R 5th & 8th Scholarships MAHAEXAM ® PRE UPPER PRIMARY SCHOLARSHIP MOCK EXAMINATION - 2020 Medium : English Subject : Third Language & Intelligence Test Date : 19/01/2020 Time : 1.30 Hr. Std. : 5th Total Marks : 150 Instructions : (1) This question paper will be of 75 questions carrying 2 marks each. (2) All questions are compulsory. (3) Each question will have Four alternatives. (4) The answer sheet provided separately along with the question paper will have 4 circles . Darken the correct alternative circle completely either with black or blue ink ballpen. For example, if the answer for a question is 2, the circle having 2 should be completely made black or blue like this (5) Any of the answer coloured or marked as follows will get zero mark. 1 2 3 4 (6) Answers marked in pencil will not be considered. (7) Answer once given cannot be changed. (8) Answers marked in more than one circle will not be considered. (9) Time limit of the examination is fixed. So if you do not know the answer to any of the questions, go to the next one. If time remains after attempting the final question attempt the questions left out. Subject : Third Language & Intelligence Test Time : 01.30 pm to 03.00 pm Solution Question Booklet Serial No. 5E-2

PRE UPPER PRIMARY SCHOLARSHIP MOCK EXAMINATION - 2020mahaexam.org.in/pdf/Solution Std.5 Med. English Paper -2.pdf · MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test

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5th & 8th Scholarships



Medium : EnglishSubject : Third Language & Intelligence Test

Date : 19/01/2020 Time : 1.30 Hr. Std. : 5th Total Marks : 150

Instructions :(1) This question paper will be of 75 questions carrying 2 marks each.(2) All questions are compulsory.(3) Each question will have Four alternatives. (4) The answer sheet provided separately along with the question paper will have 4

circles . Darken the correct alternative circle completely either with blackor blue ink ballpen.For example, if the answer for a question is 2, the circle having 2 should becompletely made black or blue like this

(5) Any of the answer coloured or marked as follows will get zero mark.1 2 3 4

(6) Answers marked in pencil will not be considered.(7) Answer once given cannot be changed.(8) Answers marked in more than one circle will not be considered.(9) Time limit of the examination is fixed. So if you do not know the answer to any

of the questions, go to the next one. If time remains after attempting the finalquestion attempt the questions left out.

Subject : Third Language & Intelligence TestTime : 01.30 pm to 03.00 pm


Question BookletSerial No.5E-2

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)



à.1 Vo à.3 … Imbrb CVmam H$miOrnyd©H$ dmMm Am{U Ë`m Imbrb {Xboë`m àË`oH$ àíZmgmR>r CËVamMo Mma n`m© {Xbo AmhoV.`mo½` n`m© H«$_m§H$mMo dVw©i a§Jdm._hmamîQ> hm g§Vm§Mm Xoe Amho. bmoH$godoMo _hmZ _§{Xa g§Vm§Zr `m _hmamîQ>mV C^mabo. gd© g§Vm§Mo åhUUo EH$M, ""XodXodimV Zmhr, XJS>mV Zmhr, Va Vmo _mUgm§V Amho.'' XþX£dmMr JmoîQ> hr, H$s g§Vm§Zr gmV eVHo$ AmH$menmVmi EH$ Ho$boVar _mUgmVbm na_oída AOyZhr bmoH$m§Zm {XgV Zmhr. Ë`m§Zm XJS>mVM na_oída {XgVmo. g§V JmS>Jo~m~m§Zr gm§{JVbo H$s,~m~m§Zmo XJS>Ym|S>çmMr nyOm H$ê$ ZH$m, _mUgmMr nyOm H$am. g§V JmS>Jo~m~m§Zr OrdZ^a {^H$mè`m§Mr, b§JS>çm-nm§Jù`mMr, _hmamo½`m§Mr, OZmdam§Mr godm Ho$br. "J[a~m§Mm CÜXma' hm EH$M Ë`m§À`m H$sV©ZmMm {df` Ago.

