Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/Online/... · Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha. Project

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  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District –

    Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 11


    This is a fresh mining lease of mineral Masonry Stone located near Village-

    Kesharpura, Tehsil & District–Banswara, Rajasthan over an area of 1.0 hectares.

    Lease has been sanctioned in favour of M/s. Bharti Construction Componay,

    C/o Shri Shailendra Singhvi, R/o- Kushalbagh, District- Banswara (Rajasthan)

    by order No.- AME/BANS/CC-2/MRML 180/2008/392-397 dated 28-05-2009.

    The mining area is of 1.00 Ha. located near Village – Kesharpura, Tehsil &

    District – Banswara, Rajasthan. Total land of mining lease comes under Private

    Waste Land. No forest land is involved in this area. Topographically, the area

    comprises undulated rocky and hilly terrains. Khasra no. 1303/1244/22 of

    revenue village Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara which is Government

    land (Gair Mumkin Pahar), List of relevant Khasra is given in table 1.1 below

    and forms the part of Toposheet 46I/6, 46I/7, 46I/10 & 46I/11.

    Table 1.1 Salient Features of the Mine Site & Surrounding Details

    S.No. Particulars Details

    1. M.L. No. 180/2008

    2. Name of Mineral Masonry Stone

    3. Khasra Nos. Details of village wise Khasra details are as:

    S.No. Name of Village Khasra No. Total Area in


    1 Kesharpura 1303/1244/22 1.00

    4. Status of Khasra Land in

    revenue record Private waste land

    5. Area 1.00 Ha.

    6. Latitude & Longitude Latitude Longitude

    23o 29’ 31.68’’ N 74 o 31’ 19.15’’ E

    23o 29’ 30.87’’ N 74 o 31’19.23’’ E

    23o 29’ 29.12’’ N 74 o 41’ 23.7’’ E

    23o 29’ 27.5’’ N 74 o 31’ 23.86’’ E

    23o 29’ 27.14’’ N 74 o 31’ 19.6’’ E

    23o 29’ 30.87’’ N 74 o 31’ 19.29’’ E

    7. Near Village Kesharpura

    8. Tehsil Banswara

    9. District Banswara

    10. State Rajasthan

    11. Toposheet No. 46I/6, 46I/7, 46I/10, 46I/11

    12. Description report of

    Lease area

    From To Bearing Distance(Meters)

    FRP (Well) X 239°00’ 149

    X A 175°00’ 25

    A B 113°15’ 137.55

    B C 175°00’ 50

    C D 265°00’ 121.125

    D A 355°00’ 115.10

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District –

    Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 12

    2.0 Introduction of the project/background Information

    (i) Identification of Project Proponent. In case of mining project, a copy of

    mining lease /letter of intent should be given.

    Project Proponent- Shri Shalendra Singhvi is an individual, it is an

    ownership project.

    Address of the Lessee:

    Shri Sailendra Singhvi

    C/o M/s. Bharti Construction Company

    R/o Kushalbagh, District- Banswara, Rajasthan

    (ii) Brief Description of Nature of Project:

    Mining lease is granted in khasra no. 1303/1244/22 of revenue Village–

    Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara, Rajasthan, lease area 1.00 Ha. It is

    proposed for mining of mineral Masonry Stone. Mining of Masonry Stone would

    be carried out by open cast benching method. The bench height and width is

    proposed 3 meters and width of the bench shall not be less than the height. The

    mining will start from top towards bottom. Mining will be semi-mechanized.

    (iii) Need for the project and its importance to the country and region

    The state of Rajasthan is endowed with minor and major mineral resources.

    Minor mineral is playing a pivotal role in economy of Rajasthan. Masonry

    13. Nearest Railway Station Nearest railway station is Ratlam RS at a distance of 57 km

    in ESE direction of the mine site.

