Preparing students for lives of service and for eternity leg a c y legacy fox valley lutheran high school magazine magazine Richard Warnke ‘61: “Motivated by love for Jesus, courageous people of God, including my parents, labored to found Fox Valley Lutheran High School. Throughout the school’s history, teens from the Fox Cities and beyond have been blessed with an excellent, Christ-centered educa- tion. Praise the Lord for this great gift.” - Son of first FVL Principal Thank you, LORD , for Table of Contents summer 2013

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Preparing students for lives of service and for eternity

legacylegacyfox valley lutheran high school


Richard Warnke ‘61: “Motivated by love for Jesus, courageous people of God, including my parents, labored to found Fox Valley Lutheran High School. Throughout the school’s history, teens from the Fox Cities and beyond have been blessed with an excellent, Christ-centered educa-tion. Praise the Lord for this great gift.” - Son of first FVL Principal

Thank you,lord,


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summer 2013

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Flight Paths & the Class of 2013“I just can’t wait!” I know you said this. Every high school senior feels the same about their last year of high school. People want to move on to the next thing. They want to go to the next level where they think they will have more freedom. They want to spread their wings and flyyyyyyy!

Everyone thinks their way is the better way. We all swore to do things differently than our parents or better than our friends. Well, how has that “flying” gone for you? Did the freedom you thought you could reach out and touch come as easily or taste as sweetly as you thought? Was your way better?

There was a country song that came out with the movie Crazy Heart. The chorus says “Funny how falling seems like flying, at least for a little while.”

As I learned to “fly” in life, I think I’ve done more falling than I have flying. It was inevitable. Each time I made a deci-sion, the devil, the world and my sinful flesh had suggested paths. Each time I was tempted to please myself rather than God. I tried some things and realized they just didn’t work. The decisions turned out to not be good for me or for the people around me...nor were they God-pleasing. If only there was some truth that I could follow?

Oh wait! There was and there is truth. It’s God’s truth–re-vealed in His holy Word, the Bible. In the Bible, God tells us how He wants us to live. He points us to His Son, Jesus Christ. He leads us to the fountain of His boundless grace. God’s ways work!

The Class of 2013 has just been released to “spread their wings” in the world. Wherever they go, they will hear sug-gestions on how to live. They will have their own ideas. Some decisions will be made to please themselves and some to please God. Some will make them happy and some will make them very sad.

Regardless of their flight path, keep them in your thoughts and prayers that they will remember the truths taught them based on God’s word of truth: the Bible. Love them, encour-age them, and lead them.

Thank you for your continued support of the FVL teen min-istry. Together, with God’s help and direction, we will con-tinue to “prepare teens for lives of service and for eternity.”

Director of Mission Advancement

Legacy is published three times annually. Our goal is to inform and inspire FVL gradu-ates and supporters with news about our teen ministry and the FVL family at large.

Legacy is an official publica-tion of . . . Fox Valley Lutheran H.S. 5300 N. Meade Street Appleton, WI 54913-8383.

For further information, con-tact the FVL Communications Office at (920) 739-4441.

Editor-in-Chief Robert Fischer Content Editor Dave Payne

Layout & Design Editor Sharon Ragner On the web at www.fvlhs.org

Submit story ideas or comments to: [email protected] [email protected]



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2 Joint effort to feed hungry Our FVL Schools partnered to pack over 285,000 meals for the needy in the Dominican Republic

4 Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to serve Three called workers reflect on the privilege of serving as they reaching milestones in their teaching ministries

6 Daily reminders of love FVL’s chapel services are feeding the souls of more than those on campus

8 Reflections on 60 years Sharing thoughts on FVL’s 60th birthday!

10 Class of 2013 Graduates reveal their post-FVL plans

14 God has my back FVL grad, Julia Faulks, finds her faith to be the strength she needs

16 FVL news




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“Have you ever been really, really hungry?” This was one of the ques-tions asked of students from the 21 FVL Schools who participated in the Willing Hands Thankful Hearts–Des-tination Dominican Republic food-packing event. For people in the Dominican Republic, waiting days or weeks for the next meal can be com-monplace. This is a lesson that FVL Schools’ students from kindergarten through grade 12 have learned to understand and appreciate.

