The official student newspaper of Indiana University South Bend Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Online at www.iusbpreface.com Call us at 574-520-4553 Online at www.iusbpreface.com Send story ideas to [email protected] The Preface As the May 4 primary elec- tions are fast approaching, people who are interested in voting and having their voice heard regard- ing important issues such as economy and healthcare should register to vote before it is too late. Voter registration forms are required for new voters or voters who have changed their address or been in jail since the last time they voted. Forms can be found at local librar- ies, BMVs, WIC, the County City Building, and around cam- pus through the Politi- cal Science Club’s voter registration drive. “People who are registered, vote,” said Elizabeth Bennion, associate pro- fessor of political science. The Political Science club be- gan having tables set up to reg- ister voters on Monday, and that will continue until Thursday, April 1 in Weikamp Hall, the Stu- dent Activities Center, and Northside at various times. Once regis- tered, voters will get a card in the mail with information re- garding district and voting pre- cinct information. This information is also available on www. indianavoters.com. The Political Science club will also be hosting Primary Election Rock the vote By KRYSTAL VIVIAN Staff Writer Forums throughout April to allow voters to meet the candidates and hear their standpoints on important issues. Their goal is to get people informed and reg- istered in this important local election before they cannot vote anymore. “The legitimacy of the system depends on the amount of voters,” said Bennion. “And every vote makes a difference, especially in these smaller local races.” She added that in the past, winners have occasionally won by just a handful of votes. Absentee voting begins on April 5 for the primary elec- tion for those unable to vote for any reason on May 4. There is a mail-in op- tion, or voters can go to their county build- ings to vote. “The defini- tion of democ- racy is rule of the people,” said Bennion. “You can’t have democra- cy if people sit at home on elec- tion day.” Anyone who has been to the second floor of the Administra- tion Building during the past aca- demic year can see the rewards of the hard work done on all the renovations. The construction that began in the fall of 2009 is nearing com- pletion as expected. According to Vice Chancel- lor for Administrative and Fis- cal Affairs Bill O’Donnell, the purposes of the renovations were to provide a more efficient floor plan to serve the needs of the building users. It was also done to address a deteriorated environment which had original carpet and drapes in- stalled in 1964. The remodeling was also done to provide a healthier atmosphere for occupants by cleaning and replacement of ductwork, and to reduce the energy consump- tion by installing energy efficient lighting. “The carpet was completely disintegrating. It had holes and widely separated seams that rep- resented tripping hazards,” said O’Donnell. These renovations cost $1.2 million, but they are well worth the money according to O’Donnell. “This phase reflects a floor plan design that provides suites of offices to reflect needs to work and function as departments and to have secure yet departmentally shared files.” said O’Donnell. As the renovations near com- By TIMOTHY DANN-BARRICK Staff Writer pletion there are discussions of possibly replacing the original heating and cooling systems to create a more energy efficient en- vironment. “The next major project will be the project to renovate the old Associates Building into a new facility to be known as the Edu- cation and Arts Building,” said O’Donnell. “Work on that proj- ect is expected to begin fall of 2010 and be completed in April 2012.” Admin Building almost done PREFACE PHOTOS/Timothy Dann-Barrick The north corridor in the Admin Building. Several offices began moving into the finished areas on March 25. The west corridor in the Administration Building. “The definition of democracy is rule of the people. You can’t have democracy if people sit at home on election day,” — Dr. Elizabeth Bennion Voter information for Indiana voters http://www.indianavoters.com Voter information for Michigan voters https://webapps.sos.state. mi.us/mivote/ For a list of upcoming events on campus see page 2. Register now to vote in the May primary and November general election

Preface March 31, 2010

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Preface March 31, 2010

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Page 1: Preface March 31, 2010

The official student newspaper of Indiana University South BendWednesday, March 31, 2010 Online at www.iusbpreface.com

Call us at 574-520-4553 Online at www.iusbpreface.com Send story ideas to [email protected]

The Preface

As the May 4 primary elec-tions are fast approaching, people who are interested in voting and having their voice heard regard-ing important issues such as economy and healthcare should register to vote before it is too late.

Voter registration forms are required for new voters or voters who have changed their address or been in jail since the last time they voted. Forms can be found at local librar-ies, BMVs, WIC, the County City Building, and around cam-pus through the Politi-cal Science Club’s voter regis t ra t ion drive.

“ P e o p l e who are registered, vote,” said Elizabeth Bennion, associate pro-fessor of political science.

The Political Science club be-gan having tables set up to reg-ister voters on Monday, and that will continue until Thursday, April 1 in Weikamp Hall, the Stu-dent Activities Center, and Northside at various times.

Once regis-tered, voters will get a card in the mail with information re-garding district and voting pre-cinct information. This information is also available on www.indianavoters.com.

