Prep Newsletter Friday 26 th June 2015 Dear Parents and Friends, This week… We welcomed back Mrs Carter from her maternity leave. We are very pleased that she is back with us and will be teaching Year 1 in September with Mrs Dealey. I know that last Friday during Induction Morning all of our current Reception girls had a great morning with both ladies. Mrs Siddiqui (Zahra‟s mother - Year 6) gave a talk to the Upper Prep in assembly on Monday based around the what the law is; the characters involved - police, dogs, judges lawyers, prisoners; how the law is relevant to the children in terms of rules as well as liability under the national law from the age of responsibility set today at approximately age 10, with emphasis on aggression (assault) theft and property damage. Mrs Siddiqui emphasised that education is key to success in various careers and especially law with its varied application. Those working in the field of the law need to be articulate and eloquent. Many of the girls were so inspired that over ⅔ of pupils are now considering a career in an aspect of the law. Year 6 has had a great week with harvesting their home grown produce and taking it home to eat. They have also had a swim survival session - please see their report. Also they gave a wonderful assembly on Tuesday to their parents and the Upper Prep girls. It was so lovely to hear about their memories of St Margaret‟s Preparatory School and see photos from their recent PGL residential. This Newsletter celebrates Year 6‟s year 2014 - 2015.

Prep Newsletter 26th June 2015

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Prep Newsletter Friday 26th June 2015

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Page 1: Prep Newsletter 26th June 2015

Prep Newsletter Friday

26th June 2015

Dear Parents and Friends,

This week…

We welcomed back Mrs Carter from her maternity leave. We are very

pleased that she is back with us and will be teaching Year 1 in September

with Mrs Dealey. I know that last Friday during Induction Morning all of our

current Reception girls had a great morning with both ladies.

Mrs Siddiqui (Zahra‟s mother - Year 6) gave a talk to the Upper Prep in

assembly on Monday based around the what the law is; the characters

involved - police, dogs, judges lawyers, prisoners; how the law is relevant

to the children in terms of rules as well as liability under the national law

from the age of responsibility set today at approximately age 10, with

emphasis on aggression (assault) theft and property damage.

Mrs Siddiqui emphasised that education is key to success in various

careers and especially law with its varied application. Those working in

the field of the law need to be articulate and eloquent. Many of the girls

were so inspired that over ⅔ of pupils are now considering a career in an

aspect of the law.


Year 6 has had a great week with harvesting

their home grown produce and taking it

home to eat. They have also had a swim

survival session - please see their report.

Also they gave a wonderful assembly on

Tuesday to their parents and the Upper

Prep girls. It was so lovely to hear about

their memories of St Margaret‟s Preparatory

School and see photos from their recent

PGL residential. This Newsletter celebrates

Year 6‟s year 2014 - 2015.

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Next week…

The Upper Prep House Plays continue and will be performed. Each

House Captain and Vice House Captain has written a play for every Y3 -

6 pupil in their house and have been rehearsing with their group over

the last couple of weeks. The plays are all amazing with thoughtful

scripts and a well-chosen song. The girls have also directed and

produced their plays and we are very much looking forward to seeing

each House Play performed next week.

On Monday Lower Prep will participate in an Environmental Day. Timings

for the day are as usual. Please would:

● your daughter come to school wearing her full PE kit, with

shorts under the jogging bottoms and trainers. The school coat will

be needed, especially in the morning.

● you apply sun cream on your daughter before she comes to


● bring in a few small coins for the „hedgehog‟ coin trail.

● continue to donate products in our Tiggywinkles box.

On Tuesday the Lower Prep will have a visitor from „Perform‟ to teach

each class a drama lesson focussing on circus skills. There is nothing

that you need to do for this.

Also on Tuesday there are Zumba performances in the Upper Prep Hall

after school for parents to see your daughter‟s Zumba skills and the

dances she has been working on throughout the term. Please see the

dates page for timings.

Miss Pam‟s Ballet shows are on Wednesday - again please see the dates

page for timings.

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Term finishes at 2pm, after lunch. Your

daughter‟s end of year report will be

available via your personal online portal

from lunchtime. We sent you a letter (in

your daughter‟s bag) on 05.06.15 to remind

you of your portal login details. If there are

any issues with accessing the report

please would you contact the School‟s IT

department. We will not be sending paper


The end of the school year is always a happy one with good weather, the

end of topics, exams and many exciting events planned. The end of this

year has been no exception with visits out of school, speakers in school,

Year 6 activities, cake sales and yesterday‟s Celebration of

Achievements Ceremony to name just a few. The end of the year is also a

time of reflection, especially for those who have been here a while and

will be moving on into the Senior School.