Recognizing the spiritual and physi-cal needs of the Dominican Republic,

FVL Schools challenged all of their students to collect more than $50,000 during the 2012-13 school year to purchase ingredients to put together meals for needy families in the Dominican Republic. Through mission offerings and unique fund-raisers, such as penny wars

and laser tag tournaments, these driven students not only met, but exceeded their goal! Preschoolers at these schools also let their light shine by creating colorful Christ-centered cards to send with the food packages.

Working with Impact Lives, a non-profit organization based in the Twin Cities, excit-ed students gathered at Fox Valley Lutheran High School on April 25 and 26 to funnel, weigh and package these meals. Each meal package cost 18 cents and each bag contained six meals. The stu-dents packaged 285,036 meals by the end of Friday afternoon.

FVL Schools students have proven that Faith, Values and Learning are

the focus of the FVL School System through this project. The premise of this event was to give the students the opportunity to let their lights shine by giving back to the less fortunate.

In addition, this event allowed the stu-dents to learn about different cultures and lifestyles, to appreciate the gifts God has given them and to show them that they can make a difference in the lives of others no matter what their age. In June a group of 14 FVL high school students, parents, and educators spent a week in the Dominican Republic to personally deliver these meals, build a home, and share their faith with the people of the Dominican. At the begin-ning of next school year, they will be taking their stories back to our mem-ber schools to share how God blessed their efforts.

A special thank you to all the students, parents, educators, and volunteers who

made this event and the mission trip a resounding success.

FVL Schools is still accepting dona-tions to help defray the cost of this trip. If you are interested in financially assisting this group’s travel expenses to the Dominican, please contact Promo-tions Coordinator Heather Geer at [email protected] or by phone at 920-209-FVLS (3857).

Thankful Hearts

Helpingin the Dominican


and Willing Hands . . .

— Heather (Berken) Geer ‘ 99 FVL Schools Promotions Coordinator

Thankful Hearts Willing Hands . . .and

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Robert Fischer, FVL Director of Mission Advancement - Over the last 40 years, the Lord has called me to serve His people in

Robert Fischer - FVL Director of Mission Advancement

Wow, when I was back in 5th grade I thought 25 years old was old. Now, I’m 47 and I have been teaching for 25 years. Those years have gone fast! It has been such a privilege for me to share the message of Christ crucified with God’s youth. I’d like to thank all the people who have support-ed me throughout my ministry in Watertown, SD; at Atonement in Milwaukee; at Shoreland Lutheran High School; and at Fox Valley Lu-theran High School. Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank my wife for her support in our 25 years of marriage. To God be the glory!

Mark Eisenmann - FVL Teacher/Coach

Florida, Milwaukee and Appleton. I’ve taught grades 3-8, been a gift counselor for the WELS and most recently the Mission Advancement Director at FVL. When I started this work at 23 years old, I was wet behind the ears and thought

I knew it all. I could never have imagined the challenges and the blessings of serving Him in His kingdom. God guided me, protected me, and equipped me to share the good news of Jesus Christ as Savior with many different audiences in many settings. He helped me to see that His work and His Word were the most important things in life. I learned that the system of grade schools and high schools in the WELS are a great blessing to His kingdom as we work together to “prepare students for lives of ser-vice and for eternity.” Thank you, Heavenly Father for all of your goodness to me!




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At the end of my e-mails, I attach the following words from Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” This verse has shaped my ministry for 40 years and is a great reminder that no matter how much we discuss, write our vi-sion documents, and make strategic plans for the future, God is always in control with his plans. His plans are not always the same as ours. I have been immeasurably blessed during my ministry–blessed to serve with won-derful, dedicated faculty and faithful staff, working with fine Christian lay leaders who willingly serve on boards and committees, and blessed to be involved in shaping the lives of teens. God gives me cause for a future and hope that our school system will thrive with more and more parents willing to choose Chris-tian education for their children.

Paul Hartwig - FVL Principal

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in the word of the lord

“I rejoiced with those who said to me, let us go into the House of the LORD.”

Believers have always relished the oppor-tunity they have had to learn about and worship God: the One who has created us and—against all expectation—redeems us. It was into that House of the LORD that Old Testament believers would stream in order to worship.

— Rev. Leon Ehlert

After the Second Temple was de-stroyed, instead of flocking to one location, believers went to places all over the globe called churches. But they went for the same reason.

