Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 1 1 st Dec 2017 These Minutes are edited for Data Protection purposes because in effect putting them on the Internet is publishing them. An unedited paper copy is available on request. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF LISTOWEL HELD IN ÁRAS AN CHONTAE, TRALEE ON 1 DECEMBER, 2017. MIONTUAIRISCÍ NA CRUINNITHE DE CHEANTAR BARDASACH LIOS TUATHAIL A THIONÓLADH IN ÁRAS AN CHONTAE, TRALEE AR AN 1 NOLLAIG, 2017. PRESENT/I LÁTHAIR Councillors/Comhairleoirí Cllr. T Barry Cllr. R Beasley Cllr. M Kennelly Cllr. J Lucid Cllr. J Moloney Cllr. L Purtill Apologies for absence received from Cllr. A Thornton In attendance/i láthair Ms. J McCarthy Listowel MD Manager Ms. B Conway Meetings Administrator Mr. A Smith MD Officer Mr. E Scanlan SEE Mr. M Lynch SEE Mr. C Mangan SEE Mr. G O’Brien A/SEO Mr. P Nevalainen EE Mr. M McEnery EE Mr. T Brosnan AO Mr. TJ O’ Mahony Heritage Officer Ms. S Broderick SO The meeting commenced at 2.40pm. Cathaoirleach J Lucid, took the Chair. (a) Confirmation of Minutes (a) On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. J Moloney SECONDED by Cllr. M Kennelly it was agreed that the Minutes of the Meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel held on 9 th October, 2017 be confirmed. (b) On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. T Barry SECONDED by Cllr. M Kennelly it was agreed that the Minutes of the Meeting to consider and adopt the Draft Budgetary

PRESENT/I LÁTHAIR Councillors/Comhairleoirí In attendance ...docstore.kerrycoco.ie/KCCWebsite/meetings/listowel/minutes/dec17.… · afterwards in Ard Curam. This project marks

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Page 1: PRESENT/I LÁTHAIR Councillors/Comhairleoirí In attendance ...docstore.kerrycoco.ie/KCCWebsite/meetings/listowel/minutes/dec17.… · afterwards in Ard Curam. This project marks

Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 1 1st Dec 2017

These Minutes are edited for Data Protection purposes because in effect putting them on the Internet is publishing them. An unedited paper copy is available on request. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF LISTOWEL HELD IN ÁRAS AN CHONTAE, TRALEE ON 1 DECEMBER, 2017. MIONTUAIRISCÍ NA CRUINNITHE DE CHEANTAR BARDASACH LIOS TUATHAIL A THIONÓLADH IN ÁRAS AN CHONTAE, TRALEE AR AN 1 NOLLAIG, 2017.

PRESENT/I LÁTHAIR Councillors/Comhairleoirí

Cllr. T Barry Cllr. R Beasley Cllr. M Kennelly Cllr. J Lucid Cllr. J Moloney Cllr. L Purtill Apologies for absence received from Cllr. A Thornton

In attendance/i láthair

Ms. J McCarthy Listowel MD Manager Ms. B Conway Meetings Administrator Mr. A Smith MD Officer Mr. E Scanlan SEE Mr. M Lynch SEE Mr. C Mangan SEE Mr. G O’Brien A/SEO Mr. P Nevalainen EE Mr. M McEnery EE Mr. T Brosnan AO Mr. TJ O’ Mahony Heritage Officer Ms. S Broderick SO The meeting commenced at 2.40pm. Cathaoirleach J Lucid, took the Chair. (a) Confirmation of Minutes

(a) On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. J Moloney SECONDED by Cllr. M Kennelly it was agreed that the Minutes of the Meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel held on 9th October, 2017 be confirmed. (b) On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. T Barry SECONDED by Cllr. M Kennelly it was agreed that the Minutes of the Meeting to consider and adopt the Draft Budgetary

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 2 1st Dec 2017

Plan for the Municipal District of Listowel for 2018 held on 23rd October 2017 be confirmed. Economic & Community Development Directorate (a) It was agreed to note the following report from the Economic & Community Development Directorate which was circulated:


A Start Your Own Business course commenced in Listowel in October 2017 and concluded on the 22nd November. The course was fully booked with 20 attendees. The LEO provided support to the Listowel Food Fair for the best emerging artisan product competition. The prizes were awarded on the 13th November. Listowel was runner up in the Small Towns category of the Bank of Ireland Enterprise Town competitions and received a prize of €2,000. The LEO provided significant staffing support to the local committee. Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur Programme is underway with the original 55 entries now reduced to a shortlist of 21, a number of whom are based in the Listowel MD. The winners will be announced on the 7th December.


Failte Ireland Accommodation Seminar: A Failte Ireland Accommodation Seminar was recently held in St John’s Theatre, Listowel, and was very well attended by tourism providers in the North Kerry area. A lot of interest was shown in Failte Ireland’s new Welcome standards which allow for greater innovation, individuality and authenticity in approved tourism accommodation businesses. The new standards recognise accommodation businesses of all types and styles, that are committed to tourism and to maintaining high standards and practices throughout their businesses and is targeted at atypical tourist accommodation such as glamping, pods etc.


Strengthening Communities The Listowel Business & Community Alliance launched on Monday 6th November 2017 at the Butler Centre, The Square, Listowel. The event was very well attended and the group’s formation represents a very positive step for the town. On 15th November 2017 the Alliance achieved a great success when as a result of its entry of Listowel into the Bank of Ireland Enterprising Towns Awards 2017, Listowel placed second in Munster in the 3000 to 7000 population category. Groups are still being encouraged to register with the PPN with 164 groups currently registered within the Listowel Municipal District up from 134 in October.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 3 1st Dec 2017

Tourism, Festivals and Sport Listowel’s Christmas lights were switched on by Aidan O’Mahony, at 5.30pm on Sunday 26th November 2017, following two hours of music and fun. Street entertainers, face painters, food vendors and carols from the Scoil Realta na Maidine Boys Choir added to festivities Ballyduff are holding their inaugural “Christmas Evening in Ballyduff” on Sunday 10th December 2017 in The Square, Ballyduff. The aim of this event is to celebrate Christams and the lighting of the Christmas lights. It will feature a Christmas Market, games, music and a visit from Santa Claus. Kerry County Council continues to work with organisers of events in relation to event management plans and groups are acknowledging the support they have received under the 2017 Community Support Fund. Tidy Towns Update The Listowel Tidy Towns unveilled a commemorative plaque at the Chapel at Listowel Hospital at 2.30pm on Saturday 18th November 2017. The Mercy Sisters came to the Workhouse on 8th May 1883 to run the fever hospital and general wards under the control of the Board of Guardians. The Sisters ceased their great work there in 2009. The plaque is in recognition of the workers of the past 170 years and a memorial to all who died here in those years. Light refreshments were served afterwards in Ard Curam. This project marks the culmination of many years of research by John Pierse local historian and member of the Tidy Towns group. Kerry Comhairle na n’Óg Over 100 young people from 25 of the 27 secondary school in Kerry attended the Kerry Comhairle na n’Ógs AGM on Friday 13th October 2017 in the Rose Hotel Tralee; unfortunately no Youthreach took part this year. On the day, current Comhairle members MC’d the event, ran the workshops and held interviews for possible new members; the young people put a phenomenal amount of work in both before and during the event. The wider community was represented on the day with facilitators from the KDYS, Comhairle Regional Participation Officer, Kerry County Council, the ETB, Gardai and teachers; many thanks to all. The topics for the workshops were as follows: The topics for the workshops were as follows:

1. Youth Politics: Your understanding of politics

2. LGBTQ+: Is Ireland an inclusive society

3. Services for young people

4. Rural life issues for young people

5. Racial stereotyping

6. 2 tables were encouraged to come up with their own topic; 1 table worked on

lowering the voting age and the other worked on LGBTQ+ issues.

A number of recommendations were made and voted upon. The two topics which Kerry Comhairle na n’Óg will work on this upcoming year will be:

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 4 1st Dec 2017

• Racial stereotyping- make a series of educational videos for youth centres, FRC’s,

schools, etc.

• LGBTQ+: Is Ireland an inclusive society – develop more safe spaces and support

groups in the county.

Members of the Kerry Comhairle na n’Óg will be attending the biannual Daíl na n’Óg on Wednesday 6th December 2017. The theme for this year will be Equality, voted on by 285 Comhairle members from all over the country from four proposed themes. The others were Young People and civic Engagement, Healthy Lifestyle and Transport. The four themese were chosen on the basis that they were representative of what is currently being worked on by the Comhairle nationally. Topics that have been worked on by the previous Daíl na n’Ógs were discounted from inclusion and Equality was the runaway winner. A steering Committee was established in June 2017, made up of three Comhairle members and a co-ordinator from each of the following Comhairlí: Kerry, Limerick and Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown. They have been involved in all aspects of the planning of the event, and the Comhairle members recently took part in a workshop to come up with methodology for the day.


Planning policy relevant to the Listowel Municipal District is, at present, contained in the following:

1. Listowel Town Development Plan. 2. Listowel / Ballybunion Functional Area Local Area Plan. 3. Tralee / Killarney Hub Functional Area Plan.

The preparation of a new planning policy framework has commenced. These Plans will be replaced by a new Local Area Plan covering the Listowel Municipal District and a variation to the current Town Development Plan. Preparation of Environmental reports has also commenced including:

• Strategic Environmental Assessment.

