CHARLES A. CONKLIN AMERICAN LEGION POST 28 700 Harbor Drive Grand Haven, MI 49417 COVID|19 PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSH PLAN June 2020 Prepared By: Dr. Chris Petras & Janet E. Fonger, Commander 102, American Legion Post 28 Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, hAI All CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

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Page 1: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion


700 Harbor DriveGrand Haven, MI 49417



June 2020

Prepared By:

Dr. Chris Petras&

Janet E. Fonger, Commander 102, American Legion Post 28

Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, hAIAll CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

Page 2: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard OperatingProcedures (sops) for Covid-19

The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MImembers, employees, and the public are priority one. To mitigate COVID-19 outbreakconditions for Post 28 premises, the Post has prepared this COVID-19 Preparedness andResponse Plan to enhance the safety and well-being of members, employees, and the public.While this document serves as a plan with Standard Operating Procedures for our staff, we askthat members and the public cooperate in following the law regarding necessary steps tomitigate exposure risks, sources of exposure, routes of transmission, and other uniquecharacteristics of SARS-CoV-2.

Within this document, we identify risk levels and establish appropriate control measures.

To reduce the impact of covID-19 outbreak conditions on Post 28 premises, it is importantfor all individuals to plan now in terms of identifying

• specific exposure risks,• sources of exposure,• routes of transmission, and• other unique characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 (i.e., compared to pandemic influenza


By planning and practicing enhanced hygiene and sanitation, Post 28 members, employees, andthe general public will help mitigate potentially worsening outbreak conditions.

How COVID-19 Spreads

Although the first human cases of COVID-191ikely resulted from exposure to infectedanimals, infected people can spread SARS-CoV-2 to other people.

The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person, including:

• Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet)

• Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly beinhaled into the lungs

• It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object thathas SARS-CoV-2 on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes,

Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, hAIAll CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

Page 3: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

but this is not thought to be the primary way the virus spreads

• People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (i.e.,experiencing fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath). Some spread might be possiblebefore people show symptoms; there have been reports of this type of asymptomatictransmission with this new coronavirusg but this is also not thought to be the main waythe virus spreads

Although the United States has implemented public health measures to limit the spread ofthe virus, it is likely that some person-to-person transmission will continue to occur.

The CDC website provides the latest information about COVID-19 transmission:www.cdc. ov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/transmission.html.

Symptoms of COVID-19

Infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can cause illness ranging frommild to severe and, in some cases, can be fatal.

Symptoms typically include :• Fever,• cough, and• shormess of breath

Some people infected with the virus have reported experiencing other non-respiratorysymptoms.

Other people, referred to as asymptomatic cases, have experienced no symptoms at all.

According to the CDC, symptoms of covID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or 14 daysafter exposure.

Post 28 Preparedness and Response Plan

The purpose of the Post 28 Preparedness and Response Plan. is to address the level(s) of riskassociated with Post 28 premises and interactions, including:

• Where, how, and to what sources of SARS-CoV-2 might employees be exposed,including,

Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MIAll CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

Page 4: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

® The membership and general public

• Sick individuals or those at particularly high risk of infection (e.g., internationaltravelers who have visited locations with widespread sustained (ongoing) COVID-19transmission),

• Members, employees', and general public individual risk factors (e.g., older age;presence of chronic medical conditions, including immunocompromising conditions;pregnancy),

• Prompt identification and isolation of potentially infectious individuals to protectmembers, employees, and the general public on Post 28 premises

Protections for Post 28 members, employees, and the general public depend heavily oninfection prevention measures. A]], should implement good hygiene and infection controlpractices, including:

• Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and rurming water or alcohol-based handrubs containing at least 60% alcohol

® Stay home, if sick

• Practice respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes

• Maintain social distancing practices

Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, hAIAll CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

Page 5: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion


Application of Post 28 Preparedness and Response planStandard Operating Procedures

The Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, hAI has adopted a checklist ofactions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for preparedness and responseto COVID-19 contexts and situations.

The subsequent checklist of actions will also serve as the Post's Standard Operating Procedures(sops).

Thank you for your cooperation in malchg the Post 28 experience a positive one and safe foreveryone.

