Power Up Your Publishing by Amy Harrop


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Power Up Your Publishing

by Amy Harrop

Where are You Now? O You want to create your own book & make

money from it O You’ve finally completed one O You’ve completed & uploaded one, live, to

the Kindle store… and it’s not making any money


What’s Your Publishing Goal?

1. Help people solve their problems 2. Entertain your audience 3. Reinforce your niche authority 4. Widen your market 5. Help you create celebrity status 6. Build an active community 7. Supplement your income


Why You Need a Book Sales Funnel

O Don’t “wing” it & hope for the best … you won’t make any money this way

O Plan EVERY step of the process

1. Pre-launch 2. Launch 3. Post-launch 4. Long term post-launch follow up


Why You Need a Book Sales Funnel

O You need to systematically plan to avoid dips in sales after launch is over

O Create your Kindle sales funnel with: 1. An entry point 2. Controlled leak points 3. An exit point


Tweak Your Goals Even More

O Do you want to achieve ‘authority’ status? O Then increase your reach

O Do you want to build an active community?

O Then create strong follow up strategies to engage your readers

O Do you want to reach celebrity status? O Your signature product needs to be REALLY



Your Entry Point O Identify your exact target reader

O Check out Amazon categories & best seller lists to see if your idea is viable

O Create a professional cover photo O Yes, people really DO judge a book by its


O Make your book visible O Be aggressive with multiple strategies to create



Beware of Amazon Apathy O Don’t rely solely on Amazon for sales

O You want to bring in readers with other strategies O If you have a series of books – & each one is full

of value – you’ll attract more readers & sales O But you have to promote your book heavily so

people know about it


How to Create Buzz O Strategy-Be a Guest

O Contact potential hosts & suggest a JV webinar or podcast / radio interview

O Different hosts may be interested in your pre-

launch, launch or post-launch stages

O Make sure your book is a perfect fit with their audience


How To Create Buzz O Strategy -Affiliate Marketing

O Recommend products within your non-fiction books

O Use affiliate links for those products so you earn a commission

O Choose only the best products or resources that will help your audience

O Only use links naturally – if you force links into the book where they don’t belong it can affect your reputation negatively


Leverage Your Kindle Book to:

O Become known online as an expert O Become better known, period! O Help your ideal readers O Impress your niche peers O Become a local celebrity O Open doors to teaching gigs, speaking gigs

and creating workshops (online and off)


Leverage Your Kindle Book to:

O Be the JV partner everyone wants to attract—instead of being one of the one sending out queries

O Create a steady flow of sales O Become a published author… one who

actually makes money.


Learn more: Power Up Your Publishing:

Launch Strategies for Selling More Books
