Pricing American Options using Simulation Karl Larsson Master Thesis in Mathematics June 2007

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Pricing American Options using Simulation

Karl Larsson

Master Thesis in Mathematics

June 2007

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Karl Larsson, Prissättning av amerikanska optioner genom simulering

Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik, Umeå Universitet, 901 87 Umeå

© Karl Larsson, 2007

Detta arbete har skrivits för avläggande av filosofie magisterexamen i ämnet matematik.Arbetet har gjorts på D-nivå och omfattar 20 poäng.Handledare: Kaj NyströmExaminator: Sara Sjöstedt de Luna

Karl Larsson, Pricing American Options using Simulation

Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå

© Karl Larsson, 2007

This is a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics.Supervisor: Kaj NyströmExaminer: Sara Sjöstedt de Luna

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American options are financial contracts that allow exercise at any time until ex-piration. While the pricing of standard American option contracts has been wellresearched, with a few exceptions no analytical solutions exist. Valuation of more in-volved American option contracts, which include multiple underlying assets or path-dependent payoff, is still to a high degree an uncharted area. Most numerical methodswork badly for such options as their time complexity scales exponentially with thenumber of dimensions.

In this Master’s thesis we study valuation methods based on Monte Carlo sim-ulations. Monte Carlo methods don’t suffer from exponential time complexity, buthave been known to be difficult to use for American option pricing due to the forwardnature of simulations and the backward nature of American option valuation. Thestudied methods are: Parametrization of exercise rule, Random Tree, Stochastic Mesh

and Regression based method with a dual approach. These methods are evaluated andcompared for the standard American put option and for the American maximumcall option. Where applicable the values are compared with those from deterministicreference methods. The strengths and weaknesses of each method is discussed.

The Regression based method essentially reduces the problem to one of selectingsuitable basis functions. This choice is empirically evaluated for the following Amer-ican option contracts; standard put, maximum call, basket call, Asian call and Asiancall on a basket. The set of basis functions considered include polynomials in theunderlying assets, the payoff, the price of the corresponding European contract aswell as certain analytic approximation of the latter.

Results from the empirical studies show that the regression based method isthe best choice when pricing exotic American options. Furthermore, using availableanalytical approximations for the corresponding European option values as a basisfunction seems to improve the performance of the method in most cases.

Key words: American options, Monte Carlo simulation, option pricing

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Prissättning av amerikanska optioner genom simulering


Amerikanska optioner är finansiella kontrakt som tillåter inlösen när som helst framtill och med terminaltiden. Prissättningen av amerikanska standardoptioner är välutforskad men med ett fåtal undantag existerar inga analytiska lösningar för priset.Värderingen av mer komplicerade kontrakt, vilka inkluderar högdimensionella ochtidsberoende optioner, är fortfarande till stor del ett outforskat område. De flestanumeriska metoder fungerar dåligt för sådana optioner eftersom deras tidskomplexitetökar exponentiellt med antalet dimensioner.

I detta examensarbete studeras prissättningsmetoder av amerikanska optioner base-rade på Monte Carlo simuleringar. Monte Carlo metoder lider inte av exponentielltidskomplexitet men har varit kända som svårtillämpade på amerikanska optioner pågrund av simuleringars framåtnatur i kontrast med bakåtnaturen hos värderingen avamerikanska optioner. De studerade metoderna är: Parametrisering av inlösenstrate-gin, simulerade träd, stokastiskt mesh och regressionsbaserad metod med dualitet.

Den regressionsbaserade metoden reducerar i princip problemet till ett val av upp-sättningen basfunktioner. Detta val är empiriskt utvärderat för följande amerikanskakontrakt; standard säljoption, köpoption på ett max, köpoption på en korg, asiatiskköpoption samt en asiatisk köpoption på en korg. Uppsättningen basfunktioner sombehandlas inkluderar polynom av underliggande tillgångar, inlösenpriset, priset påden europeiska motsvarigheten till optionen liksom vissa analytiska approximationerav den senare.

Resultat från den empiriska studien visar att den regressionsbaserade metoden ärdet bästa valet vid prissättning av exotiska Amerikanska optioner. Användandet avanalytiska approximationer till priset på motsvarande europeiska option som basfunk-tioner ökar i de flesta fall metodens den numeriska prestanda.

Nyckelord: Amerikanska optioner, Monte Carlo simulering, optionsprissättning

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1 Introduction 1

1.1 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Monte Carlo and Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.3 American Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4 My Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Market Theory 5

2.1 Market Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.4 No-Arbitrage Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.5 Risk-Neutral Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.6 Simulating Stock Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 American Options 11

3.1 Theory of American Option Valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.2 Methods of Pricing American Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Monte Carlo Methods for Pricing American Options 17

4.1 Parametrization of Exercise Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2 Random Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.3 Stochastic Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.4 Regression Based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.5 Duality Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 Empirical Studies 23

5.1 Featured American Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5.2 Numerical Results for Comparison of Monte Carlo Methods . . . . . . 25

5.3 Numerical Results for Evaluation of Basis Functions . . . . . . . . . . 27

6 Conclusions 33

6.1 Pricing American Options using Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6.2 Choice of Basis Functions in Regression Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

A Notation 35

B Derivation of Analytical Approximations 37

References 39

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1.1 Options

An option is a financial contract which gives the holder the right but not the obli-gation to exercise the contract. Commonly this right is to buy or sell an asset at apredetermined price. Generally for all types of options is that the payoff ; the netvalue received when the option is exercised, is determined by the price of some assets,which are called underlying assets.

There are essentially two flavors of options which define when exercise is allowed:

• European options allow exercise only at a predetermined time.

• American options allow exercise at any time until a predetermined time whenthe option expires.

In the empiric study part of this thesis I will only consider options that has a discretenumber of exercise opportunities. This kind of option is sometimes called Bermudan

options but will in this thesis be referred to as American options.The simplest options, such as the right to buy respectively to sell an asset, a call

option respectively a put option, are called vanilla options and are traded on exchangemarkets. More complex options are called exotic options and are often traded over-

the-counter where the contract is negotiated directly between two parties. Examplesof exotic options include Asian options which depend on some average of the assetprice, barrier options which may cease to exist if a certain level of the asset price isor isn’t reached and maximum options where the maximum price from a number ofassets is chosen. All kinds of options can be of European or American flavors.

The use of options can be both for hedging, where it’s used to reduce risk in aportfolio of assets or for speculation, where it may give greater reward but also higherrisk than direct speculation in the underlying assets.

1.2 Monte Carlo and Simulation

Monte Carlo methods are methods using random numbers to find solutions to math-ematical problems. It’s main advantage over deterministic methods is that the con-vergence rate does not decrease exponentially with the number of state variables. Inthis financial setting it is used to simulate scenarios for the movement of asset pricesin a Black-Scholes-Merton framework [Merton, 1973].


