i have chosen to analyse the poster sinister. I have chosen this poster as it is a good poster that suits the genre of horror very well. It doesn’t give to much away about the film and it is eye catching. The title has some of the letters smudged so it leaves you with a mystery. The phrase ‘once you see him, nothing can save you.’ leaves you wondering what ‘him’ is and why nothing can save you. Makes you wonder why and what she is painti ng. It also makes you wonder why she's Institution al information Tells you who's made the film and gives you to popular horror films Wonder why shes not facing the camera

Presentation media sophie foster

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Page 1: Presentation media sophie foster

i have chosen to analyse the poster sinister. I have chosen this poster as it is a good poster that suits the genre of horror very well. It doesn’t give to much away about the film and it is eye catching.

The title has some of the letters smudged so it leaves you with a mystery.

The phrase ‘once you see him, nothing can save you.’ leaves you wondering what ‘him’ is and why nothing can save you.

Makes you wonder why and what she is painting. It also makes you wonder why she's in pjs.

Institutional information

Tells you who's made the film and gives you to popular horror films

Wonder why shes not facing the camera

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Recommendations from other film companies.

Shows that its being filmed and the camera is about to run out as some things coming towards them. Also suggests its real footage.

Hard to see what is in the background. Dark mise en scène.

It tells you who made the film.

Titles in red which implies blood and violence.

Narrow corridor suggesting that me as the audience I am trapped in this film.


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You can only see half the face which leaves us with mystery about what he face looks like. Her eye is red witch suggests evil, blood and violence.

Title has blood dripping down

Scary catch line

Hair is covered in blood

Not very many colours just the basic red, white black and grey


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The titles in red which suggests blood and violence

Scratches on her face

Cracked glass which implies that she's trapped

Blood on her dress

Religion , light or teenage girl

Catch phase that makes you wonder why

Light in the background

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Female victim

Dark mise en scene

Suggest hell

Hands dragging her down somewhere

Looks like she's being dragged from somewhere modern