The Political Science club will also be hosting Primary Election

Rock the voteBy KRYSTAL VIVIAN

Staff Writer

Forums throughout April to allow voters to meet the candidates and hear their standpoints on important issues.

Their goal is to get people informed and reg-istered in this important local election before they cannot vote anymore.

“The legitimacy of the system depends on the amount of voters,” said

Bennion. “And every vote makes a difference, especially in these smaller local races.”

She added that in the past, winners have occasionally won by just a handful of votes.

Absentee voting begins on April 5 for the primary elec-

tion for those unable to vote for any reason

on May 4. There is a mail-in op-tion, or voters can go to their county build-ings to vote.

“The defini-tion of democ-

racy is rule of the people,” said Bennion.

“You can’t have democra-cy if people sit at home on elec-tion day.”

Anyone who has been to the second floor of the Administra-tion Building during the past aca-demic year can see the rewards of the hard work done on all the renovations.

The construction that began in the fall of 2009 is nearing com-pletion as expected.

According to Vice Chancel-lor for Administrative and Fis-cal Affairs Bill O’Donnell, the purposes of the renovations were to provide a more efficient floor plan to serve the needs of the building users.

It was also done to address a deteriorated environment which had original carpet and drapes in-stalled in 1964.

The remodeling was also done to provide a healthier atmosphere for occupants by cleaning and replacement of ductwork, and to reduce the energy consump-tion by installing energy efficient lighting.

“The carpet was completely

disintegrating. It had holes and widely separated seams that rep-resented tripping hazards,” said O’Donnell.

These renovations cost $1.2 million, but they are well worth the money according to O’Donnell.

“This phase reflects a floor plan design that provides suites of offices to reflect needs to work and function as departments and to have secure yet departmentally shared files.” said O’Donnell.

As the renovations near com-


pletion there are discussions of possibly replacing the original heating and cooling systems to create a more energy efficient en-vironment.

“The next major project will be the project to renovate the old Associates Building into a new facility to be known as the Edu-cation and Arts Building,” said O’Donnell. “Work on that proj-ect is expected to begin fall of 2010 and be completed in April 2012.”

Admin Building almost donePREFACE PHOTOS/Timothy Dann-Barrick

The north corridor in the Admin Building. Several offices began moving into the finished areas on March 25.

The west corridor in the Administration Building.

“The definition of democracy is rule of the people. You can’t have democracy if people sit at home on election day,”

— Dr. Elizabeth Bennion

Voter information for Indiana voters


Voter information for Michigan voters


For a list of upcoming events on campus see page 2.

Register now to vote in the May primary and November general election

Page 2: Preface March 31, 2010

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,”

— President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address

The Preface

The Preface is the official weekly student newspaper of IU South Bend and is published every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters. The paper receives funding from the Student Government Association and through advertising revenue. The Preface is a student written, edited, and designed newspaper.

JENN ZELLERSEditor-in-Chief


JEFF TATAYPhotographer

APRIL BUCKAdvertising Manager


STAFF WRITERSErika BlumeApril Buck

Timothy Dann-BarrickRebecca GibsonKendra Horsman

Dani MolnarTerrie Phillips

Jeff TatayKrystal Vivian


JENN ZELLERSLead Production Designer

Direct all correspondence to: [email protected]

Email is the preferred contact method.

The PrefacePO Box 7111

1700 Mishawaka AveSouth Bend, IN 46634

Phone: 574-520-4553

Office Location:Student Activities Center

Room 220Phone: 574/520-4553

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The Preface is a member of the

Page TwoPAGE 2 www.iusbpreface.comTITAN VOICE

Letters to the editor must be fewer than 350 words and include university affiliation and phone number for verification. Guest columns must be fewer than 600 words. All submissions become property of the Preface and are subject to editing for style, clarity and space concerns. Anonymous letters will be read, but not printed. The Preface will only print one letter per author per month. Letters must be sent in electronic format sent to [email protected]. The Preface reserves the right to reject submissions. All letters must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday prior to publication for consideration.

Corrections policy. The Preface tries to insure the fairness or accuracy of stories that appear in the

Preface and on its website. If an error should appear, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or

call 574/520-4553. If a correction or clarification is necessary, it will be printed the next issue. Story

ideas or suggestions. The Preface welcomes story ideas and suggestions. Contact preface@iusb.

edu or call 574-520-4553. Submissions policy. All letters, guest columns and contributed articles

become property of The Preface. The Preface reserves the right to reject or accept all submissions.

Advertising policy. The Preface reserves the right to refuse any ad based on subject matter or content. All advertising copy must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday prior to publication. Contact [email protected] for our media kit/advertising rates or call 574/520-4553 for more information.


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EVENTS@IUSBFEINSTEIN TALK Author Margaret Myers Fein-stein will deliver a talk about Jewish Displaced Persons in postwar Germany.

March 31, 7 p.m., DW 1001

EUCLID QUARTETThe Euclid Quartet will perform in the campus auditorium. Tick-ets required, contact box office in Northside Hall.

March 31, 7:30 p.m., Northside

MOVIE NIGHTThe movie Precious will be shown at housing.

April 1, 7 p.m. in Housing

NIKKI GIOVANNIAuthor, poet and activist Nikki Giovanni will deliver a talk as part of the Civil Rights Heri-tage Foundation. TICKETS RE-QUIRED. Call 574-520-4203 for more information.

April 1, 11 a.m., Northside

WHEELCHAIR BBALLRiver City Rollers will play the IU South Bend Titans at 7 p.m. at the Student Activities Center. Admission is $3.

April 6, 7 p.m., SAC

LUNDQUIST LECTUREDr. Kenneth Smith (English) will lecture on “Little Messag-es That Matter,” a discussion about literacy, democracy, blog-ging and Twitter.

April 6 at 7 p.m., DW1001

GUITAR STUDIOThe Guitar Studio and Ensem-ble will perform in the Recital Hall in Northside.

April 7, 7:30 p.m., Northside

SGA Town HallThe SGA will be holding a town hall meeting.

April 7 at 7 p.m., DW1001

BFA ART EXHIBITThe BFA exhibit opens in the art gallery located in the Associates Building.

April 8, 4 p.m., Associates

CANDIDATES ON CAMPUSThe Political Science Club and the American Democracy Proj-ect will be hosting the Demo-cratic candidates for sheriff of St. Joseph Country.

April 8 at 6 p.m., DW1001

THE PREFACE WANTS YOU!If you will be enrolled at IU South Bend in the fall and are interested in writing for

The Preface, please send an email to [email protected]. The Preface will be looking for sports writers, staff writers, and advertising


Tell us what you thought of these events at


Page 3: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 3Academics

For IU South Bend students who call Elkhart home, more class options are now available at the IUSB Elkhart Center.

The Elkhart Center at 125 E. Franklin Street consists of 13 classrooms, a computer lab, a student lounge, a science lab, and administrative offices. The center also houses a bookstore where students taking classes at the cen-ter can purchase their textbooks. Wireless internet and a distance learning classroom are also avail-able.

The center offers assistance with registration and schedule ad-justments as well as financial aid and scholarships for Elkhart resi-dents, according to the Extended Learning Services website.

The center offers 45-50 class-es each semester ranging from English, math, philosophy, and music to advanced business and education courses.

The Elkhart center offers classes in both fall and spring semesters but also in summer as well. Summer classes are divided into three semesters: summer I, mid-summer, and summer II.

Summer I classes being May 17 and end June 28. Mid-summer semester beings June 14 and ends

Elkhart campus class options available

By ERIKA BLUMEStaff Writer

July 21, and summer II classes begin July 6 and end August 16.

Summer classes range from microeconomics to gender stud-ies. There’s only one class be-ing offered mid-summer at the Elkhart center but for a full list of courses being offered in all

semesters visit the IU Extended Learning Services website at http://www.iusb.edu/~extendsb/.

For those interested in tak-ing classes at Elkhart or needing hours of operation for the Elkhart Center bookstore, call (574)294-5550.


The Elkhart Campus is a viable option for those who live east of the main campus. Some of the general education classes, including some elective courses are available at the center.

More and more people are being diagnosed with cancer ev-ery year, but there is hope on the horizon. A new cancer research center is under construction.

The Harper Cancer Institute is being constructed on the Notre Dame campus and is scheduled to open at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011 at the latest.

“It is a very unique thing, [to] have this partnership between the IU school of medicine and Notre Dame,” said Dr. Rudy Navari, the project overseer for the Institute.

This new $20 million dollar building is going to be used by medical students from both uni-versities.

It is being named after Mi-chael Harper, who donated $10 million to the construction.

The outside is already fully constructed and now the 60,000 square foot interior of the build-

New cancer research building at ND campus


ing is under construction. New research equipment is being brought in as well as new re-searchers and faculty members.

According to the WSBT web-site this new building will help aid cancer research that is already being conducted on the Notre Dame campus.

Dr. Bradley Smith has been working on a project using mice. If his hypothesis is correct, he may have found a way to speed up the treatment evaluation pro-cess for breast cancer patients. He is using probe molecules that can determine if a treatment is working in a matter of days ver-sus months of waiting to see if a treatment is successful.

“The main point of the cancer research facility is to significant-ly improve the cancer research going on in this community,” said Navari. He also said that “The significance of it is to have a na-tionally known cancer research building in this community.”

Two professors from IU South Bend will be recognized at this year’s Founders Day ceremonies on April 16 in Bloomington for their service to Indiana Univer-sity and its students.

