Pressure Ulcers for Physicians

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  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Wound Care for PhysiciansWound Care for Physicians

    Assessment, DocumentationAssessment, Documentationand Treatmentand Treatment

    Rebecca Roberts RN MSN CWOCNRebecca Roberts RN MSN CWOCN

    Gayle MooreGayle Moore--Lisa RN MSN CWOCNLisa RN MSN CWOCNGarth Ireland RN MSN MPA CWOCNGarth Ireland RN MSN MPA CWOCN

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians



    By the end of the presentation theBy the end of the presentation theparticipant will be able toparticipant will be able to

    accurately assess and document patientaccurately assess and document patientwoundswounds

    list basic wound care principleslist basic wound care principles

    identify wound care products available atidentify wound care products available atUHCMSUHCMS

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    AssessmentWound Measurement

    Length: head to footWidth: perpendicularto lengthDepthUndermining:Clock

    faceTunnel: tract in thewound

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    Wound measurementWound measurement Wound drawingWound drawing


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    Wound AssessmentWound Assessment

    Wound bed:Wound bed: Color: red, black (eschar), yellow (slough)Color: red, black (eschar), yellow (slough)

    Exudate:Exudate: ColorColor



    Periwound skinPeriwound skin Erythma, Maceration, denudedErythma, Maceration, denuded

    Palpate for induration, warmth, fluctuationPalpate for induration, warmth, fluctuation

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Wound TypesWound Types Pressure UlcersPressure Ulcers

    Tissue damage due to pressureTissue damage due to pressure

    Staged 1 to 4 based on depth of tissue involvedStaged 1 to 4 based on depth of tissue involved Only staged if wound bed visible otherwise unstageableOnly staged if wound bed visible otherwise unstageable

    or deep tissue injuryor deep tissue injury

    Usually over pressure pointsUsually over pressure points OcciputOcciput







    Braces, casts or tubingBraces, casts or tubing

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Pressure Ulcer DefinitionPressure Ulcer Definition

    A pressure ulcer is a localized injury toA pressure ulcer is a localized injury to

    skin and/or underlying tissue usually overskin and/or underlying tissue usually overa bony prominence a result of pressure, ora bony prominence a result of pressure, orpressure in combination with shear and/orpressure in combination with shear and/or


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    Pressure Ulcer StagingPressure Ulcer Staging

    The National Pressure Ulcer AdvisoryThe National Pressure Ulcer Advisory

    Panel has divided pressure ulcers intoPanel has divided pressure ulcers into4 stages based on anatomical tissue4 stages based on anatomical tissueloss and has included two additionalloss and has included two additional

    categories of suspected deep tissuecategories of suspected deep tissueinjury and unstageable pressureinjury and unstageable pressure


  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    UHCMC FocusUHCMC Focus

    University Hospital Case Medical Center isUniversity Hospital Case Medical Center is

    committed to the prevention of allcommitted to the prevention of allnosocomial pressure ulcers. The goal isnosocomial pressure ulcers. The goal is

    zero incidence of pressure ulcers acquiredzero incidence of pressure ulcers acquired

    during hospitalization.during hospitalization.

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    Physician RolePhysician Role

    CMS is asking that a pressure ulcer beCMS is asking that a pressure ulcer beproperly documented by the physicianproperly documented by the physician

    upon admission. A pressure ulcerupon admission. A pressure ulcerdocumented by the physician after thedocumented by the physician after the

    admission will be counted as aadmission will be counted as a

    nosocomial pressure ulcer. This isnosocomial pressure ulcer. This iseven if there is admissioneven if there is admission

    documentation in the chart by otherdocumentation in the chart by otherservices such as nursing or dietaryservices such as nursing or dietary

    that the ulcer existed.that the ulcer existed.

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    Physician RolePhysician Role

    For the admission assessment theFor the admission assessment thephysician must view the patient from headphysician must view the patient from headto toe. Dressings must be removed, ifto toe. Dressings must be removed, if

    possible, and the patient turned to viewpossible, and the patient turned to viewpressure points such as the heels, sacrum,pressure points such as the heels, sacrum,occiput , elbows and scapulaocciput , elbows and scapula

    Pressure ulcers present on admission needPressure ulcers present on admission needto be documented as such and properlyto be documented as such and properlystaged in the record.staged in the record.

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    Why at This Time?Why at This Time?