21st century students at FVL carved out time from their academic pursuits for many of the same reasons that believers through the ages have set aside time for worship. We come to chapel for a few minutes in a life filled

with deadlines and tests. Chapel offers peace: no tests and no deadlines. We come to chapel fresh from battles with friends and drama in the halls and find rest.

We come to chapel maybe wondering who in the world can possibly ever accept us. We know that in this sacred place all those fears and worries and responsibilities to family and staff and students are removed from us. God says, rest. I will take care of you as I al-

ways have. It is in chapel that we carve out time to reflect on that fact.

But what if there was no chapel? Perhaps a person is serving the Navy in the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps a former student is living in Bangkok. What to do then? One of the great blessings that technology provides us at FVL is to record our chapel services and then “stream” them out to precisely the person who is thinking “I rejoiced with

those who said to me, let us go into the House of the LORD,” but–because of cir-cumstances–cannot.

But are they watched? Here’s a note I recently received from Bang-kok: “Thanks for the chapel. May 3rd was

my 4th Baptism anniversary :D So I’m officially 4 years old in faith now!”

We rejoice with those on college cam-puses, serving in the military, or living back home in their native country. We cannot be together, but we can gather around the same Word.

Rejoice with us

NOTE: You can find the FVL Chapel Archive by going to “The Hub” at fvlhs.org and clicking the Video Galleries link.

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Wayne Springstroh ‘67: What a blessing FVL has been for myself and my family. I graduated in 1967 and my daughters in 1994 and 1999. We thank God for the opportu-nities FVL has given us and will always treasure our relationship.

Zach Flunker ‘13: The two big-gest blessings I have enjoyed during my high school years are the Christ-cen-tered education and the terrific school spirit. Christ should always remain the center of our lives forever. To fully enjoy this great school, you need to wit-ness the sporting events, the plays, and Frolic to see the students at their finest!

Kelly Doell ‘13: Throughout my years at FVL I have experienced so many blessings from being involved in sports, in Peer Leadership Group, and most importantly daily being showered with the Word. For FVL’s future students, get involved, make new friends and live your faith. I pray that for years to come the Lord will continue to shower numerous gifts and blessings on this school.

MiKayla Foskett ‘13: My wish for the future generations of FVL is that they will truly appreciate and take advantage of the countless opportunities they are offered from being able to attend a Christian school and be surrounded by other Christians each and every day. It is a great blessing and will prepare them for the future in letting their lights shine for Christ.

Joel Schmidt ‘88: “What a treasure we have in FVL! I feel extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to attend FVL and to now send my children there. Although the staff and curriculum have changed over the last 60 years, the mission remains the same--to provide a Christ-centered education preparing teens for lives of service and for eternity. I pray for God’s continued blessings on the ministry of FVL.”Krista (Olm) Davis ‘84: Congratu-

lations to FVL on 60 years! My parents, brother and I were blessed to go to FVL. The Christian education we received gave us all a solid foundation of faith, values, and great friendships that has helped us pass through the many challenges of life. I am looking forward to my children attending FVL as 3rd generation and having them continue to grow in their faith with God’s guidance through the teachers to give them strength and courage to face the fight ahead of being a

strong Christian in this world.

Brock Fuhrmann ‘13: Being part of the 60th class of Fox Valley Lutheran High School is not only an honor but a privilege. It’s truly a privilege to be nour-ished with the Word of God daily through our well-spoken chapels. It’s a blessing to meet so many great people and build last-ing relationships. I’m proud to call FVL my high school alma mater. Best wishes to the FVL community in the future!

Steve Gauger: At 60 years old you are still as young and vibrant as ever. For the past 40 years you have been at the center of our family’s life and activities. I was privileged to teach and coach many wonderful Christian young people within your walls and am now enjoying seeing those “finished products” filling so many impor-tant roles in our local congregations. My wife and I were honored to see our three children graduate from your halls and put their Christian educations into action. We look forward to the day that our grandchildren enter your classrooms to be instructed by dedicated Christian role models.