Founders Day is essentially the birthday of Indiana Univer-sity, the day IU was founded. According to an article written by Rose McIlveen, it has been celebrated each year since it’s founding and has been used as an opportunity to recognize students and teachers for their “outstand-ing teaching, research, or service to the university”. The actual day IU was founded was Jan. 20,

Founders day honorees go above and beyond


1820, but ever since 1924 it has been celebrated in the spring due to the better weather.

In order to be considered for the award a candidate has to be nominated by their department chairperson. After they’ve been nominated they must complete a dossier.

The contents of the dossier vary depending on the type of nomination, but will usually con-tain journal entries written by the nominee, syllabi of classes taught by the nominee, letters of recom-mendation from colleagues and former students, and documenta-tion of services performed. The dossiers are thick, completely filling a three-inch binder!

Beth Kern, professor of ac-

counting, and Ann Grens, asso-ciate professor of molecular and developmental biology, both of IUSB, submitted one of these massive dossiers.

Kern will receive the Her-man Frederic Lieber Memorial Award for distinguished teach-ing. According to Kern, it is her philosophy to teach key concepts through the details of her courses.

“It’s important to create a learning community where stu-dents are not afraid to make a mistake and can work together,” said Kern.

She also experiments with teaching techniques and has writ-ten several journal articles about teaching accounting courses.

see FOUNDER’S page 3

Page 4: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 4 News


Join the conversation

Ever wonder what goes on across the river? Probably more than you imagined. Find us on Facebook for the latest and greatest activities happening at River Crossing residences. It’s a great place to visit, but an even better place to live. Go to Facebook.com/IUSBHousing or Twitter.com/IUSBHousing

IU South Bend is hosting its second annual wheelchair bas-ketball tournament on April 6 at 6 p.m. in the Student Activi-ties Center. The cost is $3 and all proceeds will go to disability awareness on campus.

Tim Myhlhousen, president of the Students with Disabilities Union said, “The event shows a person that just because some people are disabled does not mean they can’t do stuff that ‘normal’ people do. They just have to do it in a different way.”

The IUSB men’s and women’s basketball team will form a co-ed wheelchair basketball team that will face off with the River City


Second annual wheelchair basketball tournament

Rollers. The River City Rollers are a

local wheelchair basketball team.The event will begin with a

pre game between the River City Rollers and faculty members from IUSB. This will be followed by a half time show and the main event featuring the Titans versus the River City Rollers.

With the proceeds the Stu-dents with Disabilities Union wants to start building awareness about other disabilities that are not as noticeable, such as bipolar disorder.

“We want to show people that there are other disabilities that people can’t always see right away,” said Myhlhousen.

Last November, Professor James VanderVeen and several of his students buried a pig on the campus of IU South Bend.

Their pur-pose was not the idle dis-posal of a body, but instead to study the ef-fects of decom-position first hand. In just a few weeks, VanderVeen and others within the department of Sociology and Anthropol-ogy will excavate the pig and observe what has happened since November.

“We buried it in a hole 120cm by 140cm, 49cm below ground,” said VanderVeen.

Anthropology professor to lead excavation


He has recently visited the burial site and has found a per-fect crack running all the way around the dig, though no slump-ing or depression of the soil. This indicates that the burial was well compacted before they left the


chose a pig for the burial be-cause pigs are good human analogs. It is because of this similarity that Va n d e r Ve e n will be using this pig to dem-onstrate to his anthropology classes, includ-

ing one on forensic anthropology, how decomposition affects the body.

“The skin, the fat, the hair, are all the same, and the size is large enough,” said VanderVeen. “A 100 pound pig is about the same

as a 100 pound human.”However, he was rather disap-

pointed in the pig itself.“I bought it from a whole-

sale butcher, and because of health codes they had to sell it to me ‘field-dressed,’” said VanderVeen.

This means the pig is com-plete, except for its internal or-gans and probably most of its blood. VanderVeen has told his students that this will necessarily affect the process of decomposi-tion.

He is looking into purchas-ing future experimental subjects from local farms, so that he could have the organs included.

VanderVeen intends to lead the excavation of the pig at some point between April 1 and April 13, and can be contacted at [email protected] for further details by those interested in ob-serving the disinterment.

“The skin, the fat, the hair, are all the same, and the size is large enough,”

— James VanderVeenAnthropology Professor

ANSWER:Quote is from the 1950 Paramount Studios classic

“Sunset Blvd” starring Gloria Swanson and William Holden.

Page 5: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 5Life

Students passing by the weight room in the Student Activities Center can usually find fit and toned students working out, but not all of those fit people started out fit and active when they be-gan working out there.

Zachary Duncan, a junior computer science major, began doing yoga and cardio workouts at the SAC, weighing between 235 and 240 pounds.

“[When I started] I could bare-ly run eight laps on the track,” said Duncan. “Now I can run 12 miles straight.”