• Habitats Directive Assessment. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Landscape Character Assessment. Local Authorities have been advised by the Department not to review existing planning policy with respect to wind energy developments until the completion of a review of the Wind Energy Development Guidelines 2006. However a review of the Landscape Character Assessment has begun, beginning with background research and analysis, and field and preparatory tasks. This revised LCA will best position the Council to consider a wind energy policy review once the Ministerial guidelines with respect to wind development have been finalised. (b) Notices of Motion

1. Cllr. L Purtill: Does Kerry County Council have a bond in place from the Lenamore wind turbine company? This bond should ensure that any roads that have

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 5 1st Dec 2017

deteriorated because of the heavy truck loads being transported to the site should be reinstated to a high standard and to the absolute satisfaction of Kerry County Council. Reply: Condition No.19 pertaining to Pl. Ref: 11-299 (Bord Pleanála Ref: PL08.239233) requires the submission of a bond to secure the satisfactory reinstatement of public roads in the vicinity of the development site that may be damaged by the transport of materials during construction. Kerry County Council wrote to the developers of the site seeking the submission of a bond in compliance with this condition by the 21st of November 2017. As a bond has not been submitted this condition has not, to date, been complied with. The matter has been referred to the Planning Enforcement section of Kerry County Council and a warning letter pursuant to Section 152 of the Planning and Development Acts has been issued to the developers. Cllr. L Purtill said that the residents are very concerned about the damage to the roads. Ms. J McCarthy asked that Planning Enforcement would continue to liaise with the developer to ensure the satisfactory reinstatement of the public roads in the vicinity of the development. 2. Cllr. J Moloney: That Kerry County Council prepare a series of incentives and measures to ensure that Listowel Town Centre is not adversely affected by the bypass. Reply: Kerry County Council in conjunction with the Listowel Business & Community Alliance is currently preparing a tender under the 2017 Town & Village Renewal Funding allocation for a 3 Year Economic Action Plan. This plan will incorporate marketing and retail strategies and will be very cognisant of the future development of the inner relief road. The plan’s overall aim is to make recommendations which will result in increased footfall and trade and promote overall economic development of the town. Cllr. J Moloney said that the development of the inner relief road in Listowel must be promoted and residents and businesses must be assured that it will enhance the economy of the town. Cllr. R Beasley supported the motion. 3. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council inform me of what community alert areas in North Kerry are on the Community Alert Text Scheme and we as a Local Authority in association with the Gardai ensure all other areas are to be approached to be included. Reply: Under the auspices of the JPC, a map is being produced with the assistance of Sgt Jim Foley, Crime Prevention officer, Kerry Garda Division and Supt. Jim O’Connor (Tralee) which will detail the Crime Prevention schemes in the County. This is scheduled to be finalised in time for the next JPC (January). The JPC Annual report 2016/17 contained an appendix of Community & Text Alert Schemes for North Kerry as follows:

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 6 1st Dec 2017

Community Alert Schemes:

Garda District

Garda Station Scheme Name No. Houses in Scheme

Liaison Garda

Current Analysis

Listowel Ballybunion Ballybunion 80 Sgt Michael McCarthy


Listowel Ballybunion Ballydonoghue 60 Gda Damien Ryan


Listowel Ballyduff Ballyduff 50 Gda. Jason Harte


Listowel Ballyduff Causeway 60 Gda. Jason Harte


Listowel Ballyheigue Ballyheigue 80 Gda Mark Cushen


Listowel Balllyheigue Kilmoyley 40 Gda Mark Cushen


Listowel Ballylongford Ballylongford 50 Gda John McEnery


Listowel Ballylongford Asdee 60 Gda John McEnery


Listowel Brosna Brosna 70 Gda John Enright


Listowel Knocknagoshel Knocknagoshel 35 Gda John Enright


Listowel Knocknagoshel Lyreacompane 80 Gda John Enright


Listowel Listowel Listowel 520 Sgt Paula Kelleher


Listowel Listowel Duagh 110 Gda Paula Kelliher


Listowel Lixnaw Lixnaw 25 Gda. Sean Behan


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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 7 1st Dec 2017

Listowel Lixnaw Rathea/Irremore 60 Gda Frank Stafford


Listowel Moyvane Moyvane 50 Gda. Paul Murphy


Listowel Tarbert Tarbert 125 Gda. Paul Murphy


Community Text Alert Schemes in North Kerry (Listowel Garda District)

Scheme Garda Contact #Subscribers

Ballylongford Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50820


Meenleitrim North,Meenleitrim South, Loughfouder

Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50821


Duagh Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50822


Lyrecrompane Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50823


Brosna Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50824


Asdee Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50825


Knocknagoshel Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50826


Tarbert Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50827


Moyvane Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50828


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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 8 1st Dec 2017

Listowel Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50829


Lixnaw Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50830


Irramore Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50831


Knockanure Sgt. Paula Kelleher – Listowel Garda District ; [email protected] ; 068 50832


Cllr. M Kennelly acknowledged the response and asked if Community & Text Alert Schemes could be extended to other areas in North Kerry. Mr. A Smith said that Kerry County Council regards Community & Text Alert Schemes as very valuable schemes. He is working with communities which are currently not included on the list. Cllr. M Kennelly proposed that a media campaign be put in place to encourage communities to join the schemes. Mr. A Smith said that he would liaise with the Gardaí regarding this matter. Cllr. R Beasley supported the motion. Cllr. T Barry said that Residents Associations could be asked to promote the schemes through their groups.

(c) Questions In the absence of Cllr. A Thornton, Cllr. M Kennelly moved the following Questions on her behalf. 1. Cllr. A Thornton: What projects as outlined in the Heritage Strategy have been progressed by the Council by December 2017.

Listowel Heritage & Community Led Regeneration Strategy Works Schedule Update November 27th 2017

Projects commenced highlighted in red. Additional projects to commence in 2018 highlighted in blue.

Project 1 Streets and Square

No Action Partners Timeline


Commission Public Realm Plan for town.

Kerry County Council, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs, The Heritage Council, and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 1-2

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 9 1st Dec 2017


Continue to facilitate and promote events and other activities in the town.

Kerry County Council, Listowel Traders Association, North, East & West Kerry Development and Failte Ireland.



Provide a street side welcome, information and orientation kiosk for tourists arriving in the town the town.

Kerry County Council, North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 1-3


Pedestrianise and carry out public realm improvements to the public area between the Seancahi Centre front boundary and the edge of the main N69 public road.

Kerry County Council.

Years 1-3

* 1.c. Preliminary design drawings prepared and actively seeking funding. * 1.d. Preliminary design drawings prepared and actively seeking funding.

Project 2 Street Frontages No





Commence production of an “Architectural Conservation Toolkit” for Listowel’s Historic town centre on a phased street by street basis.

KCC Heritage Officer, KCC Architectural Conservation Officer, The Heritage Council, Listowel Traders Association, North, East & West Kerry Development, and Listowel Tidy Towns.

Years 1-3


Hold a public exhibition and also promote the traditional shop fronts and streetscapes of Listowel town online.

KCC Heritage Officer, KCC Architectural Conservation Officer, The Heritage Council, Listowel Traders Association, North, East & West Kerry Development., and Listowel Tidy Towns.

Year 3


Promote and fund a Streetscape Improvement Grants Scheme for Listowel’s Historic Town Centre.

Kerry County Council, The Heritage Council, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs and North, East and West Kerry Development.,

Years 4-5

2.a. William Street survey work has been completed. Funding application for Church Street / Square surveys under consideration by NEWKD. Application submitted by Listowel Tidy Towns. Total project cost: € 15,915. Funding Split €7,000 (Leader), €6,000 (Heritage Council), €1,000 (KCC Heritage Office), €1,000 (Listowel Municipal District), €915 (Listowel Tidy Towns). If the expected funding is received by February 2018 the project should be completed by July 2018.

Project 3 Childers Park No





Redesign park access and entrances from the Bridge Road in conjunction with Neodata Site redevelopment (8.b).

Listowel Municipal District Engineer, and Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

Years 2-3


Examine future potential to develop pedestrian and cycle linkages between, community centre, town park, river banks and the proposed Greenway extension along the Great

Listowel Municipal District Engineer, Failte Ireland and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 1-3

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 10 1st Dec 2017

Southern Trail.


Progress Management plan for the site of the original ‘Lios Tuathail’ ring fort dealing with vegetation and geophysical survey with the cooperation of relevant landowners.

KCC County Archaeologist, KCC Heritage Officer, The Heritage Council, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 2-3

3.a Main entrance to park in the process of being widened. 3.b Route options being investigated.

Project 4 River Feale No





Investigate feasibility of upgrading and extending the towns riverside walks.

Listowel Municipal District Engineer, KCC Heritage Officer, KCC Biodiversity Officer, The Heritage Council, Listowel Racecourse, Committee, Listowel Tidy Towns, Inland Fisheries Ireland, and Failte Ireland.

Years 1-5


Undertake Ecological Survey to inform wildlife habitat management and the provision of biodiversity interpretation signage along same.

KCC Biodiversity Officer, Listowel Municipal District Engineer, KCC Heritage Officer, The Heritage Council, Listowel Racecourse Committee, Listowel Tidy Towns, Inland Fisheries Ireland and Failte Ireland.

Years 1-5

4.a Route options being investigated.

5. Lartigue Monorail Experience No





Continue to work with Lartigue Monorail Committee to investigate future development potential of Monorail and Museum.

Lartigue Monorail Committee, KCC Tourism Unit, KCC Heritage Officer, The Heritage Council, North, East & West Kerry Development and Failte Ireland.


5.a. Heritage Officer is attending Lartigue Monorail Committee meetings. Heritage Officer has invited Beatrice Kelly, Heritage Council Archivist and manager of the Heritage Councils Museum Standards Programme for Ireland (MSPI) to visit and advise.

Project 6 Heritage Archive No





Identify owners of Listowel’s Historical Archive Sources.

KCC Heritage Officer, KCC Archivist, KCC County Museum Curator and The Heritage Council.

Year 1


Review condition and conservation requirements of identified Historical Archive collections.

KCC Heritage Officer, KCC Archivist, KCC County Museum Curator and The Heritage Council

Years 2-3

6.a Initial steering group meeting to be arranged with Mike Lynch KCC Archivist, Helen O’Carroll County Museum Curator and Beatrice Kelly, Heritage Council Archivist.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 11 1st Dec 2017

Project 7 Seanchaí Centre No





Continue to work with Seanchaí Centre to promote the centre as an integral part of the heritage tourism offering of the town.

Seanchaí Centre, KCC Tourism Unit, KCC Arts Officer, KCC Heritage Officer and The Heritage Council and Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs.



Continue to work with the Seanchaí Centre to secure accredited museum status for the through the Museum Standards Programme for Ireland (MSPI).

Seanchaí Centre, KCC Tourism Unit, KCC, Arts Officer, KCC Heritage Officer and The Heritage Council and Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs.


Project 8 Visitor Accommodation No

Project / Action




Identify viable campervan / motor home locations.

KCC Municipal District Engineer, KCC Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate and Private Sector.

Year 1


Investigate development potential of former NeoData / Council site on Bridge Road.

KCC Municipal District Engineer, KCC Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate and Private Sector.

Year 1

8.a/b Options being investigated. Project 9 Chamber Alliance






Establish a Chamber Alliance for Listowel and ensure Heritage / Tourism Sector representation.

Listowel Municipal District Manager.

Year 1


Establish a network of Tourism Ambassadors

KCC Tourism Unit and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 2-3


Deliver a schools and community Heritage awareness programme as per Heritage Councils ‘Heritage in Schools programme’.

KCC Heritage, Biodiversity, Architectural Conservation and Planning Officers, The Heritage Council, and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 1-3


Facilitate Heritage Council training course participation by local heritage, community, business, arts and tourism groups.

KCC Heritage Officer, The Heritage Council, Failte Ireland, and North, East & West Kerry Development.

Years 1-3

9.c. Subject to funding. Schools to be notified of available options. 9.d Awaiting list of 2018 Heritage Council training courses .

Project 10 Marketing Strategy No





Work with local community groups and agencies to assemble a list of Listowel’s tourism / heritage infrastructure and make available for tour operators & future visitors

KCC Tourism Unit, KCC Heritage Officer, North, East & West Kerry, Love Listowel and Listowel Traders

Years 1-3

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 12 1st Dec 2017


Project 11 Event Coordination & Development No





Review all community events in Listowel.

KCC Tourism Unit



Investigate the potential of developing new events to celebrate the Heritage of Listowel and its communities.

Chamber Alliance, KCC Tourism Unit, KCC Heritage Officer and The Heritage Council.

Year 1-3

Project 12 Town Online Presence No





Promote Listowel’s Heritage Town Status through the inclusion of accurate and adequate heritage, visitor attraction and events information in the Listowel.ie website and associated social media platforms.

KCC Tourism Unit., KCC Heritage Officer, Love Listowel.

Year 1-3

Project 13 Orientation & Interpretation No





Audit historic signage and street level heritage interpretation provision and develop policy accordingly.

Listowel Municipal District Engineer, KCC Heritage Officer and The Heritage Council

Years 1-3


Promote walking tours of the town

KCC Tourism Unit and KCC Heritage Officer.

Years 2-5

13.a Heritage Officer to commence Survey Work in January 2018

Project 14 Inner Relief Road Extension No





Progress proposal to extend town’s Inner Relief Road.

Kerry County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland


Project 15 Arrival & Parking Strategy No





Develop environmental improvement project town’s approach roads.

Listowel Municipal District Engineer and Listowel Tidy Towns.

Years 1-3


Develop parking strategy, in conjunction with action 1a. Public Realm Strategy.

Listowel Municipal District Engineer, Chamber Alliance, Listowel Traders.

Years 1-3


Promote increased awareness and use of free off street cark parks.

Listowel Municipal District Engineer.

Years 1-3

Project 16 Great Southern Trail Greenway No




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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 13 1st Dec 2017


Progress Great Southern Trail Greenway Extension Plan from Limerick/Kerry County bounds to Listowel Town.

Kerry County Council.

Years 1-5

Project 17: North Kerry Heritage Trail on the Wild Atlantic Way. No





Produce design ready interpretation content for a selection of heritage sites along the proposed “North Kerry Heritage Trail on the Wild Atlantic Way” which would then be utilised develop existing and future tourism projects

KCC Tourism Unit., KCC Heritage Officer, Biodiversity Officer, Architectural Conservation Officer, County Archaeologist, Heritage Council, North, East & West Kerry Development and Failte Ireland

Year 1-2


Facilitate the provision of Heritage Trail signage for a selection of heritage sites along the proposed “North Kerry Heritage Trail on the Wild Atlantic Way”.

KCC Tourism Unit., KCC Heritage Officer, Biodiversity Officer, Architectural Conservation Officer, County Archaeologist, Heritage Council, North, East & West Kerry Development and Failte Ireland

Year 2-3

17.a Working with Failte Ireland.

Project 18 Cycle Friendly Town No





Audit cycling provision in Listowel Town and target improvements to infrastructure and facilities

Municipal District Engineer.

Years 1-5

2. Cllr. A Thornton: What funding is available from the Heritage Council at this point in time or early next year? Reply: The current programme for government commits to establishing this National Historic Town Network with associated funding stream. The “Listowel Heritage and Community Led Regeneration Strategy” was produced and adopted due to Listowel’s involvement in the National Historic Town Initative Pilot which commenced in 2014 and in anticipation of the establishment of a “National Historic Towns Network” in 2017. The Heritage Council has employed an additional staff member to help administer the new network the Heritage Council are awaiting formal approval to invite new applications for membership. The Heritage Office of Kerry County Council has been in contact with Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs as recent as last week and they confirmed that the new network is to be established in 2018. The amount of money that will be available to Listowel for next year is unclear at this time. Quality of Life – Water, Environment, Fire & Library Services

Directorate. (a) It was agreed to note the following report from the Quality of Life – Water,

Environment, Fire and Library Services Directorate.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 14 1st Dec 2017

Clár Infheistíochta na Seirbhísi Uisce Comhairle Contae Chiarraí KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL WATER SERVICES DIRECTORATE REPORT

LISTOWEL MUNICIPAL DISTRICT Achoimre Stádais ar an 20ú Samhain 2017 Status Summary at 20th November 2017

Funding Priorities for Capital Projects

Irish Water has indicated that it will prioritize funding for capital projects, based on the key issues to be addressed. In Water, priority is given to any Scheme to which a Boil Water Notice (BWN) applies, and to any Scheme on the EPA Remedial Action List (RAL) and/or on a legal Direction from the EPA. In Wastewater, priority is given to towns (agglomerations) to which ECJ Rulings apply, and to meeting the requirements of the EPA Discharge Licences.


The Irish Water national Capital Investment Programme 2014-2016 was launched in May 2014. A total of 8 wastewater Schemes (total value of €10.7 million) and 7 Water schemes (total value of €22.5 million) in Kerry are included in the IW Capital Investment Programme. The Schemes listed in the CIP which are located in the Listowel Municipal District are outlined in the following tables.


Project Status

Tarbert and Ballylongford WWTPs

Complete €3.5M; Connections Work Contract estimated at €120,000 - Tender Documents are with Irish Water for its review

Ballylongford WW Scheme

Connections Work Contract estimated at €120,000 - Tender Documents are with Irish Water for its review

Lixnaw WWTP Planning Application made by IW for an €0.8M Integrated Construction Wetland WW treatment system – decision due 20/12/17


Irish Water has also launched a Minor Capital Works Programme. This is a rolling programme of Minor Improvement Works which can be added to as the need arises.


Project Description Estimate Status

Water and Waste Water Treatment

Plants works

Disinfection Upgrades at WTPs and Flow monitoring and Sampling at the WWTPs

€1.25M Contract works - completion WW April 17, Water Dec.17

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 15 1st Dec 2017

Works of value €3.4M have been completed in the Listowel Municipal District since 2014 and the list of current projects in this area for which Kerry County Council has applied under the Minor Improvements Programme is outlined in the following table:


Project Description Estimate Status

NKRWSS WSS – Ferry Road Tarbert

Replace 2,350M of 170mm A.C. with 160MM uPVC

€ 294,000


Ardfert North WSS – Causeway Marian


Replace 370M of 90mm C.I. with Lead services with 110MM uPVC pipe

€ 54,000


Ardfert North WSS – Marian Park Ballyheigue

Decommission 215M of C.I. mains

€48,000 Complete

Ardfert North WSS: Ballyheigue Pressure


Install Pressure Reducing Valves and Meters

€ 7,000 Complete

Glenderry WS: Mains Replacement

Replace 750M of 50mm AC main with 90MM uPVC

€ 56,000

Complete Contractor JHR

Ardfert North WSS – Church Rd Ballyheigue

Replace 590M of 200mm C.I. with Lead services 160MM uPVC

€ 62,000


Ardfert North WSS – Causeway village

Replace 700M of 75mm C.I. and A.C. with 110MM uPVC pipe



Ardfert North WSS – Tiershanaghan


Replace 3,400M of 50mm A.C. with 1,800M of 90MM and 1,600M of 63MM uPVC

€ 304,000


NKRWSS: Dromin Water Treatment Plant

Upgrade Sludge Treatment Works

€190,000 Underway

NKRWSS: Dromin Water Treatment Plant

Roof repairs €35,000


NKRWSS: Dromin Water Treatment Plant

Building remodelling €350,000

Planning Permission

granted July 17

NKRWSS: Moyvane Ahavoher

Replace 2.7Km of 100MM water mains



Listowel – Waste Water

Drainage Area Plan; assessment of existing drainage networks and Waste Water Treatment Plant


Approved; Tender Docs. to appoint Cons. have been prepared / sent by KCC to Irish Water.

Lyreacrompane RWSS: Network -

Install new scour valves and provide sampling points on

€ 17,000 Approved

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 16 1st Dec 2017

Unidirectional Scouring existing scours

NKRWSS: Quay St Ballylongford

Replace 800M of 100mm Cast Iron with 150MM uPVC pipe

€ 50,000


Ardfert North WSS – Causeway Village

Replace 1,750M of 75mm C.I. and A.C. with 110MM uPVC pipe

€ 236,000


Total APPROVED works

CURRENTLY on hand €2,150,000


The administration and development of the Group Scheme sector continues to be a function of the Local Authorities under the guidance and supervision of the Department Of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. Irish Water has no authority, responsibility or involvement. The funding for 2016 - 2018 was announced on in August 2016. Takeover of Group Schemes Since 1 January 2014, responsibility for the Takeover of Group Schemes has transferred to Irish Water, and KCC is no longer in a position take over Group schemes. Following consultations with the Department Of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government and the County and City Managers’ Association, Irish Water has now developed a protocol to facilitate the Takeover of Group Schemes. Funding has been allocated in the 2016-2018 Rural Water Programme for upgrade works prior to take-over (by IW) on the Group Water Schemes of Clanmaurice (€200,000) and Brosna (€90K). In Causeway, pipe replacement works have been completed by contract at Feaans and further works by the Council’s direct labour crews are underway at Cleandries and Farran, all on Clanmaurice GWSS. Upgrade works have also been by the Council’s crews completed on the GWSS mains at Brosna and Knocknagoshel.

Environmental Protection Business Unit Manager: Ger O’Brien SEO Bulky Waste Recycling Event Residents of Marconi Avenue Area participated in a pilot Bulky Waste recycling event on Wednesday October 25th 2017 where they were invited to bring their bulky household goods to a waste container located conveniently at the Housing Estate provided by Kerry Co. Council. This pilot event was organised to help householders get rid of their bulky waste in an environmentally safe manner and to raise awareness about the hazards of bulky household waste being used as fuel for bonfires at Halloween. The Environment Section of Kerry Co. Council successfully secured funding in September from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 17 1st Dec 2017

Environment to host a Bulky Waste Collection event under Phase II of the Anti-Dumping Initiative. The event was a great success involving the co-operation of the Marconi Avenue Area householders, Ballybunion Tidy Towns, the Environment Section, Housing Section and Listowel Municipal District Operations and John Higgins Waste & Recycling. Many elderly residents in particular were assisted in removing large bulky items from their homes as part of this unique event. At the end of the day two large 40 cubic yard containers of bulky waste were taken away for recycling and disposal at John Higgins permitted waste facility. LISTOWEL CIVIC AMENITY SITE Kerry County Council operate 5 Civic Amenity Sites, but have none in either the Tralee or Listowel Municipal Districts. There are alternative private Civic Amenity Sites available in Tralee Municipal District but there is neither a private nor public Civic Amenity Site available in the Listowel Municipal District. Kerry County Council would like to provide a Civic Amenity Site for the people of the Listowel Municipal District to allow them to avail of the same level of service that is available to the people resident in the other three Municipal Districts. A site has been purchased and is available in Tanavalla, and licence for a Civic Amenity Site in this location has been granted to Kerry County Council by the EPA. In order to help progress the project the Environment Section organised a site visit to Dingle Civic Amenity Site on Thursday 9th November last. Dingle is a purpose built Civic Amenity Site and most closely resembles the type of Civic Amenity Site proposed for Listowel. Four elected members attended the site visit, along with the Municipal District Manager, the Municipal District Community Officer and Environmental Protection Section staff. Fire Services Business Unit Manager: Capt. Michael Hession, Chief Fire Officer Fire Brigade Operations

Operational volumes of work remain similar to the 2016 pattern with a very slight reduction overall. Significantly, neither Storms Ophelia and Brian nor Halloween 2017 saw significant spates of work. This result reflects well on the Council’s Community Fire Safety and Emergency Management and Planning endeavours

Jan-Oct 2016 Jan-Oct 2017


Chimney Fires 91 81

Gorse Fires 153 174

Other Fires 205 192

Total Fires 449 447

Special Services

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 18 1st Dec 2017

Entrapment 16 7

Gas/Chemicals 4 1 Hazardous substances in transit not involving fire 0 0

Hazardous Substances non Transit 1 1

Machinery 0 1

Miscellaneous 50 62

Other rescue 24 29

Rescue/Removal of persons from water 1 2

Road traffic accident 109 99

Water pumping/flooding 9 4

Total Special Services 214 206

False Alarms

Malicious 19 25

Good Intent 124 101

Total False Alarms 143 126

Total Number of Incidents 806 779

Total Number of Mobilisations 958 955

Fire Safety and Prevention:

• Fire Officers continued to carry out inspections on foot of licensing applications, as required under Section 24 of the Fire Services Act 1981 and 2003, throughout the month of October. Following inspections of various premises, the Fire Officers’ recommendations are forwarded to the relevant Court sittings. In a number of cases follow up inspections have been carried out to ensure fire safety standards are maintained.

Building Control:

• The number of Commencement Notices/ 7 Day Notices received to the 30th of September 2017 was 386 which is a: 4.04 % increase on the figure of 371 for the same period last year.

• The Building Control Section continues to process Disability Access Certificate applications and also Fire Safety Certificate applications. Up to the 30th of September 2017 a total of 76 Disability Access Certificate applications and a total of 104 new Fire Safety Certificate applications had been received. This represents decrease of:

7.32 % in Disability Access Certificate applications and

21.80 % in Fire Safety Certificate applications over the same period in 2016.

Building Control Jan to Oct 2016 Jan to Oct


Fire Safety Certificate Applications Received 133 104

Disability Access Certificate Applications Received 82 76

Commencement Notices/7 day Notices Received 371 386

Library Services

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 19 1st Dec 2017

Business Unit Manager: Tommy O’Connor, Co. Librarian

• Library Online Sources Kerry Library carried out an extensive promotion of its online sources during the month of November. A range of sources is available free of charge to the public through the library website www.kerrylibrary.ie They include online newspapers, digital magazines, online languages, e-books, e-audio, e-learning courses, Encyclopaedia Britannica and the family history site FindMyPast. Usage of online sources has been one of the major growth areas of the Kerry library service in recent years. During 2016, there were 66,4590 usages of the library online resources while for the current year, the Jan. – Oct. figure was 42,671. • Healthy Ireland in the Library programme [2017 – 2018] An application by the LGMA [Libraries Development] to Pobal under the Healthy Ireland Fund has resulted in grant aid agreed to the amount of €400,000 across the country for libraries. This funding allocation will be for phase 1 implementation and provided this implementation demonstrates a strong impact, it is expected that further allocation of funding will be made for phase 2 [2018]. The 2017 programme will include (i) provision of a core selection of 45 health related books to each public library in Ireland. (ii) A Healthy Ireland related event to be held at each library before 1 March 2018. (iii) provision of an online resource(s) – to be sourced nationally (iv) a national promotion of the Healthy Ireland in the Library campaign. • Cultural Archive Award As part of the Creative Ireland: Kerry programme, Kerry Library, on behalf of Kerry County Council, invited applications for a Cultural Archive Award with the aim of developing or preserving an archive with the intended cultural impact of preserving such material for future generations. A one-off grant of €1,000 for a single project in each Municipal District will be made. Members of the Kerry County Council Creative Ireland Cultural Team will evaluate applications. The submission deadline was 20 November 2017. Submissions are

being evaluated at present & the Awards will be announced during December. • Library events programme Details at www.kerrylibrary.ie Mr. C Mangan referred to the Water Services report and said that Irish Water has made Planning Application for an €0.8M Integrated Construction Wetland WW treatment system for Lixnaw and a decision due 20/12/17. Pipe replacement is ongoing in the Ardfert North WSS. Irish Water has made €350, 000 available for the replacement of water mains in the Moyvane area. This work will be carried out in tandem with the laying of cable by the ESB to ensure that disruption for the residents is minimised. (b) Notice of Motion

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 20 1st Dec 2017

1. Cllr. J Moloney: That Kerry County Council brief the Councillors on the process involved for issuing litter fines.

Reply: Fines are issued mainly where correspondence, including a name and address is found amongst dumped litter. Fines can also issue where someone is caught on camera dumping illegally. On rare occasions, fines will issue if there is a witness to the illegal dumping who is willing to sign a statement and go to court if necessary to confirm the position. A period of 21 days is allowed for payment of the fine. If payment is not received within the 21 days, follow up correspondence issues requesting that payment be made. If the fine is not paid, the file is referred to our legal department to issue court proceedings. Cllr. J Moloney acknowledged this response. Notice of Motion No. 2 was moved by Cllr. M Kennelly on behalf of Cllr. A Thornton. 2. Cllr. A Thornton: Can the Council confirm whether they will be in a position to attend to the upgrading of the water infrastructure in Moyvane at the same time as the ESB/Eirgrid works? Reply: Both the water and electrical works are scheduled for January 2018 on the Moyvane - Ahavoher road, where the laying of a large gas main has just been completed. Both groups are currently liaising, in order to minimise disruption to the local people. (c) Questions 1. Cllr. R Beasley: When can we expect to see an end to the ongoing saga with the sewage problem on Cinema Lane, Ballybunion? Reply: It is planned that the Council’s Operations and Water Services crews will lay a new 25M length of sewer at this location in early December. 2. Cllr. J Moloney: How many litter fines have been issued in response to reports of illegal dumping caught on camera in Listowel Municipal District?