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1.3 American Options

The pricing of American options consists of two coupled problems; finding an optimalstrategy for when to exercise the option (the optimal exercise rule), and pricing theoption according to that strategy. With the exception of some special cases, no closedform solutions for pricing American options exist which means that we are referredto either analytical approximations or numerical solutions.

Good analytical approximations only exist for standard American option con-tracts. Most deterministic numerical methods are limited to pricing contracts withvery few underlying assets and no time-dependence. These limitations are the mainreasons to use Monte Carlo methods for pricing American options.

1.4 My Work

In this master thesis I have implemented and analyzed methods for valuation ofAmerican options using Monte Carlo simulations. The following methods were im-plemented:

• The parametrization of exercise rule evaluated in Garcia [2003]. Firstly, thisapproach tries to find the optimal exercise rule within a parametric class, whichis essentially an optimization problem. Secondly, that exercise rule is used forpricing the option. This method was used to price the American put option.

• The random tree method of Broadie and Glasserman [1997a]. It produces lowand high bias estimates for American option prices. This is a very generalmethod and, numerical limitations aside, could be used to price any Americancontract. In reality it suffers a severe limitation as the computation time scalesexponentially with the number of exercise dates.

• The stochastic mesh method of Broadie and Glasserman [1997b]. This methodwas proposed as a solution to the limitations of the random tree and use thesame number of nodes in each timestep. Weights between all nodes in onetimestep to all nodes in the next has to be calculated which makes increase inprecision expensive. It produces low and high bias estimates for the price. Thismethod cannot be used for path-dependent contracts.

• The regression based method proposed in Longstaff and Schwartz [2001]. Thismethod essentially reduces the problem to one of selecting suitable basis func-tions for each contract. It is comparatively fast but the solution does not con-verge to the true price with increased computational effort. However, a lowerbound for the price is given and in connection with the dual approaches ofHaugh and Kogan [2004] and Rogers [2002] upper bounds for the price can becalculated. The tightness of this upper bound is determined by the selection ofa Martingale. Two different Martingales proposed in [Glasserman, 2004, §8.7]was used.

Strengths and weaknesses of these methods have been evaluated by pricing the stan-dard American put option and the American option on the maximum of two assetsand comparing the results with deterministic reference methods.

For the regression based methods several additional American option contractshas been implemented; call on the maximum of any number of assets (max call option),call on baskets of assets (basket call option), call on the time-average of an asset(Asian call option) and call on the time-average of a basket of assets (Asian-Basketoption). The choice of basis functions, which seems to be an ad hoc selection, has beenempirically evaluated for each contract. These basis functions include polynomials of

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1.4 MY WORK 3

underlying assets, payoff and price of the European counterpart of the option orapproximations thereof.

The contents of this thesis is laid out as follows:

• In chapter 2 the market model is presented and different valuation approachesare derived, most importantly those based on simulation.

• Different properties of American options are presented in chapter 3 along withdifferent formulations for their price. This chapter also includes an overview ofanalytical and numerical pricing methods for American options.

• Chapter 4 describes the four different Monte Carlo methods for pricing Americanoptions which were implemented in this thesis; parametrization of the optimalexercise rule, random tree, stochastic mesh and regression based method withduality.

• Results from the empirical study in the form of tables with priced contractsusing different methods are displayed in chapter 5. This chapter is dividedinto two parts, the first presenting results from the comparison of methods, thesecond presenting results from the evaluation of the choice of basis functions forthe regression based method.

• In chapter 6, the final chapter, conclusions regarding the different methods andthe choice of basis functions are given along with some recommendations onfuture work.

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Market Theory

2.1 Market Assumptions

The basis of the analysis in this thesis is the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) frameworkformalized in Merton [1973]. The foundation of this framework is that the price ofthe underlying asset price S follows a geometric Brownian motion process


= (µ− δ)dt+ σdW t , (2.1)

where µ, δ and σ are constants, which represents expected return on the asset, thedividend rate, and the volatility. The process Wt is a standard Brownian motion.Trading the underlying asset is frictionless, i.e, no transaction costs, taxes or con-straints. Investors can also, without restriction, invest at the risk-free rate r.

2.1.1 Interpretation of Parameters

Instead of assets paying dividend at specific dates, which is usually the case of stocksin real markets, we assume the asset pays a continuously compounded dividend rateδ of the asset price. The expected return µ and risk-free rate r are also continuouslycompounded rates. As no risk-free rate exists in real life, in practice this can be seenas the rate of return of some state issued short term bill or it could be seen as therate of inflation. The volatility σ is a measure of the rate and magnitude of pricefluctuations and can be set from historical data of the asset price.

2.2 Derivatives

A derivative is a financial contract defined by its payoff ; g(s), a function of theunderlying assets. Most contracts depend only on present values of the underlyingassets, while so called path-dependent contracts also depend on past values. In thecase of option contracts the payoff is always non-negative.

Example 2.1. A standard put option, i.e. the right to sell an asset at a specified

price K, has payoff function

g(s) = max(K − s, 0) ≡ (K − s)+. (2.2)

Where K is called strike price and s denotes the asset price at exercise.


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2.3 Definitions

Definition 2.1. A portfolio π is a stochastic process that defines holdings in the dif-

ferent assets over time. A portfolio is called self-financing when there are no deposits

nor withdrawals but only rebalancing of the positions held in the different assets.

Definition 2.2. A complete market is a financial market in which the value of any

contract can be replicated by selecting an appropriate portfolio of assets in the market

and investing a suitable initial amount.

Definition 2.3. An arbitrage opportunity is the possibility to make a profit without

taking any risk.

More complete definitions of portfolios, complete markets and arbitrage oppor-tunities can be found in [Detemple, 2006, §2.2 and §2.4].

2.4 No-Arbitrage Valuation

One of the fundamental principles in option valuation is the principle of no-arbitrage.This is the assumption that no arbitrage opportunities exist in the market. While thismay not be true in a real economy, it seems reasonable to assume that any arbitrageopportunities are immediately taken advantage of, and thus eliminated.

Given a contract has a non path-dependent payoff, we assume its value V dependsonly on the current price of underlying assets S and current time t.