When Duncan first began working out, he got down to 195 lbs. However, as his appetite in-creased, so did the number on the scale, until he was 220 pounds.

Duncan attributes the weight gain after the initial loss to not staying motivated.

“I’d work out, but eat more,” he said. “When weight doesn’t go anywhere, or it comes back, that’s when you lose motivation.”

In July 2009, Duncan joined www.sparkpeople.com and changed his diet, focusing on portion control and calorie count-ing. He continued doing cardio at the SAC, setting workout goals by calories instead of time or dis-tance for maximum potential.

After five months of following the plan, Duncan had reached his goal of 165 pounds. He kept up with his diet and exercise routine and weighed himself once a week with a five pound margin of error. This way, his body could catch up with the exercise, but he could still track any weight gain.

This spring, Duncan added weight training to his routine and ensures that he works out almost every day, either at the SAC or at home. He also continues to fol-low his diet and weighs himself every week.

“I don’t calorie count any-more unless I see my weight go up,” he said. He continues to eat vegetables, lean proteins, and a full breakfast.

Duncan has learned that eat-ing the majority of his calories at breakfast and the least calories at dinner has also helped him with his weight loss.

“This is my motto, I read it in a magazine: You should eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a peasant at dinner.”


Staff Writer

A year and a half after he be-gan working out, Duncan runs almost every day. He has won first place in his division in two five-mile runs in South Bend. He is currently training for his first 10 mile run this April in Chicago.

Since reaching his goal weight, Duncan has found him-self more energized and has re-ceived many positive reactions from his friends and family mem-bers.

The funniest reaction was from his older brother. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time.

“When he saw me, he looked at me and said ‘where did you go?’”

All registered students have a free membership at the SAC, and can purchase one member-ship for a family member for $10 per month. Guests are allowed at a rate of $5 a visit. Lockers are available for day use or for se-mester rentals.

The SAC has elliptical ma-chines, treadmills, stationary bicycles, as well as weight ma-chines and free weights. There are also recreational courts, fit-ness rooms, and a game room. Every semester there is a sched-ule for fitness classes available at various times, making it easy for almost any student to get in-volved.

The ink of newspapers is often known to easily rub off. But one part-time instructor at IU South Bend is convinced that the ink not only rubs off, but that it is in her blood.

From childhood Heidi Prescott, adjunct instructor and reporter at the South Bend Tri-bune, knew she wanted to be a reporter. She claims it was in her blood. Her father, who worked at the local paper in Erie, Penn-sylvania as a classified salesman, gave her the first taste of the newsroom.

“I remember him taking us [family] into his office and I remember the newspaper envi-ronment, just forever,” said Prescott. “I think that just got it into my blood.”

It was not just Prescott’s father that helped push her along the path of writing. In fourth grade a teacher told Prescott and her parents that he thought she could write. This was inspiring to her.

“There’s been a lot of people to inspire me and help me out along the way,” said Prescott. “But, I think you always re-member that teacher that first gives you encouragement. And it’s different from your parents. Your parents can encourage you but I think when someone from the outside tells you that you can write that really means a lot.”

Prescott had a family newspa-per that she would distribute to her parents and little sister. While at St. Luke grade school she was co-editor of the newspaper, The SLS Express.

“All of these things. Each one whether it was a teacher or being on a newspaper staff or sitting down and writing stories with my dad or going to the newspaper with him,” said Prescott.

It’s in her blood Communication lecturer inspired by newspaper since child.

By Terrie PhillipsStaff Writer

“It all kind of adds up to why I’m doing, I think, what I’m do-ing.”

Prescott did have a time in her life where she thought she could be something other than a reporter.

When she enrolled in Drake University, she thought she might do something in linguistics or in-ternational relations.

However, it was an econom-ics class that she had on Monday mornings that helped push her back into journalism.

“I’m really glad it all worked out that way,” said Prescott. “[I] never had any regrets. It’s just what I always envisioned myself doing.”

Prescott worked her way up in the newspaper world. Starting at small weekly papers, she got to experience every job associated with the newspaper.

Prescott associates these expe-riences to bringing her to South Bend and helping her with teach-

ing. Even when she

got to South Bend she had to work her way up from freelance writer to part time to her current position.

“I think all that experience has helped me understand the business more,” said Prescott. “It has just given me such a great back-

ground to fall back on, especially when I’m teaching.”

Since the time Prescott gradu-ated she felt that it would be re-warding to be able to give back through teaching. Especially since there were teachers in her past that inspired her.

Prescott’s life does not just revolve around teaching and the newspaper. She also does cre-ative writing including script writing. She also likes to take different kinds of writing classes.

“I just love writing,” said Prescott, “I’m the type of person that just likes to do a little bit of everything.”

Prescott writes full time for The South Bend Tribune, teaches and juggles her family life. And on top of balancing those respon-sibilities, she likes to volunteer.