    14. National Park There is no National Park in the 10 km radii of lease area.

    15. Biosphere Reserve There is no Biosphere Reserve in the 10 km radii of lease


    16. Heritage There is no heritage located in 10 km radii of lease area.

    17. Reserve Forest/Protected

    Forest S.No. Particulars Distance Direction

    1. Reserve Forest 1.04 km West

    2. Kotla Dhankshari PF 7.17 km NNE

    3. Sarwan Deri Block PF 4.8 km NNE

    4. Tayanmai Lodha PF 0.2 km East

    5. Jharniya Chaapariya PF 6.8 km SSW

    6. Sarwan Diri PF 7.0km East

    18. National Highway/State


    State Highway SH-10 is passes through at a distance of

    1.25 km in North direction of the mine site.

    19. Water Bodies S.No. Particulars Distance Direction

    1. Mahi River 3.73 km East

    20. Population and Distance

    of nearest village Village Population Male Female SC ST

    Kesharpura 1553 781 772 0 1536

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District –

    Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 13

    stone (Cheja Patthar) mining in the allotted area is feasible. Mineral masonry

    stone (Cheja patthar) is extensively used in construction and infrastructure

    projects. Proposed project of masonry stone (Cheja patthar) has the indigenous

    demand. By this proposed project of masonry stone mining in the area local

    people will get employment & thus will make their better living standards,

    provide basic facilities such as drinking water, road, education and medical

    etc. in its close vicinity. The state government will get revenue in the form of

    royalty, taxes etc. and thus contribute to regional and national economy.

    (iv) Demand and Supply Gap

    There is large demand of masonry stone for road, railway track, building

    construction etc. In past, demand was not too much but at this time demand of

    Masonry stone is increasing. At present, there is constant demand of masonry

    stone in the area.

    (v) Imports v/s Indigenous Production

    As the mineral in abundance is available indigenously so the import of the

    same is not required nor economically feasible.

    (vi) Export possibility

    Export of mineral masonry stone is not feasible. Masonry Stone can be

    sufficiently absorbed in the local market, it will not be exported. Masonry

    stone production from the area will cater the local needs.

    (vii) Domestic/Exports Markets

    There is always an increasing demand of masonry stone in domestic markets

    due to rapid industrialization, building industry & construction etc.

    (viii) Employment generation (Direct & Indirect) due to the project

    By this mining project of Masonry Stone in the area, peoples will get

    employment. The project directly generates the employment for the local

    people and indirectly for the others. Also the marketing of the product

    generates the employment for peoples. By this project, approximately 10

    persons will get direct and about 60 persons will get indirect employment

    from the Masonry Stone mining project.

    3.0 Project Description

    (i) Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any.

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District –

    Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 14

    This is a masonry stone mining project. No other project is interlinked with

    this mining work.

    (ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project Boundary & project site layout) with coordinates.

    Location map of the study area is as under:

    Fig. 1.2 Location map of Lease Area

    The area has been marked on Toposheet No. 46I/6, 46I/7, 46I/10, 446I/11 including

    the mining lease location. This comprises the mining location of near village

    Kesharpura falling in Tehsil & District – Banswara of Rajasthan state.

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 15

    Fig1.3 Key Plan Showing 10 km Radius of Lease Area

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 16

    (iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site,

    particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted.

    Mineral found in the area is site specific, No other site has been considered for the

    proposed project. The land has been allocated by government for the mining only. Site

    is adequate for Masonry Stone mining.

    (iv) Size and Magnitude of Operation

    Total area of mining lease is 1.00 Ha. Proposal production of Masonry Stone @ 12000


    (v) Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing

    the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given)

    A. Method of Mining

    The mining will be proposed up to 314 mRL forming 3 to 4 benches. Rock type

    i.e. masonry stone is a competent rock and can sustain 3m height very easily,

    hence the maximum bench height will be kept as 3m. the width of bench will be

    also been kept as 3.0m or even more


    Bench Height: 3m

    Bench Width: 3m

    Face Slope- 75o

    Pit Slopes 45o

    Following machineries will be used for mining of Masonry stone:

    Table 1.2 Showing Details of machinery proposed to be used at mine

    S.No Item Quantity

    1 Excavator 1

    2 Compressor 2

    3 Jack Hammer 2

    4 Drill machine 31

    5 Water Pump 2

    6. Dumper 3

    7. Tractor 2

    B. Regional Geology

    Regionally the rocks is in the Kesharpura, is comprised of meta-sediments

    belongs to Aravalli Super Group of Udaipur Group & Deccan Traps. The

    Aravalli Super Group consists of Arkose, Conglomerate, Quartzite, Phyllite,

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 17

    Schist, Limestone and Dolomite (marble). These are intruded by Granite,

    Pegmatite, Amphibolites and Quartz veins & Deccan Traps consists of

    Pahoehoe, simple & compound Basaltic flow. The entire cluster area consists of

    Amphibolite/mica schist & Basaltic rock and no other rock formation is available

    in the area.



    Cretaceous to

    Eocene - Deccan Traps Simple and Compound basaltic flows

    Cretaceous - Bag formation Lime Stone, Sand stone Conglomerate






    Lunavada Group Metasubgreywacks Mica schist, Quartzite, Quart-

    Chlorite schist

    Intrusive Granite, Granit gneiss

    Udaipur Group Feldspathised schist, Marble, Conglomerate, Mica


    Debari Group Quartz chlorite schist, Marble, Basicmetavolcanic,







    Complex Migmatite, Composite gneiss feldspathise schist

    C. Local Geology of the area

    Geologically, the rock in the lease area belongs to Deccan Group.

    Super Group Group Litho Units

    Recent to Sub Recent Alluvium Soil

    Deccan Traps - Masonry Stone (Basaltic Rock)

    D. Yearwise annual production of masonry stone for next five years

    Table 1.3 The details of production are as follows

    Year Masonry Stone (Cheja Pathar) in Tonne

    I 12000

    II 12000

    III 12000

    IV 12000

    V 12000

    Total 60000

    E. Mineable Reserves and Anticipated Life of the Mine

    Total mineable reserves = 1134000 Tonne

    Maximum Proposed Production= 12000 TPA

    Life of Mine: 1134000 T/12000 = 94.5 year or say 95 years.

    Life may vary as per actual production obtained.

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 18

    F. Conceptual Mining Plan

    About 6670 m3 of mineral waste & 4950 m

    3 of OB is generated during the

    mining scheme, which is dumped eastern side of within the leasea area. About

    9520 m3 of mineral waste & 2198 m3 of OB is generated at end of lease period,

    which is also dump eastern side of within the lease area. Ultimate one large pit

    will be developed & shape of the pit will be length is varies 22m to 85m

    (Length) X Width is 61m to 107m (width) X Depth is varies 30m to 38m (D)

    upto 290 mRL at end of lease period. No reclamation is proposed at the end of

    lease period.

    G. Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely source,

    marketing area of final products/s, Mode of transport of raw Material and

    Finished Product.

    About 5.0 KLD water will be required for Masonry Stone mining, Water will be

    sourced from open wells & tube wells located in nearby villages through tankers.

    About 500 liter diesel will be required daily for JCB & Trucks/Dumpers which

    will be arranged from nearby petrol pumps. Masonry Stone mined out will be

    transported through trucks & trolley.

    H. Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any,

    should be briefly outlined.

    Water will be accumulated in the excavated mine out pit area during rains and

    pits serve as a natural ground water recharge structure. As a result of extraction

    of mineral, the rate of charging of ground water is likely to be increased

    considerably. Water collected in the sump will be used in various purposes at

    mine viz. plantation, dust suppression etc.

    I. Availability of water its source, Energy/power requirement and source

    should be given.