Vt ≡ V (S, t) (2.3)

Applying Itô’s lemma to the above gives

dVt =




∂SSt(µ− δ) +




∂S2S2t σ




∂SStσdWt (2.4)

on the domain of interest, D, which in the case of most options is R+ × [0, T ). See

[Øksendal, 2003, §4.2] for Itô’s formula and required properties of V (S, t) on D.Introducing the mean and volatility of the contract’s return, µV (t, St) and σV (t, St),

allows us to write

dVt = Vt[µV (t, St)dt+ σV (t, St)dWt] . (2.5)

A self-financing portfolio, with value Xt, consisting of the riskless asset, the un-derlying asset and the option then evolves according to

dXt = rXtdt+Xtπt [(µ− r) dt+ σdWt]



µV (t, St)− r)

dt+ σV (t, St)dWt]

, (2.6)

with initial capital X0. The proportions of these three assets are 1 − π − πV forthe riskless-asset, π for the underlying asset and πV for the option and thus theirrespective dollar values are X


1− π − πV)

, Xπ and X(


. By choosing Xtπt =−St × ∂V (St, t)/∂S and Xtπ

Vt = V (St, t) and then substituting in eq. 2.4 we get

dXt =


rXt −∂V

∂SSt(µ− r) +



∂SSt(µ− δ) +




∂S2S2t σ

2 − rV)

dt . (2.7)

Due to the fact that the initial capital could have been invested in the riskless asset,the return of the portfolio must be equal to the risk-free rate to ensure the absence of

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arbitrage opportunities. A rigorous derivation based on this argument can be foundin [Detemple, 2006, §2.6]. Consequently, the price of the option, V , must satisfy



∂SSt(r − δ) +




∂S2S2t σ

2 − rV = 0 (2.8)

on D with suitable boundary conditions. This PDE is called the fundamental valuation

equation for derivative’s prices. If we have an European option the following boundaryconditions apply

V (S, T ) = g(ST ) on R+

V (0, t) = g(0)e−r(T−t) on t ∈ [0, T )


V (S, t) = g(∞)e−r(T−t) on t ∈ [0, T ) .


2.4.1 The Black-Scholes Formula

The Black-Scholes formula is the famous closed form solution to the price of an Euro-pean standard call option, which has a payoff g(ST ) = (ST −K)

+. It was first derived

by Black and Scholes [1973] and generalized by Merton [1973] to include dividend rate.The price is

c(St, t,K) = Ste−δ(T−t)Φ(d1)−Ke−r(T−t)Φ(d2), (2.10)


d1 =lnSt/K + (r − δ + σ2/2)(T − t)

σ√T − t

, d2 = d1 − σ√T − t (2.11)

and Φ(x) is the normal cumulative distribution function. Equivalently, the closedform solution for the price of an European put option, which has payoff g(ST ) =(K − ST )

+, is

p(St, t,K) = Ke−r(T−t)Φ(−d2)− Ste−δ(T−t)Φ(−d1), (2.12)

where d1 and d2 are defined as above.

2.4.2 Simulation in a No-Arbitrage Setting

It has been shown that the absence of arbitrage implies a stochastic discount factor ZTin valuations formulated as the expected value of future option values [see Glasserman,2004, §1.2.2]. The option value is given by

Vt = E





with Zt ≡ 1 and ZT > 0. A consequence of this is that valuation by Monte Carlosimulations in a no-arbitrage setting is difficult because modeling of the stochasticdiscount factor has to incorporate the investor’s risk and time preferences. Further-more simulation in a no-arbitrage setting requires estimation of drift terms µ for theunderlying assets.

2.5 Risk-Neutral Valuation

Another approach to pricing derivatives, which actually makes valuation by MonteCarlo simulation practical, is risk-neutral valuation. As we will see by the argumentsbelow, the absence of arbitrage opportunities implies risk-neutral valuation.

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The fact that the valuation equation (eq. 2.8) does not contain a drift term µgives a hint that it might not be necessary in valuation of options. Assuming thatthe financial market behaves in a risk-neutral manner the underlying asset evolvesaccording to


= (r − δ)dt+ σdW ∗t (2.14)

where W ∗t is a Brownian motion. Replicating the calculations of the no-arbitragevaluation the same valuation equation (eq. 2.8) is produced, thus option values arethe same in both cases.

Following the arguments in [Glasserman, 2004, §1.2.2] we introduce

βt = er(t−t0) . (2.15)

Under the given conditions, which allow stochastic discount factors (absence of arbi-trage opportunities), the process βt/Zt is a Martingale. As this Martingale is positiveand βt0/Zt0 = 1 it defines a change of probability measure from the original measureP on any fixed interval [t0, T ]. Through the Radon-Nikodym derivative







, t0 ≤ t ≤ T , (2.16)

the new measure Q is defined. Expectation under this new measure is defined by

E∗ [X] = E


X ·(






= E




. (2.17)

Applying this on eq. 2.13 gives

Vt = E∗t




= e−r(T−t)E∗t [VT ] . (2.18)

This means that we can price options by Monte Carlo simulations without estimatingthe drift of underlying assets or modeling stochastic discount factors and still get thesame price as with no-arbitrage valuation.

2.5.1 Risk-Neutral Valuation for American Options

The risk-neutralization approach is also valid for American options as shown by [Øk-sendal, 2003, theorem 12.3.10] given that we have a complete market. By [Øksendal,2003, theorem 12.2.5] we do have a complete market under our market assumptions.

2.6 Simulating Stock Movement

Under the assumption of constant volatility σ, dividend rate δ and risk-free rate r thestochastic differential equation (eq. 2.14) can be solved. This gives that in the BSMframework under the risk-free measure each simulation of movements in stock pricesis generated through the Markov chain

Si = Si−1 exp


r − δ − σ2



(ti − ti−1) + σ√

ti − ti−1 Zi


, (2.19)

where {Zi, i ∈ Z} are independent N(0, 1) random variables. Note that this is indiscrete time i.e. Si ≡ S(ti). This, in combination with equation 2.18, is the founda-tion of Monte Carlo simulation for pricing contingent claims with stocks as underlingassets.

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2.6.1 Simulating Multiple Assets

This model is easily extended to n assets, where St, σ and δ are n-dimensional vec-tors, each index corresponding to an asset. The correlations between the assets aredescribed through their covariance matrix Σ. These assets evolve according to

dSt = St [(r − δ)dt+ ΣdW ∗t ] , (2.20)

which can be solved for each timestep. This results in the Markow chain

Si = Si−1 exp


r − δ − σ2



(ti − ti−1) + Σ√

ti − ti−1 Zi


, (2.21)

where {Zi, i ∈ Z} in this case are n-dimensional independent N(0, I) random vectors.

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American Options

3.1 Theory of American Option Valuation

The theory of American option valuation presents some mathematically challengingproblems such as free boundary problems and optimal stopping problems. Theseproblems stem from the fact that pricing American options involves finding an optimalexercise strategy for the option. The problems and solutions do however present muchstructure, a feature that should be utilized for better pricing.

3.1.1 Definitions

Definition 3.1. The continuation region,

C = {(s, t) : V (s, t) > g(s)} , (3.1)

is the set of points (s, t) at which the option is worth more than its immediate exercise

value. Its complement is the exercise region

E = {(s, t) : V (s, t) = g(s)} . (3.2)

The boundary of E , which is a part of the exercise region is the set Bt. Depending

on the setting in which the problem is described, Bt can be called free-boundary,

optimal exercise boundary or optimal stopping rule.