It is her interest in so many

see HEIDI page 5

“I just love after the interview of getting in my car and coming back to the newspaper knowing that they have entrusted me with their story,”

—Heidi Prescott

PREFACE PHOTO/Krystal Vivian

Zach Duncan lost weight by working out at the SAC and eating smart.

Page 6: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 6 Life

Maintaining a healthy life-style, staying out of dangerous situations and preventing poten-tial health threats are often ig-nored by college-aged men, and men in general.

Believe it or not, men often suffer from the same eating dis-orders that women do. Binge eating, anorexia and bulimia are the three main eating disor-ders that men may suffer from. Body im-age issues and unrealistic or inaccurate ex-pectations of self-image often cause these eat-ing disorders.

“There is a lot of pressure on young men now to look a certain way,” said Laura Hieronymus, nurse practitioner of the IU South Bend Health and Wellness Cen-ter. “Overtraining can be a symp-tom of an eating disorder.”

Men who “binge eat” and over-train often have a condition called “megarexia,” which is the opposite of “anorexia.”

These men often feel weak and insignificant unless they at-

Quality of life and the pursuit of manliness By JEFF TATAY

Staff Writer

tempt to aspire to the ridiculous mega man freak status that is often portrayed in pop culture. These unrealistic expectations of self-image can become detrimen-tal to the overall health of men and can often lead to steroid use and the anti-social behavior that comes with the rigid regimen of excessive training and strict di-etary behaviors.

Although overtraining can be detrimental to the health and well

being of men, weight training in moderation leads to a healthier, happier and lon-ger life.

“Weight lifting is good for you. People who exer-cise on a regular basis live longer and have a better

quality of life,” said Hieronymus. Men also have a tendency to

avoid cardiovascular workouts and low weight/high repetition routines. A well-balanced work-out plan is the first step to get-ting the most out of training at the gym. An intelligently planned workout equals optimal health and well being.

“I try to mix in cardio work-outs about every three days and alternate weeks with heavy lift-ing and light lifting,” said IUSB

“Training at the gym keeps me focused on studies and it’s a good way to relieve the stress,”

— IUSB student Blair Foose

Foose uses a balanced workout of cardio and weight training to maintain optimal health and well being.


student Blair Foose. “Training at the gym keeps me focused on studies and it’s a good way to re-lieve the stress.”

Keeping the stress levels low, and the focus on academics up, is extremely important to the over-all health, safety and well-being of college men.

“Men need to learn how to manage their stress, avoid situ-ations where there are guns and alcohol and seek out help with their emotional problems,” said Hieronymus. “Young men often die from motor vehicle accidents, suicide, homicide and HIV.”

Young men are less likely to die from health related issues, such as cancer and heart disease, than from lifestyle issues.

“The lifestyle factors are often the culprit,” said Hieronymus. “Men need to take care of their emotional and mental health as well, such as seeking out help when they are having an emo-tional issue and finding spiritual help through healthy relation-ships.”

An awareness of dangerous lifestyle habits, learning to deal with stress and emotional issues and having a realistic view of self-image can prevent men from falling into an unhealthy and threatening lifestyle and can lead to a longer, happier and fuller life.

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different things that she feels makes her the kind of reporter that she is.

She also associates her experi-ences working odd jobs and hav-ing a premature baby to the vari-ety of interests she has, including business, nursing and manage-ment.

Her life experiences, her in-terests and passions make her want to ask everyone questions.

It makes her want to hear every-one’s story.

“Everyone does have a story, they really do,” said Prescott.

“I just love after the interview of getting in my car and coming back to the newspaper knowing that they have entrusted me with their story,” she said.

“I always hope that I do the best job that I can to accurately depict who they are for readers.”

HEIDIfrom page 6

Prescott: “Everyone has a story, they really do.”

Read us online atwww.iusbpreface.com

Page 7: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 7Arts/Entertainment

South Bend Civic Theatre (SBCT) rarely disappoints, and their recent production of Little Shop of Horrors is no exception. Under the direction of Ted Mani-er, the cast and crew gave a funny and entertaining performance.

Little Shop of Horrors is a ma-cabre musical written by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken based on Roger Corman’s 1960 B-mov-ie. The musical takes place in a skid row florist shop that is on the verge of closing until it becomes the home of an exotic Venus flytrap-like plant affectionately called Audrey II by its discover-er, Seymour, after his lady love, Audrey,

A Motown style girl group, Chiffon (Sophie Plunkett,) Crys-tal (Madeline Eastman) and Ronnette (Tabitha Lee), moves the storyline along and provides

Hitting skid row with SBCT’s HorrorsBy APRIL BUCK

Staff Writer

some funny moments and a beau-tiful harmony.

