Prayer is not mere words, or talking to God, or listening to God. It is a space, a place, in which we meet with the living God in order to connect more deeply. Our innermost thoughts and needs, and Gods holy, creative Spirit collide in such spaces and in such ways that we cannot help but be changed. We see in our readings from: Luke 18 (Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistent ly and never quit... But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns? v. 1&8), and 2 Tim 2 (Fix this picture firmly in your mind: Jesus, descended from the line of David, raised from the dead. Its what youve heard from me all along. Its what I m sitting in jail for right now, but Gods Word isnt in jail! That s why I stick it out here, so that everyone God calls will get in on the salvation of Christ in all its glory. v. 8-10) that both prayer and the outworking of Gods Word are vital for the ongoing life of the Christian and the kingdom of God to bring justice and new life. Why? In that space in which we connect more deeply with God we are able, not only to share our deepest concerns and passions, but to have them addressed by God in ways which bring hope for justice, and also the spark to be participants in ways known and unknown, with the work God is doing to bring justice about. One cannot flourish without the other. Gods Word isnt in jail . In other words Jesus (the Word, both human, and divine) is free and has set us free in order that still others may be set free. Prayer is central to this because it is the space where we live out Romans 12 and have our minds renewed by God so that we can test and understand his will. Prayer and Justice... Sun, 16th Oct 2016 A story received from a KIDS HOPE AUS Mentor/Coordinator Julie started mentoring Sally over 10 years ago when Sally was in Gr 3 at the Kids Hope partner school. Sally was having troubles at school as she was dealing with the separation and divorce of her parents and a distant relationship with her absent dad. These family issues are difficult for children to cope with and often play out with social and emotional challenges as they negotiate school life and life in general. Julie built a wonderful relationship with Sally over their 3-4 years of mentoring, developing a strong bond and helping with her social and emotional development. As the Kids Hope mentoring relationship ended after Grade 6, they regularly kept in touch during her high school years and they often catch up for a coffee and celebrate each other’s birthdays each year. Sally has now graduated from Secondary College and is applying for a job after now having her licence and independence as well. Julie was blown away during a recent catch up with Sally when she was asked if she would be a referee for her job application, which she gladly agreed to. Julie loves how Sally now picks her up and drives them both to their catch ups and coffees. It is incredible that investing just one hour per week to a child that needs some extra care and support can have such a long- lasting effect, build long term relationships and give “HOPE” to a child who needs it most. KIDS HOPE AUS builds caring relationships: one child, one hour, one Church, one school Robyn Persistence in prayer tells God what we are serious about seeing changed, fixed, made new. As we pray, God shows us his will, and we learn to respond to his voice, his calling. The questions I want to explore today are simple onesWhat do you most passionately pray about when it comes to issues of justice? What are you most actively involved in when it comes to issues of justice? Are your answers the same for each question? If not, why not? Perhaps there are circumstances in which they might be different, but generally speaking the areas of injustice that we are most passionate about should be influencing both our prayer life and the ways in which we follow Jesus in our daily lives. Remember prayer is the space in which we connect more deeply with the living God – and ourselves. As we pray for justice (whether for self or others) we are brought face to face with the God of Justice, asking him to move in our life or others and in so doing to change the wor ld. Persistent prayer then is in itself an act of justice, an advocating for the release of those pinned down under the weight of evil. Persistent faith does not give up until the evil is destroyed, discovering the calling to respond again, and again, and again as the Word works in and through our lives to fulfil Gods plan to restore creation, and let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24) Glen

Prayer and Justice - Living Faith Churchfiles.livingfaithchurch.org.au/media/2016-10-16-Web.pdf · Prayer is not mere words, or talking to God, or listening to God. It is a space,

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Prayer is not mere words, or talking to

God, or listening to God. It is a space,

a place, in which we meet with the

living God in order to connect more

deeply. Our innermost thoughts and

needs, and God’s holy, creative Spirit

collide in such spaces and in such

ways that we cannot help but be


We see in our readings from:

Luke 18 (Jesus told them a story

showing that it was necessary for

them to pray consistently and never

quit... But how much of that kind of

persistent faith will the Son of Man

find on the earth when he returns? v.

1&8), and

2 Tim 2 (Fix this picture firmly in your

mind: Jesus, descended from the

line of David, raised from the dead.

It’s what you’ve heard from me all

along. It’s what I’m sitting in jail for

right now, but

God’s Word isn’t

in jail! That’s

why I stick it out here, so that

everyone God calls will get in on the

salvation of Christ in all its glory. v.