à.1 _hmamîQ>mV g§Vm§Zr H$moUVo _§{Xa C^mabo?1) {dÇ>bmMo 2) bmoH$god oM o 3) _mZdVoMo 4) ^ŠVrMoCËVa … (2) bmoH$godoMo

à.2 g§Vm§À`m _Vo Iam B©ída H$emV Amho?1) _mUgm §V 2) XodimV 3) XJS>mV 4) g§Vm§VCËVa … (1) _mUgm§V

à.3 g§V JmS>Jo~m~m§À`m H$sV©ZmMm {df` H$moUVm Agm`Mm?1) Xoeào_mMm 2) {dÇ>bmÀ`m ^ŠVrMm 3) g§VdmL>_`mMm 4) J[a~m§À`m CÜXmamMmCËVa … (4) J[a~m§À`m CÜXmamMm

à.4 nwT>rb g_yhXe©H$ eãXm§À`m OmoS>çm§_YyZ MwH$sMr OmoS>r AmoiIm.1) JdVmMr-OwS >r 2) ZmÊ`m§Mr-MiV 3) VmaH$m§Mm-nw§O 4) Ho$ù`m§Mm-bm|JaCËVa … (1) JdVmMr-OwS>rñnîQ>rH$aU … JdVmMr - OwS>r MyH$ Amho.

`mo½` OmoS>r - JdVmMr-J§Or

à.5 ñdmVrÀ`m AmB©Zo {Vbm {nH$bobm Am§~m {Xbm. `m dmŠ`mVrb {deofU AmoiIm.1) ñdmVrÀ`m 2) {Xbm 3) {nH$b obm 4) Am§~mCËVa … (3) {nH$bobmñnîQ>rH$aU … {nH$bobm - ho {deofU

Am§~m `m Zm_mg bmJbo Amho.åhUwZ ñdmVr - Am§~m hr Zm_o{Xbm - ho {H«$`mnX

à.6 àmUr Am{U Ë`m§Mm {Zdmam `m§À`m `mo½` OmoS>rMm n`m©` {ZdS>m.1) _mUgmMo KaQ>o 2) H$m|~S>rMo Ka 3) gmnmMo Omio 4) _Y_merMo nm oioCËVa … (4) _Y_merMo nmoioñnîQ>rH$aU … _Y_merMo - nmoio ho `mo½` CËVa Amho.

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


à.7 Z§Xm, _§Xm, Hw§$Xm, M§Xm ho eãX dUm©ZwH«$_o bmdë`mg n{hbm eãX H$moUVm `oB©b, Vmo {Xboë`m n`m© mVyZ {ZdS>m.1) M§Xm 2) _§Xm 3) Hw§$Xm 4) Z§XmCËVa … (3) Hw§$XmñnîQ>rH$aU … (1) H$ I J K L

(2) M N> O P ÄmQ> R> S> T> U dU©_mbmV W X Y Z (3)n \$ ~ ^ _ (4)>

Hw§$Xm, M§Xm, Z§Xm, _§Xm hm dUm©ZwH«$_ `mVrb n{hbm eãX - Hw§$Xm

à.8 Imbrb eãXJQ>mVrb ñÌrqbJr eãXmMm n`m© H«$_m§H$ AmoiIyZ dVw©i a§Jdm.1) _R> 2) _mR> 3) _yR> 4) _rR>CËVa … (3) _yR>ñnîQ>rH$aU … _yR> Vr _yR> ñÌrqbJ

_mo _R> nwpëb¨JVo _R> ZnwgH$qbJVo _R> ZnwgH$qbJ

à.9 Imbrbn¡H$s eoirMo {nëby H$moUVo? `mo½` n`m©` H«$_m§H$mMo dVw©i a§Jdm.1) emdH$ 2) H$aS y> 3) aoS>Hy$ 4) nmS>gCËVa … (2) H$aS y>ñnîQ>rH$aU … eoirMo {nëby - H$aSy>

haUmMo - nmS>g / emdH$åherMo - aoS>Hy$

à.10 nwT>rb n`m© m§Vrb EH$dMZr eãXmMm H«$_m§H$ {ZdSy>Z Ë`m H«$_m§H$mMo dVw©i a§Jdm.1) IoS> o 2) doS>o 3) PmS>o 4) dmS>oCËVa … (1) IoS>oñnîQ>rH$aU … IoS>o EH$dMZ eãX - AZoH$dMZ eãX IoS>r

åhUwZ `mo½` EH$dMZr eãX - IoS>oEH$dMZr eãX AZoH$ dMZrdoS>m doS>oPmS> PmS>odmS>m dmS>o

à.11 "H$moS>' `m eãXmÀ`m `mo½` OmoS>eãXmMo dVw©i a§Jdm.1) _moS> 2) YmoS> 3) H$m ¡V wH$ 4) _mamCËVa … (3) H$m¡VwH$ñnîQ>rH$aU … H$moS> H$m¡VwH$ hm `mo½` OmoS> eãX Amho.

