7/27/2017 1 Go to online version of the activity. Go back to this menu. Elementary 3 Unit 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 9 8 Activity 1 Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer Getting acquainted 1. Cara and Susan are a- co-workers b- friends. 2. Samuel is Cara´s a- brother b- father. 3. Ted is Suzy´s a- boyfriend b- husband. 4. a- Ted b- Suzy is a photographer.

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Elementary 3 Unit 1

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 1098

Activity 1

Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer

Getting acquainted

1. Cara and Susan are a- co-workers b- friends.

2. Samuel is Cara´s a- brother b- father.

3. Ted is Suzy´s a- boyfriend b- husband.

4. a- Ted b- Suzy is a photographer.

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Activity 2

Let’s play roles!

I’d like you to meet…


You’re in your office. Ms. Young is your new assistant. Introduce her to the receptionist.

Ms. / Mr._______, I’d like you to meet…

He / She …


You’re a new assistant. It’s your first day at work.

Hello……. Great to meet…. Just call me …


You’re a receptionist. A new assistant is coming to your company.

Nice to meet….. It’s a pleasure to … Please, call me…

Activity 3A

Do you remember…?





A) Can you place these words in the correct boxes?

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Possessives Activity 3B

B) Complete with the corresponding words:

1) Those are Tim and Lou. I think this is ______________ class.

2) We are tourists and this is _________________ hotel.

3) That’s Tom. And that girl is _________________ sister.

4) Susan? Oh...yes! _______________ phone number is 555-5555

5) Thank you very much! Yes, that’s _______________ dog. Come here, Goofy!

Activity 4

An exchange program

Back from the USA!

A BYou can insert image here.

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Activity 4Back from the USA


You are back from an exchange program in the USA. You are showing your friend B a picture of your American host family. Tell your friend about them: their names, ages, occupations.

Useful LanguageThis is… / These are … / his/her…He’s… / She’s… / his/her…They are … /their…Their names …

Activity 4Back from the USA


Your friend A is just back from an exchange program in the USA. He/she is showing you a picture of his American host family. Ask him/her questions about the family in the picture: their names, ages, occupations.

Useful LanguageWho…?Are… his/her/their…?What… name(s)?…. occupation?…. old…?

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Who…? Where…? What…? How old…? Activity 5

This is Jennifer Atkins. At universityeveryone calls her Jenny. She’s fromDenver, Colorado. She’s 24 years old andshe’s a very good writer. Her books arefamous in the U.S. If you want to knowabout her stories, this is her e-mail address:[email protected]

1) __________ ‘s that?2) __________ ‘s she from?3) __________ ‘s her occupation? 4) __________ is she?5) __________ ‘s her nickname?6) __________ ´s her last name?7) __________ ´s her e-mail address?

A) Choose the right word to complete these questions:

B) Now answer the questions about Jennifer

Identify and describe people Activity 6

A: Hey 1. _________________ Lucía Micarelli?B: You don´t 2. ____________? For real?A: No. Is she 3. __________________?B: She 4. __________ is. She is a great _________.A: Where´s ______________?B: The United States.

Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks:

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Who is it? Activity 7

1-He was a great writer.2-He was an excellent doctor.3-He is a very good composer and musician.4-They are famous dancers. 5-She’s a beautiful model.

Figure it out! Activity 8

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Can you guess these occupations? Activity 9A

a) A CH_Fb) A P__L__Tc) AN __NT__RPR__T__Rd) A S__L__SP__RS__Ne) A M__S__C__ __Nf) A M__N__G__Rg) A PH__T__GR__PH__Rh) A GR__PH__C D__S__GN__Ri) A FL__GHT __TT__ND__NT

1 2 3

4 5 6




Write the missing vowels and find the pictures

Classification: occupations Activity 9B

… usually work in an office

… usually work outdoors

… don’t need a suit

Write occupations for each category below.Occupations for which people…

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Activity 10Nosy Neighbors


Clipart Panda

Activity 10ANosy Neighbors

A new family has just moved next door. Look at their picture below. Tell B, your friend, everything youknow about these new neighbors. You are also interested in B´s neighbors.

Useful Language:Who’s…?Who are…?Is … his/her/their…?Are they…?What … name/occupation?How old…?Where…from?

