Pregnancy Crossword

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Pregnancy Crossword for Nursing

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Page 1: Pregnancy Crossword

Nursing 210 - Pregnancy

Page 2: Pregnancy Crossword


1. When the mother feels fetal movement3. of possible pregnancy that are subjectively experienced by the mother.6. The portion of the fallopian tube where fertilization occurs9. This occurs on or about 14 days prior to the onset of the next menstrual period10. The function of HCG is to maintain the __________ until the placenta can form progesterone (2 words)13. The hormone responsible for the common discomforts of pregnancy related to relaxation of smooth muscle15. Prominent______on the breasts are frequently an early sign of pregnancy21. The darkly pigmented line seen on the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman (2 words)24. The second trimester of pregnancy is often called the trimester of _______ health25. 27. FSH causes one or more ovarian follicles to _______28. Craving of non-nutritive substances during pregnancy30. ___________ pregnancy is subject to potential biological and psycho-social complications.32. This is present in the pregnant woman’s breasts starting in the second trimester33. During the first eight weeks of pregnancy, the developing child is known as a(n) ______34. Calculation of estimated delivery date by subtracting 3 months and adding 7 days to the date of the last menstrual period is ________ rule35. Produced by the egg follicles as they mature under the influence of FSH36. Microscopic projections on the surface of the placenta that interface with the maternal circulation38. A woman who gains 18 pounds during her entire pregnancy has gained a(n) _______ amount of weight39. The curvature of the spine that is occurs or is accentuated in many women during pregnancy41. Where the egg goes when it is ruptured from the ovary during ovulation (2 words)44. The increase in plasma volume during pregnancy causes a “physiologic” _______45. One of the factors that aggravates constipation during pregnancy (2 words)46. During the second trimester, the pregnant woman’s blood pressure _______47. Effects on the developing child in utero that ca cause birth defects are ______ effects


2. A symptom of both early and late pregnancy (2 words)4. _______________ increases by approximately 50% during pregnancy (2 words)5. A positive pregnancy test is a ______sign of pregnancy7. The fetal heart rate by this instrument can be heard around 11-12 weeks of pregnancy8. An organ of pregnancy that has endocrine, respiratory and nutritional functions11. When would the nurse expect a client to have nausea and vomiting (2 words)12. One method of diagnosing and dating a pregnancy14. The substance responsible for pigmentation changes in a pregnant woman16. The pain down the rear of the leg caused by pressure from a mobile sacro-iliac joint during pregnancy17. The hormone responsible for positive results on a pregnancy test

Page 3: Pregnancy Crossword

18. The fluid surrounding the fetus is the _______ fluid19. of fetal movement by the examiner is a _____ sign of pregnancy20. The fetal heart rate by this instrument can be heard around 18-20 weeks of pregnancy22. A G5 P1211 has had two ________ births23. 25. The initial prenatal visit involves a complete physical exam, blood work and a _______ exam26. The term for when the baby “drops”27. The name for identical twins is _________29. The process of performing abdominal palpation on a pregnant woman is known as __________ maneuvers31. A sharp, pulling sensation in the groin during pregnancy is caused by spasms of the ________________ (2 words)37. A _________ deficiency before pregnancy and during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with neural tube defects (2 words)40. Embryonic cells undergoing ______ cell division are most vulnerable to environmental and other toxins.42. The alpha-fetoprotein test is performed during the second trimester to determine if the fetus has a __________defect (2 words)43. The umbilical cord contains two ______

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