Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Lisa Nasis

Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - bhhdoa.org.aubhhdoa.org.au/meetings/2008/pdf/preeclampsia CME08.pdf · Pre-eclampsia: Hypertension arising after 20 weeks gestation with subsequent resolution

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Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

Lisa Nasis

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Case 1 Ms HV

29 yo primigravidaPresented to LMO at 36/40 with 2/52 hx

of generalised pruritus and diarrhoea Otherwise well No jaundice/rash; normal BP; urine negative

Past Medical Hx Depression on Sertraline Gestation DM at 28/40 - diet controlled

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Case 1FBE

Hb 133

WCC 6.9

Plt 82

UECNa 136/K 4.4/Ur 4.6/Cr 71


Bili 21


ALT 337

AST 158

ALP 229

Total Protein 63

Albumin 34

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Case 1

Reviewed by LMO Pruritus improving, ongoing diarrhoea BP 122/75 Urine negative for protein No liver tenderness Oedema to shins

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Case 1


6263Total Protein










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Case 1

Referred by LMO to Angliss O & G - admitted

Planned for delivery to prevent development of further complications

Anaesthetic department felt patient too high risk - required transfer

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Case 1

Transferred to BHH 8/10 O/E

BP 120/80Oedema hands/legsAbdomen soft non-tenderHyperreflexia present

LUSCS planned

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Case 1







8/10 12007/10

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Case 1

LUSCS 8/10 Spinal

L3/4 27 g pencil point needle Clear CSF first pass 2.2 ml x 0.5 % heavy bupivacaine + 15 mcg fentanyl

Mild nausea post spinal Metaraminol/ephedrine/fluids

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Case 1

Day 1 post-op Reports feeling‘twitchy’/’jittery’

OE normotensive, urine clearhyperreflexic

Felt to be ‘not true HELLP but in spectrum of pre-eclampsia’

Rx - clonazepam, not MgSO4

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Case 1

Further ix Rheum/haem screen Abdo u/s NAD Discharged home 13/10 for LMO follow up

and r/v of LFTs

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Case 2 Ms KL

Maternal Code Blue Birralee Green Team …

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Case 2

30 yo female post ictal after 2 x tonic clonic seizures1st seizure lasted ~ 2 minGiven diazepam 5 mg iv after

second seizure startedSecond seizure lasted ~ 1 min

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Case 2

No seizure activity nowBreathing spontaneouslyGCS 11BP 230/90HR 100BSL 5.4

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Case 2 Further history..

G7P4 Day 2 post NVD at 33+6/40 T/f from Bairnesdale 4/7 ago with threatened

premature labour, ?choriamnionitis Rx = Celestone, cephazolin, nifedipine 20 mg Spontaneous labour 15/9 - delivery of liveborn


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Case 2

PMHx Cholestasis of pregnancy Hepatitis C positive Smoker/marijuana use PHx IVDU Depression PHx of 3 x seizures a/w IVDU and sleep

deprivation - never investigated

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Case 2







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Case 2

Management MgSO4 loaded 2.47g x 2 Remained drowsy, no further seizures BP 114/69, HR 111 Transferred to ICU for further monitoring

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Case 2

ICU care Patient teary/agitated, refused MgSO4

infusion Monitored for ~ 6 hours D/c to ward

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Case 2

Neurology r/v ? Eclampsia ? Seizure 2o to sleep deprivation ? Posterior encephalopathy

MRI - normal

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Case 2

Discharged to Sale HospitalFollow up arranged

Seizure clinic Liver clinic

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Management guidelines - Pre-eclampsia and eclampsiaANZCA Obstetric SIGDefinitionsDiagnosisHypertensionSeizuresFluidsLabour AnalgesiaAnaesthesia for caesarean

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Australasian Society of the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy Pre-eclampsia: Hypertension arising after 20

weeks gestation with subsequent resolution of the disease by three months post partum, whereSBP ≥ 140 mmHg and or DBP ≥ 90 mmHgPLUS one or more of…

Brown et al. Aust N Z Obstet Gynaecol, 2000

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PLUS one or more of Proteinuria > 0.3g/24 hours Renal impairment Liver disease Neurological problems Haematological disturbance Fetal growth restriction


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Liver tenderness, N & V, epigastric pain, severe LFT derangement