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


à.12 "b gw C Q> b Q>' `m AjamnmgyZ V`ma Pmboë`m AW©nyU© eãXmMo Mm¡Wo Aja H$moUVo?1) b 2) Q> 3) gw 4) CCËVa … (3) gwñnîQ>rH$aU … AW©nwU© eãX - CbQ>gwbQ>

`mVrb Mm¡Wo Aja "gw' oVo.

à.13 {déÜXmWu eãXm§Mr ~amo~a OmoS>r H$moUVr, ho nwT>rb n`m©`m§VyZ AmoiIm.1) ~§Y x {Z~§Y 2) amoJr x AamoJr 3) bj x Zmbj 4) H$Sy> x JmoS>CËVa … (4) H$Sy> x JmoS>ñnîQ>rH$aU … ~§Y x {Z~ªY

amoJr x {ZamoJrbj x Xþb©j

à.14 Ogo aŠV - ^i^im Vgo Aly .......... dmhVmV. `mo½` Üd{ZXe©H$ eãX H$moUVm `oB©b?1) KiKim 2) gigim 3) IiIim 4) PwiPwimCËVa … (1) KiKimñnîQ>rH$aU … Aly - KiKim dmhVmV.

nmZm§Mr - gigiPam - PwiPwi dmhVonmUr - IiIim

à.15 _wbm§Mm .......... {dH$mg hmoUo Amdí`H$ Amho. `m dmŠ`mV [aH$må`m OmJr `mo½` ewÜX eãXmMr {ZdS> H$am.1) gdm ªJrU 2) gdmª{JU 3) gdmªJrZ 4) gdªJrZCËVa … (1) gdmªJrUñnîQ>rH$aU … ewÜX eãX - gdmªJrU

à.16 Aj` åhUmbm, _r Ioim`bm `oUma Zmhr. `m dmŠ`mV H$moUVo {dam_{MÝh Úm`Mo am{hbo Amho.1) ? (àíZ{MÝh) 2) ; AY©{dam_3) " ' EHo$ar AdVaU {MÝh 4) "" '' Xþhoar AdVaU {MÝhCËVa … (4) "" '' Xþhoar AdVaU {MÝhñnîQ>rH$aU … Ooìhm ì`ŠVrÀ`m / ~mobUmè`mÀ`m Vm|S>Mo dmŠ` XmI{dVmZm "" '' Ago {MÝh dmnaVmV.

à.17 Imbrb n`m© m§V dmŠàMma d Ë`mMm AW© {Xbobm Amho, Ë`mVrb MwH$sMm AW© Agboë`m dmŠàMmamMr OmoS>r AmoiIm.1) nmoQ>mV R>odUo - Jwá R>odUo 2) nmoQ>mV KmbUo - bndyZ R> odUo3) nmoQ>mV {eaUo - _Ou g§nmXZ H$aUo 4) nmoQ>mMr Xm_Q>r diUo - Cnmg_ma hmoUoCËVa … (2) nmoQ>mV KmbUo - bndyZ R>odUoñnîQ>rH$aU … nmoQ>mV KmbUo - j_m H$aUo

hm `mo½` AW© Amho, åhUwZ MwH$sMm AW© Agbobr hr OmoS>r Amho.

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


à.18 Vo à.20 … Imbr EH$ gwg§JV n[aÀN>oXmMr dmŠ`o {Xbr AmhoV. n[aÀN>oXmMr dmŠ`o nyU© H$aÊ`mgmR>r `mo½` n`m© H«$_m§H$mModVw©i a§Jdm.