On Wednesday Upper Prep will participate in a walk

and picnic. Timings for the day are as usual. Please


Your daughter come to school wearing her full

PE kit, with shorts under the jogging bottoms

and trainers.

You apply sunscreen on your daughter before

she comes to school. (Year 6 – as your daughter

will be swimming before the walk please can she

bring a bottle of sun screen to apply at school.)

wear a sun hat/cap.

bring her water bottle.

bring an empty carrier bag.

Next Friday, our final day, is Mufti Day when the girls can come into

school in their home clothes. Please ensure your daughter wears

sensible footwear and hair is school regulation, no make up or nail


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Mrs C Aisthorpe

Head of St. Margaret’s Preparatory School

The children have learned much from each of their teachers and have

spent so much time in each other‟s company. They have grown to know

each other‟s strengths and what makes each laugh or be frustrated; they

have tapped into each other‟s sense of humour as well as their sore

points. Your daughter‟s Class Teacher has come to know her well and

watched her develop personally into a more confident, more mature,

wiser young lady. She must have been asked hundreds, if not

thousands, of questions and pupils, I am sure, have regarded her as a

fount of wisdom.

We have been reminiscing with cries

of, “Do you remember,” and

“...remember when…”. We have

been reminding ourselves of the

learning that has taken place this

year, including the trickier topics of

algebra, historical timelines,

learning new times tables, where to

place semi-colons and the

definitions of this year‟s „WOW‟


It is a known phenomenon that teachers miss their pupils before they

move onto a new class. We are blessed with such lovely girls and will

miss each one over the summer. However, we will look forward to the

new academic year in September too. I imagine in the final assembly

next Friday morning there will be a mixture of excitement and also

sadness as we all then head off to different corners of the world on


I wish everyone good fortune for the summer, and for the few of you

moving onto pastures new - good luck. I hope over this year your

daughter‟s life has been enriched, because the girls have certainly

enriched ours!

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29th Lower Prep Environmental Day

NO Rounders Club

30th 16:05-17:05 Upper Prep Science Club, last lesson

15:45-16:05 Lower Prep Zumba Show,Upper Prep Hall

16:15-16:45 Upper Prep Zumba Show, Upper Prep Hall


1st Upper Prep Summer Picnic & Walk

No Swimming Training

2nd 10:30-11:30 Year 2 Scooter Training

3rd Mufti Day

14:00 Term Ends


End of Term Ballet Display

Year 1 - Wednesday 1st July -12.40 - 1.30

Year 2 - Wednesday 1st July - 3.30 - 4.30

Year 3 - Wednesday 1st July - 4.30 - 5.30

Reception - Thursday 2nd July - 12.40 - 1.30

Years 4 & 5 - Thursday 2nd July - 4.10 - 5.10

020 8416 4501

[email protected]

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Celebration of Achievement

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Gardening Club

The gardening club have had a bumper year! They have successfully

grown: radish, strawberries, potatoes, onions, shallots and beautifully

perfumed sweet peas. A very big thank you to Mrs Hilton and Mrs


Celebrating Year 6

Bake Off/Enterprise Day

Last week Year 6 were learning about

profit and running their own small

business. Miss Letchet kindly agreed to

teach the girls how to make batches of

cupcakes and decorate them, so that

people might buy them. The girls listed

the costs (excluding their own labour)

and from that worked out the price-

points of selling the cakes. It was

agreed that they should sell for no less

than 30p per cake.

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Afterwards the girls set up their stall,

just like a real business would, and

sold the cakes to the Upper Prep girls.

The result of all of this effort was that

the girls decided that: making cakes

took a lot of effort for the reward; that

they could have made even more from

the raw ingredients and that it is quite

hard work running a small business.

The total profit was nearly £30,

however, and the girls have decided to

donate their earnings to charity.

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Swimming Survival Year 6 have started their swimming survival course, which is a timely event given that it is National Drowning Prevention week. Did you know that around 400 people in the UK drown every year? Year 6 will learn how to have fun around water whilst keeping safe, as well as learning a number of method for saving drowning people from the sea. Shelley makes the lessons such fun as well as practical.

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Year 6 Assembly

On Tuesday Year 6 invited their parents to join us for assembly

where photographs from the PGL trip were shown for all to

enjoy. Each girl in Year 6 then shared their favourite memory of

their time here in Prep, it was wonderful to hear the girls speak

so confidently and a very special moment for all of us, thank

you girls, you were all absolutely fantastic!

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My Friends

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