Mildly elevated LFTsGIT

Seizures, headache, visual disturbance, papilloedema, clonus


√ +/- severe HT SBP ≥ 160 mmHg; DBP ≥ 110 mmHg


Severe pre-eclampsiaMild pre-eclampsia

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Pulmonary oedema-CVS/Resp

Fetal/placental compromise


•Proteinuria > 5 g/24h•3+ on dipstick•Urine output < 500ml/24h

•Proteinuria 0.3g/24h•1+ on dipstick


Platelets ≤ 100Haemolysis, DIC

Platelets ≤ 150 Haem

Severe pre-eclampsiaMild pre-eclampsia

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HELLPA severe form of pre-eclampsia

Haemolysis - elevated LDHElevated liver transaminasesPlatelet count < 100

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Differential DiagnosisAcute fatty liver/cholestasis of pregnancyRenal diseaseVasculitisHaemolytic uraemic syndromeThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraDrug use eg cocaine, amphetaminesEarly onset > 20 weeks gestation - molar

pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, fetal abnormality

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Reduction of high blood pressure

Non-severe hypertension BP 140-159/90-109 mmHg Recommended lowering to 140-150/90-100 mmHg Safe agents

Methyldopa, labetalol, nifedipine, metoprolol, propanolol

Not recommendedAtenolol - fetal growth restriction

ContraindicatedACEIs and ATIIRBs - teratogenic

Abalos et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007

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Reduction of high blood pressure

Severe hypertension BP ≥160/110 Lower to 140-150/90-100 by 10-20 mmHg every

10-20 minutes Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring until BP

stable Specific agents

Hydralazine, labetalol, nifedipineAvoid labetalol in severe asthmaAvoid ketanserin, nimodipine, MgSO4, diazoxideSNP - last resort only

Magee et al. BMJ, 2003

Duley et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006

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Seizures - prevention

Severe pre-eclampsia MgSO4 recommended as prophylaxis

Risk of seizures ↓by 50%, NNT = 50

Mild pre-eclampsia Controversial - NNT = 100, SE ++ ‘Consider’ use of MgSO4

Duley et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003

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Seizures - treatment

MgSO4 Reduces mortality cf diazepam Superior to diazepam, phenytoin, lytic

cocktail in reducing risk of recurrence Reduces morbidity related to ICU stay cf


Duley et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2003 and 2000

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Haematological Complications

Corticosteroids for HELLP syndrome Dexamethasone 10 mg iv shown to increase

platelet count however no improvement in outcome

Matchaba et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2004

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Intravenous Fluids

Volume expansion - no advantages compared with no plasma volume expansion

IV fluid administration to increase plasma volume or treat oliguria in pts with normal renal function and stable creatinine levels not recommended

Duley et al, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 1999

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Regional blockade

Platelet count > 75 in absence of other coagulation abnormalities not expected to be a/w increased risk of complications of regional anaesthesia

Orlikowski et al, Br J Anaesth., 1996

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Labour analgesia

Epidural recommended Reduces pain-mediated hypertensive responses Option for extension of block if caesarean required

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Anaesthesia for caesarean

Regional anaesthesia preferred Single shot spinal, CSE, EVE - similar benefits

Hypotension less common in pre-eclampsia compared to healthy women Treat with vasopressors rather than fluids

Use of adrenaline containing LA is safe

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General anaesthesia

Indications coagulopathy, pulmonary oedema,

eclampsia Post eclamptic period

GA if evidence of cerebral oedema or decreased conscious state

Regional ok if normal conscious state, no neurological deficit

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General anaesthesia

Avoid hypertensive response to intubation Alfentanil, fentanyl, MgSO4, lignocaine,

esmolol Use technique with which clinician is most


Note MgSO4 potentiates NDMRs

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Oxytocic agents

Post partum haemorrhageErgometrine, Syntometrine not

recommended as a/w hypertensive crises and death

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Post partum management

Analgesia Caution with NSAIDS in pts with renal

impairment, intravascular volume depletion

ThromboprophylaxisDuration of MgSO4 infusion


OR Clinical assessment

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Hypertension should be lowered to 140-150/90-100 mmHg using labetalol, nifedipine or hydralazine

MgSO4 is first line for treatment of seizures and should be used for prophylaxis in severe preeclampsia

IV fluid management should be monitored closely

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Risk of haematoma a/w regional anaesthesia with platelet count > 75 is very low

Regional anaesthesia is preferred anaesthetic for caesarean section

When GA required measures should be taken to ablate the intubation response