An Aimclated PreM Newipaper TWIN FALLS NEWS VoL 2S, N o. SY TWIN F jL l^ , IDAHO. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 16. 1!M0 Pricc Five Cents Meredith Ousted As Prison Head; Talley Appointed Governor Boltolfseii Backs Secrelarj- of State ill Disniiesing Warden ' J. W. Taylor Opposes Acliop iDy Tlif AJLVXllltMl PrfU) BOISE, AUR. 14 — p. C. Meredith. Idnho prl.son warden 2 1-2 years, wns dismissed by the state nrlson boiiril today - and-Gilbert-H.-Tallcr.-yard- cftpl(iln-7-l-2' yparB,-appolnU)d In hi.s stead. ' , Meredith .said last week he cxpcctcd to be dlsml;;scd. prob iibly Immediately after tlie election, and attributed hl.'i dis- favor larRcly to Secretary of Stale George H. Curtis, whom the wardcn^sald disagreed with treatment of "three or four" •guards at the prl.son. Curtl.s moved for Meredith's dismissal today, and was backed by Governor DoUoU- nrn. Attorney Ociicrnl J. W, Tnylor. llilrd tnrmber of Uic bonrd. jlrtftl «itJi Affrcdlth. Curtlfi nl.^o proi>o:,(‘(l Tnllcy n* new u-arilpn. He wn.i npprovcd anlmoii7.Iy. It V hn.'.tfnrU lila own rthmtvnl, E»cal>M and “Ilffr rarlir*" A rfc e n t .'.rrlM of c.^cnpes. liichid* tns thnl of Dnnny Wllllniiis. yoiuii- rul Ullcr Irom Twin PnlLi county, ns wtll R3 two "bftr pnrtlps" nmonii errant >:nKle Wnnd prl.son fnrm tru/iHefl In-'t wlntrr nroiiwd cL'.m of Mercdlili'fl rrglmc In <]Uiirtfni. f Wllllnms wn« cnpliired In Boise aa Hollr^ n ftrr lil.^ flight by hldlnjc In n RWlll barrel. All oUier fuclttvc: pxccpt one. nLw linve been nppre- lieiKlnl- Afler Uie oii.ster «'iu volfd. tlic bonrd received rfslci'ntlon* of four prlwti workeris-Ed Wlilttlnjtton. Icirntltlentlon olflcrr; Eninieti Cor- bin. deputy wiirden: F-irle D. Wll- llnm-1. inuvrfi; nnd Elilcn DiTmncy. -typljil. Tftricy ho.-' Kervcd under wtir- dcn* »ntl five aellns wnrdens. _____________Konner.Rfllff.HPa.J_______ Meredith, n brothfff of a former Mcremry of nfrlculture under Woodrow ■Wll.ion.)»iti head of tho Wftlio ememrney (relief ndrolnUtrA- lion under former Oovcmor C. Ben He WAS a panlsan of mink'Kec' nan of Sdie. whO''}Ut«rd«r ihe DCTnocrntlc nomlnition M lec- jind. dlatri'*. fimarw'TO'a tfulrj K-. M natw of Botoe. Curtlii nrt&nsed for- th* prtion botird meetlnR &nd decinrtd, after It WB» opened by the Rm’cmor. '1 think a clinnue In Uie wardenslilp li ncce»r.nn'. 1 move th/it the office of warden be mnde vntant." Meredltli broke in. &ai'lrjr, "Mr. 8 ecrttftr7 .<tfTirtl») I think you ouBht to Blve A renion why a change Li necc.viar>-. SometJilns besides Uie Alntement : didn't Ahow enouch , m am th toward Uie Rusnln." "I think I told you In prlvnt* ilie renscns w hythe chansr In nrew* rnvrj'." snld Curtis, "I will ipenk no further here." ' . > Taylor. In dLtsenllnR, • tt.v«rted -there nlwaya w«i a "cerLiln nmotinl ef dLvmtl.ifaetlon nmonK Uic ' and declared MercdlUi hnd con- diicKd hLi ftdmlnl.ilxntlon omIcalU' M poMlble.- Oovcmor Botlolfs^n declared "for . Uie pa.it several monUin reporU have come to me of (he dLuallaftvc- tion and de.itroyed morale of tlie penltentinry Kuarda." "Aji n minority • member of the bonrd I could do noUilng about It. but r hiive voiced my objections to the cxlravftKant manner In which A the InatltrfUon hrui been opemled. (CoXlnaxI en Tara i. Column t FORES! t A Z K Volunteer W orker Falls Ocad otTFifrTinc in Wyoming MISSOULA. Mont.. Aug. 14 OVr- volunteer tlreflKliter. one of 4.000 tn iJBtllliig forest fires buniiliB hi clrouKlit-drlcd Rocky mountain Um- ber coiintr}’ from Canada to Colo- rndo, fell dtod todiiy on a Wyo- mInK fire line, Tlie federal forrst &er\'lce txprtu- cd belief lonlKht that mwt of the major blaies which have blackened more than 16.000 ncrcj In four JWlts since lo-M Sflturdny. would be con- trolled tonight or tomorrow, Herbert J, Cook. 57. of Buffalo. Wyo„ was flRlitlnK a small blaic In the DlK Horn nntlohal forest of norlhern Wyoming when he col- lapsetl, npparenUy victim of a hcaxt attack. RoiiKcrs re[>orlcd the fire under control after It had burned M acres. _A forcf_of 1,100 men blocked the Nr* Perce nntldiial fbre.it fire In northern Idaho on- two .ilde.i, A tealfle windstorm a|iread UiU bla», (CenUsatl n t. Coloma 0 Even DOUHNE, Maas-A local dalrj- man found a packaco neaUy tied wlUi blue ribbon to tlie horn of one of hLi beat milk produclnff co»a. In- xldc the p.ickniie wa« a quarter and 1 note rcftdlnR: ■•Hope Uilii pay* for Uie milk we took for our, baby. Summer folkj.” A fter All s/j BOSTON— Henry J. Ackroyd. toAirlst infcrmaUon expert on Bos- ton Common. li quick on Uio trig- ger.' A Canadian Inquired about Bun- li, ker Hill. Atkroyd gave him Uie W u.iual Btory of the “fled Coala" and the "whilej of Uiclr eyes." . “You know mister." wld the Can- adian. "up In Canada, we\e got one cf .Uifl_imns t;>e..BrjtMi.raptured ’■ • ui*t day at Bunker HlII.’ Crecked Ackroyd. after • a mo- ment: r , ■Yci. but weVe lUll got the hlU.’ ____ EvonttinJl: _ ____ _ TULSA—The city eftglneerlnj de- ■■* "T'srtmenfcauuaned proi>crty own- m not knowing Uielr correct hoiae number* to call the engineering de- . ■pirtment nnd get them checked. &glneer» placed n new nutnber— 120 S. Cincinnati—on Uib municipal building. -Then they learned -ihB correct addre.w—104 8. IClnclnnaU.- Thcro’s a Limit. M OEJJVEIt—Denver's red nnulrrtla found themiielrea without lufflclent natursl food but that didn’t (top them. They: Robbed birds' nefts. Ate Inner bark from trees. Onawed InsuUUon from electric wlre.1. Now Uia.' eftv, ts issuing squirrel trspplng permits. FLOOOIAREAS Swirlino Streams Leave 16 Dead and Cause Heavy. Property Dani^ge ABHEVILU:, N. C.. Aug. H iflv- RjuiipaBltiB rivers wrought death and dcstnicUon today in four jouUi- cm.«t*to*.------------------ Abnominlly hea\y rainfall In Uie vtvke of a hurricane that battered the South Carollnn-Oeorgla coast Sunday sent Uie swift streams twirl- ing out of, their banks vaahlng out highways and bridges, de.iUTiylns lowland crop-t and causing millions of dollars damage to Indur.trlal plants along their bonks, and driv- ing hundreds of persons from Uielr home.1. At least 18'deaths were atUlbuted to Uie floods. NorUi Carollmi counted two drownlngs and four dei^lhs In land- slides. , Tliree drownlngs were re- ported near Qnlox. Va^ three ncoi ElltabrthlouTi, Tenn., and Uiree neai Augusta. Oa, A Negro woman >neai Augmta died of a heart attack when "sHe Ictimed Umt the flood waters were npproachljig her home. A 100-foot wasliout of Aslicvllle'. principal water m a in ‘forced thLi tourist's Mecca of SI.000 to «I>orlnRly water from a single t voir. miles norUiessl, apparently hardest hIL Tlie flooded Yadkin river, whitli (ConUnurd on l-ir« 12. Column ]) ■WIRE 2T0HIGT0Ry Jack Hall Downs Pocatello Cardinals W ith 5-Hit Pitching IM IDS Britain’s Air Force Delivers SURPRISE EDGE rSENlIE Sound Truck Campaigner Leads Twin Falls Man, 18,232 to 17.658 for Nomination Jor Toga (By Tlie A.vwliitcil ,;B 0 I5 E , Aub- H — Will) 101 small. ■widely - .^cattcri'd prc- clncts yet to report om of Idaho's 702. Glen Taylor of Pocatello retained his surprl.se margin -over former JucIrc James R, Bothwell of Twin Falls tonight In the Demo- cratic contest for ilie United States senator nomination. At Uie same time an ntinmtc ij Uie totxil vole ca.M at yesicnlnv's prlmar>' became more concrete, Rriiubllcans. along the line ol fttorlnl, conifrr;nlonol anil sl.iti -s, showing more jiowrr ili.in i'cnrs' New Blows Along Enemy Coast; Nazi Raiders Retnrj;! to Attack Fire Sweeps Immigration Slalioii Taylor, wiiw.e ciinjf,ione ir.iiirr house cnmpainn cnrrltcl him. wife and small i.on Into fsr co.'nrrs of the stale with n wiiiid trurl:, polled 18.233 votri wllh 707 iireclnrls reported. ns .nKalnM 17,058 for Coih- well. ' Tlilrd was Si.Tte Senator Clporee Donnrt, overuken by tlir blK.hiitlrd, bnllad-tlnKlnR rndio rntrri.itnrr nit securing sn errly lead, Donart received IS.TOn. Dottfwell's strcnKlh showl ptln- dlially In .■'outli-centml Idnlio and Donart's in soiilliwe-.tern, with Tny- . .. s tro n g 111 th e iiurUi, rrKlr.lcrlillT miijorltle.i In 23 coimiic.s compnrrd with Botliwell’,4 II And Donart's 10. Vole for CovemM' The combined vote for go\ ive Indications of belnK sllglitly lower than Ip 103R n.i well as unclrr prelllninarj' e.'.llninte of 125,000 bnllol.1, neptiblleans. wllh CM precincts In. ist 53.208 guberniMorlal vctri.' n ie Democratic tolnl la 051 pre- cincts wa.1 55.M3, for an agKregate 3 boUi parties of 100,137.' Senatorial vot'-s were: Republic.m, 13 preclnd.-!, 50,303 (spresd amotiK !Ten civndldntcH) DemocraUe 50, 618. wltli 691 preclncu. Meantime. Uie rivalry fct the Re-, publican United States senator cholee. which gavr, -pre-prlmuv prttnlse'of B see-saw affair among seven candidates, developed Into scarcely more Uian a workout for Senator Joh^ Tliomas. ’ nepobllean Vote Tliomos, who Musht to fill out ir unrxplred term ot the late Ben- lor Uorab. counted 3r,710 votes ..lore Uinn all the oUier candidate! combined. Nciire.it was Abe Goff oi Mw.cow. president of the Idaho state b.tr. wllh 7.500. Others In the rocfi trailed as fol- lowr.: E, W. Sinclair, 4.ia; J. D Price. 3.sa2: Prank.H, Adams, 2,169; □vln DulnncT., I and Frank B. rwLr.on, 1,4M, Running claie In the Republican electorate's favor In the first con- grcMlonnl dLitrlct were Kd Qaffney of Oroflno, house majority leader In Uifi 1C30 legtilatur# .and Rex T. Henion ot Cocur d'Alene, Oaffney led'0,ti&7 to a,S>efi wIUi 147 of 3BS prcclncLi checketl. Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo- cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08 voles In 347 precincts. Clark Wln.1 Two*t».ODe Another surprise of the primary was ^^ayor Chase A. Clark of Idaho t^ULi. who scored nearly a 2-lo-J on 1*. Colgrea I TWO Cwo-»tory Ijulidlnj* were dcilrnjed by fire on An«l Island, tl. S. Immlgr.illon utaUon In San Franelvo bay. This aerial view sbowi the admlnlilrstlon building, one .of the slrurlurrt dnlroyrd. The deporUdon hearlnr of llarrr Hridges. West Coxtl CIO leader, ,wa> held In this building laat lummer. nnmagr was e«tl>' mated at »a0,000. On* prtwn. a snldler sent from the mainland to help nght the fire, wa* Injured. Killy women In a delenllon wart were eKorled to safety. Hollywood Stars Named as Communist Party Members Grand: Jury I'estimoBy Lists More Than. Dozen Actors, Actresses arid ■' Film Writers (By Tlie Ai.-vOclaled Pressl LQS ANGELES, AuB.^4 — More than a doren prominent Hollywood actors, actresses and'Him writers were named In Rrand Jury testimony, made public tonlpht, as membcr.'i of the Commiini.^t party and heavy contributors to It-s sui)pprl. Identified as members of the Communist party by John L. Leech, a former Loa Anpeles county organizer. In a trans- cript of his testimony last week before the counXy Krand Jury Investigating Commun- istic activities and which was made public by the dhtrlct attorney's office were: Uonel Slander, actor: Jesn Muir, sctreu; Frank Tuttle., dim (echnlrlan; TaDla'Tullie, his wife;' Frank, llavis, producer; nlfford Odeti, writer and scenarist: .Kam OmlU. writer: Franchot Tone, actor: Fmferle March, ju-lor; Gregorr La Cara, director; Lenler Cole, scenarist; James Cagney, aeler; Ilumphrer nogarl. actor; Frank Beolly, writer; Francis Led- Herbert BomI)s Fall Near* Diiee’s Newspaper ROME. Auk, 14 M’) (via radio)—i Two bombs dropped by the. Rrlllih In Ia.it nlKht's-rrold on Milan •fell near Uie bulldlnu of Premier Muuo- llnl's new,spaper. I! Popolo d'lulla —bui Uie paper was publl.ihcd as iisuftl. the Rome radio said tonli;lil. The radio sold work In Uie jiniicr's edltorlflrofflccs was not tnterruiHrd. The bombs blew n largo hole In ilio street named Via Amnldo Mui'nllnl, Counties’ Votes in Surprise Senatorial Nomination Race tny Tli» AiiOclaUid Pres.il DOISK, Auc. 14—At 7:30 p, m. Idaho's vote for United SUtes senatorial nominees by counUes was: Total ’ PreelncU Dern* County Preclncti R^rted Hathwelt Donart Tsylor Adams Bannock Benrlake Twnrpnnrzr.~.;: tt'edtteiKlaj-s RetalU Ogden 8, BoLie 0. Twin Palls 2, Pocatello I. Salt Lake 8, Idaho Palls «. Thnrsdsy's rrebable ritehers DoLw a t 5olt Lftke, 8;IS p. n.. Lnrrr 8usee (8-JO) vs,’ Lanj- Jsn.ien •H-7). Pocatello at Osden. 8:JS p, HaJ Dobson. (10-8) vs. Ken Pollvka <7-13). Twin Palls at Idaho Fali.i. 8;1S , m—Ned - • - *ituu: ( i - i ) . POCATELLO, AUS. 14-(A>-Evtn Oil] Capllnser. Uie Pioneer ieaguoU No, 1 liurler. felt tonlsht before .Uve (CaatlauMd sa Tact S, C oI oibd I) 3M 1,174 dlreeter, Xand Buddy Sehulberc, ion of B. P. Sthnlberf, proilueer. ' Aetor Mardi Inter Issued'a state ment saylnn Uiat "spcaklnK for my self. Mr. Leech is an unmltlRalM lUr" nnd Uiat “I will welcome Uie opportunity to meet Mr. Leech face to face and call him a llar,“ “NonB of the cliarces of ihls who. by hU o»Ti admLvilon. I ex-Communlst nnd one-Ume advo- cate of our sovemment'a overthrow by force and violence. Is true In Uii slightest decree," March said- not even know the man. •I have never knOTlnKly. cniitrl' buled-a ahiRle iwnny lo ihe Com- munist or any oilier un-American cau.ie.- Boffort Issued a statement saylns: "I have never contributed money >a polltlcol orRanlratlon of any form. Tliat Includes Republican, Democmtic, Hollywood antl-Nazl lesifuo or the Communbt party. Furthermore, I have never atlendtd the achool menUoned nor do 1 know what school 'that may be, "I dare>the men who arc attempt* Ine Uils' InvesUsaUon to call me lo •ttw-tttawj.-- t-TO^t.to-fice-thbn ffl}-self find no( by a proxy to whom ■ am only a'aiunE.'!... Catmey was motarlnejsomewhcre I New England, his broUior and butlncM manairer. WlBlam. said. .0 J-M. ts, CclOBin t | Fund Sought for Hatch Law Curb WASHINOTON, Aub. '14 President Roosevelt today asked cansrest to provide tSOO.OOO addi- tional fer-the civil service commls- Rlsn-lo finance.Its work-of enforc- ing the new llatch law curblnE po- UUcal acUvlly by local employes paid •wim federal fund*. The senate campalitn expenditures committee took under advisement a request to Inrestlsate cliarves that, retUtraUoQ roUi bad been padded n Jersey Olty, home of Mayor {SKUD. Tlie charge was made by James A. Tumulty. Jr, InHtpcndeot [SOIHTESIO RAISE M M Y PAY Lawmakers Take First Spe- cific.Action During Cori' scription Debate WASHINGTON, Auc. 14 i.V. - Taking lU first spcclflc action <Iur- Uie prc-ncnt con.-.crlpiion delate, senate today nrtopictl an omrnil m^'ni 10 the d raft bll! raL^ln^; Un basic army pay from $21 to UO i montli. Critics of conscription have re- peiit«lly urged such nn liicren--,e, nrKUlnB Uiot It would spi'fil uj enllstmenti nnd help iwovUle man- power for Uie army by ilir volun- teer method, with no ncc<l for con- scrlpOon. However, ftdmlnlsimllon fornofl also had endorsctl Uie klea. so Uiat Uie senate's dccl>ln:i not con-sUlered a tc.it on Uie bill It- self. Offered by Senator Lee (D-Olcia), a ftupporter of coiiscrlpiinii, the amendment provides Unit volunury recrulUi and drafloes In Uie army and marine corjvi shall be paid ^1 a montli durlnt: Uie firit four months of iralnlntr nnd then. If Uielr raUng Is satisfactory. (CoeUn>i«) on :. Columt. I Ahfnii Siren.s, Giant Flashes and Thiiiulering Explosions Mark Vast CouiiJ.^rallafks •Ily • r Ar.wl i I'ir . ... 15 (Tlnir.'.day)— i;:llsh cli;iniicl Irom SOUTHEAST COAST OF ENGLAND, Walliiii: ;ilann .slri'n,s heard :icro:;.'; tlie Fn the ■\.N'a;'l-hfl(l coa,st of Fnincc early todriy slKtiali'd va.^t Drill.sli rovinterall;ick-s on Germ:iny’.s blltzkrlcK base.s, ncport.'^ reachlnK here, backed by whal coultl actually be soon .''uul heard acros.s the channel. Indicated that tlie royal air force sm:i.shrc1 It.s coiniter blow;; aloiiK i>erhaps 100 ;nlle.s of the cna.st where Na;^!.'; :irc ma.'..'.ecl nearest lo England. Lohk . 7 /ier mlclrjJpht nnd on toward dawn the scream of :lie .'.li cn.s coultl be heard. • Giant fla;^s_U)at 11^ the 7ii Ji3il_olalia..ihumigriiii:'.ciplo.-. icjiiv •A-illi wlilrli Hrltl'.h bombers ,>:il(l li:irk In kind fur the poiindlntf J of soulJica.'tcin' KiKlnnd. IDERSmCK Eycwitjicss Descrilics Scencs of Destruction Left « by Bombers . nv KOHnn'^K. hiin; . NOU’IH COA;:t TOW,V, AUC. 14 .,v .-\v ,n r himilred nnd nion- r.Tini' a. Ilclll'.liljl lll<-i;illv t of tllp 1 ilE S PATROL il s. and Japanese Forces to Divide Control of British Area SHANQHAI, AUff. IS (Thureday) (fl^A n agreement has been renclied dividing control of Uie OrlUsh de- fense sector of 8hmisl>nrs Interna- Uonal teuiftmeot. betfftcn Amcrlcaa and Japunese reliably, todaf! The future .of the BrlUsh sector following removal of British troops from' ShMighal" ana“ w»rm“ Chlni dl5cu.ised by defense commancl' In a four-hour meetlnR. --------------- ’usea-OTcEi- ■qlliftera firm or deny tbe reports of an agree- ment. saying on official would be l.\sued a t 0 a. m . tomorrow (B p. m. EST.‘ Thur*da>->. Aecordln* to the reporta, the Brlt- sh sector would be split up as fol- . The.4th 0. S. marines under Colo- nel DewlU Peck will Uike over the central district of the international KtUement. Shangtul's Important dowiitown commeirUl and flnanclsl center. , . The Japane*e wUl ..... . .......... .. Ronskew; Ute area wlth&i the MtUe- mrnt..north of Soochow creek, and also the extra settlement western district, where dual eontiol idready existed . throujfh the jjiwnce of Japftoese-damlnaiKl Chinese pcUce. ni'. rlinmil ojx-n: I txrrril fioni r.liclter whll'* barrni:e tinllnoii-, rliinsed 111 IlaniM from the fl;v. ftr cln.\lilnB ciible.s fnlllns nlinn-.t my feet; I miw a nieltv of jwr- Imp^ ISO millers nnd dr/enilers r.iiriip liroujth lhe_eimiris nnri in my enni all <lnv dinner the crn'li of niitl- slrcraft and the dull ihiiil nf bomb.-, belilmt nip—Inland, My colle-imie, H, Taylor HeniT. enmlnR,ln from London, m UI inreii- dlnry bombs were <Irop|ird nrouiul hU train," crnwllnK c a u t i o u s l y IhroiiBh the Krcen downs of m id- summer EiiKlsnd. ___ __ Roar 1-# >jora' Frahre' The bli.’(te-.'.t cloud of Oermftn rnltf- ers—I .counted about a- hundred plalnlv visible, with others dotting Ilie sky up hlRh.er—n>ared ncros.-: . . from France, defiantly brensUtig n circle of 27 RrllLih flRhlem, Tlie Brlllfh rinsed Uiem; then, one by one. dived on Uiem. One vast, wild Jamboree of twlMlnc. flame- splttlnff planer develnjied. Four planes, then another. Uien othto, rockeled, tiumlnp. Into the' sea. We could not tell which irtde Uiey belonced In a crni>- din of antl-nlrcmft, machlne-(nm anti rannon erplo- slnn.i, r.lx hljr Junkers .vreamfd nt thf liphtshlp, dropping two bomba apiece. niey seh^Jnp seysers from Uie sea; others dropped nn land. Balloons Plunce Jn Flame* A new swarm of raiders torej-lc- ioutly at the harrnEe balloons moored from coastal barses. Some. In flames and shreds, came down— shower of spent mnchlne-Bur biillet-i, aerial cantion shelLi.\iihtl. aircraft frnitmenLs and even at empty machlne-Kun cllti. As we watched the helple.vi llslit- -ihlp. a diving plane .screamed at i bsllonn over our heads and the ipe^ bas came down : fire. lUi cable clattering bcliUid ir shelter. Wlille oUier planes were BttUng Inland and up and down Uie count ICnnlinui-d na i 'a » i:. Column International At a Glance (By The As.soclaictf-j>reAs) DalUe of BrlUin British bombers blast 100 miles of '^^azl-held French coast from Calais to Lc Havre, hitting at possible bases for aerman Invasion attempt; British S&y 25 Qermans shot down to four British; Britain expects-Na2l Invasion attem pt any time now; Ocrmans blast Southampton. Dover. Hastings In ntw moss raids but British pronounc- __ cd”; Oermwi bomb narrowty * misses train at Southampton; Ocrmans say 22 British planes shot down to Germany's 5. Brltonii wnmed to watch for sarachuUats after German larachutes found In mld- ands; Germans report inosses of plo&e and balloon wreckage off Dover as cvldencc of ef- fective raiding. Eden Scrm naming BHtlsh War Secretary An- thony Eden tells, world that Britons will begin real war when they take offenslvo lany.' BriUIn BeUUales . ' I^-ranglng British bomb- ers raid Xtallan aircraft fac- tories in 'M llaii anti Turin. | Ccctto»«J t O bIim « 'Hy Tlip A.vJK-lalril l’rr:s> iii-.il Ilutnln lookeil Writne'flBV III for Adolf Hislrr 10 altempl liiv.i.'loii at nny minute In Uie ;e (if uiiprocedenled nerlat at- o. bill even In llieir liourot dark- prril fiiiin Nail bombs Ihe Brlt- t:ai;fil of fnrr>’lnE the war home . lie liriil-li air mlnl.-.try cnve be- itirird liritons n ra>' nf .cncour- iiicnl liv leporlliiK Unit Niiil aer- n'.-:iull.-. yer.tprday «crc •'much pronoimced.''However, Ocnnaii.v • i.ald the aerial bllltkriri; conllnuetl ii.il):itcd and ie|)ort<-<l mnv,e.s of (iritint: plane nnd Ijalloon wreek- :e olf I>ovrr us evidence Of lU elfecllvoiie:..'. Carry War to Germany Drtrrnilnatlon lo carr>' the war to rniiany vnr. volfrd by !lrllWi_Wnr__ TreUiry AiiUiniiy Eden In a world bron<Irn.M- Ui^renl war wlU beRlu when we Hike Uie'offensive' and Mrlke home at the enemy.",declared Fxlen. -That .Is the way war* are to do." Tlio lale.M ErKlhh center* .bUsud t>.»-*+n'Omn*ir^ere-Bouthsiopton» - Dover and llBjUnra. At Southamp- ton. A, train was damaged ^ sev- > . eral people were InJi^red. Heavy I« u n Ileparled AaionK signs ot an early “lero '' hour" for a German Invasion were Uie dbfovro' of Oeromn mlne- •eeplnc trawlers In Uie North sea obviously clearing away mines for troop imnsporu; dLicovcry of 17 German-marked pamchutes In Big- Innd's Indu.ilrlftl midlands; renewed bans on public dancing In Germaoy. Just as before Uie campaigns against. , Poland. Uie bw countrlea wd <C<inUntir<I as P u t t. Celuav 1) G E R M IR iN REPORUUCCESS Returning Fliers Describe Great Piles of Debris , ' Off Dover DETILIN, Aug, 14 WV-Oernianyi mighty air force earried a tempest of fire and meUl acr6ss the channel Into I&ieland's exposed southern flank for the fourth succesilTe day of big aerial asuutt today, and re- turning bomben described creat piles of floating debris off Dbref-^ a pos.'Jble sign ef condlUoni ripe fop JnvTuilon. Biggest battles of the 'day wer» - reported off Uils southeastern “hot* comer neare.it the conUnrat. whera Gerrnans said British fighters per- sisted In making muie attempts to stop the torrenti of Oemun bomb- ers, dive bombers and baUle planet and. lost 33 of their hurricanes uid splinres to the Qerroans' live. This brousht Britain's total of de- stroyed planes, according to Oer- man bookkeeping, to 4(» for tbe five bis days beglnnlne last Tlnir*- day. Tills was at a cost of 83 Oer- lan planes, the Germans reckoned. Ban on Pabtio Danelnc As If these body blows were « prt- ' lude to ft land and sea lamioa..th« fovemment today ordered a bln oo, public dancing; aa It did durlns tbe . Polish 'campaign and the offeoslva' In we.item-Europe. ReMnUy«(Unc>^ ’ Ing^tua-been J ' * ------ Despite tHs desperat* BrtUih op- '-' poslUon. the Oerraani said, tbetr -■ bombers ihrieHed d w if o n ' thelr'r* obJeetU'4^,...hllUni; airports : and wharvea nhUi emWiifM toweriar fires tn their wHchTlelt. wake. AppToxhnately a acort o! BrlUtoH vauated burae* baOoons were mbI flamlQs into tbe sea and ia tbft grountt a tasKlc.of twlited i tbe Gerotass dccbuvd, vbUe _____ boats were e n g a^ off tbore -M . attem pu to Teteus,hteUeM pllou whose oouati were -soot., b streaking flame from 'tbe sk7^ ~ <" Oefensea Blafted , German lihluAef a t. Ufa. o of Brttlsta ah’ twiittnot vera ti edtntheb. que^ItMUtikOmetousb , ^ . xacks.'0U’tanto ahd «iulpmeBt:;« blastad •M 'biraW ,':-----

PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08

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Page 1: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08

A n Aim clated PreM Newipaper T W IN F A L L S N E W S

V o L 2 S , N o. SY TWIN F j L l ^ , IDAHO. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 16. 1!M0 P ricc F iv e C e n ts

Meredith Ousted As Prison Head; Talley Appointed

G overnor Boltolfseii Backs Secrelarj- of State ill Disniiesing Warden ' J. W. Taylor Opposes Acliop

iDy Tlif AJLVXllltMl PrfU)BOISE, AUR. 14 — p. C. M eredith . Idnho prl.son warden

2 1 - 2 years, wns dismissed by the s ta te nrlson boiiril today - an d -G ilbert-H .-T allc r.-yard - cftp l(iln -7-l-2 ' yparB,-appolnU)d

In hi.s stead . ' ,M eredith .said last week he cxpcctcd to be dlsml;;scd. prob

iibly Im m ediately a fte r tlie election, and a ttrib u ted hl.'i dis­favor larRcly to Secretary of S tale George H. Curtis, whom th e wardcn^sald disagreed w ith trea tm en t of " th ree or four"

•g u a rd s a t th e prl.son.Curtl.s moved for Meredith's

dism issal today, and was backed by Governor DoUoU- nrn. Attorney Ociicrnl J. W, Tnylor. llilrd tnrm ber of Uic bonrd. jlrtftl « itJ i Affrcdlth.

Curtlfi nl.^o proi>o:,(‘(l Tnllcy n* new u-arilpn. He wn.i npprovcd anlmoii7.Iy.

I t V

hn.'.tfnrU lila own rthmtvnl,

• E»cal>M and “Ilffr rarlir*"A rfc en t .'.rrlM of c.^cnpes. liichid*

tns th n l of Dnnny Wllllniiis. yoiuii- rul U llcr Irom Twin PnlLi county, ns wtll R3 two "b ftr pnrtlps" nmonii e rran t >:nKle Wnnd prl.son fnrm tru/iHefl In-'t w lntrr nroiiwd cL'.m of Mercdlili'fl rrglmc In <]Uiirtfni. f

Wllllnms wn« cnpliired In Boise aa Hollr^ n ftrr lil. flight by hldlnjc In n RWlll barrel. All oUier fuclttvc: pxccpt one. nLw linve been nppre- lieiKlnl-

A fler Uie oii.ster «'iu volfd. tlic bonrd received rfslci'ntlon* of four prlwti workeris-Ed Wlilttlnjtton. Icirntltlentlon olflcrr; Eninieti Cor­bin. deputy wiirden: F-irle D. Wll- llnm-1. inuvrfi; nnd Elilcn DiTmncy.

-typljil.Tftricy ho.-' Kervcd under wtir-

dcn* »ntl five aellns wnrdens._____________Konner.Rfllff.HPa.J_______

M eredith, n brothfff of a former Mcremry of nfrlculture under Woodrow ■Wll.ion.)»iti head of tho Wftlio em em rney (relief ndrolnUtrA- lion u n der former Oovcmor C. Ben

He WAS a pan lsan of m ink 'K ec ' nan of S d ie . whO''}Ut«rd«r ihe DCTnocrntlc nomlnition M lec- jind. dlatri'* . fimarw 'TO'a tfu lr j K-. M n a tw of Botoe.

Curtlii nrt&nsed for- th* prtion ♦ botird meetlnR &nd decinrtd, after

It WB» opened by the Rm’cmor. '1 think a clinnue In Uie wardenslilp li ncce»r.nn'. 1 move th/it the office of w arden be mnde vntant."

M eredltli broke in. &ai'lrjr, "Mr. 8 ecrttftr7 .<tfTirtl») I think you ouBht to Blve A renion why a change Li necc.viar>-. SometJilns besides Uie Alntement : d idn 't Ahow enouch

, m a m th toward Uie Rusnln."" I th ink I told you In prlvnt* ilie

renscns w h y th e chansr In nrew* rnvrj'." snld Curtis, "I will ipenk no further here." ' . >

Taylor. In dLtsenllnR, • tt.v«rted -there nlwaya w«i a "cerLiln nmotinl ef dLvmtl.ifaetlon nmonK Uic

' and declared MercdlUi hnd con- diicKd hLi ftdmlnl.ilxntlon omIcalU' M poMlble.-

O ovcm or Botlolfs^n declared "for . Uie pa.it several monUin reporU have come to me of (he dLuallaftvc- tion and de.itroyed morale of tlie penltentinry Kuarda."

"Aji n minority • member of the bonrd I could do noUilng about It. but r hiive voiced my objections to the cxlravftKant manner In which

A the InatltrfUon hrui been opemled. ™ (CoXlnaxI en Tara i. Column t

FORES! t A Z KV o lu n te e r W o rk e r Fa lls Ocad

o t T F i f r T i n c inW yo m in g

MISSOULA. Mont.. Aug. 14 OVr- volunteer tlreflKliter. one of 4.000

tn iJBtllliig forest fires buniiliB hi clrouKlit-drlcd Rocky mountain Um­ber coiintr}’ from Canada to Colo- rndo, fell dtod todiiy on a Wyo- mInK fire line,

Tlie federal forrst &er\'lce txprtu- cd belief lonlKht th a t m w t of the major blaies which have blackened more than 16.000 ncrcj In four JWlts since lo-M Sflturdny. would be con­trolled tonight or tomorrow,

H erbert J, Cook. 57. of Buffalo. Wyo„ was flRlitlnK a small blaic In the DlK Horn nntlohal forest of norlhern Wyoming when he col- lapsetl, npparenUy victim of a hcaxt attack. RoiiKcrs re[>orlcd the fire under control a fte r It had burned M acres._ A forcf_of 1,100 men blocked the Nr* Perce nntldiial fbre.it fire In northern Idaho on- two .ilde.i, A te a lfle windstorm a|iread UiU bla»,

(CenUsatl n t. Coloma 0

E v e nDOUHNE, M aas-A local dalrj-

m an found a packaco neaUy tied wlUi blue ribbon to tlie horn of one of hLi beat milk produclnff co»a. In- xldc the p.ickniie wa« a quarter and 1 note rcftdlnR:

■•Hope Uilii pay* for Uie milk we took for our, baby. Summer folkj.”

A f t e r A ll s/jB O S T O N — Henry J. Ackroyd.

toAirlst infcrmaUon expert on Bos­ton Common. l i quick on Uio trig­ger.'

A Canadian Inquired about Bun- l i , ker Hill. Atkroyd gave him Uie W u.iual Btory of the “fled Coala" and

• the "w hilej of Uiclr eyes.". “You know mister." wld the Can­adian. "up In Canada, w e\e got one cf .Uifl_imns t;>e..BrjtM i.raptured

’■ • ui*t day a t Bunker HlII.’Crecked Ackroyd. after • a mo­

ment: r ■ • , ■Yci. b u t weVe lUll got the hlU.’

____ E v o n ttin Jl: _ ____ _TULSA—T he city eftglneerlnj de-

■ ■* "T 'srtm enfcauuaned proi>crty own- m not knowing Uielr correct hoiae number* to call the engineering de-

. ■ pirtm ent nnd get them checked. & glneer» placed n new nutnber—

120 S. Cincinnati—on Uib municipal building. -Then they learned -ihB correct addre.w—104 8. IClnclnnaU.-

T h c r o ’s a L im i t .M OEJJVEIt—Denver's red nnulrrtla

found themiielrea without lufflclent natursl food bu t tha t didn’t (top them. They:

Robbed birds' nefts.Ate Inner bark from trees. Onawed InsuUUon from electric

wlre.1.Now Uia.' eftv, ts issuing squirrel

trspplng permits.