    The Center for Medicare and MedicaidThe Center for Medicare and MedicaidService (CMS) has stated that effectiveService (CMS) has stated that effectiveOctober 1, 2008, hospitals will not be paidOctober 1, 2008, hospitals will not be paidfor the care of nosocomial pressure ulcers.for the care of nosocomial pressure ulcers.

    Since many private insurances followSince many private insurances followMedicare guidelines, these private plansMedicare guidelines, these private plans

    may also institute similar restrictions.may also institute similar restrictions.

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    Current HospitalCurrent Hospital

    InitiativesInitiatives Recent replacement of all patient bedsRecent replacement of all patient beds

    with pressure reduction surfaces onwith pressure reduction surfaces on

    Medical surgical floors.Medical surgical floors.

    Evaluation of replacement beds forEvaluation of replacement beds forintensive care units and operatingintensive care units and operating

    suites.suites. Extensive nursing inExtensive nursing in--service onservice on

    assessment, prevention and treatmentassessment, prevention and treatment

    of pressure related skin problems.of pressure related skin problems.

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Stage IStage I

    Intact skin with nonIntact skin with non--blanchable redness of ablanchable redness of alocalized area usually over alocalized area usually over a

    bony prominence.bony prominence. Pigmented skin may notPigmented skin may not

    have visable blanching. Itshave visable blanching. Itscolor may be different fromcolor may be different fromthe surrounding area.the surrounding area.

    The area may be painful,The area may be painful,firm, soft, warmer or coolerfirm, soft, warmer or coolerthan adjacent tissue.than adjacent tissue.

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    Stage IStage I

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    Stage IStage I

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    Stage IIStage II

    Partial thickness loss of dermis presentingPartial thickness loss of dermis presentingas a shallow open ulcer with a red or pinkas a shallow open ulcer with a red or pink

    wound bed. May also present as an intactwound bed. May also present as an intactor open/ruptured serumor open/ruptured serum--filled blister.filled blister.

    A shiny or dry shallow ulcer without sloughA shiny or dry shallow ulcer without sloughor bruising (indicative of suspected deepor bruising (indicative of suspected deep

    tissue injury).tissue injury).

    Does not include: skin tears, tape burns,Does not include: skin tears, tape burns,perineal dermatitis, maceration orperineal dermatitis, maceration orexcoriation.excoriation.

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    Stage II Pressure UlcersStage II Pressure Ulcers

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    Stage II Pressure UlcersStage II Pressure Ulcers

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    Stage II Pressure UlcersStage II Pressure Ulcers

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    Stage IIIStage III

    Full thickness tissue loss.Full thickness tissue loss.Subcutaneous fat may be visible butSubcutaneous fat may be visible but

    not bone, tendon or muscle are notnot bone, tendon or muscle are

    The depth of a stage III pressureThe depth of a stage III pressure

    varies by anatomical location. Thevaries by anatomical location. Thebridge of the nose, occiput andbridge of the nose, occiput andmalleolus do not have subcutaneousmalleolus do not have subcutaneous

    tissue and stage III ulcer can betissue and stage III ulcer can be

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    Stage III Pressure UlcerStage III Pressure Ulcer

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    Stage IVStage IV

    Full thickness tissue loss with exposedFull thickness tissue loss with exposedbone, tendon and/or muscle.bone, tendon and/or muscle.

    Slough or eschar may be present inSlough or eschar may be present insome parts of the wound.some parts of the wound.

    Often includes undermining orOften includes undermining or


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    Stage IV Pressure UlcerStage IV Pressure Ulcer

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    Unstageable PressureUnstageable Pressure

    UlcerUlcer Full thickness tissue loss in which the baseFull thickness tissue loss in which the base

    of the ulcer is covered by slough (yellow,of the ulcer is covered by slough (yellow,

    tan, brown) and/or eschar (tan, brown ortan, brown) and/or eschar (tan, brown orblack) in the wound in the wound bed.

    Until enough slough and/or eschar isUntil enough slough and/or eschar isremoved to expose the base of the wound,removed to expose the base of the wound,the true depth and therefore stage can notthe true depth and therefore stage can notbe determined.

    Stable (dry, adherent, intact withoutStable (dry, adherent, intact withouterythema or fluctuance) eschar on the heelserythema or fluctuance) eschar on the heelsserves as the bodys natural cover andserves as the bodys natural cover andshould not be removed.should not be removed.

