Project Prep Guide Don’t get lost - here are some guidelines


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Project Prep GuideDon’t get lost - here are some guidelines

Your Strategic Consultant (SC) will use this document to out-line the specifics of your project, document your goals, and provide detail about your aspirations for success.

How to Use the Prep Guide1. Complete this Guide as thoroughly as you can.2. Save your changes.3. Email your SC when complete.

A bit of house cleaning

Key members from your team (names and contact info)

Final Decision Maker

URL(s) Of Current Sites

Main Competitors & URL’s

1313 4th Ave. North | Nashville, TN 37208 3

Your Project

Brief description of what you hope to accomplish from working with Centresource

What does this project need to accomplish in order for you to consider it a success?

Rank in order of importance to you (we know, we know...they’re all important. You still have to rank these).

Budget / Timeline / Quality 1.2.3.

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 4

Your PrioritiesRank the following statements:

Interactive that fits with our business goals 1 2 3 4 5

Interactive that fits with our marketing strategy 1 2 3 4 5

Doing better than the competition on the web 1 2 3 4 5

Timeline to completion, Speed of production 1 2 3 4 5

Ease of maintenance 1 2 3 4 5

Repurposing of existing content 1 2 3 4 5

Unique creative and design aesthetics 1 2 3 4 5

Clever user experience 1 2 3 4 5

Staying within (current) budget 1 2 3 4 5

Creating a community of dedicated visitors 1 2 3 4 5

Providing compelling reasons for people to return regularly 1 2 3 4 5

Detailed analytical data (proof of ROI) 1 2 3 4 5

1313 4th Ave. North | Nashville, TN 37208 | (615) 829-6201 | [email protected] 5

Not Important Very Important

Your Company

1. Give us your 30-second elevator pitch.

2. What’s the goal? (select any applicable)

3. Growth (i’m looking to generate more sales opportunities)

4. Retention (I want to keep my customers coming back for more)

5. Efficiency (I need to be doing more with less, AKA working smarter not harder)

6. Analytics (I want proof that its working)

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 6

7. Training (I need everyone up to speed)

8. Why now? (Why is now a crucial time to reach these goals?)

9. What are your current marketing tools?

← Direct mail← Television← Website(s)← Trade shows← Print collateral← Outdoor Advertising← Magazines← Newspaper← Press releases← Trade publications← One-to-one sales← Work environment

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 7

← Professional or trade organizations← Other (please describe) ______________________________________________

10. What would you like to accomplish through these new initiatives?

← Sell more products← Generate sales leads and opportunities← Establishing yourselves as a thought leader or category expert← Provide comprehensive product and service information← Retain a higher percentage of existing customer (increase repeat business) ← Reinforce key brand messaging← Learn about customers through web analytics, demographic, and psychographic research← Manage relationships with investors← Increase awareness of company news← Improve internal corporate communications← Increase training efficiency and effectiveness← Recruit new talent ← Other (please describe) _________________________________________

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 8

Your Competition

11. Who are your top competitors?

12. What makes you different from your competition?

13. In what ways are your competitors marketing themselves effectively?

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 9

14. How is your industry changing? (New competition, price pressure, technology advancements, regulations, social trends, etc.

Your Customers

15. Who are your target customers? Describe them as specifically as possible (age, sex, type of consumer, re-gion, etc.).

16. What problem do you solve for your customers? (Focus on the problem, not the solution.)

17. What barriers keep customers from choosing you?

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 10

← Awareness (they didn’t know I existed)← Price (we were too expensive)← Quality ← Availability or convenience (time sensitivity) ← Location← Customer service or word of mouth (negative sentiment) ← Size of Company (too small, too big) ← Lack of specific industry experience← Other (please describe) _____________________________________________

1313 4th Avenue North | Nashville, TN 37208 11