Reply: 4 no. fines have issued for illegal dumping caught on camera in the Listowel Municipal District. 3. Cllr. J Moloney: How many septic tank inspections were carried out in the Listowel Municipal District in 2016 and 2017?

Reply: 9 no. inspections were carried out in 2016 and 10 no. have been carried out in 2017.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 21 1st Dec 2017

In response to a query from Cllr. J Moloney, Mr. G O’Brien clarified that 8 of the 9 inspections carried out in 2016 passed the inspection and 5 of the 10 carried out in 2017 passed the inspection. Housing Directorate. (a) It was agreed to note the following report from the Housing Directorate which was circulated:

1 Housing Applications


Current no. of approved applicants on the housing list who have selected an area within this MD as an area of choice


Net Need for Listowel MD (excluding transfers) 524

No. of applications received this year who have selected an area within this MD as an area of choice


No. of applications approved since the start of this year who have selected an area within this MD as an area of choice


2 Void Management

Municipal District breakdown No

Current no. of dwellings under repair and unallocated 1

Current no. of dwellings under repair and allocated 2

Current no. of dwellings awaiting repairs 15

Current no. of repaired dwellings awaiting allocation 1

Current no. of repaired dwellings allocated awaiting occupation


Total No of Vacant dwellings in Municipal District 21

3 Social Housing Options

Social Housing Options in MD

New tenancies since the start of the year

Current No of tenancies

LA Housing 51 907

RAS 12 131

Leasing 2 24

HAP 52 52

Total no of Tenancies 117 1114

4 Housing Construction/Acquistion Programme Schemes/S.R. dwellings at planning/design stage in Municipal District

Location No of dwellings

Type of dwellings

Estimated start date

Estimated completion

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 22 1st Dec 2017


Marconi Avenue, Ballybunion

20 No. 8 No. 2 bedroom, 12 No. 3 bedroom, two storey.

Dec. 2018 Dec. 2019

Upper William Street, Listowel

7 No. 7 No. 2 bedroom, two storey

May 2018 Mar 2019

Schemes/ S.R. dwellings under construction in Municipal District

Location No of dwellings

Type of dwellings

start date Estimated completion date

Ashgrove, Listowel 1 No. 4 bedroom special needs bungalow

Completed 14th July 2017

Lixnaw, Ph4 4 No. 2 bedroom, two storey

13th Feb. 2017

Completed 14th Nov. 2017. Allocations in progress.

House Acquisitions since the start of the year

Location No of dwellings

Type of dwellings

Month of purchase

Listowel 1 3 bed January

Listowel 2 3 bed February

Listowel 3 3 bed August

Listowel 4 3 bed October

Sales have been agreed and are progressing on 6 other properties.

5 Maintenance/Improvement of Housing Stock Since 1st January, 2017, 714 No. requests for repairs have been received for the Listowel Municipal District. 6 Housing Adaptation /Housing Aid for Older People Grants Since 1st January, 2017, 120 No. grants have been allocated in the Listowel Municipal District. 7 Bedroom Extensions

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 23 1st Dec 2017

Since 1st January, 2017, no bedroom extensions have been allocated in the Listowel Municipal District. 8 Turnkey Acquisitions Expression Of Interest and Market Soundings Kerry County Council will be advertising an expression of interest for Turnkey developments shortly in the local media. 9 Planned Maintenance Programme A planned maintenance programme has commenced in the Municipal District with an initial expenditure of €50,000. Works on the Phase 1 Programme will be completed by the end of 2017. 10 Replacement Demountable Units Programme A replacement Demountable Unit Programme has commenced in the Municipal District and units for replacement will be prioritised based on condition and circumstances of tenant. Cllr. M Kennelly referred to void management and said that he was aware of a house which has been allocated since September and is not ready for the tenant to move in. Mr. T Brosnan said that while he acknowledged that there is more work to be done, a considerable amount of work has been undertaken in 2017 to expedite the re-allocation of vacant properties. Pre allocation of the house in advance of it being ready for occupation is carried out with a view to reducing the length of time the allocation process takes due to refusals. Mr. E Scanlan said that the volume of work required on vacant properties varies from one house to another. He acknowledged the high level of communication that exists between the Housing Department and Housing Operations.

(b) Notice of Motion 1. Cllr. J Moloney: When will Kerry County Council begin replacing the old demountable unit stock in the area? Reply: A replacement Demountable Unit Programme has commenced in the Municipal District and units for replacement will be prioritised based on condition and circumstances of tenant. 2. Cllr. J Lucid: What is the position regarding the vacant house at Banemore, Kilmoyley, (Details with Directorate). When will it be available to a new tenant? Reply: There is a legal case pending to resolve an issue on the ownership of the grounds surrounding the specific property. Unfortunately, we will not be in a position to offer the property to a new tenant until the legal case is resolved.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 24 1st Dec 2017

(c) Question 1. Cllr. J Lucid: What is the time frame for which a housing grant is paid from the time the builder submits the certificate of completion to the payment of the grant. Reply: On completion of works under the Housing Adaptation for people with a disability grant (HAG) and Housing Aid for older people grant(HOP), there are a number of further steps prior to payment. When the certificate of completion is submitted by a builder or contractor for payment a Kerry County Council engineer inspects the works to ensure it is completed in adherence to the agreed program of work. Kerry County Council engineer inspects the works to ensure it is completed in adherence to the agreed program of work. Once the technical team certifies that the work meets the required standard, payment is processed by Kerry County Council finance section. The timescales vary but payments after fully compliant inspections are completed are made in a prompt manner. Operations, Capital Infrastructure & Safety Directorate (a) It was agreed to note the following Report which was circulated.

Operations - Roads Programme of Works

Listowel Municipal District Operations

Roads Works have been completed on the following roads on this years roads programme Restoration Improvement R-551 Glencullare – Meelcon L-1008 Ballydonoghue Cross – Junction with L-6019 L-1000- Beale L-1011 Greenville Road L-1006- Gloria – Coolbeha R-551- Doonard to Junct. with L-1010 R-551 – Causeway Village L-1029- Lixnaw Village Restoration Maintenance R-551 – Ballinbranhig, Ballyduff westwards for 1.75kms R-552 – From junction with L-6015 to a point 200m south of Kilgarvan crossroads R-554- Lisselton Cross to Moybella Cross L-1025 – Two segments of Cork Line Road L-6050- Finuge Bridge – Killocrim Cross L-1032 – Lacka Cross L-1033 – Glenderry, Ballyheigue Footpath Programme L-1401 – Greenville Road- Complete L-6326 - Woodview – Complete L-6300- Ballygologue Park – Complete

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 25 1st Dec 2017

Bridge Improvement Works R-556 – Cloonametagh Bridge, Abbeydorney – Complete R-523- Kilmeany – Complete

Eamon Scanlan Paul Neary Senior Executive Engineer Senior Engineer

Operations - Housing

Housing Operations Works Report to the 30th November, 2017.

Voids Works • 1 bed bungalow, Ballylongford, Complete internally, boundary fence at rear to be replaced.

• 1 bed bungalow, Feale drive, Complete

• 2 bed bungalow, Abbeydorney, complete

• 3 bed 2 storey, Sandhill Pk, Ballybunion, underway, due end Nov

• 2 bed bungalow, Tarbert, approval received from Housing, to be tendered before end Nov

• 2 no 2 bed bungalows, Baile an Garrai, Lixnaw, completed and returned to housing.

• 3 bed 2 storey, Cluainin, Listowel, complete and returned to housing.

Tendered on LAQ

• 2 Bed 2 storey terraced house, O Connell’s Ave, tendered, works to commence

• 3 bed 2 stored semi-d Woodgrove, Moyvane (fire Damage) tendered, to be re-tendered on E-tenders

For tender on LAQ

• SRC Bromore, West, Ballybunion, tendered, works to start early 2018. Significant alterations and re-construction works to be undertaken.

Works to Acquisitions

• Works to 2no purchased houses completed. (28 Lartigue Village & 36 Cois Baile)

• Works commenced to 4no houses at Beechgrove, Cahirdown on 18th Sept, 3no (Nos 6,18&24) complete, 4th house (no 34)complete by 1st Dec.)

