E-BLOOD DRIVE BLOOD DRIVE Project Guide Project Guide Mr. Y.CHITTIBABU, Mr. Y.CHITTIBABU,  Ass Prof.  Ass Prof. Presentation by... Presentation by...  V.BHAGYA LAKSHMI(08F01A05B 2)  V.BHAGYA LAKSHMI(08F01A05B 2) T.SAI KRISHNA(08F01A0 5A3) T.SAI KRISHNA(08F01A0 5A3) T.RAGHAVENDRA RAO(08F01A05A8) T.RAGHAVENDRA RAO(08F01A05A8) T.DAVID RATNA RAJ(07F01A0533) T.DAVID RATNA RAJ(07F01A0533)

PPT's First Revasdfbf[8s7cciew

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 Ass Prof. Ass Prof.

Presentation by...Presentation by...





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CONTENTSCONTENTS           Abstract  Abstract           IntroductionIntroduction

           Analysis Analysis


RequirementsRequirements          ModulesModules



          Screen shotsScreen shots



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 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The existing system stores the blood bank detailsThe existing system stores the blood bank details

of various areas but those details should beof various areas but those details should beviewed manually by acceptors.viewed manually by acceptors.

 As it is a time taking process for the donors to As it is a time taking process for the donors toreact to that message that may costs a life.react to that message that may costs a life.

This has been overcome in this application byThis has been overcome in this application bysendingsending smssms to the mobiles so that theto the mobiles so that theresponse is quick and saves the lives.response is quick and saves the lives.

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The objective of this application is to serve a social causeThe objective of this application is to serve a social causeieie ., to provide the information of the donors and available., to provide the information of the donors and availableblood groups as quickly as possible.blood groups as quickly as possible.

This is not done by just providing the blood info in theThis is not done by just providing the blood info in the

website as in the case of many blood info sites.website as in the case of many blood info sites.

Instead in this application , any one who are in need of Instead in this application , any one who are in need of blood can open our site and post a message of the type of blood can open our site and post a message of the type of blood he requires and that message is sent to all theblood he requires and that message is sent to all the

mobiles of the people who are registered in the sitemobiles of the people who are registered in the siteautomatically using a SMS gateway.automatically using a SMS gateway.

This helps in faster transmission of the requirement andThis helps in faster transmission of the requirement andthereby a quick response thus by saving many lives withinthereby a quick response thus by saving many lives withinminutes.minutes.

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Existing SystemExisting System The existing system like many blood info sitesThe existing system like many blood info sites

has all the information regarding blood groupshas all the information regarding blood groups

availability , donors information.availability , donors information.

The existing system stores the blood bank detailsThe existing system stores the blood bank detailsof various areas but those details should beof various areas but those details should be

viewed manually by acceptors.viewed manually by acceptors.

 As it is a time taking process for the donors to As it is a time taking process for the donors toreact to that message that may costs a life.react to that message that may costs a life.

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Proposed SystemProposed System

In the existing method of tracking of all the details areIn the existing method of tracking of all the details aretedious and time consuming.tedious and time consuming.

Unlike the existing system where in the message need toUnlike the existing system where in the message need tobe viewed by the donors manually , our applicationbe viewed by the donors manually , our applicationfacilitates automatic transmission of the message postedfacilitates automatic transmission of the message postedby the acceptors along with acceptor info to all theby the acceptors along with acceptor info to all themembers of the site who are registered in using a SMSmembers of the site who are registered in using a SMSgateway.gateway.

This results in a quick response to the requirement This results in a quick response to the requirement 

there by saving many lives.there by saving many lives.

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Minimum HardwareMinimum Hardware


The Hardware used in this project is:The Hardware used in this project is:

RAM : 1 GB Min and above.RAM : 1 GB Min and above.

Processor : PProcessor : P--IV Processor.IV Processor.

Hard Disk : 20 GB and above.Hard Disk : 20 GB and above.

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Software RequirementsSoftware Requirements

TheThe software used in this project is:software used in this project is:

OSOS : Windows X  P / Vista.: Windows X P / Vista.

Technologies : ASP.NET with C#.NETTechnologies : ASP.NET with C#.NET

Data BaseData Base : MS: MS--SQL Server 2005SQL Server 2005

IDE : MSIDE : MS-- Visual Studio .NET 2008 Visual Studio .NET 2008

BrowserBrowser : Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer

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 Administrator Module Administrator Module

In this module major functionalities will takes place . TheIn this module major functionalities will takes place . The Administrator manages the site and checks all the details Administrator manages the site and checks all the detailsof other modules.of other modules.

The main of functionalities of administrator includeThe main of functionalities of administrator include

view all the acceptors infoview all the acceptors info

view all the donors infoview all the donors info

view all the available blood groupsview all the available blood groups

view the messages postedview the messages posted

view the feedbackview the feedback

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 Acceptors Acceptors

This is module where the people who are in needThis is module where the people who are in needof blood can register their details in the site andof blood can register their details in the site andcan post a message of the required blood group.can post a message of the required blood group.

The main functionalities of this acceptors includeThe main functionalities of this acceptors include RegistrationRegistration

 View available blood groups View available blood groups

Post message of the required blood groupPost message of the required blood group

Update their detailsUpdate their details

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This is module in which the interested people for bloodThis is module in which the interested people for blooddonation can register their details in the site.donation can register their details in the site.

