaabr af MiaiaM to CyaMa A. ABkea of Hvaaitatt, AaaattllatHayaHtkat

M r 1. Wttch of Odada, Pbn to U Aaa Ian of W< AiwattllalWoodtMadto.

Kaaaa«lR.Tebrafr' IMra K. H n n t f tf * - r ' " " " " n m a i i

WWtaaiP, UMkattaf toCaiely ILLyaaiar AtMMl U al NakawOa.

CkaiBt Faaitt af PL Bbaalr to A l a x a a d t a Waaktleva af

. WoodtoUai, Aapat 12 at P t Bibok.

C a o i f a W. Cimyball e f Atoaaadda to OaiaUba C. Oaai ar Maaatoai, AafBK It at AbaaaMa,

WiabtoD.BaMior~ ~ to SlMlta X. Joan of Aufiut U itWoodb(MBi~

Lany V. I b m , Jr. af . to Mattfea a Haratitr ar HaMM, AnjattHalMiaiai i

D O M U E. Eataa af WeedbbM to Batty L. Ftov aT WaadMtaik A a f u t l i a t T i l M ^ .

Cvy L. Rsftoi <r Triaatfa to Batty L. Fasy ot Tiba^a. Aapat 12atBn»ka,Va.

y -* - - - ' ! Iinllti ifTrniinibai lo Dabora S. CaMbbany aT Woodbridfa . Auiait 13 at Woo«>tM|a.

WlllUat K. Tayier l i t . ef CevtatloB, Va. to Partial I. MaieaHa cf Wenitiabp, At aW 13 atHioiaaabwi.

' Jany'A. HayMt oTMaaainato Uada C. Anuaiwt nT Otnmiai, Aufutt 12 at WoodbfMia.

Edward C. Haflnd B oT I t Faianbav, Fla., to iMaa J. Foae of S t FflanhuB. Fla., Ai^jatl 7 at


Fredericksburg fair set today through Saturday



Giv«n» traJnfng at Gunter AFB

Dmyl A. Gheai, ton of Mr. tB4 Mrt. Pitatflt Q. GiMat of 3 3 2 S D t v l i Ford Rd., Woo4brid«t, ta participatb* to aa Air Force Iteaerve Ofnceia Tulaiaa Corpa (AFWtC) flatd titUag ancaavoiaat tt GaatorAFB.Ab.

Duilni the encampment, Mdeb become famiUar .with tha Hfe aad activitbt on ab fofce batti tnd ctn examine. eaiaen in whidi they may wbh totervttionicen.

GtMat b t member of the APROTC unii at Vli tinb Ptihrtecfanic Institute He b a 1969 nduate of Woodbrtdae Saoior Uih School.

Tht lanual Fradaibkiburi Aariouttural Pair ta beiag haid. Mt wttk tt tbt fiOiimmdt, Roubt 2 tnd 17 jutt btlow Hm FMC Fhnt. CtMt opta todiy tod Saturday at 12 aoan aad oa Ihunday aad FiUnrat 1 p.m. AdatWca b 11 ^ adatoi S.2S ^ ehMrta 6 ^ . CMMiaa imdw < an adagitbtf fiM.ParUa«bS.SO.

Today aad tomorrow an CUdtea'i dayt tt tha fabaad I l GhUrea undir II wOi ba admittod fipae untii S:30J>JB.

Tomoiiow. there am be ihiep judfiai tt 3 pjn. Fridiy b eommerct tad induttry dty tad commtrdti txhiMb t n ofttt trom 1 to to pja. Beef cattb juddnt wiD be held at 3 pjn. Saturday thtn wU be a petrii0wat6:3OpjB.

Tbtie wQI alio be nightly entertajiunent on an outdoor t t ^ tfaroui^ Friday at 7:30 pjB. So | t t tht ftm% lottOar and cotne to the fair.

BOOKMOBILE Friday, Paradbe EtUtot

J-3:45 pjn.; GtrriionviUe Pott Office 4-4:45 p.m. and Staffordboto Mobile Home Park 5-7:30p.m.

GIRLSCOUTS If' your daughter would like

illttaaapt.3 DATA TO REMEMBER Auf. 31 - WeiiM Wtaibin

at Puifrbt lbltii1JMBi3hi ClBuch. Duha ft., l-kfimT

Sept. 4 - Labor Day. Enjoy Iha bat holiday or tha MBUMr M i ba extn canM oa tht ' tr. 5 ^ TOIB aiaatht cMa'to puUk, Notdi StafM Coaimttaity Hdf., CmtiSB R4,tpjii.

CAimONI tchoolt m opia tgata,

p b w rtmembir tha ataia law ooMataini tehoot baata. If oaa b gapped oa the Mthany, lA

' MwaaiM talOc u both dinei

Saad tht batbiaaMliab . flaan walcfa aM te iw MataUtiffi^.

to join tht Girl Scoub md you don't know atert to fkid a troop, jrfeata caH Roatmarb Clarfc, nei^boihood chairman, at 659-4844 for infomatioa.' If you would Ukt to htip u t leader or aaibtant, pleatt caU Mrt. Clark, Peopb are always seeded in tcoutini..

Junior Troop 291 wiU hold their fint meetinf Sept. 12 at 4 pjn. at Mt. Arrarat Baptist Church. Troop Leadei Jane Murphy ii in need of several aiiistant leaders. The troop meets every Tutsday from 4-5:45 p.m. If you would like to spend some lime with a great group of girls, please call

Mn. Murphy tt 659-2774. STAFKWD REGISTRAR Extn houn on llwnday

niifit and Saturday mccaiat haw been announced bv Hm votlna reeittriT'i orftea. Thunday wfll be extended to 8

&m. tiM Saturday houn wfll I 9 ajn. to noon. Tht ofljea '

wfll tbo be open TUetdtyj from 9 a.m. to 1 pjn.

If you need ady inTormatkai about regtatoiini to vob fat tht coming election, pban oaB Mn. Withers, the repttnr, it 659-3434 during the tbow hours.

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Happy birthday to Stew

UTew CI«Mlfl«4

Ad Whmmm

at tlie

l¥ew«t 2Zlml490

Edwatd A. CoftrnXm ofQatoltap to Uaaa L Dbhl of Qawtb^ AB(iiitl2a«WoodtoH|a.

David E. Fooia oT "'inr r to Edith H. loytoow or Nahanba, AMaas«12atMofcin<fc.

T b o a a a . S . Talchaiaa af QiwMic4 to Waada M. iWiteMi ar t f i l a i . Mich., Aa«ait 7 at .

Epperly. 567,000, Lynnhana; Irongate; L.F. FamMt to FX.

Picli. S2840O; A 3 . MaMs to Per.tiope M. B««ley ct tL $23,000; J E Slattcry to WJ'. Braxlanua, S'3.'90. Sudley M«.;

Sudleyr Aisoc. Bldn, Inc. l o G C. Kroshus, $43,800; SeaeiMa Const. Corp. to KJE. HowdL S40.390. to F. Joaei, $41,100; N.O. Smith to F.J. Baadar, S:7.:33; R.F. Ben|ctaa to R.W. Cehring. 341,600: Gt.TtlMIlt to Vf.J Fenske, $41,000;DX:.Da^ba to J.J. MacQuilluun,$41,900;

U'estgate: H£. Eppady to C Ccnziles. $33,000: A. Akaoaa 0 •0 D.C. OUrf, $37,000.

SEABSCO DISTRICT: R.­Hoffman lo C.W. Laopold, S60.000; The 640 Cofp. to RX. Traven, $15,000;

Dale City: Hyltoa Ealiipritoa, [r.c. lo J.H. Nelsen, $27,100; to P F Taylor, $33,2»; to HC. Breedirf, $33,800; to H.D. Flcicher, $32,810; to RJI. Vlto." S3: 300. BR. Boa>. $33400; to L L Boone, $25,400; to RX. t o>ne:. $36,100; to SS. Xuiyit,

BliUJMNG FERIUTS B. Simpaoo. kouM, DBrnfrin.

$1<,000 C. AUrnnaa, bouH,t45,000 N. Stoaflte, riMd, NMbKo. $230 H. Coopai, patch, NMbKo,

$ U « 7 - C.P. W B M . iMaadai, Cebt.

1 *!!?••'«—-Si*»»*'° B lock m a r k e t AaatrOaaai, poich.. rMbaoo.

$2400 . . J. Colaa. naodtL (Mawflb,

$%M3 •• N.J. Croii, ddtofc Wat>Ko.

$2.97$ , K. Wilsoa, sidiai. Waetoeo, M,47J _

t>. ttood, hoaia,

Foitar, hoosr DHOIJUH.

cigarettes discovered

A _»r o o It I y n r K . "^f^WA

hoato, nuiUat, $J4,00p

G. : .$20,000

C. W«bia|tea, booB, DaaMas, $35,000 -

J. Slantiy, koua. GatoMriU, %isfloa

i. Birhtodw, haaie,Ooooqaw; $Mjaoo

D.L. Tyleo, koBM. .Colaa. $22,930

MARRIAGES L n y E. O a t a ^ cT Woedbdda*

t o D a a a a a J. Croarlay o t Woodbt ldga, Aagiitt 11 -tt WoedbtUge.

Dooald W. taby of WoodteUai t o N a a c y I. Bachaaaa «f Woodbt ldga , AB|«st 12 at

Robert J. Gadb of iUoaaaila to Noraa J, GuiMt oC Ti ta ib . Aaaosl 12 atWoodbtid(e.

Hadey R. SUdry of Wahii«toa, DJC., to Shklqr H. WhMacn oT Hyatlwflk. Ud., Aufwt l i at.

: Keanctk R. Swart qf.Annwirtab to Oeboiak J. Woodwad of

^ trurirririw jMfc^daigad .by t t a t e t r o o p e r t with a traa^wtinc untaxed eiairetttt throng Vbtiaia tnd bBi*» to have a State Corpoiatida Coinmitiioo S3 tut itamp oa hb vaUcb Thuiaday atfit at i h e w e l f h i n g UatioB aaar

•' Atxdt&t to Juttke of the' Peace Donald OX:ottnar a tractor trafler dibea by htm Jottpb Hiagtcty of Brookl^ N.Y., waa found to be b c U ^ a FCC tax itunp aad Ae Slab Corporation -Committioa examiner who wat worich^ tt dw tcakt dedded to haw a hMk iatide die tiucic. Tbey found 9.900 cartont of dsarettn wMch Aould batt been taxed 2S caab par cartoa lathe ttate of \ ^ i ^ .

The driver wat mppcaadly takiag the dBaretlea to New York to be loU on Iha bhek •• marlcet where the itttt t n b much higher than it b ia ViigiBb, bt laid.




This Honda Trail 70 mirabUce will be given away in September to a hard<workir« Potomac News carrier in a climax to the Potomac News' bigaest circulation drive of * • year. A $60 salesmanihip award and nine •25 savings bonds-one for each region in the Potomac News drcuiation area-aleo wilt be g iven as p r i z e s to the young orrier-businessmen who alra«ly have added hundreds of new famUies to.the PotonMC

ptM drcuietion roU in the

The Honda comes from Town & Country Dod|p44onda ia Woodbridge. fteedying Itfor

display at the dealership ar», from eft. Boyd Watson, the 1>otomac NewiT assistam circulation manager; Lester Lauber, drcuiation ntanager; and Bert F. Hofhetmer M l , president of Town & Country Dodge-Honda and a proffident Honda rider in his own right. Carrier boys and girls can see the prize, which wiU be drawn StpL 18 from •mong eligible carrien^ at- the dealartfrip, 1108 Horner Rd.

Wtten one of the young Potomac Newt carrier-salesmen comes to your door, we hope you give them a «niie, a subscripUoa..end help them qualtfy for one of our drculMion

•-- You'll be glad you <M.

Page 37: Potomac News



N M ^ • pjm. . N«ai,4pjii.

ObMtiM tanlry, § pjmu ~

• M I U M B S - f W a d y t i t t t M . M a t t ba 2J or ovai , aaat apfeeiaaca. Phoaa • H M H ' I l ^ a r i a . 4*4.4100. p/r/Hc

1rttOSRa~i~NiuBMr-l^ taaaa



O i w b a i araltabb. tabiy fcaa^'





fint Inaartien ia ana MMtowar,. IZcanuparnMid.

Additional Mwag i ix i Iwatrllaai in Potomac Nawt.-amy • aaalt atr word.

A d d l i i o n a l e»«a .a -waa l> inatrtlont in Powanat Maae anty tO ctntt par Nord.

Samt ad onto aaafc lii tatoawa Nawi and Qgaetbe cant! par word.

Ttiraamma run: ime is«ua« of Quaniico aintfy, tt word.

