Preemie Hats A knitting pattern By Carissa Browning Materials: Small amounts of sport-weight soft, washable yarn in pastels, or colors of your choice US3 (3.25mm !ouble-pointe! nee!les "apestry nee!le #auge: $.5 to % sts & 'in (2.5cm, !epen!ing on your yarn  ) slight ly !iffere nt gaug e will gi* e you a s lightly sma ller or lar ger hat, but all b aby hea !s are !ifferent anyway. +inishe! Sie: ''-'2in (2-3.5cm in circumference  )bbre* iations: cm & centimeters /0 & cast on !pns & !ouble-pointe! nee!les g & grams in & inches 1 & 1nit 12tog & 1nit 2 together & insert nee!le into two stitches at once an! 1nit as one stitch m & meter(s mm & millimeters o & ounces p & purl p2tog & purl 2 together & insert nee!le purlwise into two stitches at once an! purl as one stitch rep & repeat rn!(s & roun!(s st(s & stitch(es stst & stoc1inette stich & 1nit ' row, purl ' row if wor1ing bac1 an! forth 1nit e*ery roun! if wor1ing in the roun! tog & together y!(s & yar!(s yo & yarn o*er & if 1nitting, bring yarn to front between nee!les, then up an! o*er right nee!le an! to the bac1 of wor1 if purling, bring yarn up an! o*er right nee!le an! to the bac1 of wor1, then to front between nee!les - 1 -

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Preemie Hats 

A knitting pattern 

By Carissa Browning

Materials:Small amounts of sport-weight soft, washable yarn in pastels, or colors of your choiceUS3 (3.25mm !ouble-pointe! nee!les"apestry nee!le

#auge:$.5 to % sts & 'in (2.5cm, !epen!ing on your yarn

 ) slightly !ifferent gauge will gi*e you a slightly smaller or larger hat, but all baby hea!sare !ifferent anyway.

+inishe! Sie:

''-'2in (2-3.5cm in circumference

 )bbre*iations:cm & centimeters/0 & cast on!pns & !ouble-pointe! nee!lesg & gramsin & inches1 & 1nit12tog & 1nit 2 together & insert nee!le intotwo stitches at once an! 1nit as one stitch

m & meter(smm & millimeterso & ouncesp & purlp2tog & purl 2 together & insert nee!lepurlwise into two stitches at once an! purlas one stitch

rep & repeatrn!(s & roun!(sst(s & stitch(esstst & stoc1inette stich & 1nit ' row, purl' row if wor1ing bac1 an! forth 1nite*ery roun! if wor1ing in the roun!tog & together y!(s & yar!(s

yo & yarn o*er & if 1nitting, bring yarn tofront between nee!les, then up an! o*erright nee!le an! to the bac1 of wor1 ifpurling, bring yarn up an! o*er rightnee!le an! to the bac1 of wor1, then tofront between nee!les

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/0 %2 sts an! !istribute to !pns. oin,being careful not to twist.4or1 12, p2 ribbing for $ rn!s.

yelet 6ersion 0nly:Rnds 1-3: 1nit.Rnd 4: 71', 12tog, yo, 138 to en!.Rnds 5-7: 1nit.Rnd 8: 71, 12tog, yo8 to en!.9ep Rnds 1-8  twice more./ontinue to /rown Shaping below.

eart 6ersion 0nly:Rnds 1-3: 1nit.Rnd 4: 71$, p', 158 to en!.Rnd 5: 715, ;p', 1'< twice, 138 to en!.Rnd 6: 71, ;p', 1'< three times, 128 toen!.Rnds 7, 9, 11: 713, ;p', 1'< four times,1'8 to en!.Rnds 8, 10: 712, ;p', 1'< fi*e times8 toen!.Rnd 12: 71, ;p', 13< twice8 to en!.=nit '2 more rn!s./ontinue to /rown Shaping below.

>iamon! 6ersion 0nly:Rnds 1-3: 1nit.Rnds 4, 12: 71$, p', 158 to en!.Rnds 5, 11: 715, p', 1', p', 18 to en!.Rnds 6, 10: 71, p', 13, p', 138 to en!.Rnds 7, 9: 713, p', 15, p', 128 to en!.Rnd 8: 712, p', 1%, p', 1'8 to en!.=nit '2 more rn!s./ontinue to /rown Shaping below.

/rown Shaping (yelet, eart, an!>iamon! 6ersions:Rnds 1-11, odd: 1nit.Rnd 2: 71, 12tog8 to en! - $ sts.Rnd 4: 713, 12tog8 to en! - sts.Rnd 6: 712, 12tog8 to en! - 3$ sts.Rnd 8: 71', 12tog8 to en! - 2 sts.Rnd 10: 12tog to en! - '2 sts./ut tail an! threa! through remaining loops. ?ull tight an! tie off. 4ea*e inen!s.

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Stripe! 6ersion 0nly: )fter initial $ rn!s of ribbing in color ),wwitch to color @, without cutting color

 ). =nit two rn!s with color @.

Switch bac1 to color ), without cuttingcolor @, by twisting the two stran!sbehin! wor1. =nit two rn!s with color )./ontinue in stst, changing colors e*erytwo rn!s, for 2 rn!s abo*e ribbing.+ollow crown shaping as abo*e, butcontinue to change color e*ery two rn!s.

9ibbe! 6ersion 0nly:/0 %2 sts an! !istribute to !pns. oin,being careful not to twist.4or1 12, p2 ribbing for 3 rn!s./rown Shaping (9ibbe! 6ersion:Rnd 1: 712, p2, 12, p2tog8 to en! - $3sts.Rnd 2: 712, p2, 12, p'8 to en!.Rnd 3: 712, p2, 1', p2tog8 to en! - 5sts.Rnd 4: 712, p2, 1', p'8 to en!.Rnd 5: 712, p2, p2tog8 to en! - 5 sts.Rnd 6: 712, p38 to en!.Rnd 7: 712, p', p2tog8 to en! - 3$ sts.Rnd 8: 712, p28 to en!.Rnd 9: 712tog, p2tog8 to en! - ' sts.Rnd 10: 71', p'8 to en!.Rnd 11: 12tog to en! - A sts./ut tail an! threa! through remaining loops. ?ull tight an! tie off. 4ea*e inen!s.

6isit /arissa=nits.com for more patternsB+eel free to email Cuestions to /[email protected]

"his pattern is inten!e! for personal use only. ?lease !o not try to sell it orany pro!uct ma!e from it. "han1 you.

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