Definition 3.2. For a stochastic process St, τ is a stopping time if it is possible to

decide if τ ≤ t has occurred based on known information of the process up to time t.

For a more mathematical definition of stopping times see [Øksendal, 2003, defi-nition 7.2.1].

3.1.2 Discrete Time and Discounting

When moving the problem into the computer domain some discretization of time{ti, i ∈ N} is always necessary. American options that allow exercise only at discretetimes are often called Bermudan options, but will in this thesis be called Americanoptions. For convenience we use the following notation; Si ≡ S(ti), Ci(s) ≡ C(s, ti)and Vi(s) ≡ V (s, ti).

When assigning or comparing dollar values at different times, the values mustbe discounted to the same point in time. This gives rise to discount factors, as for


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example in;

Ci = e−r(ti+1−ti)E[Vi+1] . (3.3)

For convenience these discount factors will be considered implicit and thereby left outfrom this point on, which means that the above is written as

Ci = E[Vi+1] . (3.4)

3.1.3 Free-Boundary Formulation

American option valuation can be formulated as a free boundary problem as was earlydemonstrated by McKean Jr. [1965] and Merton [1973]. The value is described bythe fundamental valuation equation for derivative’s prices (eq. 2.8)



∂SSt(r − δ) +




∂S2S2t σ

2 − rV = 0 (3.5)

and the following boundary conditions

V (S, T ) = g(S) on R+

V (0, t) = g(0) for t ∈ [0, T ]

V (S, t) = g(S) for (S, t) = (Bt, t)

∂V (S, t)

∂S= g′(S) for (S, t) = (Bt, t) .


The last condition is called a high contract or smooth pasting condition. This formu-lation is quite general for different options but for path-dependent options the PDEhas to be reformulated.

There exists results for different properties of the free boundary for specific con-tracts, most for the standard American put and call. A solution of the value and freeboundary for an American Put option is illustrated in figure 3.1.





Figure 3.1: Illustration of the value of an American Put option with free boundary Bt.

3.1.4 Dynamic Programming Formulation

Assuming some discretization of time, the value of an American option can be definedrecursively though a dynamic programming formulation. Since the option will beworthless after expiry the value of the option at the last exercise opportunity m is thepayoff. Stepping back in time to m − 1 the optimal exercise policy at this time canbe determined by comparing the value if exercising, i.e. the payoff, with the expected

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value of the option if not exercised at this time, i.e. the continuation value. Asoption values at the next exercise opportunity is known, the continuation value canbe estimated. This can be formulated as the following backward induction, knownas the dynamic programming formulation, which is repeated until the option price,V0(S0), is found.

Vm(s) = gm(s) , (3.7)

Vi−1(s) = max {gi−1(s), Ci−1(s)} , i = m, ..., 1 (3.8)

The continuation value at (s, ti−1) is defined by

Ci−1(s) = E[Vi(Si)|Si−1 = s] . (3.9)

This formulation is the fundamental principle in most methods of numerically pricingAmerican options.

3.1.5 Optimal Stopping Rule Formulation

As the principles of risk free valuation also applies to American contracts (section 2.5)the price of an American option can be formulated as

Vt = supτ∈T




where T is the set of possible stopping times in [t, T ]. For a given optimal exerciseboundary Bt the stopping time τ can be defined as

τ = min{t : St ≥ Bt, t ∈ [t, T ]} . (3.11)

An optimal stopping rule and corresponding stopping time for a single simulation isillustrated in figure 3.2.








Figure 3.2: Illustration of the optimal stopping rule for a standard American call optionand first stopping time τ for a single simulation. The asset has a dividend rate higher thanthe risk free rate.

It follows from eq. 3.10 that pricing an American option according to a sub-optimal stopping rule will produce a price lower or equal to the true price. Thusprice estimation using simulation according to a sub-optimal stopping rule gives alow biased estimator.

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3.1.6 Early Exercise Premium

It’s a known fact that a lower boundary for the price of an American option is the priceof the corresponding European option. This is because you can choose to only exercisean American option at maturity, essentially reducing it to an European option. Theadded benefit of freely choosing when to exercise adds value to the option, the socalled early exercise premium (EEP). It is sometimes convenient or logical to use anEEP representation in analysis or valuation, with EEP defined as

ǫ ≡ VAmerican − VEuropean . (3.12)

An example of EEP for a standard American put option is shown in figure 3.3.

40 60 80 100 120 140 1600







S40 60 80 100 120 140 160










Figure 3.3: Early exercise premium of a standard American put option 1 year from expi-ration (left) and 0.25 years from expiration (right). Strike price is K = 100, risk free rate isr = 0.05, the underlying asset has volatility σ = 0.2 and pay no dividends

3.2 Methods of Pricing American Options

3.2.1 Approximations and Formulas

Much research has gone into producing accurate analytic approximations to stan-dard American options. Some may require computational effort but are very fastin comparison with any purely numerical method. Barone-Adesi and Whaley [1987]derived a price approximation by combining the standard European option price anda quadratic approximation of the EEP. This method was improved by Ju and Zhong[1999] for options very close to and very far from expiry. Using a flat early exer-cise boundary Bjerksund and Stensland [1993] derived another price approximation.Geske and Johnson [1984] saw the standard American option as a series of Bermudanoptions in their analysis to produce an approximation.

3.2.2 Lattice and Finite Difference Methods

Finite difference and lattice methods are based on a discretization of space and time.These methods are commonly used in practice because they are easy to implementand generally converge to a solution. They do however suffer from the curse of

dimensionality, which means that the computational requirement scales exponentiallywith the number of state variables making the methods useful only for low dimensionalproblems.

Lattice methods are based on discretization of the risk-neutral process and calcu-lated probabilities for the allowed jumps. The dynamic programming formulation isthen applied to solve the option price through backward induction. Common methods

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are the binomial tree of Cox et al. [1979] and the trinomial tree of Boyle [1986] wherethe latter converges faster but has a higher memory requirement. These methodshave also been generalized to higher dimensions in for example the 2D binomial treeof Boyle et al. [1989]. There has also been some success to improving the convergencerate of lattice methods though Richardson extrapolation [Breen, 1991] or using Euro-pean option values in the last time step [Broadie and Detemple, 1996]. Most latticemethods feature recombining lattices

Finite difference methods are based on discretization of the underlying processand time in the shape of a grid. Option values are then approximated in each gridpoint by replacing the partial derivatives of the PDE (eq. 3.5) with finite differences.Depending on how the finite differences are centered in time; fully explicit, fullyimplicit or Crank-Nicolson finite difference schemes are produced. For option pricingthese schemes were introduced in Schwartz [1977], Brennan and Schwartz [1977, 1978]and Courtadon [1982], respectively.

