June 2018 1

PowerPoint Presentation · Working Well Background 2 • the programme was designed around the principles of intensive and holistic support from a ‘keyworker’who draws on, sequence

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Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation · Working Well Background 2 • the programme was designed around the principles of intensive and holistic support from a ‘keyworker’who draws on, sequence

June 2018


Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation · Working Well Background 2 • the programme was designed around the principles of intensive and holistic support from a ‘keyworker’who draws on, sequence

Working Well began in March 2014. It started as an exploratory Pilot programme whichprovided support to 5,000 Employment and Support Allowance benefit claimants whohad completed the Work Programme but not found work. The aim of the Pilot was toimprove the work readiness of the whole client base, and achieve job start outcomes for20%, with 75% of those starting work sustaining employment for at least 1 year.

At the heart of the Working Well Pilot programmes is the notion of providing intensive,personalised support, fully integrated into Greater Manchester’s public services. There arevarious key elements to this:

Working Well Background


• the programme was designed around theprinciples of intensive and holisticsupport from a ‘key worker’ who drawson, sequence and integrate other publicservice interventions to support peopleto address presenting issues that holdthem back from starting work

• local authority based ‘local leads’,Integration Boards, and Local DeliveryMeetings ensure buy-in from,accountability to, and responsibility forlocal authorities in the delivery, with akey role in enabling effective integration

In April 2016 the Pilot programme grew, expanding its offer support to a further 20,000people across a more varied client group. The Expansion extended the Working Welloffer to Employment Support Allowance clients, but also for claimants of Job SeekersAllowance, Income Support and, more recently, Universal Credit.

The 2014 Devolution Agreement gave Greater Manchester the responsibility to co-design(with the Department for Work and Pensions) and commission a devolved equivalent tothe new national Work and Health programme. Greater Manchester’s Working Well:Work and Health Programme started in early 2018 and will run until 2024, supportingaround 23,000 people.

Working Well has adopted a whole population approach to Health, Skills andEmployment. It is committed to continued development of support packages that targetGM’s challenges in ageing populations, disability unemployment, those at risk of or have

already fallen out of employment due to poor health.

Debbie Daniels a successful former Working Well client (centre). Janine Ryan, her former keyworker (right) and her employer (right).

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Working Well: What You Need to know

• Overall, 17,100 long term unemployedGM residents have attached to WorkingWell (pilot and expansion)

• Working Well (WW) has achieved 2,971job starts (end of April 2018). This is 370job outcomes ahead of target of (2016).

• The target is to achieve 3229 jobs byNovember 2019, yet it is anticipated thatthis will be achieved by mid-July/August2018.

• Mental and physical health are the mostprevalent severe barriers to workamongst the cohort. However, generalconfidence and self-esteem, and lack ofwork experience are very common severebarriers.












Working Well Job Outcomes

Job Outcomes Achieved Job Outcomes Target


• A majority of clients have experiencedan improvement in the most commonbarriers to work, where they identifiedthese as severe on attachment.

• There isn’t a direct comparatorbetween the Work Programme andWorking Well as the programme hasbeen designed to support thosepeople who had been through andexhausted all nationally availableprovision, including Work Programme,without achieving a job outcome; butfor many people Working Wellappears to be 3 times more effectivethan the national offer.1

1 The national Work Programme achieved 6% Joboutcomes for ESA ex-incapacity benefit claimantson the programme between 2011 to 2017

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Key Learning Points

Clients are supported through a wide range of internal andexternal support for their mental and physical health needs,particularly from the Talking Therapies Service (A bespokeWorking Well commissioned mental health service) formental health which has supported over 1,400 clients. Alower proportion of clients with severe health issues gotinto work compared to those without

Clients aged over 50 are more likely to have beenunemployed for a longer period of time and to havesevere physical health issues. The programme hassupported this group to a greater extent, with alarger proportion of the cohort receivingemployment, health and skills and qualificationssupport compared to those aged under 50. There hasbeen 645 job starts for clients aged over 50.

There is a high prevalence of clients with no or lowqualifications on the programme. The programme helps byreferring clients to predominantly basic skills andvocational-related accredited training, which is deliveredboth internally and externally, including through Skills forEmployment. Clients without qualifications are far lesslikely to have started a job than those that have, but still,Working Well has supported 549 clients withoutqualifications have started a job to date.

