17 8c,9b 8a,9b 8a,9b 9b 9a 9a 9c 9c 5b 5b 5a 9a 8b,9a,b 9a 9a 8a 8b,9a,b,c 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 13a 13a 13a 13a 12b 12a 12a 12a 13a,c 12a,13a,c 12a,13a,c 13a,c 13a,c 4a 16a 6a 6a 4a 3e 3e 3a,b, 5a,6c 16a 3a 3a 9a 9a 4a 4a 5b 5a 6b 4b 4b 2 3a,6c 3a,6c 3a,6c 3b 3b 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 16d 16d 16d 16d 16d 22 22 1a 1a,b 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1b 2 2 2 2 2 1a,b 1a 4b 5a 4a 3e 3a,b 3a,b 16a 16a 8b 8b 8b 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 9c 7c 9a 9b 16b 9a 8a 3b 9b 9b 12a 9b 9b 9a 8a 8a 8a 8a,9b 8d 8c,9b 9a 9a 9a 9a 9a 8a,9a 8b 8a 9a 4a 4a 4a 6a 3e 16a 3e 2 3a,b,6c 3a,b,6c 16d 16d 16b 1a 1a 22 1a 1a 1a 1a 22 16a 16d 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a 16d 16d 8a 8d 8d 8d 8d 9b 8d 8a,d,9a,b 8a,d 9b 12a 19 19 19 19 11a 11a 13b 13a,b 11a 11a 11a 11a 19 11a 12a 13a 12,13 12a 12a 12a 12a 12a 13a 10b 10b 10b 10a 14a 14a 8,9 8a,9b 8d 8d 9a,b 9a,b 12a 14a 14a 10a 8a,16d 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 9a 9b 9b 9b 9b 9b 8d 8a,9b 8b,9b 8a 8a 16b 8a 8a 8a 8a 8a,9b 10b 12b 16d 13a 13a 13a 12a,b 12a,b 12a,b 12b 19 8a,9b 13b 13b 13a 13a 12a 12a 9b 8b 16b 8d 8a,9a 8a,9b 14a 12a 12a,13a 9a,c 1a,2 3e Py, Cp Py, Gl Py, Ph, Cp Py, Cp, Sh Py, Cp Au Py, Ph, Cp Py, Cp, Sh Shatford Lake Sha t ford C r ee k Pe t er s on C r e e k Anson Lake C o p p er m i n e C r e ek Coppermine Bay Bir d Riv e r Lac du Bonnet Sarapu Lake 315 314 315 1 75 65 60 60 75 70 70 85 82 70 90 58 90 85 90 80 55 68 80 80 83 78 83 78 80 80 82 85 90 77 82 78 65 75 70 85 80 80 75 85 77 70 75 70 70 80 85 75 75 80 68 68 75 85 80 70 75 70 77 70 65 70 75 75 70 90 77 65 80 70 75 80 60 80 80 80 80 70 80 86 78 65 73 80 85 80 88 87 80 70 90 80 75 84 82 65 75 80 80 90 80 75 90 80 50 75 90 60 70 65 70 90 80 80 50 80 60 70 70 80 80 80 80 78 75 82 80 70 65 90 85 75 80 80 75 70 85 75 75 75 70 60 75 75 75 78 75 73 60 70 80 75 80 85 90 80 80 90 60 85 75 75 78 85 76 80 75 75 65 85 76 75 75 80 75 38 62 80 80 85 75 80 75 70 72 62 75 70 70 46 70 62 70 75 62 62 75 50 65 65 64 76 80 70 80 63 72 60 70 70 75 70 75 70 75 70 72 70 75 70 302 000 302 000 304 000 304 000 306 000 306 000 308 000 308 000 310 000 310 000 312 000 312 000 314 000 314 000 316 000 316 000 318 000 318 000 320 000 320 000 322 000 322 000 5 584 000 5 584 000 5 586 000 5 586 000 5 588 000 5 588 000 5 590 000 5 590 000 5 592 000 5 592 000 5 594 000 5 594 000 5 596 000 95°30'W 95°30'W 95°45'W 95°45'W 50°25'N 50°25'N NEOARCHEAN INTRUSIVE ROCKS Granitoid rocks (<2725 Ma except unit 17, which includes some older rocks) 22 Quartz-plagioclase porphyry 21 Pegmatite, pegmatitic granite 20 Granite, granodiorite (Marijane Lake pluton, 2645.6 ±1.3 Ma 1 ) 19 Granite, granodiorite (Lac du Bonnet Batholith, 2660 ±3 Ma 2 ) 18 Tonalite, granodiorite (Birse Lake pluton, 2723.2 ±0.7 Ma 3 ) 17 Quartz diorite, granodiorite, granite (Maskwa Lake Batholith 2725 ±6 Ma 2 ; 2830 ±1 Ma 1 ; 2844 ±12 Ma 2 ) Mafic rocks (<2731 Ma except unit 16d, which includes synvolcanic intrusions) 16a Diabase, plagioclase-hornblende-phyric, quartz-amygdaloidal 16b Diabase, aphyric 16c Gabbro, mesocratic (±garnet) 16d Gabbro, mesocratic to melanocratic (synvolcanic and intrusions of unknown age) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Flanders Lake Formation ( <2697 ±18 Ma 4 ) 15a Polymictic conglomerate 15b Arenite, feldspathic wacke Booster Lake Formation ( <2712 ±17 Ma 4 ) 14a Greywacke, siltstone, felsic wacke; minor argillite and cherty siltstone 14b Intermediate to felsic paragneiss 14c Volcanic-derived conglomerate ARC-TYPE VOLCANIC AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Bernic Lake Formation ( 2724.6 ±1.1 Ma 3 ) FELSIC VOLCANIC ROCKS AND DERIVED GNEISS