Copyright 2020 Charles A. Conklin American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MIAll CDC materials copyright Centers for Disease Control

Page 6: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

REesEaFff Readiim©s§ €ine€ELEisH

For coronavirus Disease 2019 (CoviD-19)

Use this checklist (for non-healthcare employers) as a guide to resuming businessoperations as safely and healthy as possible for you, your employees, and the public. Someitems may need to be ongoing, so regularly revisit the checklist while COVID-19 casesexist. Only complete those items that apply to your business. See the Resources section forlinks and QR codes to web resources.

ffi ® PEpew©REff armdi F©diu€© 55gaEEsrmissi®ffl ane®fflg ©rmE3i®yees

Monitor federal, state, and local public health communications about COVID-i 9.

Item Completed OngoingNot Not

Started Applicable

Ensureworkershaveaccesstocurrentin formation. I I I I

Check local public health information [5] and the CDC COVID-19website [1] daily, or as needed depending on local conditions. HEHH

Reinforce how employees can prote€F themselves tind others from COV!D-3 9 by



If you have symptoms [6], notify your supervisor andstay home.

Completed Ongoing

11Not Not

Started Applicable

11lf you are sick, follow CDC-recommended steps [7], anddo not return to work until you meet criteria to discontinuehome isolation [8].

1111lf you are well, but have someone in your householdwho has COVID-19, notify your supervisor and followCDC recommended precautions [9].

1111Wash hands [10] often with soap and water for at least 20seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soapand water are not available.

1111Avoidtouchingeyes,nose,andmouth. I I I I

;h°tv:enrw:ao;uhugt*h:#:orns°ns:e:,'#,a,#S:ue:,°art:T;[tdher:Ltt|:s:'eb:nwtrash, I I I I

Page 7: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion


!term €omp!eted OngoingNot Not

StaFEed App!i€abie

Developacleaninganddisinfectingplan[11] I I I I

:|er:ant:::tdtj;:n:eecgt,|Tn:]nfgreaqnude::]#:::t;ds#Ctsand I I I I

Avoid using other employees' phones, desks, offices, or otherwork tools and equipment. Clean and disinfect betweenemployees if sharing occurs.

Dill;vho::Ipa:gse,bg.::herings,[13]andstayatleast6feetfromothers I I I I

:e;:etea:sl°:if:cg:a::ee:::Vpeor::i9bi::faanpdp::g:'ca,ta:}y[|n4]aye!:nofs#iah]h,gh I I I I

Plan for condttcting daily in-person or virtual health checks [" (e.g., Symptom and/or temperature

s(reening) before employees enter the facility:


Use social distancing (about 6 feet distance), barriers or

partitions, and/or personal protective equipment (PPE) toprotect screeners.

Completed OngoingNot Not

Started App!icab!e

1111|ftakingtemperatures,usetouch|essthermometers. I I I I

considerprovidingmu|tip|escreeningentries. I I I I

considerdesignatingdoorwaysas''entryon|y''or'`exiton|y.'' I I I I

Makeemployeehealthscreeningsasprivateaspossible. I I I I

Do not determine risk based on race or country of origin; besure to maintain confidentiality of each individual's medicalstatus and history [16].


Page 8: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

Conduct a hazard assessment of the workplace.


Identify potential hazards that might expose workers toCOVID-19.

Completed OngoingNot Not

Started App!icab!e

1111Use the Worker Protection Tool to identify appropriateengineering, administrative, and personal protectiveequipment (PPE) options for your workplace.



lmmedi.ately separate employees who appear to havesymptoms [6] from others in the workplace.

Completed Ongoing

11Not Not

Started App!!€ab!e

11:ra:eh:ai:::::eu;:ci?,I;.afetransportofas|ckemp|oyeetohome I I I I

Develop an a€tiorB plan for Suspe€tecj/Confirmed gases.


Ef it ifeas Been fewer €han 7 days since the sick employee hasbeen in the facility:

Completed OmegoingN ot Nat

Started Appiicab!e

:'e°r::d°sffoirt::Set|e#:,:3::ku::#ykts[:t::Cnk).Pers°nf°rl°ng I I I I

#2i]tt2h4et:euar:(oraslongaspossible),thencleananddisinfect I I I I

g:r::go#:'dwea:t:nogrspae:jdo#indowstoincreasea|rcircu|ation I I I I


!f iS baas heen 7 days or ma®ere since the sick employee usedthe facility, additional cleaning and disinfection beyondroutine efforts is not necessary.