Justin Williams plays shop as-sistant Seymour. He infuses his performance with an entirely be-lievable evolution from a meek, inept shop assistant to a confi-dent, though conflicted, leading man.

He does an excellent job through the use of facial expres-sion, body language and vocal tal-ent to express Seymour’s conflict over the enticements Audrey II offers him (financial success, the love of Audrey) and the immoral-ity of killing to sustain the plant. Clumsy and timid Seymour se-cretly loves his fellow employee Audrey (Abbey Frick), who is currently dating the sadistic and abusive dentist Orin (Josh Grif-fin).

As Audrey II thrives, and all Seymour’s fingers are bandaged from providing the plant’s sus-tenance, business at the shop

SBCT Upcoming Events

Seussical! the Musical Cen-tury Center Bendix Theatre, April 9 thru April 11

Scenes from the Broadway Stage South Bend Civic The-atre - The Firehouse, April 14 thru May 19

Adult Acting South Bend Civic Theatre - The Fire-house, April 15 thru May 20

Shakespeare Live! South Bend Civic Theatre - The Firehouse, April 15 thru May 20

For more information call, (574) 234-1112, visit their website www.sbct.org, or fol-low them on Facebook.

begins booming and Seymour becomes a celebrity.

Life is really starting to come up roses for Seymour. As his fame spreads, he becomes more confident and hopeful. The shop owner Mr. Mushnik, played by Allan Holody, even adopts him as his son in a wonderfully funny duet, “Mushnik & Son.” Hol-ody and Williams perform Em-ily Hosinski’s choreography, an amusing parody of a romantic proposal.

Early on, it becomes clear that Audrey II has a taste for blood, human blood…over time the plant reveals that it can talk and has a plan for world domination. Audrey II offers to take Seymour along for a rags-to-riches ride; he simply has to “Feed me, Sey-mour.”

Griffin gave an extraordinary performance as Orin, the rebel sadistic dentist. Frick portrayed Audrey as a rather naïve and con-

fused woman with a fantastically poignant voice.

Dave Rozmarynowski built the production’s four puppets of Audrey II and operates its two body puppets. His ability to bring life to the puppet and move it to a starring role in a production full of talent is amazing.

Equally responsible for the success of Audrey II is Marty Golob. Golob delivered the dia-logue and vocals of Audrey II offstage providing the plant with a humorous soul voice that is perfect for the dark hu-mor of songs like “Feed Me (Git It)” and “Suppertime.” The show closed with some au-dience “ooohs” and “ahhhs” as Audrey II vines descended upon them and Audrey II moved for-ward on the stage, the cast urging them not to feed the plants.

Little Shop is definitely an-other SBCT success. Congratula-tions on a job well done!

Beginning his frenetic presen-tation with a category titled “Is-land of Misfit Slides,” Scott Mc-Cloud showed several hundred images in about 40 minutes to the rapt crowd who attended his lecture at the Ernestine M. Raclin Auditorium on March 24.

McCloud, who has worked on various proj-ects including the Superman comic books, came to IU South Bend to guest teach about comics as a tool of vi-sual literacy.

According to McCloud, while traditional comics appeal to one sense out of our five, the newest evolution of comics—including web comics and non-traditional uses of the form of comic art—

Losing yourself in the story of comicsBy REBECCA GIBSON

Staff Writer

can engage more than one sense. The purpose of a comic, Mc-

Cloud tells us, is not just the story line, but the fact that that story moves through time using the lin-ear visual movement of the cells.

“There are six universally rec-ognizable facial expressions,” said McCloud.

A slide of these features gar-nered smiles of recognition

from the au-dience, and then laughter as McCloud brought up a website for manipulation of those ex-pressions.

“The Gri-mace Proj-ect, grimace-

project.net, lets you manipulate two elements of the expression at once,” he said. “For example, joy plus anger gets cruelty.”

According to the website, this procedure is derived from the techniques laid out in McCloud’s

non-fiction book, “Un-derstanding Comics.”

McCloud d i f f e r e n t i -ates ‘com-ics’ from ‘ c a r t o o n -ing’, which he defines as single panel strips that are mainly self-expression, rather than a represen-tation of a story line.

However, according to McCloud, many things other than modern drawings can constitute comic art, including the works of narrative illustrator Edward Gorey, the narrative stained glass windows of churches, and airline safety cards that use illustration to give instructions.

Speaking of a 12-month va-

cation dur-ing which he and his family trav-eled through all 50 states, Canada, and parts of Eu-rope, Mc-Cloud ex-pressed that there were still times at which his family used books, mu-sic, and the Internet as an escape from their escape.

“Nobody gave us a choice of which world we were born into,” said Mc-Cloud. “Regardless of how won-derful that world is, we all need to get away from it into different worlds occasionally.”