    Total water requirement in the mine will be about 5.0 KLD for drinking & domestic

    use, dust suppression and plantation. Drinking water will be brought by water tanker

    from nearby villages. Diesel will be used in compressor, JCB and dumpers and

    tractors. About 500 liter per day is assumed to be consumed. Diesel will be

    outsourced from nearby diesel pumps. Nearby villages is well electrified.

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 19

    (ix) Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their


    About 4950 m3 of soil OB shall be removed separately during five year and stored for

    short period and then used for plantation in proposed area. About 6670 m3 of mineral

    waste will be generated during five year, which was dumped on eastern side of lease

    area & also dump within own acquiring land.

    4.0 Site Analysis

    (i) Connectivity

    The lease area is located near village – Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara of

    Rajasthan State. The lease area is situated about 1.0 km towards East side of the

    village Kesharpura. Nearest town and tehsil headquarter banswara is about 8.52 km

    NW of the applied area. Nearest railway station is Ratlam RS at a distance of 57 km in

    ESE direction of the mine site.

    (ii) Land Form, Land use and Land ownership

    The area of lease is 1.00 Ha. Land is Private Waste land. The lease area forms part of

    G.T. Sheet No. 46I/6, 46I/7, 46I/10, 46I/11. No forest land is involved in leased area.

    Details are given in table below:

    Table 1.4 Land Status of Lease Area


    Near Village Tehsil

    District &


    Status of


    Total No. of

    Revenue Khasra

    Total Lease

    Area (Ha.)



    Kesharpura Banswara Banswara


    Private Waste

    land 1303/1244/22 1.00 20

    (iii) Topography (Along with map)

    The lease area comprises undulated hilly & rocky terrains. The highest altitude is of

    329mRL and lowest is of 320 mRL. Maximum part of the applied area is covered

    masonry stone (Cheja Pathar). The general strike direction of the rocks formation is

    NE-SW with 65o

    to 70o

    easterly dips. The regional drainage pattern of the area is flow

    almost in SW direction.

    (iv) Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies

    (including area under CRZ), shortest distances from the periphery of the project

    to periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas,

    water bodies (distance from the HFL of the Bajri), CRZ. In case of notified

    industrial area, a copy of the Gazette notification should be given.

    The lease area comes under Government land (Gair mumkin Pahar).

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 20

    Table 1.5 Existing Land Use Pattern

    S. No. Land use Category Present

    1 Top Soil Dump Nil

    2 Waste Dump (External) Nil

    3 Excavation (Voids Only) Nil

    4 Road Nil

    5 Built Up Area Nil

    6 Township Area Nil

    7 Afforestation Nil

    8 Reclamation (Backfilled) Nil

    9 Mineral Storage Nil

    10 Processing (Crushing) Nil

    11 Undisturbed Area 1.00 Ha.

    Total 1.00 Ha.

    There is no eco-sensitive areas such as National Park, Wildlife Sanctuaries etc.

    present around lease area.

    (v) Existing Infrastructure

    Presently there is no infrastructure in lease area.

    (vi) Soil Classification

    The soils of the district fall under the following broad categories

    • Black soil

    • Red soil

    Black soil found predominantly in the district mostly in eastern, southern, central and

    eastern part. Red soil mostly found in western portion of district from north to south.

    (vii) Climatic data from secondary sources

    The climate of the district is dry except S-W monsoon season. The cold season is from

    December to February and is followed by summer from March to June. From mid of

    September to end of November constitute post monsoon season. The district

    experiences either mild or normal drought once in two years. Severe type of drought

    has been recorded very rarely. Most severe type of drought has never occurred in the


    Table 1.6 Rainfall inTehsil & District-Banswara, Rajasthan

    S.No. Year Rainfall in mm.

