Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop “AI and us11:00 Second Panel: acting today, mindful of yesterday, view of tomorrow Synthecracy: “NewPower Organizational Structure for Collaboration: the #Weavelet - What can we DO to construct Neural Networked Collective Intelligence with Distributed Authority - Ir. Jaap van Till , Network Architect Blogs: TheConnectivist.wordpress.com vantill @ gmail - April 20, 2018 ; pages 1 – 11. Version: April 21 Video of presentation is available from blog TheConnectivist

Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

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Page 1: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop “AI and us”

11:00 Second Panel: acting today, mindful of yesterday, view of tomorrow

Synthecracy: “NewPower Organizational Structure

for Collaboration: the #Weavelet - What can we DO to construct Neural Networked Collective Intelligence with Distributed Authority -

Ir. Jaap van Till , Network Architect Blogs: TheConnectivist.wordpress.com

vantill @ gmail - April 20, 2018 ; pages 1 – 11.

Version: April 21 Video of presentation is available from blog TheConnectivist

Page 2: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

Transitions Old Power failing •  The Economic Crisis of 2008, seen by Prof. Carlota Perez [3] ; blaming •  Complexity ? Dynamics? Non-Lin.? •  Bureaucracy and controlaholics, Ashby’s Law = limit. Central simplification? •  Fast outdated knowledge ? •  Universities, Science? Education? •  Endless meetings Zero-sum fights •  Advertising and propaganda •  Top – Down command & control? •  The time tested structure of the Central Control Hierarchy is no longer sufficient to cope. •  Divide, polarize, isolate, Exclusion ============================== •  Decentral Alt: Diaspora*? ; HoloChain? Ello ? Telegram?


New Power [2] participation? HOW? •  Hints in iGod book [1] Dicke &Helbing •  Alexander von Humboldt, vision Nature[4] •  Santa Fe: adaptive organisations •  Trans-disciplinary Cooperation •  Trans-Tribal Cooperation, Festivalisation •  AVAAZ movement vs Facebook •  Wealth creation by multi-skill teams •  Rebel Cities, P2P Foundation, •  Nature: ant hills, swarms of birds, bacteria colonies, groups people? •  Collective intelligence + distributed authority ? European Republic: City areas •  Online health communities: fluid dyn [6] •  Trusted super participants bringing divided society back together: Synthecracy. Emergent Value: Synergy •  Bottom-Up ? No: SIDEWAYS P2P Flow •  Combine, interconnect, Inclusion •  Hong Kong students + FireChat app

Page 3: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

What is the Problem: In the ComplexiTimes of 2018old hierarchical organizations can no longer cope. (Napoleons Army) ----Closed, Simplifications-----

§  Too many levels of management§  Decisions Too slow (reaction time) §  Inward looking Command & Control§  Endless meetings, present/approval§  Filtering (bits, simple, good news)§  Upwards information (aggregates)§  Downwards: instructions§  No overviews, no explanations§  Could not communicate with lower layer employees NOW WE CAN !! (networked transparency)

§  Central Overview (model) Too simple§  Out of touch with reality (bus. process)§  Confirmation of “working” model only

(prejudices); Push R&D à market§  Cannot cope with unexpected surprises§  Vulnerability§  Organization does not Learn, innovate §  Talent and creativity wasted§  Does not scale up well§  Cannot cope with diversity §  Middle management, admin jobs ??§  Competing silos, power struggles, non

sharing, does not work.§  Both young & innovative ignored, excluded

Business Process

External:Complex Reality


Value chain of partners

Page 4: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Page 5: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

The battle for POWER: nation state authoritarianism vs democracy

Hierarchies with central authority and vertical control are outdated. They can no longer cope with the complexity and dynamics of modern civil society.

Dictators and their bureaucracies still try to hold on, to CONTROL reality. ---- Instructions, Commands, Propaganda and Advertising have weak network effect V~ N (eyeballs). Who said that before: Erasmus, Luther, Spinosa and many other scientists. Can we (re)build a worldwide DemoCracy? (demos = population), CONSTRUCTIVE + NON VIOLENT Yes! RELIGION { RE – LIGARE} = RE – CONNECT between people ---Participation and Cooperation of skilled contributors has a much stronger network effect V ~ N ! (factorial, Van Till’s Law). What can we DO?

Urgent: We should INTERCONNECT and cooperate better, de-central with shared moral values & shared objectives, learn and evolve together [8] Many have indicated that that is the priority: Parag Khana, Peter Diamantis (towards “meta-intelligence”) Joshua Cooper Ramo ([7] Book: the Seventh Sense. HOW? My “Telescope Metaphor” shows the direction ==è


Page 6: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

•  How can we together Collect, Share and Create MEANING ?