8-10) that both prayer and the

outworking of God’s Word are vital for

the ongoing life of the Christian and the

kingdom of God to bring justice and

new life. Why? In that space in which

we connect more deeply with God we

are able, not only to share our deepest

concerns and passions, but to have

them addressed by God in ways which

bring hope for justice, and also the

spark to be participants in ways known

and unknown, with the work God is

doing to bring justice about.

One cannot flourish without the other.

God’s Word isn’t in jail. In other words

Jesus (the Word, both human, and

divine) is free and has set us free in

order that still others may be set free.

Prayer is central to this because it is

the space where we live out Romans

12 and have our minds renewed by

God so that we can test and

understand his will.

Prayer and Justice...

Sun, 16th Oct 2016

A story received from a KIDS HOPE AUS


Julie started mentoring Sally over 10 years ago when Sally was in Gr 3 at the Kids Hope partner school. Sally was having

troubles at school as she was dealing with the separation and divorce of her parents and a distant relationship with her absent dad. These family issues are difficult for children to cope with and

often play out with social and emotional challenges as they negotiate school life and life in general. Julie built a

wonderful relationship with Sally over their 3-4 years of mentoring, developing a strong bond and helping with her social and emotional development. As

the Kids Hope mentoring relationship ended after Grade 6, they regularly kept in touch during her high school years and they often catch up for a coffee and celebrate each other’s birthdays each year. Sally has now graduated from

Secondary College and is applying for a job after now having her licence and independence as well. Julie was blown away during a recent catch up with Sally when she was asked if she would be a referee for her job application,

which she gladly agreed to. Julie loves how Sally now picks her up and drives

them both to their catch ups and coffees.

It is incredible that investing just

one hour per week to a child that needs some extra care and support can have such a long-lasting effect, build long term relationships and give “HOPE” to a child who needs it most.

KIDS HOPE AUS builds caring relationships: one child, one hour, one Church, one school


Persistence in prayer tells God what we

are serious about seeing changed,

fixed, made new. As we pray, God

shows us his will, and we learn to

respond to his voice, his calling.

The questions I want to explore today

are simple ones…

What do you most passionately pray

about when it comes to issues of


What are you most actively involved in

when it comes to issues of justice?

Are your answers the same for each

question? If not, why not? Perhaps

there are circumstances in which they

might be different, but generally

speaking the areas of injustice that we

are most passionate about should be

influencing both our prayer life and the

ways in which we follow Jesus in our

daily lives.

Remember prayer is the space in which

we connect more deeply with the living

God – and ourselves. As we pray for

justice (whether for self or others) we

are brought face to face with the God of

Justice, asking him to move in our life

or others and in so doing to change the

world. Persistent prayer then is in itself

an act of justice, an advocating for the

release of those pinned down under the

weight of evil.

Persistent faith does not give up until

the evil is destroyed, discovering the

calling to respond again, and again,

and again as the Word works in and

through our lives to fulfil God’s plan to

restore creation, and let justice roll on

like a river, righteousness like a

never-failing stream! (Amos 5:24)



The Elders offer the opportunity for you to receive prayer following the 10:00am service. The prayer may be for yourself or for someone you know.

Just come to the front of the church after the service and sit in the front row. Someone will be there to pray with you.

The Elders


We declare our faith in God as Creator of the universe, the

world in which we live, and all living things on the face of the earth.

We believe that creation bears witness to the power and the presence of the Triune God and calls us as God’s people to praise, thanksgiving and responsible stewardship of the earth.

We celebrate the richness and diversity of culture and language in our world knowing

that under God we are united in our common humanity.

We declare our faith in Jesus,

Saviour and Lord whom God gave in love for the world; who reconciled the world to God; and who through the gift of the Spirit brought the church into

being and prayed for its unity.

We believe that in Christ we are brothers and sisters together in the one great family of God, called to live in faith, hope and love for the sake of the Kingdom of God here on earth and in witness to God’s

final reconciliation of all things.

We celebrate the opportunity to learn, grow and serve together

as a pilgrim people in the name of Christ.

We declare our faith in Jesus,

Saviour and Lord, whom God gave in love for the world; who reconciled the world to God; and who through the gift of the Spirit brought the church into being and prayed for its unity.