Minjfmim Mmlmum —^.. —

$3. thraa papan. I 4 J * . Clati i f iad dMiday

$2.25 par ind>. Stcond contaeullva

inurtion, $3.10 par indi. ABCnet«oaaleadi),t10 • • •

All sale adi tar home er makaa noma.. piMaa ky laia^jdMia. mm b« paid in i '

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED D R I V I W A Y l A L B I M A N amlm*llt.ttotmmaae,mmr t^a tot lbN atMM 40 b i . , H d vaaaUaai * ether l a M a i i b e a a B k ^ itoair wadb toattbt » m mm. itt M l . a a i a i a M t » f y Gaaiba Ma lba , . 14M4 J e f f e r t e a l>avlt Hiahway, Woodbridfa. Ma y k e a T a * .

i A R H 2 i « r ~ C O M M i M i o N ~ ~ d e a i e u t i a U B f fa t A a w b a a B e a a Toy Paitbi.. lae., ba '

. Owti tom i t a a . We dbbaibaat ridbitliaii, Cti n i f H H i j . C M 4 » l . t » M . J/AH.JO

ELECnUCIAN$ - iaunMymiaA b iban . N A

(, keay i ta lbat iaa ieea l wari t , M aatd iead aMB. I f

« chart!, ana tapar, t l . TMaiMb 1LXL da-yea

> M .


accepted for BoalaaaCaMat, e v e n j n a work . Expatlaaaa necesuiy. Mooa nnaVaat , I M i Horner Road, Woodbridfa. p/p/rtc

APPLIANCE SALES - (bbUdiat sales) male or fcaule. I fqwAaed, a p p l i c a n t w i l l e t t a top commluion, paid Tacattoat a d holidiyi. liclc pay, ( n a p H/e a medical Inauiaaca, a^i l i i jm discount WIU naad car, bM « r t pay mi lea(« . ExfaallBM-ae( necejMiy, wa w b t a b . Afth at Personnel Office, W. T . G M H , ' The Mal l at M a a a i a , ' ( 3 0 0 Sudley Road, t l i i i i iaai . Va,OAa. pw/rtc

l a taaa ky a M i y a b . J i w a W - T 2 3 3 at ^ u T B . O X rfrf>ai*.t

. . F l i l E f>lOHWU~-tn~r^ W U l l a a Coaaty w/adueattaa a a a b a l a t to p a d a t b a btm

. H ^ adwel a 2 y n . aapariawa hi •aabt^a l ar wibalwa S n daaL Am 21-32. at kan 5 * r ta l a ^ t a i k paapoMioaeto M d a i a n W

-aM«ar toidda b a a a . WMtta « y k y i i c a l a | i l % p i a aadtab aaaai iaalba a f a b i d . I I I M I ^ tabir W J S 7 far yab. AM<r N n e a a b OOoa, fSOO l a S S ? I t , Mia H IM. V t . 22110 a ^ a . t/pOtft-t

FtHOH C A U E N I X M - C. R. AadaiMai CotatnictioB Ce. r h o a 670^223. f / p / b p l l

FULL T D U rORTEIl - day~*irC pood pay; I U tbw ooaatar ictak dap a a ^ M L ^ * | y b jiaooa LaoM Kaatoanel, Roiito 1 « 1 2 3 ,

_W<>«dlHldia. p/p/Rapt 1

FMNT ! ) m jRuaManT-li y n . dr a i d a i ^ « i l « e i k . A | M r b p o r t a a i ^ to M a . Siaaial.' KaaMda iaa^ T r b a g t o , Va. P/WSaptl

M A W - ftdl H a U d b a Spadbly •Mat, M a y s a a ^ a y b a a S k ^ f :30 ajB.-« p j r . , S d « i a

rsL-itdfifis ^2**! _ ^ * y * ' M » i . V a . i^WSapl 1

MAUnU(ANCE~|iiAM~~-~~cwiar K a a U Mo>Ua Beato r « k « A p w i t o e a i i , aad I ta l taMikt MtoMy, Dtoatbt . Va. . C i i . b i p e n e a a l latontaw 2>l-.7ai». a A r / b p t i

MADrrENANCe M A N ~ ~ M M » a n a . wMtap to vaik tar S baan

' A l y to do paaaial c b a U a a d • i b t o a a u i . O B Jctux Himi « a c k K b v a a 4 (70« l ( t . tak D i a n a Cbtnebt , 'Waedt i l t e . P»yAB|30 ^ "

MAINnNANcirV.''fii~daia • toalUiaaul cbw foe c a af

Aaadca-i flaMI. t tatoi lpaiat^ rataU efcala aaiaa. Apab al

.raaeaaal (Mlat . W. T . ^ a b . Tha Mall a l • " r i i i i i . tJOO Sadby Read. M i a r t a i , Va. a M . pw/ite

MATURE - patHB who a ^ dkaci a M a t . Crii abar 4 p.id. <40«303.pw/itc

r U A H B R I _, ^ U a e . Coapaqr taaaflia, a a totanr. Apply b a i i e a . C t r a r t P l a a b l a p * Baa l i aa phaat 4 f 4 . 9 « 2 2 . | ^ p / A » J 0 ^

nCRITARY - c A i i b l a a l to Friaca WMtaa Coaaty Eaaoatba. Meal han b M b a w a ba aUa to a n a a r a a p o a t l b i l l t y w i t h k w a VaieV^ba, pood appaaiaan A ahUtty to aMat pabb . Good le lapboa painatl l ly aqahad. Top aotoh lacrataaal M b , a i a i a a a t y p i a f 4 0 wpa' , ' dMrthad a ibb iwa M wan. At bait S y n . aoabaaea M a d . Good baaf l t i . w a d aaaaw wHi ra faraaet i * laatt tanpt tUt a b i y to Paooaatl t l i a e * . » ) 0 0 ffaebody S U M i a i a i i , Va. 2 U I 0 a.aAp/p/8apt,d

S E R V I C E S T A T I O N ATTENDANTS -3 Ml tha aid -

Shiri^^toi, " ^ 1 ' " J J C M

— -. Appty ia i .. ..


L E A R K A R O U T - a adwN baabaaa Exoa la t oppertaal^ tor adwaicaaiat aaa oa a part t i a a bath wUheat dtaaBbaa. wiMI y w a a dohw. No d b . O f f o r i a t a i v b w appo la taaa t W ^ » T M M 3 betaraaa 4-T piak O I . w r i l a r . O . Rox 1 3 * 1 ,

~ , Va. 221SL }/8tpt i

B A U O T Y - d a t M b aiy tieaatad h e a a , T aj i . ;4 p j a . w e a k l y . P b e a a ( T 0 - 7 T 4 1 . P W S a p t d

BAU cmr - peta* tabad tota 3 y a . ChR batoa « p j i . . M a i . M . « h a a < T M < M C . p / p / t b

E V A N S O A L E R O A D -n-aamqr dinetor a l b a aaOa tpacUl care A a t t a t t a b t

r S M A U - d a b a a a a t o a o M l a b e a u , S t t O M a a ^

_ H w i 2 3 | . H U . M > p / S a p l I


fcr T i i i t R i a i b l S t > d » . C M i M a » T W l K R < i a i . » # » ,

TO wm'-'Hm'wiimii^iliii a a b d l i l M k Phaae l a i - S m »a^Aa»JO

WAMIEO - h b i i i i l i t to a w

R e a t e a a b l a r a t a a . Fhaaa • 7 S 4 T M . ifiAta ) 0

d b a ABOmONS/CARVORTR - aaw

a a d a l l t y p a i e f h e a e l a p r e v e a a a t i . A l t waafc a a a i a a t a e d . O lea t. Peat , C a a l M a l M . P h a a $1S^n^.

A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G -R a b ^ a a b a Healhv AppRateM - S a i i t a t i i a t i d M . ACR. 13411 fait Daik Nwy.. W e a d M t e . • h a a a 4 » 4 . f 22S. Britf year a p M r b b to b a d a p tad a a


A U M M U M tTORM w m O O M ' dean. A l d a a M M *



M A N A G E R - for . . . Ranlba itatloa to • n b ^ b . Sbay r * " Iiiliia i m m i d l a a b t CaB T e a OMitola 703-373493): aiditt nyaii-im. P/WRTC.

MBCHAMC - qHUaai ' te 's to ia Ia«ac4toB or aow loaaed a a Slab bapactor; abb aead- idai paraoa for aatoaotiw: ^ p ^ ^Hriaaad O0ka tt W. T. G t a t L T h e MaU at " — - i r n . S300 Sadlcy Road. Maaana. a^M. pw/rtc

N E E D E X P E R I E N ^ ' ^ R T PRESSER- to woric. in 3 | W doubla buck ddrt u d t M i l t ida b a u b wbto i to laiaa aad (tay a |ab^ SheaH ba a b a t S tL.S". A n W C a M a o I laadiy b Diy

. Claaabt . f h o a C404400 fot . p M S c p t i

baabha. Apply b . OaadnmOla Ban, . _ E « « t « . p ^ A % 3 0

SEmw VAcmalioAiuiAN - axpartoaoa pia l l ia i l . CM 3«S-71«» . *ac •

S E C R E T A R Y - t a l m ^ . O n p a ^ co^odcaa. ty»ta« aad

Aocauad laqafead, n b a h t o a n . hablU, Phoa 4»4-<3«3. nWbe

S C H O ^ BUS DRIVER - fo^ A ^ D a y C a r a C e a t a i . F o r a p p o l a t a e a t call a . a . <ab < 7 0 < S ^ . p A i ^ t l

STUPFERS - . M a t a n T a d a l b . . aaa t b a o M t U y a . tar T a i r t a

.mm, Wit, a K a a i ^ i ^ A p f b PMaaac Ibwa, a r c a b d a l S ^ . .

- p b o a 221-1400. p/p/nc

SPARE TIME W U U - b a baecbua aapWa atomy t a k b p oppottualtbi. M m , woaaa, b l t p a . WHto Aafcat, Raa UTf, Wtadbridat ,221t l .Vrto

VENDING M A C H D t E - ^ ~ 2 ] ' nadt rnnkb aa ih laa l iaal i t aa a i tab l l ihad route 11500. tm a u b i raute, or 170 b t t a * aarMa i . For noca ialoi a tR4»M6«S.p /p /Sapt l


- fliul rag l i t r taoa f a t0 M a M t t a r . f t a f n a aavhadaa.

•bar ooacipli.

parcaptnal dayalapnial , « t „ a a i l c aad n c b i dawhpaMat ddRL 5 yt. oUa ody. Lacead Dale C i t y . O R 670^SS3 to


apt J y n . O a cMH, t 3 U l par a * : two t h S t a a . 1 )1 par afc. P h a a ( 7 0 4 7 t l . alf/itt

rotauroAuT- ai lMp iit ap h a a a avaaba , a l i b b Phaae

. < 7 0 « » 9 . | ^ ^ t

cioiamimvajuia-iim taia, aqr haaa. f k a a 231-230S. J/P/Sapt I

C X ^ f t A U t - b a h T d b i a b a i r

baead yui R phyaaba . , * 7 0 4 2 1 4 . p « / A ^ 3 « .

HftLEiaMLE AREA -t r i * M pnapaala b a 3 yt, aM ohUd, M O B . ta« Fd. I h a a • 7 0 * 3 4 7 . p /pf lapt l " ~ *

. HILUNDAii~~did"(ii""i^ t P 9 dtp weak. 2 a a t b . b a a d y a i d . P h e a d 7 « 4 3 i 3 . f / | | ^

KBRRYDALE SBCXIOIf - a a MiabaHHaSdMel. babyritttv b l apia. Phoa •T f rMaS. 3 p / A v 30

L A K E R I O C E ' - ovata i fh t -


i M a a aqr advaacad i t , . _ , . • * » » t a 4 » l . l M i . i^p/hpt S


waHabla _ . . 4M4S33.p«/ lne

A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G SBRVKB-4apbr * ( a a d M r r l M oa all

A C Sanba * RipaiB.~ . 4 » 4 ^ 2 » . p W n e

• M d i t l e a . Phaaa 4»4 .4«K . i W l a p i S

tHSTAR Lt tSONS - Tha Oaib* S iad io , Prbto W O b a pbaa.

. Wnathddpa Q a b l ^ btttoaHaa b dwav R l i f h a b a i . f l 4»«-J^U,4»44»43.p/ | / r tp

om THREE42UARTER SUB -aad o a bR d a i M b , paed c«adl t loa I S O each. ~ 4 M - ) S a . p a i / A d f 3 0

m m utiioifi f t a a k a y b aew

A L R C O N D I T I O N I N G -Waedbtldpa H a a t l a i * A b

GRACE LUTHERAN UDOiE KOLLECE - aovnpbadiwtor ra» ana. Kladapatoa i v t b « ajB. R pjB. Phoa 491-7)40 a 491-4739. p/pfric

liirrLE RED HOiT^Ji^iAiii Birchdala i tarta Sapt . Sth. Oprndai^ for 3, 4 R 3 ya . t l f c C a l l 6 7 0 - 3 4 2 3 today for nplrtatioa. pw/Aiit30

a o t h a i ; rafaMacai, Sal a t t . P h o a 491 -3 t f ) te b ia r iaw. tVWStpt l

L A K E R I D G E " riMB ca^ te w M k b f a o b w n - c M H . a y haaa, 5 d v weak. Phoa 4 M « 2 3 » . P/P/Saptl

PI«!B WORLD NURSERY -. rath tor ao* for fall teoa. -

Lieeaaed Icachar dObt wtR


S170-STARTINC SALARY Immediate cpeatop f a pa iaaaut position, Maiiae tMfOBai Shop.

, Must be indostitoua aad a a a w responsibUitics. Coapaay baaalli including paid hoRdayi.

CaU64fr«333 foe appototawat

- J^K*^* . \TTENDANT - foe cob o p a o M l a u n d r y i n -Wocrdbr idpa . Personality Inifi ialali - - -industrious ft i^-yrujalitr 703-978-5660. p/p/Scpt 1

BABY SITTER V t a ^ ~ h a « a ! children 1 yi . , 6 yr*., 7 ajUoS p . m . , 5 day w e e k , owe tran^iorution. Phoa 221-237$. 3.'Sept 1

G E T YOUR WINTER WAROROie ~ fta a do yea


M O U S E l i E P U - ' M M f t e ^ 4 w t a weak te toh. P h a a dah 221-190»i a b a 6 p ju . C99-43Q9. VftfStpH

aiBBAM) ft WIFE ' Wib to Phoa to af lerao , ,

Hours 9 a.a . -9 p j> . Apply RiobaftoPMdatoMaitst.Tda«b, • e x t t a F b a Bapt i Pheaa S I 5 - 3 S 6 S . f M S i « t l

BABYSITTER - 1-2 d^a per weak my hoi • " " • 9 1 - l i my hoineJarice RMBTaaa.


BABY SITTER -watod mr _ 3 small cfaiklreB, 5 dw a Phone 670-7518. p^A% 30

c6acTArL~wAnilB8iir-ted ' • wai tresses, bfeaktel ooak, b a > ' girls (days), bua beyi falgh'li) ft

dishwathcfs. Apply ta p e a a Holiday Houw RaMaaaM. Rt. 23 4 A1-95. DumCkba. f(pf,te

COOK AND BUS B O Y ~ over 18 yr». P l w M Ashdale l a a , Aak 670-2600. 3 p/Sept 1

COOKS ft WATTRESSES per hr. phu t ^ l a a _ G r a n t ' s B r a d f o r d B e u i e Resuurmt, who aatoy w a k b « ""ith p e o p l e l a p leasaat sutroundinp. PaU hcNdqri ft vacations, ack par, aapbaea discounts. InimaadT Caaa .ta and tallc to m Office from 10 ajB.-5 Grants. Tbe H a l a _ 8300 Sudtoy Raai . (Rto . D Q Manassas, Va. *MM.

J A N I T O R - for a w p a d n apar ta ioat i ia Weedbrldpa, experleace prafaired. P h a a 2 2 1 - 7 6 5 ^ 1 ^

. X » OIEIQH: - DO you hoe ^ a a i b a i c a l aWlty aad tteto • * • " • « people? We b a n aa

^ J o h a p a i « w / n n i i V . a f t l S O p a w a a k

. W t c a a e l f M g y « • * I part g a i M p t o y e a .

M r . R a l k y , tJO. t»x 4 J . goaaaaa . Va. 22US. p f t i « , rL

K E N M E L A T T E N D A i i i T ~ ~ t " *a t . 4 :30 p j a , Koa. tea FIL. Woedbr ld ia Aataal B a l l a d . P h o a 4 M ^ I 9 l . y M S a p l l

LABORERS ••LateRH^ ^ — . at aad or eld Brt%a R a r i w a i a f Wwwdbat^a. ^^ -^^-'*

-31.40 LAMBS

S M J S B * Boaa RariMa. A» ^

i f y a a a a w a ^ a h a a 3S ha . par

3 . N a b t o i d t o a b t o ) . M t e C b a a a C a a , P. o i l i a t ,

i i i la^ Va. — f f i l b i a a a i !