    1 1994 1674.6

    2 1995 839.0

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 21

    3 1996 1107.0

    4 1997 1187.0

    5 1998 910.0

    6 1999 700.0

    7 2000 552.0

    8 2001 624.0

    9 2002 571.0

    10 2003 1074.0

    11 2004 1383.0

    12 2005 944.0

    13 2006 2591.0

    14 2007 1391.0

    15 2008 686.0

    16 2009 963.0

    17 2010 636.0

    18 2011 1362.0

    19 2012 1300.0

    20 2013 1185.0

    Annual Average Rainfall in mm. 1084.0

    (Source: waterresources.rajasthan.gov.in)

    (viii) Social Infrastructure Available

    The site is well connected with social infrastructure facilities like road, medical,

    telephone, telegraph etc. are available in village Badral i.e 3.0 kms away from area in

    SSW direction. Water is purchased from tube wells located in nearby villages from

    where regular water supply is being taken by labours.

    (A.) Electricity

    All nearest villages is well electrified. Electric power facilities are not available

    at mine site.

    (B.) Water

    Drinking water is brought from wells & tube wells located in nearby villages

    through water tankers.

    (C.) Road Transport

    State Highway SH-10 is passes through at a distance of 1.25 km in North

    direction of the mine site.

    (D.) Rail Transport

    Nearest railway station is Ratlam RS at a distance of about 57 km in ESE

    direction of the mine site.

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 22

    (E.) Air Transport

    Air transport facility is not available in the district. The nearest air port is at

    Udaipur (147 km) in NW direction.

    (ix) Health and Educational facilities

    Dispensary is available at village Badral which is at a distance of 3.0 km in SSW of

    mine site and Hospital facility is available at Banswara. Schools are available in all

    prominent villages. College facility is available at Banswara.

    5.0 Planning Brief

    (i) Planning Concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc.) Town and country Planning/Development authority Classification

    This is a mining project. Facilities includes such as office building, first aid center, rest

    shelter, vocational training center, godown, workshop, are proposed in the area. Open

    cast methods of mining will be adopted. Transportation of mineral shall be done

    through road by dumpers, trucks. Other facilities such as power, transportation and

    communication, social infrastructure facilities are locally available near project site.

    Nearest village is Kesharpura at a distance of 1.0 km, facilities like dispensary is

    available in village Badral i.e. 3.0 km from mine site in SSW direction and post office

    are available in village Abapura i.e. 2.0 km from mine site.

    (ii) Population Projections

    The project will employ most of the workers from nearby areas. Local people from

    nearby villages will be given preference. Thus there will no chance to increase

    population due to proposed project of Masonry Stone mining in the area.

    (iii) Land Use planning (breakup along with greenbelt etc.). Approximate land use is as following for life of Mine

    Table 1.7 Land use plan of Lease area at the end of the life of mine

    (Area in Ha.)

    S. No. Land use Category Present 5th


    1 Top Soil Dump Nil -

    2 Waste Dump Nil 0.01 Ha

    3 Excavation (Voids Only) Nil 0.85 Ha

    4 Road Nil 0.02 Ha

    5 Built Up Area Nil

    6 Township Area Nil

    7 Afforestation Nil 0.10 Ha

    8 Reclamation (Backfilled) Nil -

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 23

    9 Mineral Storage Nil -

    10 Processing (Crushing) Nil -

    11 Undisturbed Area 1.0 Ha. 0.02 Ha

    Total 1.0 Ha. 1.0 Ha.

    (iv) Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)

    The road facility is available which shall be used and properly maintained. Other

    requisite infrastructure as transport of mine labours is available by way of jeep & two-


    (v) Social Infrastructure

    Proposed project will provide employment for about 10 people directly and indirectly

    providing for about 60 which are Shopkeepers, Mechanic, drivers and transporter.

    Table 1.8 Demographic Profile of nearby village

    S.No. Village Population Male Female SC ST

    1. Kesharpura 1553 781 772 0 1536 (Source: Census, 2011)

    (vi) Amenities/Facilities

    Basic amenities/facilities available in nearby villages and towns are such as road,

    power supply, communication, water supply, medical and health etc. Communication

    facilities such as post office, tele-communication, Medical facilities such as Govt.