Wayne Borgwardt: People come to full maturity at about 60 years of age. So also FVL, by God’s grace. Congratulations! My privilege was to serve as the school came into its twenties during the 1970’s. Those were exciting and challenging times: enroll-ments surging past 600, expanding the facility by filling in the “U” with a li-brary and by adding a gym at the open end. But a chapel had to wait. What a worthwhile wait—a state-of-art facility on a new site! Through it all, FVL has enjoyed dedicated, competent teach-ers, eager students, and a loyal federa-tion of congregations. God is good!

Moved to Oneida Street

Typing class helped prepare students for the business world.

Two musicians get in the spirit of things by wearing costumes for Winterfest.

Emily Knapp and Julia Faulk are a part of the girls’ basketball team that earned 2003 WIAA State runner-up honors.

Moved to Meade Street

Nick & Shannon (Boese) Kraftzenk ‘91: God has truly blessed FVL for the past 60 years! We pray that He continues to bless us so that FVL may be a place where children can receive a Christ-centered education for years to come!

Sharon Dobberstein was one of the cheerleaders who led fans and helped build school spirit.

Mr. Umnus taught Geom-etry, Physical Education, and Mechanical Drawing

Student Council Presi-dent Chase Maxwell led the senior class as they entered the gym for graduation.

Jerry Kaniess: Old Jefferson was a big square three-story building with shaking crooked floors, flying bats, makeshift classrooms, strange creaking sounds, boast-ing of a history map of the United States with Oklahoma as a territory. It looked like a miniature Downton Abbey. Filled with the sounds of youth, it brimmed with the spirit of young Christian teenagers. It was a place loved by the students and teachers, that still remains in the hearts of those students who were fortunate to have had the opportunity to be the first to be taught God’s Word in our area.

60 Years of Blessings


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aalpoel, saraCardinal Stritch University, Undecided

alsuhaibani, faisalMarquette University, Finance

arndt, curtissSt. Norbert College, Undecided

arndt, KarenFox Valley Technical College, Fire Protection & EMT

Bae, Jun hyoungLong Island University, Undecided

Bakeberg, JasonUW Green Bay, Undecided

Baumgart, morganFox Valley Technical College, Law Enforcement

Berg, abigailUW Fox Valley, Undecided

Blob, ashleyWestern Technical College, La Crosse,Surgical Technology

Borree, KaitlinWisconsin Lutheran College, Education

Bresnahan, margaretFox Valley Technical College, Registered Nurse

Buckarma, Kayla-annUndecided, Zoology & Animal Behavior

Burnett, mikaylaConcordia University, Social Work

chen, LuUniversity of Missouri, Economics

cherney, LaurenUW Madison, Undecided

coelho, JoaoCollege in Portugal, Economics

coulthurst, JacobLakeland College, Exercise & Sports Science

Dailey, KelsieLake Shore Technical College,Pharmacy Technician

De muth, ethanUW Stevens Point, Secondary Education

Derks, ZacharyUW Oshkosh, Business

Des Jardins, michelleUW River Falls, Social Work

Destefanis, federicoUndecided, Acting

Dobbert, michaellaFox Valley Technical, Registered Nurse

Doell, KelliMartin Lutheran College, Secondary Education

Dorchester, morganUW Oshkosh, Business

earll, JustinUW Madison, Medical Field

eichhorst, emilyConcordia, Pre-Physical Training & Athletic Training

eismann, edwardFox Valley Technical College, Welding Technician/Automotive Technology

fenske, JoshuaUW Fox Valley, Engineering

fischer, JordanUndecided

flenz, BrandonUW Oshkosh, Chemistry

flunker, ZacharyBradley University, Sports Communication

foskett, mikaylaUW Oshkosh, Human Services

frenzel, aylinGerman College, Language Business

frost, rachelMartin Lutheran College, Early Childhood and Elementary Education

fuhrmann, BrockBradley University, Entrepreneurship

funk, JohnFox Valley Technical College, Welding Technician

gao, wujie giuliaUniversity of Indiana, Finance

gauvin, NicholasUW Stout, Computer Engineering

gerhardt, ericConcordia University, Biology

gorges, codyUW Fox Valley, Mechanical Engineering

goss, abigailBethany Lutheran, Undecided

groeschel, NicholasFox Valley Technical College, Undecided

hansen, amandaCarroll University, Nursing

heger, marissaFox Valley Technical College, Natural Resources Technician

hintz, BreannaMartin Luther College, Early Childhood Education

holdt, KyleUW Platteville, Mechanical Engineering

huntington, abbyUW La Crosse, Elementary Education

Igel, JacobFox Valley Technical College, Hotel & Restaurant Management & Golf Course Management