3.2.3 Monte Carlo Simulations

Monte Carlo methods don’t suffer from the curse of dimensionality. An intuitiveargument to why this is, is that Monte Carlo methods (for European options) onlycompute the option value at a single point in the state-time space, while other methodsgenerally compute the value at all points in their discretization of the state-time space.

Monte Carlo methods was long considered to be incompatible with pricing Amer-ican options due to the forward nature of Monte Carlo simulations and the backwardnature of the dynamic programming formulations.

By using parameterizations of the stopping rules Garcia [2003] is able to optimizethese parameters based on a set of simulated paths and then price the option accordingto that stopping rule using new paths. This does however require good informationof the optimal stopping rule to create a good parametrization.

Broadie and Glasserman [1997a] proposes the use of a simulated branching tree,which they denote the random tree method. Both high biased and low biased esti-mators for the true price are formed. While quite general in the types of contractsit can price, the random tree method suffers from that the computational time scalesexponentially with the number of exercise opportunities, limiting the method to onlya few exercise opportunities.

As a solution to the limitation of the random tree, Broadie and Glasserman[1997b] proposes the use of a stochastic mesh with a constant number of node pointsin each timestep. The locations of the node points are simulated, and the meshweights is calculated by using the likelihood ratio. Again both high bias and low biasestimators are created.

By assuming that the continuation value can be described by a linear combinationof basis functions, Longstaff and Schwartz [2001] uses least-squares linear regression toproject results from simulated paths onto such a linear combination of basis functions.This essentially reduces the pricing problem to one of selecting a suitable set of basisfunctions. By letting the results define a stopping rule a low biased lower bound isformed. Upper limits can be produced by means of a dual formulation such as thatof Rogers [2002] and Haugh and Kogan [2004]. The tightness of these upper boundsis determined by the choice of a Martingale.

The implementation of these methods is described in more detail in chapter 4.

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Monte Carlo Methods for Pricing American Options

The American exercise feature makes the construction of unbiased estimators for theoption price difficult, why some these methods deliberately produce low and high biasestimates instead.

4.1 Parametrization of Exercise Boundary

Garcia [2003] use a method where, firstly, the optimal exercise boundary within aparametric class is found, and secondly, the option is priced according to that bound-ary using Monte Carlo simulations. This parametrization method attacks the problemvia the stopping rule formulation as the exercise boundary is what defines the stop-ping rule. By finding the best stopping rule in a set of stopping rules defined by afinite number of parameters the problem is reduced to a problem of optimizing theseparameters. The approach is the following:

1. Simulate n1 independent paths for St.

2. Optimize the parametric stopping rule to produce the maximum option pricefor these paths.

3. Simulate n2 independent paths and price the option according to the stoppingrule.

Pricing according to the second simulation gives a low bias estimate for the price,whilst if we were to use the same paths for optimization as for pricing we would geta high bias estimate.

4.1.1 Remarks

Good knowledge of the optimal exercise rule for the desired contract is required tomake a good parametrization of the exercise boundary. This is the case for thestandard American put option that was used in our implementation. The followingparametrization of the early exercise boundary was used: The boundary was deter-mined by 3 points; Bt=0, Bt=0.7T and Bt=T = K (as r > δ). It was then interpolatedto all points using piecewise cubic Hermite polynomials. Thus the optimization wasonly of two parameters, a task that was solved using a simplex method.


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t0 = 0 t1 t2 = Tt

Figure 4.1: Illustration of simulated random tree with two timesteps and three branches.

4.2 Random Tree

The use of a simulated branching tree to solve the pricing problem is suggested inBroadie and Glasserman [1997a]. For a figure illustrating such a tree see figure 4.1.This method, called the random tree method, produces both high and low bias esti-mates for the option price.

4.2.1 High Estimator

The high estimator is formed by simply applying the dynamic programming algorithmon the simulated tree, with continuation values estimated by the average of optionvalues at child nodes to the current node. Broadie and Glasserman show that thisproduce a high bias estimator for the option price.

4.2.2 Low Estimator

By neglecting the branch leading to the highest value when estimating the continu-ation value in each node, Broadie and Glasserman show that the resulting estimatorfor the option price will be low bias.

4.2.3 Remarks

While the random tree method is able to handle high dimensional and path-dependentproblems, its time complexity is exponential in the number of exercise opportunities.It is therefore only practical to use for problems with a small number of potentialexercise dates.

4.3 Stochastic Mesh

As a solution to the scaling limitation of the random tree method Broadie and Glasser-man [1997b] propose a method they call stochastic mesh. Instead of using a branchingtree they use a constant number of nodes at each time, with weights between all nodesduring time steps, giving linear scaling of computational time in the number of exer-cise dates. For an illustration of a stochastic mesh see figure 4.2.

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4.3.1 Generating Node Points

The b node points at each point in time can be generated from any probability distri-bution but Broadie and Glasserman finds that generating the nodes by generating bindependent paths produces lower variance estimators than other tested distributions.

4.3.2 Calculating Mesh Weights

As the transition density is known for the process according to which the assets evolveit can be used to estimate the mesh weights between node points. Each weight isestimated by the transition density between the node points divided by a normalizingfactor such that the sum of all weights going to a node is one. An interpretationof this is that we start in the last node, and thus have arrived to that node withprobability one. The mesh weights then correspond to each probability of differentpath possibilities in the mesh.

4.3.3 High Estimator

The high estimator uses the dynamic programming formulation in the following algo-rithm:

1. Set Vmj = gm(Smj) at the end nodes.

2. Calculate continuation values for j ∈ 1, ..., b :

Cij =1




W ijkVi+1,k (4.1)

3. Check for early exercise:

Vij = max{

gi(Sij), Cij



4. Repeat (2)-(3) until i = 1.

5. Set

V0 =1




V1k . (4.3)

Broadie and Glasserman shows that this estimator under the current conditions onthe mesh is high bias, which is natural as it by the dynamic programming formulationuses future information to estimate the value.

4.3.4 Low Estimator

The calculated option values at the node points defines an approximation of thecontinuation value at all points s through

Ci(s) =1




W ik(s)Vi+1,k , (4.4)

and calculation of all mesh weights W i(·) from s to the node points in the next timestep. By defining a stopping time

τ = min{

i : gi(Si) ≥ Ci(Si)}

, (4.5)

a low biased estimator is formed by simulating new paths and exercising according tothe stopping time.

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t0 = 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 = Tt

Figure 4.2: Illustration of simulated stochastic mesh with six time steps containing fournodes each. The lines between the nodes identifies mesh weights.

4.3.5 Remarks

This method has a time complexity that is quadratic in the number of simulatedpaths, due to the calculation of mesh weights. Glasserman [2004] mentions that thesame mesh can be reused in valuation of several contracts. Furthermore, experimentalresults suggest a square-root convergence rate in the error, meaning that the errordecreases as the fourth-root of the total work, which is relatively slow.