COOKS - wmm, iiimiij iH^ afrismt fuU time day a a l ^ M b . Fat miZ^~~JT~ appointin«atcaa64R-7rUMte9 " ^ ^ " - »e «tea caa, am.3/rtc I ^ " * ' * ' ' - • • * blto

N E W . S E R V I C E S T A T I O N ESALER ^ ta Tri^pta a a c * tbaHpe o a aaduadc, p t e (CMnt antoe aaUoahaip. App lca toa a b h M a a l^teUe Shaft, Raiato l .T l taa (b .Va .3p /A i«30

lOGBT SHIFT - C o a l a c k b . No e x p e r l e a c e -eecaaaary. bat-— " " - a ' - M a r t be U y o . a anr .

4»t4100.p/p/ i tc

PART TIME O H X E C n O N MAN - Rexbb houn, appraxbutaly 20 ha . p a waak< c a i aRaapa paid. Appb ta 1»43 IrtbajTS* BU-^ ,

• b u , Woodhridpt. a '494-2191 tei


PART T I I S mit~li^l6.^. to a a b t b a atodel honea, both tatelui ft e x t a t e . Dntia iachbb b w . yard aainlraaace, etc W a t h a n traaipflrtatiaa. Locatba faetwea teabba ft Wbodbddia. PTnnRiatpay.CJ Darid Foa te , 12 Booa-7 PJB. da% 01-1404 . P M h p t l

P E R M A N E N T P < » I T I O N ~ ayda t to f a I W «ft. ddbacy dr lyei ia Woodbridfa area. r a a a b i i bean, pged la lay ft baaento. CaU Mr. 494-222J.p«Sap»t

n^^ANTWOW - t a

m K i t o a a Aaa, QuaOao, «« -741S, R. H. O R * i^WStpt I

P L i n i R E R S WANTED - a w i i a a i a U b a NorSba Va. Aiaa. U i a n i l d awly. C * Race C ^ T R S ^ W a w . auOA p/p/Sapt I

P R I N C E m L L I A M COUNTY - D e p a t t a e e t a f Parks ft ••caaaltoa ta I K N ~ a a a a t a j w t b 2 y a . i nx padaato. l b » « • " P - b p b p ft'iao',_ • h i r t R i i l S b a y S a W l p a yt: ^ « " « » fctipfb omca.nm F a e M b BL. M a a a a n P h a a » * M I 7 1 . B a t . 3 2 4 . e . e * .


TEN I O N - f a h a i f r n i i w o k . BO expar ian «aoeaaay. Phoaa « 5 » . 2 3 3 8 e t o a i v « d y « p j B . - 4 fjt.pfttStplt

T A X I DRIVERS - ~ ^ Woodbfbpa Aaa. H t a i ^ » « YaRow Cab, 491-4040. p/p/ito

mEPHOME C O N n M E h MEN woiaif E x c a l a t iacoae te part tUw " w t a p walk. 5:30 p j a . t B 9 p a . ™ b i aatuto peeUM o a t 21 y i t OR Vpl.

iMLL MitS. BROmt

3 a r f 4 y T . olda^Sabl ~ a a 4 7 0 4 6 5 0 . 3 p / A ^ 3 «

CHILD CARE ACRES - chOd cae, expaibaaad,

t e a a o a a b U , f e a c a d yard, ptayMato.M Phaaeu « 9 K 3 4 d a .

^ i W S a p t l b^.,l •-=." ..,r ••,

B E U i O N T AREA. - babyiiiaT bafoie ft after achool hoan ptaa iidi ttaa babyattiiw.Faaoadyari ft v e r y reaioaabla. Pheaa 4944692. pw/Sap( 27

M A R U M S C O W O O D S -axpariaacad a o A a d H b a to babyaH aqr haae Moa: tea PkL Rraakfai t ft l a a c h a Ihaaa 4914413.4/p/SaptS

MARUMSCO WOODS - wMbdhy dt ta aqr hooa f a y o a c M d a a abfle yea wert , Moa. b a PM. »hea4»4.5S31.p / r tB«pt |

W O O O B R I O G E - O C C O Q U A N AREA - a x p c b a c a d a o b a w f l labydt f a wofUap p a a a K d q r or eveaiag. P h a a 494-7S49. p/p/Saptl

a a a a toral. CtR <7»d* r r .

(UNO-ft VOICE LBaima~ baptaaaa te pbaeft^arfUba te T a i o e . C a l l M n . Raaaatt m . 3 7 0 5 . p M S a p l I

Roni - tan bto I M M w/aa Bad I yr. P x r * a t inailllliia' Phafta 221-7746. p/i^tapll^

TRUMPET L E S S O N S . - Jxbot U ^ lavel atadeata; a a y MaiBaaoo Hflb h a a , waakda •naaoaaa^494-«MC. i^r tcr

TROMBONE CONN CH - t a p e o d c o a d l t l e a . $ 7 5 . 494 -9977 .

ft a e a t t e i e l a l aalta. . . . 491-403S a 494-7674. f/p/itp

- AS.PB A~L W i V r N O ^ r"^"^toa» ^ ^ ^ ^ a i i a a a i i i b a aalbaaat. I h a a 491-1)04.

RILL S M I TB'S ~BOlt i IMPROVEMENT - caipahy,

veto. Raaadaba. b l 1075-4027. P A ^

R ft T T R E X S E R V I C E -prnba l i ad tea caaa. S p a y t e , b a d b l . tappbg. p n a b | , < a h b b ceaby w a * . l a p a a t o n b . let daar ia l , tea a b u t e . M te. tonrba, Phoaa 1754576 a S75-l633.pw/rto

BRICK AND KXXK. WORK -mamn att aU nddo lb^aBW w o b p n m b a d , Scaaaad, fine a a t t a a t e i . Phoaa 670-3656. P/Wric


3 » M l O a e b l b t y .

lAcroa F.rant Buipw Oiaf) PHOWC; 481-162S

SWUUIHW nms C a a p l i a Bii I fiaa ft B a a d a

Gtff te-twnmar M a b t t M n m

494.80M CotrniMMMMiln

14114 M U a d a Hay

n>oiGo| • Hay. I

1 7 0 3 ^ 1 - 7 8 5 0 — — a 2 pj iL ft 9p jB .

Eqhb Opportaatty Eaidoyei _ 3/Saptl5

TV TECHNICIAN. - badcbly fg7 a t e b woric, cxpariaaoad. lop

coaaldn part tbae. Apply ta peiaoa to Woodbridpr T.V.

_Pa ihas4aaS«aaa .p / | / r tc

W E L L P6 lSED~" i7Qic~ t7Ta l a b i l i a i l to awet te pdbRc ta n t e a m b a Coaaty Exacutlml

. O r f k a . Meat bave p leaaat talaphoae aaaaer . M l i t a a a «rpb» of 40 wpa ft m g i i l i a i ^ y t e d . Coed^ b a b l l i . Saad

accptahb abay to r i i i iiiiiil O f f iea , .9300 Peabody St . . Maaaaaaa. V a . 2 3 1 1 0 ex»*. p/p/Sap«.6

WAITERS ft wAiriiini^ Vto i or part t i a e , w i l l cc

• w t a a a a i i

AFPBBSOlire IBAVELIBAIUBB uxamr mmam. UK t3»-4«7

Terry Mobile Traveler Taurus Rice-Arrow Motor Home

:..,..••..? . n J - » v

MELROSE GARDEN " A F A I W M E N T ^ - > \ * < I •V,Jmi1m»0

TRIANGLE. VIRGIN IA (703)875-6011

Maintorwnca F r a Uving - All Apart menta Rafurblahed ->: 2 . 3 Btdroom Apartmante

Choieo Aponments At Modest Price*

1 Bedroom - $110 2 Bedroom-SI25 3 Bedroom-$150


qrpoaraaoe. Apply ta paaaa. Lazy S a t i a l a a . Route 1 . - ' - ' - ^ - i.pw/rtc



be aean a ta79t F i ter H a w w R ^ a a e a 404-7141 tetali^

NOW RENTING... N«w Ganl9n Apor#m«n#s

APARTMENTS **a*raaaa U n i t e f r M a • 1 4 « .

^—**"— — ^ — — - - " n 11 iLj UL..


' ^ a n a : (78S) 221-7B8B j j .a .ar ia .1—,1

COOKS a WAITRESSES in person Dog L-14226 JeOenaa Woodbridpcp/p/BWIB

( ONSTRVXnON for klepko a ty hr Caatect l a t a 5 ' 0 - S » » 0 . p / p * p l 6

B e e a a w / w • t B * d paaaaa. Goad abay , p a d w e a t t o a . ceapaay b a d b

, - » » * a . Q a b i b -• l e r r e r i a a Davta IMiaBh-piWiac


S3 far

I OLLECTOR -ib iH ty . salary 664-6823. Fart






A A A - 1 campaay, prwNt





auALfrvRnTonB.Nic. YOUR M,a«.

Triumph Daate . . P h a n e a x i - l i a a

M a t t T a O a b t L l .

• PiMJOlWorfc

• Good Pby for Good I • MakRbi6hra.i

• r • I




Triangle Plaza^Shppping Cenler PWNiJCATWRPORMIwaMB . IbOCAtMNPONI .

Woodbridge Caay Products


703) 3««^17t 9905 Gatliihi Driaa

OmRtmt,6tt/tt.M.3i , V R .


* b i t t i p b L i « i a t ^ r a « e e o t P r i i t o e W R B M m . h t o w a D r a a d b owaftnt B a b a n d e a te yaa . H M N are 4 3 Weaba Fbma l a W a w B B R b a C a i a i t r t a a a a yoar aaadi. W M M

" * ? *°" f f ^ * 'J!? «» •fc * » Wra If bay •« ^'^man m wa Fnama M B b a B M t M a L b * a i ^ a i i i i

. " ~ * ^ ^^^^^^^^a* ^^w^^^a a a t^ t t a t aa a t t b a

Bl . l tn : • • • • • • • < * * a » i r l . i toaii^ji^

Ibal tBr Ftnaa t t M i M L S « •

i jsa

^ ^ ^y^Cabi a» Ebda m aaatabtt ^ '

Page 38: Potomac News

Potomac Puzzle REAL ESTATE acroBB

I' KtUtVt 1. ar i •- iimiTiva

12. lILweHIM I 11. oa«M K. iLMNC II. Min.1 II. uwor i;. ;Quiii«iaata It. rwnit a. s w r m II. tllT a awt M. lAta a. MLtT tr. lu i l ». CW.I. 11 "INICIJ U. LOTI u um u. Diritoa.i u. •Owiriiuai J«. « « f»»iiaMT V. M l M. - . - .aaua •1. ' i i rar u oocriiaiD 11. (.oenorHwi


i;f.ejf». nun Bjaun,

t.k-f) iMin «r"-p{<

i-ufc^Bri r-nn airiiii

I. cawrortiSMT < auiujui aouaraai

aiHM » "HM.I II. >wo I'. WTION

iMNir lMi b ! . _ _ ,

By OWWR « • ( bpar, ] badaaat . 3 baba. a ( c , r a e . l a e a , r irealaae, dithwathar t l S , T i O . K a a e


CAROLINE rtNBS - ] /4 aae b t M a b Bwdabbiban, Peat, bab a t ta t R 1 b h a ea daariaaaaat Ihaa Kt^UltrttplSSn

DAuT aTY^'^'btdiaaM,'m iMiMb, htol woadad b t , « / « • toWpOCt pMWM MO* IMMt VOf'' p a t i e , a a a j y p t l a f e d aa a l d t a t , 1 U a * i b t a a h a t i U f , S B « . Pbeaa « T 0 4 4 e B .

OAuT an'ToniaKun'-'t b i j f t i i i i i . m b a < » we, w / B a p b n , t V t . f b a a p i r a p eavbpad U a t e a .

"^^iSst^r •'»• ' * "•

REAL ESTATE S B C L U D B D - 3 0 a e t a i , }

b t b i i a a , 1 beqr beato w / b l b a t a a e a t A b i a W I N a M a V|^nvotHMHi noHfO to V M M V SMnatd Ctaaip IN^BOB. OabS Gray, R a t l t a , m47l-M4». I ^ W A a t - N

TOWWOCWVaiaTiittiliiil I H b i b i , w/w t a p a l . C ^t, faaatd y « d , w a R b R b M t f iww * itWuattr. 4B44MI. pW*a|.30


a a * a a w a * . Ak t a a f l d a a i , > f 7 M T N . f / | ^ i b

FOR RENT TORMiOUSB, D A U Q T Y - 1 bbbooau, I M bada, e a/«, w/m eapat, bated yttd, t22S p w a w . - " ~ i < 7 f t d 3 I O . p / | / S a p l l


POTOMAC Vm. W t d a a d y , A a » i l 30, I P T : ^ H T

ro" SALE FOR SALE b a U t i , i l e e a t .

C A R I B T - Ne onriwad, d Ib to ear b i a f l a T l

la b a a a a b a . AB

T U A N Q W - I b a d r o e a h e a b . tie. l e e a , 2 bedu, l a t a , t S l a a , P b a a • 7 S 4 I 1 1 . i?p/fcpt l

W M o i R I D O B ~ - ~ L o 7 a l y ' 4 •MMeat , 3 btda, boaa, a Ve. <«/« aaaei b K«b( w a a . d i b i « i M M . ha> R aafat. Awlbbb Bapl I S M aai aw. CaB M Z Baati 4turi i . Btba Baaa


BUY MY CAI0BR TODAY - I aaed l e i b l a v I *


- a yeat eM-wqr gaat M, I tatat « , aaap a i b v - e i # M I 0 . B a b p t l a w Day. P h a w l l B « m .

b a t af eanel a d M P a a b fcbat b a a i l J t j ^ t a i a a d .

R t b i t ttttawa a b " ^ rati b e a t , R^p/rb

CSBAR WAROftOBB -tdOiyaaBl bed ertb 125; i i re i -O-etab

• " " ^ ^ ^ ^ a a t t B a i eeadliba beat t b b

FOR SALE fh«t4»44416.p A.g.3B

DALB O T Y - T e w b M a e , ) badreeai. I M baito. a e l a a a W l f c i t l t n . C a/c, eatb. b a a . F b a a 6704053. P /P /Ai« je .

1/4 ACRB V A C A n O M S t n - b t M b by e a r a a , w i a a H a bcMBw ' l ae lada i w l a a l a ^ . n t l i i a a , boatbf . c M k e a w aabribwt tB fta t ) H 5 . T a a v a a M b T c S 4P4-741J a y a t o a b | b b r 4 p j a .


