Practical suggestions to increase the response rate when gathering post-school outcomes data. OSEP Approved January 2007 On the web at: http://www.psocenter.org/data_collectio n.html NPSO Tools & Products: Data Collection

Practical suggestions to increase the response rate when gathering post-school outcomes data. OSEP Approved January 2007 On the web at:

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Practical suggestions to increase the response rate when gathering

post-school outcomes data.

OSEP Approved January 2007

On the web at: http://www.psocenter.org/data_collection.html

NPSO Tools & Products: Data Collection

National Post-School Outcomes Center


National Dropout Prevention Center for

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From the Introduction . . . From the Introduction . . .

Intended for state and local education agency personnel charged with designing systems to collect post-school outcome data for students with disabilities

Overview of requirements and challenges in data collection

Recommendations and strategies to secure sufficient response rates, especially from youth who drop out of school

Strategies for Survey DesignStrategies for Survey Design

Tailor survey to the intended audience.

Make survey user-friendly.

Appearance matters!

Focus on essential questions.

Strategies for Survey Strategies for Survey Administration:Administration:

Ensure Confidentiality Personalize Notification Provide pre-notification Consider alternate means of distribution and

collection Express commitment: The respondent should

feel as though the survey is valuable and that their responses are valuable.

Use incentives Conduct follow-up. Letters, cards, e-mails all

increase the likelihood of a response

Strategies for Locating Youth: Strategies for Locating Youth: Before ExitingBefore Exiting Keep students’ files current and accurate prior to

exiting. Have students complete an exit survey prior to

leaving school. Discuss the importance of transition planning and

inform students and families that they may be contacted after leaving school.

Encourage LEAs to maintain current contact information.

Encourage LEAs to recheck fall enrollments annually for students who may have (may not have) returned.

Locate and contact LEAs with high response rates to share what they are doing.

Prior to exit, ask students: Specifically, what would keep them in touch?

Strategies for Locating Youth: Strategies for Locating Youth: Before Exiting Before Exiting continuedcontinued

Have students develop a resume, providing personal and professional references.

At the beginning of each semester provide all students, especially those students at risk for dropping out, with a “pre-correct” message regarding staying in school.

Establish district-wide, standardized practices for monitoring and responding to student attendance issues.

Improve the quality of exit interviews. During transition planning and exit interviews, ask students about their future plans.

Prior to students exiting, verify and update contact information.

Strategies for Locating Youth: Strategies for Locating Youth: After ExitingAfter Exiting

Keep local data systems current. Send “heads up” letter to youth and families. Attempt to locate students via the Department

of Motor Vehicles. Schools may consider hiring police officer liaisons. “Google” students. Go where students are; locate them at their

favorite places. Pay students to keep in touch.

Strategies for Locating Strategies for Locating Youth: Youth: After Exiting After Exiting continuedcontinued

Locate and contact LEAs with high response rates.

After students leave school, send written correspondences or correspondences through email

Telephone and send written correspondences Send postcard with forward service or change of

address request. Contact the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Consider Aristotle’s Nationwide Voter File.

Other products to help increase Other products to help increase Response RateResponse Rate

Student/Parent Flyers Information on survey process Available in English & Spanish Personalize to your district

Coming Soon: “Youtube” video for parents/students on PSO Survey coming their way


NPSO ResourcesNPSO Resourceshttp://www.psocenter.orghttp://www.psocenter.org

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