FLO O O IA R E A SS w ir lin o S tre am s Leave 16

D e a d and Cause H e avy . P ro p erty Dan i^ge

ABHEVILU:, N. C.. Aug. H iflv- RjuiipaBltiB rivers wrought death and dcstnicUon today in four jouUi- cm.«t*to*.------------------

Abnominlly hea\y rainfall In Uie vtvke of a hurricane th a t battered the South Carollnn-Oeorgla coast Sunday sent Uie sw ift streams twirl­ing out of, their banks vaahlng out highways and bridges, de.iUTiylns lowland crop-t and causing millions of dollars damage to Indur.trlal plants along their bonks, and driv­ing hundreds of persons from Uielr home.1.

At least 18'deaths were atUlbuted to Uie floods.

NorUi Carollmi c o u n t e d two drownlngs and four dei^lhs In land­slides. , Tliree drownlngs were re­ported near Qnlox. Va^ three ncoi ElltabrthlouTi, Tenn., and Uiree neai Augusta. Oa, A Negro woman >neai Augmta died of a h eart attack when "sHe Ictimed Umt the flood waters were npproachljig h e r home.

A 100-foot wasliout of Aslicvllle'. principal water m a in ‘forced thLi tourist's Mecca of SI.000 to «I>orlnRly water from a single t voir.

miles norUiessl, apparently hardest hIL

Tlie flooded Yadkin river, whitli(ConUnurd on l-ir« 12. Column ])

■WIRE 2 T 0 H IG T 0 R y

Jack H a ll D o w n s Pocatello • C ard in a ls W it h 5 - H it

Pitch in g

IM IDS Britain’s Air Force DeliversSURPRISE EDGE rSENlIE

S o u n d T ru c k Cam paigner L e a d s T w in Falls M an,

1 8 , 2 3 2 to 1 7 .6 5 8 for

N o m i n a t i o n Jor Toga

(By Tlie A.vwliitcil ,;B 0 I5 E , Aub- H — Will) 101 small. ■ widely - .^cattcri'd prc- clncts y e t to report om of Id ah o 's 702. Glen Taylor of Pocatello re ta ined his surprl.se m arg in -over former JucIrc Jam es R, Bothwell of Twin Falls to n ig h t In the Demo­cratic con test for ilie United S ta tes se n a to r nomination.

At Uie same time an ntinmtc i j Uie totxil vole ca.M at yesicnlnv's prlmar>' became more concrete, Rriiubllcans. along the line ol fttorlnl, conifrr;nlonol anil sl.iti

-s, showing more jiowrr ili.in i'cnrs'

New Blows Along Enemy Coast; Nazi Raiders Retnrj;! to Attack

Fire Sweeps Immigration Slalioii

Taylor, wiiw.e ciinjf,ione ir.iiirr house cnmpainn cnrrltcl him. wife and small i.on Into fsr co.'nrrs of the sta le with n wiiiid trurl:, polled 18.233 votri wllh 707 iireclnrls reported. ns .nKalnM 17,058 for Coih- well. '

Tlilrd was Si.Tte Senator Clporee Donnrt, overuken by tlir blK.hiitlrd, bnllad-tlnKlnR rndio rntrri.itnrr nit

securing sn errly lead, Donart received IS.TOn.

Dottfwell's strcnKlh show l ptln- dlially In .■'outli-centml Idnlio and Donart's in soiilliwe-.tern, with Tny- . .. strong 111 the iiurUi, rrKlr.lcrlillT miijorltle.i In 23 coimiic.s compnrrd with Botliwell’,4 II And Donart's 10.

Vole for CovemM'The combined vote for go\ ive Indications of belnK sllglitly

lower th a n Ip 103R n.i well as unclrr prelllninarj' e.'.llninte of 125,000

bnllol.1,neptiblleans. wllh CM precincts In.

ist 53.208 guberniMorlal vctri.' n i e Democratic tolnl la 051 pre­

cincts wa.1 55.M3, for an agKregate 3 boUi parties of 100,137.' Senatorial vot'-s were: Republic.m, 13 preclnd.-!, 50,303 (spresd amotiK !Ten civndldntcH) DemocraUe 50,

618. w ltli 691 preclncu.M eantime. Uie rivalry fct the Re-,

publican United States senator cholee. which gavr, -pre-prlmu v p rttn lse 'o f B see-saw affair among seven candidates, developed Into scarcely more Uian a workout for Senator Joh^ Tliomas.

’ nepobllean Vote Tliomos, who Musht to fill out ir unrxplred term ot the late Ben- lor Uorab. counted 3r,710 votes

..lore Uinn all the oUier candidate! combined. Nciire.it was Abe Goff oi Mw.cow. president of the Idaho state b.tr. wllh 7.500.

Others In the rocfi trailed as fol- lowr.: E, W. Sinclair, 4 .ia ; J. D Price. 3.sa2: Prank.H, Adams, 2,169; □vln D ulnncT., I and Frank B. rwLr.on, 1,4M,

Running claie In the Republican electorate's favor In the first con- grcMlonnl dLitrlct were Kd Qaffney of Oroflno, house majority leader In Uifi 1C30 legtilatur# .and Rex T. Henion o t Cocur d'Alene, Oaffney led'0,ti&7 to a,S>efi wIUi 147 of 3BS prcclncLi checketl.

Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo­cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08 voles In 347 precincts.

Clark Wln.1 Two*t».ODe Another surprise of the primary

was ^^ayor Chase A. Clark of Idaho t^ULi. who scored nearly a 2-lo-J

on 1*. Colgrea I

TWO Cwo-»tory Ijulidlnj* were dcilrnjed by fire on A n«l Island, tl. S. Immlgr.illon utaUon In San Franelvo bay. T his aerial view sbowi the admlnlilrstlon building, one .of the s lru rlu rrt dnlroyrd. The deporUdon h e arln r o f l la r r r Hridges. West Coxtl CIO leader, ,wa> held In this building laat lummer. nnm agr was e«tl>' mated a t »a0,000. On* prtw n. a snldler sent from the mainland to help nght the fire, wa* Injured. Killy women In a delenllon w art were eKorled to safety.

Hollywood Stars Named as Communist Party Members

Grand: Jury I'estimoBy Lists More Than. D ozen Actors, Actresses arid

■ ' ■ Film Writers(By Tlie Ai.-vOclaled Pressl

LQS ANGELES, AuB.^4 — More th an a doren prom inent Hollywood ac to rs , actresses and 'H im w riters were named In Rrand Ju ry testim ony, made public tonlpht, as membcr.'i of the Commiini.^t p a rty and heavy contributors to It-s sui)pprl.

Id en tified a s members of the Communist p arty by John L. Leech, a fo rm er Loa Anpeles county organizer. In a tra n s­cript o f h is testim ony last week before the counXy Krand

Jury Investigating Commun­istic activities and which was m ade public by the d h tr lc t a ttorney 's office were:

Uonel Slander, actor: Jesn Muir, sc treu ; Frank Tuttle., dim (echnlrlan; TaDla'Tullie, his wife;' F rank, llavis, producer; nlfford Odeti, writer and scenarist: .Kam OmlU. writer: Franchot Tone, actor: Fmferle March, ju-lor; Gregorr La Cara, director; Lenler Cole, scenarist; James Cagney, aeler; Ilumphrer nogarl. actor; Frank Beolly, w riter; Francis Led-


BomI)s Fall Near* Diiee’s NewspaperROME. Auk, 14 M’) (via radio)—i

Two bombs dropped by the. Rrlllih In Ia.it nlKht's-rrold on Milan •fell near Uie bulldlnu of Premier Muuo- llnl's new,spaper. I! Popolo d 'lu lla —bui Uie paper was publl.ihcd as iisuftl. the Rome radio said tonli;lil.

The radio sold work In Uie jiniicr's edltorlflrofflccs was no t tnterruiHrd. The bombs blew n largo hole In ilio street named Via Am nldo Mui'nllnl,

Counties’ Votes in Surprise Senatorial Nomination Race

tny Tli» AiiOclaUid Pres.il DOISK, Auc. 14—At 7:30 p, m. Idaho's vote for United SU tes senatorial

nominees by counUes was:Total ’ PreelncU Dern*

County Preclncti R ^ r t e d Hathwelt Donart Tsylor


T w n rp n n r z r .~ . ; :

tt'edtteiKlaj-s RetalU Ogden 8, BoLie 0.Twin Palls 2, Pocatello I.Salt Lake 8, Idaho Palls «.

Thnrsdsy's rrebable ritehers DoLw a t 5olt Lftke, 8;IS p. n..

L nrrr 8usee (8-JO) vs,’ Lanj- Jsn.ien •H-7).

Pocatello a t Osden. 8:JS p,HaJ Dobson. (10-8) vs. Ken Pollvka <7-13).

Twin Palls a t Idaho Fali.i. 8;1S , m—Ned - • -*ituu: ( i - i ) .

POCATELLO, AUS. 14-(A>-Evtn Oil] Capllnser. Uie Pioneer ieaguoU No, 1 liurler. felt ton lsh t before .Uve

(CaatlauMd sa Tact S, CoIoibd I)


dlreeter, Xand Buddy Sehulberc, ion of B. P. Sthnlberf, proilueer.' Aetor M ardi Inter Issued'a state m ent saylnn Uiat "spcaklnK for my self. Mr. Leech is an unmltlRalM lUr" nnd Uiat “I will welcome Uie opportunity to meet Mr. Leech face to face and call him a llar,“

“NonB of the cliarces of ihls who. by hU o»Ti admLvilon. I ex-Communlst nnd one-Ume advo- cate of our sovemment'a overthrow by force and violence. Is true In Uii slightest decree," March said-

no t even know the man.•I have never knOTlnKly. cniitrl'

buled-a ahiRle iwnny lo ihe Com­munist or any oilier un-American cau.ie.-

Boffort Issued a statement saylns: "I have never contributed money > a polltlcol orRanlratlon of any

form. T liat Includes Republican, Democmtic, Hollywood antl-Nazl lesifuo or the Communbt party. Furthermore, I have never atlendtd the achool menUoned nor do 1 know w hat school 'th a t may be, ’

"I dare>the men who arc attempt* Ine Uils' InvesUsaUon to call me lo •ttw-tttawj.-- t-TO^t.to-fice-thbn ffl}-self find no( by a proxy to whom ■ am only a 'aiunE .'!...

Catmey was motarlnejsomewhcre I New England, his broUior and

butlncM manairer. WlBlam. said..0 J-M. ts, CclOBin t |

Fund Sought for Hatch Law Curb

WASHINOTON, Aub. ' 14 — President Roosevelt today asked cansrest to provide tSOO.OOO addi­tional fer-the civil service commls- Rlsn-lo finance.Its work-of enforc­ing the new lla tch law curblnE po- UUcal acUvlly by local employes paid •wim federal fund*.

The senate campalitn expenditures committee took under advisement a request to Inrestlsate cliarves tha t, retUtraUoQ roUi bad been padded n Jersey Olty, home of Mayor {SKUD. Tlie charge was made by

James A. Tumulty. J r , InHtpcndeot


L a w m a k e rs T a k e F irs t Spe­c ific .A c tio n D u r in g Cori'

scrip tio n D e b a te

WASHINGTON, Auc. 14 i.V. - Taking lU first spcclflc action <Iur-

Uie prc-ncnt con.-.crlpiion delate, senate today nrtopictl an omrnil

m^'ni 10 the d ra ft bll! raL ln ; Un basic army pay from $21 to UO i montli.

Critics of conscription have re- peiit«lly urged such nn liicren--,e, nrKUlnB Uiot It would spi'fil uj enllstm enti nnd help iwovUle man­power for Uie arm y by ilir volun­teer method, with no ncc<l for con- scrlpOon. However, ftdmlnlsimllon fornofl also had endorsctl Uie klea. so Uiat Uie senate's dccl>ln:i no t con-sUlered a tc.it on Uie bill It­self.

Offered by Senator Lee (D-Olcia), a ftupporter of coiiscrlpiinii, the amendment provides Unit volunury recrulUi and drafloes In Uie army and marine corjvi shall be paid ^1 a montli durlnt: Uie firit four m onths of iralnlntr nnd then. If Uielr raUng Is satisfactory. ‘

(CoeUn>i«) on :. Columt. I

Ahfnii Siren.s, G iant Flashes and Th iiiu lering Explosions Mark

Vast CouiiJ.^rallafks•Ily • r Ar.wl i I 'ir .

... 15 (Tlnir.'.day)— i;:llsh cli;iniicl Irom

SOUTHEAST COAST OF ENGLAND,Walliiii: ;ilann .slri'n,s heard :icro:;.'; tlie Fn the ■\.N'a;'l-hfl(l coa,st of F nincc early todriy slKtiali'd va.^t Drill.sli rovinterall;ick-s on G erm :iny’.s blltzkrlcK base.s,

ncport.'^ reachlnK here , backed by w hal coultl actually be soon .''uul heard acros.s th e channel. Indicated th a t tlie royal a ir force sm:i.shrc1 It.s coin iter blow;; aloiiK i>erhaps 100 ;nlle.s of the cna.st where Na; !.'; :irc ma.'..'.ecl nearest lo England.

Lohk .7 /ie r mlclrjJpht nnd on toward dawn the scream of :lie .'.li cn.s coultl be heard. •

G ian t fla ;^ s_ U )a t 11^ the 7ii Ji3il_olalia..ihumigriiii:'.ciplo.-. ■ icjiiv •A-illi wlilrli Hrltl'.h bombers ,>:il(l li:irk In kind fur the poiindlntf

J of soulJica.'tcin' KiKlnnd.I D E R S m C KE ycw itjicss D escrilics Scencs

of D estruction L e ft « by B om bers .

nv KOHnn'^K. hiin; . NOU’IH COA;:t

TOW,V, AUC. 14 .,v.-\v,nr himilred nnd nion- r.Tini'

a. Ilclll'.liljl lll<-i;illvt of tllp 1

i l E S PATROL i l

s. and J a p a n e s e Forces to D iv id e C o n tro l of

B rit is h A r e a

SHANQHAI, AUff. IS (Thureday) ( f l^ A n agreement has been renclied dividing control of Uie OrlUsh de­fense sector of 8hmisl>nrs Interna- Uonal teuiftmeot. be tfftcn Amcrlcaa and Japunesereliably, todaf!

The future .of th e BrlUsh sector following removal of British troops from' ShMighal" a n a “ w»rm“ C hlni

dl5cu.ised by defense commancl' In a four-hour meetlnR.

--------------- ’usea-OTcEi-■qllifterafirm or deny tbe reports of an agree­m ent. saying on officialwould be l.\sued a t 0 a. m . tomorrow (B p. m. EST.‘ Thur*da>->.

Aecordln* to the reporta, the Brlt- sh sector would be sp lit up as fol-

. T he.4th 0 . S. m arines under Colo­nel DewlU Peck will Uike over the central district of the international KtUement. S hangtu l's Important dowiitown commeirUl a n d flnanclsl center. , .

The Japane*e wUl ...... .......... ..Ronskew; Ute area wlth&i the MtUe- m rnt..north of Soochow creek, and also the extra se ttlem ent western district, where dual eontiol idready existed . throujfh th e jjiw n c e of

Japftoese-damlnaiKl Chinese pcUce.

ni'. rlinmil ojx-n: I tx rrril fioni r.liclter whll'* barrni:e tinllnoii-,

rliinsed 111 IlaniM from the fl;v. ftr cln.\lilnB ciible.s fnlllns nlinn-.t my feet; I miw a nieltv of jwr-

Imp ISO millers nnd dr/enilers r.iiriip liroujth lhe_eimiris nnri in my enni

all <lnv dinner the crn'li of niitl- slrcraft and the dull ihiiil nf bomb.-, belilmt nip—Inland,

My colle-imie, H, Taylor HeniT. enmlnR,ln from London, m UI inreii- dlnry bombs were <Irop|ird nrouiul hU train," crnwllnK c a u t i o u s l y IhroiiBh the Krcen downs of m id ­summer EiiKlsnd. _____

Roar 1-# >jora' F ra h re 'The bli.’(te-.'.t cloud of Oermftn rnltf-

ers—I .counted about a- hundred plalnlv visible, with others dotting Ilie sky up hlRh.er—n>ared ncros.-:

. . from France, defiantly brensUtig n circle of 27 RrllLih flRhlem,

Tlie Brlllfh rinsed Uiem; then, one by one. dived on Uiem. One vast, wild Jamboree of twlMlnc. flame- splttlnff planer develnjied.

Four planes, then another. Uien o th to , rockeled, tiumlnp. Into the ' sea. We could not tell which irtde Uiey belonced

In a crni>- din of antl-nlrcmft, machlne-(nm anti rannon erplo- slnn.i, r.lx hljr Junkers .vream fd n t thf liphtshlp, dropping two bomba apiece.

n ie y seh^Jnp seysers from Uie sea; others dropped nn land.

Balloons Plunce Jn Flame*A new swarm of raiders to rej-lc-

ioutly a t the harrnEe balloons moored from coastal barses. Some. In flames and shreds, came down—

shower of spent mnchlne-Bur biillet-i, aerial cantion shelLi.\iihtl. aircraft frnitmenLs and even at empty machlne-Kun cllti.

As we watched the helple.vi llslit- -ihlp. a diving plane .screamed a t i bsllonn over our heads and the

ipe^ bas came down: fire. lUi cable clattering bcliUid ir shelter.Wlille oUier planes were BttUng

Inland and up and down Uie countICnnlinui-d na i 'a » i:. Column

International At a Glance

(By The As.soclaictf-j>reAs)DalUe of BrlUin

B ritish bombers b la st 100 miles of '^^azl-held F rench coast from Calais to Lc H avre, h itting a t possible bases for aerm an Invasion a tte m p t;British S&y 25 Q erm ans shot down to four B ritish ; B rita in expects-Na2 l Invasion a tte m p t any tim e now; O crm ans b last Southampton. Dover. H astings In n tw moss raid s b u t B ritish

pro n o u n c- __cd”; Oerm wi bomb n arrow ty * misses tra in a t Southam pton; Ocrmans say 22 British p lanes shot down to G erm any 's 5.Brltonii w nm ed to w atch forsarachuUats a f te r G erm an larachutes found In m ld - ands; G erm ans report inosses

of plo&e and balloon wreckage off D over as cvldencc o f ef­fective raiding.

Eden S c r m na m in g BHtlsh W ar Secretary An­

thony Eden te lls , w orld th a t Britons will begin rea l w ar when they take offenslvo

lany.'BriUIn BeUUales . '

I ^ - r a n g ln g B ritish bom b­ers ra id Xtallan a irc ra f t fac ­tories in 'M lla ii anti T urin.

|Ccctto»«J t ObIi m «

'Hy Tlip A.vJK-lalril l’rr:s> iii-.il Ilutnln lookeil Writne'flBV III for Adolf Hislrr 10 altempl liiv.i.'loii at nny minute In Uie

;e (if uiiprocedenled nerlat at- o. bill even In llieir liourot dark- prril fiiiin Nail bombs Ihe Brlt- t:ai;fil of fnrr>’lnE the war home .

lie liriil-li air mlnl.-.try cnve be- itirird liritons n ra>' nf .cncour- iiicnl liv leporlliiK Unit Niiil aer- n'.-:iull.-. yer.tprday «crc •'much pronoimced.''However, Ocnnaii.v •

i.ald the aerial bllltkriri; conllnuetl ii.il):itcd and ie|)ort<-<l mnv,e.s of (iritint: plane nnd Ijalloon wreek- :e olf I>ovrr us evidence Of lU

elfecllvoiie:..'.Carry War to Germany

Drtrrnilnatlon lo carr>' the war to rniiany vnr. volfrd by !lrllWi_Wnr__ TreUiry AiiUiniiy Eden In a world

bron<Irn.M-Ui^renl war wlU beRlu

when we Hike Uie'offensive' and Mrlke home at the enemy.",declared Fxlen. -T hat .Is the way war* are

to do."Tlio lale.M ErKlhh center* .bUsud

t>.»-*+n'Omn*ir^ere-Bouthsiopton» - Dover and llBjUnra. At Southamp­ton. A, train was damaged ^ sev- >. e ral people were InJi^red.

Heavy I « u n Ileparled AaionK signs ot an early “lero ' '

hour" for a German Invasion were Uie db fov ro ' of Oeromn mlne-

•eeplnc trawlers In Uie North sea obviously clearing away mines for troop im nsporu; dLicovcry of 17 German-marked pamchutes In Big- Innd's Indu.ilrlftl midlands; renewed bans on public dancing In Germaoy. Just as before Uie campaigns ag a in s t. , Poland. Uie bw countrlea w d

<C<inUntir<I as P u t t. Celuav 1)


R e tu rn in g F liers D e s c r i b e G re a t P iles of D ebris , '

• O ff Dover

DETILIN, Aug, 14 WV-Oernianyi mighty a ir force earried a tempest of fire and meUl acr6ss the channel Into I&ieland's exposed southern flank for the fourth succesilTe day of big aerial a suu tt today, and re­turning bomben described creat piles of floating debris off Dbref-^ a pos.'Jble sign ef condlUoni ripe fop JnvTuilon.

Biggest battles of the 'day wer» - reported off Uils southeastern “hot* comer neare.it the conUnrat. whera Gerrnans said British fighters per­sisted In making muie attempts to stop the torrenti of O em un bomb­ers, dive bombers and baUle planet and. lost 33 of their hurricanes u id splinres to the Qerroans' live.

T his broush t Britain's total of de­stroyed planes, according to Oer- m an bookkeeping, to 4(» for tbe five bis days beglnnlne last Tlnir*- day. Tills was a t a cost of 83 Oer-

lan planes, the Germans reckoned.B an on Pabtio Danelnc

As If these body blows were « p r t- ' lude to ft land and sea lam ioa ..th« fovem m ent today ordered a b ln oo, public dancing; aa It did durlns tb e . Polish 'campaign and the offeoslva' In we.item-Europe. ReMnUy«(Unc>^ ’ Ing^tua-been J ' * ------

Despite tHs desperat* BrtUih op- '-' poslUon. the Oerraani said, tb e tr -■ bombers ihrieHed d w i f o n ' thelr'r* obJeetU'4^,...hllUni; airports : and wharvea nhUi emWiifM

tow eriar fires tn theirw H chTlelt. wake.

AppToxhnately a acort o! BrlUtoH vauated bu rae* baOoons were m b I flamlQs into tbe sea and i a tbft grountt a tasKlc.of twlited itbe G erotass dccbuvd, v b U e _____boats were e n g a ^ off tbore -M . a ttem pu to Teteus,hteUeM pllou whose oo u a ti were - soot., b streaking flame from 'tbe sk7^ ~ < "

Oefensea Blafted ,G erm an lihluAef a t . Ufa. o

of Brttlsta ah’ tw iittno t vera ti e d t n t h e b . ■que^ItM UtikOmetousb , ^ . xacks.'0U’tanto ahd «iulpmeBt:;« blastad •M 'biraW ,':-----

Page 2: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08



Fascists Deny Reports of Damage to Wartime

IndustriesnOME. Am- 14 'I’—.Siiiiiiilioiu of

loiiB-mtikc UrltWi IXHiilJcrs Uiini* tlcTti! ovvr Uir MpJ auii d<xft\ on

UiUuilrlil.clUtj.or.iiorUiT. rrn IH'ly fnrly ifxUy. ><1111111; Z7 ppr-. w:ij. Injurini; inntr Iliiiii Illly iiiiil Mln-lnc Uif nixr ol (n.scM.i nt v,lmt tiicy ciillKl 'Ji bntijarom niid cow­ardly nlUcl:."

Tlic 1W.UA5V. lUe UrUli-li■ bointXT. crovrrt (iriilrnl Bwllrrrlnixl

ami ic ;iiiciril rxiilir>i\r.> mill-vfopi'- UiildH Iciillru nl riimloin ’ill the roldPiitliil iJi.Mrlcl!, of Mllmi, 'I'urlii. TOrtonn anil AUtsAndrln, Tlie Irnf* IrU tolJ UnllnIl^ to ftiikc up to llirir

tii vahAiib ■■\>f >iw riifiny. Ocriminv." to "mnlie HllJcr ilrwiKcr." ■

Autliorllli". iii'J-Mcil tlirrr v,as iiom liuary clainnKc ibut Hrllliti nc* eoiiiilA M>J(1 tlir Ciiproiil (nclniy In Miliiii niul Ih r ri;il liltint In Tiirln.

<il •koiK»,ullir.

THe lieiivlcM ntlnrit nt Mllnii. where n down ixrrmin w tir klUwl iiid <4 injiirfd by 30 explwlvf iind llicr!>illrir>’ boinUi. ,

Still ntiothcr Drlii.Oi riild wiisr.ir- rltfl oul over Aut.ni'in, iinvM In eiclly. Navnl aiiU-alrcrafl km Mid 10 linvt sliol down a Drltl.ili twjicdo plnlie.

The !.un)rljr on Uip Inrscrcltlen. Jlr-t nlncp fflrlv In itip brouclK home bj the iiiliftlltdnu tiicir claiiKff even Irom Britain, whlrli most of tlicm consldcrctl hnniilemb' -fw uw«>-

B R E V I T I E SVLiIU SI»Uf—Mn. May Dl,xnn oI

ri>caUUo Trip — Mr. and Mr: Lionel A. Dean aiiil fiiltUly ^ pr vlaltork jtsl^ril.iy In Pocatello.

. 011(1 Mr'v ha ll HimiUy from

> .■.pent Mvcral

controvri'sy Grrree oicr"oppreiilon" of Allwnlan mlnorlllM nl fever heat. *

II Poiwlo D1 noitia eicn lilnlrd that lU ly tn lR h t clnlm ilie Oreclc liland of Corfu and Uie whole Adrl- aUe coa&l n.i a xeguel to the hatchet »1»ylna of Daul Jlontila, Albanian

S [ N A I [ 1 [ S RAISE M PAY

bxie pny ahall be hicrea»ed During today'* deUaK, Senator

Clark (O-Moi an»e to brand as •'outr»8coi>.V ft stftlcment from the army Umt Uie original Um« »che<l- ule for calllnR drafleea had to tx rerljed because of the time eon-


(Conllauii] rrnra l’<ii Oo<lAlso strJke a t German a ircraft a n d mus^USons {acVoiies.

War In Afrira B ritish wnrshlps scattered

I ta l ia n armored columns and tro o p concentrfltlocu driving on B crbcra, capital of B ritish S om aliland ; Britons say FaS' c is t offensive In SomftlUnnd.

ccnscrlpUon.Rrd-face<t aod liidlimant, Clark

ahoutcd:"ErCrybody ho i known all the

time., th a t aomebody waa going hare to come fortli with some '

.C1M for not puttlnn>itil3 coiucrlo* tl«n Into operation a t once.

.-Anyone wht> know «j»nyti\in8 about II knOB-s tliat noUifiig t^la ttdmlcilatrntlon hn.i done would In- .licsK th a t they were ROtag to b. Inept rnouRh to have thoa^aniU of motliera RolnK down ta the »UUon to klM their boya Rood bye a weeka before Uio elecUon."

Before tJie house mUllaty i mllte?. Secretary of Uie Navy Knos vlioroualy urged Uie enactnicnt of coaicrl|>tlon legLiIatlon. Hf *ald tha t If Bngland li defeated United Suitca, lacking a Iwct-ocean nB 7 . will need r huge and well- tralne<t land force.

Tl\e Untt«<! Stales {iieci % •'Riavc - crisis," hft aald. becauie If KnKlan(l

fallj, ihl* country would be "left u-tihout • friend In Uie world."


lContin'ur4 Irom T>t< OnriFrance, "iind the concenlmllon of O ennan acrlnl atlncks on Dovrr, ehanncl calo for a poK\lble Invasion.

l** t n lslit, after Uie fourtii atralglit day of mnsi rald5—five days counting laat Tliursday—Uie belllg- erenta tu rned In Uit.ie cUlnu:

BrlCA^f— T w enty'Six Oerman pinnei ^ B t down to four BrlU.th

Oermaiij-—2J BrllLih planes allot down tx> 3 Oermana.

T^ftl ffnve Uiia grnnd .total for the live daya of mft-ia raids:

D etain—2DI O ennan pUines shot down. 73 Briasli Io.vie» admllteil.

Oermany—38i BrltlMi planes des­troyed. 88 Cermnn planes adrallted lost. r • ,

RetalllaUnK sharply njalnst their iLXli enemies, BrltUli bomtjen rained eiplcalvcj on Germany and Italy' Tuesday nlBht and enrli- Wednes' day.

AtUcka on Uie Junkers aircraft factorleji n t DcMftii and Bemburg, north of Lelpslg, Cermnny. and munitions fnctorles were announced by U)t DrltLih air mliilitr^-.

JProm Rome cnme word that- squadrans of B rlthh bombc^ had crossed tlie Alp* and borffted tlie IndustrlAl clUcs of nortliem Italy, kllllnc 72 sni] Injurlns more Uian 80.

The fa-'clsL^ called the Brltlnh "ft UaiDafti !! nnd-£owMdl3-

tAck~ - »nd - ^ U t« d <her»-i>»*:.m lllta n ' damnRe,

^ lliiU x c p o rt i tAld plane factories S t M llan-and Turin were am'ashed.

Brltl'ih vnnthlps went into action „4aJhB.b*lU».for-Brill)h-6emaHhmdr

Ptrlnkr wivoa from IlRlif (mvai units In Uie Otilf of Aden. Uie BrlU^h aaid they tcnltered Italian amiored

.colum ns nnd troop concentrations driving tow-ard Bcrbem. 'capital of B rttbh SomAllIand.

Liid V jr»llni.-MQ anm nil irltinic'<! lilnckfoot wtinr tii days vi.iiitns friend

Ffun.- U..~At.irIf»=Mr."lih[THFS: A C. Dmvcr uf I>in Aiitrlri nrr lirrr fur ft brli-( VI II -Aith Mr.s. Sarnh liou rr , Ml'. CllI1 1l' LnrLCii nnd family nnd .Mr . Flnra Anderson.

Conrludr Trip — MIm Mllllceiit Kl(lrt<li;-' anil Mi-. Au.lrpy Hlnklr hixvr rrtiirii'-d lioiii n vacoUon trip to U>-. -San >Yiiiii;ir.co

Ilau tliirr fUini—A (liiiinliter w;is born ye.Merilny a t the Twin Palis comity kTD'-rnl linNpllnl maternity hciiiie to Mr anil .Mrs. Lloyd A. Dan- Ipin of 'I-ttlii Fall^ ■

I’itrcnit of .'ion—Mr. and Mrs, Carl Ilolli-iiljccl: nf Tivlii KnIU <ire ihc jinrriits oI a .'tin Ixirn yf^l^rday nt Uir 'J'wln FillL roiinly senernl lio-i- [illnl miilrrnlly home.

I^K in Vl.llort—.Mr. and Mr». Dnii T. Wllllaln^ nl l^oican, Utah, are here to vt.ilt Mrs. Willlamji' brolher. O. Hecil UwLv and her niolher> Mr*. Cl.'rfrKf H. U'wl-.

To O rrjiiii—Mr. iind Mis. Gerald Wiillncc Icll 'nirsday for NyMa. Ore. for ft brlrl vWi. TJiry relurn^J re- ornUy from Brrlirlry, Calif., where Mr. Wnllacr ntlrmli-d junitner .%lnm. of Uie Uiilvrrsliy of California.

OWilioma, Calif., arrived yesterday lo vbit iJ r . and Mrs. A. M. Joliit- Mi:i fur iwo weeks- Mr*. Bnlii ti a 'u ;fr to Mr. Johnson.

Attend ConvrnUon — Kent Tnl- locn mid his son, Maurlcc Tiitlock, and Mr.' Lyr,le Gardner are leovtiin today lor Salt Ijikc City to attend Hit rr^ional eonvcntlon of tJie niiil- HPM Met;’* Aisuronce eotnpuny.

• 6 f n u li l M rT n o )^ -I>.'SeVof Tw in FalL?, Mrs. Cnr! Catlierell of C astlr/ord nnd Donald Layton of Lo.s AnKcle.t, Calll., have been ad­m itted to (iie iV ln Kails county Bniernl hMpltal,

International At a Glancc

h a lte d ; Ita lian s acknow ledge b itte r flRhtlng" but say oper­

a t io n s continue.T iif War

B r ita in announcc.i arm ed m e r c h a n t cn ilscr T ransyl­v a n ia , 16,323 tons, torpedoed b y G erm an subm arine, be­t w e e n 30 nnd 40 m en believed d r o w n e d .

Greeee rrcpamP ro -B r lt lsh -<3rccce. object

o f fu r io u s Ita lian press cam ­p a ig n o v er decapitation of Al­b a n ia n patr iot, believed get- t ln g defen.sea ready for pos­s ib le I ta lia n attack; Prem ier M ctaxa.^ holds ion s Ic r e n c e s w ith arm y ch ief of s t a f f an d cabinet.


(Continu'd rmm )’•(« ()t.>lI mlRlit nl.^o say that the reccnt prL-.oii brenks nnd euapcs liave dl.-.«mcrrtlnK, I think a chmu the,w-nr<lemhlp would W a jleiieflt to 'th e prison ati(l -to ''lll^*pnf

M eredith, as weU fts T:rjlor. sertcd Uie prl.'on btidKel has been kep t diirlnB Uie pre.-:ent biennium to 75'4 cent.1 a dpv 'pfr miiH. com- jmreO tvIUi an Approiirlation eitl-

of 85 cents j>er coinici.

Red Cross Rolicf Urged for Fvaiu'.t

VICHY, m n c e , Auk. H i,I'—Klrl;rd AJIen. Eiiroiiean ilelcKnte to tli

Ainerlcnii MJed Crovi, r.nid loiilgl:, th e ".situation UirouKlioui Kranci> now Is worse than nelKlum nfter the ' W orld war and It «rn«ui;

ComliiR here after n coiilerence w ith liiternatlona! Red Cfo-J offl- clftl.1 In Geneva, Swltcerlsnd, Allen aald h e stronglH favored rxtfn.ilon of lUid Cror-1 re lw ln to tin- Oemisn- cccujiled tnnes, esiiecttvUv am<M;s the nearly 3.000,000 prisoners.

, to Le»ve_M>. and .Mrs t-F. ;i-hwurli and daughter. Dee Aitiir. plan lo leave today for thi-lr hninr hi fiouUiKftte. CaJlf,, after a vi'll of J.evcral days a t Ule homei

105 itWlVfs.

lliuxlitrr Mrs. Saruh Al­ien iiiHl her Infant ilauglltcr, Joutl. Ilf llcl-r. are guMt* of her parent/. Mr. an<l Mrs. E. P. Laubenhelw. nhl!r .Mr. Allen U In training «-IUi

national guards In Wa.shlnj!ton,

Krum K ansu CHy — Mrs. Q, B- Oltllum arrived ye.si«rdny from Kuii.iivi Cliy for a visit n t the home of her parents. Mr. and Mr*. C. T. Wufster. Her husband. Dr. Oldham. I anrt his IV. E. Oldham, *111arrlvr the first Of September.^

Tsnipaljn Trlj>—Former district Jtidse James n . BoUiwell, aecom-: panltd by Tom Illff. returned late Bnturday from a 3500-mlle trip In th t ii-ileieaU of h is eanflldacy for Uie DeinocraUc Domination United atntes senator.

Stskf c u lm —il. O. Llpe, _,Llpe and Dick Llpe. a ll of Bllu, Ifcve staked the King mining claim, tme-hall mile touUjwest of the It, F. Roat ranch a t Bliss, according a loeaUon notice placed on record ... ijr-T«ord«r‘».of-


Cessation in Hitler’s Attack Would Be Seen as

Major Defeat

She’ll Pay It—‘By Doggies’


Krem Louisiana—Mr. ajid Mrs. K. C. Newkirk ot New Orleans, La. gUMti of Mr, and Mrs. J, A. 1

Mrs. Newkirk, who was merly Ml.vi Lcota Morgan. _

of Mr. I and Mrs. Morgan, She formerly taught a t the Lincoln school.