We believe that in Christ we are brothers and sisters together in the one great family of God, called to live in faith,

hope and love for the sake of the Kingdom of God here on earth and in witness to God’s final reconciliation of all things.

We celebrate the opportunity to learn, grow and serve together as a pilgrim people in the name of Christ.

WORD OF MISSION People of God, go from here to live out the covenant into which we,

the First and Second Peoples of this land, have entered with one another.

Confront and challenge injustice wherever you see it. Act justly yourselves and insist that others do the same. Rejoice in the richness of our

diverse cultures and learn from them. Celebrate and demonstrate the unity we share in Jesus our Lord. Commit to worship, witness and serve as one people under God.

Ref: https://assembly.uca.org.au/cudw/worship-resources-and-


THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,

your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now

and for ever. Amen.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of,

because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every

good work.

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in

view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what

their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

Ref: New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

Think About: 2 Timothy 3: 14 –4: 5

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’ And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Ref: New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

Think About: Luke 18: 1-8

Church Life

Author! Author!

Would you like to be an Author? Your opportunity is now! You could be in print by late November or early December.

We are inviting YOU to put pen to paper, to boot up your email server, or to put ink in your printer, and send us an article of any sort - poem, story, report, picture, you name it.

These contributions will be compiled into one volume, tentatively named The Summer Edition of Church Life. Church life will then be printed and distributed to all members and friends of Living Faith Church as usual.

We are hoping the contributions will start to flow forthwith, and before the (nominal) deadline of

Sunday, 6th November 2016.


Eltham Cemetery

Tour with Geoff

Saturday, 22nd October 1:30pm.

(meet Eltham Cemetery Car Park)

This tour is arranged for those

interested in the development

of a "spiritual garden"

for Living Faith Church.

Coffee to follow at Lillies Café,

62 Brougham Street Eltham.



Communication and


Ministry Group


Meet ing

Thursday, 20th October

Meeting time: 8:00pm

This is a Full Group Meeting

The main agenda item is to discuss

2017 Budget issues.


SUNDAY @ 6.30

Sun, 16th Oct 6:30pm to 9:30pm.

Join us for this special event by bringing food to share for the evening meal.

Come along, as a family or bring a friend for fellowship and conversation.

Mabo tells the story of one of Australia's national heroes - Eddie Koiki Mabo, the Torres Strait Islander who left school at age 15, yet spearheaded the High Court

challenge that overthrew the fiction of terra nullius.

Your support and willingness to invite a friend, neighbour or relative will be warmly appreciated.



The last Sunday of the month.

Next: 8:00am, Sunday, 30th October at Missing Bean Café

Operation Christmas Child : the Power of a Simple Gift

The total number of boxes for this year is 73. I will take the boxes over to the Mitcham processing centre this week. If you have any queries, please talk to me today. If you decide at the last minute to donate to Operation Christmas Child, I can give you the address in Mitcham where the box is to be delivered.

Sarah has taken the first instalment of 29 boxes to the centre, where she volunteered for the day, helping to process the boxes already received. If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours or a day, please speak to Sarah.

Thank you to Sarah for your input, and thank you to everyone who has made a donation. The boxes are very important to the project, and money is always useful for extras for the boxes and to help with transport costs.

Thank you all for your generous support,


worship@5 tonight…

16th October: “Church Unite” - Celebrate. Jesus. Together. A night for the churches of Melbourne to unite under one roof, to worship and pray. Held over two services (4:00pm & 7:00pm) at the Melbourne Convention and Entertainment Centre this is a free event but due to large numbers you are required to register at http://www.churchunite.com.au (no service at LFC that night.)


From MediaCom Education

Price $42.75 plus P&H

The UCA has a deep and abiding concern for justice. It is how the UCA has developed theological perspectives and intersected Australian Community. This single volume documents what the UCA believes about many issues, matters of citizenship and justice.



If you have trouble seeing words on the overhead screen, copies of the songs are available from the

steward‘s table as you come in to worship. The sermon is also recorded each week. If you want a copy for someone who cannot attend church, please speak to the person managing the sound system.

Childrens’ Ministries: Creche: For under 4’s in the Playgroup Room. The Parent/Carer needs to sign children in/out. If you require this service please talk to a Steward.

POND: For 4 year olds to Grade 6 on the stage area at the back of the Hall. Children will be

supervised until collected by Parents/Carers.

THUNDER: Secondary aged children in the

Youth Room.

Children will leave to go to their ministry areas as

directed during the worship service..