4.4 Regression Based Methods

Assuming that we model a function y(x) as a linear combination of M basis functionsψr(x);

y =



βrψr(x) + ǫ , (4.6)

where ǫ is an error variable with expected value zero, we can determine the coefficientsβr by trying to fit the model to data, while minimizing ǫ. This fit can be achievedthrough linear least-squares regression.

An equivalent formulation of this model as a conditional expectation is

E[y|x] =



βrψr(x) (4.7)

Longstaff and Schwartz [2001] propose a method based on the assumption thatthe continuation value can be written as a linear combination of basis functions;

Ci(s) = E[Vi+1(Si+1)|Si = s] =M∑


βirψr(s), (4.8)

where ψr(s), r = 1, ..., n are basis functions and βir are constants.The algorithm of using this to price American options is the following:

1. Simulate b independent paths: {S1j , ..., Smj}, j = 1, ..., b.

2. At maturity set the nodes to Vmj = gm(Smj), j = 1, ..., b.

3. Calculate regression weights βi,· from Vi+1,j , j = 1, ..., b, by linear least squaresregression.

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4. Use regression weights to estimate Cij from Sij , j = 1, ..., b.

5. Set Vij = max(gi(Sij), Cij).

6. Repeat (3)-(5) until V1,(·) is reached.

7. Set V0 = (V11 + ...+ V1b)/b.

The choice of basis functions is what determines the accuracy of this method, increas-ing paths only decreases variance.

4.4.1 Low Estimator

The regression weights βi,· defines an approximation of the continuation value at allpoints s at all times i through equation 4.8. Equivalently to the low bias estimatorof the stochastic mesh method we define a stopping rule through;

τ = min{i : gi(Si) ≥ Ci(Si)} , (4.9)

which will produce a low biased estimator when applied on a set of independentlysimulated paths.

4.4.2 Remarks

While the random tree and stochastic mesh methods converges to the true value withincreased computational effort, this is not the case with the regression based method.The choice of basis functions is what limits how close to the true value this methodcan get with increased computational effort.

4.5 Duality Approach

While many methods of pricing American options in a Monte Carlo framework issomehow optimization to maximize the option value, Haugh and Kogan [2004] andRogers [2002] present duality approaches where the price is instead represented througha minimization problem. From this upper bounds for the regression based methodcan be created and the tightness of this upper bound is determined by the choice ofa martingale.

The mathematical derivation of this approach is the following: LetM = {Mi, i = 0, ...,m}be a martingale with M0 = 0 and τ an arbitrary stopping time.

E[gτ (Sτ )] = E[gτ (Sτ )−Mτ ] ≤ E





This is valid for any M so we choose the martingale that minimizes the expression.

E[gτ (Sτ )] ≤ infM






As this inequality holds for every τ it also holds for the supremum over τ . Therefore

V0(S0) = supτ

E[gτ (Sτ )] ≤ infM





. (4.12)

This means that the price of an American option can be seen as a minimizationproblem via the choice of martingale, with any suboptimal martingale giving an upperlimit for the price.

In our Bermudan setting we define our martingale as a sum of martingale differ-ences

Mi = ∆1 + · · ·+ ∆i , i = 1, ...,m . (4.13)

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4.5.1 Martingales from Approximate Value Functions

Given that we have approximate value functions, like we get in regression, Glasserman[2004] proposes the following martingale (This method is denoted ‘Dual-V ’.):

Generate n subnodes S(j)i (j is the index of the path) originating in Si−1 and

estimate the continuation value Ci−1(Si−1) through the approximate continuationvalue function. Use that to calculate approximate option values at those subnodes.Define the martingale differences as

∆i = Vi(Si)−1




Vi(S(j)i ) . (4.14)

4.5.2 Martingales from Stopping Rules

Another martingale proposed by Glasserman which is based on the stopping ruledefined by the approximate value functions is the following (This method is denoted‘Dual-τ ’.):

Generate n paths originating in Si−1 and calculate the value Vτ for each pathaccording to the stopping rule (eq. 4.9). Define the martingale differences as

∆i = Vi(Si)−1




Vτ (S(j)τ ) . (4.15)

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Empirical Studies

The empirical study of this thesis consists of two parts:

• Firstly, the Monte Carlo methods of pricing American options described inchapter 4 are evaluated by pricing an American put option and an Americanmaximum call option with two and five assets and comparing the results withthat of reference methods. Reference methods in this case are the 1D binomialtree of Cox et al. [1979] and a 2D binomial tree of Boyle et al. [1989].

• Secondly, numerous contracts are implemented for the regression based methodsand the seemingly ad hoc choice of basis functions is empirically investigated.This is done by trying different combinations of polynomials of underlying assets,payoff functions and prices of European option counterparts or approximationsthereof as basis functions and checking which combinations produce the tightestinterval between the low and high bias estimators for the option price whilemaintaining stable results.

5.1 Featured American Contracts

This section includes descriptions of the different American contracts featured in theempirical study, both the mathematical formulations of their payoff functions andnotes on interesting properties. Some payoff functions have economical interpreta-tions, such as that (S −K)

+is equivalent to the right to buy an asset S for the price

K, but in general the payoff function should be viewed as the net value received whenexercising the option.

5.1.1 Put Option

The most common example when addressing American options is the American Putoption, that is the right to sell an asset at a given price K. This contract is definedthrough the payoff function

g(S(t)) = (K − S(t))+. (5.1)

The optimal exercise boundary of the American put option has been much researched.It is for example known that the exercise boundary ends in BT = K if r ≥ δ in thecontinuous case. The value is a function of the underlying asset and time Vt = V (S, t).


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5.1.2 Maximum Call Option

An example of an option with multiple underlying assets is the call option on themaximum price among a number of assets, the maximum call option. This is theright to buy the most expensive of a number of assets for a given price K. Thecontract is defined through

g(S(t)) =(

max{S(1)(t), ..., S(n)(t)} −K)+

. (5.2)

The value function depends on underlying assets and time Vt = V (S, t).

5.1.3 Basket Call Option

Another option that depends on multiple underlying assets is the call option on abasket of assets. A basket is a weighted sum of prices for underlying assets. Thiscontracts payoff function is

g(S(t)) =






. (5.3)

Where αi are weights on each asset price. The value is a function of underlying assetsand time Vt = V (S, t).

5.1.4 Asian Call Option

Asian options are options depending on some time-average of underlying asset prices.In the discrete American setting, where Sm = S(tm), we define the running arithmeticaverage as

Am =1




Sm , (5.4)

and the payoff function of the Asian call option as

g(Sm) = (Am −K)+. (5.5)

In contrast to the previous contracts the American Asian call option features pathdependent payoff. This means that the optimal exercise is no longer determinedby the distance to maturity and position of underlying assets only but also on therunning arithmetic average Am. The value in this case is also dependent of Am, thusVt = V (Sm, Am, tm).