Jeon, hansungUniversity of Massachusetts, Sports Management

Kaddatz, TrueTennessee State University/ US NavyUndecided

Kang, Jae hyunUniversity of ArizonaBiology

Kargus, ryannTexas A&M University, Marine Transportation

Fox Valley Lutheran Class of 2013 Fox Valley Lutheran Class of 2013Karnsomchit, athigunCollege in Thailand, Computer Science

Kim, Kwan heeCollege in Korea, Education

King, LucasUS Navy

Kluess, TarynCarroll University, Pre-Physical Therapy & Exercise Science

Knoepke, JoshuaMichigan Technological University, Mechanical Engineering

Koenig, melissaMartin Luther College, Instrumental Music & Elementary Education

Kolell, DeannaUW Eau Claire, English

Koshak, NathanFox Valley Technical College, Automotive Technology

Kubek Iv, anthonyUW Milwaukee, Undecided

Lai, JiayingUW Madison, Undecided

Lee, Beom KuUniversity of Cincinnati,Commercial Music Production

Lemke, JordanUndecided, ASL/Deaf Studies

Liu, JianUniversity of Illinois, Engineering

Loos, LukeUW River Falls, Agricultural Engineering

Luedke, JoshuaFox Valley Technical College, Nursing Assistant

mahnke, carterUW Madison/National GuardBusiness/Engineering

mathison, codyFox Valley Technical College, Mechanical Design

mathison, NickUW Oshkosh, General Studies

maxwell, chaseWisconsin Lutheran College, Business

mccord, sarahNorthwestern College,BA Music

mcKenzie, annaFox Valley Technical College, Cosmetology Apprenticeship

Na, hyejinParkland College, Psychology

Nabbefeld, mariahUS Navy

Nass, JamieNortheast Wisconsin Technical College, Electrical Power Distribution

Neuberger, JosephMartin Luther College, Pastoral Ministry

Noffke, aleczanderUW Oshkosh, Radio/TV/Film

Nogar, catherineUW Platteville, Forensic Investigation & Criminal Justice

Nommensen, JosiahMartin Luther College, Secondary Education

olson, mitchellUS Army

ort, TannerUW Whitewater, Business

oswald, sarahUW Green Bay/Bellin College, Nursing

Park, chang JooSeoul University, Korea,Aircraft Engineering

Paulos, coreyConcordia University, Sports Business

Peris, sergioCollege in Spain, Undecided

Peterson, DanaUW Stevens Point, English

Pier, emmaNortheast Wisconsin Technical Col-lege, Early Childhood Education

Ponce, alejandraUndecided, Medical/Cardiology

Popple, DurantFull Sail, Computer Game Design

Portmann, IlizahUW Oshkosh/US Army,Athletic Training

Preisler, caitlynUW Whitewater, Accounting

Priebe, madeleineUniversity of Kansas, Occupational Therapy

Pritzl, DenverUW Fox Valley, Electrical Engineering


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Your generous donation will . . .1. help reach the goal of The Legacy Project

(increase Foundation assets to $5M by 2018).2. increase the annual interest available to be

distributed for tuition assistance.3. be tax deductible.

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Fox Valley Lutheran Class of 2013radke, alexanderFox Valley Technical College, Machinist

rice, rachelFox Valley Technical College, Restaurant Management

rieth, JonathanConcordia University, Chemistry

robbert, DeirdreUniversity of Alaska Anchorage - Air GuardPsychology/Social Work

sargent, LeahUW Green Bay, Undecided

schlaver, JoshuaUW Fox Valley, English/Pre-Law

schlawin, JustinUW Platteville, Industrial Technology Management

schmidt, LukasUW Stevens Point, Natural Resources

schoeneck, micahMartin Luther College, Education

schultz, emmaMartin Luther College, Elementary & Secondary English Education

schultz, rossFox Valley Technical College,Culinary Arts/ Hospitality Management

schwebs, JeremyUniversity of Minnesota, Applied Economics

seifert, TiffanyNortheast Wisconsin Technical College,Radiology

selle, samarahUndecided

spears, williamUS Navy

stuebs, JaredGustavus Adolophus, Biology

suarez, maria LauraBolivia, St. Thomas AquinasArchitecture/Commercial Engineering