Comp!et©d OngoingNot Not

Started Applicable


Page 9: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion



Determine which employees may have been exposed to thevirus and may need to take additional precautions.

Completed Offigoing

11N ot Not

Started Appii€ahie

11Inform employees of their possible exposureto COVID-19 in the workplace, but maintainconfidentiality [17].

1111¥e°cS:#reknp|aact::ncsafo:°t'o°#ihuen:t#':irteead[tEhxposure[i8]. I I I I

#j#af::sst:fecttyu:era[:t::ewso[r2koi:acescanfo||oW I I I I

E® ENaiffiffaiffi ife@aflttifey leREsiffi@sS ®ffi©ffatti®ffis

Establish a COV!D-19 coortlinatoy.


Identify a coordinator who will be responsible for COVID-19issues and their impact at the workplace.

Cormpleted Oilgoing

11N ot Not

Started App!i€ais!e

11#OhrTh:tmpp:rosyoen:swhothlsperson|sandhowtocommun|cate I I I I

Implement sick leave po!icie5 and practices that are flexible and supportive.

item Completed Ongoing

Ensure sick leave policies and practices are consistent with

public health guidance, follow state and federal workplace lawsand policies, and are shared with employees.

Not NotStarted App!icab!e

1111Allow employees to stay home, without penalty, to care for asick family member or take care of children due to closures. 1111'i#-up::,::[nogff,:rms:c,::enacvye;,ccokn,:'adveer,,'pm.i,Ice,:s:nt'ng I I I I

Do not require a COVID-19 test result or a healthcare provider'snote for employees who are sick to validate their illness, qualifyfor sick leave, or to return to work.


Page 10: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion



Support and encourage telework, if available.

Completed OngoingNot Not

Started Applicahle

1111Consider offering vulnerable workers [22] duties that minimizetheir contact with customers and other employees (e.g.,restocking shelves).

1111Communicate supportive workplace policies. You may need to communicate with non-English 5peokers in

their preferred languages.


Train workers on how new policies to reduce the spread ofCOVID-19 may affect existing health and safety practices.

Not Not(cmpieted Omg®in9 started Applicable

1111:ooTeTpucn:cnat::,ttohceosnpt::::o:::b:TBs-i;.vis'torsaboutchanges I I I I

Create and test communication systems that employees canuse to self-report if they are sick that you can also use to notifyemployees of exposures and closures.

1111Assess essential functions and the reliance that others have on your 5ervice5 or products.

item Completed OngoingNot Not

Started ApplicaBle

pmr:pnatr.::oc,c,:,::,g:pyeor:I,::::nesspractices,if needed,to I I I I

|dentifya|ternatesupp|ychainsforcritica|goods/services. I I I I

When resuming onsite business operations, prioritizejobfunctions for continuous operations. Resume businessoperations in phases.



Page 11: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion


Plan for employee absenteeism spikes.


Monitor absenteeism at work.

(omp!eted OngoingNot Not

Started App!icahle

1111mp,ementp,anstocont;nueessentja,busjness functjons. I I I I

cross-trainemployeestoperformessentialfunctions. I I I I

Establish social distan€ing [23] policies and pFa€tices®


Implement flexible worksites, work hours, and meeting andtravel options.

€ompieted Ongoing

11Not Not

Started App!icakele

11Modify the workplace to increase physical space betweenemployees, and between employees and customers, to 6 feetor more, where feasible.

1111:tsaensJgwnf,etna3:yTiacraisi:rrr:etrhsearr:iiu.at'pc:ses:.5?ei.ndicatewhereto I I I I

Have employees and customers wear cloth face coverings (ifappropriate) [14] when physical barriers or social distancing isnot possible.

1111Discouragehandshakingorotherc|osecontact. I I I I

De,jverservjcesremote,y. I I I I

ya:tvheetrhaewea';:::OmnjtchEacyaThe,:tr,t]:rpmojsns:#ed|tcardreader I I I I

#fetnp;!oms:jrby,::ockingactivitlestooff-Peakorafterh°urs, I I I I

Page 12: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

Delegate authority to !o€al managers of your business io€ations®

Item (ompieted OngoingN ot Not

Started App!i€ah!e

::::saEapsr:gr::t:hae::]Foncsapcuot|::t:o':s:he'rcov|D-|9response I I I I

3 a REafiREttaiEN a ife©afflffifew w®ffEL ©REwiff©REffi©RES

Implement controls ac€oFding to the hierarchy of controls [24] to protect employees and the public.

item Completed Ongoing

Use the Worker Protection Tool to identify appropriateengineering, administrative, and personal protectiveequipment (PPE) options for your workplace.