KYLTONIAN - M a a a t a HBb.1 btJrnewt, 3 bada, a ifc. f h a w 4 » f M t 9 . j / p / l . p i l " ^ ^ ^

OAiuGsbNvixB'mA^ bedwoa Ctpa Cad ea M eoe toL Larpi Bvbt tooa w / B n p b n , a a a a b . dtabi l e e a , 2 b a k i . W w eaipa^ C A/ClbBp eqataMd k i t c b e a . c a p o r t , tU^W, Appobbtoel 65M0S7 . f / | / B « l


kind. Recreation A (aad^ looaa, kitchen, bath. Alw e a t a a b c a a built on youi lo t Phoaa <7B3) S36-277^ after « pjB. 4P1-3P73. p.'p.'rtc

CARPENTERING - Aa'^t'et homes and mob&e honN woifc aad improvements. Free eabaatoi.' Call Buford Befley, 22M35S. pw/rtc

CO.MPLETE TERMITE aad P M Control - Free la ipac tka . -Locally owned. P i taa bBBaa Ex terminating Co. I o c . , 4 t M ) 4 4 , pw/rtc . . •

CONCRETE WORK - aU ^rp«a~^ residential concrete walk. Ftoa estimates. Phone 491-3P7S. pp/rtc

COPIES MADE - while you w r i t tetters, documents, certUfcalta, etc Low cost. Royfax d i ^ l c a t a . The Potomac News, T i l a i ^ Plaaa

tDumfries, Va. p w / q ^ c T M 3 M .

DON KAR P A I N T I N G - q a a i l r at modes! pnces. In tenoiAcxtaba. Free estimates. Phone 4944251 . p,>,.rtc


LaUaHMadt, paomoH, flbo, a a a abRtpte tnauaad othapriat tw aaada. P a qidcfc. qaality arvka. ttf b a Potoawc PaMbhiiv Co., Triaapla Plata. J u t a d u t t dl i toaca b o a the Q a a l i i d H a b a Coipa Baa at Oeafldaa. O p a 9 a a . to 5 p.a. waafcd^a

T n i N O - aH. lypei d o a v l s i b S e l e c t r l c . Acearate, a a t , dcpaadabla. Phoa 221-3250. Rw/rtc ,

TDPP JOSB - wtad^r

O R E S N W K » n L L S I p owaa, 4 bedweaib 3 tt» baht, Uaal localba aff i t t n t , c a/e, aaay axtai S33JDO. Pepl p r l r U a v i r Pbeaa 4»4.4Sf9. .

L O T - 7V\ iis', a i i c a t " t o Qvaatlco Golf Coaoa. Phaae S7S<731.p/p«apt l

MADttON C O W r Y ~ - ~ A J ^ b M d a OB 3 wooded awonabi aciaa. 3'badieoat, raaaiac a a a t J o l a i R a p l d a a . w l l d l i f e a a a a p e a a t ana a r f itocfcad aoa l ittoaa $12,950. aCS40»l. p/p/Sep«2a

ELECTRICAL WORK - u y type. 2 4 hrs. service. PUlip Oabia, F.icctricals Contractor. Phoaa 670-3620. p/p/rtc

E L E C T R I C I A N - l ieeaaed, bonded, insured. Free .eiiaaalea. Phone 670-2607 at 6 T » U 1 S . P p.'rtc

FLOORS - tile, linolea _. sandinj, and re&aisi&g. Phow 491-1578. pw/rtc

GROO.MING of nuniatuieaail toy poodles. Carin Ter t i aa a d Shi-tzu snidi. Reidy's KeaaeL three miles north of Dale Oftf. Phor e 791-5202. pw/ric

GEORGE JONES CXNtSTRUC-' TION - paintiag. roofing and brick wotfc.1 Phone 494-6701 - 4944917. p/p/rtc

GROOMING PROFESSIONAL -.ill breeds. No tnir|«Siifr. BW injjnes. AKC silver toy pooOab ' A K C Blue-Mack Y e r k a U r a Tcrncr Both at stud. 494-1 TBS. p p/rtc

GENERAL REPAIR ii--4 t^a rfa •••• ••!•••• aJR^

<59-««40dt 221-7731. p / i / S a p t l

T . V . R E P A I R - R ~ M t o t ^ iai talbttoo. cobr a taadbty. P b o a 4 » 4 t S 3 3 . | i ( p / b p t l

T R E E C U r n N G ~ - ~ n B a a a ^ ~ l a t e i . Free eat taata . Phoa-«91-223Xpw/rto

M i b M M U M G A PAINTING | C a t t o a worit. tna attaalaa, Keeaaed. Phoa 670-3115. pw/ite

TOWMNG i N m A T O M f l ' i i ABnOBBcemeats. Higb quality, teaioaable prica*. Tbiee-week ddheiy. Phoa 875-8700 a a a aaqiba a dw Potoaac Newi^ TMapto Ptaia, Daaibiaa. pw/ito

REAL ESTATE RY O i n « r - O a t o a 4 babeoa .

2K batha. aaaka Ridai A dlatal r o o B , ' l a r g e k i t c b e a . B y a p p o i a t a e a t oaly 221-1(91$. nWSaptS .

RY. OWNER - bdcfc. laabtat, 3-4 l u d w t a i . iVl bada, cal DaW CKy 470.7375. ^p/Sapt 1

REAOI LOT - No. 14 cMce to*. Piadd Bay Eataaaa, Oak Gioaa, V a P h o a «MM310 . p/p/8epl I

BRICK R A l W f R - Manaicw Hflb,-} bcdaaoaaa, I H baba. c ' fWl t i i i a i a l w/mc reaa , amof a x t r n , ao a g a a . 494-2373. P«/Aag3«

M A R U M S C O V I L L A G E -' t 3 9 , 9 0 0 - t h i i weU kept 4

bodioon, I H bath Gape Cad w/(ec. roon a wad Mltad te dw tarpa Smaif. 1 btocic M i i i t a a ^ POOL CtH L a a «90.1593 a 7 0 3 - 4 5 1 - 1 3 0 0 , H a p p y A i a a - R e a l t o n . p/l^tapt 1

STAFFORD CO. - 3 bediooa A beds I H itoty baae boBW with fU l baaeaient asb 2 extn toa..

acaa, adtaUa te aobBa I ftoadag ba atato laad. SSSOO. Owner f l a a r a * w M ^ a

AVAOARU AT LAST - Laka^ aaa bedeaea t p a a a a t y a a a

Caa fb tdy b r a M a d M d a t a . W l b « /w

earpet ia i . I t w i b a a l t » , • ^B^^MHf • t m - nH^WB* WaaWRm betaea 9 tMfi p a . I T I - l d a i . 1/rb

DALB O T Y - r a t w/epiiaa to bay aaw 4 badawa. 3H bab. b a d b reaa w / f lwpba , e th, garaga, dalaxa Mi tb ia , a^w eaipat, b a t b a e M yt id. a a h t c dqiai. Aimtt A i * . Wk. t M B p t t a a , Phaae 7 » t > t a S f . p M > a | M l

DALB C H Y - S250 p a a e . Tawahea ie , 3 babaeaa, I M bettt, flapbii b bwBy l a e a . C A / C a u b a a a g i . Haaw R Heaa R i b BitaM Caar.. 703438-1900. p/p/rto

DALETlTY~Ifoinrimra''ad aa l t , 3 b a d t e e a t , a«aippad k i l c h a a . 1335 a o . Pbeaa 491-174<.p/|^ra

LAJB R U > a - b a d w r 3 i a a l towahoaia , 3 badwoai, IM ' b a t b i , c a/c, w/w aarpel , dfabwadtot, b t t u M U p a a b d wc.

- r w o a , S3C5 par aw. P h b a «7»<310.p/p/ l<pt l

LARCe'sPAaf^aniahb^.^ Sapt; I d b . PflaMdy i ftbb aarta. Meal te Ooa mam, a b . ' O R Doaabr Lyeaa. B » n 0 1 a 221-2)44 .3 /S ipt l

MAiraaoo~HnIs " um 4 badnoa heaw ta goad ooaUlba $370 p a aw. A a l b b b Sea l 2701, ao pea. Phoa 494-35M. Vtv/Stftl


. BateaUwd, BMofldy a weakly a a l b i , $125 a u . a b ap. P h a a 231-1777. p / p ^

O N E l E D I t O O M ' i U U R T I ^ f f - f t m i b i i l Ja pcbaM b a a . Na pea. l a g a kbeha , ftrtag t m a * batb. D a a f r l f i araa^ P b a a 231-79(«.i^pifSepLI

.IHRSa RBDbOOH RAMR1«R»-t/e, aaw paiM bride/ b a M ' t o t >, w / t r a i , bcpi w a a a palio.

1 l l O O O B U O a B ~ U b t R l % , ~ i i ^ tawabeate . 1 - badieeaa, I M beat , v a b a we, w e a , w a . e a r a a t , d l ikwaiber , e a /e , peel p i l i R t f a , $355 pet aw,

i 4 » M M 3 . | ^ p / l t p t l .

MOBILE HOMES abOAPMDRB - 19*9 la'xdO' 3

MaHla aa b t , 13,750. Phaae 4944333. pw/Ai« 30

M A R K I V 4 9 7 1 la'aSO* 3 bedieaa, uaAuaWMd A/C, c w " bt b f t oa b t la WaodbiHBb S44ig. P h o a 494-75S4. ifSt^

VACATION "~ RBSORT PROPERTY - te n a l ea d a ooau at B a a n b Ida "^y b e t a " . Convba ly teafaiwd 4 b e t e b a ooltiga, by flw weak, Aagail A Saptoartia. BaienaMa r a t a l . C a U Harold Shipp, S w a a t a e , NJC. (91f ) 3264147. par/AagSO

A I R OONOmONBR - ujm BTU: Pwach P w b a b d p a a S r b b b , t i l l aabat iRtb, t U l b a t eeObe b b b . l S i Z a d a w . . . ^

A U T o V A V i c ' V A i H i i ' * D R Y B R S - r e b a l l i a a d R M t t a a i i i a i a U S b bwata f r a a I S O l e t 7 l . Pfcaaa 494-1037. i^l/rto

AMnoin'- Vbak wttai'l^' ehabs btaaa l a i b i i ; eak ba baa. Phaae 4 M ^ 1 9 1 afbt 5 p « . P / P r t t f t l

C M D U CAMNBT - W M H K | b M d a a b p Moiati baw, pa ibb i iabt laa tlOOi m a o i a M a t t a t w t , M l qf Manpi t^aat, M " hl iR. deabb dew Real I I * . l h a w 4 » t 4 ( M . K | A a p < I

, * • * Dwiu ROOM~"rpM~iaM ' . ^ ' • * weed, C a b a b l a t p b i a a t d bbb j S f j * tad 4 a a b i iRihi, fcaibrSHB. ' * * " * New 199. T a w b ^ i B w a ,

iUutnntiiAU lAVIdMTOMi

HAmmASmnmHtnm liH'a paati loas, arBNaBlai •ai tava aa over 10,000 bM| , la t teck for i aa t iMd B i l K i f y ,

MOOHCIOUf i m t a l M I

( M M r O r e a a t t e l l M S MCQiipinimu

<83t-ftbbBwaB Hvp.O'-t. i) AtaRaaMa,Vt. 7(»V7<MS00

• a^btaetthorpi.Balvob •s/ib


New 199. T« D e a e i P a r a t l a r e . 70>-7«5.U00 1/rtt



AOUARIUHS - 39 aaL w / H a d ; U BUba. b e * e q i l p a M a ( « a R , teaaaatWa. Pbaat S I M T d l ; W W i t f t i

B E D S - a a a b e l l y a a a d , a a a p l e l e , l ) 9 . 9 S . T a a a R da l lvap . P h a a Tn-TtS4$».

BARLY A l O R K A N - t a b * ehab , gaed eaadl t laa , aaar * p i a a a 1 7 1 P h e a 4 9 4 4 1 M . P/»/>tpt l


BOATING 31 F T . P IMMOLAS - tvaaboal,

Cbiyba a b a i/o, baakawv taadaa a r t a , ataetik

4944317. pw/Aag 30

GLASTKM - 1970 14 ft., 1973 100 bp Jobaaon oatboad awtoc; 1970 4 0 hp l e b D W a . Atty eaaddaaaon. or aapaa* . Phone C70-7215.p/F/Septl

SEARS - 1968 15 f l , ntsabout, 75 bp, good coadjtioa. 1750. H I O M « 7 » « » 5 . p / p / S e p t l

i f TROJAN WOOD-ISuiliiii; ' Iraltar A Mercury ili-^jf.

l b iibiia aiiik Ibill BO bakL 8500 a Jiaat

oflbr. O b 4 9 1 ^ 2 7 t ( b r < j e p j a . 3 / n c '

B E L L A HOWELL - i l lde peebcte w/27 dtdt iny i tSSi tbo coapbto b a p b w mt 130. PhoaC7&34<».pa^A«f30

BARREL" CRAOT " " " eeach 1 car httd i w d n a a i ; Gib; peC^ b i i b , eto. AB reaioaabla. P h e a 4944319. pw/ABg30

B L ^ ~ B B M U J N B ~ - E x p a d a d vlayl cfabD, o a . aqbar , a a ebb, aaaaBal aoadUba, b e 4 SlOO; bbcfc R wUtt E a a t a a p o r t a b l e T . V . 840 . Phaae. 494-1624. pw/Aag 30

JBUMrER KIOL TABLE - nd coveilng; baby baiilBattoi

' excellent coodllioa, a a a a a i b . F h o a 49445QS. pw/Ai« 30

i w l v t r ' o k t i r i ISO. Phoaa 4*44837. p^l^Sapt I

D B S m SBT - t abbit, a b b -v / 3 ex toa t loa i 8 ) 5 . Phoa 4 9 t 4 U l . p w / A ) « 3 0

OOZBR " ' r t i a ' o t i ' a a M i p i t a a b d i a R g a a a i t a d . w a i a a abab P b a a a i - 5 9 - 3 1 1 1 1WV«7040<4 eaabBk f^p^lept

D i i m - abcate s i o ' l h o a 4704454. pw/Aag 30

F R i a S A I R B OVEN - 875~OT b a 7 o f f a , good ^oadltia. I b o a 33 I -aM3 .p /p / l ap t l

R O W - 14*^ Mfcfcey Thonpape ang whaak iB dmaie , 5 hig, big B B U A locfci.good eondldoe 880. 331-1328 af ta 5 p ja . ^nefcd«t. t / p A a p l l

I T M M l . p a / l e f t 10

P U R N I T U R r V ' a i i M l e _ 8teapbg B M b L 1175. T a a a R daltvay. Pheae 70).7»14S«B. Vito

a B N i R A Y " E L i c T R i c " ~ a b l g t a l a , 885 a b a l oAbri

eat rlag iba 5M, 7 ,885 a b - • JUMNf '

491-386 . p/p/StpI l

UM'nicfitic Tmiinitiri 3 R. canbpi, M a a b 8TSi ehUd-i pbyhoaa 830. Pheaa 4914283. p / M a p I l

M 0 f l 4 I K E - bnad aaw 8189. I (704676. p/p/Siptl

t a g t g u i a a t rlag iba 5M, 7

k . . zf. i b a R a a mttatt, anB p w awty. . - « ' ' * - * • * ' » n w a 491-286 . a / o A a l 1


a Immedbte 8 t r«ba a N o D i a g i n i M a t b e g r a 7 Yr . G i a t a a t t a

ARTfC (703) B24-380S ARUNQTON

r Of P M W H K News


CARPETING San JSS Baylag dinct Rom ndl . No owAaad. Saaa yea aaaap.