    Dispensary etc are also available in nearby villages. Nearby villages are well



    (i) Industrial Area (Processing Area)

    Facilities includes such as. Site Office, First Aid, Toilet, Rest Shelter are proposed in

    the lease area.

    (ii) Resident Area (Non Processing Area)

    No residential area is proposed.

    (iii) Green Belt

    To improve the environment of the area it is proposed to plant along the eastern &

    southern side lease boundary, haul road and own acquiring land. during plantation

    preference will be given to local species of plant. Around 33% area will be planted

    during life of mine. In case of non-availability of land for plantation in leased out area

    other land such as school premises, panchayat bhawan and Govt. waste land or as per

    talk to local panchayat or forest officers. Proper care will be taken during plantation

  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 24

    such as watering, manuring & fencing. Plant such as Khejri, Mango, Ronjha, Neem &

    small tiny plants etc will be planted.

    (iv) Social Infrastructure

    In social infrastructure, house is made of pucca and kaccha both of type. Tar road is

    available in near villages. By this proposed Masonry Stone mining in the area,

    provides employment opportunities in the area and this helps to control migration of

    people of one place to other.

    (v) Connectivity (Traffic and transportation Road/Rail/Metro/Water ways etc.)

    The lease area is located near village – Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara of

    Rajasthan State. The lease area is situated about 1.0 km towards East side of the

    village Kesharpura. Nearest town and tehsil headquarter Banswara is about 8.52 km

    NW of the applied area. Nearest railway station is Ratlam RS at a distance of 57 km in

    ESE direction of the mine site. State Highway SH-10 is passes through at a distance of

    1.25 km in North direction of lease area.

    (vi). Drinking Water Management (Source & supply of water)

    Total water requirement of 5.0 KLD will be met from nearby villages.

    (vii). Sewerage System

    No sewerage shall be generated from the project area.

    (viii). Industrial Waste Management

    No Industrial waste will be generated from the project.

    (ix). Solid waste Management

    About 4950 m3 of soil OB shall be removed separately during five year and stored for

    short period and then used for plantation in proposed area. About 6670 m3 of mineral

    waste will be generated during five year, which was dumped on eastern side of lease

    area & also dump within own acquiring land.

    (x). Power Requirement

    Nearby village’s area is well electrified, mining machinery will be driven by diesel

    power for which estimated requirement of diesel will be about 500 liters per day which

    will be procured from nearby pumps.


    A. (Policy to adopted (Central State) in respect of the project affected person

    including home oustees, land oustees and landless labour (A brief outline to be


  • Prefeasibility Report of Masonry Stone Mining Project N/v–Kesharpura, Tehsil & District – Banswara

    (Rajasthan) ML.No- 180/2008, Lease area – 1.00Ha.

    Project Proponent: Shri Shailendra Singhvi Page - 25

    Mining will be carried out in lease area only so no need of rehabilitation and

    resettlement plan so far.


    (Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (time schedule

    for the project to be given)

    Project will commence within 30 days after getting the environmental clearance. It is

    estimated that about Rs. 20 Lakh will be required for mining machineries, vehicle and

    infrastructure development etc.

    The profit will depend upon the actual production obtained from the mine, which may

    vary due to demand in market.


    About 10 peoples including labours benefited directly and 60persons will be benefited



    The State Government will get revenue as royalty from selling of mineral, Land

    Tax/surface rent, Sales Tax/VAT; Income Tax etc. will be addition.


    The project of Masonry Stone mining of Shri Shalendra Singhvi at near village

    Kesharpura Tehsil & District–Banswara, Rajasthan is of utmost importance to the area

    for interest of mineral development and improves the socio-economic conditions of the

    local habitants. The operation of the proposed project of Masonry Stone mining will

    pass on various social and economic benefits to the local communities of the area in

    addition to the existing benefits due to provide better employment opportunities and

    improvement in social infrastructure of the area, apart from increased financial

    benefits accruing to state and central agencies by ways of taxes, royalty, cees etc.