à.18 O§JbmV AZoH$ àH$maMo ............. AgVmV.1) njr 2) àmUr 3) d¥j 4) gmnCËVa … (3) d¥j

à.19 nU .............. gmaIm Xþgam Zmhr.1) MmVH$m 2) qghm 3) ZmJm 4) M§XZmCËVa … (4) M§XZm

à.20 ñdV… {POyZ BVam§Zm .............. XoUo hm `mMm JwUY_© Amho.1) X§e 2) gwJ§Y 3) Ìmg 4) AmdmOCËVa … (2) gwJ§Y

à.21 "{Xdm' d "A§Yma' ho XmoZ eãX dmnê$Z H$moUVr `mo½` åhU V`ma hmoVo, Vmo `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.1) {Xdm bmdbm A§Yma g§nbm 2) {Xdm Imbr da A§Yma3) A§Yma Pmë`mda {Xdm bmdbm 4) {Xì`mImbr A§YmaCËVa … (4) {Xì`mImbr A§YmañnîQ>rH$aU … `mo½` åhU - {Xì`m Imbr A§Yma

à.22 "ZmM ao _moam' ho JrV H$moUr {b{hbo Amho?1) em§Vm eoiHo$ 2) qdXm H$a§XrH$a 3) dg§V ~mnQ> 4) J. {X. _mS>JyiH$aCËVa … (4) J. {X. _mS>JyiH$a

à.23 ZXrH$mR>À`m {hadirdarb dmè`mMm bhmZ PmoV _Zmbm CËgm{hV H$aVmo.AYmoao{IV eãXg_yhm~Ôb `mo½` eãX Agbobm n`m©` {ZdS>m.1) bHo$a 2) hdm 3) Pwi yH$ 4) CëhmgCËVa … (3) PwiyH$ñnîQ>rH$aU … PwiyH$ - dmè`mMm bhmZ PmoV

à.24 "M§Ð' `m eãXmMm g_mZmWu Zgboë`m eãXmMm `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m.1) adr 2) gmo_ 3) B§Xÿ 4) gwYm§eyCËVa … (1) adrñnîQ>rH$aU … adr - hm eãX M§Ðmbm g_mZmWu Zmhr.

adr - gy © hmo

à.25 Imbrbn¡H$s "{dÇ>b am_Or qeXo' `m§Mo `mo½` g§~moYZ H$moUVo Amho?1) _hmË_m 2) gáfu 3) n§{S>V 4) _hfuCËVa … (4) _hfu

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)



Q.26 Make a meaningful word by using the letters 'OHRCT' each letter once only. Write its last letter.1) C 2) R 3) H 4) TAns. (3) HSolution : T O R C H

Q.27 Find the odd term which does not belong to the group.1) Pipal 2) Banyan 3) Marigold 4) MangoAns. (3) MarigoldSolution : Marigold is a shrub. All other are trees.

Q.28 Find out the wrong term which does not belong to the group.1) 122 2) 101 3) 65 4) 80Ans. (4) 80Solution : 122 1112 + 1, 101 102 + 1, 65 = 82 + 1, 80 = 92 - 1

Q.29 Find out the wrong term which does not belong to the group.1) ABA 2) GFG 3) EFE 4) CDCAns. (2) GFG

Q.30 If bulbul is called as 'eagle', eagle as 'crow', crow as 'peacock' and peacock as 'parrot'. Which is ournational bird?1) crow 2) peacock 3) parrot 4) eagleAns. (3) parrot

Q.31 to Q.32 : In the following questions the first term and the second term holds a specific relation-ship. The same relationship holds true in the third and the fourth term. Identify the relation andselect the option to replace question mark.

Q.31 Heat : Coal : : Light :1) Candle 2) Sun 3) Moon 4) DayAns. (1) CandleSolution : Heat : Coal (source)

Light : Candle (source)

Q.32 Library : Books : : Garden : ?1) Fountains 2) Water 3) Gardener 4) FlowersAns. (4) Flowers

Q.33 There was 8 teams participating in kho-kho tournament. Each team has to play with each other. Howmany matches will be played?1) 11 2) 28 3) 8 4) 4Ans. (2) 28Solution : 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 28

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.34 Find out the figure which is exactly identical to the question figure.

Question figure

1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (3)

Q.35 3, 7, 8, 0, 6, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2, 8, 3, 4, 6.In this series how many pairs of adjacent digits are there whose sum is 10?1) 5 2) 6 3) 4 4) 7Ans. (1) 5

Q.36 to Q.37 : Find the term that belong to the following group.Q.36 Lungs, Liver, Heart, ?