VUIt—M n, Ada nance . . Hiwrlini:. Canada, and Mrs. M, E. Potter of Jollelte, III., are Rue-its a t Uie homo of the ir br<5ther-ln-law and aL.iter. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Jain, ArrlTinR ye3lerday/-they will remain loT sfvrral week.i before continuing to the coMl to visit. othCT relatives

n»u|hter R etum i — Mil* Mary Bradley ha* returned from San JCkie, Callf„ aft«r attending San lIr e TeacUcrs' college and vlslUng Irtmrt' a n j relaUves during Uie summer. She U a ju M t of her par. - , M r,,and>i:rj..aK irgt-A .Jlrad-


Itelum to Michigan—M lu HuUl Wallsce nnd her brniAer. Charles WiOlsce. returned yesterday to Uieir hnme In'L aasIng, Mich,, a ftw #i extended \-1slt aU U ir home of Mr nnd Mrs. Albert EsUlnK. their graiid' parents. Clmrles, ywins radio Mns;- er, hss appeared on several pro! Rrami during hU ris lt here,

IJeriixed-Jack G, Lons. J2, ant. Grace Schlffman, ID, both ot Twin Falls, obtained a inarrlace Ilcen: ye,stenlay a t Twin Fnll,i county n conler's office,' Llcen.«es were l.v\urd Tue,vlay lo Claude B, Wlllsry. :a, anil rrsRy Klein. 2a, both of llrno. Nev.; Lane Duffry. Si, and Feme Jeiuen. 30. both of Hurley.

From Sail l.ake-M rs. Hiiymiind Biildwlu mid her iliiiijihler, Mniclila,

■oln|>anlnl Mayor Joe Kochlrr lo TM-in Falls when lie returne<l from .?alt U ke City after parUclpntlng In the Idaho broadcast Tuesday eve- nlng. Tliey are irue.sts ot her gmntl- pnrenu, Mr. ami Mrs. I-*nvnk Bald- ,ln.

Midwest Cuf»ls — Mr. and Mrs. John 0 , Tolk and r.ons, Jake and Henry, and daughter, Betty Jnne. of Detrolt.'Mleh., have conehided a •0 d»y visit at Uie home nf Mr. nnd ,.Irs. John L. Pete.-s .nnd returned to their home by way of the Black hlll.i, Mr. and Mrs. Pei<-rs accompanied their gue.sts as far ns Yellnw.'.inne naUonal park -and.-jwtiirned here Bunday erenlnp.

dlon Uave—.Mr. and Mr.s. Dim McMillan have returned to salt Lake City nfter a two weeks' vaca­tion here a t Uie home ol Mr^. N e- Mlllnn’J mother, Mr.i. Clarn Terry, While here, thvy luid Mrs, Terry si>enl four days In Yellowstone nn- ilnnal parK. Mrs, McMillan Is imp nf Ihe 8Uper\’l,sors n t the Salt I-ike rnunty general hospital, but will be

' nur.se for tlie Crlpplrd Chll-.........1 clinic after SepI I, Mr, Me-Mlllan Is o-voclaled with Ihe Brown Floral company,

Frasl of Aiwumplloti—Tlir Feii'I' of AMumpUon, a hnlj-'day of obli-' ’eailon, observed by C a t h o l l e s tliroiiKliout the world the , .-inip iis Sunday, will be obsp/ved t/nlav hy St, Ed»'ard’s Catholic e h u r e h . Father James Orndy nnnouiiceil I.-i.'t evenlnc, Ma,v,es will be held nt S

. m. anti » a, m. with the benediction nt the 9 o'clock mai-v

Dy KIRKE t . SIMPSON U vl-it foDT-day Oennan ale »t-

u c k -o n -Fnglandl-ciiajm el-coM t dlV' not prove to be a tremendous prelude to an attenipted Inrosloji II Mill be a Kreat surprl.-< to many people. Including the EnRlLsh.

Iirlions will not only be oston- IshtA. Uity n\\\ be Imbued w-lth new eonfiili-uce of ultimate victory. If lllilr-r turns back now. if he shlfta to a Mrateuy of starvullon blockade InMead of iiivaslDn. people In Eng­land and around the world will My hr iin.s suffered a significant If no t' faUl lUIeat,

Tliere Is an element about iTie ter­rific air fight th a t Is worthy of note. It has to do with the numbers of Nazi planes estimated In BrItAla to have been engaged at any on* Um6 Uiu.1 far. The pe*k,Mem» to hav* been around WO. Vfnlle the Intensi­ty and frequency of the Oerman raids has increas^ day by day, the numerical j>esk strength h u not,

Tliere Is every reason why the Narl hiRh command should Uirow 11.1 whole available bomber itrengUi lt <J the fcttack l( U ts atVnally ellher a dnininUe curuin n lse r for Invasion, or an effort to slialter British morale. Some undUclosed factor seems to be limiting the merleal scope of the attack. ma**» ive as It K

A possible txplA!i»Uot\ Is tces.slty of retaining a t ho m e____stJuiUal force of fighter craft for protection ngaln/tl DrltLsh counter ValilK^BhtFatio-far^rd'-^^ail 'dpw- atlng bases In Norway. Denmark, Holljnd, Belgium and France, ■Hin number of bombers'that can be \i« 4 against England, except In Isolated surprise raids, depends on the fight­er escort ftvallable to protect them from BrIUsh attack ships,.

Brltl,ih counter bombing, .............Ihe vicinity of Berlin-and-against Italian targeta 800 ttilles away, serves a dual purpose. Besides Uic damage It Inflicts. 11 warns Britain's axis foes of what may happen If they weaken their own defenfive air forces Ir


which started In Uie deep upper !;.Tlmnii river canyon, over mori Uwn a,000 acres.

Tlie Mli.soul.i forest service head' tjuarters said fire Ihiej had stopped the Nez i*erce tire on the south and norUie.iit, S lx ^ ilt-s of Ihi /Ire line were "hookrd ’ to the Sal-

inn river nnil patrols watched for cw s()ot outbreaks,A fire on Warner i>eak near While

Il^h. Mont.. was eontrollrd after 11 .'corched IM) ncies.

Itanger .St.MInn Dntroyrd < ia VellowMone national p.irk

ranRtfs/worked to corral five llres In rcWote sections of Uie pluy- ground, Uic Snake river rnni;?: si»- Uon Wft* destroyed hy flames. Whes and children ot Uiree rangers r»- ca|>ed Ihjurj-,

More Ui.m 3,000 acres have burned Ip Uie Vellow.'.tone national park area. Six hundred men were mus­tered on flrr lines.

n , We:.f. suiiervfjor ot Teton liaUonal fore.\t. rriartcd that 400

en digging n;ul chciiiung expected .surround tonight a serious fire on

Sheffield creelt. <0 miles' north uf Moran, Wyo.

He said, hosever/there was no Indication of how long It might take 400 more flreflnhters to encircle an­other major bla:c on Fox .aeek, 30 miles northeast of Mnrm,

Airplanes flying frcii Idolio Fal1>. Idaho, dropped tood Msp5\Uei to the crew* on both the Teton foren fires, Tlje two ha»e, burned over 1.000 acres.

Tliree hundred men were recruit­ed Irom Rock Sprlngr. Wyo., and .St. Anthony, Idnlio. to relieve men on the Sheffield tire.

In Uie Wyoming national fore.it, two fires th a t hnd burned 3,000 to JJOO acre* were rciwrteU controlled.


RATESTo Sun Valley Rodeo

Cara Iewvf> Twin Ftills Frltl»y, Saturdny. Simday. Aug, Ifl, 17, J8. nt 0:30 p, m.: return Sat­urday. Sunday. 8 p, m. Arnva Twin Fftlls 10 p, m,

Round lYip J.1.00 Sun Valley Slngc.sJ. L. Sehwlnn. On-nee

W e a t h e r

IllRh temperature here Wednes­day 00 degrees, low Bl: we,it winds, clear, Bivrometcr 2fl,W a t 6 p. m.; liumWliy 58 to p tr t tn t ct lion,

I ay The AiiOClaUd Prerji Scattered Ught showers occuned

over Wyoming and over Uie moun- tains 61 southern and central Utah, but recorded nmount* nf preclplta- iloa icmaiiieii '*over Uie plateau region remained above normal, with highest temper­atures over Utah. Nevada and southern Idaho rnnglng from about ®5 degrees to ns high Bs 105 degrees a t Oreen River.

^Ux. Min. P m . WlKt.Holte ....... ....*7 31 .M ClearHurley ____ *7 » .» ClearButte .....- ....M - « .*0 SmokyChleagn ___ U 71 J I Smoky

dl.’iclo ffl In IiM A ngela 73 Cl fA Clear

FartUnd __ 76 J l . M CtoudfSL Laul* - . 9 ( 70 .M CloudySiU U k e ... 00 C3 ,H Clear

Frwo. ...M M .04I*LCl'djKeatUe .....-,T1 49 .M ClearSpokane ._ _ 4 t i t .00 ClearTwin Fait* ,„.MI 61 .00 nearWashington M 74 .VI CtaudyYirma ___ #; ,M Oe»r

NOW that lJ .ye« -a)i Belly Oetwer (lefl) boa • j«b singing In the b*r faaU/.gBtJOH

Rllef at Je^lB, Me. U*t winter. "I ain’t got MUch money yet.” ah* ex- Blal*e4 as ah« appeared at tk« poatofriee' In La* Angele* to send a money oe4«r t« Jt»lln fer « J« . ^ h t t* thown wilh Peattnistrr Mary D, Brign.


PREarON, Idaho, Aug, 14 Republlcan Btate Chairman Tliomaj Hesth left hi* home here today for Xlwood. In d , to attend notlflrallon ceremonies for Republican preslden' UaI nomlnct W tndtll L. Wlllklt mxi Saturday.

Heath was cliosen a member of Jflcatlon commltlee - ■ - _____ .-frr-Tl^flJ-'TjiBtlonal convention in I'hll-

ndelphlft last June. He expecta,t« return to Idaho Aug. 2:.

e Mnklim ' brief adiiilm lty ■

IJetwoen th irty nnd fort; jailois ere beUeved lor,t due to U.'eboati

caiislzlng In choppy seas.More tlian 300 olflcers and men ere taved and landed at a w m last iwrt.Most of the rescue work «&s dot\e

by ships th a t picked up dlstreii signals and dashed to the stricken liner. .

Tlie line r kept afloat ilmoit four hours.

Tlie coinmiinder ol the slilp,-Ctip- U lu F , N. Miles, wot Rsnons thw*' saved. Mniiy hnd rcniarkable e s - . cflpe*. Including the ship's tsl.

One .senmnn related he was In a lifeboat Uiftt Cflpsllid. maniiKed to Kfl Jnlo nno lh rr—which ssnJt. He finally reached a steady third o;te.

Msftt of t h t scwntn were Jvom Gliisgow nnd W rit Scotland.

n i e dftto of Uie sinking was not riif,ol(Y.e{L -------------------- -------------

PORI SUCCESSlili hack up their Dover anil "niamcs defense*, at Andover and Oldlmm, where planes to protect Uie big rorismouth naval baie are ma.v.ed,

a t Famborough and Middle-

wallop In south Eiiglnnd.Besides, armtunent plants a t Exe­

ter and PlymouUi. and whnnes a t Walaend, BoMfnemouth anti Ply­m outh on the south, and Hartlepool on Uie e iu t were hit, the conimunl- (Tue a£ld.

Infom ied sources de.wrlbed the damnge In these, 'th e miMt success­ful raid*" yet against England, u "trem m dow ."


(fhlMl C altod-A «l TmH Ogi *1 M bliM M tncngRiria'i.C *

n k u i w

The brink of Niagara Falls Is ceding a t (he average rate of feel a. yenr.

Tm fid’MuTll Uit« thoM (rml. old CtrUr'i LtnU

IJ.«r n iu to n l imm J Blnu et bU. * - In* tfMlr tonaki nu fnl-us sad

$ 2 ’ to ^4^5


WASHINGTON. Aug, 14 ( ,n-A n , application for an airport .w ’ operated fo r the civil aeronauUts

authority traln in* course by the

was received today by , the works pii»j«cu AdmlnlstmUon.

OffldalJ sold th s application caIU for ta jO i ■ In federal funds and •39J4 [.b j-the iponaoti,'

Others to .57.50

D ram atically a n d t r iu m p h ­an tly wc p re se n t a c o llec tion of (ia.'ihinK.new fa ll n hoes . . T s tj 'lfd riRUt (o r y o u r nvw .lutunifi cn.iemblc.i. W inc.s, blacks, bliioa. b row ns . A ll o.\-

" trom ely liK ht anti b u o y a n t, to Kirdle y o u r f e e t c o m fo r ta lily . W hatev er co lor fichem c you sekcV , ,-K ’e can h e lp y o u .

toes, Y ou'll love t h r i r r i c h col- • - orinKx, t h e i r inK c n to u sly ' you th fiij _fltvl!ntrfl. a n d t i ie i r _____ _bttKffTul .com fort.

QUESTION ''W ill 'R P M 'm a k e ^ ^ u p tbeM reslduea! I i m o h d p s lc a r .ru n more wnoothly?" ^ iniprovvcAelnes that other <dihav« *

ANSWER -R P M - « rp r i .ln ih c lp l I t w on 't d o g m otor! w ith car- ttAHDAiu) oti.co»o*A»«T o r cau« * ku

b o o . aitKisa m i varnish. I t w o n t A M E B ia *S PREMIER MOTOR O il. * 2 5 < A QOART

HccIb nre tiefiiiitcly in . . . w ith new jind-darinfr ciesiRns, leathers taken on new treatments, and. toe.s ffive added infcrc.'?t. It's RoinR to bo an-oxt:itinK 8cn.son for'foolwear, and you’ll be f irs t w ith the'.Styles by coming to Van Enpclens . . first.

U tterly stunninjr a rc tke.^p “Blftck a .1 .Licorice'' suedes . . . w ith calf, p a tm t and reptile accents, h c t us nelp

'you soh’c your laU (oot- wcftT problem.


More Than 30 Sailors Lost

r Ship's Lifeboats Capsize

crulscr'TriuisylVa'iiU-HSnte i'i>opii.Inr W est Indies cruise shlji rumiins out of New Y ork-ha* been tor­pedoed nnd sunk by n Oerman sub­marine r.oinewlierc In Uie Atlantic,

TIio B ritish goveniiiicni h»d Uiken lier over from Ihn Cfmaril Anchor line.

$ 2 9 5

You May N ever See Such

Prices Again3« CHEVnOLCT; TOW.S SE­DAN. Low mileage, new Rreen finish, engine good, Urt* ex­cellent. M,irket price »3«. Our price37 CIIEVnOLET MASTEB DELUXE c o u r t OritlnilJ IlnW) llko new. Owned local­ly, Hnd ROOd care. Lot* ol good trniiMwrtntlun. Wa»

........... $ 4 4 537 P L l’MOUTlI' DELtfXB- COUVV~ OvlRlnRl finish. Cleats Inside and out. Ilecondttloned, You'll be prolid. of Uils one. .Market price ' C > | ' 9 C ' $475. O ur price37 DeSOTO TOUKI.SG SE­DAN. Overdrive, floaUng pow.

llydrnuUe bmkcs. MsTieV cc *505.

Our price . _ . _J9 V-8 DELUXE COUPE. Many extras. Owned locally. I t's a honey. Market price

............$ 5 9 538 V-8 DELUXE TUDOR SE­DAN. Low nillenge. Excellent Urra, Mnrket Price «75.

X ..............i $ 5 2 5We’tc holding prirci dawn. LOOK them over while they last: Don’t say we dldti’l tell yoti.3S CHEVROLET COUPE.Plcntv of economical trniu- porujtlon here. Mnrket jtc e

5 ^ ° " ' .............$ 2 5 035 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. Motor excellent, Rubber good, FlOftUnu power. Market price .

.....$ 2 9 537 LINCOLN 7.Eri!VR SE-

■ DAN. Hoater. radio. Or­iginal block finish. General Duhl 10 tires. Owned local­ly. L o« mileage. Be mod-

your hoUday trip.;ct price f t C Q C

?HAT>JV f tT H E R _ . . J- , M ANY OTH ER- . D .U tG A lN S T O O l-

See Y our Ford -Dealer F ir s t a n d Save S50 o r '

— ----- More


© ,"lasfchancebor^^'^^

Page 3: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08




Generally Favorable Pro-N duction Forecast fo r

SeasonnoiSE, Auk, M (.T)-Unfnvofftble

pouila-crop-lflcmr:' In tomg pafU .flt Iclalio w rrf ol/r.ct In.il oionUi by Jfivorftblc fnclors fkcw liert. Rlch- rn l C, Rwa, fr<lcrnl • aLTlcullurn) »lniWlcInii, rrportpd lodny. with ihe ri'I'Ull iliin ihe slate's crop was nilm nlfd to be 23,760,000 bushels on MtauM 1,

TIili Min.i ih r »iimp fluiire ns Inillcnifd n motiUi prevloii-ily.

rnvornblc Jnetors. Ror,s s.ilcl, In- cluJfil n Ki'i'crally vrry Kood nwnd. iiilviincMl ilcvcloimirnl niid KOOd iicLa of tubers In Dip mtiln late j lions of the sIbIc. ^

Lc.'j fnvornble wcrf/condlUons In- th r iion-lrrlKaird p<4.ito fields In Tiorlh IiJnho nnd of iJriRntrd pola- tw.i In Miithvcr.t iSiiho. Hcnt nlid riroiiKhl (lamnt^f w-is reportoci In the north nml In romf imitii IrrlKulecl dlftrlrls v n l e r nhortacef

Htswly JTi per c tnl ot ncrt-DKp h planted to Riir.r.eLi, nbout, tiKht i>rr cent to Dll.'.i trivimplis, about four jicr cent to nurnls and

• ilioiil one per ccnl to Knt^ihdlns, ■with a rcrr Brnall acrenRb of White Rom nml other miscellancoun IrtlM, acrordInK to n Min'ry of wrrclal Krowrrs, *•

Yields i>er acre of rarly potatoes In MJUthwpsl Idnlio linve avcrnKnl tnlrly low this year. Ro-.s Raid, np- p;irently because of dumiiKC from hoi wrnUier In late Juno niid early July. Quality, however, 'has

Fire Fighter's Battle Flames in Shoshone Basin

A SMALL ercv of men U •hovn Bbore u ther cxtlnnilshrd ,■ ipoi fire iUrt«d from an e rlrln tl COO-Mre fire In fihmhono'bsiln. About 340 flvlllan* and CCC enrollee* bilUed blixe* In the basin and Ihe Trout creek a n a In Minidoka national fom L The lirr* were broujht under trol Tuesday niiht after blaekenlnf approximately I,COO aerrs nf c riilnc and fo ra l land. I ^ t n l(h i fo m t oflielaU rrportnl only 30 men Kill left on Ihe fire fronU to maintain »a(eh over leatlerrd . dyln< blatea.


30 Fighters Maintain Walch Over Fires in Minidoka

Forest .Lrtte potatoes are well ndwnced

for Uic en•.0Il and some fleld.i •— »«iwtml U) bo inntur.Kl Into month. Low ylcldj arc expected In a few dLitrlcl.i where IrrlKiltlon water will be :.hort but on the whole KOod yielils are In projpect-

Maelcrs Sights r Congress l^osl

DOISE, Aug. H (.V ^Ira I t Mas- tiTs of Boise. Ruccef.'.tul Democratic candidate for tJie second cdnnre.i- sional district nomination liv yes­terday’* primary election. dccUiri’B today he wss “well on my way" to eonKres.'s,

■Perwveriuicc Is ij marveloiw chnr- acterblle." Master.i raid.

He thanked his supporters and ns- nffted he would ••try to m erit their ■upport by defeallnR the present eonirreMmsn (Rep.~Dwnr?Jinle;~Hc- pulillc.in) who ha."' done vcrj' Jlltle except hrekle nnd belltllp, the pre;,l- drnt and his rxcelli-nt jimKrnm,"

HANSENMother Dlfi — Harvey Fomwali

received word Monday of tlio deaUi of his elRhtJ-year-oUl mother. Mrs.

< , Marla A, t'omwalt. of Kingman, 4 ' Kas.^ Vl»ll En Rout# — 6iipt- and Mrs.

R. T. Nybliid. of Wendell, iormer reslilcnts of Hansen, werc suesta of friends here last week while en route to Uielr horn# from Nortlj Da­kota where tliey spent Uie a u i^ c r TAcatlpn. V

Vacation Trip — Rev. and Mrs. t . II. Coulter and four io a t, left

'flunday, followlnR stnlces Community church, for Colorado, where Uiey plan lA Join Rev. Coul­ter's sister, A!Li* Cornelia Coulter, who U en route to California for a year of study. The party will- visit Grand eaiij'on, Bryee canyon and Zlon'i national p.vk during the ten

- day trip.


•, Alumni and former niudents of tlio ’ • Collegfl of Idaho (tathered on tiie, , tampus ’TYlanKle" tonlgh\ for their

annual picnic.

Two ot the worft Ijlases In years In Minidoka national forr:.i last nldhl wnro well umlrr control aa forest offlclal.s dL-,mlr.;.e<l all but about 30 lire flKlilers of an original

of 340 CCC enrollees and civilians called In Monday alter

had lieen discovered In '6ho» •nhone ba.nln and the Trout acek

Oiily 10 o r '15 men are belnit kept on each of the fires, B, K : Hern­don, chief clerk a t forcsl'offlces In Hurley, reported lasf nlRht. He r.ald the flrM were well um lrr control but fikelelon crews were helnc main­tained to (ninrd Bftalnst nnoUitr out­break.

I.CM Aerra Iturnrd Alxjut 1,000 acres, mostly urailnR

land, were burned over by Uie blare Troiit creek, while tiie fire In

Shoiihone, ba:.-ln covered about COO ucres. accordliiR to jiteUwUuvr^- en- timates of /orpst amhorllle.i.— Bnt«“ nrf.i~wrrp“beiicvprt «tatt<d by abandoned c.imp flre.-f.

AlUiouKh'dct^lllpd rcixiri.s of the rea eovercd by the fires nnd the

re.NulUint dama«e were unavalUble last tilKhl. It Is believed romo slock

id perhnpn (?ame anlmnLt may have crlshed In the biases.None of the 310 (Ire flRhters was

seriously Injured aliliouRh rome wis- t.\lncd bli.iters n.i Ui* result of Jn- tenso heat.

Flchtert Uaded Hemdnn lauded Uie fire flshlers

for their work and the Idaho ulale employment ser>'lc« In provldlnfr

cn for fire crews.He liald crews were greatly aided

b>' abr.cnee ol wind In the past 34 hours. ■

Reckless Driving: Char^re for.Youth

JEROME. AllR !4 -W ila rd Mc­Neil. 21. wna .arrciled tJils week on a reckless drlvlnR complaint filed ftRalnst him by Ray Hedrick..

He waa brouRht before Probate Judge Heber N. Folkman and ad­mitted RUllL He was fined $25 nnd sentenced to six montlu In the county Jail, Sentence and fine were boUj stispended later by the Jud«e wlUi the provision MeNtll prtjfn Uie jlP,fU_of cour t proceedlncs and dam- «Kea on repair of an automobile wlilch he assertedly stnick wlUle opcratlhfT « -molcr rehiclt.

Public Welfare Tests Scheduled

BOISE, Autr, 14 m v-Hctwcen 2,OOJ and 3,000 applicitnUs urc esivcled to take a second set of merit c: Inatlons soon for po^lllun^ in Idaho department of tjuhlic fare. Tliomaa Chiirrey. llo ic i sj-stem suiwrvl.ior, .-.aid todiiV-

Tlie'exonilnatloni. to l>e Kive r-evcral different cities Ihrou;; Idaho, arc open to a ll (lualifinl

open co:n|>t.'tlilvc and fiunlifyitn: !i>r Uie present Incunibeiit-i. ChuVrc-y &aUI,

Tlie first set of examinations Iven May 4 ami oral cxiimlnat illowed about June II. Re--, five not yet bm i announced.

Utah Pioneers at SuhtH oId-Hceting

meeting at Uic home of Mr)!. Pfarl Allenbach Monday with President Haiel OL'on prer.idlni:, Thrrc a db.cusslon of future IKv.ons actlvlUe-i. and plan< w ere'm ade to Rather rtnta for the hbtory of thb tract,

A committee fcir this jjiirpo 'c wa; appointed, with .Mr:i, Kleanor Tann- \ti . clmlnnan, Mrr., Myil5t nolds_and_Mm,,n-*ln n.'.s1r.llnK,.Aftet groun filnslnR. Mrs. Melinda OofJ gave an occount of the life of.her pioneer mother, Sar.iti F.^kcr^Icy Robinson.

Mrs, Ophelia Cox cave two rcad- InRs. T ilt ' Oray Cloo.-.e'," and "Jr- mlma’s Courl.^hlp,"' T h e Mbses Ines Rocers and Doris Venter g;ive two piano diiew. ".Mnrch of tiie Candy DolLv" and 'L a d y of the Garden,"

Tlie next mreUng of tlie D.U.P. will be held .Sept. lu a t the home of Mrs. Ruth Gould.


Two California Women Se­verely Iniured in Crash

on Wav to IdahoRICHMOND. Calif., Aug. H (,?>—

While motoring to DtIkhs. Idcvlio, for burial servlets of her broUier, Miss Alice Clark, 25, was Injured crit­ically In a highway cra.%h near Rich­mond today. Her cou.iln. Ml.na , Madson. 34., San Francisco, suffered a fracluied skull.'

Mlsa Clark's broUier. Tliomaa J. ClarX. 37. drowned In FraUier river Sunday when the raft from which he wan fWilng eollained In mid- stream. Tlie funeral was yesterday, and Uie body was sent to Idaho for burial

Miss Clark's car overturned when Uio front wheels locketl . She wiu<! Injured Inlertially. Tlie eondltlon of both young women was descrltjcd ' ' "poor" a t a Richmond hospital.

Mrs, Anna Clark, widowed mother of Tlioma.1 and Alice, decided not ' go to Idaho for Uie burial.

Grandview Farm ers Buy Yearling Ewes

JEROME, Aug. 14—A group of farmers from the Oramlvlew district have piirphascd 300 head of yearling cravsbred ewes from the Hebor U y flock pf Soda Springs. Tlic ewcs, purthased . Uirough Alma Hopkins, ,sheep dealer, will be shipped to Jer­ome about Aug, 20, Included in Uie group making the purcl1a.^^ were Gus Heiier, fVcd Heuer, K.d Eakln. Clydn Ursgg, 6am Eakln and D. Ij. CroUiers.

AIIA Groups l<)P lan P ro g ra m s

SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 14 (.1',- f.atter-Djiy Saliil.s church autiiorl- tlrs la.-,t nlKht announced Mutual Improvrment a.-.sociatlon convcn- flmi/t Uilx nrekrnt! In several ouUy- hiK st.-xkes fur the purpose of dralt- Ing iirt>Krams for new MIA year oi)cnli)g Sept. 10.

Among llirne meeilngfi. the:Q2’'n?fjnrjil:*iit).-wilhl?cnacifll____omr. Idaho, for Ihe Blaine iind Tttyi I-;ills stakes, ii •rcoftd a t Montpelier, Idalwj for Uie iltar Lake r.UUie j others a t Idaho Falls and Nebo tl\e j\orlt\ Waho Falls and Idaho I'alls stakes.

All will be held Saturday night and Sunday.


Exlended Visit - Mrs. ElisabeUi Atulcraon has gone to Monmouth. III., for nn'exiende<i vlilu

l:n l tr HoKpllal — V. H, Munyon left Sunday for Rohe for incdlcal carc a t the Veierans hospital.

D aushtrr liom — Mr. and Mrs, William Durfen of Durley' are the l>:irrnt-s of a dauKliter bom Satur­day. Aug. 10, Mn. I>irfce wa.i for­merly MLw Vivian Davis.

Tiup^ta D rrart—Mr. and Mrs, A. J..Uerr*, dflUiUIcT. JXIorts., and. son. Gordon, who liave been visiting Hpv. Julius Herr and family, left for their home a t Bllverton. Ore, Monday.

► nRlGQ-f! CAFE AT CO V TrS 'L Try Tlirso liirec Dcllcioui ■ ,I DLslies IL« Chleken In Sfuidi ,! « Fresh Fried Jumbo ahrimpl, Fried Yoanc Idaho' Turk"*,





Ttiomas Leads L is t o f Suc- ccssliil Candidates for


.................. wnhmteil todaywllli fi3l o! pr'c incl.s repnrtrd from yr-.trtd.tv.-. p.-unnrv elrelltin.

l>‘:ullni: Ihr 1f t Will si'iin lor-Jnlin Thmiia'., n!;n o iilrjii .-K rlviili for Uie Hc pi;t)l|r:i,i iu,mln:iiIon.

novrrnor t ,« . was wellallc:..!,

it'-lirc-Tiii.itlve D ttorrlmk. a Re- uh|lcan. l;i llv /ivn iiil ronKre.v.Iriii.il IMrict, iiiKl W hite.I>iiH.crat. ill tlir Jir.-.t, wt-re unop-

n^ril.Don Wlilli'h.Md. tl-.fvlJolre dnifr-

l.'t, w:i;i iirmilnal( il a^Jiln for lleu- KOvcriitir.

Four infiiiiibciil ni-nifvnxtlc offi~ Clah «rre i;nr>;i;)(i-rd fnr .nom lna-

. Gc-orKi- Cur- tl«. Alidllnr C:ilvl!i K. W llcllt. Tri uriT .Myrlle i>. Kuklnt:. and Mine liv-P'CKir Arthur Campbell,

Attnrnrv (im -ra l J. W. Taylor, who viiu:hl till- iiiilirrnaKirlal nnm- hia’.l«;i. m:i'. (ic’ia ijii by Mayor ClKi'r A. Cliirk of Miiho I'’;ills.

C. K. ftdlicrt.'., now ir„-,l:.tunt nil- pt-ritilriKlinl oi i);iiiiic. in.vtnicllnn, wn^ unopixi-.xl fo r.th e Democratic nnmliialliiii tor r.uprriritciitlrnl, Bji- p-^ntitrndciit John W. Condle did not ri

Missionaries From China GIvjc Talks

JI-ntOMF. Allf. 14-Rr,v. KiJrr Harlc'.oii o ' ih '' China Inland Ml---

r.rrvlr-- of llir Jrruin’r •i’rr^'lMri^!'n eh^jtdi. :nindny, AUKN.J1. Mrr.. Hnr;c:<i:i •■•xiHr to ilir primary dr-

iiotir. nr.i! dl'.played c varln;;% nnlrlc^ a ' Intlli-'ir Jniiniry


Idaho Men PayHigh for Dinner ■

MOUNTAIN HO.ME, Idaho. Aug.H i-iv-Two Olennri Kerry r:\llro.id riiiplnycs p.irtyl with Jt03 each and N ini:r>,rn d ln n r r -b u t Uiey didn't Ko liuiiKry,

Aii;i.-'iirnrl''fl while cooking Mge- h r,|-a l th rlr fWdnK Ciitnp on Hur\- t'-r rrirl; In the Soldier mountain

r'-li)j:r e ir.t of here SJilurflay.•l liniiiai W. Ituhrrt::, -(0, ajld. A. K. T i!t/.i, atK.!il 3,’.. were arrrs:eil by

••'.rj .iii';c-"firnfc-T“:7iinir.?"Gtnrs— (||T nr.d ;•*() I.lale conr.er\-allon

Buhl Mayor Guest Of Jerome Rotary

JKHOMK. Aug. 14-C. C.-V^rll.T of Ihilil 'ir.-. a iiK-elal (rui-,t ul tlir

of llir Iiili-niatlniinl Itor.ir>’ rnn- vrmiiiii l:ilil m Jimr al Hiiv.ina. Cub:i. a fi'pii-riii;iiivc forUil.'. (ll-.irli'l.

■n-.e W,11 v,ril a!trixl<(lanil vlMlii:v; iloUrlanr. br:,ldr,i Mr. Vorltrr «.-;r JdUii 0 . UwKArd «t racinlii. D'Iri, K, Ccivrit. Oklahoinii City. OI;l:i. ami U Hoy I'ni;.lrr. who wa-. a iliJ' .l rif D.,A. L'licrt-.r.on,

:i Uie n

ni--i.l. f tl Oc ro.I from thrlr

i:a\r Ilirin Mime of oitf beef

•• Jiiili;" O r . NnHll fined

:u; Mill iKr.-,r--Min: iiigrljc'ni

F l(n :i) CEHCKHN


. I f ^ : 3 0 r . .M. kt: Chlclun, Uut-

Kucrotx'.h, liMts. Vn:ruibl»-r. 3clly. I’lckli'4.

la motle. Coffee, _

' t'liliarm

ALL F O U R 2 Tiret and 2 Tab6i

17356.00 X16 SIxe

2 REGENT T IR E S A N D 2 RED IN N E R TUBES FO R THE LIST PRICE O F O N E N A T J O N A U Y A D V E R TISED TIRE A N D TUBEThese Regoot IU*» are first lioo', llrat qnaHtr—

^ built by one of the largett tire maaufaetuten b Oio MuatiT. Th« (ubea are oar big, bosk?, red G ft S laser tubes that will glee eicelieflt lerrica.

'Doriag (bU Mg aale wo offer these tire* to *1t» rouufet7,qo8llt7 andBcrrleePLOSLOWrR''C£.

la B»ln* U*t prieca of aaUoaally adrertlsed tires, «e cae them for tho purpose of e«ispvlsoa only, to Dlustrato onr e itrem eit low pjlcea..


«.«. 4JO-3I 473,3.00-1*ijs, s:s»-tr ^ a.oo-1*

. |9 ,» ti.to . IMS

» j.«t j t

i ! u

Page 4: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08



• I Tvio r»ll>. lAtho. sndn U


Th. N . . . r.

;i«ulon Laoi «r I>

SOUTHERN CAUAVAN A goocl-wlll cavalcaclc .of ritty or more

! autom obiles wiih /our or'flvi’ piissonRpr.s eacli ’ to to u r South nncl C entral Amcrlcn Is plan-

ncd fo r this fall. The cars will usf the Pan- . Am erican hlphway fo u r-fifth s of the w;iy. stcam crfi Jor ihc resV.

T h e trip, soys Mr. A rthu r D unn of N ew York CUy, w h o 18 p lann ing it , w ill sta r t n t Ottawa, C {inada. so ln g to W aahlnglon , D. C. n e x t ana

h ig h w a y w ill lie th e ir road to M cxlco Cliy a n d t o Acapulco. T h fr c a chartered Htcamcr w ill ta k e th e group throu gh th e P anam a C a n a l to V enezuela. vlsltlnK on (h e way O u a lch ia la , E l Salvador, Honduras, N lcaragun. C osta RiCft and P an am a. T h ey w ill th e n drive from C aracru to B og o ta w h ere th o h ighw ay ROCS o n through E cuador a n d P eru to SantU apo cle Chile., Then th ey w ill m otor over Ihe Ande.>! to A rgentin a a n d U ru guay, a n d from M ontevid eo RloDg the c o a st to R io de Ja ­ne iro , B razil. TJictravcIcrs m a y choo.ie w h eth ­er th e y w in return by aJr or .sea to th e U.S.A.

I t is n grea t plan, anti .should be productive ;'not o n ly of In terest bu t o f fr ie n d lin ess b e ­tw een th e lourlBt* and t h e co u n tr ies w hich receivc them .

W ith travel to Curope a n d Aaln practica lly non ex ta ten t for .some tim e t o com e, t h e Amer­ica s w ill a ttract m ore .tou r ists . T h is trip of

~ 1 0 0 ‘a a y 8 l* Ihtyri'dcd'tb p a v e th'o w ay forin an y ' lu tu r e p a r ties tak in g m u c lf th e sam o route.

tlon, th a t Breed for money or power m ay make a "fifth co lu m n l:if of a na tive here as It did of m any a citizen in European luncis now under Nazi d o m ina tion -

Allen reg istra tion -should therefore be recognized as useful and for the good of for- Mgner and native alike. I t is n o t a punitive measure agaln;;t anyone. I t Is not a dis­grace to be an alien. R egistration should be conducted w ith friendly help on our part. We arc likely to find eaRcr cooperation on the part of_lhose who arc registering.