The escape is affected through the storyline of the used media, drawing you in so much that you

ignore the ‘Proscenium Arch,’ the frame that surrounds the work. In the case of theatre, it is truly an arch around the stage, but with a comic book or web comic it is the frame of the cell, or with a book, the shape of the page.

This desired transparency be-comes a problem when dealing with how comics are evolving with changing technology.

Instead of the user being able to ignore the screen on which the technology is printed, the screen becomes all too real when the user needs to scroll down to finish reading a web comic. Also, there has been experimentation with moving comics, and according to McCloud, the movement where none was seen before yanks the viewer out of the storyline.

McCloud’s visit to IUSB has had a transformational effect on various members of the audience, who will now be enjoying their comics with a bit more depth to them, and certainly not looking at them as the same light entertain-ment in the future.

Scott McCloud

“Nobody gave us a choice of which

world we were born into,”

—Scott McCloud

MOVIE QUOTE: “I am big! It’s the pictures that got small.” (for answer see page 4)

Page 8: Preface March 31, 2010

PAGE 8 The Back Page

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I try not to accumulate too much stuff. This likely comes from my mother’s teachings that more stuff is more to dust, but it is also grounded in an environmental ethic. Plus, I am cheap. Why spend money on things when I could spend it on an experience?

I do have one collection, though. It is kind of embarrass-ing how out of hand it is get-ting. I display my collection not on a shelf or on the wall, but all around town whenever I am shopping - for neces-sities, of course.

I have a reusable bag collec-tion.

T h e y are cloth, o r g a n i c c o t t o n or hemp; they are recycled plastic, or they are some strange recycled or re-claimed sturdy polyester weave with prints on them. Most sport a logo or saying or have cute art work on them. We have an ironed-on picture of our dog on one, which gets lots of compli-ments from cashiers and bag-

B.Y.O.B: (Bring Your Own Bag)

by KRISTINE BAILEYGreen Columnist

gers. One bag even crumples up into its own built in carry-ing bag that will fit almost any-where.

This is a satisfying collection to build. Admittedly, I push my obsession on others. I sell bags with most every group or or-ganization with which I volun-teer. I give them as gifts. Who doesn’t need one?

I realize that it takes natural resources to make the bags, so I usually only give and acquire ones I think will get used. I am intimately familiar with how to best fill each style and size of bag. I would rather bag my own,

t h a n k you very much, in order to maximize their use-fulness at the store or market.

Even as the large r e u s a b l e bag from a home

improvement store bulges at the seams in it’s efforts to contain all the other reusables, I still try and stuff more of them in every year.

It is also satisfying to have this lively and interesting col-lection when I make a big shop-ping trip. I see other shoppers

leaving the store, their carts overflowing with plastic bags, bags that are often falling short of their full carrying capacity. Those bags will likely have one good reuse, if that. In fact, the folks at MyOwnBag.com cal-culated that each plastic bag is typically used for less than one hour.

Mostly, when I see these carts brimming with these rus-tling repositories, I see oil.

Plastic is a petroleum prod-uct, and each bag represents an unsustainable import from what is most likely an unstable part of the world. In the Unit-ed States alone, according to Worldwatch Institute figures, 100 billion bags are used each year, representing 12 million barrels of oil. That is about as much oil as the U.S. imports ev-ery day.

In addition to the oil used to make them, there is the inevi-table plastic bag let loose in the wind which ends up caught in some impossible-to-reach top branch of a tree, bobbing along in the rivers or lakes, or endan-gering wildlife and destroying the view.

Bringing your own bag does involve a change of habit. One change saves: saves resources, saves wildlife, saves the view. Think about it.

Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.

-Mahatma Gandhi

Kern served as the chair of a committee that created a mod-el tax curriculum that is used throughout the states.

Kern teaches accounting courses from introductory fi-nancial accounting to advanced MBA and MSA courses. She is involved on the AICPA commit-tee and is an advisor to freshman accounting students. Kern has specific goals for her students.

“I want them to be disciplined and critical thinkers because they will always encounter new things and need to be able to solve new problems.”

Grens will receive the Presi-dents Award for her commitment to her students. This commitment is seen in the esteem her students have for her. The Dr. Ann Grens Biology Scholarship was named in her honor and given by many of her former students.

“Considering how little spare

cash the average undergraduate [a] recent college graduate has, the fact that so many of them were willing to contribute speaks volumes...,” said Grens.

That scholarship is one of the few to be named after a living IU professor.

Grens advises over 350 stu-dents, which is well above the average number for an adviser.

She also serves the student body in a number of ways includ-ing guest teaching in the second-ary science methods course for education majors and serves on the Academic Learning Services Board which provides students services such as the Writing Cen-ter and the Academic Center for Excellence.

She also keeps a live dragon in her office, her pet inland bearded dragon from Australia, and was recently selected as an honorary coach to the women’s basketball team.

FOUNDERSfrom page 8





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