5.1.5 Asian Call Option on a Basket

The Asian call option on a basket is dependent on the time-average of a basket. Wedefine this time-average as

Am =1






αjS(j)i (t) (5.6)

and accordingly the payoff function of the Asian call option on a basket as

g(Sm) = (Am −K)+. (5.7)

The value can be described through Vt = V (Sm, Am, tm).

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5.1.6 Choice of Parameter Values

The parameter values were chosen quite arbitrary but my aspiration was that theyshould at least seem reasonable. To some extent this was achieved by using parametervalues from other articles, assuming those authors had a feel for what is reasonable.Furthermore parameter values were chosen so that the American feature should havea notable impact on option prices.

For convenience, parameters S(i)0 , σi and δi are set to the same value in cases

with multiple underlying assets. In the case of basket options all weights αi = 1/n.The given correlation ρ defines the correlation matrix:

1 ρ. . .

ρ 1

5.2 Numerical Results for Comparison of Monte Carlo Methods

As reference methods I have used a binomial tree from Cox et al. [1979] for the Amer-ican put option and a 2D binomial tree from Boyle et al. [1989] for the maximum calloption with two underlying assets. Where these reference methods are not applicableEuropean option values are presented as they pose a lower limit for the Americanoption prices. All pricing methods were batched (repeated) n times and standarderrors were calculated as

s.e. =σ√n, (5.8)

where σ is the estimated standard deviation between the batches.

5.2.1 Results

Results from the parametrization of exercise rule to price the standard American putoption are presented in table 5.1. As suggested in figure 5.1, the more paths used foroptimizing the exercise rule, the more stable and correct is the result.

S0 European American n1 Parametrization

105 3.98 4.26 4000 4.2416000 4.25

100 5.57 6.03 4000 6.0016000 6.03

95 7.63 8.38 4000 8.3416000 8.37

90 10.21 11.40 4000 11.3916000 11.39

Table 5.1: Pricing results for the standard American put with n = 10 exercise opportunitiesusing a parametrization of the exercise rule. Parameter values are K = 100, σ = 0.20, δ = 0,T = 1 and r = 0.05. The number of paths used in the optimization of the exercise ruleis n1 while 20000 paths were used for the actual pricing. European option values are fromBlack-Scholes formula and American option values are from a binomial tree with 5000 steps.Parametrization estimates are from 25 batches and standard errors are close to 0.01.

Results from all methods implemented for the valuation of the American calloption on the maximum price of two and five assets are given in table 5.2. Apartfrom its apparent limitations, the random tree method showed some decent results

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 180







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







Figure 5.1: Exercise boundaries for an American Put option with 10 exercise opportunitiesexpiring at T = 1. Thin lines are boundaries resulting from optimizing a parametrizedboundary to 4000 paths (left) and 16000 paths (right). The thick, dashed line is the optimalexercise boundary. Using 20000 new paths to estimate the option price according to theseexercise rules result in an option price of 11.36 for the left figure and an option price of 11.38for the right with a standard error around 0.01 for both. The true option price is 11.40.

but had very high standard error in the estimators. The stochastic mesh method onthe other hand was unconvincing and had extremely lengthy execution times. Theregression method was fast in execution and produced the tightest interval with itsestimators. Run times for the random tree method and the stochastic mesh methodwas each within the hour while the regression method completed in minutes.

Parameters Comparison Values Rand. Tree Stoch. Mesh Regression

m S0 n European American Low High Low High Low Dual-V

2 100 3 11.20 13.30 12.511 12.914 11.544 15.655 13.341 13.4749 13.90 n/a n/a 12.716 20.494 13.712 14.292

90 3 6.65 7.71 7.658 8.035 6.915 8.989 7.724 7.7919 8.08 n/a n/a 7.450 11.613 8.001 8.307

5 100 3 23.05 n/a 25.263 26.071 22.755 32.236 25.228 25.5589 n/a n/a n/a 20.155 42.514 26.044 26.709

90 3 14.58 n/a 15.947 16.475 14.332 19.611 15.966 16.1639 n/a n/a n/a 12.025 25.730 16.703 17.070

Table 5.2: Results for American-style call option on the maximum of m assets expiringin T = 3 years with n exercise opportunities. Remaining parameter values are K = 100,σi = 0.2, δi = 0.1, r = 0.05 and no correlation between assets. Standard errors for therandom tree estimators using 30 branches and 30 batches are in the range (0.3-0.4). For thestochastic mesh estimators with 50 nodes in each timestep, 500 paths for the low estimatorand 20 batches the standard error is around 0.6 for the high estimator and around 0.1 forthe low estimator. The regression based method with 1000 paths for the regression, 10000paths for the low estimator, 50 subpaths for the dual estimate and 10 batches had standarderrors in the range (0.02-0.07) for both estimators. The set of basis functions used was{1, g(S), VE(S)}.

5.2.2 Notes on Implementation

The aforementioned methods were implemented and analyzed in MATLAB on a Pen-tium D 3.0 Ghz with 1 GB memory. MATLAB is notoriously slow at processingloops but fast at using linear algebra functions, thus it is hard to compare timings ofdifferent methods as in their current implementation some methods have heavy use

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of loops while others utilize linear algebra functions instead.

5.3 Numerical Results for Evaluation of Basis Functions

5.3.1 Descriptions of the Basis Function

If considering the continuation value of the option at each fixed time as a Taylorexpansion of dependent variables it is natural to use a constant, polynomials of un-derlying assets and cross terms as basis functions. Different polynomial families suchas Laguerre polynomials could be considered.

The closer to maturity, the closer the value function resembles the payoff function,i.e. the immediate exercise value, giving exact estimates at the final time index m. Itis thus a good candidate for a basis function.

European option values should be exact estimates for the value one step frommaturity, i.e. at time index m − 1, thus motivating their use as a basis functions.For higher dimensional European options there usually exist no closed form solutionto the value and numerical methods are much to time consuming to be used in thisapplication. Where analytic approximations exist they could be used instead. Seeappendix B for derivations based on moment matching techniques for a number ofhigh dimensional contracts evaluated in this thesis.

5.3.2 Method of Analysis

The method of analysis was to price each contract with different sets of basis functionsto see which sets produced the highest low estimate and the lowest upper limit, thedual estimate. Where possible comparison to the true American option price wasmade.

The selection of different sets was made by me in an effort to capture interestingfeatures in combination with limitations in implementation and computational time.

5.3.3 Results

Results for the American put option can be found in table 5.3. Using Laguerre poly-nomials of dependent variables gives no apparent advantage over plain polynomialsin the tested cases. The best performing set of basis functions is using the Europeanoption value alone. There seems to be a distinct advantage for the sets which includesthe European option value.