P t b a a a t at 8 3 J 9 1 « . yd. P W t grade only. Matt b l i ^ l a R aaiaa a m U b b . F a haaa t i n j l . i R ftanlbubi.phaa

pWrte. <7»30S4

AUCTMMI SATURDAY, SEPT. 2.1972 - 7:00 i>.M.

KiVERSlOB AUCTItfM mzcaobaa Fwdatfckahan . 371-3SM Dkadtaaat ArbaconaofOaaRaabFaadBlaaal^dtaae^

: Bdbnbw Oaaa

S Y L V A N U C a . - 5 acre kadaoa Vepoo Lake


FtodeikkdaiiVa. 7aj-373<743

' Eaa.RSaB.' Robert Qutk, 7Q3>3734187


T O W N H O U S E - D a l e Qty , 3 bedioaaa^ IVi batha, c baced yard. Phoa <7ft«5S4. 3/Aab. 30


.ONLvaaTMbo TUB Kofy « N « I M M I - t

.{Xnansar. t u Mffi nai atalrvMva. LaiBa mm

M ^ n m r al hwikii ani fitim-

oaly. a palB, I yt. taaa. P h o a 67<K»10.3/Saptl

TOWNHOOSE - 3 badraoa, 2 batht, oaalnl dr. baRy i w a w/Oaptaoa, andabb Sept. l a t P h e a 4704413 te ippalatawaL p/p/Sep(l

THREE BEDROOM - IM btaha. T o w a b o a a , c a/c.' baaa^Hato' oocBp<M:y, 8235 p a a a Cbfl Mrs. D a a a 4 9 1 4 1 5 1 . Reltar

. Honaa Realty. pAVSapIl

AU6UST - SEPT. Sign Up Special

SAVE 1/3 to 1« ON FALL LAWN CARE ftoieed, Uma, A n a a . RoH, Nalkida, FartHlar Treat-

' • r - - - n a f ^ ' ) i t a n i i r r - i i-fT •oawM b » <0oruauiaw ad M M W

Va. Tanaiy laaia •mm el otmlm,. W. Bw <ami k w

Ita W* Hmmm Orh*. Ommltim. W.

H<a1her*6reeii Landscaping

• T D - V l i B a 1BB>WI7 Eve. nWBBBnBUTBB

walks, drivc-wqFs, tda. offset press oii'.cL prc» - RAR saa 8L R e n o v a t i n g Co . Ph 44 1.4043 for fae i i lbaal l i . p. prtc

HOME W P R O V E M E K T S B I M C s ' Mdint, roo(iiig«cw a apalr

. j«s. cjipenuy. Pbcwa 4 7 a 4 2 n r free estimate. Ne Jab lea

-~j . i p/p'Sept. 1

W I R S TREE S U R G E R Y " ' r: jrcsMOisal I re* c a a , titt > l ima l e s , insured. Phoaa

•i^-i 54 04. pw/rtc

G O R M A N ' S H 0 M B : M P R O V £ M E N 7 S - C a ^ s a e

r o i n t , p o r c h a i , caiperto. ulditwnsi o u apacWiy eaaaaW dr . tewsyi aad pa t to i . PWa nt,mites. Cal 4944421. pw/rta


Spoaaored by PHnce iraBiam C a a t t y D b b B w t b e Educatioa Sattkw

Far a a y J a d M d i t ^ bteret ted i a j s ^ T h e R e a l E t t a t e S a t a t l

( M a b o r F a a a b )

"1 I r a i b i n fteperttloa C o a t a " t n t t t Saateaiber 11 aad e w h Octabt r i f

M o a d t y b XlarKtay E t t t r i iV aad

Otfaa Adaanoed S d w o f e ^

CALL JOHN W. WOODARD, SR. at 494-9181 for deuUb

P. IMBINC - laadta -rptin. 14 yr*. expaatoaa P. i i i nb l« | Satvlae. f-0-6700. pw/ra

bea R



? M N T I N G I X T B R I O R « rvTEKIOR - iiiRiipiitog, Pta Eitlmatei. Uaaowd. Hltobbp Contracton 494-1333. pM^a

?F T g o A R D I N O A N D r ROOMING - ebedtoace run lag. all braeda. L a d

OiarltoB Xaaab^ Baabb^ Va. 8*5-3833. p / p ^

P R O F E S S I O N A L GROOtONG - ABbl t i i pick ae R RtUtatp. r 5 - 9 9 i r i M t


All Dale City (670), Quantico (640), Stafford (659) and triangle (221, 875> Exchange billing records are being moved from Manassas to our Featherstone Mail Business Office.

Effective September 5, 1972, Quantico, Stafford and Triangle subscribers will call 221-1155 or visit Featherstone Mall Shopping Center, 14547 Jeffierson Davis Highway, Woodbridge, Virginia to apply for service or to ask questions about bills.

All Dale City subscribers will call 494-3131 or visit ^)e above address to apply for servioe or ask questions about bills.

(E • • • T l b S b t R i



COMPANY OF VIRGINIA • r O a t l a o t a tU^phM t t n m

-l- rfil.l H.,1

Page 39: Potomac News

VT KTOMACNnw.! ,ABaat30,1972.B-18


(Cotttlnumd from preceding page)


A DRYW - 1 coabMa 817S. Shea M l - I M i

pitlitati isAHVwXmi slybaR . , girta. CaU ThowM NoaaB, t70-77l».|/f/rtl

MARINE OPncnS UHTOHW - ooaqbb tM Bb a a 44 b w 3<*-wdaL a B t B b a S l S O a S offet . CaU 7«3-43T.0d74. P/p/Septl

MOwBB"-'V"bpT"ii'irr"i whecibarrow Ijrpa abcbb < mixer 830; 1 pr. of old bap aba 83S. 221-1305.pw/Ai«3e .

S300; Philco Ueditorraaaa CoBio la . S t a i a e 1 3 0 0 : MedHiriaia CbefcMB 4 a d '*>>>*• tUOi" -"^ i i i i i i l f i i T j be*ooa toba 8350; aWla labl child's badrooa wib IZSBi Kanmore drjrw 8 f l . "^ P/P/Sapt t.

NO RGB W A m u f .. condidoB, 3 vaad, 3 epbi. Utaaa 670-2381. p/Mapt I

PIANO $175; cablaata^ refrigeral pvisiftt

PIANO -upiUM SlSOi C M b b t d pjn. 221-1015.3|jit^l

* K C bUMATURB POOOLB VVPtlBI - aaaiBai aaaBw, r i t a t i , b a b Saai tonba A glOMtlag. Phoat «7B.8St}. ,PW!«t

•CSBAMPOeBCB .- jys*. jB*«dt»*^ aaeabl S^Eaabklhaa nUsB; B/p/bt

Q H U T ' D«iE 1 M B ~ - ~ btaalL AJCC, 3 akt. Phaa dT^fllt! t/a/ltt*l

CmW TRUC8C - I9S« »4 I M . aaa pad, 8330 a bat e«bf.

J**»«*t 18B3.|>W»aptl ^ O B W - 19«S • ( M ^ . ' S S B B !

I h a a 4*4.7433. p/blAi«. 30

CMmOLBT - IBM i a « a b , V * ladea. >37 V-8. ' aataaatb ttaatabilaa, aoww a $400. 33i.l33S b b t S aabtdtpkB/i^Sapll

NBW CHBVROLBTS -at Raat Tndt i a aocaptid. Bab - AbiPbalMiaiaiiBal

<s»i:2rvna"t2; / ^ • _ ^ •»MUi. alaiiit oiit'~~im aatilaadlaa a.oaABa $1

t«7*Bl lS. | /pA.pt l

4 4 0 t a g l a e . aa loaa t i e ^jaaahbea, tft. 84TS. r •<»-3333, S aM.4 pja. • n P b S / B t p i I .

PLYUovni' i l i t i . aaay ,

I aabaa apbr. a b 8300. a47043«I.VS^l

VOLVO 19(9, btaa, 143B. mt/tm, 3 dr. ada w/fpwb ea

; - b ^ . ^ - b - . e * . a r

vw 3/ltptl

"r9"7riiii: " i i j ; bato,30,S00 afctTSS, «M43S3.|/i^Bapll

^- ISMwdaLtaaded 8500. Pha^el^93l.4lJ3.

Holton to address group at training center site


vw SQVABBBACK reeeal e i ^ a




^ 4 ^ rLYUOVIH - 19M eape, aw VW - l971S«pallV>KeBa teaatb ^ "**f ""^ " ^ * « « . ««<"MI ratldia. 1 owaa

F p S _ ^ «*»»•» VBept I Ptpt 321-1195. pw/Aag 30


MALE - SL . a ^ m a a 850. pwiarti

Spa. eU 4914704.

I9M. beat aObi


8IB-TZU PUPPIBS - 1 wki. eW. aab R ftaab, nwBial aaaRhM. ibow a pat Ba%'« Ktaatb, 79W303.|Jp/tto ^ ^

- 10 • * - . papnla, ae p tpa t . Phoaa 49r30t7.p/p/Sap(l


kaa « atB

. O B L D I P B T - A a g . 17b. aba' aat, gap tap. wWto natiwiab. »aartog flea ceUa, aaadb

Rtwaid.C70435jf.ri^Aw30 '


31b. Hedbw Or, IWa ^

CADILLAC -oar S3M0. »/Wlap«l _ ^

MTBUN PKKUP - 1971, iMUo* baator. 13,000 adba. 81.3W. I h a a 491-3ST4. p/p/Aag. 30

CBEVY - " c b a v e l l a 1973 . ceavartbb, low adliigi, V4,

atwaaWf, a aal araebl pbaa. CM Haafc 331-1193. pai^Aai N

DAniuN -1970,4 drlaitea ivd aUh a/e-iailaat aeooaay. ChB Ralph 3314193. p«/Ai« 30

DODGi~-~Cammtlm~im aoavarllMe,. a/e, p/«, good eoadltloa. Phoaa 331-1943. S/Baptl

OAnUlt - 1971 pfcbap 1400 aba , 11800. Phaa ana ( pjik 331-7751. p/p/Stp«l

PORO COUNTRY SQUIRE -1**7. flK tfK ^ Mbdaid

PIANO excellent rnaillllaB S473.

*9i-2m.p/,/sini. PIANO - aprlaht, nTijlJai conditJoB 8 1 M L C a ' ~ Phone 491-4335.3/SiV«l

POOL TABLE - bB aba Bba aaw 3100. Pboa 4944399 alba 4:10 pjn. pw/Aag 30

SINGER '-'H^lHT'Zeii Belgium made, i w a 110 V -220 V; 220 p l« ««R R, altachmaata, palabb ITT. «4-W74.p/p/Aai.lO

SINGLE B i D ~ ' ; ? i i i i ; " i ; ; spiinp SX; oragi dab $10:

«7B«3S4.pw/Aw30 aafcafc S9S6»; _ ^ Wp/Saptt

4 9 1 ^ 3 4 .

OBBMAN SHEPHERD _ l a R bbdi.faBad bltoadbd^i

CBRbAN SUEPHERoTtoaba' toa R BhHa. Raad Rartaa Apa, W;iibbgi,ABg.3tth.

POCHlLe - whUa, atoh, fowd QBalke,Aiw.37tt

RASSBTT HOUND - aala, M«abaad, iaoad Abdab Plaa, DriaCH|r,Aw.24th.

Petoawi Aatab ASba b hebba; - ' — . 3404790. pw/Aw 3 p ^

SfchK 6'»t-iWWTS

FORD OALAXIB300- lHi7tiZ artaaadc, V-S, 8150. 491-S31}. f/WAiw.30

HOMER HEADoTl'^r aid for 2000 cc Plato, 8«a Phoa 4704797. B/iVSaptl

HUNFER S DELKaiirrTpssltop 4 ehab drito. caapbto powa ttab b aaw, aaw baria.^ aaat wa to appatba. 8450. Cbl 4944374. i? |«apt l


love Mat 310;9 'xrwdia i $10. Phone 670-2333. p^Aag'sO

SOFA SALE - oaa 300 to^dtoaa f rom, all typoa laeladlat sleep-sofw, etc. San to b eis, 849 to S299. Tena R ddba. Baca' Furniture, 703-1«»dOOSl S/ttt '

C A T - pat to aoedb f / l $ ^ b 1

DALMATIAN -"2 y i T i T ^ f r a lo good beaa. ~ (7»«917.p/p/8tp<l

RIITBO - tea to gooirh • 494-3494. ft^l^Saptl

IHPALA B/S traaadHba. P / P / A B ^ 3 0

f9««^ aaa C7»3S3B.

i^ l t t . >ART bftRBMlAo PUPPIES -

(7). da waafea eld. 4704457. P/WAac3D

<M fta to good hetoa. 33l-1305.pw/Aaa30


It caabdoa. 4500 adba' 8I4S0. Phoa 470-MOS. 3^bpl

STROLL-O-CHAIR -convertt iato 11 { furniture. Coal 8330, _ Phone 670-3789. p/ JBlpt 1

TWO SNOW TIRES Radial 19J-14X 350; CM. Aaa mount $5; ca —•.— -r-,, wave tnadtwy paar appbl BONDA - 1971 CB75flKl Bloupunkt 6 a 13 aobi pabtba ^m. - * ->- " — ^ ' or negative groead » B ; ^ " ^ " ^ humidifiet aBtoaaNe IB abaw S80 CaB afta 5 pja. .401-(3«3. p/p/Aiig. 30

TRUMPET - O M M T a a iilii^ S12S or beat offer. Ptawe 49I-2601.[i/p/Scptl •

TRAILER TIRES -w/cbT; reducing aaddaa, waaaoaMe.. Phone aftar 7 p a . C99-33TS a 659^364. p/p/Ai» JO

WANTED USED PVRmURB -We buy, tel, a 494-4701. p/p/nc

WASHER-DRYER „ avocado itacfc-epa.4 aa^a ld . Moving, aaa tab . Rat abb accepted. Call af 670^41. p/p/Septl