AND SCHIST 13a Dacite and rhyolite, aphyric to porphyritic; related breccia 13b Felsic gneiss 13c Altered felsic volcanic rocks (±silicification ±hornblende ±garnet) INTERMEDIATE TO FELSIC VOLCANIC FRAGMENTAL ROCKS 12a Heterolithic volcanic breccia, lapilli tuff 12b Intermediate to felsic tuff, locally reworked MAFIC TO INTERMEDIATE VOLCANIC ROCKS 11a Basalt and andesite, aphyric to sparsely plagioclase-phyric, locally pillowed; related amphibolite and gneiss (±garnet) 11b Altered basalt, derived gneiss (±silicification ±epidote ±hornblende ±garnet) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 10a Carbonate-chert iron formation 10b Chert, siltstone, argillitic siltstone (±garnet), ±very fine grained amphibolite Peterson Creek Formation ( 2731.1 ±1 Ma 1 ) FELSIC VOLCANIC FLOWS AND RELATED INTRUSIVE ROCKS 9a Rhyolite, dacite, aphyric to sparsely plagioclase±quartz-phyric, massive to fragmental; related intrusive rocks 9b Rhyolite, dacite, quartz-plagioclase-phyric, massive to fragmental; related intrusive rocks 9c Rhyolite with spheroidal domains of uncertain origin INTERMEDIATE TO FELSIC VOLCANIC FRAGMENTAL ROCKS 8a Heterolithic felsic lapilli crystal-tuff and volcanic breccia 8b Monolithic felsic lapilli tuff and volcanic breccia 8c Intermediate to felsic tuff, crystal tuff 8d Andesite-dacite, aphyric to sparsely plagioclase-phyric, locally pillowed; related breccia 8e Altered felsic volcanic rocks, silicified or with sedimentary detritus (±hornblende ±garnet ±cordierite) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 7a Oxide-facies iron formation 7b Sulphide-facies iron formation 7c Siltstone, cherty siltstone ±conglomerate Diverse arc assemblage FELSIC VOLCANIC AND RELATED FRAGMENTAL ROCKS 6a Rhyolite, sparsely plagioclase-phyric, related fragmental rocks 6b Rhyolite, spherulitic 6c Felsic tuff and crystal tuff, locally reworked INTERMEDIATE TO FELSIC VOLCANIC FRAGMENTAL ROCKS 5a Heterolithic intermediate volcanic breccia, matrix-supported, locally reworked 5b Heterolithic felsic volcanic breccia, clast-supported, locally reworked 5c Heterolithic intermediate volcanic breccia, clast-supported, locally reworked MAFIC TO INTERMEDIATE VOLCANIC ROCKS 4a Andesite, aphyric, quartz-amygdaloidal, locally pillowed 4b Basalt, aphyric, locally pillowed; related gneiss 4c Basalt and andesite, aphyric to porphyritic, locally amygdaloidal and/or pillowed; locally altered (silicified/carbonatized/porphyroblastic ±garnet ±hornblende ±biotite) SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 3a Greywacke, siltstone; minor felsic wacke and argillitic siltstone 3b Chert, siliceous siltstone 3c Oxide-facies iron formation 3d Ankeritic siltstone with chloritic schist laminae 3e Polymictic conglomerate (derived from units 1 to 6) INTRUSIVE ROCKS Bird River Sill ( 2745 ±5 Ma 2 ) 2 Dunite, peridotite, picrite, anorthosite and gabbro MORB-TYPE MAFIC VOLCANIC ROCKS Lamprey Falls Formation 1a Basalt, locally pillowed 1b Basalt, pillowed and plagioclase-megaphyric

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-6: Geology of the west part of ... · 17 8c,9b 8a,9b 8a,9b 9b 9a 9a 9c 9c 5b 5b 5a 9a 8 b,9a 9a 9a 8a 8 b,9a c 14a 14a 14a 14a 14a 14 a 14a 1 4a 13a 13a 13a

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  • Shatford Lake

    Shatford Cree k

    Peterson C



    C oppermin e



    Bird River

    Lac du Bonnet











    2645.6 ±1.3 Ma1

    2660 ±3 Ma2

    2723.2 ±0.7 Ma3

    2725 ±6 Ma2 2830 ±1 Ma1 2844 ±12 Ma2

    Geology of the west part of theBird River area, southeasternManitoba (part of NTS 52L5)

    Preliminary Map PMAP2007-6

    H.P. Gilbert (2007)


    INDEX MAPGeological contacts

    Axial trace






    SymbolsPrimary Layering




    Minor Fold