Not NotStarted Appiicah!e

1111Modify ventilation systems [25]


Work with building maintenance staff to determine if theventilation system can be modified to increase ventilation ratesor the percentage of outdoor air that circulates into the system.

Completed OngoingN ot Not

Started Applicable

1111::::;:avbe,:t,i|adt:oon,5a):tqeumaiitoy?erateproper`yandprovide I I I I

Disabledemand-controlledventilation(DCV). I I I I

::rrtehdeurcoepoerneffi+njjnmaremreoc|rtcdu::trj:|r.dampers(ashighasl000/o) I I I I

Improve central air filtration to MERV-13, or the highestcompatible with the filter rack, and seal edges of the filter tolimit bypass.


1111Ensure the safety Of the water system of your building offer a prolonged shutdown.

item (ompeieted Ongoing

FollowthecDCGuidanceforBuildingwatersystems[26]. I I

N ot NotStarted AppiicaBie


Page 13: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

Supply employees, customers, and visitors with what they need to clean hands and€over Coughs and sneezes.


Provide tissues, no-touch trash cans, and touchless handsanitizer stations.

Not Not€ompieted ®n9Cirag staFt@d Appii€ab!@

1111:::o}:['a:ie[:,:;or:o:rdde:iactoe#Sb°aas:daT:nwda::i:t[:enr:::::sd:¥ieast I I I I

:#e:t:[#::Sdt:I::SithcaDn:'::°eubgpha'::[a2n8i.Sneezing I I I I

Place posters that encourage cough/sneeze etiquette andhand hygiene [29-30] at the entrance to and throughout yourworkplace (e.g., bathrooms and kitchens). Include signs fornon-English speakers, as needed.

1111Perform routine cleaning and di5infecting®


Follow CDC's Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting [11] todevelop, implement, and maintain a plan.

€omp!eted OngoingNot Not

Started App!itafele

1111:[eeaancil:ir,:t:::nil,%[£uuC#edsurfacesatthebeginnlngandend I I [] I

:]eefao:ed}rot¥i:sr,fnafceecst::'en#.adetergent°rs°apandwater I I I I

:#:I:vC:::ja|:s:PsAA-:esgts::r_e2d[Siij.nfectantthatjs I I I I

:roo#:.d|s:oosna,;I:sde':i::e,;::ne#oe,s.seoa:T:::yeescanw'pe I I I I

si:Len:::cucsoergj!:;n{:ctt#:ine[:responsib|eandappropr|ate I I I I

Do not mix cleaning and disinfection products together.

Advise employees to always wear gloves and other PPEappropriate for the chemicals being used.



Page 14: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

Limit travel and advise employees who must travel to take odditionol precautions and preporotions.

Item Completed Ong®iaegNot Not

Started App!icafole

Mjnjmjzenon.essentja,trave,. I I I I

CheckthecDC'sTraveler'sHealthNotices[32]. I I I I

£:#::rTvp:,?yeestocheckforsymptomsofc°VID-19[6] I I I I

:en;upr:r:Typ::sT::smweh:?ne::mwehs:::.wdh:I.etrave`ingoron I I I I

callahealthcareproviderforadvice,if needed. I I I I

Notifytheirsupervisor. I I I I

:roa'|OeYncgo:upt:jndye:::c#:t:8bsttaa'tne[sngmedica|carewhen I I I I

Plan meetings and gatherings [13] to lower risk.

Item (omp!eted OngoingNot Nat

Started App!icab!e

usevideoconferencingorte|econferencing,whenpossib|e. I I I I

:::#,;g;rst,orpostpone|argework-relatedmeetingsor I I I I

lf videoconferencing or teleconferencing is not possible:

Ho|dmeetingsinopen,well-venti|atedspaces. I I I I

continuetomaintain6feetbetweenpeop|e. I I I I

wearc|othfacecoverings(if appropriate)[|4]. I I I I


Page 15: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion




W®ELEL©F PF®%©€ffi©ffi H®®i

For CoFonaviFus Disease 2019 (Covi D-19)

Consider the exposure that your workers will have to potential sources of COVID-19when you resume business operations. Use this tool to identify protective measuresfor interactions between workers and/or the public; revisit the tool on an ongoingbasis while COVID-19 cases exist. Only complete items that apply to your business.See appendix for web resources.