C A R M E N C H I A - 1 9 6 4 ceaalbb. gsod eoadWaoSSSO. lhaa494-355ftp/|>/Ai»30

LTD -1969 CoBBtry Sqebe Wagoa. th, p/b, factoer ab. dahna bggaga tack, baablkd coadlt lea 83500 . Mkaiaa>' 6704453. p/jp/Aag. 30

MUSTANG - 1965 2«'3: bw 69 Cobra Jet. M o a 494-1497. p/p^cptl

1970 NOVA - 2 dr. coope, 19,000 . p/i. .V8, WW, lAb, vtoyl

looC I f baseaad oB 494-8374. p/p/Sap« 1

SUZUKI - 1971 Gawbo, SOeaS ** * • • " ! £ " * * • coodRtoo 8335


YAMAHA paodcoB aR. ao t


1970 250 00 aliaat. 2.5001


O a t a a b r a a cad Let a bar a Wi pap top paba a


fiVDOUjUt K00l«IONmC0UI8

• Rn.tfft234IUIUKRI 7S4r7»l


WASHER A ORYnt~79BaiiiiM ^ ^ ^*^ CMEWOLBT - aia condition SlSO. lbaaa49t4M8. ? * . ^ * t a Beat Piba. Aifcfa


WASHER A DRYBR. conditioa, baa atSa 491-I02«.p/p/|eptl

p/p/Sept I

TOdar laal iatato aataa aa » ^ each a ba liaa. Thb a largely becaew of oar popalaUoa eiq^oaba; Tha

ore peopb, the aora Nalaaiua R h to owe a


xUf to Itoeeaaferb

awd ^mm b hart to eeae by. Thbk aboa R.

ba warti a a w a T A M y o a paopalp oaald a a hbp ba

\HNCHESTER - Medb 13 - Id g'u|e SlSO. Phewa 33I-' p/p/Sept 1

V^RDSALE - 146211 Dale Qty, Ja^ g_(_ a.m.-4 pjB. r p/p/Sept 1

Wt. Ha L , _ Jl'jb-to.iWkte

ttr aabbM ddft. 4


Gat ttaa valaa ' . I f jroaan



b i y o a


H O R S E S B O A R B B b -woodbridpt, Oria O b aa% IB a 1 0 > talla. 8SB - — 494-8301.

S m a t t

l9t4hBpab4dfc * W ' . p/h. p/a; a t e a a b t .

baaadHb -

HORSES POR SAU • aisembly of aala 368-7029. p/p/rte

PALOMINO -rtceOeat 1550 Pb«M 401-330. I


H E L P P U L R I N T : a d e ^ a a l a aoaber


Aa of

^KC GERMAN ) wk>. Ota. Maft RI a 67»433B.p«p/A«.'IB

- S

pupptoa mala, w 221-2762,


ILYMOUn - 1966 4 dr. , aatoaMtb. a/i, gaed naaba eeaMNea 81^ . K a a <7Ms8. tlaHtati

KYMCWrii "-"Bbiab"tr,"i9*5.6 <rL atoaettc, 8400 abeatafbr for I b a Sept. 15tb. fheia 4404404 btor 4 pjiL |/p/8ipt 1

ROAO RUNNER - 1971 -383*, V8, atoaaUe, p/a. iRb, pitipb «/wMto btoitor, chwaa tpniS. rhea491-4741.rw/l/B«ll

mUfPH - 19m GTd.aai aablba, 1 4 M I af la. ladtat baa, aa-Aa ndto, 81,900. Cbl 640-7487.3/Sapt 1

vmiiA'-'miMiAu'i^ii wagoa under wairaty, mat acriOoa. AaUag $2495. Phooe 6404482. p/p/Sapt 1

Mb aada aaaMy. CiH iaha Ripe 321-1195. pw/Aag 30

VW - I 9 7 1 vaaf axc^la~ai eeadWeo 82450. Cabet CaaL Oapb, 64ft4903 aah, p/| Btp< 1

F a r M a a a t Naai " tOtlbaiw

> 3 2 I . I 4 M

V i r t l a ia C o v . Llawood Halloa Wfl deibar BM maior • 44ret t a I careatoaTei McabaB tht Fbb-tuMorb4 NorUitra Viratab TnUbf Cenbr for rtbrdtdeUMien lo b« held Sept. 25 it Ike tNliQf't Pbrftx Couaw bb.

H H oeator b located oa a roUnB. wooded 9S-acre bKt at Uw iabnecttea of Braddoek tad larke Sutkn Koadt la P ib ta Coiaaty't foriacOtM dbbict. A leakatlTwaily, it will ttme Ow oouatbt at AiUactoa, FaiHax, Pauqubr, LeudoHB tad FMace l ^ a aad tbt dtbt of AbmaiddB. Fait Church aad Fbrftx.

Coattraetlaa of the Qrtt phatt of the hotpltal, which

BM bouM M»ae 400 rttidtab whaa fDiRBlitedt baaia uadtr Ho I toa't adailaittritloa, t lthou^ it wat aulkoriatd duriag tke teauta. at hb Dftdtcattot, fatsMr Gov. Mib Godwta.

Aaaouae ia t Holtoa't partidBatitM hi ma wreaMay wat Mrt. Heamy O. (Vii|iiua) Uoae of Ai«a«taa, Northtta Vliifait owaibar of tht Stab Band af Hotpibb aad Iftatal



I J-M 0»r Souinoouna us Hwy 1 • ouMrnies. VA; an-o***


Naae a car But hav* a«to a no moMy te aw aowM


to aw If you eaaHfy tor ow


Hy#aa. Alto tpetlcini al tht

dtdicatiaa wfl] bt Or. Phlb Root, esacutia director of the Natioaal Attocittion foe Rabrdad CUidiaa liaca 1969.

M t ^ r orotNaioRbt will be Kobert M. Gatlia|i of 5931 SeabrithI Rd., Spria^bU. executive director of Iht hhUoatl Atta, ofCoordlaabm of Style ^opbat fof Bw Mtatally Reuitfed, Ia«., ••••dqaartefad b Adh tOR.



I' MI'S iARASE,me. ^ i V I* tKipWldfaHl • • • • « • » « • BMViM I t J ^ b*lfc fM«l|B t 4MB«Bfl« MBt -

•h PM Pitiipr snvKi | / CAIlt 491^391 •Tr/ 13618 jtff Dwb Htay., Woodbridga, Va.

i?jf h h y / 1 / tfy^ h h i?/ i5i< ."• iltf -If if:



Run your cilastifiBti jgfcMhB MUtaoafc 1

WbBkBbi PbBotiMg I

OiMwlluu SsbBry. I

MMW 221-2111 I

[71 Chsv. iRipb JCpa." • |3B0- V«. 'Tactonr air condMonina;-Itijrtto. hjjdra. tiana.. AM^d aa iio I radio, P/8. na , WW ttaa. EZI aaa.


i 7f Char iB bhi 4 DaOQ, ft 4 Door


AM with 360 V8'a, "racurv'''ar^' ao«««onln«." euto tram., RRH, PA R-

I raR. MW dm. EZI gtoa, aoma abiyl |»oo«a, "toka your pkSirAlwna any I color R.trim anaHaMa. aH a om I tiamandoui ato pria.

|7»Chw.ia»8hifpbnepo; | y « . auto. uaw.. RRH, US R P/8, ww |tina, EZI glaaa. wNto Hnidt. Wafc vinyl I reof, nd vinyl imarior, • > « Uke awT'

is 'Lym*" Hi. SBOrtt Cpe. fta a ^ a i V8. "tocaory air eondMoniib." auto * 1 M Q S

baa. laatoNk «BW f M * . gohl vtayl I *""!"• " * * '« •«" <**! roof, n t a I oondWon, NJU»^book vatoeBl.TSOl

I WW tba. ezi ^aa. nuaglu paai « - ^ b " » y « # Imuai gian inarior, ona-ownw.


4 door, 4 aiMd. aana., RgtH, nMnkm' aaati, radial tim.


|MFaMl6tlBmiM 14 Door Hardtop, VS. "factory air

jdWontog," auto tram:, RRH. Pb R

I piudi tod vinyl Intator, bb*dav priadi

I I I Oldt "taffba," Sapar Mt


fiaMtaR8lWba4Daar V», "faclDcy air eondittonim.' auto^ Irani, RRH. R * R P « , wvTSiaa. EZI glaM, nMtallic giaan imariar taw ttiSoSoi "•*••»'*• »^ * "«-*

Auto Tfaoa., RAH, P/S R P/B. vwv tiraa " ' " * Klgtaa, matalik! blua fitwh. Wadt vinyl root. M a aoatem vinyl iniafior. MntCondHtonl

\fir%^ --. "tocaory ar eondttlowlia," auto I t rna , RRH. P« R P/R, wwUtoa, E 5

iMChsoyhiipi |VB, auto waa. I t i r n , EZI linlaria

RRH. P/B * p « , w w

I 72 . ZToChooM



Compocfs S?S£^**3395 •I I T l — • — i i f g a , -


SFMirS CMK Sr^*'-^*TJ««r«t^tJ?jJf' btoSSnZir "•«*«^ • » * * bla fcSC


turquoia HnWi. piudi vinyl inlwior. in dnw room conatton.

JiawaCgptiga-nipiini E«M^

3B0VB.-tactoivalroondWanii«."«Aa ' 2 6 9 S •ana, RRH. P/g a P/g, w T S t . E a ^ ^ * * * i fct *"<"!' ""•^ aa^ a a , wMto Mh^MOod paaiat. pitoh btack vtoyi JMarier.gkanawl ^ ^

baa. toggapa rack, powar raw wtotaw'. I

|MFai4( I s daa, aao traa.. RRH. ww daa. I la^aala aaa, topq. i

At lamed. bi*B«. Goto, Oaa Q J : ^ BoMOaPrial HURRYI

la*t*'- JS2to' *a .aBna,RRH.P/« f tP» ,_ ,

I * " baa, WW flfaa, wRIto Rnbh,btoak I id^ri aar. hack iaaiior. N.AAA. beak



tka EZI yaa ow,|y ,pp|, d Sddi. IMS

VB. aaoaona.. R W . ww tina^i $ 1 l < t t C M f b a . pawar raa atntav. naaoa ROMIL • • * ^ « Mock yiMyl . hitarior. _ M A J D A . h a * vaia $t,«nf

Trucks 71 EkCMRiBR, CatL OtiaaB X ton pick-up. 300 va. ttotio Hydn S ^ O O C i « y , RRM. P« R P«, pranHun A T T I *


WChiwyH. Rata Ipaib Caa. va. auto wane., aaaa p a > mn — ^ a ^ ^ -* a ^ EZI itoa. waaato pad a B h R , * J 3 T 5 Mack vinyl ,owf. bloefc iwtBbr, N A.OA. book vata BlRSBI

? 5 r t f g r S R . RZ. baa.>129C

interior, ahowrooa wiaRUaiil 71 DariflgL CaMia MR. K T ^

wi^iSbfc" "* * ^ a 4 9 S VB. ad. ama, RRH, HJC. ndma. at - « r w » a » ^onjAav. 2 " h-«a». • R. had. vav 71 Choa. CRBlbR C-tR. K t^ »^ : 71 _ Pbft-llB8 J^a j to j t j^ VR. ad. wane..„«„. „ . « C a n ntoron. R ft. had. a a bunaar, aa

^ waa » aMto

8 a. bad. vary

*•* • '" >a4f5.|

RRH.P/SRP/B. ' 2 A 9 S Ua • — - . ^ ^ • ^

...R*H.p/sa $ 2 5 9 5

vs. -tactory air PS. pramlii vKlwali, EZI inaarior, mint oandWonI

nCaafgr.SpatbCpa. V8. auto tran*.. MtRFM rwHa, P/» P/B, MM tira, EZI 'cmih, ten vinyl Tnartor conditiani



?• GhBV Cbb MR. X Tao flgh«r

P * heavy duly totoa R waaak, BR.


* l l fS

• t Cht*. Cast C-lt, K TOR

«.«p s|495

" • v . cat.MmRaaKMataaebtob• ***** " " t a , baa vtayl baator,

JfA ".••*!!** «'•«- RRH, "taa •l-Camino, "fi

V8, l td. tram., RAH, «to« Coal " ft. bed. aM ha»>v duty, raw nwalhc plvar A *«i,n finiai.

VO. l td, tram • fVHrron, % ft. kw

NOURS-MsR*v*n Misr M


imk mm&hm C H E V R O L C T i

U.11 n Iht Mu CITY mmsEcnot fX. STMltl

Page 40: Potomac News

roimac mm. Wabatbv, Aapat 3B. 1972. B.I9


Th* Prihcb William County Boand of County Sup«rviBor« harBby givaB notioa of itt intMit to adopt a Tax Packagt" which includaa a 0USINES6. PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL TAX ORDINANCE and m amandmant to tha MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE TAX ORDINANGE..aRid Rdotitton to ba on Octobar 6, I f 72, or ai aoon thaiMftar ai tha mattar (nay barliaaftf.Thafa Mrfitbt »timR lor dtiiafM to mpiwi tfialr vimfin.

A full copy of tha ttxt is printad harain and tlao has baan filad with tha Clark to tha Cimiit Court.




S«c 1 - OvfMtiwit FOI the purpose oi thia I

..-^ti thill hav* the maanlnii naartl>a> aaoibad to d a n •., :h.s section:

oROSS EXPENDITURES. AH axpanditWM loaned In-jr<«^ci.on with ttw aoiulittlan or leea oi raai proaty . . udin^ cash, aadltt. taw, oanunialom. tarokaragi ctorew

a <: entdit. <r>d all aicpanditurM incurred in eonnactien naito hr -iprovemant or davatoamawt of wd l preaarty, Inciudina

-jiXi of all labor liwoivad In n«li Iwerevanianl a doe opirent, coat of matarlala ahd (uaoUa. aauipaMnt lantd o' an equivaltnt charea dieratora H aiailaiwitb eawaby am Bo.ider or dawlopar, and any odwr a iaaadla i e l adialaaa one ption incurrad In conDaeHan atto Bia bngNwaait a -3<!.eiopnieni of loch property. Tlie a rm "worn aapandtoa*" s-w. not indudt amouns anpandad Mr ~ •jn'^rn of principal of debt incuired inc -TiQrowemerit or davalopmant anrk.