• Reports on 6 no. additional houses for purchase completed and reports for an additional 4no due by 30th Nov.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 26 1st Dec 2017

• Works to 2no additional acquisitions (19 Cois Baile & 8 Liosarda) to commence early December.

• Works to no1 Bruach na hAbhainn, Killocrim to commence late Q4 2017 or early Q1 2018

Inspections to be carried out to Acquisitions, Part v

Extensions • Extension to SRC in Kilmorna, Listowel, to be re-tendered on E-tenders.

• Design and cost estimates being prepared for for 2 no. extensions to SRC’s at Ballyduff and Ballybunion.

• Design and cost estimate being prepared for extension to 3 bed 2 storey being examined in Tarbert. Design prepared

Single Rural/Site Suitability Assessments

Planned Maintenance Programme

Budget Allocations made, works commencing on foot of surveys ongoing

Energy Retrofitting Programme

2017 works tendered and works to commence ASAP

Stock Survey Re-survey of properties missed in previous surveys to be ongoing through Nov & Dec as resources & staff available

Capital Infrastructure Unit In relation to the Listowel MD area, CIU are working on the following infrastructure projects and the following is the update on progress -

North Kerry Line Greenway:

The Listowel Municipal District is currently carrying out vegetation clearance works along the old railway line from the Limerick County Bounds to Listowel Town. It is expected that these initial clearance works will be completed before Christmas. The clearance works are necessary to allow the appointed Consultants, RPS, to carry out detailed surveys along the line to progress the design of the greenway. As the design develops and the work involved becomes clearer the Council will provide a programme for the works in due course.

Housing Construction Projects:

1 Unit at Ashgrove Listowel – Construction commenced 05/09/2016. Construction of the house was completed on 14/07/2017.

4 Units at Lixnaw – Construction commenced 13/02/2017. Construction of the project was completed on 21/11/2017

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 27 1st Dec 2017

7 Units at Courthouse Lawn, Upper William Street, Listowel – Pre-Tender submission to DHPCLG in Dec 2017.

20 Units at Ballybunion, Co.Kerry- . Preliminary Appraisal stage of the project has been approved by DHPCLG on 30th June 2017, Currently CIU are procuring an external consultancy design team to progress the project to further stages.

Public Lighting Listowel MD Outstanding Faults not completed within 12 days

General Location Road/Address Num Fault Staus/Description

Knocknagoshel Knocknagoshel 8697 Awaiting ESB networks work

Listowel Charles Street 9097 Additional traffic management required

Listowel Cliveragh Road 9236 Additional traffic management required

Listowel Cliveragh Road 9237 Additional traffic management required

Ballybunion Castle and Strand Walk 7792 Awaiting special materials delivery

Ballybunion Castle and Strand Walk 7793 Awaiting special materials delivery

Ballybunion Castle and Strand Walk 7794 Awaiting special materials delivery

Ballybunion Castle and Strand Walk 7795 Awaiting special materials delivery

Ballybunion Castle and Strand Walk 7796 Awaiting special materials delivery

Listowel Greenville 9484 Additional traffic management required

No. of faults reported since last meeting: 40

No. of faults repaired within 12 working days: 28

No. of faults repaired outside 12 working days: 13

(b) Notices of Motion 1. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council address the problem where there is water lodging at Carhoona, Tarbert on the Ballylongford side of the homes of (Details with Directorate). This problem has got much worse since the road was tarred and is dangerous because of the proximity to the bend. Reply: Kerry County Council will deal with this matter in Q1 of 2018. Cllr. L Purtill said that this are is hazardous due to the proximity of the water to the bend on the road. Cllr. M Kennelly referred too recent flooding at the Clieveragh area of Listowel and said that he has raised this matter several times and has been lobbying the OPW but a family at this location has been the victim of flooding again. It is now over two years since flooding first occurred and no solution has been put in place. Mr. E Scanlan said that on the morning that the flooding occurred a huge volume of rainfall fell within a very short time. A code yellow warning was given but the volume of rainfall was more appropriate to a code red warning. The emergency staff in Listowel took an enormous volume of calls from the public. Road safety is always paramount

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 28 1st Dec 2017

The OPW has granted funding for site investigation works and land acquisition and the tender process is in progress. It is anticipated that the design and survey work will commence in Q3, 2018. Funding for the remedial work must be sourced and realistically it will be 2019 before a contractor is on site. Cllr. M Kennelly said that this information is devastating for the people affected by the flooding. Mr. E Scanlan said that there is a statutory process which must be adhered to. Cllr. M Kennelly asked if all emergency response staff members in the Listowel MD are on stand by when a code yellow warning is announced. Mr. Scanlan said that all available staff members were on stand by from between 6am and 7am on the morning of the flooding but the sheer volume of water as a result of the heavy rainfall was very difficult to deal with. Cllr. J Moloney asked if the Government could be requested to expedite the statutory process for this work to be carried out in view of the hardship to which has been caused to the residents of the area. Mr. Scanlan said that the design for the project must take the area down stream into consideration as it is important that a resolution to the flooding at this location does not cause problems downstream. 2. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council would surface dress the Steeple Road, Tarbert. Parts of the road have deteriorated considerably in recent times and badly need upgrading. Reply: This road is not on any current roads programme, it can be considered for inclusion in the next roads programme. 3. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council would urgently address the problem with two manhole covers on the low road from Tarbert to Ballylongford. One is near the home of (Details with Directorate) – this is a grave danger to traffic and could cause a serious accident. The second is outside (Details with Directorate) and is also a hazard to road users.

Reply: These covers are on the ducting provided as part of the Tullahennell Windfarm development. They are the responsibility of the windfarm operators to maintain. The windfarm operators have been made aware of these locations. 4. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council would upgrade the road from Callaghan’s Cross to Lenamore Cross (Ballylongford). This road has deteriorated dramatically because of the hundreds of truck loads of material supplying the Lenamore windfarm. I believe this company should be held accountable for the damage to the road. Reply: This road is not on any current roads programme. It can be considered for inclusion in the next roads programme. The issue of trucks using this road to deliver to a nearby site is one that Kerry County Council cannot levy a cost on the developer as the public road is open to all vehicles to use.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 29 1st Dec 2017

5. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council would trim the hedges on the sides of the road from McElligotts Cross (Puleen Road) to Glenculare Cross, Tarbert. This road is the school bus route. The hedges are very overgrown and this is a narrow route. Reply: It is the responsibility of the landowners in this location to cut these hedges. The Roads Enforcement officer has been made aware of the location. 6. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council would skirt the Ratoo road leading to the Ratoo Tower. This road is very narrow and is used by many visitors to the tower. It would also help to keep water off the road. Reply: This road will be considered for drainage works in 2018. 7. Cllr. T Barry: That Kerry County Council will carry out repairs to the road at Dirha cottages Listowel. Reply: This road will be added to the repairs list. Cllr. T Barry said that he was hoping for a more longterm solution for this road as a considerable number of elderly people live at this location. Cllr. R Beasley supported the notice of motion. 8. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council replace the footpath coming into Ballybunion from Ahafona to (Details with Directorate) on the left hand side coming in from Listowel. Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works in question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 9. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council consider extending the footpath from Sandhill cottage which is on the Golf Course down to the Cashen. This would have to be done in consultation with Ballybunion Golf Club to obtain approximately two feet of ground. Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works in question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 10. Cllr. R Beasley: That a new path be provided at the rear of (Details with Directorate) overlooking the black rocks and mens beach in Ballybunion. Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works in question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 11. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council remove the ditch adjacent to Cluain na nAisling, Causeway and replace it with a block built wall to try to help with the elimination of rodents which have caused a lot of upset to the residents.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 30 1st Dec 2017

Reply: Kerry County Council have discussed with the adjoining landowner the possibility of removing the ditch and building a wall. Subject to finance being made available and agreement being reached with the landowner, the works will proceed in early 2018. Cllr. M Kennelly moved notice of motion No. 31 at this stage. 31. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council immediately build a boundary wall at Cluanin na nAisling council estate in Causeway and install signage re dumping (grass cuttings etc.)