W©FEL©F PF®E®€ffi®ffisEngineering

Facilities and Equipment

Assess job hazards for potential benefit of engineering protections.

Completed N/A

11Ensure ventilation and water systems operate properly. I I

Alter the workspace to maintain social distancing [23]. Examples include: I I

Arrange partitions as a barrier shield. I I

Move electronic payment reader away from cashier. I I

useverba, announcements,signs, and vjsua, cuesto promotesoc,a, djstancjng. I I

Remove,rearrange furniture. I I

provide remote shopping alternatives (e.g., delivery, pick-up). I I

Administrative-three catagorie5

Management and Communications

Monitor state and local public health communications about COVID-19.

€ompieted N/A

11Encourage sickworkers to report symptoms, stay home, and follow cDc guidance. I I

:::esLd:re:.otnu::::i,n.:fian'ix 'bn:P.erres:nm:i:;r.t:.a::::;tthh:hf::,list;|5„e.g., symptom and' I I

Develop strategies to communicate with workers and manage concerns. I I

Remind workers of available support services. I I

communicate to partners, suppliers, and contractors on policies and practices. I I

i:::uer:gp:osy°ec::'adisdt:::i:gmaeTsd use°fclothfacecoverings(if appropriate) [14]for I I

use techno,ogyto promote socja, d;stanc,ng te.g., te,ework, v;rtua, meetings,. I I

cance, group events. I IContinued

Page 16: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

Management and Communications

Close/limit use of shared spaces.

Completed N/A

11Asksickcustomerstostayhome;postsignsaskingthemnottoenteriftheyaresick. I I

Consider policies that encourage flexible sick leave and alternative work schedules. I I

Schedule stocking during off-peak hours. I I

Cleaning and Disinfection Completed N/A

Developa plan forcleaning and disinfecting [11]. I I

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g., counters, shelving, displays). I I

:fr°ev:ti:eeamgE',:¥::iewj::u:jtshpa°ts:abifeedsjs¢3f;,C5:Tn;.Wipes, Cleaner, or sprays that are I I

Train ing €ompieted N/A

provide training on: I I

Policies to reduce the spread ofcovID-19 I I

General hygiene I I

symptoms, what to do if sick I I

cleaning and disinfection I I

cloth face covers I I

social distancing I I

useof PPE I I

safe work practices I I

stress management I I

Personal protective Equipmen# {PPE}


Conduct a workplace hazard assessment.


Completed N/A

11Ere::erc|,i::s|eeded ppEforworkers'job dutles based on hazardsand existing I I

select and provide appropriate PPE to workers at no cost. I I

Page 17: PREPAREDNESS...American Legion Post 28 Grand Haven, MI Poliey and Standard Operating Procedures (sops) for Covid-19 The safety and well-being of charles A. Conklin American Legion

ife#9de.P_W9¥FTS©iffamdi®Hife@FTssaifeffFTermH JGfa n



€ieaffi y®uF ELaffidi§ ®fterm

ee¢ Wasife y®u!F hands often with soap and water for at least 20 secondsespecially after you have been in a public place, after blowing

your nose, coughing, or sneezing, and after using others' or sharedequipment.

giv lf soap and water are not readily available, usse a hand saniSizeF tfroat€®ffiEains aE ieas$ 6®% ai€®EL®i®

ee' Avoid S®RE€hiffig y®usF eyes, BB®se, aBi!d ffi®RESEE with unwashed hands.

Avoid €i®Se €®maEa€E

6# Put disEan€e (at least 6feeE) between yourself and other people.

giv Wear cloth face c®veFing§ (if appropriate) when social distancing isdifficult to maintain.

ee' Avoid using other employees'phones, desks, offices, or otherw®Fkft®®!s and equipemenS, when possible. Clean and disinfect betweenemployees if sharing occurs.

giv Rememberthat some p©®pie with®unt sympE®ms may be able tospread virus.

iF you affe at ira€Fea§©di Fisk ifeF seveFTe i!irae§s® a a

ee' Contact managementto Fequrest spe€iai a€€omm®dati®ns that willallow you to perform your job duties safely.