DKATHS OF CHILDREN — T h o -m o r ta l l ty -« tc for children between the ages of one and fourteen is now only one-fifth of w h a t U was th irty years afco, say.'i the M etropolitan Life Insurance com­pany. D iphtheria , mea.sle.i, whooping cough, scarlet fever have been brought under much clwicr control In th e .la s t Reneratlon. I t Is liie drop In these four w hich brings about the great Rain. Pneum onia and Ififluenza have al'50 ic^.-.enecT as causes for death of chlldrerf. AppendlcUl.s rem ains about , level, bul.w lth only one death per 10.000 In a year.

Now if thesf. children can- Rrow up Into a ■morc.,drcf>nl world tlian wo can a t present o ffer'them , th e re will be aome point In saving th .'lr lives.

Other Points of ViewSItAW -HXILt HOl.DH HIS OWN

If C.<ori:c D m inul .Slinw did not fxl.it, It woulfl, in till.- tlrf.m ’ worlfl, b<> nrrp'imry to Ifvvfnt him. He i.i In (lip British, ilic Kiif:llsli-ii)Piiltln([ world of tortriy, whiil Volialre vr.i to clvlllrrd people In the « ljh l« n m cciitiir}-: A tniicli of frr.'li nir. n Ijundlc Of eontrtidlc- iiDn". of BiiMiidiiirs, fnnt.i'y pUb a Mvintr common 'rii'.e. Ni’llhcr one of them rv rrill irc l iisnlJiJt JrtniJ-

'VolUirc ifnt to ilic bar.Ule. And now the Oer-

miin radio let« lija cletir, docile Oermim» know that BeniAfd eimw lm» been «enl lo tiie Tower, or to JUl. cr wmetiilna on that order. A choriu of exllei /rom Ofrm&ft niif:n«njrT T iom 8j Mann: 'Jnusn m>T«f»r Miuirlee Mafi*rllnck, mny b« heard Uueiilnff sloud. n iry know tliai O, n . S. K ai tafe in London u they arr In the UiilWd SWilc«. iis free to spfftk hli mind ind Uive o\itr»Hrous. .•.ally. plUiy Intervlcwi for which, u Uir}- alio kciiou'. he vvlll liuiit on brhis pulU the top rrlcp, belns. BB«ln like VollMre. a Jirnl-clnin man of

riuvWi thinkeri or natloilnll'm

rrfcct Tiny oT pr.ir than ever, .itll KO niixicl.l

ff» a viLit compllrr him. And hn wUl kno Courler-Journal.

may kick Uic ttm oi iw RTo\ma. Derllt Invent nnfl Ahap».irtfionilrout carlcaturi

)I)o afire In tha name of Ui< hut ShftW. more Shavian

• Jum how to take ii,—Lioui

YOUR SAVINGS T h e , National Association of M utual aav-'

- ings Banlcs has'ju.^t announced th a t i t finds deposits Rt tliftlt W ghcsi p o in t (or 125 ycc.ts.

• N ot th a t they w oram ore In totrtl In 181B, but th a t's th e length of tim e th is type of bapk has been functioning, Tlie aRgreiiate am ount for th e first half of 1040 wa.s 511,014,803.877. Nor Is th a t by any m eans the whole sum of bank savings. Most com m ercial banks carry savings also. ' ,

Have you your share of th la good backlog?- If no t. why n o t begin w ith a dollar tomorrow to p ro tec t yourself-for emergencies? And If you h av e more th a n your share tied up thus •in com parative Idleness, how about taklnp a little o u t and putting It to work a t noiiif'thlng productive?

Tl^e na tiona l w ealth was not .'icciimulated by m agic. I t plle.s « p by every fellow's .-ipcnd- Ing a little b it le.w tills w eck.th;m he earns th is week, and putting the .small balance w here i t will do hlm-some «ood later. We no longer have to put In the barrels of flour and auRRt, th e Kcr oI saW, th e liam -.ind fUVchcn of bacon for the long, cold winters. T he little wad tucked away in th e pood old saviiiKs bank, th e share or two of- working stock, (he paym en ts on the home or th e annulty~tiio.sc are th e anchors to w indward of the niodctn faVnlly. • ,

DRUNKS AFfiOT Tlie d ru n koa jjedestrian Is alm ost'a^ «uUty

\\s th e drutikcn driver in ciuislnK deaths, r r well OS those nccldenis n o t fa ta l. This Is the s ta te m e n t of C. E. Moalley. Commls-sloiicr of th e New 'Vork S tate B ureau of'M otor Vehicles.

-"The intoxicated pedestrian contribu tes In a large m anner to the m isery and sufferlnR th a t accomiia'ny m any of our m otor vchWe accidents. However, he is u-iu-Hly th e victim of h is own weakness, while th e Intoxlcatcd m o to rist brlnn??JnJury and death to Innocent

, • men. women ti;id children, and so Is by far the g rea te r evil.'’ -

One trouble with the Intoxlcatcd walker, when h e doesn’t kill or In jure l)lrn.'iclf with Homobody eUo's car. is th a t h is movements.' being unpredictable, often do bring d isaster to others. T he motorist, .seeing th e .'iiagger, trie; to e.scape hitting th e drunk, and like as not

• in veerlnR. lilts, the innocent pedestrian who was pr'occetllnR properly on his way. Or comi limes h e hits a post or tree , w ith In jury not

^ only to h is car but to Shose iltlln itln .it.A n y w a y you look a i lt. a lcoh o l and gasolli

do riot sa fe ly , rnbc. T h e dr in k ers h ad betCi

A VEItY SI.VOl’I.AIt aENTI.ENEH8 A l^tlpr from Tannie nraiv-on of Scio u k j why It l«

tlial people lake "liny helpleu fcJUens and pupplei" out In Ui8 coiintO' nnd leave them bcr.ldc-UiB road. Tlicy Irnve Ultm Uicre to luch fntrr as may find Uitni, whImperlnE and crj’ins thhily In iad appeal and pro- ie*i. .\nd l^ n n y Brninon wniiiB to know why. ThouKh liic quration l.s laniely rhetorical illll 11 may be ani- wtred wIUi tomeUilno of logical itumwork. PeopU deicrt Uic«o i»or InfiiniUo ward* of Uieln, Fannlp, be- caune they flatter themaelvM tha t their hearU nr* gentle. T iml's odd, Isn't U?

Tlieir nenalllvlty, you comprehend. li so acute, Uielr co:m>aiiMoii lO tender, th a t tiigy recoil nKliMl from ihi- alterniitlve of (,'lvlnK the wnalt unwanted crciiuirci i> mcrclfiil (InitJi. Thiil wouldn't be ii tiny ticvtr could bear to do It. !>rc:K<-mUncly KOft-heurteil. The almple t<> thnn, Is lo abandon the Innoccul?

1.1 ihl.^ last

Campaign Reveals New Angles To Views of Foreign Groups

NKW YOUK W lURUatO Or lUehard IVftldr and

Oabrlel VrsUoKl SPLINTEBB. The drlM for No­

vember votei reveaU aomo ittnllDK ingle i to the political viewa of for- il jn m lnorltlei In b ij cltlw. There ire fe#r» tha t U. 8. lorelgn policy m ay become ft piuhball with n a - tIonaUitIc cUquei .becomlns more vocnl sn a uriimj-poliey not u ciu- zens, but u Otrman-Amerlcans. Prench-Ai)glo-Iulo-Amerlcani. In the iaat two monthi, accordlog to

UUcol caiivaateri, there has been - .riianse from tUnldlty to outepok- e n n eu th a t arj\ie» badly for tiic gcnUemen who have laliea out »ec.-ond paper*.........................................

Tho prompting) come from abroad, leven European ttates which were :idependent and backing the allied auae are now under German gov­

ernors. The pro-Petaln apeech of A m bauador JJullltt, a n d Ule pro- Leopold statement of Ambutsador Cudahy, ore only mild Ijidlcatlona of Uie official detetmliiatlon of tite defeated countrlcj to play baU with H iller—J)«rlmiu only a t lohg n.s K-ctktary. but lor the nwmti^t vholc-liciirt^-dly. Tlicrc li m rm niu- iiK con.^l^ten^y in the parnllrl views if U. t). clttienry derlvmg irom each if tjioso counUiM.

Local Dutch are urnlnt .lOftneaR oiVftrd,i Hitler in an attem pt to pre- ■ciiL Oermany from merging' Hol­

land into ilrlKliim. Itallatia .urcc U. S . noutralliy (or obvloui ren.<ions. Cudahy nierrly echoed the [lollcy line ot U, S. UelKlatis ever -iliicc KJjjtf U-o;»l£l .sau-.liic o:slsttince. The moei, conlrtte li

at U)e time it w u Imraoblllud. Tlie latter are Increasing In number and limenulty. n iey hiclude money brolcera who attempt to craeic th*, Waahington gate* for a pcrcentaRo of anything U iafcan be winnowed out of Momenthau. heir* nnd rela- UVC3 who claim tnistee.-Jilp for their lorelgn kin, and oUiexi who merely *how a letter ol credence from tlie allcgcd-fortign Oft-ner. U 0 » r e u Uit illEhtett hint Uiat the money Is headed for an ocean trip , the treaiury laj’* "no."

DISTBUST. A fetv days before the ilavana conference the odm lnutra- iioii requested the appropriation by coiifrreM of MOO.000,000 for financial operations In this hemhphere. The ^UifgeMlon wai made tha t th e gov- ernment thould have a free hand to disburse these funds where they 9'oiild do the mo.1t good. Tlierefore tk Bould be understandable lo ear-

•k the money for specific pur-

n U.ey n

uponL-nty I minor

uch tveakllnrt. 7'o ho i

re imaglna that uc •, the |ir.

•:.« oC heart th ry profe-.a to believe tlint soinrboily hiinr.c liiyn the Infant nnlmah ant! befriend them, ftiih lhr/plou.i rdlnf!iil.'hnlrnt their ref.pon. lhlliiy

iii.t be tlie why of’ I

•1.0VG M.\Y OUtl I.AM1 lie IlUtOtlT’p n;rlirMr.i r.vvinj;*rinto ihn o(ipnlna bnrii ■rlra" nnd tho iiiiillenco nhiiiflcn to it* feet ID to King. Di'iin: an audlenrr of nvrriige Inti

quickening iicni.r ol patriotlfm. It*the flr.- rodltat

uih.', rhyihmlcallj’ -.vlih u .blulf-li

National Whirligig N rw s

T h e N ew s

itnrE A T . Despite the much-tout­ed imrincatlon of WJ>A by kT.'-.,s and P . D. R„ WPA totaU ilnceJuly l-te1l 11 .itnrj’ th:it tliu;; f........’itr.incely Hl-'c record of the 1D38 olectlon cunpaimi:

... 1D3B. under helm»man Harry 11(>|iX1m ,-‘WPA rolls Ml a ne*' inch

June, nnd cllmtx-d eneh week duy -i

.1 lail r fnller. . . t lir Siitunlay before elti

day, WPA had about 3JM.M0 s» on the rollr— n KrTm«KalI.tlmo ord. On the HWiirdav after.


July, 3. aSM . Jub- 10, 1040 , July 17, 1«« July 34. 10« July 31, 18«

JVOLLH. Tlit“deal allbier


.... i,7MJ8t

t by \iie nr»

n 111 aimtr>’d provided, in May, a quick-shot

WPA program and a sloav moving PWA program; me WPA money

fed out, thpj- expumed. during u e r and fall months for imme­

diate »tlm«Iatlwi._untU.l!\VA_Drflj-. ecu could provide employment in la te fall aiid winter.

I t waa pure coincidence, they xatd. th a t the peak ot WPA and the be^ Binning ot PWA, came m t nt elec­tion lime.

Now critics are bfRmninK to point euir Miat th li occajioo -nUl. require a different exiilanaUon. LAbor (ID- partm ent atatcmmta linve boaated, week after week, about big increases in employment. National defense UllllDni are producing Mill m are jubi.

All tha t would term to Indicate a reduced need for Wi’A, and yet th r rnll.s continue to climb — tiw nrd election day.

ntiiil a


iliat ■

PKOm.KM. cio,,' I .'ijpni. u lth a jidimr in IdriiMMlc .%l;ini. . ibnul Uie c<m;.crl|)tlii

Antl-nrw dr;iI,TS 1:nmptil.'<iry tralnbic ..............iffort by th r prp-.idrnt i/>. bu huge army, creAtr a rraliiifc picture, and tfien pipe th r tiifi "don 't chanse hii:r«^ In the n o f the atream."

The nooseveli ;i(ljulajit.i .-.ny only wlah It would vork thiit wny The aole picture tlirir minds cm; vlilon.ls: . .

Joe flmlfh, acJ-d 27, murrlcd, t«< th ild ren ; bujlnit * home, a piniiv. ai lea box. an automobilr; nnd payhu the doctors for boUi bable.-;, nil nt the In iullm ent plan; Mild cltiren who joined the nnilonal guard fm th a t reason; csllpu fnr army icrv. ice for one year, wlirn there In n< war. and nrousuiv win be no war

md rira-xi *Jl n TnonUi; Mr. his iKirentfl, her parent.'., hi and broihcrs and hla «Jm hrnther.i chonn; "JZoo-.ev

CQUally bid or uorw . And yet, llie pr<->.ldfnt: •It'fl mv duty iii dupUcMft rrasK t nnil DrlUVv. V nnt t/i 1:0 throiiah with It." All the

■ttdncli<‘ powder — 1


in . . . hum , . , hum . . . -e's the banki r^ ion tonii

•nicy're sitting on the I

l.and thej-*n|'looklnB a t I d. Toaether th<-y-rr i;ol at them? No, for who Ir

lnt.i for

Where's the Jewl;.h family ar;oM the ttreftl and ilic'ir friend-.,.tho O rnnan lamih- n e tt dn into an automobilr this evening and drove bench to to.11.1 mamlinialloiv.'i ovrr .i bunllrr.

Where's the hankrr'.i dauRliter? ihe'. Ju-.t the theater with her Klrl friend, to whom »he'«

jihiit ^he> coins into numr's iniininii i-oou ■?h<r.iUln-t I?" ihe -'Ifa a Irce o'tuiW'- W'

Yes, I f t ft free counlry. Tlie only uri’Ttt fice Icli in the world. TlJc.oiiJi- coimirj- wiier-' t( Is the rule, not Uif excepUoo. Where the youn

'.hey cllooiic. where. II......................... .lw(0 '«

■ ■“ .............

• LlHTINO OiJU ALllCNS T-he Allen R egistration Act-bccomei; effec­

tive Augu.nt 27. RcRlf:lrallon will be possible — ftt.in(tln -A nd-ijraiich-po j;lo tfk ,< 'K -an{U nl--M »b-

stntlons, H m ust be com pleted w ith in four m onthfi,

ThlB meii-surc wan dcem.ed neceasary as a check on. po.vilble an ti-A m erican a c t l v l ^ ot.somo allenr. and alien group.s. 'Vet th e Jority of forelRn born peraon&.llvln(T in this country a re n o t plotters agalnu t our Rovern-

•m cnt o r our w ay of life! Mo.stly they have como h e re for opportunity to e.'ini a betlcr living th a n t;iey could m ake in th e qld coun­try. They hove come bccauGe they adm ire the

i.»dcmocracy ond freedom of America, a n d they are a s eac e r to preserve them as we are. They have come, too. to eacapo religious and racial

■persecution. ^- I t shou ld be remembered. In this connec-


B I f i too lair, 1

&>iiia^lAy-you-mny- th and fifth llnrs— II pone out, perhapi


niCHMOND. Vii. i.TV^Mrr,. Loiilkr rilim an. polic« f,tt'ltchbo-ird oiTnitor. yelled for pollre when she saw a niouiQ’ on Uin board. Cups failed to (iulod^p It. by brute force, detectives failed with «ie;illh.

Wiien M n. o l i Shari), niBht oper;itor, came on duty she ealled liidlBnanUv to dctectlve headquurter*:

• Who put ihU atufiwi mouse on my board}""U dy, l.e la »eo’ much nllve, V s it .iltll.''8-W-I-0-1I went M rt. Sharp's fly awrtlter. D etect

tlve.-i laid the rodent died of a blow inlllctrd by a blunt ln*{rumeni. '"

NEW TWIHTA member of the Twin rails llri

deparunent .enlli-litened NlRht TAV tor a i to tiie purpose In painting fire tfuck j while instead of con­tinuing the use of time-honored

■Islble forred.

I t leem i Uiat white 11a longfr distance, So . ____In varied parts of tlie nation a r adopting while, .Vearly all fir truck.-, in CalKornia have adopte( the new color, according to the in formiint.

All tlilr. Is being done because tin

tKSSON IN LOGICAnyway, n .'re'.' wh;


ij.vc.';'^i'T tTrTtir-7t«i.?T»n:~n^-o know why flri^ eiiRlnr;, nre red?

5, FlMie i hni fouKht the UuMi

.culled reril. Flf.


KCfTTIONA man by the nnmr nf

,’lllkle reerlved eoitsldrra llctly lately. Uvetyons ■ it la il nnme h.is recclvei

of Uie spotllKht.One of f


name I r spelled a little t b u t pronounced the lam Republican presidential name.

Mr. WlUcle r„nt the challa from I’ rrW ay he W. r . Wlli.i

He left IdiihQ urday mornint; aitoniahed to 11 utla iw at Uie received from . uon a bra.-.', ba

W hafs In a

rO L iT icA i. nW hat apix-iin

be w> olil polili

Vomewhal ns of poU- m e report

c:,l leud cropptd 0 u t Filer yeftlfiday, andi.Cambrldce. sold il/olk ,rani fon s:t:i,

T. U:

cnrrlcd the name "W endell...............-W hnt do ynu thlnS.of h

duired Uie former owner buyer. *- - •■ftplleu.!

"But. by |o^h. <it wft» a UtUa Rtronger). he'.v Roing to .h a v e hla ii»mc ojianiii'di" l.e added.

ifpolltlcal BffillnUoai of Uie two BcnUemcn were unavailable.)

d i s g u s ;£u l f \ a r l i m e Henry O ra-

Ijam had,l>een bruKKlnR about the ^ftuty of bho.'l»me falls to frlcnd.i -..(IdinB In another part o f ' the

country.• The friends arrived for a vlMt th e o tlK f jla y . ' ■ .

Henry took them out to see Uie ip lin ao r of Ghoihon* falU. every*

e waa disappointed.'f could have driinlt all tlie water

go in i over tJie falls," grpwled »ciu>'.

ine.'-ee trader Co

I.atln-Amerlran diplnma clo'vii their hair, ;,ald f

Yi;nki-e'i.aler, t<-chnlt|i

week or ft month, brfort 11 !,lnrle rnerclmiiL-Wimf Is ;wlally n i a club. Tlie

ii' vcr l:nov,;i hl.s hu

!he subject. Tlic Knoil- rade, Uie /Imll price U ••ced, LftUtt Rtyls, liivi mn KeUf a big order.

effecu, the politicos num It up Ilki this: AS of September last onlj two- Tf. a ; nnilonritltirs he ld . some- tiling of n mentfll brief for the Totos. JJow. for reasons tliat vary in every case, the other .seven are mo cerneU with their countrj' under Oormaii}' tlian wli c.iu*e of EnKlnna. Where tiie two conflict they will form an clectlor lobby U iat will maUe U. S. foreign policy aa many jided as Uie recent FYcnch pnrllsment.

r ilA sE . Tlie diplomatic crowd n t hnr. been trjlng to piece to- ;the r the axl.i MrateRy lor Uii

Mcdltcrraiieiin 1% not convinced th( jo in t O .'H . Q. hfls ,iho-*n Its hand In Esypt. MusiOllnl's 3-colutnn pin-

move on the Nile la con.ilderert « distraction, .lerloua enounh to oc- uiiy Brltuin's Budane.ie and Kgypt- in K arrl-ioiu-but not yet the wai

lor.Euypl___ '__ ____ --- ' c.menllal.1 ot Uic excundon arc

Tlie Italian battle plan I.i In Berlin nnd Is aimed nt ob- :s th a t Improve tlif position axis rather thu i o t Italj-. H ie

prlmiiry objective li die reduction of Drjtaln'.i Medltcrrantan fleet, nnd he conquest of terrltor)- foUowi by lefault. Tile Britl.^h fleet li atlll top ioi: in nil but 30 perccnt of the MeUllerr.mean area, arid will rc- nnin .vo until four fi.ctor. are chanp- •d- l onirol of the near c.i.nt oU 'leliH. Suez: Olbralwr and a score If piim ary and secondary baaes.

Tlie buttle 6f tlie Me<lllerranean vill iitobiibly be, trtWleally nnd stra- fiilciilly. tho most complicated mlll- aiv storv in hl.Hor)’. Dritl-ih and i.iiian.s an- distributed in ftlter- uiir layer.i Trom UlC Indian occaii o -o ib ra iu r . There U no t,a naval iKiii who pretends to Ruess which ilay of the Infinite oliesi coniblna-

po;ei.Well Informed banking men und-

erftand there Ii more behind this storj' than meets the naked ‘eye. Tho\e tollowinj the tteud ot South American biir.lne-',. have Ions been dcepli' disturbed becnu.-^ American exporta have far exceeded our pur- clioics from down bcloR-, ThI.s prn-

denuded our nelKhbors' ex- change re.^crvcs to tho jwlnt where default of tlieir oblijatlona lo UiU countT)' haa become a matter of f-erl- ouj apprehension. In fact, highly placed ArKemlnenns are already prepurins onalnst Uie conUngency of « cjearjnj arr.mgement beltvei« Dutnti!i Aliw anil Waihlngton wWch - might fn-ea all Arnentlne balances In this country In order to protect tlie accounts.

W hat nppllei lo Argentina—Ui

Rio Grande—refers ’ wiui equal impormnce to hcl* .suter re- A publics, rrom the standpoint of * hemisphere solidarity, mslders be­lieve the Wa.ihlii(:ton adminlstratloa has Intentionally refrained from • putillclrani: the precnrlotisne.s* of isouth American e c o n o t n l c a ) MrenKth In the face of Uie present International cmcrRency. Whatever ha.i been done so far In the w-ay of lupporUuR our own trade ha.i bern wholly exploratoO'. Tlio Export- Import Hank of Washington extend­ed certain credits to Drarll for th# purcha.li- of railroad m aterlab. Ecuador got ll.IJO.OOO; Peni *2,000.- OOO; Colombia wa.i granted 110,000,- 000 to cover a variety of. purchase* hers. Hiete have been dlscUMlo;in with Chile, and Uie Centrol Danlt-of Arm'iitlna announced "Die accep­tance of a *20,000,000 loan hrom tin Export-Import Dank. Tlils moneyt to bc.utlUzed-txcluilvcI>'.lor..Uie . • .

portatlon of Amorlcan induatrjal, ;ommerclnl and txftji.'.pori machin- 10' for the development of Aruentln# production and btuinc-'j in cenernL

Unfortunately, th tie im all loans t well a.1 th« big ones are contem ­

plated. once the 1300,000.000 appro- priatlon 1.1 nvnllable for distribution, are unsound Insofar aa m on of the CradB will depend on our Jam*. Jf,Uie flow of money should n t any time be stopped.we'd lose tiio b u x l - ^ irs.i oVtr nlKlit wlUi plenty of head- S i idles concomlng the fund* advati- :ed—"donated" would then be Ui» vord. Tliat'a the way terloua m ind­

ed fluanclal people *lxe up the pres- ent iltuaUon,. Jlence they are most ippreheiulve lest congress fall to get -ery-prcclne ft-'.iurances as to Just • vtiat Uie 1900,000,000 Will be us»l for.

> nrti

havi- Innj: rniplnycil ti frlcnil.’.hlp, dorti

I iiollllcM hiflueiice

:KIUTTAL. iioundlsh, QIac red Uenntnr Francl* Maloney- inectlciit Yankee who hoa bci . iind nut of President Roosevelt'B rt-hA i popped up an chief de­

fender 0/ ihe pre.'ldent'a play a t the Chlcagn eonvenllon. Very quietly, he u iilannlnit 1 radio series on Uie iUi‘'i.v -nooievelt broke no prece- dent ihere; «if. u « delegates, did."

Mttlnnry the talk ofrfre il- niil.il iiiciniinn a t Chicago U rot,

iH-diiioii by dhffnmtled-loser* and a . o . p. .sMrAHOT8--at certainly'


ver»helml.i([ majority of the deli- demsnrted r , D. It, na the can-

e they believed he liai le^-thnn -*nyon»-eb^ beat Uie. radiogenic, en j>ee»onalUyed Wlll-

dldsi.............a.-boucf-di«i In iiRht 10 pliQiogenlc. k(

In Oonneel;iieki inijionfi..................Ill tho noonevclt-Wallace ticket in use plenty of good wordi there.

t least. Malaii

ACCEPTEH, Columnist Eleanor Roosevelt, after a piibllo rapping from oiie. ot -her columnL',t-col-

. t - . " " " S '" ' ' ' ' ' ’-New.'pajier Ci ihivnge.

tr,&ini\>ch headquarttrs House, hIm- V romplnint.1 Ih he GUlltlJ riierefore,- .■ili

V,- Uiat EKypt is I m ain objcotlvei oil lands and th

They foil and Uia

TJCIIT . ■ Europe's banka have Icnnied to rc/:pccl tho Wnalilng- ton';i irca-'ury’s canny hold on the mllhonx frozon hero when m0.1l pon- Uneiilul t.rca^urles closed shop. Tlie money 1;. i:eing releiuied dally, but /rnly in ninounU Uiat can bo proved

owhif! to t;. 8. clllceni In tliefIrM plftt

s for.................go lo

......... :i houra, amoncm a certain number of fake ana r -fak r rfqiie.it.vfrom parties who

no connccUftn with. Uie money

iOLUTION. n ie totaliUrlan oet- Uemenl of the present Balkan dis­putes wlU provide lor Uia reshufn* . of about 3,000,000 )>eopI«. according to private advices received here.' Hitler sold the reemlgratlos idea to Ills parUiers, Mussolini and StAlln,

only i.en.-ilble solution offer- degree of pormineucy. *

adopted thU m eth .od a if Uieof Uiclr • agreement. wlUi Ku».ila. ITiey evacuated mlllloai of Germans living in area* under Soviet doml-

1 and .resettled tiiem along RelCh'a eastern boundaries.

From all Indications, Balkan reac- tlie plan Li not unfavorable.

parUciiIarly because It promLies greater stability tor the future. If w the trouble.Mme mlnorlUc.i problem* W

*Uius be t.olvetl.

The Literaey Guidepost

“T in : LAST OP TifF. DANt)IT ItlUKItti." by Malt W arner < -Murray E. King (Caxieni IS), One night In IB7S a 14*year-oId

Utah boy burst Into h li home, analchcd up a gun and a loaf of bread, nnd shouted "Good-bye, Mom, Qood-bye. Dad—I’m leavln’ Che

" no K bandit was bom. s deatii two yeart ago

M att W om er told the whole atory Murray E. King, who has put

It Into anoUier of those Inraluabis records of the old west under the Utle "Tlie LA4t Of the Bandit Raid-

■■ King has preserved for th i pa rt the rough languagi of

'hero." nnd the spirit of th r time. Because It olso ij a trui venlon of tha old itory of th s tioy dio in lg h t 'h iv e gone itralghC but

.or PlrctimfitanCBi^i has -alio a fliVof,aI-j01lvtc-Opdc- and. JIor*Uo

aaiSplrjrot'roI-ltSh - ‘ ‘

M att and the quarreled ovrr t loUEh. but no t ba

town bully had glfl. Matt

I. and aU the .frp irum cetu ig jit

Mimi-... D. C-. Chapter.But Uicrc ii: one catch. The New

York OUlld acoeiUed her member- ship With Ui8 deferenUM notation Uiftt ihfr would be exempt Jmm call for duty in strike plckct llnc.i, ns ithor guild member* are. But rules If the Wft-'-.hlngton chapter are im» iHlHUiutlred by the daulo of numcs ir iMJaltlon:.So. In her new union affllinUon.

the n r i t U d y « the U n d Is fully i.ubject to call for picket duty, like xny other.' Guild metnber. in all iU-lkes or demanitratloai, the must

reajiy to 'carry a banner with Uie - haa aoorpteil the terms

•lUiout ation.

took the bully'* Insulyi, because men did n o t'n g h t before their women.But when Alice ran Into the house M att laid his rival low with a rock, and then beat him Into a pulp with a plnnk. He thouRht he had klUod the fellow—and he was wronc. He paid for the mistake with nearly twenty years In which he lived aa a bandit, rustling elock. holding up banks, rcbbmg and killing with sing­ular expertness.

■niea he cut out ot Uie bandir" herd, and because he had a -rep- uu tloa" and was forced to do aome further (and also expert) Ulllni; to prot«ot hla life, he was' toased Into prison. Finally b i was free.*nd the last long years were ipen t In Price. Utah, u deputy sheriff, jusUee of the peace, detective and night policeman. Me made ho secret of hli past, and one of hU m ost valuable functions was a t coUectdr' 0

UK dodgen, fiotnehow. men found i t difficult to Ignore Just debu when the collector w u a man of Nfatt's

j'AUurce*. - -------I '» * — —-And -Min

MX)li of tTiafiV'^.Matt had l idea of Uie law. from experience. Out nobody ever paid less n ttcallon to lu letter than he. If a clrclMonwas right 'I'" r m _wiiy, M att saw no reuon to observe It, All told, his record, is la tunc « l\h nnoUitr day lii Uie We.it, nnd

It 1.1 Ih.tune. It i iu quallUes Tiiality that many more pre­

records lack.


JEROME, Aug. U -A n estimntert <300 damaRH was cnu»d U> .a . 1 machine belonBhiK to Buffy SmlUi Jast weeis wiicii It was im ich by n

!,lng truck operated by Claude ' J. Pleasant Plalni dlitflct farm -

X e Smith maohla*, aecoKUng to police, woi liarked off the oiled portion of the highway three. mlle.i norUi of Jerome and no damage

;aused by the truck.

Page 5: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08



H y ru m S . L e w is of P olls H igh

Declo limen-

ta ry VplcBURLEY. Aug. I4-Ciu.Mn coun­

ty'* primary ciccuon y o itn went on rrcord vlU i a nlnKlc excrptloii for •I! nuocrriflful cnniiiafttfA lor tioml- niiUon ioT eoiiErfjIoiml wid sUWofllccs nccorcllnB w coniplflo un- oKlclnl rclum « Irom 20 of the coun­ty's 23 precincts nvnlliiblc lonlgtit.

RfpubllcnnJ cave Hynim 8. Lewis of Drclo 1,150 votfj for ihc noml- naUon for llcutrnnnt Kovfrnor .u DRitlnst 470 (or Uie liicunibcnt Don* ntd B. Wliltchcnd of Uolsr. candl* data for reelfctlon.

In adilUloii Ilopubllcnn voters K i­lled ft half do:^n conteil.i for lioml- nivtlons for county otIicM. nnd Dein- ocrnts mimed the winner Iti ft »1 kL? coiitcoV In llirlr camp for nomliinlloii for county office.

}{rre nre (ho returns for Uie 30 precinct.-.:

Resiilt.% In all otflcei oh boUi tlclccU follow;

I)cmt>rratle U. a * e u n lo r- lJo m s .c ll . 2Si;

KratlnK. m : Taylor. 231, nrprcr.entallvc—Hov.p1I. M; Keen-

• nn, 2M; Mh.M<tk, 270; Pnfr.uni. 135. Governor—Hamcj, C5' Clark. 487:

Taylor. IGfl., . — 1 Lieut. Kovprnor—Ceori.4, C4; Cos-

ic tt, 383; Slmoiui. 177.Secretarj' of u la l^ C u rlls , CI2. Auditor—WrlKhl, CSS.'J’rra.'u rrr-liiiklri),’. C2.'i.Attorney teneral — KlUntl. 222/-

Millar, 472,Superlutcnrirnt pulillc Instruction

—flobrri.1, 015.Mme_ln',p<‘rtnr — '^ nmnlirll. 4fl3r

>Wllso , lOG.Blat« senator—F. Q, Tljomp.'.on.

► 5H4.!icpre;.pntnllvt^-C, L. £eu>. i23.

. County conimlMloner <flrr.t dis- I rlc tl-L eo A. WrlKlU. 078,

County commlr-iloner (ttitrd dl.i* trlct)—A.'D. Pierce, 024. ,

Bhcrlff—Mnhnncy. 480; .McCle;ui. «1; Pctenon. 150.

Treasurer—Il^chln^on. 570. Probftte JudRC—7'ucker. 073. Cotmiy superintendent — HnlKlit,

640,A.ue.'i.'pr—Bnrrus, 557.Coronor—Kolly, 192,Sur^•eyor—Stcvenwn, S84.JustJcc of pcace—Ooraliood. 447. ConsUblc-Noble. 2D7,

Ilepubllean U, 3. Nenator—Adiun.n, 90; Dot-*.on,

• 147; Dulaney. 34: Ooff. Tfl; Pricc, 87; Sinclair, 100; Tliomn.v 03».

Heprc.-.cnlatlie-Dworshiik, 1,420. Oovi'nior-Ilotlolf.\en. f.300; Mc-_DousuiL.::::. ------- -Lieut, Kovemor — Lcwl.i. 1,150;

W liltfhei'd. 470,Sccrcliiry or state — Day. '.’33;

Hnrdwick. 3.V); .KratlnK. 400: Sunn, 20.1.

Autllior—Uullinch. 37!: lUxlKer's, 5 ^ : Scliocnliut, 254.

Trea;,urcr—Painter, 1,103. Su|ierinieiidcnt. public Instfuctlon

—Btirkrr, 377; DnvU-Wlcks. 50<; Murray. 377.

Mine liiipcctor — Campbell, 057;

1,225:Dye, ..

State senator — Harlow,L>'nch. 33D.

Repre.-,entaUve-Daly. 1J7I. County commbisloiier (flr.it dbi-

trlct)—Draney. 740; MannlnB, 774.County commls-Moner (third

trlc t)-L ow e, 071; Kmllli. 470.I'rp-’iecuUng attorney — Nell.'^n.

1,450, ■ •S licrlff-Pnce, IJ54.Treiuiurcr—Clii.inbcrluln, 777; Ma­

honey. fi35.Probate Judse—Sffdn. U22, County !in|R'rlntcadtnt—Cockrum,

592>Tlloinp.ion. BG4.^ .c i - .o r —Hark«r_l,437.

Jb»»(mer—McCullough. BIO; Payne.

Sun-cyor—D^^^ch. IJOl.Jiiillce of the peacc— 'ay., 745;

Stout. 307.Constable—Jolm.'.on. 741.

Experts Inspect Resistant Sugar Beets C U O A H Y M IN S V lA L K O p C IU I f l

A m bassador W in s V in d ica ­tion a t W h ite House,

. S ta te D e p a rtm en tWA.SlIINGTO.S-, AUK. M r,l'<-Am-

Ji)lin Culuhy Kulned vUi- Iciilioii from bo!li f*ti-,lilr-nl Kixjr.c-

1 ilriwrinirnt !0-

In IviiidDii cQiUclnluin.

Atlcr^a loux lulk willi deni, Cudiihy. ailitjar.r.ad Khim, r.atil h r hud bi'i'n.

-lay "IhiiL I riTi-IWd

Fall Creation IDAHO AD WES-; . and D riorti Beut


SUGAR BEET eiperti from we«Um «Ut** »re shown here (nM>ffl!nc ipeclei of lueor berlji-whlch »n slitant to curly lop. Tlie*e men. and o lh tr h ljh beet rnntpaiiy oltlrlsln tnfl In Twin Fall* yejterday conducted i lonr of enmmrrtlal and tfsperlmcnlal pli>l> In llil^ nrra. They »rr; Knrpllnj: u iil holdlnr a brct. Harry ElriKk. Idaho manaser of Ihe Amaliam atrd Suc;it ruiiip.iny: Chsrlrs l.avi'i, SlKkton, Calif., Holly Kus»r company; ^J^I Coke. San Fnnelnro. Spreckirs Siitar riimpany: llcnry Dahlbrrs. Drnvrr. Orfat Western Suear company; A. W. Skudrma, Ilorky J'ctrd. Ccilo.. Amrrifan-Cry»tal Susar company, and Wll. ford Cannon. Sail I.ake City. IJtab-Idaho Sujar company.