•  Remember “Renans Law”: Everything wants to Interconnect


Page 7: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Source : Book “ New Power” Timms and Heimans 2018

Page 8: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Page 9: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Page 10: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Page 11: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

Scaling of Weavelet to construct Distributed Authority. (cc) Jaap van Till (vantill @ gmail .com) July 30, 2013 at OHM2013 (Group Collective Intelligence based on Cooley-Tuckey connections) 11

NewPower Structure of connected people in a Weavelet FLOW of IDEAS and Imagination for Collective Inttelligence

connecting & combining people, as diverse as possible

solving problems, changing things acting learning connecting with other weavelets (10^10) and Nature.

Sensors aggregation pattern matching, correlation extraction of patterns synthesis pattern memory combinations ; sorting of stack fractal repetition of transformation to orthogonalize(agnostic issues) holographic models inverse transformation

everybody has the overview and can participate and learn (learning curves) it is nowhere and everywhere ; can cope with complexity.


The LENS Paradigm

Page 12: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

Functions of connected people in a Weavelet community/movement/coop “Synthecracy”, the answer from the Civil Society






[2] Bridge Builders, Shape Shifters (90 degree turn), Solution Seekers + Weak link recommenders, trans-tribal Btwieners and model changers

Harness energy of the connected crowd

Spread values and ideas, create value, skilled and competent, appreciation, respect

Parallel, resilient, robust open, transparant


Similar: •  Brain research [4a] •  Spy agencies syst •  Social Netw platf. •  AI: Neural Netw’s •  Tensor Flow, Deep Learning

Everybody connected with everybody else

Quality external connections Nowak’s Law

Vertical lines= hidden layers of AI Neural Networks

Page 13: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion


Page 14: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

Examples: generalisation in AI by Symmetry Transformations(Domingos); IBM “Debater” wider viewpoints

Proposed action:

•  Establish and fund a European Institute for post-graduate studies on NewPower Synthecracy LEARNING FROM AI SUCCESSES & USING AI IN ORGANISATIONS, in one of the Connected Cities of the #Corridoria traderoute.

Why? See: S. Frederick Starr “Lost Enlightenment – Central Asia’s Golden Age-”, 2013. Maybe our role in the Universe is: BENDING LIGHT RAYS

=========================================== With thanks for their encouragement: Sara Wedeman, Jeff and Lisa Pulver, Vint Cerf, Paul Budde, prof. Bill Melody, Csermely Peter, Susan Crawford, Barabàsi Albert-László, Sheldon Renan, Joost Röselaers, Michel Bauwens, Dirk Helbing and many others.


Page 15: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion

The Message is in the Connections ~Jaap van Till [1] Willemijn Dicke and Dik Helbing “iGod”, 2017 [2] Heimans and Timms “New Power”, April 2018 [2a] David Brooks “The New Power Structure”,The New York Times, April 5 2018 [3] Carlota Perez, London School of Economics ,“Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages” (Elgar 2002) [4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion that the natural world is a web of intricately entwined elements, each in constant dynamic dialogue with every other. A cosmos of connections. [4a] Karl H. Pribram, MD, PhD “The Form Within - My Point of View -“, 2013 Recent: Brain ‘association fields’, Brain plasticity, also in adults. [4b] Reimann, et al. Poly Lausanne, “Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Function” June 2012 [5] Luc Sala “Festivalisation - the boom in events -”, Boekencooperatie NL 2016 [6] Paul Hodgkin, Louis Horsley, and Ben Metz “The Emerging World of Online Health Communities”; Stanford Social Innovation Review, April 10, 2018. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_emerging_world_of_online_health_communities “At its core, a fascinating #newpower dynamic of fluid (and often transient) social, peer-to-peer and gift platforms.” [7] Joshua Cooper Ramo “The Seventh Sense – Power, Fortune and Survival in the Age of Networks”, May 2016, Hachette Book Group. [8] Martin Nowak “Super Cooperators – Evolution, Altruism and Human Behaviour, or Why We Need Each Other To Succeed”, 2011. [9] “The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the Universe” arXiv.org Article from Henry Lin at Harvard Univ and Max Tegmark at MIT. 15

Page 16: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion



Page 17: Presented at: Berlin, at the HIIG, June 30, 2018 Workshop ......[4] Andrea Wulf “The Invention of Nature – Alexander von Humboldt’s New World” 2015, He pioneered the notion