The main functionalities of this module areThe main functionalities of this module are

Registration for the siteRegistration for the site

Update detailsUpdate details  View message posted by the acceptors View message posted by the acceptors

 View feedback View feedback

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 Volunteers Volunteers In this the people who are interested in socialIn this the people who are interested in social

activities can register in our site and view theactivities can register in our site and view themessage posted by acceptors and checks formessage posted by acceptors and checks forwhether the message is valid or not andwhether the message is valid or not andforwards that to all mobiles of the registeredforwards that to all mobiles of the registered

people in the site.people in the site. The main functionalities of volunteers includeThe main functionalities of volunteers include


Update detailsUpdate details View message View message

Post messagePost message

 View feedback View feedback

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 A A datadata flowflow diagramdiagram isis graphicalgraphical tooltool usedused totodescribedescribe andand analyzeanalyze thethe movement movement of of datadatathroughthrough aa systemsystem..

TheThe transformationtransformation of of datadata fromfrom input input toto output,output,throughthrough processing,processing, maymay bebe describeddescribed logicallylogicallyassociatedassociated withwith thethe systemsystem.. TheseThese areare knownknownasas thethe logicallogical datadata flowflow diagramsdiagrams..

 A DFD is also known as a Bubble Chart . It is A DFD is also known as a Bubble Chart . It isthe starting point of the design to the lowest the starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail.level of detail.

 A DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by A DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by

data flows in the system.data flows in the system.

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Process that transforms data flow

Source or Destination of data

Data Flow

Data Store

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DFDSDFDS Context level:Context level:

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Zero level:Zero level:

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The UML language is for visualizing ,specifying ,The UML language is for visualizing ,specifying ,constructing and documenting the artifacts of aconstructing and documenting the artifacts of a

software intensive system.software intensive system. The basic building blocks of UML language areThe basic building blocks of UML language are

things ,relationships and diagrams .things ,relationships and diagrams .

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CLASS DIAGRAMCLASS DIAGRAMCLASS DIAGRAMCLASS DIAGRAM : A class diagram is a graphical presentation of the static: A class diagram is a graphical presentation of the static

view that shows the collection of model elementsview that shows the collection of model elements ..

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 ADMIN Use case ADMIN Use case

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 ACCEPTOR Use case ACCEPTOR Use case

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DONOR Use caseDONOR Use case

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protected void Button1_Click(object sender,protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgsEventArgs e)e)


SqlConnectionSqlConnection con = newcon = new SqlConnectionSqlConnection("user("user



SqlCommandSqlCommand cmdcmd = new= new SqlCommandSqlCommand("insert into login values("insert into login values

('" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + TextBox2.Text +('" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + TextBox2.Text +"','"+DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString()+"')", con);"','"+DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString()+"')", con);





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Testing is the process done on an application to verify its executionTesting is the process done on an application to verify its executionand performance .and performance .

 All tests should be traceable to customer requirements . All tests should be traceable to customer requirements .

Tests should be planned long before testing begins.Tests should be planned long before testing begins.

Testing should begins in the small and progress toward the largeTesting should begins in the small and progress toward the largein componentsin components

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UNIT TESTINGUNIT TESTING : Unit testing is done to test the working of : Unit testing is done to test the working of individual modules with testing tools.individual modules with testing tools.

INTEGRATION TESTING :INTEGRATION TESTING : Integration testing ensures that softwareIntegration testing ensures that software

andand subsystems work together as a whole. It tests the interface of subsystems work together as a whole. It tests the interface of all the modules .all the modules .

SYSTEM TESTING :SYSTEM TESTING : System testing is actually a series of different System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary propose is to fully exercise to the computertests whose primary propose is to fully exercise to the computer

based system.based system.

PERFORMANCE TESTING :PERFORMANCE TESTING : Performance time testing is done toPerformance time testing is done todetermine how long it take to accept and respond a request.determine how long it take to accept and respond a request.

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T.C.No Description Expected value Actual value Result

1 Check Registered o r not Must r egister then go to Login Logged in successful;l

2 Check whether the SMS has been


It should be sent Message should

 be sent


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Example for Negative Test cases:Example for Negative Test cases:T.C.No Description Expected value Actual value Result

1 If the message contains invalid

  blood groups check whether they

are posted.

Theyshould not be posted. Not posted Not


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 Acceptor Home: Acceptor Home:

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 Administration Home: Administration Home:

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 Volunteer Home: Volunteer Home:

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In many blood info websites although bloodIn many blood info websites although bloodgroups availability is provided it is not muchgroups availability is provided it is not muchefficient because the acceptors need to checkefficient because the acceptors need to checkthe availability manually and it takes time.the availability manually and it takes time.

But in our application the acceptors just need toBut in our application the acceptors just need topost the message of the required group and it ispost the message of the required group and it isforwarded to all mobiles of registered people inforwarded to all mobiles of registered people inthe site using a SMS gateway.the site using a SMS gateway.

This is efficient as mobiles are the icons forThis is efficient as mobiles are the icons forfaster communication in these days and thefaster communication in these days and theresponse is quick thus saving many lives.response is quick thus saving many lives.

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The following books were referred during the analysis and designingThe following books were referred during the analysis and designingof the projectof the project

11.. JAMES S.N,JAMES S.N, System Analysis and Designing . System Analysis and Designing .2. PRESSMAN,2. PRESSMAN,  Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering

3. C.J.DATE, KORTH, Database3. C.J.DATE, KORTH, Database Management Systems.Management Systems.

4. 4. Mastering Visual Basic,Mastering Visual Basic, Techno media Publications.Techno media Publications.

5. STEVEN HOLZNER,5. STEVEN HOLZNER, C#.NET in 21 days. C#.NET in 21 days.

6. TATA MCGRAW HILL,6. TATA MCGRAW HILL, C#.NET Complete Reference. C#.NET Complete Reference.


1. WWW.google.com1. WWW.google.com

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