1) Ears 2) Esophagus 3) Eyes 4) SkinAns. (2) EsophagusSolution : Internal oragan


Q.37 Find out the term which belong to the following group.Buddha, Mahavir, Yeshu1) Gurunanak 2) Gandhi 3) Vivekanand 4) RamAns. (1) Gurunanak

Q.38 Find out the figure which does not belong to the group.

1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (3)

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.39 Observe the sequence and find the correct option which will replace the question mark.011, 123, 235, 347, ?1) 459 2) 549 3) 945 4) 649Ans. (1) 459Solution : Every number is increased by 112.

Q.40 Find the correct option which replaces the question mark in the following series.53, 59, 61, 67, ?1) 70 2) 71 3) 72 4) 74Ans. (2) 71Solution : Prime nos.

Q.41 Mahesh is fairer than Manoj. Manas is fairer then Mahesh but not as fair as Ajay.Who is the fairest of all ?1) Manas 2) Mahesh 3) Ajay 4) ManojAns. (3) AjaySolution : Ajay > Manas > Mahesh > Manoj

Q.42 How many prime numbers are there the following series?65, 98, 019, 94, 76, 87, 53, 43, 321) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4Ans. (3) 3Solution : 019, 53, 43 Total 3

Q.43 Which group of symbols will occur at the place of question mark?+, + , +, ?1) + 2) + 3) + 4) +Ans. (4) +

Q.44 Select the wrong term is the given series.(69-96), (48-84), (37-73), (26-62), (15-51)1) 37-73 2) 69-96 3) 26-62 4) 15-51Ans. (2) 69-96Solution : 69 - 96 = 27

All other 36

Q.45 Find out the odd term.Japan, Sanskrit, Hindi, Konkani1) Japan 2) Sanskrit 3) Hindi 4) KonkaniAns. (1) JapanSolution : Japan - counlry

All other languages

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.46 ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST UVWXYWhich meaningful word will make from the 3rd, 1st and 20th letters in the given series.1) CAT 2) BAT 3) RAT 4) HATAns. (1) CATSolution : 3rd - C, 1st - A, 20th - T


Q.47 to Q.49 : In the following questions the first term and the second term holds a specific relation-ship. The same relationship holds true in the third and the fourth term. Identify the relation andselect the option to replace question mark.









Ans. (4)



2) 3)+



Ans. (1)+

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.49 36 : 71 : : 45 : ?1) 92 2) 90 3) 89 4) 91Ans. (3) 89Solution : (36 × 2) -1 = 71

(45 × 2) -1 = 89

Q.50 Raju was born on Monday 15 October 2007. Then on which day his third birthday will be celebrate?1) Friday 2) Thursday 3) Wednesday 4) SaturdayAns. (1) FridaySolution : 2007- 15 Oct Mon -

1st birthday 15th Oct 2008 - Tuesday2nd birthday 2009 - Thursday3rd birthday 2010 - Friday

Q.51 How many triangles are there in the given figure?

1) 4 2) 2 3) 6 4) 7Ans. (3) 6

Q.52 Find out the mirror image of the following.


1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (3)

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.53 Find out the figure that is exactly identical to the question figure?

1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (4)

Q.54 In the adjoining figure how many times does one has to turn to his left while walking from X to Y.



1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8Ans. (2) 4

Solution :



Q.55 In the following figure find the correct number which replaces the question mark.


3 2

8 7



2 1

? 6

51) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7Ans. (4) 7

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Solution :


3 2

8 7



2 1

? 6


5 3 8 5 2 7 8 5 15 7 6 13

5 2 7 5 1 6

Q.56 to Q.57 : Find the figure that belongs to the group of figures in the question.

Q.56 ?

1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (1)


1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (2)

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.58 In a code language 'MASTER' is written as 'TEMASR', 'GROUND' is written as 'UNGROD', so

'PAPERS' should be written as _____


Solution : M A S T E R 1 2 3 4 5 6

T E M A S R 4 5 1 2 3 6

G R O U N D 1 2 3 4 5 6

U N G R O D4 5 1 2 3 6

P A P E R S 1 2 3 4 5 6

E R P A P S4 5 1 2 3 6

Q.59 to Q.60 : Observe the venn diagram carefully and answer the questions given below.