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    Unstageable PressureUnstageable Pressure


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    Unstageable PressureUnstageable Pressure


  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Unstageable PressureUnstageable Pressure


  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Suspected Deep TissueSuspected Deep Tissue

    InjuryInjury Purple or maroon localized areaPurple or maroon localized area

    discolored intact skin or blooddiscolored intact skin or blood--filledfilled

    blister due to damage of underlyingblister due to damage of underlyingsoft tissue from pressure and/or shearsoft tissue from pressure and/or shear

    The area may be preceded by tissueThe area may be preceded by tissuethat is firm, mushy, boggy, warmer orthat is firm, mushy, boggy, warmer orcooler as compared to adjacent tissue.cooler as compared to adjacent tissue.

    The area may evolve rapidly to exposeThe area may evolve rapidly to exposeadditional layers of tissue injury.additional layers of tissue injury.

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    Suspected Deep TissueSuspected Deep Tissue


  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Pressure vs. VascularPressure vs. Vascular

    It is important to distinguish betweenIt is important to distinguish betweenpressure and possible vascular causespressure and possible vascular causes

    of tissue injury.of tissue injury.

    Pressure related injuries occur overPressure related injuries occur overbony prominences or areas ofbony prominences or areas of

    shearing. Pressure injury can also beshearing. Pressure injury can also berelated to equipment such as braces,related to equipment such as braces,casts and tubing.casts and tubing.

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    Venous UlcersVenous Ulcers

    Medial lower legMedial lower leg

    Champagne GlassChampagne Glass

    legleg Dependent edemaDependent edema


    Weeping woundWeeping woundwith irregularwith irregularbordersborders

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    Venous UlcersVenous Ulcers

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    Arterial UlcersArterial Ulcers

    Cold, hairless legCold, hairless leg

    Lack of pulseLack of pulse

    Pain on elevationPain on elevation Relief on dependentRelief on dependent


    Wound with punchedWound with punched

    out appearance andout appearance andpale or necroticpale or necroticwound bedwound bed

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    Arterial UlcersArterial Ulcers

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    UlcerUlcer Plantar surface of the footPlantar surface of the foot

    Round wound surrounded by callasRound wound surrounded by callas

    Lack of sensationLack of sensation

    Foot deformity: Charcot foot.Foot deformity: Charcot foot.

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    Surgical WoundsSurgical Wounds





    Altered wound healingAltered wound healing

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealingProtect wound and provideProtect wound and provide

    a moist wounda moist woundenvironmentenvironment Cover woundCover wound

    Fill in wound cavity

    Fill in wound cavity

    Moisten dry woundsMoisten dry wounds

    Control excessive moistureControl excessive moisture

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    Protect and ManageProtect and Manage

    MoistureMoisture Wet to Moist NOT Wet to DryWet to Moist NOT Wet to Dry

    New post operative wounds to monitorNew post operative wounds to monitor


    Twice a day dressing changes thatTwice a day dressing changes thatincrease risk of contaminationincrease risk of contamination

    Can reduce frequency of dressing changeCan reduce frequency of dressing changeby adding moisture (Duoderm Hydrogel)by adding moisture (Duoderm Hydrogel)


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    Protect and ManageProtect and Manage

    MoistureMoisture Mepilex Border DressingsMepilex Border Dressings

    Silicone dressing of various sizesSilicone dressing of various sizes

    Non occlusive to allow for air flowNon occlusive to allow for air flow

    Reduces pain and further trauma whenReduces pain and further trauma whenremovedremoved

    Change every 3 to 5 daysChange every 3 to 5 days For stage I and II PU, skin tears or forFor stage I and II PU, skin tears or for

    cover dressings.cover dressings.

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    Protect and ManageProtect and Manage

    MoistureMoisture Xenaderm OintmentXenaderm Ointment

    Protective barrier to skinProtective barrier to skin

    Perineal DermatitisPerineal Dermatitis

    Skin TearsSkin Tears

    Radiation DermatitisRadiation Dermatitis

    Requires MD orderRequires MD order Apply once to twice a day and afterApply once to twice a day and after


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    Protect and ManageProtect and Manage

    MoistureMoisture Hydrocolloid (Duoderm)Hydrocolloid (Duoderm)

    Wound cover and protectionWound cover and protection

    Occlusive for minimal exudateOcclusive for minimal exudate

    Change 2 to 3 times per weekChange 2 to 3 times per week

    Used in home care to reduce visitsUsed in home care to reduce visits

    Can cause trauma to area when removedCan cause trauma to area when removed

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    Protect and ManageProtect and Manage