Mental Health

Age: Over 50’s



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News: The Working Well Early Help offer

News: Working Well Employers Summit

The project has been co-designed, in partnership with all ten Localities. Theprogramme will support up to 14,000 individuals between 2019 and 2022. The primaryfocus will be to support people employed by small and medium sized enterprises.Referrals will be sourced through GPs, employers and self referral. Jobcentre Plus willalso be a sign posting partner for those who are newly unemployed.

The procurement process began in May 2018 and is expected to conclude in autumn2018.

The GMCA and the GM Health and Social CarePartnership are working together to commission theGM Working Well: Early Help programme.

This programme will aim to establish an effective earlyintervention package available for GM residents in workwith health conditions or disability who are at risk offalling out of work, or are newly unemployed due tohealth issues to disability, in order to enable a morerapid and sustainable return to the labour market.

The day addressed the benefits of social value within business and encouraged employersto engage with the Working Well Programme by offering work experience and entry leveljobs. Such value was demonstrated by ex-clients; Debbie and Parma (see case study) asadvocates of the Working Well Programme and real life examples of Working Well inaction.

The videos used to support the event can be found here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PC2qbZHq9M&list=PLBVRO0hVC70v1uoSEqraCjukX5jXqwVtl&index=4

On the 5th June the Working Well EmployersSummit was held at the Etihad Stadium.Joined by 268 attendees, including 178different employers, the audience wasintroduced to speakers Andy Burnham(Mayor of GM), Theresa Grant (TraffordCouncil), Neil Robinson (Manchester AirportGroup) and amongst others, JocelyneUnderwood (Laing O’Rourke).

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Shine a Light: The Work and Health Programme

Greater Manchester launched its WorkingWell (Work and Health Programme) inJanuary 2018. The programme aims tosupport the long term unemployed anddisabled people into sustainable employmentacross the city-region.

First announced as part of the 2014Devolution agreement, GM successfullynegotiated for the opportunity to co-design,procure and deliver a localised version of thenew Work and Health Programme. As a resultthe £52million programme will supportnearly 23,000 individuals across GreaterManchester between 2018 and 2024.

InWorkGM deliver the Programme acrossGreater Manchester; an alliance partnershipbetween Ingeus and The Growth Company,and also including specialist health, wellbeingand disability support organisations PathwaysCIC and Pluss.

The programme offers over 200 differenthealth interventions through a keyworkerbased delivery model.

The programme brings together expertiseand local knowledge to include integratedhealth, skills and employment support, andoffers all participants individually tailored andpersonalised support from their owndedicated key worker to support them ontheir journey back to work.

Integration with local services is atthe heart of the Working Well (Workand Health Programme). AnIntegration Coordinator in each ofthe ten boroughs across the regionworks closely with Local Authorityleads and key partners to understandthe needs of participants, andmaintain and create newpartnerships with local providers orspecialist organisations to ensure theright support is available at the righttime.

The programme is now in its fourthmonth in Greater Manchester andstarts on the programme areadvancing as projected and weexpect to see the first employmentoutcomes as participants progressthrough the programme over thecoming months.

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Working Well: Case Study – Mental Health

Immediately, his Key Worker helped him access the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) heneeded to address his complex emotional needs. The CBT sessions made a huge differenceto Parma’s confidence, and combined with the support in developing his CV andemployability, he was soon in a position where he could apply for NHS vacancies.

Throughout the recruitment process, Parma’s Key Worker provided intensive support tohelp him develop the resilience he needed to handle setbacks and maintain focus. Parma’sfirst step into employment was a volunteer placement as a receptionist, and wasinstrumental in helping him grow in confidence and employability.

Thanks to the ongoing support he received, Parma was able to complete a Level 1qualification in Business Administration and his volunteer placement with The GrowthCompany was so successful that he’s now been employed as a part-time Project Co-ordinator with the team. Parma is a prime example of how the Working Well programmecan get the most vulnerable people back into employment.

Commenting on his new role, Parma said: “I never thought this day would come! Afterten years of rejection and setbacks, I’m finally employed and getting acceptance - I’m veryhappy.

He added: “I’m really enjoying working in a professional and supportive environmentwhere everyone has been incredibly positive. I can’t thank Working Well and The GrowthCompany enough for helping me regain my confidence and control of my life.”

Parma, a former GP, was supportedby Working Well after a painfulfamily bereavement led to a severebreakdown, unemployment and aperiod of homelessness.

He was suffering with anxiety,depression and low self-esteemand believed there was no onewho could help him – the WorkingWell programme turned his lifearound.


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Key Contacts:

Matthew AinsworthAssistant Director for Employment (Policy, Strategy and Delivery)[email protected]

Thomas BrittonWorking Well Programme [email protected]