If you are going on holiday or need to

communicate a concern or prayer request, please speak to the Elder-in-charge

Contacts at Living Faith Church

Website: http://www.livingfaithchurch.org.au/

Phone: 9435-8797 Street Address: 37 Grimshaw Street,

Greensborough 3088 Postal Address: PO Box 291,

Greensborough, 3088 Office Email Address:

[email protected]


Graeme Harrison: 15 Eldale Avenue, Greensborough

Phone: 9434 5502 Mob: 0422 490 323

E-mail: [email protected]

Glen Coleman: Mob: 0414 524 536

E-mail: [email protected]

Articles for Getting Connected

Articles or information for publishing in Getting Connected, should be sent to

Getting Connected by

6:00pm on Thursday evening.

Email [email protected]

Sunday Worship Times

10:00am - All-age Worship service 5:00pm - Worship @ 5








Saturday, 15th October c10:00am - Music Group 3

Sunday, 16th October 10:00am - All-Age Worship - Jesus’ Hard Sayings Series: Justice and Prayer 2:00pm - “More Than Godspell” - Diamond Valley Singers at LFC - Contact:

Anita/Loris 5:00pm - Sunday @ 5 - “Church Unite” - Contact: Glen

6:30pm - Sunday @ 6:30 - Film: “Mabo” -Contact: Bryan

Monday, 17th October

7:00pm - Primary Club

7:45pm - Monday Night Bible Study Life Group - Contact: Bryan

Tuesday, 18th October 9:30am - Marching - Contact: Janette

10:00am - Tuesday Playgroup - Contact: Bill 10:30am - Grace Villa Service - Contact: Glen 1:30pm - Codgers - Contact: Stewart/Graham

1:45pm - Caregivers and Friends meet - Group 1 - “The Missing Bean Café” - Contact: Joan

7:30pm - Kingdom Prayers - Contact: Graeme/Glen

Wednesday, 19th October 8:00pm - Wednesday Evening Bible Study Life Group (WEBS) - Contact: Jacob

8:00pm - Manse Life Group - Contact: Graeme

Thursday, 20th October 9:30am - Thursday Playgroup - Contact: Natalie

1:00pm - Friendship Centre - Contact: Brian/Bruce/Graham 8:00pm - Thursday Night Life Group - Contact: Jeremy

Friday, 21st October

Saturday, 22nd October c10:00am - Music Group 4

Sunday, 23rd October 10:00am - All-Age Worship - Jesus’ Hard Sayings Series: Blessings and Woes

5:00pm - Sunday @ 5 - Contact: Glen

What’s on this Week At Living Faith Church

Christmas Card

Workshops Sarah is running monthly

Christmas cards workshop. All

materials provided. Talk to

Sarah for more details.

Venue: Living Faith Church 37 Grimshaw St Greensborough Coming Dates:

Mon, 24th Oct - 10am - 12pm Mon, 21st Nov 10am - 12pm

Cost: $25 per workshop, includes all materials needed and morning




A Church Stall will be held on

Sun, 27th Nov

following morning worship at LFC.

Could all the men and ladies

start knitting, painting, glass blowing etc

Please do whatever you want

to do, to support this stall.


Progressive Christian

Network of Victoria

The meeting of the Progressive Christian Network of Victoria on Sunday, 23 October, will share insights from participants in the Common Dreams 4 conference which met in Brisbane last month.

The format will provide the stimulus of three different perspectives followed by opportunities to ask questions from selected speakers to explore further points that particularly interest you.

TOPIC: "New Directions for Progressive


SPEAKERS: Lorna Henry, Rex A E Hunt

and John Smith.

WHEN: Sunday 23 October, 3.00pm to


WHERE: Ewing Memorial Centre of

Stonnington Uniting Church,

Corner of Burke Rd and Coppin St, Malvern East.

Melway 59 G12

David Merritt Secretary

Progressive Christian Network of Victoria Inc

Montmorency Asylum Seekers Support Group


Theatre Night to see:

One Man, Two Guvnors

Join us for a hilarious Theatre Night Fundraiser for Montmorency Asylum Seekers Support Group Tickets $25

All proceeds will be used by the MASSG to support people living in our community who came to Australia seeking safety, for themselves and their families.

Wednesday 23rd November, 8pm. Heidelberg Theatre Company, 36 Turnham Ave, Rosanna - (opposite Rosanna Station). Contact Pam for bookings Ph 94391853 or email: [email protected]

Darrel and Rex