    MoistureMoisture Mepilex Transfer DressingMepilex Transfer Dressing

    For heavily draining wounds such asFor heavily draining wounds such as

    weeping venous wound or bullous lesionsweeping venous wound or bullous lesions

    Silicone foam dressingSilicone foam dressing

    Easy to remove with little trauma toEasy to remove with little trauma to

    tissuetissue Wicks drainage. Requires absorbentWicks drainage. Requires absorbent

    cover dressingcover dressing

    Change when saturatedChange when saturated

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealingFill wound cavityFill wound cavity

    Hydrofiber (Aquacel)Hydrofiber (Aquacel)

    For moist and draining woundsFor moist and draining wounds

    Easy to apply. Comes in rope and sheetsEasy to apply. Comes in rope and sheets

    Change based on amount of drainage. DailyChange based on amount of drainage. Dailyto every 3 every 3 days.

    Turns to gel. Easy and less painful to removeTurns to gel. Easy and less painful to removeand apply.and apply.

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealing Negative Pressure TherapyNegative Pressure Therapy

    KCI Wound VACKCI Wound VAC (Vacuum Assisted Closure)(Vacuum Assisted Closure)

    Wound filled with sterile foam. Covered withWound filled with sterile foam. Covered withocclusive drape and attached to negativeocclusive drape and attached to negativepressure pump.pressure pump.

    Removes exudate from woundRemoves exudate from wound

    Promotes angiogenesis and wound contractionPromotes angiogenesis and wound contraction

    Changed 3 times per weekChanged 3 times per week

    Reduces exposure to contamination and painReduces exposure to contamination and pain


    Can be used at home with insurance approval.Can be used at home with insurance approval.

    Not covered at home by MedicaidNot covered at home by Medicaid

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealing Promote a clean wound base freePromote a clean wound base free

    from infectionfrom infection Irrigate wound with each dressing change withIrrigate wound with each dressing change with

    normal saline or wound cleaner to reducenormal saline or wound cleaner to reducebioburdenbioburden

    Antimicrobial dressingsAntimicrobial dressingsAquacel AGAquacel AG

    Mesalt (Hypertonic saline)Mesalt (Hypertonic saline)

    Wound VAC Silver DressingWound VAC Silver Dressing

    Appropriate antibiotic therapyAppropriate antibiotic therapy

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    Anti infective AgentsAnti infective Agents

    Antibacterial fluids can be added toAntibacterial fluids can be added towet gauze dressings:wet gauze dressings:

    Sulfamylon (mafenide)Sulfamylon (mafenide)

    Dakins Solution (for short period forDakins Solution (for short period forinfected, odorous wounds)infected, odorous wounds)

    Same concerns as previously noted forSame concerns as previously noted forwet to moist dressingswet to moist dressings

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealing Remove nonviable tissue from theRemove nonviable tissue from the

    wound to promote new growthwound to promote new growth

    and reduce medium for infectionand reduce medium for infection DebridementDebridement

    Surgical:Sharps: immediateSurgical:Sharps: immediate Excisional Debridement removal of tissue and notExcisional Debridement removal of tissue and not

    just loose tissue fragments.just loose tissue fragments. Enzymatic: Collagenase/Santyl oint.Enzymatic: Collagenase/Santyl oint.

    Apply once or twice a day.Apply once or twice a day.

    Cover with dry dressingCover with dry dressing

    Necrotic Tissue needs to be scored with scalpelNecrotic Tissue needs to be scored with scalpel

    Can be slow processCan be slow process

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealing Investigate and resolve underlying causesInvestigate and resolve underlying causes

    Pressure UlcersPressure Ulcers Pressure reliefPressure relief

    Reduce risk of shearReduce risk of shear

    Incontinence careIncontinence care

    Venous InsufficiencyVenous Insufficiency Compression if arterial involvement ruled outCompression if arterial involvement ruled out

    Arterial IschemiaArterial Ischemia RevascularizationRevascularization

    Neuopathic/Diabetic UlcersNeuopathic/Diabetic Ulcers Glucose ControlGlucose Control

    Off loading footwearOff loading footwear

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    Principles of WoundPrinciples of Wound

    HealingHealing CollaborationCollaboration

    Physician: Plastics, Vascular, Dermatology,Physician: Plastics, Vascular, Dermatology,

    Infectious DiseaseInfectious Disease Nursing, WOCNNursing, WOCN


    Diabetic EducatorDiabetic Educator

    Physical TherapyPhysical Therapy Social ServiceSocial Service

    Home CareHome Care

  • 8/7/2019 Pressure Ulcers for Physicians


    Thank YouThank You