New Curly Top Resistant Seed ■Available to Idaho Growei's


vicinity v.tU5 well rcprt.'.cnl«l In Uio Shor.hone bailn Saturday and Sun-

A day a l the annual "Church In ttit “ Pines Service.^-

On Saturday nlRlit tlie followlns were DvemlRhl cnmiiera: Arble Deutman. Paul Kutikcl. Delbert Walpole, Antliony Hardman.Mr.Mr*. John Piutoor, Mm . Beryl Kun- kel, Bruce KunkeJ. Mtue.f Julia, rm ncM nnd Clalro Kunkcl. ,

Many oUiers went Sunday room- Inc for Uie nlM ay services, Amonu them were Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed Pas- toor, Mr. nn<l M n, Homer nobcrui. Mm. Emma Kuhns and Berj'l Kun- kel,

»>om nil**—Rev. nnd Mrs. R. E. Davl.i and Mm. Hamilton. Bliss, were

• Sunday ovcmlRht KuesU of Mr, and Mrs. Heo’l Kunkcl and family.'

VUlls Parenl»—Mrs. U V. Dean, Holllittr, spent Sunday here with her pftrenLi. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Kunkcl.

Sunday VWlor»-Mr. and ^^^s. "Ralph Skinner nnd family. BuW.

and Mrs. Al Barton and baby. Kay, Twin Palis, were Sunday visitor* s i

• the W. R. eWnner home.Coasl Trip—Mr. and Mrs, A. E,

, Kunkel, returned Monday from k vacation tr ip to Uie PmUIo coast. They vlsltetl Mm. Kunkei's brother,

- D- M. K uhn’a In San Fm nclsp ., and.M r, Rnd.M fs._AibenJM mquljt

her brothet-.-Buford E, Kuhn’i nad . son. Joe, CftldwelL

Miner In jurrd — Mr. t.._Ralph KeUo an(3 Vida. Montello.

* ------ •••Nfrrrwtre-etrBdrirnTrniKttirTmtonof his brotlier. Mr. and Mr*. Clar­ence Kolso. Mr, Kelso., who worica In a m ine' waa en route to Twin Falls to have his hand dressed. It had been lacerated and cut a week n'uo by falllnu' rock,%

VUlt In UUh—Mr. and Mrs. Earl PuIImer. accompanied by Kenneth McRae. Hollister, le ft Sunday to r

_ trip to Nephl. Utah,9 GoodlD* Gue»t*-C , W. S k i i n g ,

Goodins was n Sunday visitor of his 1. Stanley Strlckllng and family.

Bc.ll avi^llable curly Uip rr.slr.lant miKBr-bceV-nerd-wtli-br'dbtrtbiitrtl

Soutli CenUal Idnlit) beet Krower.i •xt sprlnK. ri'|X)rUul Dr. Kulmiiti

C;ir:.ncr yc:.tcr<lny. Dr. Carriirr If In cliarKf of .visar fteef tnvr.iilRn- tion dlvblon of the U. S. di-piirl-

it-nt of Bsrlculture.Aimounccment of Uie »l!vl;,inn to

dhtiilnitc the si'cxl, known as U, S. i:rowrr« In thL< rculon next w^s made fullnwliiK the

niretlnR here yrnlcrthiy of.ihe riirly .t.-vnt brri-dbiK rominittcc.

lllRh ofllciaLn of western .susar beet caniKinles attended the mecil

Seed DiMUwd MccthiR-of Uie conimlllcr wj 3lrd princliially to (ll;,cu.'-Moii of m'A'lMK and dIsLrlbulloii of

.sml of new rc.iLMant varli-Jles, ,'ald Dr, CarMier. "OUkt typ<-/. o[

•«1 liave made belter Show­in g In ter,t.-., but they iire Mill In h r exiMTlmenUil iiliiRc," he Mvld. "nin, U, S. 22 M-L'dM.i r.uiirrlor to Qiiy _ii-al_iiow_lu_coimii!:rdiil iii''.

•To obtain be.’.t rcMilL, from new types of rl•^l:.tllnt i cnl. It K ne ;c -

Uie Krower lo employ Kood fannbiK cultural prnrilrr.^ In cm nrctlon with the :.ml. Ex|)oncnc lin i !ihown Uint r.oine (;rowci3 Ki-t the rrst'.tant -•rods from .MiKiir com- panlc-1 and think Uie work h all done." he.declared. "If Miey expect to Rct the be;,t rc:,u!t-\ they must keep wofkhiR wlUi Ihe beet.

'Orowrrs are advb.ed lo plant r i- ^t.^tant seal early In the nprlns. The

mo.'.L likely lo be (lamaKetl by curly tbp when It L' yoiins, but experlnicnLi have shown th a t dnni-

Bc reduced by encoiiraRlnK viKorous early Kfowth.

Damare I-ow •'Curly top dnmacf In Twin Fi\ll:;

county Is low,'' he dccl»r<-<l. ‘"niL'i l5 principally becau.-,e of a-;e of Rood fnrmlnR practices and ur.c of rc.slr,t- an t sec<l,'‘

Ho jwlnled out tha t under mild curly top conditions, yield from new

ihtan t je«l would avcrane about Ice the yield oblahied from old

European varieties of « e d formerly ii.-.e<!. Under revere curly lop ditlow. yield from rr.ilstanl seed is probably several times as great th a t obtjjlne<l from tlie old .*.ecd. he fiald,

Reprr.',entaUvrs of western sugar companlc.1 toured commercial and experimental plots in Twin Falls ye.\i/rdiiy. Plobi vblted Included the

PcIdhiLsen plot two miles ea.st of the sugar plant, AmalRantatetl Sugar company plot three mlle.i north of Cedar eroulnR or. ... . Cliarfey E. McNelly farm, and the Eovemmcnl experimental plot Ujo s. D. Bonnr farm.

Derrlopmenl Shown Demonstratlan of development of

curly lop reslsUnt seed was shown In a plot planted by Albert Murphy, junior paiholoRlnt a l Uie local bur-

lU of enlomology- TJ'pe.i of resLsi- an t seed starting wlUi U; S. 1 l.wied for commercial u.ie In 1D34 nnd In- cjudlng an Improved ver.ilon of U. S. 23 were Included In Uie dLiplay. Murphy conducted Uio lour.

Sugar compaty officials parUc- Ipntlng In Uie meeUng and tour in­cluded H anj' Elcock. Idaho mana­ger of Uie Amalgamated Sugar com­pany; R, H, Cottrell. Ogden. Amal­gamated Siicnr cobpany; Chivrles Lavls. Stockton, CalJf,. Holly Sugar compiny; Enrl Coke.*8dH PmncLieo. Spreckels Sufl^r company; Henr^- Dahlberg, Denver. Great Western Sugar company; A, W. Skudcma. Rocky Pord, Colo,. Amcrlcan-Crj’s- tal Sugnr eempani-. and Wllford Cannon. Salt Lain City, UUh-ldaho Sugar company.

Growers of this area also par­ticipated In Ui6 lour.

CAiSiflliN-. _ M

V o t e r s S w ell M a rg in s ol Successful S ta le •

C andidates.

FAlRriELD, Au;;. 14 - C;iirar. county primary clectloii vo:cr;. liclii- Ml to Kwcll niaJiiMtlrn of liuUcatcil winners of nnniln;illoir. lor fnii- Krirssloiinl iinil .M;ilc- noiiilii;illoin nr- eordlng to coriijilrtr ,iinofllrl:il rr- turns from four’ of Ilie countj'.i PfCczlnrW available lf>nli;ht. In ad- dltM|i they ;.rttl«l four eoiilcM-. for county ndinliwtloii:., tliire <ni 'Ihe Ileimbllc;in, ami one on Ihe IJrmo-ciaU c-ildt.______________ ‘ ....

Helurn.s lioin the foitr pmlnrl.*, j.howed;

lipimblicaii'U . S. Srnato; —Ailani:

3; Dulaney. 4; Gull.SInclnIr, I: •nimna.-., 12j , ^

Uiillcd SiaHv. reiire.'.enliitu^e — Henry Dwdr.-.hsk, 147.

Covernnr—HQ!tolf:.en, 138; Me. DouKnIl, 15,

U eulinanl Kovcrnor—Lewis, M; WhlU-heid, 100,

Secrei.irv' of sta te—Keating, 34; Swan. 02; D,iy, 13; Ilmdwlck, If!,

S late iiudilor-llulflncb. 30; RoK- ers, 50; Schoeiihut, 41,

State IreaM iier-Palnler. 139. Altnaic-y Rrni'Rvl-MllIar. 130. Stiite Mipcrlntrndent of jiubllc In-

j.lruclluii—Hiiiki-r. 22; Murruv. 32:

trlct—nrook.'. 71; I^'ro^lenson, 100, County cominl.v.loner, ihird dtr

trlcl-IM'.ler, 147,Pw.ecjjunc nitoniey — JJcokkI;:?

142. -Sliprllf-Hln.ch, 7J; I’erklns, 57

Rowland. 17.'Caiintrarf-:i.':iiif-r=.siiiibleriMrProbate juilgo—Gli:,lcr, 151.

Duvi Wlck.i, 7Itisprclor of mlni-%—Campbi-ll. 113;

Dye, 34,Stale ^ellsln^—llahr, 153,Sliitr rrjirc-.c-iilntlve—nam m , I.S3. County comnilwloner, flr.',t dln-

li-nt of publicCounty ^up^Tlnt';v.tnictloii--i-'all, Mf.,County a!.vv.or—I'uiik, 52; SmIIti,

3.Prtclnct commit teenien—Fairfield.

Stewart, 117; Hill City. Saunders, 115; Corral, Shaw. IIO; Bbllir. MiXKly, 123; Mallard, h’ro.,tcnso!i. 112,

DemtK-ralleUiilK'd St4ilf:. ;enator—Hothwell,

31; Doiliirl. 130; Taylor, 150,Unlte<l Sliiliv. rr

Musters, 145: I'an.o:53; Keenan, 53.. Governor—Uanir-..Taylnr, 134,

Ucuteiiant Ki>vc'rn On.v.c[l, 230; Simon;

SerreUiry ol'ritiitr— CiirtU. 317. suite i\Udllor-Wil;:lit, 37R.Sl.ite irear.urer- Knlilni:, 304. Attorney Reneral—.Mlilar, 245; HI

holt,-105,- sl.ilc 5il|)erllil('iiclrnt'of public

slnirUon—ltob<-ii;.. 3ns.lll.’.pcctor of nilnrr, — Campbrll,

;ao; Wll;.on, H7,SLUe itiiiilo r-W allon . 314.Slnle reprrM-iilatlvf — linldwln.

I’robale JudRe—Koonee, 301. County isuperlnu-rident of public

In'.inirllWi—Laniion. 3E0.County av.e;..sor—Leek, 3W, Precinct rommlttecmeii-r.vlrllcld;

Pelflr. 31C; nlahie. Simon, 300;' Mnniird, Jensen. 200.

Wllh the dl.-.covrry of t',»o new moons rerently. Ihe planet Jupiter now hn.1 a' Timlly of I^ kna' ': s.itelllte. .

UlUo M lu Q ler of Mr. and Mra. Ptorrest Strlck­

llng. Gooding, who had been visit­ing her cousin Dee Strlckllng, reiurncd to her horn# with her gfttndlftUier Sunday «vealng.


O f T ire d K id n e y i|W ‘rwl l« ‘pilM miktnf you nlMrml|li. <jon'l Juat ecunnlidft >n1 do noUilix

"•r '<• jou ISil ....... .....V .<Alur«*i riiM w>7 of t«klnc


tn tw o v e iy

Eunenc JJa v eatu 15, i rati, 10, ixitli of Tttiii fau ­lt yei.tetday tor Yrllo'.^'loiie

Uiinal park on their bicycler HlilhiK bikes .•.pev'lnlly ec|ui|)pnl

hlll-cllmblnK, the tjoyr. tool; only clothe.i they were wearini; anil extra blanket. Tlie pair plant irtop In toutlst carnp'..

. N e w . ^ r r i v a l s

V s.

: r t o -

lie r p o p » l.r$4.05 vnlue.t. -

$ 2 9 8


D oulilc -b rc .i^d llccfers! Roxics!

■‘JlBllywood W raps"! Sitic-Tic.s!

I’liiid«! Twci'tl.sl Cdverls! FIccctsI

Now' w(^ p r e s e n t ;i “ jti.sl-.irrivcd” flclpc-

' tion o f i in t r im n io d w in te rco n t.'i — c o a ts

w ith fn.sbion new.'; in every litii.'! T n if -

fic-stoppcr.s,-b i:t. n o t nn ounce of fliiffi-*

ness in th e . t r r o i ip ! W e .siiRKC.st you pick

yo u rs e a r ly f ro m tiio.'^o "bound-tn-he-

Icader.s,” A il s lia iie s in a K'rnml a r r a y of

1 9 « Btyle.t.

T hese tw o sp e c ia ls lu-a rcpfTits o f th o bucccsscs ’w hich Rimiiar o ffcrinK s liu S j u s t u f«w w eek* a g o . A r u s h o rd e r . broiiK ht th e se a d d i t io n s ! $ - 1 C 9 5

o r hon ,. . '5 ™ * r

v y z s Othcr-S $12 ,05 to^ $29,76

A ll w a r m ly in te rlln e d l

P'MAYFAHIRrs'!®'’. , . ' ------------------------------------- --------------------------------— --------- \ . ’ .1 ■


Page 6: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


Parties Continue fo r PopularBride-Elect, M artha Garlock

I Ihi

M iss M artha Garlock. k h o w ill bi’com r th r brlrtr of Gilbert M cR lll n l a late fall ccrem ony . h as boi n thp lir-iHrallon for a num ber of lovely cou rtcslcs. Yc.stcrcltiy aricrn oon a qunrtet oJ h ostesses ar::vnKcd a m isccllan coH s v.howfr m her hont

- a n d - t h t s evening, u n o lh cr pKlr o l w ill ciitcrtJrtn ia -.k ltchcn shower and garden party. Ml.s rinut-hter o f Mr. nnd Mi W. Gnrlock. who movcc cenU y to OoodlnR. nnd f la n cc Is th e son of Mr. nnd Mr.s, O. G. McRlll.

I!oile.w> tills fvcnliiB «1H I Ml.u VnlfrU- Hrrre and Ml.vi B»i barn Drndlry wllh ihf parly to br: hfld nl ilir lioiiit nf MIm lie-.1 FCurlii nvfniif mM.

Liirii To lit UctilcdTlie Inwn M'lll bf lllimimaK-d w

brlKtu.colorfU 1U1'1< for ilie i c^Mon. and uucru irtU ly spalrd

■JnrlIClKl). Allcf

Fltz' ■ M1:JMl.v' Ailcls Mac Drnckr

•Mlu Loulsp Cnnii>t)*ll. Url BrlncBnr. M '« nrucKKcma:m Ks Mnxlne Itcrrc, MI.'j Jun r Wcl »nd M t« Vlri


flllio■ Blfiilr were MKi Ailili .MlMi MmtclUw' limt'cpn. D f'lorW Cnmpbcll aiul MLvi U)Ul;-r:ComiJb«ll,-tJio-t»tiy-beUi8-held- * tIhfi J. A, CmnplJell home.’ OiiMt.1 hemmfd tea lowcl.i diirms 'the nftemoon »nd also cnjoywl t

:------ :num6eror si'fJropTliitf irim rs/P rin^Tkcnt to M m Irm» OoodnlRlU nnr

■•WlM A ll« -m tler.. Flowfr» from the Campbell snr- den' were combined for *itracilv( room *nd t«b1o <le«oratlon». Re- irf.',hmenU » tre »ened a t quartet tfthle.1 « t the close of the *{tenioon.

An out-of-town Eut.1t wm MIm Duchesrto OUfiit of Salt Lake City.. Gue«l* Included MIm Alta Frailer, M lu Dfthrl 6«lf. Mill Lucille Tljom-

Ca7np Fire Girls Sw im Festival Ends a t Council

nr'.iTly Woolpy, Clinrlolle 1

./ Knmi-lli Skrrii.

Clever Farewell Shower Hanoi's Jeanette Custer

F irst Officers of Rural Federation Watertnelon Feed Planned for Good Will Members, Families

Plans for th e an n u a l AiiRust picnic, a "walcrnielon feed," were com pleted a t the mcctlnK of th e Good Will club yester­day afternoon a t the home of Mrs., Ed Maher with Mrs. H. T. Morrison as hostess, and com m lllces were named lo r the affair. Mrs. D. V. Kinder. vlce-prc5l(Jcnt, con<luctca the business session in the absence of M rs. C. D. Thompson, presl' dent. The picn ic is to be held ftugust 25 a t H arm on park for club members a n d the ir fam- Burley Bride

<. Jncfc

r fiKt nfrieeri of the BurmI Fcdrratlon «f Wemrn'i clDbi, whlth I a t ilir rharm lncly arrancrd annlvrnar]’ tea ;n((rda)r aftrm on I lo rich t are Mr»- Frank WlUon, «lia irai fln l tlce-prrtldenl of il.n W.1S .frond vkr-prr.U lrn t at that time and Mr». I). R. Cliurc

-ai ercanlied Auiruat 14. ISIS I a t th« home of M n. (', H thp orijlnal lU ff; Mr». I~ C III, *ho .ervfd with ihrm ai

Memben of the wntcrmcl mlitee are U tk . Klntler. M Bell and Mr*; M. J. Duid.

QsUj , Mrs, Jiim fs Pcrsoiiette id Mm. MorrLioii are lo be Ubia

commltke members nnil Mn. N, O. Johnion and Mr.v Hurry Sttvcns will h s n d lt- th r-c o ffe e mid cold drinks eommltwe.

SiluU to n a i .Tlifl-meeilnR. opeiKd 'vitli Ui

lute to the flnp. Uir eliib non: roll call r«[)oiisc.i on favnrlli cnilon spot.1.

Btundlnj and J<iir<;lal foaim Kftvo ilieir rri>orU nnd .Mr?. : Doren rc.\lKned as iiiti'ic rhiili .Mrs. Morrtwn w m lo flvncnncy;

pKrllnnitnUiry Inw tllKou- iot

Seventy-Five Rural Federation Women Enjoy Anniversary Tea at Lindsey Home

■Icphar V Mrs


Camp FireD urlnt ilie proKi

Johli:w\. 1.110 !Ciimp Fire trnliiliiK . in n d rO rr ,n n " Ju n fr iin f l“Win~rn.':o

M nS. StDKN llAl, MECIIAM ol

ion before her marrlaie Ual Sun. dar- (Newt Entrarlnil

W. C. T . U. RIEETINOW. C. T. t;. raeeUne. •cheduled

for ihU fYlday. ha i been poMpoiied un til Friday. Aug. 33, further an­nouncement to be made later.

DA .\ MeCOOK CIUCLE . .Diui McCook eirclc. Ladles of th i

G rand Army of the RepubUe. will lirve th e annual plcnle n t th# home or Mr*, l.ucy Bincklcr, nock Creek. Auk, 10. A ba.iket luncheon «1U be se n ed . All wlslilnB l«nsport»tlon nro asked to call Mr«. Johnion al Phone 122 for trtuuportallon. Cam will leave al 11 a. m. All nitendlnc iir.' rrntirMrd lo brina Individual tab le service.

Briggs'-Parrish, . , Rites a t Logan


■oI Bur

» mitli r« r- nnd .Mr.v. n. brcainc Ihc

bride of Joliii DrUcV. son of Mr.. Wllllnin BrlKKS of Carey, reiiiony nl the tcmylf at Ilnh. laH Tliur.Mliiy. Auk, R. hpv wfiil lo S a ll Lake Cllv :i);inl.'.h l--o:k. Utah, lo vl.Mi

am! ivllimed to Caiey iccompiinlcd by Mr. nnd. Mrs. Vic

their home in

•T s ttf rnnd to i rcla l

Tliry will 1 Carry.

e bride li a sritduate of the .school nl Hurley With the eln.«

)37 nnrt of Albion Rtnte normal In -m S -S lu i -w M -a - lc a c h t iU n .th e - rrnde ?/-hooH In Cnrey liut year.

Mr. DrlKKS Ernimled with the eJaM if 1033 from the. Cnrpv hlRh achool

' Concluding event of. the Camp n r e Olrls' »wlm festival, held , « Itarmon park Tuendiy.and Wednes-

li_.iiiy_jnonilaBi. wM.-fc.. council flriV,'lUi preseniallon of awiu-ds n l ihi ta m p Fire ttlansle yntrrdayW tA -----teins testa.

A Of U\e »«lm-

: Mrs. Oordon Dny.nas In chnrRe of the council fire, which oprnrd with the Comp Fire Uw nnd ilsh t- Inj of Ihe Wohelo candlca.

Ilanon Pm rntcd Polllwog and froft honors were

presented by Mrs. Georg# Dulilrr. chairman of tlie Hfd Cravi swim cnmmlttee wlUi polllwog honors co- Inir to M lti Irens Schulke,. MIm ' Arlene nobertwin. Ml.w Geraldine Grove*, Miss LoIji BlieneberRer. Mlr.s Donna fUppeleye. Mis* Shirley Mil­ler. MKs Beverly OUen nnd Ml.vi Glnrla Wilson of T»'ln Fnlln. nnd Mils Ruth and Betty Blroud of Dulil,

fW g honors were eamed by Mi.vs r.Mn Pne Pearson. MKs Audri-y

■ Kmlih, M1S.S PtrchM and Ml.rsGrraldlBB OroTST

Swltnmlng Ikad*In addlUon, swimming beads aere

pri^ented to Miss Smith nnd Miss Darlene Pearson. 14 each, and Ml.vs T-stn Fae Peariusn. 12 Tlie beads wrre . earned durlne the iwn-rtnj

On* of the honnrs Mmed by ih»■ three glrla w»a by f,wlmmliis oi»

hundred ynrtl.' *nW rilwnblnc in the pool. The bends were prese:it«d by Mr-v I^'il.i Aiiamron.

Mrs Dav pre?.rnie<l Mrs. nulller1 nrrir hn hrtp t.

luml 1)

fltrlnR of honor Schulke,• MLts Audrey ;


Shower Honors Donna Cowley

JlAOEnMAS. AUS. M - Mf Donna Lou Cowley of Albion, wl;

. • will bccome the brlils of Burio Tliorn# of Rockland at a ctremnii to be pertonned Aumul 20 nl tti LAtter Day SalntJi temple In S;i Lake City. Utah, was the honorc a t a mlscellantotis sho'iec arrante

j Inst Saturday by Mn, Earl Pen , fold. Mri, Arlln Allen and Mrs. Edn

Alien * t Uie Allen home.I Forty-five ' rtloinvei and friends I were invited to Uie affair. Sister

of Uie bridal palr-elecl. Miss Geor gin Ann Cowley and MIm Laura May Thome, preficnted Ihe g lju lo the' honoree.

A short, rroernm. Including Ing* by m U i Georgia Ann Coajev ^

> tta ■ eroim or wng* &y Uiufn'WiiV ^ K r “n i onif .; wna prpcuCetL^Mba Jean '

hoste.'u trio.,i M lu Cowlej-,' cmn'rtdmiKlUrr nf I Mni. tl^srl Penfold. l.i a gmduaie of I Albion alnC« normal Khool nnd hn.i ■:— UUKhl In the- primary 'grAdcs^at I PresUm and Idaho Fall'.

ahe and her hu.sband will teach In the schools a l Oxford. In.. this fall.

F IN A L P A R T Y n o m R S V A C A T IO N G U E ST

Final In n series of partle.s which have honored Mr*. E. F, Schwartz, lonnerly of Twin Falls, now of Soiithgate,' Calif, wm nrranRcd yec- terdni- morning as a bridge hrenk- fast a t the home of Mrs. C. M. Ilobert*. M n . George Ociwellcr won

' honors and Mni. Schwarii rectlved » guest favor. .. With her husband and daughter,

A fler dork, traffic U reduced by on>-hiUf. yet fatal nccirtenis In­crease by olmojl onc-half during tJiat. period.

T he whole family w ill love th e d istinctiva flavor of the rich, pure C hallentre Lime M int S herbe t beii.i^ featured th is week. Serve sh e r­b e t th is week,. . fo r parlic.s, dessert, o r ju s t a rj>frwhinR snack. You can g e t i t in conc.i, too.

A t Your Favorite Fountain — O r Phone 995



Page 7: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


jy c s o fl R E IV E S D E B R IS J S T O i

W in d a n d R a in C la im One L ife ; C i ty W ith o u t E iec-

t r ic P o w e r

TUCSON. Arlz.. Auc. U OP^Ren- iclfiiUf of T iif.on, Arlroiin> sccond city, Ittborcrt to d a y .to c ltar «w»y mtiB, w nw r nnrt dc6rls. le f r 67-1151 nlKhfs wind and rnin stonn which clalmcd one Hit and did dam&Re fillm aled us high n i JIM.OOO.

The body of 10-yfar-oId ,Oeorse acFinrf wn;i rfcoi'crfd from 10 f « t o( wat£r m n (Iood>(Utcd arroyo. Hi* liiid bM-n swlmmlnB with three eompanloivi.

Mr. and Mrs. Wnllcr Yoiinj .il1:litly Injured when Uielr aulA- moblle ran into ft flooded wash'tfur- liik' the hrlRhtli of Uie siorm.

N’nrrow e.'icnpcs were niuneroiu pcilcjtrlons vrT f swppi from Uielr f r t i by wftlBlKlecp wnKr In lh« »trtct.i nnd rn1;t-wcalceTied adobo bulldlncs Trollnpr.pd, In one hour. 5J3 Inchps of rain fell.

Prlnclpul Inconvenience, tlie f.ourrp of much of the dam-

BKC. wa.1 lack of clcctrlc power, Food niippllts w rrc 4amr»8«l or spolltd when d c c lr lr refrlgerntor.^ Bloppcd funcUonlns. Tliere was a f.liortase bpciia>e clectrlcaUy-oi)cr- ateU pump^i wouldn’t work. Dairle* had dlfflculiy paitcurlsliis and dls- tilbiillHR milk.. Worklnn under lmprovlj.cd lUht- ins »y.itcian. lurRcoiw i>erfomic<l iwo appcndrcuimlpa In a honpltAl.

Tlie A rlrona DaJJj' S tar. )U prfitiej .•\n»l lliiotyr>cs itclc-vs wlUiout power, published a "nandblll" «llUon tills mornlnK. u.ilns /Imncl-sel typ« and

A N N U A L A U G U S T P A R T Y S E T B Y D .U J ‘.

Annual Augujil pnrtj’ li being planned by Cunip Marj- Lolt.DnuRh- le n of the U U h Ploneera. for next Monday. A uetu t J». a t City park a t 3 o'clock. Mwnbcrt of Cnmp B n- Ar-El win be guesU.

Captain Mar>- C. Rlchardi. Mrs. Jetuilo H. Crowley. Mrs. I r i s . P.

- Orchard and Mr*. Floule. P. Klrk- man form Uie commlttce In charge of arrangements.

Entertainm ent will be dire«te<l by M n. P u rd e tt 6. Pixnncr. M n. NiiUi-

— ella S-W hitehead and Mru. W ith D, W hitehead. Mr*. Pearl L. Brown, chalrmcm of Uie way* nnd m tan i commlltfe will be in charge ' freihm enti.

--------- ResTiiar-wttrfc w UI-be-«lnri«d-byCamp M ary Lola on September 18 a t L*ie iiom c of Mra. M audt T. Mob-Icy. _____ \ /


Mbs n^ im rtta Scliulke. wIm will V become U)q brldo of Melvin Oppllcer

of Buhl, a t a ceremony late Uil< montii, wa» the honoreo a t a mis­cellaneous ahower arm nged Tues­day MWmoon by Mr*. Pay Hamm.' M lu Schulke iL Uie cleuRhter of

Mr. and Mr*. Henry Schulke of Twin Falls nnd he r fiance is the

' non of Mr. and Mrs. m d Oppllgcr of Ouhl.

Decohitlve motU was yellow and green and wa.i fea tu red 'In the re- frejlimtmUi. O arden flower* formed room deeorntlons. Contests provided the cuttrtijinm ent.

O ut-flf-t"wn gueiitj Included Mrs. M»i' DDcon o f Loi Angelc*; *l«ttr

- of Mrs. H am m : Mr*. Frank Hamm. M n, rran li? Kelly, Mr*. Floyd Dalss and Mrt. F S ^ O p p Ilg e r, a ll of Buhl.

Coiniiiiinily Chesl Committee Named

' ^ l l h R alph Carp«nler, chairman, preildlng: member* of the Twin Palls Community chest board of dl- rectoni-met la st evening a t the City

♦ hall to nam e members of a budget corjimltKe,

All partlclpn tlns orcnnlutlons were a.iked to file ihe ir budnetA be-

• fore 3epU S with Mr*. DoroUvy lUy- , noldj.

'Hie group Is Investigating poul- bllltlrs of bringing - n profeiulonal mnnntor to Twin ^ l l s to conduct Uie drive th is ytnr. Mr. Carpenl«r

‘Wendell Willkie’ Brings. Top Price a l Filer

.uihLthe-^l»Uil_priM-iof-J>mL.aiilnuU.ja_’lh».Jilnr.- •Mofiallon I t Vlirr yc ttctday . The ram t» ahown abnte

irUh h li fermrr and prrtriil owner. Charjrs Howland. Camhrldtr, (ormer otrncr, U atandlns In front of the ram. while .T. IL Ilurlnn. alto of Camtirldse, p n ^ n t ownrr. knrrli brhind the animal, Thr ram li rejl« ter«d a* nVtndHI Wlllkle" In the Amerl/an Suffolk S herp soelfty, iNewi Photo and Enjravlnj;)

Camlu’idgcMan Pays Top Pricc, •S275, for/Ram at Filer Sale

Boat Chib Se.ts O uting Aug. 25

A picnic, nnd boat ouUng will be sponsored by the Southehi Idalio Boating club a t Dut;an'a Landing near T housand Springs, Aug, 33. offtcials of th e club announced last night.

At a recen t meeting of the club, member* planned to Improve tlie dock a t D ugan 's landing nnd In- ^lall a land ing above Ttt1n falls. D uganl landing la located n qua

of a m ile from Owsley bridge.Tlie piibllc ha* been Invlled to

parUelpata In the outing Aug. 55. A ‘ progTfun will be Included.

- -^fficCTB-P rp h e ‘

Two m lhor ■auEomobU# occjdenu, yesterdaj- hnd b*ea Investigated by local police.

------------ Cari-dflven-byH aw ftttH rSchw abrEden, and Jo h n F. DeVaney, T ain Palls, collided. a t Five Points east. Minor damage resulted to each >na-

* ■ cWne.In tho o ther accident, cars eol-'

llded a t Second avcnuo and Tlilrd street we.it. Driver* were Leslie C. Sumner nnd Arnold Putile r. both of

Twin Pall*. Doth c a n were damaged slighter. , ^

r*nsw»t«jB TrtiH-Mr. and Mrt 6. E. Crlsmor and D. J. DlUA, ae- compaaled &lr«. 6 . A. Scherer and her dauehUr. Dtrllne, o f xtm-

• ber U ke, s. D , hare retunsed from ____^naUonal park, of thre« U> Roy Johnston. Bruno, for

Mrs. ^ e r e r U a sister of Mr*. $10 . »Prlamor aad U r. Dllt«r, . ‘ WllUaa Schoenftld, Eeybum, p*o

FILE31. Aug, M—NUli'lcfiith nunl ram sal<- of the Idnhn ' Orowrrn' a.vioclnllon wat hrld here yrst/’rdny wlUi *nles and prlcc!, cdiii- parable to tliose of the sale liu,l year..

HlKhe.'.l.prlcp iinld for oiir niilmiil as *275 puld fnr ii yr;irllni; Miiil im .wld hy Charles Hnwlntiil, C;im-

bridge, T. B, Burjon. CamtjrlclKe purcha.-;er of the iinlmnl. Ulie U rcBl'lerfd In tlie Amerlcnn

Suffolk Sheep UKluly nnd I;, eligible for.rBgLitrtiion in'COTWInmmtion- il records.

Colnnel E. O. Wnller, aucllniiecr, conducted the snir, n.v'i.vied by Dr.

, W. McClure ln_yie ring.__Ranw offered for f,n!e incliulcd <15

Hnmp.Oilrc ranKe rnm.i. 370 Sulfolk rnnge rnm.i. 105 Siiffolk-Hamix'hire rams. 10 Panama* and IS Hamp. ivlilre nnd Suffolk ^tud.i.

Following I* the complete ll.M of Mlr.i;

Compleie wile rtiulLi follow: Suffolk Y rarlinn

Lnldlaw and Brockle, Mulcioon, pen of 10 to Jack'LAnc, Ketclium, for $700. ,

Qnplle, Muliloon, iM-n of 10 to T . V, OooillnK. Sho-.lionc, for «00.

E. O. Iscnbrn:, Rtiiwrf, lo Knrl . Patrick. RoRerson. for J328,B. B, BurroiiRhi. Homednle. pen

of 10 to Dennett brai., MountuUi Home, for *700.

U J. rrnlmore. Rupert, pen of I lo J, W. Ncwiiwn, T ain Falls, for

tSIO.Lnldlaw and Brocklc, Miildoon.

pen of 10 lo Domingo Solaign, Jr., Shft-ihone. for liCO.

T, A. B.-iptle. ivn ol 10 to W. J, Hicks. Buhl, for 1430.

'L. J. Predmo're. Ruptft, pen of lO to Jauguln Solossbal, Mountain Home, for H60.

Latdlav and.Brockle, pen of 10 lo Bennett bros.. Motmtaln Home for »550,

D illa rd Mc.Ma.iter. Han.ien, pen of sefin to Tim LcQucrlca. Jortlnn Val­ley, Dre.^for *5iO.

E. O. Isenbcrg. Rupert, pen of six lo C. M. Larsen, Ny.wa. Ore.. for *385.

R. R, Predniore, Rupert, pen of elRht to De.iert Qheep Co., Botoe, fortm .

Wllllnm Mahaffey. Lemhl. i>cn p ' eight to Joe Tellerle. Jordhn Val ley. Ore.. for »360.

University of Idaho. Mo.vow. pen of tlx to Oeorgc Keprose, Bohe, for *«0.

Young and Larsen, QIackfoot, pen of eight to Baldwin Brown, Home- dale, for 1400.

William Schoenfeld. Heybum. pen of seven to Q nest Talllet, Aber- deen. for »31S,’

Bonlda Fonn. Ucon, pen of six U Hammett Livestock compan}-. Ham. mett. Ida., for *3Sa.

C. O. isenbcrg, Rupert,, pen of six lo Augustin Salove, Murphy-, Id a . for $32. [

R, Rl Predmore. Rupert, pen of tight to V. Gooding. Ketchum. for $400.• William Schoenfeld, pen of six to MacLead broUjer* E<len. for $340

Laldlaw and nAickle. pen of five to George Welglo. Jerome, for $376.

B. B. Burrouglis, Homedalc. pen

E, G. iMnberg, Rupert, pen of fire to.qeorKe and James K. John-•tone,_Hpmedftle. fot.*34S.______TteUey and Turner. Burley, pen

of five to Andrew U tile, for $33S.Bonlda farm. .Ucon. pen of five to

E. QuUiUna, Jordan Vallej, for-$lM, Laldlaw and Brockle. pen of flw

to A. D, Silva and w as, Shoshone, for $385, •

D, B. Burroughs. Homedole. pen of five to Coffin Sheep company, Yakl- -la, Wa.ih. for $335.

Charles nowland. CtiRbrldge, pen of five to reilx Celoya, CuUeford, for $350.

Unlversltj- of Idaho. Moscow, pen of four to J . w . Newman, Twin Palls, for $380.

Kelsey and Turner, Burley, pen

of Ihreo to Nrnie.-.Grandview, lor *1C5.

M, H. MniiiiltiK. nurlcy. pen of tlirre to K, Qulntnn.i, Jordiui Vnl- ley, for

L. J, Prfihimrc. |irii of l-i< GcofRC Kciim-.c, Hol'.c\ lor J1JB

Suffolk Hajicr UinJiC E. R. Krl.'cy, Eiirlcy. i>cn of iiliio

lo Y;,iilro .MiKiiiririii, Unbc, for JIO,’), Uiltllnw iiitfi IJrocitlr, pen of 10

lo Royal Siiiilll, 8nlt Lnllc Cllyfor WSO----- ------------

MIchniO I>;iic'l:iy, lllnckfool, p-T of 10 to T , C, liacon. 'iVin Knilj, for 53S0.