Reply: Kerry County council have discussed the possibility of removing the ditch with the adjoining landowner and building a wall. Subject to finances being made available, the works could proceed in early 2018. The Kerry County Council Housing department will liaise with the residents regarding the dumping of grass cuttings. Cllr J Moloney supported notices of motion No’s 11 and 31. 12. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council consider re-tarring the car park outside St. John’s Church, Causeway which is in a very bad state and dangerous for mass goers and people visiting the graveyard. Reply: There is no funding available to carry out the works in question. 13. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council speed up the necessary work to have the new public toilets in Ballybunion ready for the June bank holiday weekend 2018. Reply: Every effort will be made to try and complete the works in time for the 2018 summer season but it would be important to note that there is a considerable amount of work to be completed in that time frame. 14. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council rectify the problem with water coming down the Tullamore/Lahesrough road which was directed into a passageway and flooded the land of the owner (Details with Directorate). This happened a long time ago and was an injustice that has to be sorted out. It was a quick solution at the time but it was wrong. Reply: As indicated when this location was examined previously, Kerry County Council will carry out some skirting works in this area and clean out any inlets that may be blocked. The existing pipe into the passageway in question will remain in place 15. Cllr. R Beasley: That Kerry County Council act without further delay to have phase 2 of the Dale Road works carried out as the road continues to deteriorate and tour operators are threatening not to travel the route because of danger to passengers. This will have a detrimental effect on Ballybunion Golf Club and the northern part of North Kerry. Reply: This road is the R556 regional road from Tralee to Ballyduff.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 31 1st Dec 2017

The section of road from Ballinclogher Cross to Abbeydorney is built on a bog rampart, which has a number of undulations. Minor repair works have been carried out over the past number of years, most recently in 2014 to the worst sections of the road. A full road reconstruction is required to adequately improve the poor riding quality, and thus safety, of the carriageway. A 2.5km section of the road, north of Ballinclogher Cross, was improved in 2009 under a Specific Improvement Grant, at a cost of approximately €3 million. Similar grant funding is required to address the 2.2km section of road south of Ballinclogher Cross. The Specific Improvement Grant funding available to Kerry County Council for this scheme, was suspended in 2014. A limited amount of funding was provided in 2014 and 2015 to complete outstanding projects, where construction works were on-going. This project, i.e. the reconstruction of the roadway south of Ballinclogher Cross to Rathscannel, will require a specific funding mechanism, from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. Some safety works were undertaken in 2015, specifically the provision of extra warning signage and road-markings. A report outlining the major road safety concerns and in particular to the difference of levels between the existing road and adjoining fields and a cost estimate was prepared and forwarded to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in February 2015. The length of roadway requiring reconstruction is 2.2km. (Phase 2 - 1.55km and Phase 3 - 650m). The estimated cost of undertaking the projected works is €2.87million i.e. Phases 2 and 3. The poorest section of this road is the southern most 650m i.e. Phase 3. The preferred option for this section of road is to excavate out the entire bog rampart and construct the new carriageway, with a finished road level of 0.5 m approximately above the existing field and finished floor house levels. This section of road will cost €847,600. To date Kerry County Council has not been allocated funding for this project. Cllr. R Beasley said that the condition of this road continues to deteriorate. Ballybunion is very dependant on tourism and he expressed concern that tour operators will discontinue to travel this route because of danger to vehicles and passengers. Cathaoirleach J Lucid PROPOSED that this Notice of Motion be forwarded for inclusion on the agenda for the January meeting of the Full Council on behalf of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 32 1st Dec 2017

Cllr. R Beasley SECONDED the proposal and it was agreed that the Notice of Motion would be forwarded for inclusion on the agenda for the January 2018 meeting of the Full Council. 16. Cllr. T Barry: That Kerry County Council would erect a sign at the entrance to Cluainin stating the name of said estate.

Reply: Kerry County Council will arrange for a sign to be provided at this location. 17. Cllr. T Barry: That Kerry County Council will ensure that road repairs are carried out as soon as possible at Aughrim Moyvane following the laying of the gas line in the area. Reply: The restoration of the road at this location is a matter for the contractor undertaking the works on the gas line. The road will have to be restored by the contractor in accordance with the conditions outlined in the road opening licence 18. Cllr. J Moloney: Has the design been completed and submitted to the TII for safety works on the Bridge Road, Listowel. Reply: The Feasibility Report for this scheme is currently being finalised. It is expected that the report will be complete and an application will be forwarded to the TII for funding by the end of December 2017. 19. Cllr. J Moloney: When is it envisaged that The Great Southern Greenway will be ready for the planning process? Reply:

• Kerry County Council has recently acquired ownership of the North Kerry Railway line from Tralee to Limerick and the Tralee to Fenit Railway Line. The proposed greenway along this line will be progressed on a staged basis. The first phase will be the 10.5km section from Listowel Town to the Limerick County Bounds at Sluicequarter.

• Currently the Listowel Municipal District is carrying out vegetation clearance works on the old railway line from Sluicequarter to Listowel town. The clearance works will be completed by the end of December 2017.

• Following clearance works the appointed Consultant, RPS, will carry out detailed surveys along the line to progress the design of the greenway. It is expected that the design of the greenway will be completed by end of June 2018 and the preparation of the necessary planning documentation can begin.

• The critical path for the project will be to complete the environmental screening reports in order to determine the appropriate planning process. This involves completion of a pre-planning EIS (Environmental Impact Screening) and NIA screening report (Natura Impact Assessment) to determine if a Stage 2 AA/NIS (Appropriate Assessment/Natura Impact Assessment) and/or an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) is required. This will determine whether the planning application will be submitted through the part 8 process or whether the application will be to An Bord Pleanala, which would require a much more detailed and costly application. Once the screening reports are completed the scope of the planning process will become clear and the resource implications and planning timelines can be assessed.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 33 1st Dec 2017

Cllr. J Moloney acknowledged the detailed response. He said that this is a very important project for North Kerry for local people for tourism and the economy in general. Cathaoirleach J Lucid PROPOSED that this Notice of Motion be forwarded for inclusion on the agenda for the January meeting of the Full Council on behalf of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel. Cllr. J Moloney SECONDED the proposal and it was agreed that the Notice of Motion would be forwarded for inclusion on the agenda for the January 2018 meeting of the Full Council. 20. Cllr. J Moloney: What are the next steps and time frame in the development of the Listowel Bypass? Reply: In respect of the EIS, An Bord Pleanála will publish a newspaper notice confirming the EIS and will inform all parties. In respect of the CPO, Kerry County Council must publish a Confirmation Notice in a local newspaper. This informs the public that an Bord Pleanala have confirmed the CPO, that the CPO will become operative three weeks from the date of the Confirmation Notice, and giving 8 weeks for judicial review from the date of the notice. The Confirmation Notice is in the Kerryman of w/c 27/11/17. All those on the CPO schedule are also written to individually. After 3 weeks from the date of the Confirmation Notice, the CPO will become operative (on 20/12/17), and Kerry County Council must notify all those on the CPO schedule by means of an Operative Notice which will be sent to them. Once the CPO has become operative, Kerry County Council has 18 months to serve the Notice to Treat. This notice informs the landowners that the Council are ready to commence acquisition of the land and negotiations on agreements commence. Each landowner will have a separate agreement. The timescale for progressing the project will depend on the availability of funding. Should funding be available, it is hoped to commence some of the preliminary works such as archaeological testing and site investigation in 2018, with construction of the main project to follow in the next 2-3 years. Entry onto land may be either by taking possession of the land through service of a Notice of Entry, which allowed the local authority to take possession of the land, even in the event that negotiations are not concluded, but with interest payable; or by agreement with compensation payable. 21. Cllr. J Moloney: How many public lights were repaired in the Municipal District in 2017? What was the average waiting time for repairs? Reply; Within the Municipal District, 349 lighting units were repaired. The average waiting time for repairs is 8.05 days. Cllr. J Moloney said that he did not believe that 8.05 days for repairs to be carried out is accurate. Mr. E Scanlan said that the Council does not have a means of interacting with this system other than for the recording of faults. He said that he would look further into this matter.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 34 1st Dec 2017

22. Cllr. J Lucid: I would ask Kerry County Council to allocate additional budget resources on a once off basis to replace the sluice gates at Ardkeragh. The old gates are obsolete and are not doing the job they were intended to do. This leads to flooding on the R551 at Buncurrig, Ballyheigue

Reply: 3 of the 6 gates were replaced this year, with one of these being replaced 2 weeks ago( Nov 2017). The remaining gates are in reasonably good working order and are being monitored. From Akeragh to Ballyheigue, dredging work took place to these drains in March/April 2017.

Cathaoirleach J Lucid acknowledged this response.

23. Cllr. J Lucid: Can Kerry County Council carry out dredging works on the drainage network at both Bawnmore and Togherbane, Kilmoyley. This will increase the drainage capacity of the drains and reduce the threat of flooding on the R551 at Buncurrig.

Reply: Dredging works commenced at these location at the start of November and will continue for approximately another 2 weeks or so.

24. Cllr. J Lucid: Can Kerry County Council investigate the drainage at Knockane, Ballyheigue near the entrance to the property of (Details with Directorate). Flooding in this area is causing damage to part of the North Kerry Way walk between Knockane and the Mountway. Reply: This matter will need to be investigated further by Kerry County Council. 25. Cllr. J Lucid: Can Kerry County Council paint the black railing outside Sraid Thaidhg , Ballyheigue with a luminous colour so that passing motorists can clearly see the railing as it is on the verge of the road. Reply: Kerry County Council will arrange to have this matter attended to. 26. Cllr. J Lucid: I ask that Kerry County Council clean the drains and gulleys on the L-10420-0 at Tiduff, Ballyheigue. Water is lodging on the road at four places and it will seriously damage the condition of the road if this is not addressed. Reply: Kerry County Council will arrange for drainage works at this location in Q1 of 2018 27. Cllr. J Lucid: Can Kerry County Council clean the drains and gulleys on the L 1033-88 between Tiduff cross and Keel Cross. The drains are not containing the water and this will damage the road surface. Reply: Kerry County Council will arrange for drainage works at this location in Q1 of 2018

28. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council remove a dangerous tree at the residence (Details with Directorate), this needs to be removed immediately.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 35 1st Dec 2017

Reply: Kerry County Council have requested a contractor to assess the tree to determine the appropriate course of action. Subject to the recommendations of the contractor, works could commence in early January. 29. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council install a fence at the section of a property at rear of William St and Market St, Listowel as this area is being used as a passsage way to other areas. Reply: The location in question appears to be privately owned and is not a matter for Kerry County Council. 30. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council install green safety bollards at the Steeple Road junction Tarbert on the N69.