GROSS RECEIPTS.The r a n reoaipa from any budnaaa. D'cfession. trad*, occupation, vaeadon, catine er aalMty, -'c JB ng cash, cradlti. faw, oommlwiana, hwliarm dtarga

and rental), md proparty ol any Itind.'nalwa or daacripUoH tram ether sales mada or Mrvica rendered aiidwul any aec jct on therefrom on acoount of ooai ol dw property aoW. :ne cost of nnatarial, laiMr er arvica or otha ceaa. inwiaa or d scounti paid or any imaim iivbatMavir, and n d i arm inai incijoe in ease of marchanu dwameunt o»die laia pria of supBi.M and good! fumidMd tt a uaed by dw Ueanaa' a r.s 'amiv or other panon for «Mcli no diifta ii maa; P'ovided. howavar. dua tie arm "grow raaatoa" wHh raapact to nnarjlacturin, wtiolaale iiietiAania and miail maitiiaiia. ~^ar^facijring or dealing in artida upon aMdidwra blaviad i d reel excise ta> or gwollne tax by dw UMtad Saawatha State snail not induda tUak aadn t a a laoI lM tax by da J-led States or ttM state aovanimenta.'

The term "grou r*oiipa"n«wi ueed in egnnaclion «)ldi a - respect to financial jriiaantteiB l a o M m da aala a l aala , '

stocks. Ponds or other lausalda w d a liaai'iiiiBoilni a advance o' money or the dbeouMni o( aaaa, bMi or odar evdences of debt, shall mean Iba y o a koarat f o a ditoaunlj g-Dss commission or otlw fraa reealpa earned by mara ct, 0' -esjit ng from audi financial aanaclliaw. taut am tana 3-oss receipts" shall not Induda any aaiosait Tialvto a -

pavment ol debt. ~ne term "gross racaipa' <MI Induda the poa reoipa

' o" a I sales or tarvloM randaead ar aclMlia eaauead .V t.r in the county, both to paiaana aMdn da eaunty and to oe-sor s oMxl, th* county; pravidad. twaamr. dtaOia ana " yoss receipts" shall not Indua d i a coHiclad bv n a L

j ^ f u s . profetsional. «anriea„;wt.jsWf.tfUHrimfa^M-WSl T s -nilar organizations. '• -T

- this connenion, dM word "pesaan" an« ba uwBtMa to nc.jde governmental agencia.

'ne caiculatior\ of groa raeaipti dieU ta on aiddr a cadi a acc'jai tiasit. determined by die aeeeunttne i i i i a i .a< dw :axcave.'.

PERSON Any individud.firmicopartnenMp.coiporation, con-panv. niodation or joint atoekaaodaHon. Rtdi tarn sha.. nciuda any trufia, raedvw, a d n e t at •epresentative thereof eairyine ctt a antoMlni a I p-o'ession. trad* or occupatiwv bill thdl nal induda a cauit apppintad trust**, raodvar or panand i iaiaaiiadw, in d a

ci. cation of atsan for Immadiaa dhattudon a a arfaaa or s.neriff or ahy deputy, adUna unda eudarily of praeaa a AT : of a court of juitice.

Socn tarnna stiall not liiiliiili aiiiilimaB flu itowUaaiil. a vo ^-;eer rescue squad or a nonproRt nrgal rdlen aaaitlaa a" cor.-.Ti.n,tv canar, swimming pool, annb ebura a a d a ed..cationai, cultural, raoeadond. and addadc toddda and 'ao t es'or th*vi)*tfar*oHharaidaeaoldwarea. S«ctior> 2 - Businaaa, ale.. a l d a M i a ' l a .

Each and all of the tana hiidBdwi Imooaad are In a a -posed upon the privHee* of d d a | buafeaa a

c-o'ess'pn trad* or cectieadeB to dM eaunly, phases o' ttra buaina. pielaidai, a a a a ewuaetiao conducted in th* county, hatelnalla a t taahindaBadpar. Saction 3 - Effective daa

'n.sarticia shall be In l a m on and a f la adaption. S«ction 4. L«vy ef LlaenaTaaa.

^0- each viar, baglnnln(«iiltli J a a r y diatof eaib yeaand e-^ "g December dWrty^ifat ti»Wealr» thaw art baialiy Mala ~t ar-uai iicana* taaa hantnafar an tordl In dda artWfc except as othanwiw ipadlltoay piovidad In ' Dehors conducting or engafad In occ.pa; or in ttie county, lianBwfar a a farth btdtierdalaL

Section 6. aooiicatiortl.

A pe-sons embraced by thit artifEto iliaa' make a p p l r a a : enses to tha suparvker oi aaaaaaaai a t a ofRea a da

cc^rv admin.-stration buiWeid. Theaiaanlaa of aaaaamana •jr-iish th* nacaasary toraaiaMdididl toprepaily aaad

- A ;n sucn infonnatian m tke aapantar may le^diia. T Ia s..oe^ sor shall compua dw amoaa af dw r " ' a*-e- pavment to th* director of f He^ewal apphcatiora may te f a- :-^f county admifststralion I Section 6. - Sam* -aoO'icant.

E.r-v applicant for ;--'ess o- irtd* or occupation under die pioddena of thb'

. si-aii furofsA the lupervkei" of J A •" n s correct rtam* and I jo to^s tt*e nature of hk .T .oat'or to b* punumL Ow plaa nttarait k t - ' 3jte and/or nuraker of dw i -• .•'d •' appticakM, and a )

: . »tn for thapatyear. a *wa .a< ~a\ r>r -eouirid by th* auoaaviaa af a Sec 7 - Saparaa HeaaaaaaladI . .ception

^c •ce'^M shall b* i ne piac* of liiaiaia: armldBA laawanr, aha H i

I upon Ktilch a lieanw taa k i . ^ aftagtar afar January tsirtyfim a dw Uaaa taa v •laaaaiididl'haaemedueena peydtaa dwiimaidiidi l a h a aaraon aemmei— twlnaia. •aa^ l t - N n M y far Fdtoa to.Pay L iaaa T a Dfka Oaa.

Tbaa dwM to a penalty of tan percent, witi a minimum of ton doMar*. added u ah leana taaa inipaaad ui^br da

' pravblon of tha article dial ara uhpdd on aw due due, Jawary Mny.fint of'aetb ileena yeer, a In the a w ef any paaan fbn mgaam In a buaina. piofaalen, a a a a aaaiaaden, a pariod of mora than diirty daya aftar ha lint miaan kiiuch budnaa), proieaaion. aad* a occupaden.

ta addltian to audi Ian paroant panehy, Inawat M dw raa at dx parcani par annum dHN aearue and te ad ta to d l dw ant unpaid toana laaa inpoaed under diia artlde, bei|Miii«' Jtouary dUrty-Hrat of eedi teenw year. Taaa w a aandlv hardn pravidad dwil te aaaawed end ootaetad to dw manar aravidto by law lor dw enforoement of «w ceMecdcn of edw

f uwkklng houa deanini a n t a a FunUiNna )anltor aerviaa.

Ceunaiw. iamily and/ar awniafi

Furniitiing Eaanomie. (cdalaaianM Cnatoymant

Naataurana ddentiflc. medial auppNa

fumkMngMatliticd Interior dacorMind kiMrlor daoorallna arvlea and/a Kannak.dat a d a a •

Labor arbivaton Laba raiatlena

Lanaiaaga tranalatan Lasnaan

Oaaaing radudflg.alana. hiddi ina i

• a a a . l i n i n a t i a n d i a a a ' a a d w d . Every paraon Uakie f a a lioena tax under «w provWona of

ai, ardda dwil kea aecurau and currant aoeeuna avdiablav far audit by dw njoarviaw al aaamwn* or hi* rapnaantati w. Ba.U.T«awlaaft iaaee:al«Bdailaaiweawa. .

•Hdi dw aaal ion of dwa pencoa iaaad Bcanaa under aeitora l i . ao, 21, 27. 28, 2a, 30: 31. Ueenwa may to iranalwied from one peiaon to anodwr; provided, dwt no audi aanalir akaU te niid unlaw and unW noikw in midng te tkwn to dw aupanka of ill'. Fdhire to nolify dw luperdwr ef •ii i i iwaiU of dw aaratar af dw teanee widdn ddrty deyi ef audi aendbr dw« tavdidata n d i lioena. H w a ' dwM te ne rekmdi o« any Hcana ax add unda ttw aroviaiam af dilaclwpaf. a a a t to dw caa of error a alHaad by dw oaanHaor of aaaaatowna. ato 14.UawwaWeadied;tawH|faJNdaatoCaaafywid>

anBtogriphen >k>ili.lini ragiatry . akiiio tuning Katuie fremlng. gilding Piaw cHpping aervicw Mvaaachook (odwr dwn rdlgloui. nanoioim aenUng My Uod.of i n i M a yaaat l ja i ieaty RaMna or tornkMnaaaaaada aaaWna •daef morwy ocdin ' . Sacrvtarid aarvica

M a n f a w a i i ' i a j i i a MifKetifla Maearaanaaa awaeantlie agana, agiMia Oaaailonaandyd Claidanl PubUe r e M o n aeuawden PiaMe awnearapfwn riddidty aardeaa, l i abb in af. baatlai a a a , eaiwart

It ikaH te unlawful and eenadam a rnkdaaaatoia lor ww paraon tatanduct budnea. a to engia In a proiawloit, t raa a ocnipalton widiaut » i iema under dw piaddcna of dto

Any peiaan who h oonvktad of vioiating any of tte provWona of dik article dwt te punkhed by e fine of not laa dwn a n doHar* nor mora Own dwa liundnd doHera a by iapdaonnwnt in dw county laa for a period of ttdrty a y t , at both. Each day any panon ahdl continue to violaa tha pvovkione of diK chapter efwrdw due dau of enylicana ax pahfcad In dWachepa dwil cowdaaa a p a a a affada. >Bi. 1d .a id id in ia«Pad iH i i .

Antr panon carrying on. engaging in v conducting any ol dwtiidnawii.trada a oetualloia lihda dii< wtkW in eewweaon wttti dw iwpiovwiwna at avakipnwnt f a ade a ram of any praparty a ainietam owned or laaaad by a « * a w t e m tha control of audi builder and danalopw didl pay m arniud Kcanw tax of alaven .(11) oenti for eadi one hwAad doHera ef grow axpandHwa on dw budnaa dona wtddn dw County, dw minhnum annud ileena tw dwa te tawwy^ve doltea. No lioena dwil te raquirad whea y e a aiaendlama do not exceed five drauaend dotera. 8aa«a tCBaakwaletviaOaeaadaato reed a fotkaaw:

M w f t an ic * o e e u p a k > « r < : ^ p i a l % 4 ^ t m d a j i A ^ ^ ' ; dw pi«lieaim annud. teanatwoUTia laaadtmKOOof groa. reoetoa of tw piecedlaa var, dw anbaai i annud a e a a a a a d i d l t e C M a i t o n n i w i a i ibawaakadadaa

la i j i

Afdat repreeentative AiMo denwae apprdad a n d a ato a buM«n| raoating aenioe

Oaapncaakiftc ra • ^ 1 • - .- J - -

F n W n a a MauBnga

' Jabadadi^ la toting diop. dupdeatini Laaidry. daaniaa, t>tadne,dyaliig Laadng f iha tar oaapanadan

. Laadng of auwaabaaa, aruato and o d l a

•jw»wora#wi|iwwfc- ^ • lftM«gnpMn§, iMiltip'ipMn(, nittad typt

I ^ W 1 P I ( Mslyiiciil sr-


Prvmetieml 4fMNl or

T^NW, wnn, COM. ipvo^ M I M M W iMMMrini wniett

TfOrit aMociotteni . T m iwytry, trHnrntn^ rvinani IMrtvHt frm, buainaa VoUicolvr »dvartitinf, tlactric

' v,-^ or ixcuvotiom, • --".i.-rt^j at th t


!*«ttioA. aae.

iO»T on M uch ^<K4 of ttMc arridt i M t MtHMoti ifct mmamii c4 Wm yow rvn N« dviii locoM NHa<oon tfw <oti af boynnimtuaiwi

*rv tt>« curvant • - - » ^ - a I

t0'\ uv of •- a grow

9 Pmtmm ky Coa«oa«Mi

-^ 4tXl<tV 0^ -*->-fK -a »>ilHOW>>i» hMli


Twidmimn Tiifllitiona onvMorinf OMTVIBM .Vdiide title e w M n WakaHjp serviow X-ray lakoratorlM

I i a Caaatota and I T i a a a d a to read a foilowe: Evary paraon conducting or engaging in any a tke foikmina

' owlraciing occupationB, buainaw a ttedaihail pay fbr tte prhrllag* en inrtud lioena tax of * .14 tar eeak ttOOID groa raceiptt of the preceding yeer; dw mtoimum atowd lioana tax dwil te tOM. No Ileena ihdt te requirat' where y e a laceipa do nottnoaed tl.lXnXlO:'

Every perion eneaid In ttw foikswing canttaMng budneaaa, ocoupationa at trada from a piaca of hiajniw located in ttw County ahail not te llaUe for groa racdpo tar whkh a Ucena i* obtained in another Vlrgkiie iuriadlctlai.

Evafy panon angagart Iri tte foMoaring oonncilne. bualnaiwa, ocoipetiona or aada in tte County l om a ptaoa of buainaw in Virdnia, outsMa of tte County, dwH to Mda for tte buainaw dona in ttw County. Prauidto dwt H a lleana k a been raquarto and pdd bi d a cantaaalor^ aitodad piMt: of toakwa in Vlfikda, te riwd te H*ia ftaaiadto adv if d a . amount ef huilna dene by any audi cenkaaai In I b a County exceadt ttw turn of twenty a** a w a a d daNea

(txijoooan: . Every perton engaaad in Ite tolkxdng canttactlna biainaaai. oecunetione a aada in dw Cautoy ftom a plaa ef buiinew ouaide ttw S a a ef Vtrgkila dwM te Hahto a dw groateceiptt baa ectMdaooaducta to dwCaiaity.

AlreondWonIng brick contracting alow tnd alkaaaaBiav Building


numbing, haettng, iteem Rtd ng a ga fitting Hoed, nreetbticba. ddewedi a curb aad a a a r ftoiofiog Seinr drilling and waM diggbig Structurd matd THe, glaw, flooring and ftooc oevarfng Wraddn^ moving or exavating.