++ +++



Q.59 How many signs are there which are in the square only.1) 4 2) 7 3) 5 4) 6Ans. (4) 6

Q.60 How many signs are there in the square as well as in the circle?1) 5 2) 4 3) 3 4) 6Ans. (1) 5

Q.61 In a queue Nitin is at the 9th place from left and 15th from the right end. Then what is the number of aperson from right end who is standing at the 7th place from left end?1) 18 2) 17 3) 16 4) 15Ans. (2) 17Solution : Total 8 + 1 + 14 = 23

From right end 23 - 7 = 16 persons are.The no. of that person will be 17th from left end.

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.62 Pallavi is 15 years older than Sonali. After six years sum of their ages will be 33 years. Then what is theage of Pallavi today?1) 21 years 2) 18 years 3) 3 years 4) 25 yearsAns. (2) 18 yearsSolution : Let the age of Sonali be x

Pallavi age = x = 15After 6 pears

x + x + 15 + 12 = 33 2x = 33-27

2x = 6x = 3

Sonali = 3 yrs Pallavi = 18 yrs

Q.63 Megha said to Nilesh, "Your son's father is my brother's son." Then what is the relation of Megha'sbrother to Nilesh?1) Uncle 2) Father-in-law 3) Grandfather 4) FatherAns. (4) Father

Q.64 Indira is standing in a line. Her number is 11th from the right and 7th from the left. Then what is theposition of Sheela who is standing in the middle?1) 8th 2) 9th 3) 10th 4) 11thAns. (2) 9th

Solution : Total 10 + 6 + 1 = 1711th

6 Indira 10

Sheela's No = 17 1


= 9

Q.65 If PEN = 123, HEN = 423, TEN = 523. What word will be represented by 5223 in that language?1) NTEE 2) ENTE 3) TEEN 4) EENTAns. (3) TEENSolution : PEN = 123, HEN = 423, TEN = 523

E 2, N 3, P 1, H 4, T 5 5223 TEEN

Q.66 Find out the mirror image of the following.

1) 2) 3) 4)

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Ans. (3)

Q.67 Find out the water reflection of the following figure?



9 3

1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (2)

Q.68 to Q.69 : Using the code language illustrated below answer the following questions.

Original word Its code formMAN NBOPOET QPFUHOUSE IPVTF

Q.68 The code word for 'LAMP'.1) NQBM 2) MBNQ 3) NCNR 4) BNQMAns. (2) MBNQSolution : A E H M N O P S T U

B F I N O P Q T U VNext letter LAMP MBNQ

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.69 The code form 'OPTF' shows which of the following original word?1) PQUG 2) NOSE 3) OSEN 4) SEUGAns. (2) NOSESolution : O P T F

Previnous N O S Eletters

Q.70 Find the term that belong to the given group of numbers.15, 32, 53, 70, 91, ?1) 108 2) 118 3) 114 4) 124Ans. (1) 108

Solution :15 32 53 70 91

17 19 17 19 91 + 17 = 108

Q.71 Sumit's right hand is in the direction of the sunset. He turns to his left through the right angle, twice. Heturns his face slowly to this left. Which direction will he face first?1) South-East 2) North 3) East 4) North-WestAns. (4) North-West

Q.72 Find out the water reflection of the following.


1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (2)

Q.73 Observe the figure and select the correct option to replace the question mark?


1) 2) 3) 4)

Ans. (1)

MAHAEXAM - 2020 Medium-English:Third Language & Intelligence Test (Std.V)


Q.74 In a class project teacher has given you a responsibility which you dislike. What will you do?1) Work unwillingly2) You won't participate in the activity3) Insist the teacher to give it to others4) Aceept the responsibility and fulfil itAns. (4) Aceept the responsibility and fulfil it

Q.75 Your cousin brother is watching T.V. You wish to watch cartoon network. What will you do?1) You will switch off the T.V.2) You will forcefully take away the remote from him.3) You will give company to your cousin brother in watching same program.4) You will complain to your mother.Ans. (3) You will give company to your cousin brother in watching same program.