sugden, andreaUW Fox Valley, Kinesiology

surma, ZacheryUS Marine Corps

Tantivuttikiti, sopitthaKasetsant University Bangkok, Thailand, Economics

Tarlton, sadieMartin Luther College, Secondary English Education

Tecca, collinFox Valley Technical College, Printing

Tesch, KaraAugsburg College, Pre-Med

Thern, emalieBeloit College, Anthropology

Thomas, aaronUS Marine Corps

Thomas, hannahFox Valley Technical College, Paralegal

Thompson, malikUW Stevens Point, Secondary and Spanish Education

Tiedt, christianUW Fox Valley, Engineering

Tiedt, mitchellUW Milwaukee, Supply Chain Management

uhlenbrauck, coryUndecided

van Den Bogart, JustinUW Platteville, Engineering

van heuklon, abbeyNorthern Michigan, Accounting

van mun, ryanUW Fox Valley, Botany

vander Zanden, amyUW Oshkosh, Business

voss, meganValparaiso University, Civil Engineering

wells, gabrielleUW Fox Valley, Dietetics

wenzel, meganMartin Luther College, Elementary & Special Education

wichman, BrandonUW Whitewater, Psychology

wilson, meredithWisconsin Lutheran College,Psychology/Spanish

wilz, masonUS Marine Corps

winter, rileyFox Valley Technical College,Accounting

wolf, andrewUndecided

Zamzow, KadyWisconsin Lutheran College, Nursing

Zeamer, LukeMartin Lutheran College, Secondary Mathematics and Elementary Education

Zellmer, augustWisconsin Lutheran College,Computer Science

Zeman, BryceUW Stevens Point, Aquatic Biology

Zheng, sijiaAmerican University, Business

Zimmerman, mikaylaUW La Crosse, Pre-Med

We thank the LORD for the opportunity to share the message of salvation with students from around the world for the last sixty years.

Please consider a $1 gift of thanks for each of the 60 years that the FVL ministry has been in existence. Your $60 gift will be added to the principal of the FVL Foundation.


Thank you,lord,


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In the four months since this request was initiated, contributions from 134 individuals have totaled $53,341.00. Please help us reach our goal of 200 donors by September 1!

Please consider donating to this effort either by way of one-time gift or an annual gift to this project.

Contact Robert Fischer for details.

[email protected] (920) 739-4441

TOGETHERWe CanMakea Difference

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SupportedthroughHurdlesThe year was 2005. The FVL Cross & Crown theme was Anchored in Christ. (Notably the same theme as FVL’s school year theme for 2012-13!) George W. Bush had just won re-election. The sports world was buzzing about the young Michael Phelps winning six golds in Athens. Shrek 2 was just one of many hit re-make movies.

According to FVL’s Senior Survey, being styl-ish meant wearing hooded sweatshirts, listen-ing to Rascal Flatts, shopping at Walmart, and watching Friends while chowing down on pizza, Mountain Dew and Skittles.

Question: Among the class of 2005, who was voted both “Most Talkative” and “Most Likely to be a Rockstar”? The answer is Julia Faulks. In those days Julia spent lots of time in uniform on the FVL courts playing vol-leyball and basketball. Today she wears the uniform of the United States Air Force. She enlisted in January 2007 and now ranks as a Staff Sergeant.

— Julia Faulks ‘05

During her years of service, she has been stationed in Germany as well as in Virginia and Idaho in the U.S. She describes her “last six and a half year as an exciting, but challenging time.” In Julia’s words, “Keeping my connection with the Lord has got me through some extremely hard days being away from loved ones and home.”

Julia completed her bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management in September 2011. Currently she works as a Health Service Man-agement Technician, but recently decided to retrain to be a Pharmacy Technician. She hopes to be able to reside at Scott Air Force Base in Il-linois this coming fall.

As she reflects on her time since her graduation in 2005, she writes: “My faith has gotten me through. I realized that I was not alone on this journey. God has definitely challenged me and for that I am

extremely grateful. He has never left me alone. I learned that life will have its hurdles and I do not have to carry that burden all by myself.