Reply: These safety bollards are only used in rural settings, the location in question is adjacent to a speed limit and public lighting is in place around the junction so this location is not suitable for these bollards.

Cllr. M Kennelly said that this junction needs to be marked. Mr. E Scanlan said that this junction is not suitable for safety bollards as it is adjacent to the speed limit and public lighting is in place. He said that the putting in place of a programme for the provision of safety bollards at junctions on national routes to improve safety, will be examined.

Notice of Motion No. 31 was moved in conjunction with Notice of Motion No. 11.

32. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council carry out road repairs at Steeple road in Tarbert and also include this in a future roads programme. Due to recent storms trees on this road need to be removed as they are a danger to the people.

Reply: This road is not on any current roads programme, it can be considered for inclusion in the next roads programme. The trees are a matter for the relevant landowners to deal with.

Cllr. M Kennelly said that some of the trees at this location are overhanging and dangerous.

33. Cllr. M Kennelly: That Kerry County Council carry out immediate road repairs outside the residence of (Details with Directorate).

Reply: This road is not on any current roads programme. It can be considered for inclusion in the next roads programme.

34. Cllr. M Kennelly: Kerry County Council needs to urgently replace sections of the Killocrim Road, that I have highlighted over the past two years as this road is in a horrendous and dangerous condition. Reply: This road is not on any current roads programme. It can be considered for inclusion in the next roads programme.

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 36 1st Dec 2017

Cllr. M Kennelly said that he could not accept this reply as the replacement of sections of this road must be prioritized. Mr. E Scanlan said that currently there is no funding available for this work. 35. Cllr. T Barry: Has there been any progress in relation to the condition of the road at Deerpark Lixnaw? Reply: Repairs will be carried out to this road. As Cllr. A Thornton was absent from the meeting, Notices of Motion No’s 36 to 40 were moved on her behalf by Cllr. M Kennelly. 36. Cllr. A Thornton: Can Kerry County Council consider when works can be done on the foothpaths at Lacca, Ballyduff and what is the cost of this work? Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works n question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. €75,000 is the estimated cost 37. Cllr. A Thornton: Can Kerry County Council consider a full reveiw of the beach cleaning on Ballybunion Beach and can this matter come back as an item on the agenda for our next meeting.

Reply: A review as requested will be conducted and brought back to the next meeting. The review will look at the effectiveness of the service provided in 2017, any issues that arose in 2017, the budget that will be available going forward and the best environmental management practices in maintaining Ballybunion to the best standards achievable 38. Cllr. A Thornton: Can Kerry County Council provide an update on the road signage to Ballybunion as a WAW town? Reply: Fáilte Ireland will be carrying out a review of the Wild Atlantic Way (WAW) in early 2018 and this will be part of Kerry County Council’s submission. 39. Cllr. A Thornton: Can Kerry County Council confirm what the position is re Kilmoyley Graveyard and what funding remains to complete works? Reply: Kerry County Council have recently carried out the agreed deep drainage works within Kilmoyley Burial Ground and final reinstatement works will be completed in the next 2 weeks. 40. Cllr. A Thornton: Can Kerry County Council address works on the Finuge roads as there are a number of dangerous undulations. Reply: The problems arising at this location are due to the poor foundations under the road. There is no easy or cheap remedy to the issues here. It is intended to carry out some remedial works on the road in Q1 2018 to ease the undulations. (c) Questions

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 37 1st Dec 2017

1. Cllr. R Beasley: Can the footpath be repaired in Church Road, Ballybunion. Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works in question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 2. Cllr. R Beasley: Can funding be considered for footpaths in Lacca housing estate Ballyduff? Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works n question. This location has been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 3. Cllr. R Beasley: When can we expect the three lags on the road near Dirha to be fixed?

Reply: Q1 2018 4. Cllr. J Moloney: When will the parking bylaws be reviewed in Listowel ? Reply: It is intended to commence a review of the Listowel Town Parking Bylaws in Quarter 1 2018. 5. Cllr. J Moloney: Will Kerry County Council be providing a service for disposal of Christmas Trees in January? Reply: Listowel Municipal District Operations Department will not be providing a service for the disposal of Christmas trees in January Cllr. J Moloney said that he was very disappointed with this response. 6. Cllr. J Lucid: Has Kerry County Council carried out an assessment of the possibility of installing traffic calming at Sraid Thaidhg, Ballyheigue? Reply: An assessment of this location has not yet been undertaken.

7. Cllr. J Lucid: Has the Kerry County Council road design team carried out a traffic survey at Abbeydorney cross to establish the need for traffic lights at that location? Reply: This location has been submitted as a proposal for the 2018 Low Cost Safety Improvement Scheme. Subject to funding being provided for this location in 2018, traffic lights will be considered. 8. Cllr. J Lucid: Has Kerry County Council made improvements to road markings and signage on the road at either side of Asdee primary school in order to bring about reduced driving speeds there? Reply: Signage is in place, road markings are yet to be completed.

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9. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council give me a start date on the proposed works on the Gale road, Ballydonoghue? Reply: Kerry County Council expect to have these works completed by the end of 2017. 10. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council give me an update on the extension of the St. John’s graveyard in Causeway?

Reply: Causeway Burial Ground will be full within the next 5 years and Kerry County Council has agreed to purchase some land to extend the burial ground subject to Part VIII planning. The purchase of this land is currently progressing, as Part VIII planning has been achieved for this extension.

11. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council include the following footpaths on their future footpath program, Willow Court in Listowel and Abbeydorney Village? Reply: There is no funding available at present to carry out the works in question. These locations have been included in the Footpath Programme and subject to funding that may become available for works through that programme, this work will be considered. 12. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council give an update on the continuous white line on N69 leaving Tarbert and a continuous white line at Derry Cross (Lyon’s Funeral Home)? Reply: The provision of the continuous lines at these locations are a matter for TII. These locations have been brought to the attention of TII in the past and will be again 13. Cllr. M Kennelly: Can Kerry County Council give an update on works to be done at the location near the picnic area in Tarbert? Reply: The completion of drainage works at this location will now extend into Q1 of 2018. 14. Cllr. A Thornton: Has an application been received by Kerry County Council regarding the forthcoming works in Moyvane by Eirgrid/ESB Networks? Reply: No application has been received as yet but one is expected. Any Other Business (a) Notices of Motion 1. Cllr. T Barry: That Kerry County Council will revisit the prospect of the installation of CCTV cameras for Listowel town centre. Reply: Kerry County Council revisted the proposal for a CCTV system earlier this year and the scheme has been designed and costed. There is no budget provision for installation of the scheme for 2018. There is currently a scheme from the Department of

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Justice & Equality for funding of Community CCTV schemes and the Listowel Business & Community Alliance has expressed interest. However, the Alliance was only launched in early November 2017 and further discussions and conclusion of a Town Health Check will need to take place it before the project can be progressed further. Cllr. T Barry said that a sub committee had been set up and a considerable amount of work was done prior to 2014. He asked if it would be possible for the sub committee to be put in place again as members of the previous sub committee would have a huge amount of information to contribute. Mr. A Smith said that he would discuss this matter further with Cllr. Barry. 2. Cllr. L Purtill: That Kerry County Council request the OPW to install lighting at Carrigafoyle Castle which could be powered by solar panels. Lighting would greatly enhance this historical structure. Carrigafoyle Castle draws many visitors and is on the Wild Atlantic Way (WAW). Funding for same could be raised locally with permission from the OPW. Reply: This is a matter for consideration by the members. Ms. J McCarthy said that the OPW was contacted previously regarding this matter and a reply received on 11th July, 2017 stated that there is no electricity on site. Due to the prohibitive cost envisaged in getting power onto the site and the requirement to obtain Ministerial Consent (which may not be forthcoming as there are no conservation works involved) it is not intended to install lighting at the Castle. 3. Cllr. A Thornton: I would like the support of the members to invite NEKWD to a meeting of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel regarding the current LEADER call. Reply: This is a matter for consideration by the members.

(b) Dates for meetings in 2018. (a) On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. J Lucid SECONDED by Cllr. L Purtill the following schedule of dates for meetings of the members of the Municipal District of Listowel in 2018 was agreed. 1. 5th February, 2018 2. 26th March, 2018 3. 28th May, 2018 4. 2nd July, 2018 5. 10th September, 2018 6. 12th November, 2018

(c) Correspondence List of correspondence circulated at the meeting of the members of the Municipal

District of Listowel 1st December, 2017

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Minutes of Listowel MD Meeting 40 1st Dec 2017

1. Letter dated 10th October, 2017 from the OPW regarding the replacement of signs at the entrance to Lislaughtin Abbey.

(d) Approval for deputation to be received. On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. M Kennelly SECONDED by Cllr. J Moloney it was agreed that a deputation would be received at the next meeting from the residents of Fourhane regarding the condition of the roads in the area.

(e) Matters arising from minutes of the previous meeting Cllr. J Moloney referred to his request at the previous meeting that Shannon Properties would be asked to meet with management ane members of the Listowel Municipal District. Ms. J McCarthy said that she has been in contact with the manager of Shannon Properties who has indicated that he is happy to attend a meeting in Listowel on an agreed date. She undertook to revert to the members when a meeting has been arranged. The meeting concluded at 5.00pm _____________________ Ms. B Conway Meetings Administrator Cathaoirleach of Listowel Municipal District