•aeda i a Haab and Moaab to read a f o i k M * : Every panon operating a hold a moai.pandng in exoeaof

aavan badroona a uaiwiau a aofoumen. ahdl pay for tte prlvflaga an annud Mcena tax of« . tO tor each t l 800 ) g a a raodpa of tte preceding yea; ttw niiniauei anaal Beana t a dwil ta S2SX10. No lleana dwB te laqubad what* |toa raoaipa do not exceed SI MOXX). ( M f l a n 20. t r i f i i i l aad , tpir tdlBt t l i i iaadi ia a a ' Badaeaaa n tea a foilowe:

Every perton eonducting or angaging in om a moraol dw tadpwifig protiadMB, oocupalona a budnaaaa ekdl pay tar dw pHvllaae m anniwi Neana lax of I M tor aadi am -Hundred doMaia ol y e a taeilptt fwm dw pratojia yea; die ndnkBumwmud lieanto t a riaB te « 3 M 0 . No tema dab to raaiiirad wkem a a a laeaipa de a t aaaaa t l jBOdJ*:

W T t e p n i l a l M w ' AadiMact

Attonwyat^gw Caamlc ananaa CartilledpiaBca

. Cnemicd a


— — et proeoiitafi IN tmf ' othor orgvituttom S l H t OQIflVf flfMOM teulpun Tax eoaauitami Tide, diatrect compenia Tfenapwtatkm eonaultana Tiavd faureeua.Mor egena

it. « m d a by Owaa af

Tte remd of a buikling a portion thamof (ftaigned eaduiiady for reaidantid oocupency, induding ora-fdnUy, two-family and muitlpi»4dnily dwailingi,butiwt kwiuding hotab, boarding haaa and rdeinaig hwaa.

TTw wordi "ia«willngunH"wedefinad tonwanema more room* In e dwelling houw a apartMem dwigned fw ocnipency fay .om family for tvkig purtxaa and hadng cooking fad litiaa.

Every peraon wfio. w prindpd, ihdl engage In dw buainaw of ranting houaa, apertmerm. commereid property v induatrid fecHitia in tte County theW pay for ttw privik«e of dokig buakww an annud Ikwiae tax of t . I t for each caw hundred doHan of groa.raodpa from dw praeadtogyea.dar mkiknumanud ir" T"H" H I TTTrfflT Mii Itiiiiiw dplf' to raauhad wfwi« row raOdpw do not exeeed tl.aMljae.-

tanone engaged In dw buakwa of remiag houaa a apatmana, a bodi. ihail not te aflecwd by. wcomewidan' dw paovkkira of thhaection,unleaauebpeiaonkena|adto dwbuainew ef ranting more then two aeparaadvwtkigunllB.

•adtfaunainr tbartinggeodi .Uadton Variety itora Warkmen^dodilm

t t t d a at. aetdl a d I todade btrdwea to read a follOaa: Any penon wte a bodi retoi mercheni fnd wholeaato

aaadwm k laquimd a obtain badi dawa ef lioena; peovided, kaweva. ttwt eny rataU nwrchant «ko dedta to de a adieiwa buainew H M mey deat « do audi utinlwdi budnaa under hk r<tdi*r'slicenabypeyinglie*iatoaiaw atolla on bodi hk retail aid wholwda buaaww. t a a d a ».«Bwiaaali. l l in»aa to reed a foilaat ' .•,/•,

IU Dafiniden - Every peraen who sdk.wrei«Uenaa< forth in Sietlon 23 for raule only, and all panant idio aad to InatHulkmd.oofflnMrdal.wtnduatridaontumar*. '

(21 Covaraaa-Every penon conducdng a ena^nelq aot . ct dw MdMtogalwiada merdwaa a a u a a M M x I l f a a A a M d a dwt pay for dw prMtleae M amudlHdM wx of t M tor aedi a a h o n * a doUae of r a a a a d U a a d l d w ' aaadlng year; dw mimauw aaawaf'ikaato^la.aa* ba t»M. No Ucana didt-te nauktd idara grew apnbiia de •


. .4-

atto, odwr dewed a

Ctodiing, tamkhka Cod, coke' .

. Conaniwlpn awohana (who a b a biakan)

Onigi Ckveooda Electricd, plumbing gooda Farm praductia Kaipta

. Fumltum and Iwua fundahkigi - Groeeriaandfeodi .

Lundwr. pdntandcoratiucUuivwwariak Uechinery. eauipmant end wopUa Metak and meal w.crk Peper and paar praducw ' Mreieum and pairaleuto ptaduew

• vnBbiflbi tatflkid I Electricd fieor acraping a finiahing foundation .Other oentracton and oonoactjn tdnt and papa deoording

Eadi panon .oanducting a enawkalnanyofttefodowing rapab' arvlce oecupedona, budnaea at m d a aha* pay f a tte prMlega a annud Mcena a x of t . 1 2 f a eecfi am hHn*ed doUen grow laodpa af dw paadlna yarn, dw mkdmum ennud Roena tax dwt te SaUB. Na Bewa ated te ripuleKlatem gaow JaodHM^nauaaatdttJOaMO.

i repdr.engkwrapdrofa^'wto"** ' ^ " " * ' " ' r"f Bicycle rapdr

Ctolha, haa. carpea a ruak.raaalt Of Oiaw. making, alipaaaen. dnaarv andilM eurtato mddnf

laervioe only) Furniture, uphekwn^. npdr ef Ounamith.'aun rapeirkig toduaBW.i

Imrliaultfw end ieak.radrkig btaddne ahopa, boBadaoa Mattraea, repair of Pdnt dwpa, odwr dwa contractor

appBanca. rapdr of

Hodd madiinary, taaa aacbkwry, rapaar of Saa*. took, ngtirer

.rapdraf .rapdrof readtaf

Tiae, rapeir of Toyt, raiMlr of Typeunhara, rapdr ef Uaibiella, harxwiaaa, leatba aoodt. ratwk of aaatea, ctocto, rapdr oe


Sufldrinto aortiiie gooda Tcbeeco and tobacco product!, except kaf akeeoo.. Waaa fflateriak

tuda'a as to lead ea iottowa: Every penon conducting a angeging in tte occufwtion, or

buainew. of extrecting by vdwtevtt meem wiy minerd, Iton*. rock, benk ravd a and in tte County, ilwll pay for dw alvllaee en annud Ileena tex of S .11 for tech 4xw hundred doBen of prow lacdpa of ttw preceding yeer. Tte mkilmuai araiud Hoenw tax dwil ta S2S1I0. No lioena dwa te reauirad

-ii<g'.a.«aarjcdpj»donaaxtaadaiJOttaamM .<i<ti.c oj vSlWlaa Uillaiiaatandaii WMdOanaaMMOr. naiUnn^

Eiwty penon conducting a ageging in eny of ite foltowfan money lendina oecupeticna. hiaiiaaea dr-treda aiwil pey tar dw prMiega en enmwl toanee tax of S .tS pa om hundad doBan of irom receifiB of -dw next preceding- yea, dw fflkiknum annud HoanM tex dwd te S2BAI. No Ncarae didl to required where grow receipa do rat exceed SI JOOJOB. '

Aftctor. An kiduatrid kwn oompeny A kwB a itmrlgtga hfatoi Aieanor morteaeeoaiaany Aflwwy lender Buying kiataMawnt reodvtole ChatM mortgage flnendaa ConcmMT nnoncinQ pfwndfn ocoountt roooiwblo nnotoMfflont finondns Mvontory nnoncinf

Odl Cool nunini wi woor DowtUt PoCtDC Of Uttmol MOOWflB cloctricsl Mffnoov' cRfHIOM'^OMUllill^ O0f1tI0CWI| l l i i l . lii uii^iliuwh^MOWUIollini

ono not for roHw tn ony or wo •ccMportoni, bwlHMWi orvote riMM

. oiMHol Reonoi ton of $ .T3 lor emk ono fOM fOOHpOk tllO (MfwlMIRI HfMNi HOMH - A roloii ifwrBnono ttowMr l w H M OR

MM^wOfl SOIIO'S or MOfO WWOlt yoKr wNty aO iMuori QiflrtMiyk >•

r«oo«ado not MDOod tMWftjQOu Aircraft Of oinnft ptrtt


«oi i4Ml to«2U0i wltWi WOMU too oM

Mo pMIOvOi W

Etory penon engaoed in ttw buakww of fumithkig at eaplying f a any conaidardlon to othen to we in. with, a «v dw-ide of «>odi, merchendia ar commaditia. aay awmpa. coupom. dckaw v i i m i l a devka* whkti antida dw paraon racaiving ttw ame witti tuch ade to procure eny goedb, merdwndtea coeimodida f r a of charge a for l a ttwn ttw matet price ttwreoC ot to receive eeahlv aach piendum alaapa. didt pay tar dw aMIege m eraiud Scena'ax to ba "•""i^iil by ae.vakwof tudtptendumaatowafurnkteda •aataal during dw next preoedkif yea. Tte amount of dw a x teramdei dwa tetJ2 per WW hundred detew of « d a ef pmokan ttema aaM ttw next preeeding yea. Tte word, "^wtoe" a ueed herein ahail mea I te evaraa vdue if leld a ieallefdwgeed^naewJwi>dke.acaaanudldaterwklclidw pamium jatoipa m ^ te ndaenwd.

I to reed a

Eary paraon angaato in ttw buakwa of aemng goedi, waiet, and mwchwidte hi ttw County daou^ dw ua of eoto uai t a d vendtog machina. dwil pey f a tte privllage of detog b a d a e a a annuel Bcaia lex of t . lSper a m hiaidiadtuBwi at groa reeeipw of ttw paeoadkig yaw; ttw ndnknum enaud Beena a x tfceB te t2BdO. Tte Noena dwB te required wkwa y a a aceapw do n a exoaa t l A B j n . Tte Boena tot

_.by ttik aeedon dwB te ki tea ef aay apaaMlid



¥i6H. THEAEFOnE. BE IT ORDAINED tfMt ttM tooitf of • f " * S"tf»g^i-y* <* frinct WMHow County Wem lnn»>' o w n V" wwooowji omcmMionit to 4w CowMy MO^OM ^^HOTC^C L.rC^M5E TAX Oivinonco oi folloiMor

( t j a i t o a t o W • a w e r d i "Dkaetor of nmnee" Mr -•^flMNcy Tnswir^ HniM 4ppncHw in wtt oralnonoo.

a t Nraaaph 4 k amandat to laad a foBoaw: WI Meaw Vamciw. Traan and Sanv-trailan. ttwre dwB

teatoaaoad to dw legkawiwi lea ahwpd waiadli fcy ttw ftaat VW^nie punuam to Saedon aa. I-taa a db O a a Of ^RH|inM fla T N tt OMOnoMBi OT MOy BB OMOnOOOJ HMBHl a ty . to da Ikaitaiion eonwkwd *i Bacttan tWIdM ef da C a a a t \%ikde ef 1SI0 w eawndad. a may te amanad.

» a a a a a a h l l a a a% won oo woowwl for onv V O M V OV O motor woMdo'

iMW ^t OMpinffion doto o4 -viic^ Wool or M M H T . Any t ^ ^W ^a ^ ^ ^ o WV^^ W^^^K^^^ ^Ma ^^O^^OiOa Oa ^MK OPO

. ^R^a S O S H R ' ^ or 0 ^MNN^RM I b v a f k w a n a ma

r a a k l l i d t o r e a : gr tepaHlyaai

by a a n e a n a Na a b y Impiliaiwail to

TMCSE AtoENDMCNTS dwa te effactiv* upor< adoawion. NOa. THEMGFONC. BE IT omOAMtO kyttwaawd a

C a a y Saarviaw a arinca aBWtam_ Ceuwty'dcal tertoa adaat a a taatataa BtitaKSi^ ^aOFCBBlOflAL and ocDuaATiotiAi..uaNW TAKOiioaaMtet aniaatto

a toaa ^^a^a caaat. taraol I .baartr* i


aai i i i id iMiaa

Page 41: Potomac News


Gourley at


Center Bri| . Gea. Normta W.

Gourley, who hat beta ttivlaf as Oepgty J-3 (OMttUoat), Hetdqu^trtea, Europeaa C o t t t m t n d , S l H t t i a r t , Germany, wfl takt otar i t deputy for Diailapiaiat ltd director of Iht Oaatiafattat Center i t Qatatico aaat month.

He wil l tiiccted MaJ. Gen.-ielectee Saaatl Jatkttka. whoie tttlauntat M Aaitlaat. Chief o T s t t f f , C-I, at Headqutrton, Mitiat Coi|Mi has been tnaounctd.

Gen. Goutky, who wat designated u Ntvtl Aviatot tat-June 1943, U a hoMar of tiw Leion of Merit witii Combat "V", the Outin|uiihed Flyiat . Cross with Gold Sttrt»lieu of second and third twardt, II Air Medtb and tht Navy Commendation Htdtl.

As a combt.t pilot, faa flew 8 7 missioni duiiai Worid W«. II and SO niiitiaat in Kotta. During the Vietniai foaiUct, lie was commaadai officei of MAG-13 and a n a i at C-3 otficer a( Fleet Mariaa Force, Pjoific.

Triangle man, 19,

arrested A 19.year-old Trito|le.raan

\<ii arrested etrty Frid^' :i! jining in Stafford Courtly by P;ii'.ce William County Police, Siaie Folic?, and Stafford Couniy SherifTt Deputiet.-

Officer Bernard AmoMi of i:.e Prince William Police said ' :liat two felony warrants had beeir outstanding for iamit ' Allan Fitzgerald. 19. 1106 Old' ' Triangle Rd.. Triangle. One ^ as lor the attempted murder 0: G le nw ood Posey of Tri la^ on .Aug. 6: the other wat fora ' In; and run viobtion that ocurred Aug. 22 whenOfRcei J. W. Weakland dtased-him-down Old Trian^ Road. F::zgerald had tried lo . get au av from Weakland, {iiu loat' -oairol of his julo, wreclcbig ;: Despite the wredced auto. Fitzgerald kept going, finally :v.iiiaging to elude Wealdand.

Tlie arrest of Fitzgerald was . :'uje at 2:45 Friday rabrning a: I he residence of Htzgenld's jJ5ier. who lived in Stiffocd Co.!my. .Assisting Arnoldi wts Trooper H. F. Fitzgrnid tnd S;at:ord County SberifTs-Deputies.

The accused is in the county :r.'. pending preliminajy trial ia .o,;r.i\ court on :Sept. 19. on •::e :-.;urder charge. ' . aj

Liaison officer

ends tour

at Academy L; Col. William Stephent.

J- Air Force .\cadeinyLiaisaB' 0'";,.er lor Woodbr'it^ tad :!ie <tli District, hascompleied' a br.ii tour of actiTe duty at ••.e AcaJeim near Colorado

Springs. Col. \ r Air Force Reterat

•i;^er. Col. Stephens, is j>>:gned as an official .^Jrn^siiins counselor for tiM X.aJenn in his home «ca. He -.. cailed to acih* duty to •~erAe and to panicipaie ai

a^pects oi cadtr Mf. He '0- ei as an .Academy LiaitOB O'ri .er in addition to his . .:> uian occupanon ai aaisUBi ;.- .r.sipal a; Woodbridge Staior fL-.h School.


Hnnl Sciy'dii.j sl'^ic Drug FAI^ BIG Difference!



vol« ooMawNinr. ra


c J

Page 42: Potomac News

rOTCIMACI««|,1 ,AaiatlM.im.B.|



. J - i