This is his/her…These are…He/she…They…Yes,…is/areNo, …isn’t/aren´t

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Activity 10BNosy Neighbors

A new family has just moved next door. Look at their picture below. Tell A, your friend, everything youknow about these new neighbors. You are also interested in A´s neighbors.

Useful Language:Who’s…?Who are…?Is … his/her/their…?Are they…?What … name/occupation?How old…?Where…from?

This is his/her…These are…He/she…They…Yes,…is/areNo, …isn’t/aren´t

Activity 11AWho were they?

Who was she?What did she do?Was she married?Where was she from?

Who was he?What did he do?Was he married?Where was he from?

Who was he?What did he do?Was he married?Where was he from?

Who was she?What did she do?Was she married?Where was she from?

Who was he?What did he do?Was he married?Where was he from?

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Activity 11BSimple Past

What’s the past tense of these verbs? Which are regular? Which are irregular?

_______________ Was born











Activity 11CRefresh your memory!

To form the simple past of regular verbs you need to add _______, _______ or ________ to the infinitive.

Examples: ______________________________________________________

The past tense of irregular verbs varies according to each verb. Some past tense forms of irregular verbs are:

Come ----


Drive ----

Eat ----

Get ----

Make ---

Put ----

Read ----

Ride ----

See ----

Write ----

Take ----

To make negative statements, use _____________ and the base form of the verb.

To ask questions about the past, use _______ and the base form of the verb.

Example: What _______ you do last summer?

When __________ he come home last night?

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Activity 12ATwo famous firsts

George Washington and Nelson Mandela.

What do you know about these two people? Why were they “famous firsts”? Tell you classmates what you know about them.

Activity 12BTwo famous firsts

Questions for group A

Complete these questions about George Washington. Use “was” “were” or “did”

1. Where ____________ he born?2. ____________ his family rich or poor?3. What ____________ he do when he

____________ young?4. _____________ he study?5. What ___________ he like doing in his free

time?6. ____________ he get married?7. ____________ he have any children?8. When ______________ he become

president?9. How long _____________ he president?10. Why ________________ he a famous first?

Questions for group B

Complete these questions about Nelson Mandela. Use “was” “were” or “did”

1. Where ____________ he born?2. ____________ his family rich or poor?3. What ____________ he do when he

____________ young?4. _____________ he study?5. When _____________ he join the African

National Congress?6. Why _____________ he in prison?7. How long _____________ he in prison?8. What _______________ he win in 1993?9. Where _____________ he die?10. Why ______________ he a famous first?

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Activity 12CTwo famous firsts

Nelson was born in Mvezo, South Africa in1918. His father was an important man inthe village, but he died when Nelson wasstill young. Nelson worked hard and went touniversity, he became interested in politicsand joined the African National Congress.Nelson studied law and became a lawyer in1952. In 1958, he married Winnie Mandela.They had two daughters.

Nelson became a leader in the African National Congress which fought against the all-white South African government. In 1962 he went to prison. He finally left prison in 1990, and in 1993 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He became the first black president of South Africa in 1994. He retired from politics in 1999 at the age of 80 and went back to Qunu, a small village in South Africa. He died in 2013 at the age of 95.

Group A: Nelson Mandela

Activity 12CTwo famous firsts

Group B: George Washington

George Washington was born in Virginia. His family owned a big farm and had slaves. George didn’t have much education. During his life he had three jobs: he was a farmer, a soldier, and a politician. He loved the life of a farmer. He grew tobacco and owned horses. He worked hard but he also liked dancing and going to the theater. In 1750 he married a widow called Martha Custis. They were happy together, but didn’t have any children.

He was Commander in Chief of the army and fought the British in the War of Independence. When the war ended in 1783, he was happy to go back to the farm, but his country wanted him to be president. Finally, in 1789, he became president, and gave his name to the new capital city. He started the building of the White House, but he never lived in it. By 1797 he was tired of politics. He went back to his farm and died there two years later.

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Activity 12DLet’s go back in time!

1) Is there any famous person in history that you really


2) What was his / her occupation / profession?

3) Why do you admire him / her?

4) How much do you know about his / her life?

Discuss these questions: