By: Janeth Preciado Vargas Maria Ocegueda Our UTOPIA

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By: Janeth Preciado Vargas

Maria Ocegueda


Table Of Contents: Utopia What is Utopia?

Our Utopia

Respect for People and Tolerance

No Poverty

No Wars

Peaceful Protests

Family Stability



Respect for Nature


Roots & Culture

Video: Utopia

What is Utopia? Utopia-an imagined place or state of things in which

everything is perfect.

Utopia can be any place that you consider to be politically,

socially, and morally perfect. A place where you feel…..well,





Our Utopia

Some people say that its completely impossible to live

in utopia and others say that nothing is impossible. We have

no clue, but even though its difficult to be optimistic in this

modern world we are believers. We have to be. Somehow

there's still hope inside of me that one day people will

experience the peace that we all long for.

Respect for People and Tolerance

In our world we would be all treated equal. Gender,

religion, appearance, disability, or race would NEVER

become a issue. As long as we are all good citizens we wont

judge anyone. In the dystopia we are living in people are

chastised for being who they are and making the choices they

make. But who are we to judge?

No Poverty

Our utopia would have jobs for everyone. Their jobs

would portray their strengths. This could eliminate hunger

and would give every person the chance to get shoes, clean

clothes, and shelter.

Education for All

Our perfect society would give every child a chance to

take part in our educational system that inspires and

encourages kids to aspire toward their dreams and goals by

being given the chance to obtain knowledge.

No Wars

In our utopia I would have absolutely no wars . There

wouldn’t be any need for any. We wouldn’t send our people

to a war which could be fixed on friendly terms. We would

live in harmony with other nations and help each other out in

case of anything.

Peaceful Protests

In our perfect world we would all be free thinkers, and

when an issue has been brought up in which the people

disagree with a choice made they are allowed to peaceful

protest. No violence is permitted in utopia. One can speak

there mind in all issues.

Family Stability

In our utopia family stability would be a very important

part of life because of it is my belief that family plays an

important role in the development of a child's future and

how the will analyze and deal with difficult situations.

Families would all respect each other, spend time

together, learn to compromise, help each other, and

would usually have dinner together as a family.


Our perfect world would have everyone laughing.

Among other things there would be comedy on television at

all times. We think that no matter what situation you are in a

little laughter always helps. It reminds you that you don’t

always have to take yourself so seriously. Like they say,

“Laughter is the best medicine .” Sick or not we all need a

little laughter and our 24 hour comedy programs would fix



Our world would always have some music. Music is

very important to me because even if I'm feeling the lowest

of the low and there's a song that will pump me up

somewhere, I want to hear it. Music is a universal language

that bridges gaps in culture that spoken language would never

and could never do. Music enhances learning and is more

enjoyable. It creates ambience to enhance and augment what

is already there. It sparks the imagination while still being a

simple pleasure in life.

Respect for Nature

In our world nature would be respected and the world

would physically be a better place. We could drink clean

water and breathe in clean air for once. We would all try to

preserve its beauty and appreciate mother nature. This would

most likely lower the chance of natural disaster by a wide



laughs in



Art would be greatly appreciated in our world. These

would be analyzed and preserved forever. Literature would

be read for centuries after its publication. Art would be

forever looked at and admired and the puzzled look on

peoples faces will forever stayed plastered on their face from

there on after.

Roots and Culture

We think that in our world roots, tradition, and culture

would all be embraced. Its part as who we are as a

community and as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone we would

keep on doing it. Like everything else that we couldn’t

control we are who we are so its better to show it and be

proud of where you come from.

Video: Utopia


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