A new revolution of music..

Presentation pitch shara

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A new revolution of music..

Page 2: Presentation pitch   shara

Initial Ideas

Celeb Ident Star Ident Music Note Ident Dance Ident

These are the four idents I created for my company SB Revolution

In the ever-expanding market of television production and broadcasting, corporate identity has become more important than ever. A new media company has been created and is trying to brand themselves. My job was to create a name for the company and an ident that can be used to help consumers identify them. The target audience is aimed at the ages of 16-30 years old.

Company name: SB REVOLUTION

Music channel

4 ident idea designs:

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Competition My main competitors consist of television companies such as Viva and 4 Music - Music channels- Target audience 16-30

How my company will differ..- Straight to the point- Appeals to all ages- Versatile- Colour- Include text and voiceover

I needed to be original and be able to persuade viewers to watch my channel.

To guarantee that my channel will stand out from competition I have created an inventive and unique selling point. This is where the opportunity for talented aspiring singers to promote themselves, in a 1-2 minute interval which will occur after every music show. I believe this will persuade individuals to watch my channel and hopefully through word-of-mouth will influence others to watch; as a result those wanting to be seen and promoted on my channel will increase my channels amount of viewers.

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Research – Questionnaire Results

How it helped me:- Thoughts and opinions- Know what my target audience want

What I shall include:- Competitions - Feature- Mainstream music- Mixture of colours

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Target AudienceMy target audience is aimed at the ages of 16-30 years old. Its psychographic profile is for mainstreamers; it follows the trends and will play the latest hits, SB Revolution also allows its viewers to vote for their favourite songs as a result songs which may not be in the charts anymore will still be able to be played at the request of its voters. The demographic profile my company would like to attract and gain brand loyalty from are preferably 16-30 year olds, both genders, in education, working, unemployed etc. and any ethnicity. The channel can be viewed on Freeview, Sky and Virgin as a result the income may vary, this should enable even those with low income to watch and enjoy my channel.

Demographic Profile Psychographic Profile

Age: 16-30 Mainstreamer

Gender: Both

Social Class: All

Occupation: Any

Ethnicity: All

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Bibliography4 Music ident - http://www.theidentgallery.com/4music-2012.php

VIVA ident - http://www.theidentgallery.com/viva-2009.php

Globe - http://www.highlandmall.com/files/holidays-around-the-world-21.jpg

Boxing Penguin - http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/boxing/44105/graphics-boxing-791014/