L.\ldliiw nnd llrorklc, pen of 10Hoy Johriflinn.-Hnino.-for-ISBO.------

Michael Ii.ircliiy, IJlnckfool, pen •of 10 to llaiikm Uutlierford. Buhl, for *300.

11. R. f^lilmorc. pen of six to Fred Miirlln. Sho'.litinr, for *108.

W. L. Clbb;;, Burley, pen to Edwarcl K. E.i'cln, Jerome, fur

Gcorc'- A. n r iil, Ihirlry, pen lo Anloti Mactiiicck. Jr., Duh $250. .

Mlehaol Diirel;i>-. pen pf 10 to kin ItiitlRTford lor *270.

L.'xiill.-iw nnd Hrockic-, pen of five lo A. Kolnvi;. .Muri)hy. Ida., for *215.

E. It. K rhry, Uiirlry, iw,i of [He lo J. W. Ncwmau. Tain Kails, for $300.

Jc^^le L. Fulli'rloii, Idnhn I-',ill«. peu rI five lo Gall S:miuel, Buhl, foV *100.'Rulnn .E. Reu.i, Rflberw, poii of

five to AURuMln Solnve. for *175.h. J- Predmorr. jxri of five lo

Y.ildlo Mndnrlct.i, Bobe, for *205.R. n. Turner. Rupert, pen of five

lo Baldwin Brown tor *225.Lnldlaw ^nd Brockle, pen of five

to Andrew UlUe for »J50, 'L, J, Predmore. peu of flva ta

Pred Olio. Jerome, for *305,Riiinn E. Belli, RoberUi. pen of two

lo W. A. Coiner, Hnn.ien, for $82, Suffolk Studs

Unlver;;lty of-Idolio, Mmcow. stud im yriirllng to Den Jaiir.rn, Kim­

berly, for JI25.E. R. Kel.'.cy. ljurlcy. stufl ram.

to l.:\ldlaw and Urockle. for *200.Wlllliun Mahnffey. Unihl. Murl

,im (iwo-ycnr-old) toW , B, Durton. Cttfnbrldpe, for *100,

L. J. f’rcdmore.* Rupert, slud ram (two-yrar-oldj to B. D. Burroughs, Homedalc. for *155, ,

R. R, Predmore, Rupert, stud ram (yearllnR) lo Wllllnm Mahaffee, Lcmhl. for *100.

Clmrlf.i Howland, Cambridge, slud ram (yearllns) to T. B. Durton. CambrldRe, for $375, (Top price paid)

Unlvcn.lly of Idaho . Moscow, stud ram (yearllnK) to B, D. Burroughs, Homedale, for $100, • •

U unpahlrc Yearlings Dr, S. W. McClure. Dllis, j>eii of

ten to We-iley S. Crulckshank, Mon- loun. for $«50,

IL L. Finch. Soda Springs, pen

$300.3 LouU n. Billon, LflBO. for

Robert S. Dlailotk, f'ller, p<-n nf ten to N’oh Sheep company. Mur- tauRli, for *380.. F rank L. Slephan. Tttlii I'alls, pen of ten to Gerhard Schmidt, Fair­field, for $330.

A, E. Ilooiic. TVIn Falls, pen ol nine to I'Vnnk Cory, Uruneau, for

Dr. S. W, McClure. Dllu. pen of ten to W csky S. Crulckilmnk. Mon­tour. for *400.

H. L, l-'ltirh. HixlA .Siirincs. , of ten to Andrew Mttlc, Enmicti, for $300.

Robert S. niaMork. hller, i>ea ten not roUI.

Dr. a , W. McCluie, Bli.’j , pen of liUic.iiot-ialil________________

H. L. Finch. So<ia SptiuKS,,E. F. KyH'r, GoodlnB,

*320.Robert 8 . Illn.ilock,

lo ii-to -W , W- Palmer, Hurley, for $320.

IL L. Finch. Soda SprlJUJ. |icn of nine lo Mnrshnll R. SiiilUt, Goodins, for *370,

Robert S. Blastock, n ie r. pen of ten to Noh Sheep company. Mur- U»ii:h, $300.

ITaiik L. Slephnn, Tu'iu nillr. pen of elKl't to Lincoln BroUirrs. f^iin Falh, for *304,

A. K. Uoone. Twin Falls, pn five lo LouLi B. Bltton, Laru. $l'JO,


J. Konrad. Heybura, pen of

Calif., for $103.B. A. McCoy. Filer, iwn of sli u

Gern- Decker, Buhl, for *102.'L, L, Ward. Dwlo. pen fif five u

GcorKc .B , Venter, i'rfsno. Cnllf. for *155.

William Schoenfeld. Heybum! pen of . ev(■n to Louis B. Olllon, LAgo. tor $189.

J, 8. Fcldhiisen nnd Bon, Kim­berly, pen of seven lo Qeorn D. Venter. F ie^io. for *182,

Tolbert. Ta'ln Falls, prn of 1 to J, A. Howard, Tain I'nlls.

for *183,Elmo Hunler. Oakley, pen of

elRhl to George D. Vcaler. FrfMio. for *240.

Robert S. Bln-Mock, Filer, pm of ,n to Vnlenilnc Bnrlnitgo, C.istle-

fonl, for $300.'Frank L. Siephnn, Twin Pall', pen f . c -en lo .W ,'W . Pnlmer. Hurliy.

for *217.Wllllnm Schoenfeld. Hcybuni. pen seven lo George B. Vealer, Frt.ino.

for $175.Frank L. Siephnn. TU'ln Falls,

pen of .seven to Paul Schnell. fJoicr- m .for $234.William Schoenfeld, Heybum, pen ’ seven to J, A. Howard, Tuln

Falls, for $179,H, L. Finch, Soda SprhiRs, ih-i> of

five lo E. R, Carman. Haztllon. for $ID0,

Prank L. Stephan, Tu-ln Pallx pen ■ six to George D. Vealer. Frejno.

for $158.L. L. Word. Declo. pen of flvt lo

Oeorsc I l ^ ^ l r r , i rruio, for , Max Miller. Wrndell. i>en of fl'H. N. Kiili), filer, for J130,

Alexander Iliniiiier, llol’.e. pr five lo W, A. n n c h c r . CioodlnK. for $130

Cliarlf. llowi.iiul. C^inibrldRiV.iKn of five lo GrorKe 11, Vealer. l-'reMit), for *140

Robert S. Illa.Mock. Filer, pm ol five lo Robert llro^, J r . Tuln ■»ll , for $174.

L. L. Ward. Urtlo, i«.ii Of five, lo «eorrr-iJ.-VeattT.-Frrjno,-{ot“ Si:iS-

J. S. Feldliuwii and .'./m Ol Kim­berly, pen of five, lo Oeorge H. Vealer, FreM-.o, for *125

Prank L. Kleph.ili, ’I'win Falbi. l>eii of five, to Geortie II Venter. Fre^no, for *150.

RolK-rt tJ. Uiastcek. Filer, ;>en ol

Prank L. aiephnn, 'm n FaH?r pen- of five, Louis H. HItlon. U go. Jdn . for *IGO.

Robert H. IHaMoeH. Mler. pen of


F lie r M a k e s Fu tile E flo r l to S a v e C om panion From

---------------F n t li fT rP lf l

maiion for lleulrnanl governor In yr-terd.iy'.n prim ao'. deelared today when h li parly'ft llckel Is elected • I plcdRe my .lupporl to all leglila- tive inra.Mires tha t will be of benefit to all of the people of the ilate."

Goi/,clt was liculenant goveruor during 11137-32. ''

five, to Oecir • *150.

n. . }-'rr-

E. R. KelMj. Uurlc-y, [xn ot tv.o, to N. K. Vornbaur. StrrlinR, for *:n.

Max Miller of W endell p e iro f four, to Mrs. W. R. .Sprarher. Ilulil. for $100,

Hampihlrr flam R, B. Beatty. Twin Fnll^ i»u nf

rlx lo George n Venter. Fre'uii. lor $144.

L‘. R. KeUei, Iturlry. |>en ol five to R. C, Illeli Sherp cnmpanv. liur- ley. for il50.

R. B. neatly, T uln F.ilLi, prn til five to Georue 11, V ratrr, I 'icm:o, for *123,

George A. Rreil. Hui lev. pdi of fho lo Jack Power;, :i:ill U l;r Ciiv. for $lfO,

A. E ’ HiilimiOPv. mid m iV’. 'I'uiii FnlL<, pi-;i o( live lo (!roii:e I! Venter of m-Mio. for *HK). |

R. D. lieatty ol T uin FalK, pen of .....................l-Tr'.;!!.,!

•o il fti-ry diMth uJid hh par-

Mnir entuniiled.fl.MiiK ihoa-.anili iV<r cOttllni!

five I Oeor 11, Ve

Darrlnulon Ilrotliers of Derln, of four 10 J, C. ,ilak rr, lUer.SIOO. ________ __________. Il-'D. Heaiiy of 'I'uiiri'.ilU, ih four to Royal .M. Smith. Salt 1 City, for $140.

R. 1). neatly o[ T«.Alec Rremrner for *': Ham|Mhlre Sliidi

If. U Fmrh of Soda .Hprlnc;.. »Hid ,m. lo Anrtr'-w IJltle, l-jnniell.Dr, S W. .McClure of Illl '., .Mui im, not sold. Klven to Mr, Cnilck-

i.hank,Robert S, Illa.Mock of H lrr. Hue

r.im. not sold Willard ‘niriiPr 0( Nanip:i, ,'liu

ram, S. Feldhii.-.en, *100 .H. L. nn ch of Soda SpriiiR.i, sliii

ratn. to Georitr Reed. Durley, fo; Jins,

Robert S. flln-loek of Filer. .’,tiid ram. not sold.

SuffolW-Hamp'hlre Vearlliirt Tom Durton, CnpibrUlRe. pm o

len to E, Qiilnthna. Murphy, Ida. lor J.TO.

Chnrlei •HOMliuul, CaiiibrldRc, ix n of nine to John Raintjjirrl. Hui’';ri, Inr *:ra.

Charier, A. Calim , Merldl;in. P''ii r ten lo Ttioma.1011 nrothers, Jer- lie, for *2(10.Jolm A. •Jnne*,-HI«pktool.-iM'n-oI

len lo George Pllger, Sho-.huiuV *300.; Den.Jen.icn. Kimberly, pen of five' ) G. A. Adams, Lee. Nev., for $175. Tom Burton of Cninbriil«e. pen t .ilx. to EURenc- Pickett, Oakley,

for J325,R- I!. Turner of Riipi-rl. i>rn ol ve lo.Eu-ieblo Ortorgalrii. Oooding.

for *200.Keliey nnd Turner. Burlry, pm ot ve. lo Joe YrnRcn. RoKerrotr, for

$312.50,K Iloone, Tv,ln H .lb, jvn ot lo GeorKC B, Veater, l-Ve.sno,

$324,Tom Burton of Cambridge, jx ii of

(ioiin ar lcct“T o r \ \ i n l c r F i

l-'llvpred IU1 d lr.d - niy unit/, ineliiilirt:. . mineral lui'iilliil

O ul-of-Statc Pair Married at Jerome

I'nwer.i, nl;.o of iJ;iker.-.ricld.

if JYe.-.i;

) W illard McMUlur

five *17,’..

Suffolk-Uampnlilrr lUm Lambs II. D. T urner, Rup.ri, i>cn ot.live

to OeorHe B, Venter. I'rc.mn. for 1150.E. 11. Keliey of Burley..pm o( .ilx

to George V. Veater. fYe.Mio, for *180.

P anam a Uam lumhk Tom Dell. Rupert. ih'U nl len to

.M, L. D robc, Challb, *440.


BLENDED^ TIMES TO M A K E m GREAT~BEER”It takes 33 separate brow s to m ako □ singlo

g lass o f Pabst B lue Ribbon !

Y O U kn.cc

^ l i f a i i J i n ^ ; i h a M r v u k e s f i n e w i n e s , L c o f F c c ' . ; i i k 1 t o i x i c c o s o j ; < > u d . A m i t h o s e w h o

d r i n k H l u c R i l i h o t i c a n t c l l ’ y o u w h a t b l c n d i n i : d o c s f o r h c c t

T r y ; i u l a s s t o i i i t y , . i n d c i i j o y y o u r J i N C O v c r y o f w h a t i ’ c c r f l a v o r ' a n i l - - b e e r s t i i o o i i i t i c i s c a n b e !

I n c v c t ^ ' o f B l u e J l i l ’ b o n i s a b i c m i o fn o t t w o , o r f i v e , o r t w e l v e . . . b u t 3 3 s e p a r a t e b r c w . i f r o m 3 3 s c p u r a t c k c t t J e s .

E . i c h b r e w i % a s f i n e a s c l i o i c e s t I n K r c d i c n t s a n d P a b M ’ s 9 6 y e a r s o f e x p c r i c n c c c a n m a k e i t . T i i e n a l l 3 3 a r c b r o u g h t t o ( i c t h c r i n p c r f c c t b a l a n c c .

— A n c . v p c n s i v e w a y t o h r c w J O f — c o u r t e l B u t t h a t ’ s w h a t m a k e s B l u e R i b b o n A m e r i c f l ' i / j r c r n i u m f ) e r r , _ \ v i t h a s m o o t h n e s s t h a t u n i i j u e . .

, n e v e r v n n t i . 'tn J a ,< 6 o d q eb S t H a t " ^ * 7 >


ribsi Blue RibbonPROVB /r/

IT 'S A F IG H Ta n d h e r e ' ' s i h e

Knockout Blow

W e ’re Fighting the Fight for First-Line Tires with

SENSATIONAL CASH SAVINGS2 5 t h A n n i v e r s a r y

lE F iiE T nnT urrT U E tnm ■ m h E IS TO TBUEQIEniDU:

• 1$ yopr» a llnf‘Um9 ilr»t

Ktm«Bb<ri you iinbU Tsar TM> n* ‘l »M« mm€j

»lih liona-llM tlm, BS mutn how <hmp ton bar ibm. Kmm whal y»u'tt (X lla t—b> tart iW/r*/lr«-llw llrM.


, . £ ) u r d a i l i ’ phIcs se em t o be i ijn>Tnc a sh t a l k s f i t o u r s to r e w c m e an i t . 'W e m ii in t* ln a ItJW m n rk - iip f o r qu ic k lu rn -o v e r .

- —A—q u i r k Lu£n.Qvor_t{Tiop g-fn ir m orphnnH iao wow anfl u p - to -d n te . .

Y ou p e o p le u re lu c k y .to have a .store* lik e o iira in th is .w o n tlc r fu l com m unity ." W e a c tu a l ly d iv id e th e p ro fits w ith o u r cafih b u y e rs .

S eein g Is B elieving. . . Come In -W c D eliver Anywhere by Union P acific, Trncic

o r O ur Own Delivery E quipm ent,

Harry Musgrave's M d s e 'M a rt

T R i l D E - I N S A L E

ConsolidatedWagon & Machine



. o i l t uvlA tfW tie^m te h rcxB tdlett o f p r ie i tn d q a tlltr^

5 ,jo / i4 *J J 0 ..» 4 .4 0 ‘ w o ; i r - 3 . 0 0 > - - 4 ^ •

3 ^ - 5.15

*3 .8 0 .. *6.40-* jo /» d -4 .T 0 » * A .901

7M/14 4 .6 5 ^ 7 i S .OtSfT <Eic* in braMitlon. 1/ }«wr l<m «r* era«tksU>'

i«U mUm/m ihM


C .W .& M ;C o .TW IN F A L L S - B U H t—BDBLEy:, :

J E g O M E ^ U P B B T ,

Page 8: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


Casual S laught I

B yt n f C V I R G I N I A m i 3 “ H A N S O N

Y ntfrd jy : At Oie I'oU Adun aru] Kay itirrl (Ix Uln. who liat JuiJ iK'rnfrom thf hn.pllal. that hli unuilMC pUclit h:

__ *4.iifs.c»r?rr,_______ ! _


Sslurdsy iiir>i ride ror tne simply ns "1:

•'qureilon 1! trt) nUr. Ilm-- nl j)«ll:iK JuIlA a rci>ellllnn of I-

CiMVjUof i ;On the itcorh

i ttc roiiM nf>t oil clcrcrlbcil .•::on.- 1 f!Ul nn-. •:v, I ptit li


at was nil lirw. Jii I. i’rlS i

irnri’T n m n r

r Haul 1111(117 w.-:i.

:il>\ lie nicfcly [jiiuicit to liciKlil; ir d lrc t; prrlmps lir caiiKlil i iiu; i;lBiicc from Snndrn. I slmll r Ccrlnlnlj- lie did1. niKl 1 liiid opriitd my lip-

1. Ilia


I kmU nio’ 1

ii'l l-'iuiicr w ere nl rrj- klllil.”■ irc broke niitl rI;. .. nt Itie llltlc clmpliilii. he icfinfd nrulpjy embii.

:7 .H c-


i-rrcir p mnrrlnR iiy liiflt."

1 more cliffi I liia Cliiiplnln

ftoulcl ncuially 1 could hard.

......... ............iiuttcrcd tiltlittlr riKiii awkwartlly.

•mll<(i nl tilm, ,"r ni-|ird rJRhl over to tJie hoj-

pii.H-rn innKc Kiirr-irw^':Tiiy-Clini); lain lli’iiry, nnd you cnn IniuKlne mj r.li'wV; v,lirn I ssw him !" Rlir nmllcd

nlfectlonnie•;.llyi M be Cl 1. you kill

>re pobo. oak.:'f. all iiroiina Jicre.Ctia|ilal:i llfnry looked over lits jciiililcr. He nccmeU nervou.s."N(i[ oil llic IJnrce," I n.v.iired lilni, •’.liilcT o( ciirred lirbtiion." iiiton- I [Mill and. IllcifrliiK tlie biilt from In rli:;iirllc tioWcr, lell nlleut. rri- iK ;i: llir lake."Ami (lie urdillnc," Sanrtrn went

:l raliiily, •'U levi than tllrc&’Week.'i wav. 1 can’t linve you looking

like ii-llkc n - "

French War-Guilt Trials inMedieval Selling of Riora

fSHlNGTON, Aub. U -O ullly j; niilliy U nil old, old Mory Ui nni'lriil Krrncti lown ot aiom, !• /urmrr ofllcliih of Ui il '> tlcll k-ovrri aarrliarkVcrwil :iii:(iiliii: llie war.Inm, u q u id town 21 mlle.i i» o t n( J'riHlcc':, temporary :il 111 Vlcliy, tu>'' l>i'cii llie ]ii- 1 rr,ii.T.nf tills rri:lon £,Uirc Uie

llctlii frnm : nocJcly..itlnnnl Grocrapli:

lure Seat of llu ra l Court;h .-Jime 10,000 Iiiliabltaiit.-i Indii'.lrli-r. producliiK tob

(1 fruit ph:ilc.\ ttodiiy ijy U;

-;rl:il clly of Clcr

e town Is over- t boomlnit In- mont-l\rrnnd. id tlie world-

m.un re.-flrl of Vichy. Uut cen- rrs ix'forc either of tlirm tind- IV imiiortaiice, lllom wns Ihe cap- il of JYnnccV. ceiilrnl duchy. Au- :,nr, and .lent ot the brlHlnnWx. .ii.nu.int court of Uie of

A ^rr^ ie downfall ot (he ikii-.only tiie law courl jur^lved ttliiie.M of lllom';. former impor-

II"-, niid the [xilallal Collilc nnri

door knocker Ahd & tip lo t^e c tiker.

“D ie town elnndu od Uie b:ink of Uie Ambene river, which f l Uirough Ui* ferUle plnln of Uic UmaKne, In nlglil of Fnincc-s mttTknblc r«ni[o ot dome-nlini>ed

of : openi

tlnct volennofci. tource of of Ptjy dft Dome to thi Coeiar's coiKiuerlng nomm, found Uier« Uie OaulWi wtilemi of niconium, whose nnme In IDMIi ’enrs l iu evolved to lUom................

•'Within lla encloalnd oval of tree- slmded boulevards, Rioni J i a dosen Miuires long and a half-dozen wide. Ilecallln® Ita eraiwliJIe duciil dlKniiy, Its fine old tlrecU are MriilKht and cuaclQUj. U'tia a wld* ceiiirul cr»»/i- roftflii which once uer\’ed an market' place for pea.iant.i from nrlKliborlnK fnmia. Dul Uiere li frefiurntly more Krata than tiuslneis In the streets today.

••The court houie. or pal&U di Justice, Includes all th a t rcmnlns of Uie sumptuous ducal palae« of EXike Jean de Hero', conslnictlon of whicli wa.s Ijeinin about 1380 by arctillect; fresli (rors wortlne on tAc Louvri In ParU.

'•Tlie rlcUly sculptured old J6ll)- century Town hull pre.ierves a let­ter from Joan of Arc, demnndUiK funds from niom to nupport her nnnTTf7ileIen.ie of Ftnncc nKaln^t Uie. EoglUli;- la te r-th e - town- shocked by her trial nnd execution m punWimenMor tha t defenw.

•'A half-doicil ot Uie rfiort. streets ot the town are vlrtunlly outdoor miLMums of GoUilc ns well (IS nenoliiumee archllecture.- cnch havlnu a double row of well-prc- r.er ’cd buildings four liundred year.i old, or more. TJie tomber stonc.’i of Klom's suilely m;in.<oni were quar-

a t Volvic, rive miles nwny, from

dark p sy or •blnck’ lav» depoilti. TJir Rue de Commerce has ft noUWe . ncnalf.ancp duster of houses, and Clock .Mrert pic.c-n'c.i n <M-year. ■ old row which includes Uie Clock lower mill the Montnt man.ilon. with ' n cmcrlul. rorkrcrrw ^tnlren^e and elnlwralrl)' .•.cul|)!urt-d balconlfs Mir- roundlnK Its liiierlor court. The church of Notre Dame du .Mnrthurel

[xirllons diitliiKtury.whlli-i

1 IWO ynu Amablcchurcli

as star

IlKATtI (-AIXKn sriC lD ECALDWn.1,. auk. H (-l',-Adrl-

berl A. iLon) Cnltii.mllh, 37-yeftr- old i.ervtiny -fro.......................CorntLT W, D. Tally fald P Infllded. ,

Tnllry ralil Gnldi.mltll wxi df- ;poiidcnt ovrr 111 tii-alUi nnd phnnrd 10 liitiur.\L

r. died t<ml whic



/ 'AT^. ^ SW ELl- \ I lDE'AR.VJ»MPy,/

Hl-YAH.OUt£NV,OL' klOr' S h O W ^ A eiAL TO«V? ( OH ^ w l o r - "x


Y V/HV-DOMT SOU V tCHK)OMS / -LEW/e THA.TUP / ------- ^


- . \W E U _ T H E ! iE S ^ ^ C 0U U3B eA Y T W NC i.lP^M E-) /


.M A w -M tsr e a - /------- .AlLOR MAN- A ----- ,^--------- V ----- "V

. , >f^>tM0Me)4T

PORVOURPIGHT^?y __' ( <hu<;h' Y w h atN

; m oil oft his ' h t!nn^^r r\t\

■ ' tJielr c ,, _____• fo r his puJille nrtm m nee.: h r r Mk -him cncouraKlnx

— L_Kn^U‘X5I4d --Jie.Jiajl lr.':l;,;ed c:i VS , eomlne, and wa.-.n't. it fun?I "Mo:t dclljlilful," h r iicrrrcl.

oglhs what looiictl loo n-ilntii-----li.'.- n' fJiine. n is 'f 'i.r ; w.

pretty aw/iil, nnd hlr. Imnil encaif<I In loa-.e white cotton

■ becntwe. I h[id heard, him i . td .w.mfone. of the unple.L-aii

ment he had to me on Uici re.if of hl. plump IltUe figure wni d rr«ed .ln a khnkl rtlUrt nnd khnki

' .slncks Ihnt were too Ions for him ond hnd been tume<l up twice nt Uie

• ciitr. }lc h.id, 'Of course, no t been : Rwlmmlng. He looked ra ther like

a wistful, strange child who had I nol b « n . ftcceptetl by Uie gang. I

ihousht-untltT the .clJCHmstAnce.n. , th a t hU response to Sandra'^ ques- , Uon was noUilng short of hcrolc.; I turned jny a ttention to the p iu i on my otlicr tld& S w d ra

Page 9: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08



12-Inning RouteOtt Delivers PincK

Single, Scares On Demaree’s Blow

NATIONAL LEAGUE • Nrw York 1-0, Hotton 0-«.

rh llad tlphu S-9, Drooklrn E-S. n iU h u iih e. 6U LouU 7 (njfh t lunf).Clnelnoall at Chleacs pMlponcd,


BOSTON, AUK, U (,T>-KlnB Cnrl DubMll w u Uifl pctTlu^ 0110 acnin ((Klay — pllchlng Uie GltuiM U> t^lve-lrmlHK flvc*hll l-O victory In UiB l in t gam# of a doublehendrr,

Muiucl Salvo, ■ Q lant cn il-otl. bcBl Iil3,old males In the r.ecoiiU Kiune by d-0 fu he AcnlttrM eight

Mel Ot:, s'ho hrid been bcncheU forW . htltlng. Mcppcd In bs n pinch hliiPT In the I2tn, aiRglrt, fZ/Jcctl to xeeonrt isnU ic n t home on Finnic Deinorce'a llintly blow.

nubbell'i victory «'a« liLa oli;litA of the year. Ills lonceat Job and

------- u u J ir st .n iceea -of .tlie-year_ over.’ Uic Dee», whoflfl alirilnfr victory

— :— »tr*ftk- liiKl-gtv«n-tiium_Jl_rtot«lc4 out 'of tbelr l u t ]B atArt4, up to

^ today.^ Dlclc Errlck»on, UiB Bee pitcher,

Rare Hub a silnlnic battle, allowlnR only <l2lit hl(n during the 12 ln> ninfff, C4rv«: Rowell,'Uie National leaifuo'i battlnn le*dcr, not three of tJie five hlUi the Beet got off the MUran aerewballtr. '

In UiR lecm d giune. the Bom made ilir mast of. their nine hlU. Of which too w«r* manufactured by noviTll,

0(15 (f.fi (I J *7lluliUll indS i i ' ' . .Whlu-4. < 0

J. Moon, if I «DnntrM. cf 4 01 ?I'u<<i![ «. Ik i 0

h Ilulan' aim. lb nTw”'!’; lb

f «_•_ JWfiB. » i

Tot»li II 0 t\ Tout* I—UliM far dumUn Id llh.

Tort ____ 1.„,..IJOO

AMCKICAN Lt^fJCE■V. UC lev fU n iJ .................. fli 44Detroit ..... ..................BS «D « to n _____ _____ 6* MNew York --------- --- .K 51ClllcaEO ............. ...... .45 31>Va«ltln|l«i - .......48 MHI. Lc I 4A eiriillaitclplil^ ...............41 S5

NATiONAi. i.r.Aaui:

Cincin lull Brooklyn . New Vutk , ritUburxli c n io c o ... HI. l/OUli .i)09ton . . .Philadelphl

.. 03 U .!9«

Jacobs Defeated By^Pfine^Befz

Unsccded Los Angeles Player Trounces Former Teri'

nis Champion

Dodgers, Phillies Divide Twin Bill

BROOKLYN. Ault, 14 (JV-Paced by Johnny lUtto. who binsUd out two bomera, tho PhiUlea b«ai ttis Brooklyn Dodgeri in the »*cond

of a doublcheader today after Uw Dodg*r» won the first tssr.t 6-5 Botli Kama got 11 h iu in tiie ascond gome antrUiey botii'got nine In the firau ,

III Jehnwn, T m . )i*tk t ril^nimnorn. CiMjr.

MANCUKSTTO. Mm.'!., Ai;s, M (-P) Un-'icedert Pnullne Ufii, a 2l-yfnr' old blonile from !/)< AnsdPf., coinpllshpd one of the mnjnr up*,et» of th(* twmLi .tcawn lodnv aiipn she toppled Helen Jftcob?. of Lo» An- Mlc.-i, U, s . Ohniniilnn from 18S2 Uirough 1B3B nnd'eurn-iilly mnked No. 3 nationally, in au-»iAht aeta.

I. 0-4.^ - l i e r victory, Miii Beiz marched

...M the :.rml-finaln of the Eiiex county club'n Invitailon touriiBmi'ht

with Mary lUriiwicI:. of Ejir* who eliminated II(i|>e Knowlri,

of Phlladolphin, c -3 .3-0 .7-6._ I t . .was-ft-.fAii, day .fo r. lliB ex* chnmpion. who iil.-,o bowed out of the (imiblra wlirn MIti Htirdftltk and Valerie Seoti, the (op-seeded forelcn tenm. defcMed Her mid Mir>' Arnoli!. of Lea AiihcIm, fl*3, U-J.

Defending chnmpinn Alice Marble, of Beverly Hllh, Cnllf.. moved k notch closer tO 'her fourth touma* m ent tlllf by be/itlni Helen Pi^cr* sen. of fliain/ora.,OonD, «•!.• fl*o. while Dorothy Sundy. of Santft MonlcR, overcame Muo' Arnold, of Los AnBele.i, fl-fl. 8-4. Bolli were third round te.il«,


Qllly Oonn-Uob Pailor light, poat> pdhtd from la.M niRht uiilU Sept. 9 In Mndl'Oii SfiUMc, Garden, woa U t bnck today one more day by pronioter Mike Jacobs. In' order not to conflict with Ihe Nr» York GiBnt,TtMtem all-stars f o o t b a l l 8«,me,

Softball Teams 'Meet inCowkys Score

2-1 Victory To Capture Series

IContlnu»^ frum <3,,,iTwin raU» Cowboys' i«i* ,*a..on aurge, a< Uie cellar ilwellcn von U>a scrlci with a third »trii1i;ia vltiory over Uie Pocatello Car<iiuuli, :- i,

Capllnger pitched one of hn best (tamea of the near.on, a .'even-hllt*r with 11 atrikeout.i, but rvm that kind of performance wr* nnt rnough to win against the kind of eompeu-' tlon pul up by Jnck Hall, Tu-in J^IU fllnser. Who received airtight aup- port from his mules.

Kail has been no aen.satlim ovc( the course of the season. Jli prr-- ••50WI win.ftwl-lof-', retorrt at«

1 even four-to-four.But tonlRht Ills stuff Win beyond

reach, and Uiercln liiy the r.»crei of the Cowboys' .lucce.s.v Nlcknl for a slnfile tnily In the flrM Inning, ha blanke<1 the Cards from there out, and when the flRures were ( uinted a t IJic unme’a end he hsri l . . tribiitod otily Stv» hltj(-aH i>mi:fe»— to the usually potent Pocstellans.

Twin Piiiis mnnBced IKi two l.illles early.,in the encounter, .'corlnt: the j.yliutjufl In tae-U^trd-and-thc.wln' ning run In Ihe-fourth,

liall-drove-ln one-of th* riin^-find E^nle Bntlrer,.s, whose two hlta in­cluded a double. Uie only ejira bi'ise blow'of the contest, balled In the o ther.' BidrcM and Johnny Arnr-

rh were tonlcht'a fop hltter.i with pair each.

Twin ralli r hil’oi'itdb. iL r h’111.'

b J I

1....-II1.U1.. Tw.

I t)mllrti»,

A Newcomer Gets the Once-over

D istrict Tourney at BuhlFavorite Captures Association Seeks

In Straight HeatsJenkins Promises

To Sock ManagerTexas Boxer. Blames Caplin

for Stispcnsion Threa t in Pennsylvania

•SWKrrWATKlt. 'lex., AUR. 24 —Ci)«h;iml b - i tired oflill ' ihul iiuult .SVw YniX talk; turiird irotn tlie b-dsUle o t hi’ lir.ivi'Iy 111 nidlh'i' tuduy mid piuiiv I'letl to i)iuii'li .'fliiti;mer Hyinle C,ip- III) 111 Il)r uurc 'llie next tim e I

The lli;l>inrn:ni eliamplOH hurried he ir liy' iiiKiii! 10 be \ntli litu inolliernftrr'eiiiR tllm « tlie AUs;. 19 bOUt wi.Mur’c’iL.M'.'ii'.s.t’iiicrj'-al-Pliili'dcl' plila,

Tiie 'tiiK-ia 01 •.ii-.|)civ.i(m 111 Penn- ,UmiiIu iliii:-., tfliiriiplicd hJiii !>>■. cm Rnlii-,, eli,a;m.iii of tlie Penn- .•nviiiiln ixiiiiii: rnmmlA.slou, imlfv, e ivrni iiirn;ii:ii widi tho Mont'

KOini'O' enincd Jcnkln.'i to rj>plniir,

l!ir blanird C' i',iliii. hm

I hnvr

OgdenReds Win Over Pilots, 8-6

KchulU. » 1

rt<Utr. Wlnnlnr ' ' rlwhrr—C*fl««it

St. Louis Cards Defeat Pirates

% ' irr. LOUIS, Aug. 14 o n -p « p p n ( MarUn. makini n belated •«pp«ar4

walk wlUi.th# baJM Joridad In - el«v«nUi Inning tonight loac

- - “ »»’• fit-C a rd in g ahad»d th# P l t t iL . .^ . .PlraUa, T to «, RPituburgh no It» OIJ < » - e n i ' i


Hoa55~Ceop«r, Bhoun and Oi,'«n!


P»ar«m. pitcliu- to t the N*w Yi^rt Y*nkM., Wiu JHV« Ohion Met ' ' ' h o tp iu l. tonofTow. h li sore nnd iHouUUr ’•■[tvush bevur,'»tiii no$ M fly tor niwunR,

.H A< to When h* will b« re id r '^ phynicun, Dr. Sydney R. M

weuid mike no prwietion.


Lyle M«AlUat«r, 7, w u strte k I r a truck and lUled todfty-in* !Irgi tomobUe fitillty cn (he »trcct^thia town Of 3,000.

OGDEN, 4iig, 14 lylv-Tli» Ogden Rods ran vp nn early lead and held

the fliiUh to defeat to# Bol>.e Pilots, tonlfiht In Uie final encoun­ter of a lour-gnin« .'.land and clinch Uie Ploiiccr Icnsuc .scrle*. ihreo Kiimes to one.

Jerry atone. Ocden mound.imnn. received credit for Uie victory a l­though h# wai removed In favor ot Olayton Lambert when, nfier bliitikln;; Bobn for six InnlnK'i, I’llnus not to him- for tour rut Uie aeveiith,

Tlie Red* touched Darrell Piflds for -six ru m in Uie flrr.t «even fr#me4 —live nf them beforn BoLse ilcniwS pint* — ;h tn wnllop«tJ Bob finyder for anoUier pair in the elKhUi before Jack Mentr. n Uilrd rilo t pitcher, wa.i caljed In to

re the clde.Errom and other manlfe.it.illoiu

of wltdne.'J fisiired importantly In th e ’ KO.’Ing.

I— /or riaw«ri ...for Cul lm, Inii>—miM »£rt Oe««inn

'»iur. lUlMr, llom« run*—Uliio I. *W- Doubt*

Lortnxn t . I.*rboum* I. Bwla-___ -_il«a buM—Hlnntlt. l^rboum*.MeCoBKill. Adtmt, (UcrlflM bli—THn.buT<•< li>-DuH I. BAMhin I, Wr— • " Xintilt, Lubounx. JoMph.■ •• plir—LayboMmt to A4........

iMlnt pluhtr—rtilit4. Wlfinlni " — - Btnirk o«i-b» PI.U I,

■"iimbirt !. nl*i» e Miflla r -

..»n, Atlrnd.Mf*—Tt.•, fWrp« •

tiu« St tbe GrM d Atnerigui trap-. ihM U n* lenmey Aug. 18-tl H

: D»yton. Mere than I.M« ihoolet fcn Kpeeled. to fire a l ?; of 1 million cby b l> ^ '

Bees Win With 15-Hit Banage

SALT LAKE c n v . AUB,'14 (ff>- 0\'ervhflmInE S nil Lake powar off- let a wealth of Salt Luke uillngii,- and Uie Oees Rt<ipped Uie Idaho faiii nuawta. 8-«. for lh»lr third neton' in lour c ta ru of tho Pioneer leiiirtie »erlf.i endina here tonight.

~ - i la .m iu l* - i l> w e errorj, and •^“ proUmJf-^- •* ‘ -’-

fe i a w a r___Uire# times. Th* D « j n n Id nert itru tdM on the bwes. which might have been n catAitrophe any other ocoialon. . . ..

Bulr-l&4>lta ■«in" c lo-rr-loror rtlimr age, rcKBta'eM o f~ ^ i i i t eite hap­pens. and 16 hiCiS were g im trfd w the Bees off t h e , combined iUh(4 of Johnny Znr nnd P a t Tobin

E\'cr>- m iti In the Salt U k e lineup except H atchett and Roy P en y con­nected a l Ica lt once, and Freddie Moresco. Tom Robello and pitcher Al Tnt* were th rtce eucctssfm in thl* line of endeavor.

•rtte ftjidi from hU power kt bat, held Ute vuttora lo Uirt# WU. l»o of Uiem. Inoluding k double bjr Mel O tilubou. Lh6 oth07 by Uik* R4«v. td>)» p>iit >1

ONE ipeeUlor a t Ihe tw in bill 'b « t«rm Detroit and Chlcjio Amrtleuri L*ogM Uama la Chicago su d * tu rr tha t he got a (ood look a l Ueiroli' new Mcetid ba.Ufflan, L I). “D uleh" Meyrr trlglitl, by peering ovrr th

•dttg«Bt-ln-thl» ftthlsn^-Beild* Meyer ia niek lUnell.-trfrTan shtm itnp; Meyer. who wat brought np from Knoxville of tlie .'^oullirtn luvirla- tlon, tiolleeled one hll In te re n tlinr« a t bat and Koted one run In h li major league debut..

59,068 Fans See Indians Triumph

Al Smith Holds Chi­cago White Sox

to One Hiit

AMERICAN LEAQL-E DelroK 1], Et. Leula 7.Nrir York I. Boiien j. \Va>l>lncten S. PhlladelpliU ]. nereland 4, Chicago • inlght


CLEVELAND, Aug. U t/1’) .— Al ShilUi held Chicago 10 one h it hero tonight lui the pennant-mftd Cleve­land IndlAM beat the While Sox', 4 to 0. before M,OM fnn-i.

Jimmy Wcbb’i ilngle In the Uilrd inning co il the left-hander a per­fect game, Ks fanned four and walked only on# In notching'hi* 13 th vlciory agalnit five defeat*.

Roy (Stormy) WeaUierly. little Cleveland cent«r fielder, w u the big gun In the R«<Ukln'i attack. In the fln t Inolng he tingled over sec* 'end and come home of Lou Doud- nau 'i triple tnd In the third poled hbi iU th home n m of the aeaaon

> acore 8>nlth. who.had walke<i, Boudreau tallied the Indiani' o th ­

er nm in the f ln t. •■nie vlotot7 enabled the Indisni

td hold the ir two-game league lead, a i'ia o tb > hlClmlma tb r h W«bb. lb t 0 I Chttrm-n, ]( 1 0 t Kf..rl.k, of I e 0 W.tlb'7. rf i * * Kuhfl, Ib « 0 o n«ilr»«B, «i i I « .Solim. If i 0 6 Tr»Vr, Jb 1 <1 0 APi-llrt. •• I 0 oIll.11 ,1 I I) D

kS V - - ? ^

Stw Y>iik.................. .to; con 5l>-a

Tigers Snap Gut Of Losing Streak

DETROIT, AiiK, 14 De­tro it Tigera Miopi>ed cm of n lour- 8om« loelng ntrenk talny, dcfcasins the St, LouLs Brown.', 13 lo 7 In Uia lerle* opener with Uie aid of a lev- aa-run eighUi Innlns a.-.--iult.Jr.ffr..r. Ib 4 flr»t», r‘fS S lf

f t o me cy In i:

y ihsi.

I I t t i r f l R h t i a n d

JenkhK eunipluiifd tlittt Ciiplin ook him to"n aiuiitry ctiiu' or hi* reeeut twiu in w hich hf ■ii'iil (louii Iji’Ioir llm iy Aj-;iii.troilK.

"Dm it was a re.iort and no place o iiiiiii. Caplin iiinn't ivnii' if my Iili'iid* around tlir iiliin............_ i;f \ frciii ” ■■■■ -------aliiiply 0

- - ‘•They liimc around wrttchltiE work out nnd kept iiskUih' m e fjiie - llon.i in tlm t Kooly Nev.-York UlL."

He denied that hi.', w lir, K;illr. ijiicl raiised him lo break tniiiiiw;

•aid ‘ capllii juM dfx'i.n 't llkther."

Rules Aimouiieed F o r Grid Chisli

NE\v YORK, AuR. 14 l,Th-Plto'lnS rule:i /o r the Romo betwern th e 'cw York profeislonal footbBlI Giants and the eastem-colleee nll-fttiir.s iii the. Polo Krounda Sepiemlx-r 4 u'cre decided today at a meeting of

•coaclu-s.At Uic snme time, officials nn- Jiinced Uiat the oil-star *fiiiacl wns

completed with flccepiaiice by Tom­my Nar.h, Broviii uiiiverilty end, of

n Invitation lo play.T lie .gam e will be pbyed tnider

coileiio nilea, wlUi Uirt-e cxci-ptloni. They are;

1—l l i e goal posts will be on the KO:il line, aa in Uie pro Rume,. 3—If & player falls wiUiout. belne

lilt, he mny gel up and continue to run : If he is knocked tlottji through Impact of u defenilve pbycr, he ia "downed" on Uio apot,

Plnyen may commtinlrate with tcnmmatoa tut In pro football.

G uinea pig* slilver and tremblo, when worried, and occaslonnliy be-1

; neurotic. I

IJO.OOI) See Veteran Drive W inner of

S13,G5S'Raceii» o it i.o H o i u . i n s o s

C i O S H K N , N . Y . , A u k . 1 4 ( , P > -T lif* hnrd liicl: m a n of trot- l i n e , f i n a l l y b r t ) k e h i s J i n x t l j c l a y .

A llor Iinl.nhltiR In t h e m oney 10 i)f 12 H iim b lP lon lans,

barely iiil.s;4nf: o u t on tw o ot tlK'iii, T'rpci h‘i;fin, LcxliiRton voteiiin . drove C. W. P lie llls' Spencer S c o tt o f G reenw icli, * ;, to 11 etr,iiKht-heftt viciory In

!h ntiout JO.OOtJ pnckinK Good the son .nf JJrorbnd

;l oil iiie Ur-.[ mile In 2:0: •HOJul in a:U3 to Jiisllly Ills I c il l .v .J h c jm iile X r lin l^ like ;i chaniptnn, tnkim:«nn;'> iirti-i- the" i.ini I 'in <'aeir

I nn<l »ettlnn Uic pare all

111 lurcril lo KO 10 thrwluu tlnii"! to linlsli In fcpnt

tir I:i'.i-cl(.:.iiii; Rnnii-.. and 1, ehiimploii Jiiv'nillr ol IMS.>• crd'.vil phivrd .‘ jy a r/r lie.ivlly

fur I'J in the re'.ijlt-|t<y>l nnd In ivlnnlnt,- Uie --ien.iul mil.' i;i<-r rritirninir 55.10, J^.^o anti >i.:n

' Ihe bo;ird In ihe opcnim;

■Ills, retired clirm ut am! one ir co iin lo 't lo:<;nioM trjip i:h, leeelied $i3,077.19, the rr'i, thare of th>- rlcln-i.1 Ham- ;il:in In i-kht vriir^.. Tlie Hiluee i,.rr was J43.0:.fi4S.

Triple By Lewis _ Beats Athletics

I'litLAU n.PHlA, AUK. M i/l’f— llntltiv Irwls. Wnshitniton mitiield-

. drove in two ninr. w ith u plnUi- iiiiiu tilpl* today tUni beat Uic iiletle^ h lo 3. Sum Chapman

hit h it I9lh home riiii for the A'a Klih none on In the fifth.

B H EWu.shlngton . .. 010 010 ID J -i 11 2 Philadelpiila 000 210 000-3 7 3

Chase and Early; Potter and ilaye.s.

For State EventWUli an entr>- Hat o f 11

['■ani.s alrc.idy a ssu red and uihiT ohib.i expected to reg ls - ' ;er thU w e e k . S oftball fteao- r ls ilo n -officials a n n o u n c e |)Iun.'. lur i.lat{lnK th e dlstrlcC ' Unirnnmcnt nt B uh l park , Sundny, Aur . 26.

At thp .umc time it w as dl«- clciMcl iha t the .state asao- fl»Hon has not abandoned It* ef-

loobiiiin Jaycea park In Twin I'ciiU lu: ih« (.tale toun ia tnen t flept,1 ami ;. U ck of a aultable field nl :<aiiiiin forced aasoclAtlon of- iKlalt tu ai'ck a new location. Aui- tiii Jonrj of Pocatello, aocrotary- iicHsiiirr uf Uie organiuvtlon, l» i-\l'rrlid lirrr ttHhln ii few' daya. If il.'urli 10 necure tho T w in FnUil |isik fall, thr stjite toum iim ent Will

be /iwardfd fa flpUe. ' i:iiieird in Uie Buhl com petiUoa;'

le Ituilirr.'uid’s and NeUon D ru t "ims ol Gooding, tlia R ltx-Jw om e liib. lichon caIn uf Burle}'. Paul

under way. and I'aul and Camp Klmlma CCO teams.

Other clubt deilrtng lo e iite ri reg- ■;cr playera or pay aiato e n try f e u

..re requeued 18 contact R um WeUi ol Twin Palls, aofibali neaoclaUoa ■iip^ni’or lor diiiriet 8, All entrlea niiit bt received b'y 'H ieaday olght, Mig. 20. B', dmwuigi. for ilio tourney »m be iielii on the foUowlnft day.

•nie Iv in Falla Troy-N«Ucn*l eaiii, de;cixllng atate cham pion, will :oi ecimpete in th i d lit r ie t event, iVeilj announced.

Footbajl Holdout [;ii8 ConlructSign

CLLVKLAND. Aug, 14 (/D -Poiker Hall, voted Uie moat, valuable player In the Nailoniil football league last year, BlgneJ tonight for another teaion wilh the Cleveland Rama. Be :ns the club's only holdout.Hall took part In the trnm 'i first

.nrkout iodny alunif wlUi 3S OUier pbyerL, Salary lernLs were no t dis­closed but chib, offIclaU tald nt bonus was included. Hull wo* im ttli-Amerlcan hnllbock a t MlaiU- ilppl In 103S and set a lenKUe record of 100 forw.i'ril par.-es iast year.

o the.

Ruffing Humbfes Boston Red Sox

' NEW YORK. Aug. 14 IffV-OharlfT Uie Red Ruffing kept th e Yonkt« winning streak, alive loday, Immb- img J lie Jo»taa'-Red..fiog- Miii'-aix- hltA-lo-'«l»-t')>-T}lr«o-<>(-ihe-hiW of Uie Sox got off . Ruffing were im - prte-'dre bOfflars Lou Finney. Ted Williams and Jimmy Poxx.

Tlie Yankees teed off on Earl Johiuon, rookie left hander. ,for 10 oafetlu. maaalng' four of Utem

L T i iS '

C & T Ii ia 'u w i

i txu Mit-Duru- bM. Wl-T»U. t>o>i- •0 r»frr lo IViUIk*.

coMsmsMie b fs l o£E_astern

nnd W .'s tn n i b rew s

■r Twia e, t i i . 4.

N OW AT BARGAIN PRICES- - ,- '8 0 tlhev ro lo t \ ¥ i T on 157"-W .B:.^ftx?00 F .

Duty. E quipm ent, 1940 T ruck Liconne . . . . ^ 7 5 • *38 Chflvrolet l >/2 T o n 32x6— 10- .

- Pty P ua} Hear. Oycrioads..Tnick..Lla!nflc $S 25

Ply Tires. New iMotor, OvcrloudB.'87 Q.M.C.-. H i Ton 32xft— 10-Ply T im ,

.Grain Bed ..... ............................... — ...... 947B•37 Ford V-8 Vi T on StA«o;, ; :.$TO~'85 Chevrolet "PJck-up, 4-Speod Transmis- V

slon Good Shape ...... ...................*4W-' 8 D Plym outh P i c k - u p _____ ____

. ’37 T errtp lana PIck*up. Make U* An Offer.


Former Baseball Slur Found D ead

•ST. LOUI.?. Aiiit. 14 m —T h e body ' a man identified as C h a f lu 3.

Iloltociipr. former out-^tondinB ih o r t- ttop with me Chicago C ubs, w u found lying be<ilde hU automobile

jiarkcd near & buo- wc»t ild e bouU=__ vard early today, A new le -g a u f t ' shoiRim WA.1 found lying, beaeatb

A note on the fla.shboard of th e cat Mid; "Call Mxa. lluih IloUOCher,!* h,< wife. He litd been m arried

Alter ilx years with the OUbi. Hol-~ loclier quit liaieliali In 1033 a t Ui« height ot hU career, p rciuaiab ly b«- cau'< of 111 health, but h l j depar­ture arou.ied coa',lderablo comment a t the Ume. H e 'le f t t t i t tMm without even noufyins lil* m an- ' ager, alUiough tie w u captiUn.

Ke relumed to 61, Louis, h ie bcm i. ' and except for one aeaaoo, IM I. while-he wa-1 i scout fo r th * Ouba, •malnrd out ot baieball.Ite had been working as a theate r

.'Atchman and InveaUgalor fo r t b t

Clothes for School. . . . from “H igh” to Harvard.

Where do you th in k \vc went for i d e a l

► when wc selected th e dothcs for o u r local hi^h school s tu d e n ts

>■ tW a F fO ir •

U'c w ent to th e b e a t k u n l v o r « l t l C 8 . W «

bouRlit from th o sam ft m n n u f t tc tu r e ra . W « didn't ta lk too m uch .. . . 'K'O llfltOQOd • •-and to-day ths otUT' d lf fe ro n c o - 'b a tw A e ic ;

* our Bhop. a n d 'th e rb lt ; -.school lovrna l i In otu’.

lo w p -E rfc to a ; - I -

fft'st T uad y i~ tu d i^

School 8(itUm . K ’ . m M - r


* A uU iM U o J u k i t o ' ^


Page 10: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


E R O i ’S VOTERSRepub licans B ack V e te ra n

C oun ty Assessor fo r S ta te O ffice

JEROME, Aua, U—Jerome .ticcllon vol half dozrn c

of Uie contMla belnK lij Uic Ilfpub- llcan camp. In adUIUon llir coun- ty'n HcpublJcan' voters rolird ui 1.3M voles ror Wllllatn N. llnrd- wick. veKmti covmiy av.rr-%or, who wna B candldftle /or the ReiJiibllcin nomlnnllon lor r.ecr'elnr>- of Mate.

Comjilcle unofficial returns from nil of the county’s nine prrclncl.i;

IlepubliranU. 8. ienator—Adams 47; Dol­

ton 73; Dulaney JJ. OoH 25. I'ricc « . Sinclair ^52; Tliomns IJ)17.

ConKresiman—DftOMlialt l,3iS.Ooveriior—BottolJicn 1JI5; Mc-

Dou;,' !]], 331.Llrul.-Qovemur — Lcul.t 477.

V.lilteliend 'l.OCO.SecrctaO’ of au te—Dsy M2, Hiiril-

wlclc 1.308. KtMln'K 132, bwnn flO-S tatc jeiialor—Jiillnn T . nickellvi

750; 8 . L- (Vemei Tliorixr U7I'..'S tale rrprcieinntlve’ — UlIl Ucl*

u-eller. J^7P,'Comml-s.’iloncr* — Wayne A, Bar-

clay U53 (Ilc«l d l! .lr lc li;J .R . Seel­ey 1,007 (tlilrd district).

Sheriff—Lee 8 Jotia-.on I,g:3.County treasurer—Ruliih }!. Dtinii

a«8: Earl P. Kennrdy BS7.Probatfl JtidRc—Wlllliijn N. Armer

43<. wminrn a . ComMock 1.157.Superlntendenl ol public InstruC'

tJon—Mr*. Nfllle IloberL^ 1.575.'Pro.necutiilS Bttcm ry~R. H. Seel.

e y - i j ;8 q = a iD n o m u g .4 3 3 ^ — _

BUHLWathlncUn Oaest—Miss Lob Ann

DIvelblM of Bpoknne. WaiO;.. la f KUcJt of MlJU VlrKlnltt Wall. Mr, iint Mn. C. O. A. DlvelblM. paienla ol Mliwi Lois Ann, U’c expcct«d tiexi week, shen they u ill spend j.omi time vblUng friends and relalivej,

Korpritt r«rty — The MiMe; Houlie Wall. Carol Por.i. Jo6C|ilii;u finmucls, LllUaii LcUi. Deity Jean HiKUlB and Ju ie l Runyon, and Mes­srs. Dill Aiklm. Gcrold Hyde, Ri>y Hooblns, Harold Soelers. Junior .MU- rcr. Max StnlUj «na ncnny M cnruy

Hatfield on her blrth<li Wednesday evenlna a t the W. i Halfleld liDitie. D.iiicliii; {enturni ll: evening's enlertalninent. and II: self-elfcled hoiln served retfr:.!: ment-s.

Al llotplUl — MUi Audrey IIu: lead underwrnt nn apjicndrcuiiny a l Uie Twin Falb Ktncral do'.iiiia' ijiindny evenliu. Slid v.a.', reporHi;

linprovljm satUfactorlly.:n MounUln»—Ml:;» Joan Web- ' ami Ml:.; Maxliie Mlllrr urel: ni IJir aimw c.iblii bcj'onil

Oalrnn summit,O ursti'— ML'.* CliarJoUc Uiwy Kl MUi Mary Ann Lawyer of lluiil e ifiifsW tlila wiTk a t llic lioDii-

ML'-s Dorl* Jean McCIiilr Tulii Falls,


Juatlce of Peace (Jerome pre< lnct) —Ralph W. DurrouRhs 271. A. G Houston ■iCT. Clark T. Stnnton nS5,

Detnwratle U. 8 . senator—BoUiwell 307. Don-

a r t 51. Taylor 300. • ,ReiirMcnlAtlve—Howell 44. Keen-

n 150. Masters 203. Par:.on.n 125. Oovcmor—Darnes 43. Clark 3CU,

Taylor 13L Lieut.- Governor — OeorRe

OoMetl 330. Simons 111.Secretary of "tale—CurlU 49t Audllor-W rlBhl 513.Brtinsurer—Enklns 634.

i^ tto rn ey General — Elliott 155. Illlla r 348.I Superintendent of public InAtniC' tlon-R obcrtn 517.

Mine Inspector — Campbell 305. Wllr.on 07.

S tale senator — Carl Dcvoe 515. S tate reiireientallve — P. J . Keh- :r -480.County commlMlonera Hat dis­

tr ic t)—John P. McIntyre 515; (UilrddL'.lrlct)-A. J. IIcna' 401............

SherHf-^am es DavU 512. • Trea,surrr—VlrRcl A. Hnlberl 491. Probate JiidKe-:Heber N. Folkman


N'rrada VIsUon — Rev. iiriil Mr.'. G. 11, Uraun ol lilko. Nev., ttcn KUisi.1 Bundiiy df ll<'V, and Mi.-., G M. Baencrn. Rev. Uraun filled !<. pulpit at llic llapll-;t church Sun- day cvdiilnic.

Welntr Koail—Miss Iri-nc Klin- brouRli »as ho,s|erj Uj ii liirno kTiniii of friends a t a la w parly and v.<-i-

Sundny,r:Conclua*r=VliJi^Mr, “ and ^^rs, Earl Heldel and two /Jinill sons I rit thL< Week-for Uielr home in Itru- bens. aJier vlsltlnn n l ihe liomc di his parrnb. Mr, a n j Mrs, J. J.,Hc-i- drl. Alvan Heldel accompanliyl ihi ii:' I Uoonlman. Ore.. whi-ro h r will

,'ilt his sister. Mrs. Almon GrLv,On O utlnt-M r. nnd Mr;i, lilU

Klnyo!!. Jean and Jack. Ca.-itlrfor(l, and MLsj EdlUi GnKfr. Boise. Icll Sunday for a trip Uirounh thp Jnrk- -son Hole, counlij' and IhrouKh Yel­lowstone pofk. Tliey will nbo vhlt.

and .Mrs, Quitman Owen n t Dlllun. Mont.

Birthday P u ly — Mrs, Johnny nilck wa.s hostes.s to 15 .-.mall chil­dren nt a lawn party Saturday hon­oring !ier douRhler. Shirley Raye,

I her lUtii birtlidny.Oreiea Guett—MLvi nilllo LouLio

Tliomas. Portland, Ore.. nrclved TMP.-wlay lo vbit her Krandpnrent*. Mr, and Mri, D. B, Thomas, andoihn-Tflaltre.i.' - ....................

To Yrllowslonr—Mr, and Mrs. Clir,'.l«r McClain and family Ifft Saturday for a irip throuKh Yel­lowstone park. '

No Church Service—Tllero will bo } church services n l the Methodist

diurcli Sunday, Aur. 18. aa Rev. Ce­cil Hannan la lAklnK -hls vacntlon.

.’Mores rotate C ella r-A lb rrt Hel­ler U movlnR hb lortt® potato cel­lar In Uie TUlaRc back 40 feet and fllllni: Uie cavity , u the proposed oil hlR li«y require# mora space.

Former Jerome , Residenls IiijiireilJEROME. Aii,T. H-Accortllni! to

word rrcfivcil here by ^rl^llI! . Dr. Waller Vannim. Ills moUiiT nnd n nephew, all formrr rr,^!dfnt.s of Jeinme, mrl wltli an iiccldcnt l;i.M FYJtlay near Kphr.Ha. Wii^ll.. w hni th rlr m r «as forced off Hit rcvd iir.d ovrrtiirnPd rrveral ttmer., n.* they Httrmiitrd to pa.-j a tfUek oil lhc.hli:h»;iy.

Pr, Viinuiiii Miltcred brokrn arin.s. nnd hlr. niollirr rrcrlvt-d Incliil iind licjd liijiirlrv iiml c

t' tiMaliicd ;;aiiiful

r olflcerr. i

Rtral Kst.Tlc T ran.oft'n

. l-'iiml.’.hcd by tlic Twin Falls intle and AUslract Cumpany

KR E N G E LPotato Piler

Butter and Epnsaxrei.w ’ riin iiiiti:W.n.'f. A..J, : t

•d. Shun rorerlnr cinMonnJ lh» Stin uiulr4 ........ •

•I ru««lc-<t al In 1

I pn«« wwrt arAllitiWIltflMd iMillr mnilnetl iNo. I cIoMi fUvI«mWr l.t'

MmWr I.Tt kid; Jinutrr 1.7« ,1.7V bUi !.*« bid: Ja lr I



A nd I lc a l t l i R e t u r n . s .• H f ) y t ’s C o m p o u n d I s

T r u t l i f u l l ^ ' n f i r c a t M e-

r i ic in c S a y .s M r . W . U,

T e n n a n t . ■ JjCnown

Moa- da you knox tliat! your .v.iffrr- Inc It nrccisary when lO m.-uiy Twin Ka!l: n-;.ldenls say they have fpund

-<iulck-and-rffrrtlre -Wllrf ‘tflll new and modef» Hoyt's Compnunfl? 0>:iie today to Ihe Majestic I" m:icy and irorn more about (li.Lion nf thi.s celebrattd medicine. ]tl mar l>e Jiia what you have needed for a hue time. One of Uie latest T«-ln Kalb residents to offer prabe lor the relief lie aayj Hoyt's Com­pound KiVB U Mr. W. R.-Tennant of 210 WashlnRton Street. »'ho slatej; "For Uie lasi three yearn I have #uf- fefM wiui consupatlon. stomacji and bowel trouble. Most any kind of

.food would cause me to have untold suffertns after meals, I would trr ons thins after another to set rid of my trouble. I was also exiretncly aerrouf and was very exclUble and the'lea.H little noba would caust'iQC to luve a nervous speU.


"Since taklne Hoyt's Compound, 1 m able to eat any kind o r food

wllhoul sufferlns Uie discomfort of Ras. bbatlnR, and soum eu. I don't nouce even a trace of my former trouble. My nerves have been sooth­ed and are very strong «Batn. I am not nervous a t all and noUilnc excites me'now. I t ha.s a tio proved to b« a wonderful laxaUve. I can iruUifuIly say th a t Hoyt's Compound ■ a sreat medicine."

8ufferer>; Take tha advice of Mr. Tennant. Coma .to tha MaJ«sU« Pharmacy. Let them explain tb* neUon of this celebnt«d new medi* elne.- Ifo rl’a Compoiftjd 1* m W aU Crus (to rts m tU i eccUoti.

n ezo fea tu res m a rk the p o p u la r ity of th is new est im plem ent

^ H ere’s a potato piler with a real lon g range elevation powered by a single phase m otor that spells real' satisfacticn for eve iy grower. Since it’s easily portable it may be quickly, 'efficiently moved on the rabber- tired auto chassis. A three siieed variable drive in a compact unit enables

, , thespeed-to be adjusted to;piling conditions. The cojiKexoi-Qfeftexibltcdni;-; 1 veyor chain w o^en'from lieavy galvan ized steel wire m ay alsp be uSed for-;',— rsadt-loading by m erely detaching tb e hoppei-.-I)es|iiie-!isilong--rang«.i)ilil, „ in g and loading albilitj’ it’s a-c<niipadrTfn5trdffei=c^n‘Befh*the-19’ and 21’

S jiilc m s

jlo w on display at

u i^ u m jc p J U

W h o lesa le

Monday. Aufu«l 12 .— Df«1.-L-.-MrC.iiilri lu’o r l .. R.-<T S2iti. lol.-i 10 nnd 11. blork 10. 3'llrr. •

Dre.il. L. Slnrnn lo W. H. I.tir.-.on Sll). lot 5. block 100. TVlri Falls.

C. a . Hciid.Ton to W. H. l.ari.on $10. lot 2D, block £0, T-Aln F-nlls.

Deed. C. M. IlfKli'H In C. L. Mc- F.IIIdU. *150, lots 10, 17, 16, block 20. Klmhcrly,

Dc-pd, J . A, nal;,ch W H. J- Hiiff »I. Ijol 9. block 9. Ulckcl addition. Twin rn lb .

Deed. V. Larten lo T . Larsatt $10,000. part SWU 25 J1 18.

V ,

Well, I sp«o you’d, like to knoir lino more about how we're {cttiuB

aloris wlLli our new giwollna. WalL It'S ecmne.ittsL_Ihe.whlte-at-U6.aS— a hundred In your fifty Kallon-druni* ftnd the Rrren a t *17.00 a hundred gnlloii. Tlio Kreen contains soma lcad-we% e hnd pcvcrnl splendid re - porta back on tills ga.wllne and Uiey‘re comint after Hie second nnd Uilrd silpply of It lo tha t »pe.-\k» pretty well for It. Oiia man w ith . i t>lck-up marie x Sour' trip Mainjt . the green nnd he said he ROt ns good a mllc.tEO os he ever Rot on any ganollne. And when : went to SeatUe a few daytago I filled up on Uie whll« In the Mercuo' Kfid I got. good mileage but I got « little ping u]) th6 BlLss hill. I linven'i. lrle<l Qiil. the green personally m y­self. So I'm Jiirt uking other peo­ple's report.1 on It. But one tiling we do know—we're selling lots of It. And Uie old Resolute b stnndlrig out like a white cff»' In n green pasture, f t seems to be the flnr.it giuiollne for the finest cam—not n plng In ft c.irload. We sell It nlr.o whole.<ft!e-$19.10 a-hundred for the bnJnte and SlS.Bi for the Etljyl— brinif ln your bftrrclv Abo your e.inh.

Tlicre'.i three Ihliigs we d o n 't " ' guam ntfe tires UKnlniU smnll nnll inincturc.T. dellberalely running fla t and wheels out of line. One ir.ivellng man wore out one of our tires In 400 mlle.1 with hb wheeb badly out of line. We were fooli.sh enoUKh to Rive him ft new lire. He was hot headed nnd nind but we wouldn't *ell him another tire lo ro on t^mt

wheel. He went ekewhere and bought H flr.'.t quality tire and wore It ctrnr clown to the fabric in 400 miles then he came back nnd p.ilrt

our Ur« a-s he said It wa.f hl» wheel's fault Instead of the tlrr. Wc nppreelate. h b hone.sty. T lir Ihlng to do If you have wheels out

Une Is to gel Uiem sirAlRhl- ened up as nuick as pos.slbl« as no tiro compnn'y wblies to plnce their Urea on wheeb that ar« out of line.- t am ofwn riding alone the rond

Ron\e ta r 'Klih icObtily » b ff. h . nnrl Ihe white fabric fhow- Ing, I oflcn think there Koe*-an-- oUier tire lo be atlki


imr. I t might be a Rood Idea to borow your neighbor's car 'long encfigh to follow your own car or «vei. go nhead of your own car and look-baek-nnd-see-yotii-tnm-W JUr— your neighbor sees It, There b n t so man,' wheeb out of line but Ulose th» t are . . . ar« wearing tires ou t almcjt as fast as you can pu t Uiem on. Onclc Jor.h aald he waa a t an o>itlr supper ono-'nlRht and ho- JoimtTjno Ulile stani-ed oj-»icr In the soup u ia t a(«.Uia crackers u p 'a s faat.fe he crumbled them l a Our carlow or hardwood nooring'.wlll ' be h«rc right away and we will hav« a « r ; low price on I t We are dosed every Sunday and hope you ore Uia aama.


•On' ihe Road (« the'nospllaT

Page 11: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


Hundreds Vote “Yes” Daily for Excellent Classified Advertising Results

ieneUi wurcU per Une.



U»VB Ads o t K i t W Rool Dew IN RUPEIIT

UAVf Ad5 K«i]clenc« ol Mrs. Ida'WHteler. 71J U 61

IN DVIIL Lcuve Ada >l JosUni

SboU Super Stm eo eiatloa 300 O ro a d n ; 8ouUi

Tlxla j» p e r BUbseriOe* w ta# cod# ot elhlcs of Uie ABOdftUon ot Newt- [«pcr C lu iU led AdrirUilng Man- »(ers and reserves the rlRht to edit or reject nxu cluslfled tdrerUsU( rBlind A tir . c«T7ln8 ft Nowi-Ttaes Boi number aro sirlctly confldenUnl tnd no InformftOan con be jlven to r tp ird to the adTeriber.Errora thouM t» reportwl Immtdl- »tely. No tiUownnea win b« made

' for mor* than ooa Iscorrect InMT- tloa.



RED spuds, 75c. O. Brftdley. 0i83-JJ.

HOME nnd Income 5. nimrimcnt court. Completely turn, «100 cwh «UI liandle. Box IS, Ncws-Tlmee.

PGR. LEASE—Modern fterrlce ita- tlon. Good loc.. Main St.. lo r renL *300 will handle. P.O. Box 208, T J .

HOME grown tomfttocj. ) ItM. lOo or by tlio busliel; etinnliiK beets. 20c bu. AlM plcUlns cucumben, New red apuds We wick, Ul»ny a a ix ls u , H ml. E. on K!mt>, road.

B A TH A N D MASSAGE~ HAIXORY, 114 Miln N. Ph. 118^

fiTA-WELL, 635 M»ln W Phone US.

LOST AND FOUND 8TRAY ciOt Uken up nbout July.

J8th, 0«-ner mny have wimc by Idrnllfylns. pnylns expciues. Ph.

[lolnh’ nice buMne&.i. CHxxl locnllon. Leviee miut have eapltftl for gtock and toob. Ph. 410.

BEAUTY shop. 6ood location, fully equipped, dolntr sood bujlne.is. Must sell. If* a birpilii. Address Box 30. NewB-Tlmcj,


10 all modern cKtAseA—filled nil llie time. Locnled jiLit' oppojila UISD on 0. a 30 and 01. OTner retlrlns from bmlne.is.

DOLBEEK MOTOR COURT Poeatelio, Idaho •


CIIOICT: office r<>om3. W ater and hrnt furnished. Ph. 1713 momlnsi and after e p. m. •


VACANCY, Drosseau ApL Adults.


YOUNO* m an waiiu ride to New York CUv l)y_Augj:o. Ref. Sliivfo exp. Jrime.1 Urnden. P O 5 0 r R 2, Bwley. coUcct.

1. Lts, woUr. 302 4th Ave E

HAVE you allowed surplus flcili to aecumulnte? You can feel better

. and lobk l« lte r by nonnallzlns your wclKht wlUi a BRISTOW ilenderlscr a t DR. H. W. ItlU -'S office. neSults plcauvnt and sure. CoU 1243 for appointment.


PERMS, » . t4 . U , M, U pr{e«. 1413Klmb. Bd. Pb , 1747. K

SPEOIAI^-M war# tor UiO; |4 oafl • IS w ares H prtee. Idaho Barber it

B«Mt7 Sbbp. Pb. 431.

D.EOTRCLTSIS for wrmmnent ’ moral of superfluous hair. Evening

appointment*. Bererly Beauty Sa­lon. Jerom e. Idaho.

UARCJILLE’S. 151 Third Ave. N. The shop of unusual permanents and flnser wnve.^ Soft *-ater oil sham­poo and finger ware 50o. Ercnlngs by appolntmenL Phona .381 ^

FERM. *3 to >S. Dependable lA d piarantced. Pnrlshoppe Beauty

' &llon. 323 Mflln E. Ph. 385J. TlUla Hranac Day. JuanllA Parish KruM.


Oil Perm aneota 11.00 up Junior sta< d«nt wtsrk free. lU Mala West

RMS. Adults- 5ia Main Ave

4 RMS. Oartge. 230 8th Ave. E.

1. AduJts. 2W-3rd Ave. N

JD8TAMERB Ina. Ph. 458. Oasis 8

APTS. '!%« Oxford. 428 North

WANTED: Lady to share nlcclj lum. apt. with buslneuwo Ph. COl.

CLEAN, comfortable, Qulat, attrao- Uve apt. Call a t ApL W. CsUf. Apt*, 330 2nd Ave. N„ Ph. IBM.

ROOM AND DOARDRM. and bd. 345 7th Ave. E.

RM and bd. llfl 7th Ave. Ea*U

ROOM and board. 061 2nd N,

FURNISHED ROOMSCOOU Ig. Slpc. rm. 459 3d Av. N.

AIR-Cond. bedroom. 41B 2nd Ave, N.

151 "nilnl Ave. No. Bath. Soft u-nter.

NICE clean nns.T33l 2nd Ave. N.

ir bath. 652 4 th Ave. N.

TORN, rm. la home. Ph. 3J0-W.

SITU A TIO N S WANTEDFOR custom cannln?. enll 10C9W

FEM A LE H E L P WANTEDOIRI/ tor taousewort Ph. 0294R1

-—HflKPR.—O rD ? Lapm jrPller. Rt. 1.

piR L lor te n . hswk. Ph. lOCl

HIOII school o r builnejs school stu­dent to work for board, room and small *-ngw. W rit* Box 19. Nowi- Tlmes. .



1 ROOM hou.*.e. Ju.1t completed. Lo- -cated Eiuil Liiun addition. PHA . loon. Plume 100. Keel WlltLion UStroak Lumber Co. ------------

FOUR new. nroaem S-nn. hoib on Tuylor st.. Blue Lnkc.i Add’n. Biuy terms. 8eo E A. Moon. 105 Tnylor St.

NEW'4-rm. dwlc. comiilclcly mod. em , best location. *41C dowii. bsl. |2£.as |)cr monHi. Including etc. Plionc 542.

JUST COMPLETED 6-rm. dwlff, fully In.'.ulatcd, fireplace, iilr-cond. Rtokcr, cl. hot w.-itcr htr. New dlU, 3 blks from IilRli rcliool. J530 dOR-n. bal. J34.C3 per mo. Including and liuurance. No extra payments. Tcl. 543—CvenUiKs 230.

3-R.M. modem hn iw wItJi sleeping porch. Iinnlwood floorj, liirKC KUTW. »2300; »350 ca.ih,

5.R.M. motl. house, lidud. floors.fumacr, cli c. I

WE BUY Iron niul mUetl prices piil<ir

IDAHO JUNK HOUSE 151 3ii(I Ave. Soutfi. _fh, 3:>5W


NEW 14 It. crdnr-boiil,' chlrkrn hou r HU30. pufft'd wlicnl inn- chliir, 3 u.^ed truek.\ Ph. 1733-M, H. S' DeWltt.

I-XJR liarKiilni In cxcel, recondiUoiitd rcn<ly-u>-Ko motor tniclL-, liberal term.1. PliOne 740 or 1257.


Business and Professional

DIRECTORYBiqjclc Sales & Scrvicc

; BLAimapYCLERY Si'c


Bicycles for RentGLOYSTETN'S-PnONE SO-I-R

Coal and Wood40 ACRES, well Improved, no waste

land, deep soli: 4M ml. S, W. of Buhl. D. E. Burkey, RU 2. Buhl.

PHONE 3 •foV Aberdeen conJ, moving and tmn:

McCoy Coal & Tfivnsfer.

slock m ndi. TIjIs Is'goodl P. C. M ortJi^ lack 's Inn , Idaho.

Curtain Shop

160. IRRIOATED. 3 ml. N. Vim to • ^ ---------------rim brldce. Good land, good bldgs.. Drif Clconinrjdeep well. dec. Joins outside range. __________________________TennJ, J . G. LanTence. Ph. 25BW. Parisian Dry Oleaoers. Pho fl$0.

' f I m i iM P l I m e n t o ■ Bom choU N eed ,"

VENTURA benn huller. fair . . . . dltlon.-Waller- W altors. 3H m l.8 . of Edtn or write P . O. Box 20, T. T.

FOR SALE OR LEASE-28 In. Wood DrothcrTi threshar, equipped for beahs and seed. P . O. Box 30. T. P.

C T O A 'nP - houjc^,...W '-E. sangw

aTlM.houserr5a|^Blue Lakes Dlvd.N


RMS. Qttra8e.-220 8(h Ave. E.


?"OR RENT—Small new spud or oa- ton cellar. Ph. 1T39-M. H, 8, De­witt. X

ALLIS Chalmers pickup—trade for milk cow. hogs, barley. 500 N, Woslilogton.

12 PT. combine, equipped lo r beans, for -lale o r would trade for Jeney i,,_

rS:31x38 Wood Brai, Uireaher, recond.

to lOW model with bean and seed equip. P. E; 'B lcknelt 500 N. Wash, Phono 17.

POP. SALE—Several aied bean cut­ters. 3 and 4-row.


mCKEL-8 erAS.t seed, QerrolnaUon te.ited. P rank Clasen ranch. 2 ml. a2-W . of s . Park Croc.


• Order now for.faU plAnUngl GLOBE SEED &;PEED CO.



HAY, G R A irj. F E E DG n ln starago and feed deantng liagft-r^Burlaps u u l Seamless ' OLOfiE SEED 4e FEED -

31 Plates. 11,15. Elrci i. Diamond Qardwnre,


Job P rintingQUALHY- -JO B. P l t f N T a t f r

K ey Shop

Money to Loan

■ Don’t Embarrass Your FriendsUs# our salary Johns.

Ftiendly, confidential, 30 minutes’ •crvle*' __

Money to LoanSee J K. White flR t for loar

homw or buslncis property Low Rates. gu]ek seri-lce. 131 Main E

$25 to $1000ON YOUR CAR

UP TO -IB MONTHS TO REPAY 'Contracts refinanced—private sales flnanced-ca-ih adranccd.

Consumers Credit Company


See your local Co. for quick :n.-ili—Reduce present car pnymentsiW ESTERN FINANCE CO.

Next to Fidelity Bank

Osteopathic Physicianm iler m i^ c . 413 Main N. Ph. 1977.

3.- w :

n ets, countera—anything of woe TWIN PAL1£ LUMBER CO.

Phene 543

-Plumbinfsa'nd Bedtino'

Radio RepairingPOWELL RADIO-PRONE 809.

TrailersTrnljer Houses. Oem TtoUer C a

Dauchtcr "Relum.^—ML-.\ M:iit ee. daughter of Mrs. J. 0 . 1>t, rc mir<I 1a.li week-end from Sloch m, Ciillt.. where .ilir Im.i Iji-rti nt ■lldliig College of Uir I’nriric. Couiilc* Llcen.^rd-Ol)lall>lm; m;ir

rliige Itcrnses tlil.i werk liom olli' CCS of Mrs. Chnrloltc Robc;;iui clcrk. auditor nntl rcooulcr. wtTi Rolwrt K. Connor :md Jill SilhnDnh Jiick SlIbnuKli and Alt.-\ Uci'l:.

(;oa.»l VUi«or»—Mr. and Mr.s;.Slfr- ling I-'reemnn ixncl dnUKliKr, Slilr ley; Prank FVcpman AikI -W ,-J Walker, VenUira, Calif/ are ,vwt. Inn the J . 'n , rrcem nn,/R . O, man and the V. C. Halbert laiiiillM

liducaler Returti.^ — SiiiiiTiiUen, dent of Jerome ,cliy .•.rli(X)h. II Maine Slioun, retun iril Sntiinlaj from Berkeley, Calif, lendMl a six week’s se,'.il6n,

Werk'.i OullRc—Mr. - ninck returned Sunday

»rre Irh and Feni Jean Wflijlr, .Melb,\

I.lllnni:t.M, I'orlfh. .Mdlj.-v Dav- ly Irrnr Davl.v Melba Ulnckbum, UIre Diivls and I’lironn Davli Price.

Pullbe«rer^ were four »on.< of the drcea-ied, StertluK Ma--v Blrrly Mos\ Van Mo.ns, Oernld. Mo-.J. «nd a son-

'lii-law. w njne Welsle. .

Final Honor to Jcroni(‘ Woman

JEROME. Aufc. .M -riM l K-rvlce* >r Mr.v Ollle Tnylor, v,lio died Ans.. were comlucled ai (he Wiley

fiiMcr.H home, with Arnold Wnl.ion 'illlclallns. Inlernirnt VM.ln Jct- ime cemeierjv

D uring '^e^•lcr^ n mlxrd Quartet. Mrs. C, J. Rugh. L E. HolMnn, Mlr.t Joy RtiKli. and Mrs. Arnold Watson, song, "Safe In tlie Anm of Jesvs," "Nearer Gotl in Thre." and

‘•Wlirn We All Oei to lle.tvcn.- •I'allbeaiers were C.rant lUillock.-

Raymond Pn,'. Di>»e H, KmnLion. E J. Main, S. L Smith and Riley Bowman.

rr of rtfertlvr moblllMtlori lion's rcjoiirce-'—Mpcclally

ith—l.'i clear. And Uie ques- o'.e: If joulli can be organ- id moblllTcd to f.crve a die* idenlj, why ean't It be mo-

b lllm l behind a De.nocratle Ideal? ,13':lnl‘.-dly FVanrr, under Marshal lenrl Philippe Prtalu.-'.U-nrylng-K> -

mnblllr.e and dl'^lpllne French youth fo»-lli" heavy tMk of natlon- \1 rcKenerntlon.

Bi-ltnln. nmiiy motiUis rro. Inten-- '.Ifled the org.inh-itloii of Its youtltv for national , rr •lcf, handicapped.-

by the taci iliai Oermony r> l)rR[>T> training lls'youth

for the total »ar. years ago began hardeitlng even clilldren for the phy.slcal rigors of life In a warring ;minir}'.

I t fitlll rem.ilH' to be dcmonstrBl- xl whether orsanlJlng even 10 and 12-yi-nr-ol(I chlldrfn-a.1 In lu ly and Germ.my—Is an advanuge or,

hnndlcjip after ra r begins.B ut in the United States,,Uie ef-'

I recent yean to con-' youUi by taking JobleM boys;

off Uie road and putting th;m to; work in CCC camp. U luudly likely lo handicap tlie imuon's effort to build up a pliyslc&lly fit clUzet)^ >riny.

BURLEYCue*t» Drpsrt - Mr. and M nu

Owen Snger and Mr. and .Mrs. Ei' ' win Yaple of Kansas City left r . cently for their homes after a week'ai vL-,li with relatli-fs, Mr, and Mrs, O .' r . Lee and .Mr. and Mrs. WlUlaM’* Barton, •;

Iceland is about as large u Ken>‘


Lee trip

to IXKt Rlyer where tliry ;p«nt p Heek,

Illgh Wheat Yield—E<l far­mer In the Omnclvlcw M-ction, re- porLs a field of Lemhi whe.it yleld-

ig between 85 and 00 bu'liels jvr :re. Several yields of

cls per acre have been rejxirted from various Ilelds In th e cotmty.

VUIt En Raute—Mr. and Mrs William Clmtbum and Kranddwuh- ter Ellen, of Monterey IMrk. Calif., were gue.its Tue.sdny of Mr. am: Mrs. Arthur Chatburn. Tliry wrnf

route to Albion to vblt Mr. aiSl. Mrs. J. B. Chattnjm and family.

T# Callronila—Mrs, F. E Sliaw- tr and her son. J e t t Wrfrd, left last

week for California where they will attend Uie Snn Pmnc'l; vLilt E. E. Shawver's

hawver's broUier In Itoevllle. Callf Oont* D epart — Mr, and

Cliester Sha*->'etr and dnuKhttr, RuUi. and son. Leland. Plca.Miit- vllle, Ia .,..rel^rnp l lo. thrlr home

Make This M odel at Home Twjri Falls N ew s Pattern


ty Cy nrtcCPfiLtflS\ If you're looking for a dre.u thaVi trim of tnllorlnn yet joft of line.!. \ , t l ia t’s young and feminine, yev.

"carefu lly slendcrliing . . , Umt’s nice ‘ for hom e'w ear. yet at>le lo go t n y r where—Uils U I tr Pattern 4 5 0 9 ' ; Anne Adams' newcsLshlrtwolst style for m atronly womea. That scalloped collar looks erbp In l tc c - « d ^ : whlt« organdie or voUe. vlth teal*^ loped cuffs to match on tlie shorU sleeve style. NoUee that the tcUoa*-- .. free back la yoked u well as thi" '

■ front. The front panel In the »klrt"» allows splendid walking-east (oa L et th e lUaWated sewlnt-lnstruetgr S.

k and

V p h M fr in g : . . ." MURTAUGH

____ ______ JiM kccepted a posiuoaIn tliff Pocatello schooLi for ihe com- Ingjrear. plans to leave wlUilti a few days. She wlD Uve wlUi Miss Brr- ilee^ Wllsgn,an<l_Ml.i*_E>lna Hof^ fine', alto fomeV iHstnictbrs of Jer­ome sciiool sj-item. ■'~Klan Arrested—Robert E. Lee was atrested by a member of the city police Uils. week on charges of pan- Undllng. He wits brought before Police Judge- Clark T. Stanlon Kho floated him out of the city,

Nleec VI»lt»-MlM Claro Klom- aui, Chicago, niece of Mr. and

Mrs. Paul R. Kartzke. b 'a guest of uncle and aunU

ramlly R einm s — Mr. and Mrs. Ruwell Olmstead and son have ir- tuni’ed from Salmon City where th e ; ' have tpeat tha stunBier.

Page 12: PreM Newipaper An Aimclated TWIN FALLS NEWS IM IDS Britain ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · Rep, Wlilte. Uie unoppaied Demo cratic Incumbent, collated 23J08


FA C E S S H [[P iMN ational W o o lg ro w e rs ’ Pres­

iden t ‘ K c y n q te s lA n n u a l B a n q u e t H e ra

pfolill-lli t.lirrii:i\iii tortiiy l3 mill nl uiiliuldliii; our Uiillril Stfvtcs m n rtrt anrt iiiai ol Aurirnlln

lix»-, i)rr.lclriit ol Hip Nullonal Wool Gtowrrs' iv.v<jcliitlon, Inni niclii a short " k o n o tf" nilflrfia a i I. . mld-ycnr mrottiiK iinil t>snqiid ol Uip Iilnlio Wool Cftiwcri' aiiocla- lion a t Uir 1‘nrk, ho ld .

\y, p . WliiK. ^rcmar^•, Calllornin 'Wool Orowpm’ lukociiiUoii, mAln ttdilrr.vi ofXhft cvriilin;, prt- ifnllnB Wo BcrlQ* problciiu Ullns to Uie Aliri'ii liidu.urj'. Uinl o( miukriliiK mid itini olIns Uir rmi;.um|>lli|ii of aool.

Wlni; »nl(t ilini n nicitl bohrU liad brtn oniaiilMd U> help lncrriv.w Innilj cfliuuniiiUaii niul Hint » K.OOO.OOO cimpnlKii wn.\ unUcr vny Jor Ihni tlurpoM:.

Support Uricd 11c iirKcil nil Kiu^vcr.-i to >iipix)ri

luinpllon (u. hnn Ix rn JtAflfd . . /W lfnlln, nncl n.^k^<l. nil slilpprrs 10 pm jiMdc. live ccnU per btig for

II fuiiil.1 liicrta.\f(J »ool

. th r Aui.trnlmii Rrow* i a lower prlcc, OOc lo

. . WliiB, m orilrr loclfan up llic clip every }Mr. "*o ae won t be cnuBfiC l i te a c «'r;re In Uic l u i wcLT." Sind lo force lubjUiutra oul of the fteld. He at;rued tltn fact t]iat tiie United StAlca liAS tlic larsesi Inmb output In recent ycnri.

“ ^ ' aI Uonil Browers' eojifereiice lic l. .. ecntly In Deftvcr, clUcu.v>ed ilie ))ro* po«d chanscj to ilie prew nt grazing eodf. He anld Ujat tlie endeavor of UiB eoiifcrcnce wns to proirci llvcstodcnien tlirouglioul Uie wc.it, and llinl it iiuU recommetiilrd to the department of Interior th a t the live* itock Industry iinve a greivler tnflii* ence on tlie use to «hlcl> public do> main and nAtlonal forests wei

'■ Council Arranged■A national udvborj' Ijoard

ell hai twcn orenniied." Drake talil, ■•to act M a barom eter between wc-U- m Block people and liit depart* mcnl of Interior conccnilng lndlvld> uol righta. T lie council is eompmcd e( (wa members front cacli <i!a(e. one *h«t«nftn wid one cntUrmnn." He ixplalned Uiat any Individual cotili} become a member of the council «nd urscd Idaho Wool Grower*'

. .jupport H. Tlie council nceti, to have -* * r*pre*entalloti of .ovcr 30,000

W il l i e W i l l i sD7 COUlillT' qtlL L L T l

Helen Juit . pretty. She

} m urh. you have Ilf , Ih lrk rr t>efore il>f-|I

ODED AREASrcy.r lo rrcoril lii'inlil.'.. swept Mrrel.i ninl (lamiical I n d u a t planlA. IV o biirnnl ns the wntrr ro^^ nlxiiil tlirin. l l i e town....l.io- liitrd, will wUiiiKit water. llRht or lflcl>lionc fiicllltlr.i.

Property daiiuinc tluT* was estl- mnteil nl j : ,000,000, aiul Mayor II. P, McNcIll salil lor Wllke* county a.\ a whole 11 proliuhly would rcadi 110,000,000. Hr snld 500 were home-

and 2i0i)-oiii of -work.. Police Clilef John Walkor expre.wd Jnir

II, B. Soulen. prc.nldcni of Idaho pWooI .Grower*' aJL.'.oclntlon, served mi lou tm aster laiit iilKhl, liitro* dudnc n , E, Rich, past prcr.ldcnt of Ihe NaUonal W-W Growers- aao- elaUon, who Uitroduced Wardlaw,

Olhcra Uitroducod Included Dr. . a W. McClure. tuviUtiint auctioneer tnd fomier secretary of Uie Wool

' Orowcrs' auocla tlon ; Frtd Ellen* wood of Hed Bluff. Cnllf,, ehwnnnn ef lUim Sale commLnlon and honor- « T president of National Wool Grower*'; A, K. MllU, rfprftaentatlve of the International Wool tccretar- lat.

nig M arketlnc SttoJohn T. Calnc. U I. CWcago, Union

Btockynrd* anti T ransit company, Joffcast tlie .blBKMt markcUns of

. cattle would comc 1^1943 and fiald ilml Krowcrs m ust be ready to thli by pJajjnJnji tljU r prosrjun wtll now and "stnylnK preity clw.r to your home rancli for tJie next to,o

Jlnin Mlc com m iuco lniroiliire<t hicliuleil Ilnbert S. Dlii.ntock. chair- m:vn, II. L. Fincli. Dr. S, W. McCIiirr iiiid K. h', lllncliart. Attentlancr the banquet wtis H7.

Dovrr, EnKlftnd. wa.i bom b^ and ihcllcd on 30 oeciwloa*! during the flnt World war.-

coUld be warned ot Uie rapidly ris- iJiK walera.

Lantlilldes blockcd lilicliways all icr Ihe mouiimiii a rea. Two per­ms were cni.'iiied to dealli in two Idea ncnr Boone,Wlllic.t«s said Uie rivBli'S lorrrjiu

..I .nomc place-n jilckcd up btillillnRj and.iw ied them about like match­boxes In ft KUttcr. Huntlreda of brIdKes were swept awny.

The WatauKa river eiii:ulfcd a reil- dentlal dHirlct of EtlrjibeUilown where 200 lo 300 pcr.-on* lived, forc­ing tliem to cinmber nnirby hllh, rooftops and t^ilf trc<^ for rcJiiRe. Deputy Mike UoatwrlKht nnUl, "fToni' ultttl I have .w n nnri hrnnJ. I convinced tha t 15 or 20 pcr«ona » drowneU."

Tlircats of dam age or addllloniil loss of life aljftK'd In Ocorula downpours gave way to showery clearing weatJicr.

VIE M i ■ :i LIS'

"hii! 1 can .-.iifak for Jimmy in Miy liiK hr li not a CotnmuiilM, iiirvrr ?tns Brrn a Communl.u ai^d never ttjll br. Ijrrntj-.f he J.i nol tn !,ym- p.Tlhy with tlinl eau:;e In any way, iitirt lie iirvef liM coiilrlbiitrd fundi lo ihf C<i!nmuni5t pitriy."

Onilti riild lie hud b(^tn cuir.li-

7r.“ "-iir,n.; 5-Mi;he h.i.' flrctcd lo prry slandrr liniocenl i>eoi>le Jil’.I belore Ihr primary elrcllon. Juit becniii.r they opi>o'e him."

n r e Indicted- J/-vili wii.s Ulc principal uU nr:j

beriiir tJie grand Jur>', which In- dkled five men oti chnrgcs of m ur­der In coiinrctlon with a wiilerJronl 'InyliiK Jive year* aco which h r at- irlhutfd lo <llfferencr,i over Coin- munlniic iiifluences In a labor union.

To Jurlhrr the work of the party mons mollon picture people iiiul ) obtain fuiKlJ for parly Mipporl,

Leech te^^Iflrd, -study Kroiips" In ahloh iriirts of the parly were l.iiisht wrfc on-nnlrx-<I iimonK "Tit­er:., prodiiecn and acior*. •

ConcenliiK Sunder, the ■ crlpl MiowkI I.ecch te^llfled;

•Somrllme In 1035 he canicmy olllce nt 22< SouUi S p r in g .........nnil pre/.emed h i' inembi-r;.hlp book ami his tmn^fcr from New York’ lo Um AnKclcj. I look a paym ent from him ami icnve him (he official re ­ceipt of Ulc Coiiimuni.M party, made oul In Uie name of J, fliind. I Ji«»e knairn him n. a loyal a/id Inisled member of ihe Communlil

jiarly . At Um'cs he contributed -- much u t7 i a week.”

Ucch declarctl^I'rank Diivls. nc

of "No T une .for Comedy" pl&y. Ini at a .lummer tlieaier here L-.Mie ihia Mntemcnt;

"I am not n communiM and have neii-r hern one. f am violently op|K) I'd ir> commuiil.wi and every- lliliur It 'l a n d for. I liiivc l>een violci’.tty Jiiinckcd by Uic Comniun- l:.l.s- ri>I>'-r.'‘

At .‘H-luiici'tiiily, .'i. y., whrre MLy Miiif I’, to iippc.ir nr»i week In a Miiiiinn- Ih ra lr r , Ile.iuvais I-'ox, rep- rc.’i iitlnt: Uir iiclre:*, Miltl, "61ie told fijc in .-.ir DiJi JJi wJjoJJ; ;a).^e."

Till' Iwo were ainoni; -•.cvcnil ac­tor;. ii:iinrd In Loi Aiinelcs grand Jur>- Ir'.iinnniy lodny n.v members of Ihr Coimniinl-',l parly.

Shootings M ark Mexican Politics

MEXICO CITY. AUB, 15 (y^-A woman was killed niid Mveti per-

. w crf Injured l iu t nlKlil In a buRl ol gunfire as conKrculonat candldalct of oppoulns laeUons pre­pared for prcllmlnarj- re.«loni lat< today lo orRanlio for openinB of eon- grewi Sept, !,

Hie Aliootlng came ns on* of ilot- n of truck* bearliiB jicaMvnU to le capital lo p ro lec t backers of

Qcneral Manuel Avila Camacho, nilmhiLitrailon preslclenllal c dale, pa.ued a Kroup of clilrcM in an outlyUiB section of Mexico City.

A.1 Ihe gr^'iP .ihoulcd "Viva Al- m.iriin” for Generol Ju a n Aim JjiiJn>cj)dejit prr.^ldrnUnl cantl pL loln blared.

• iOAKT I.KAGUE HC'ORrH .'>e*llle S, Kacrameiita 1.Kan Franrloeo .1. nolIyuo»<l 1 l.ovi^ngele* E, Portlanil i. Oakland 7. Kan Dlejro 6.

Swllrrrland hns four national lunguftMs—G rrmnii, Prcnch, Italian am] Roman.’.ch.

SUMMER C A l ECLEARANCEThursday - Friday - Saturday

D R E S S E S $ 1 - 9 8S j i r i i i K a n d s u i n n i L - r ( ! r e s . - < i ' s ] i r i i ; i ' i i f tfor tlii; n i i i c k e s l c lea rance ! M an>v.su itab le f o r fiill w e a r! I ] to A O *;!6. V a l i i o . s to .

DRESSKSOne rack of ^cU•cl^a

4 9 c . „ , 6 9 c , - ^ o a

BLOUSES iSWHATERSHire rprliiK MOi'k Tliey niii.M ko'I Slip

of blousc-.i. Vnl. to KilSw-7-9 C ....I $ 1 - _______________________________

- ~ '^ ' ' '" ’iraiXTTAT_SPEClArn»d .tro offered .siK'ckilly now.nt

— low p r ic c : ^ A A ChooHO your.<* todny! ....................... .........^ A • W

HOSE Slack Suitsru ll fa.^hloned. pure ‘Ju.M a few ot Uiese, silk, first qunllly Regular II.B8

2 , „ $ 1 . 0 0 $ 1 .0 0

COTTONSOne rack of oummef cotton*

4 9 c

New FA L L SKIRTSCordurbyfl a n d all wools in all- o f th e le^dinff fall ahndcs. .T h ey ’r e Hinnrt an they c&n be.

$1.98 I

: i . ■

COATS-’l'OPPERSThc.so two populitr. styles!


$ l.o 6 ^CanLH

$ 2 - 9 8 „ „ , $ 6 - 9 8

contribution to my knowledge of any Imllvldual, MOO R monUi."

He te.iUfled James Cagiicy been * heavy .iontrlbutor to . party fund* anil wm "boUi a member and conu-lbntor In 1D3<," Humphrey llOKnrt. he wld. jior-'CMcd a Com- munht book and was on a ”mn.ner lUt" o[ tntilrlbulor*.

~ c srniid Jury today culkil a.i tevcral of tlio«e named

by Uech as Communl-it party mem- bert. Tlic nature of lli tlr Ic.itlmony

a.' nnt dlwlo-'cO,Tlie iMnscript allowed th a i Lcrch

l«llflr<I I>anchot Tone's coiitribu- il ran from »'5 to *150 monthly. '1 have appeared n t incetlnKs at

.'fr. T&fie was i>re/ciit." Lei'cli te.illlleil, “and have talked to him concerning party affalr.i and know hr wna on the list ot regular con­tributors lo the CommiinLit party .t

SAIIATOOA BPatNGS. N, Y,, AUR, K-W '—Fi-oncl* L ed rrc i-n iu l-Jean Muir. Hollywood stars, denied to- nlKhl any connection with commun-


lo nili'-r i.ircri.-., n low-tlyliig Cer- niiin l)('inb'-(l one rralront near u.'. klllliic a home iruurd foldler. wnund- InK r'.'vrral Civilians and wrecklnt;

In iiliolhrr town, a .Mrv.rl:.fhmlll f lth trr clrrlPd a nillRiiy st.Tiimi with miichlnr-i;uii biillel.v Shcllm saved

I inlti'd to Mlivlvora ol the light­ship er.'W a f i r f the near <11- rceily hli. luiil founilerrd Mem first wiih -.'■um-. torn open from the iKiml)-, ihat dropi"’'' all aromid herc-

"Wi- hiid Ui lay tn by her anil walth iwo [KKir bliiiirs drown," i.ald one ol the crcw. picked up Irom hla llfrlionl by n IlrltWi fprrdlxint.

hry inaclilnr-gunnrd . us before


Jiirlly ov-T Attorney G nieral J. W, Tn\lnr [or the Democratic guberna­torial nonihiallon.

Wii!i 'OT iireclnct.i In, Cltifk had 23,11(1 voles and TnyU.r 1B.077. Jninir L. Harnes, the Han.-.en l>ean cro-jrr and fonner Twin Fiill.'/eo ty fdinml'.^loner, trailed wlUi 5,

'I dU-

P n x l i ic l io n (ia in s I I I W ool M ills

IlOSTON. Aug. M (/!'►—Tlie tlonal asj.oclntion ot woul mAimfiic-

» reixirted today production ac­tivity In wool textile mills Incteased from May to June and coll.^ump-

on of :y)parel-cla*.i wool ro-e from wTekly avernKC of <J70.000 M'ourcd

pounds In Nfny to 4,840.000 pounds June.'Dll- domltmllnK factor. In

clolh felllnK markets was the pur- chiu'.lhK nctlvlly of agenclr» of the federal govcrnmtinl,’' the a.-jocla-

wild in a ntalcmcni, "oIlhoUBh of womens wear fabrics,

tlnurd 10 rxpjiiul Uirouich JuneiKC weekly •••I''” “f clotlu

held hi KOO<l volume."»w l nwi.-.iJJiipUon

during the flr.-a halt of 1340 was reported nine per cent le-.-. than In the corre.-.iKincIlng iierlod of 1039, sixty i>er ceiil more Ihiin In 103B

10 per cen t Ic.u Umn In 1037.

Mallard rtii.-kft Iv CO iiiiir\ per hour:

■« h en u

iu :a d T u n Nvnv.'? w a n t a d s ,

lormer Secrelary of .Slate Uu l.irtcrs, who onco publl.vhed |ni>ers In Pocntello and Twin . r(imi>ed away with Ihe Demo- r race In 3C2 of 400 pn-clncU by 0-1 margin over lil.s two nearest

oppmi'-nlri.Mu'^’rs, unr,urcev,ful In hl^ bid

to r the ;aine party povl hi 1930, col- leetrd I2,fi£0 volen. comparc<l lo

liif- I tan k Keenan ot Dolse, '•r rrcon,',tructlon finance cor-

pornli'.n official, and 5.33R far for­mer Mate Auditor lfarr>- C. P.-iri'oai of -I'.iln Kalla.

Hmrilil Howell of UnUe. who cam- . i|i;iiid on a "Oolden Itule" T oviv iid program, trailed wltl 739 li.illnts,

Dwor^hak, Repuhllran ■■■Jil In the dl.'lrlct, couiili-il .Iitr.s In 304 prrclnctr. In

Uiu)]ijxi-.ed bid for a r.econd ten ivernor Boltolfscn was nevei )v !lirenle;if(l !?)• Afc-

D(ini;:ill of Dol:,e, who recehcd 8,- lio i:illics agaln.^t the inciimbuil llepiitilican'* «3eO In 709 prcclnel.a.

Ineumbcnl* Kuereeil •All Inciimlienta who .nought nnml

Ji.ilJo.'! nere lucce.tifuj Alinr^nrv Oeiieral Taylor, wh'ft left his po-.ltinn to rie.aBnlnr.t Clark for

■ Oil the Democratic i.ldc. Secretary'

em u from 701 preclneti in d — nepubUMM from 703 precinct* the vote on-lhe followina candidates lin­ed up an follow*;

Secretary of slate: Democrat — Curlla, OJ1C7; Uepubllcans—Walter V, Day, Hali-rcn, fl.OIfl; Wm. Hardwick, Jerome. 1IJ13; James Keatlnp. Harrl.wn, 17,000. Frank F. Swan, Gooding. 10.047.

Slate auditor: Dem ocrau—W/lght, 43,:83; nepubllcans—Paul niilllntli, American Falla. 13.173: T liom u P. Tlodgers, Uoi.it, 2t.l2C: C. L. Rclsaen~ hut, CiUiCftde, 10,0TO.

Stale treasurer; Democrat,-.—Mrs. Knking. 44.955; Ilepubllenas - Mrs. Painter, 43.284,

AUnrE, G. Elllotl. Bobif. 15J11: Uort H. Miller. BoL-,o^.M 8: Reiniblicnna- Mlllar, «,47SW -

Stale superintendent of public lii^ itrucllon: Democrat* — llobert*, 41.878: Rcpubllcani—L. T , Darker. SI. Maries, 12,179; Myrtlo K. I>avU- Wicks, lloLie. 20,180; J . -M. Murray. Elk River. 14,533,

State mine liwpector; Democrats —Arthur Campbell. 34.170; Peter WlL-.on. Kellogg. 14.027; Republicans -Slew BK Campbell. Bol.se. 34.057; Clarence A. Dye. Salmon. 12,043.

Aiidlior Calvin K. Wright. Trcn.nirer Mjrile P. Enklng and Mln^ In- .inector Artliur Campbell all go lo the general election.

Tlie first three were unoji|>oied, a.\ uas C. E nobert.s, aMi.-.laiil su- prrlntendrnt of public In-.triictlon who ^el•ks the siii>erlntcndrncy Uir Democratic llckri,

Amrnig Rcpubllcan.v U-lii Piilnl.T of Caldwell, was imoii;)a'.ed for stiiic treasurer and Z. Rccd .Mll-

:in alone for attorney n< iifi 11 Whitehead, incumbent llc-

pulillran lieutenant governor, [wllrd SUUt votf.s In 693 prccliirt.-i Icir rc- lioiiilnallon aaglnjl 14,703 lor Slale Rep. Hynim Lewis of Dcclo.

C)j:irJri c, G0.vaft! or Nmnpn, Dcmocralic lieutenant i;ovi-rn(ir in •'■■1708, excelled ciuMly In hL' bid

■ hli old ixist again.',I N. E. oinc. Home Dale farmer formerly !<:.iho riilLi. and Will SImniis of l.v. former mine Innpector.11 lOl preclncWt Oofj.rit I'corrtl

30.21(1 vote.1. well over t w i r e p / hal- lot command of S lm on^r'^io had

130 George had C.530.I'lih unofficial rcfunis on Drmo-

Barber on Strike Ajiainsl Own ShopSAN RAFAEL. Cahf., Aug. 14 (Al

—Elmer Hedden found hinv.elj in a peculiar tabor sliuallon todiiy . , forced to strike agnlnst hla own bar­ber shop . . . and JiJ.t oK-n wf/e.

Hcddcn and his wife, .Margaret, operate a barber shop and beauty parlor combination. When Mrj, Hed- den , ref used to sign a new work contmct wltli the halrdrr.-ucrs' and ca-imetolofflsui' union, her /our em­ployes walked out.

& did Qmcr. Tlie barber*' union wk #way his union shop card be- laae. Mrs, Jledden wouldn't sign

^ i th Mr*. Hedden holding down the shop alone, and r couple of pick- el3 outside. Elmer thought h* would go fishing.

Estate in Probate Court A fter Decade

Mrs. Mariha Sorenson, widow Louis Sorenson who died April !7. 1930. applied to Uie probate court In Twin Pftlls yc.Merday for npixilnl- “lent n.1 nrtmlnlf.trntor of his cr.in ■hich Include.^ a 12.000 equity in 2-aere projierty near Twin Falb,

Itrlr* are the widow and two dnugh- Hearing was Ret for Aug, 20,'

F.iu-1 E. Walker li Uie pptltloner'a nfWfjio'.


- ID ,\nO .SALE.S COMTANV Otto Ktelnberg

lUnk A Trust nidg. rhone 437


here’s a true European-type Pilsner. . . brewed in America

light and lively beer, A beer you can tell is superior by the way it adds to the enjoyment of foods

^ t ’s inade with" costly malt and hops selected for_delicacy of flavor... brewed just-right

,in taste . . . pale, alm ost • champagnelike in body

M a n y say th is Drown D e rb y Pihncr equa ls t l ie f in e s t o f im p o r te d . We In ­v ite y o u to m a ke th e c o m p a ris o n fo r yo u rs e lf. A t o u r r is k ; .<•

P o u r o u t a s p a rk lin g g la s s fu l. Take a b ig , g e n e ro u s s w a llo w . U n less you e n th u s ia s t ic a lly agree t h is b e e j js ^ s fine P ils n e r as c la im e d above, J^^ur.. pu rch ase p r ic e w i l l be re fu n d e d .

T h is 6 f f 4 } F ^ bcHevcl.«i sa fe fo r us. •

fine, s a t is fy in g b rew , a t r u e P ilsn e r.'Y o u r kinei o f been •

Mj\.ke th is te s t today.— o f o f i r m ft .

U fm y .Ttfrn. lat., Hthr. IJeht

m o j m m n B Y .

. u

BO YS ’ OXFORDSOil tanned leather sole tha tr.--v^.»i.itlmum wciir. It pays IQ


3 8o<ld lot of clillilrcn'sVlioe*

untu.ual' ban:-ilwi.1‘r .n i $1.49M E N ’S WORK SHOES

IJiillt to Mand the hirdr.n .O A Compa'.lilon ,'Otrs with h e .iv y C 4 QO w Pr.horf.fhl(Ic U|i[)cra! M 9 ^ 9

G IRLS ’ AMD LADIES’ SHOES_ _ _ 17ie f.ea-.nti', Iciullng Myles, ^ ^ ^

A.-< new IIS loiiiorrcrw. C o m rC V X W P r.in nnd .'re this new r.clcctloni ^

Girls’ S p o r t


$1*98All leather — w elt «o!e-

150 B r a n d New D R E S S E S '

Go O n Sale!You'll wai'it two or three of theie new fnlt tIl.^hlona, 'Now iX the sw rt of Uie !ini:,on it's smart lo lay away M\'eral. Comc Cor yourself why the crowd* floek to reiiney'*.

M en'sB R IE F S

, 1 7 cSpecial purcha.'.e for this month. Stock up now .and .wivel

M en L o o k !


7 9 CBlue drnlm' bib ovemlbi tluil are. Just rlKlil for aummer uorV-

C orduroy


F u r F e ll!H A T S

$ 1 . 9 8



98cNew mi-on In w hile or ored. Look and w ear llko flllc #l this low pricci

B ed ?SPRElADS49c

9 0 A Y nrd .i CURTAIN SCRIM j g — S lo ck up! Unusual jis.«ortmcnt.........

jg On]y W A SH DRKSSES i | X W hile th e y liust! ................... 33c

Only B A T H MAT SETS.....3 ” C olorfu l and ciwy to wimh ....:..-;r79c0 ^ - P a ir B O Y S ' PANTS 3 w C orduroy an d worsteilfl......... $1.98O A OnJy QUILTING-BATTS ® U . G l n n t _ s i 2 C, 81x96 ................ - 59cO U 2 Ib .'qu iH cd , 72x90 ................

' « A P a i r BOYS’ OVERALLS. l l i # V in b lue o r ^Iripcd ...'......... 55c

O nly STRAW -BROOMS. - A t iu p c r h .ir c a in ’. IJu rry ! ..... 33c

< k ^ 'O n l y WINDOW. SEL\DESW nshnhlc CJopny! S.nvc!....... 35 c

P ieces SILVERWARE, ' 10 y c fir KUiirantce. Each .......5C

m 9 Only DOUBLE BLANKETS E x tr a lonp:. 72x90. Buy nowl $2.69

N N .E Y ' S