P P Professional Portfolio f of Nichole Guthrie Nichole Guthrie

PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

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Page 1: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

P PProfessional Portfoliofof

Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie

Page 2: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

Contact Information About Me ObjectivePhilosophy of Education EducationHonors and Awards Related Experience Table of Contents Work Experience Volunteer Experience Knowledge of Technology

Table of Contents

g f gySample Kidspiration Understanding by Design Understanding By Design 2 g y gSample Teaching Video Resume LinkThank You Y

Page 3: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

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Page 4: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

About Me

• I am a married, mother of a fiv ld i l d t

• I am very active and love the d b ifive year old girl and a two

year old boy.

• In high school I was captain

outdoors, but especially I love spending time with my family.

• In high school I was captain of the softball and basketball teams my junior and senior years. I was also MVP in both ysports my senior year.

• I have been the manager at a fit i ti f non-profit organization for

three years.

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Page 5: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

ObjectivejTo obtain a challenging teaching position

requiring a creative, resourceful team q g ,player with the ability and desire to

motivate students to learn by creating a y gstimulating classroom environment.

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Page 6: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

Philosophy of EducationI belie e e er stude t has the abilit t reach his r her p te tial I believe every student has the ability to reach his or her potential

with guidance, perseverance, and determination. As a teacher one must strive to create a learning environmentAs a teacher, one must strive to create a learning environment

that is flexible and encouraging. Students should be held accountable for their own success, so theyStudents should be held accountable for their own success, so they

can take pride in their accomplishments. Learning does not happen through magic, it is the product of an g pp g g p f

intentional teacher with passion and desire to create innovative, standards based lessons to promote growth and knowledge in every student.

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Ed tiEducation

COLLEGEHigh School

Thiel College, Greenville, Pa B.A. Psychology


Conneaut Lake High SchoolConneaut Lake, PA

Class of 1999B.A. Elementary EducationClass of 2011

GPA 3.4

Class of 1999

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•Dean’s List- 3 SemestersDean s List 3 Semesters

•Thiel Merit Award- 8 Semesters

•Best Defensive Player Award– Basketball 1998

•MVP Basketball 1999•MVP- Basketball- 1999

•MVP- Softball- 1999

•Only Unanimous First Team All Stars Pick- Softball- 1999

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Related Experienceelated Experience

• Mentoring 1 Fall 2002Farrell Elementary– Farrell Elementary

• Farrell, PA• Fourth Grade

• Mentoring II Spring 2011East Elementary– East Elementary

• Greenville, PA• Fifth Grade

• Mentoring III Spring 2003Farrell Elementary– Farrell Elementary

• Farrell, PA• Fourth Grade

• Student Teaching Fall 2011East Elementary– East Elementary

• Greenville, PA• Fifth Grade

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Work ExperienceWork Experience Jamestown Volunteer 

Fireman’s Club

• Banquet Coordinator,   • The positions I have held at this

company have given me the f k ff l h 2007‐2008

• Manager 2008 Present

confidence to work effectively with the general public. My supervisory duties have shaped me into a goal

h • Manager, 2008‐Present driven individual with a strong work ethic. I have gained more patience, persistence, and

h h horganizational skills, which have allowed me to be successful in this profession.

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Volunteer Experience

M C Li C il

Volunteer Experience

Mercer County Literacy Council-Tutor (February 2011- Present)

Jamestown Little League Volunteer Experience J gAssociation- Tee Ball Coach (March 2011- July 2011)

Quota International (May 2011Quota International- (May 2011-Present)

Jamestown Elementary School-Book Fair (2011)

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• Microsoft Windows® , WordPerfect Microsoft Word PowerPoint Microsoft Excel and WindowsWord, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Windows Live Movie Maker

•Smart Board, Study Island, KidSpiration, Net Trekker, Inspiration, Qwiki, and EXCEL-erated Learning for Students and Teachers

G id d R di A l t d R d d PD• Guided Reading, Accelerated Reader, and PD 360

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S l Kid i iSample Kidspiration  Table of Contents

Page 14: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

Understanding by Design“Backward design” ‐ design with clarity about the desired learnings and on evidence of realBackward design   design with clarity about the desired learnings, and on evidence of reallearning (understanding/transfer)

Key Questions � How do you know when they “got it”? When don’t they

The art of holding interest lies in“raising questions and delayingthe answers ”� How do you know when they “got it”? When don’t they

get it even though it might seem as if they do? What isevidence of understanding?

� How can we promote understanding more by designthan by good fortune (and native ability)?

the answers...– D. Lodge, The Art of Fiction

F db k l & fthan by good fortune (and native ability)?

� How do we move beyond designing mere interestingactivities or textbook “coverage”?

� What is the relation between local design work and Making assessment central to i l d i

Feedback, early & often

‘audits’ of achievement against the content standards? curriculum design,not an afterthought

It provides a sharper focus on learning priorities: Test as you go ‐ in designing as in teaching

1. Identify desired results2 Determine acceptable evidence

3 Stages of Backwards Designthe focus is on “big ideas” & “core tasks” of transfer, to frame curricula

Key rubrics as well as tasks are explicitand implied in the standards

Table of Contents

2. Determine acceptable evidence3. Plan learning experiences& instruction

Focus on anticipating studentmisunderstandings (and learning rough spots) Grant Wiggins 2004

and implied in the standards

Page 15: PPProfessional Portfolio of Nichole GuthrieNichole …...Nichole GuthrieNichole Guthrie Contact Information About Me Objective Philosophy of Education Education Honors and Awards Related

Understanding by Design 2 Essential Questions

Reflect “real‐world” use of the content (as opposed to pat school 

Key Understandings

Is it a Big Idea? Does it –� have lasting value, with transfer to otherinquiries?

6 Facets Key to Assessment DesignExplainInterpretApply

f f ( pp pquestions) ‐ “core” tasks?

� serve as a key concept for making important facts,skills, and actions more connected, coherent,meaningful, useful?

� epitomize “core” (not “basic”) insights in a



� epitomize  core  (not  basic ) insights in asubject or discipline?

� require “uncoverage” (since it is an abstract or often‐misunderstood idea)?

Validly address the targeted Standard(s) (as opposed to being merely interesting or fun)?

W. H. E. R. E. T. O.W. H. E. R. E. T. O.•Where are we headed? (the student’s Q!)

•How will the student be ‘hooked’?•What opportunities will there be to be equipped,

experienced, and explore key ideas?•What will provide opportunities to rethink, rehearse, Core tasks : “The most important complex

refine and revise?•How will students evaluate their work?

•How will the work be tailored to individual needs,interests, styles?

•How will the work be organized for maximal engagement and effectiveness?

performances, in realistic contexts, in each field”

Table of Contents

“How does one lead children to discover the powers and pleasures [of rethinking]? Through organizing questions. They serve two functions: they put perspective back in the particulars... and they often served as criteria for determining where students were getting, how well they were understanding, whether anything new was emerging.” – Jerome Bruner


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Sample Teaching Video

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