Julia’s hard work and persever-ance in the service of her country was also recognized by her superi-ors. She was named the Air Force Medical Service Outstanding Health Service Management Airman of the Year Award. Looking back on this honor, Julia considers it a “huge achievement,” but one that she would not have been able to accom-plish without the support of “my friends, family and most impor-tantly God.”

“I encourage everyone to take a mo-ment to reflect on how wonderful and great our God really is and how blessed we are. It is so comforting to know that he will never leave us and will always love us.”




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the high school level. FVL TODAY VIDEO - Check out the new video on the FVL website. Highlighted topics included the Willing Hands-Thankful Hearts Food Packing effort, the FVL Schools Daddy-Daughter Dance and the Legacy Project for the FVL Foundation.

BARGAIN GARDEN - This dedicated service organization has now provided more than $575,000 in support of the FVL ministry, and $55,000 for other WELS charities and organizations.

Thanks to all the volunteers who staff the Bargain Garden! Donations and volun-teers are always welcome!

NEW CLASSES - The STEM Academy is adding two new college-credit capable courses next year: Computer Program-ming and Aerospace Engineering. Also Fine Arts will be adding a Music Theory class to prepare music students for college credit through the AP test. A new Busi-ness Marketing class is also scheduled for next year.


Graduates ... Be sure to keep us up-to-date on your current address and e-mail address! [email protected]

STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS - Megan Voss (pictured) was chosen as one of 15 Post-Crescent Aca-demic All-Stars; FVL’s Badger State repre-sentatives are juniors Brittany Krause, Kati Guenterberg, Ryan Kudek, Willie Penter-man, and Nathan Meitner. The FVL Math Club finished in first place in the Fox Valley Math League for the third straight year and seven out of the last eight years. FVL’s Outdoor Club traveled to the Wind River Mountain Range in Wyo-ming in July for a week of hiking and outdoor adventure. The FVL Forensics team made a strong showing at the State competition bringing back 14 gold med-als, 8 silvers, and 1 bronze.

FACULTY UPDATES - Major min-istry anniversaries were celebrated by Miss Pat Schabo, Mr. Robert Fischer, and Mr. Hartwig – 40 years; Mr. Tim Bentz, Mr. Peter Sehloff and Mr. Brian Zunker – 30 years; Mr. Mark Eisenmann and Mrs. Denise Schlawin – 25 years;

and Mr. Craig Charron and Rev. Erich Schaser – 20 years. Mr. Gene Strusz has retired as Athletic Director; Mr. Shawn Hill has accepted his revised call to become Activities Director. Ms. Renee Pappalardo accepted a Call to teach at Shoreland Lutheran H.S. after seven years at FVL; Alyssa Stern was assigned to FVL from Martin Luther College to fill this need in our Foreign Language Department. Also Mrs. Anne Wilson has been called to teach math and science on a part-time basis.

MS BAND CHANGE - Mr. Chuck Jahnke was recognized and thanked for his 23 years of service to FVL as the Middle School Band Director at the April 30 MS Band Concert. Because of low numbers in the Middle School program, his position was eliminated. Mr. James Neujahr will take over as Middle School Band Director in addition to his work on



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Because of snowy win-ter weather, Kinderfest moved to April this year. Nearly 200 FVL Schools kindergartens (and many parents) en-joyed the active morn-ing activities led by FVL student volunteers.

The FVL Theatre presented the musi-cal “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” last March - coming up next fall is “Life in the Fat Lane” and in spring 2014 “Annie” is coming to the FVL stage!

Check out the FVL website for updates! www.fvlhs.org

Prom King 2013 was Cody Mathison, escorted by Kelli Doell. Other court members included Zach Flunker and Ashley Blob; Brock Fuhrmann and Abby Huntington, Joe Neuberger and Jor-dan Lemke, and Micah Schoeneck and Mariah Nabbefeld. Prom activities culminated with the dance at Butte des Morts Country Club.

In keeping with tradition, our band members returned after the graduation service to perform in the Appleton Memorial Day Parade. They joined the community in honoring those who have served our country.


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Page 11: Preparing students for lives of service and for eternity ... Summer 2013 interactive2.pdf · Preparing students for lives of service and for eternity leg ... Each time I was tempted






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