Practical Workbook CS-215 Signals and Systems Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering NED University of Engineering & Technology Name : _____________________________ Year : _____________________________ Batch : _____________________________ Roll No : _____________________________ Department: _____________________________

Practical Workbook CS -215 Signals and Systems

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Page 1: Practical Workbook CS -215 Signals and Systems

Practical Workbook


Signals and Systems

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Name : _____________________________

Year : _____________________________

Batch : _____________________________

Roll No : _____________________________

Department: _____________________________

Page 2: Practical Workbook CS -215 Signals and Systems

Practical Workbook


Signals and Systems

Prepared by:

Dr. Saad Qasim Khan

Syeda Ramish Fatima

Revised in:

February 2019

Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology

Page 3: Practical Workbook CS -215 Signals and Systems


The workbook is designed for the students of Department of Computer and Information Systems

Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology enrolled in the subject of Signals and

Systems. The new version of the workbook is made to accommodate the requirement of Objective

Based Education (OBE). Four lab sessions are directly mapped on CLO-3 ‘Practice simulation of

signals and systems using modern tools’. The taxonomy level is P-3. The CLO has been mapped to

PLO-5, ‘modern tool usage’ which includes lab session 6, 7, 8 and 9.

The workbook is divided in three basic sessions. The first session of the workbook which is from lab

session 1 to lab session 5 is to aid student to understand signal processing on MATLAB software. The

second session is to design electronic circuits for signal processing. This session is mapped onto

CLO-3 as stated above. The third and final session is related to Simulink models for basic signal


Page 4: Practical Workbook CS -215 Signals and Systems


Lab Session No. Object Page No

1 Explore characteristic of various signals using MATLAB 1

2 Apply elementary operations on signals 16

3 Examine the aliasing effects on continues time sinusoidal signals 22

4 Decompose a periodic signal into sum of simple oscillating functions 25

5 Explore correlation between various signals 28

6 Implement a passive low-pass filter using discrete components 32

7 Implement an inverting signal amplifier using discrete components 36

8 Convert an analog signal to digital signal 40

9 Implement an active Low-Pass filter using discrete components 45

10 Implement a bandpass filter using switched capacitor filter 48

11 Signal Processing in Simulink 52

12 Frequency processing models in Simulink 55

13 Simulating transfer function of LTI system in Simulink 58

14 Integration and Differentiation Operations on a Signal 61

OBE Evaluation Sheets 64