The results for the American call option on the maximum of two assets are pre-sented in table 5.4. Sets of basis functions including the value of the correspondingEuropean option [see Stulz, 1982] performed the best. In the 10 dimensional case,presented in table 5.5, the best sets of basis functions were those including the ana-lytical approximation to the European option value. As an analytical approximationthe exact solution to the two dimensional European max option was applied usingthe two most expensive assets of the ten.

Results for the American Asian call option is presented in table 5.6. For thiscontract the set {1, g(S), VE(S)} was clearly the best performing in all tested cases.The dual-τ estimate is included here because, while taking much more computationaltime, this is the only case where it made any major difference in comparison withdual-V .

For the American call option on a basket of 10 assets, the sets of basis functionsincluding the approximation to the European option value showed the best results,as can be seen in table 5.7.

No obvious conclusions can be drawn from the tested cases American Asian calloption on a basket of 10 assets; presented in table 5.8. All tested sets seem decent

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apart from using just a constant as basis function.

(K, T , σ) {Ψ} Euro. Amer. Low s.e. Dual-V s.e.

(100, 1.00, 0.20) 1 5.574 6.033 6.030 .067 7.801 .0371, S 5.941 .015 7.588 .0191, S, S2 5.925 .016 6.644 .009L0, L1, L2 5.909 .015 6.645 .0091, S, S2, g(S) 5.949 .016 6.295 .0061, S, S2, VE(S) 6.005 .013 6.228 .0061, S, S2, g(S), VE(S) 6.009 .013 6.252 .007VE(S) 6.031 .015 6.228 .0071, VE(S) 5.993 .013 6.226 .0061, g(S), VE(S) 6.023 .014 6.228 .007

(95, 0.25, 0.25) 1 6.937 7.119 7.115 .010 9.695 .0341, S 7.068 .012 8.152 .0091, S, S2 7.080 .010 7.536 .006L0, L1, L2 7.065 .012 7.538 .0061, S, S2, g(S) 7.095 .014 7.428 .0051, S, S2, VE(S) 7.079 .015 7.406 .0051, S, S2, g(S), VE(S) 7.078 .015 7.423 .005VE(S) 7.097 .014 7.405 .0051, VE(S) 7.090 .011 7.407 .0051, g(S), VE(S) 7.086 .011 7.412 .004

(100, 0.25, 0.15) 1 2.393 2.490 2.487 .005 3.260 .0181, S 2.466 .007 3.100 .0091, S, S2 2.472 .007 2.697 .003L0, L1, L2 2.470 .006 2.693 .0031, S, S2, g(S) 2.464 .006 2.606 .0031, S, S2, VE(S) 2.481 .006 2.588 .0031, S, S2, g(S), VE(S) 2.470 .006 2.590 .002VE(S) 2.484 .006 2.585 .0021, VE(S) 2.469 .008 2.590 .0031, g(S), VE(S) 2.480 .005 2.587 .002

(105, 0.25, 0.15) 1 0.890 0.914 0.831 .003 0.987 .0081, S 0.907 .003 1.353 .0101, S, S2 0.909 .003 1.177 .003L0, L1, L2 0.909 .004 1.175 .0041, S, S2, g(S) 0.906 .004 0.993 .0031, S, S2, VE(S) 0.908 .003 0.952 .0021, S, S2, g(S), VE(S) 0.904 .004 0.960 .002VE(S) 0.907 .004 0.951 .0021, VE(S) 0.901 .004 0.948 .0021, g(S), VE(S) 0.906 .004 0.951 .002

Table 5.3: Price estimations of American-style Put options with n = 10 exercise opportu-nities. Parameters are S0 = 100, r = 0.05, δ = 0. Values were calculated using 1000 pathsfor the regression, 10000 paths for the low estimator, 50 sub-paths for the dual estimatorand 30 batches. Column Euro. is from Black-Scholes formula and column Amer. are resultsusing a binomial tree with 5000 timesteps which in this context can be considered as truevalues.

5.3.4 Notes on Implementation

For the analysis of the choice of basis functions in the regression method was imple-mented in C++ (MinGW GCC 3.4.5) and run on a Pentium D 3.0 Ghz with 1 GBmemory. The move from MATLAB to C++ was necessary to be able to use morecomplex basis functions, such as our analytical approximations, without a severe per-formance penalty.

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S0 {Ψ} Euro. Amer. Low s.e. Dual-V s.e.

90 1 6.655 8.08 7.967 0.021 9.572 0.1041, Si 7.841 0.040 10.392 0.0611, Si, S


i7.909 0.032 8.699 0.023

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2 7.931 0.048 8.716 0.032

1, g(S) 7.974 0.025 8.464 0.0391, VE(S) 8.048 0.023 8.311 0.0091, g(S), VE(S) 8.042 0.020 8.304 0.013VE(S) 8.027 0.036 8.331 0.0141, Si, S


i, S1S2, g(S) 7.949 0.022 8.366 0.015

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2, g(S), VE(S) 8.061 0.017 8.328 0.017

100 1 11.196 13.90 13.565 0.039 18.225 0.0901, Si 13.202 0.048 16.677 0.0511, Si, S


i13.623 0.034 14.748 0.027

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2 13.686 0.054 14.632 0.020

1, g(S) 13.568 0.028 14.565 0.0341, VE(S) 13.820 0.040 14.296 0.0171, g(S), VE(S) 13.823 0.039 14.324 0.012VE(S) 13.882 0.031 14.295 0.0101, Si, S


i, S1S2, g(S) 13.786 0.048 14.352 0.015

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2, g(S), VE(S) 13.821 0.030 14.294 0.012

110 1 16.929 21.34 20.393 0.084 28.063 0.1341, Si 20.025 0.065 24.713 0.0691, Si, S


i20.810 0.044 22.632 0.021

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2 20.965 0.045 22.247 0.030

1, g(S) 20.706 0.045 22.300 0.0451, VE(S) 21.293 0.053 21.955 0.0211, g(S), VE(S) 21.241 0.046 21.897 0.026VE(S) 21.240 0.041 21.938 0.0131, Si, S


i, S1S2, g(S) 21.122 0.057 21.947 0.017

1, Si, S2

i, S1S2, g(S), VE(S) 21.316 0.049 21.922 0.021

Table 5.4: Price estimations of American-style call options on the maximum of two assetswith n = 9 exercise opportunities. Parameters are δi = 0.10, σi = 0.20, ρ = 0, K = 100,r = 0.05 and T = 3. Columns Euro. and Amer. can in this context be considered as truevalues and are results derived using a dynamic programming formulation [Boyle et al., 1989].

S0 {Ψ} European Low s.e. Dual-V s.e.

90 1 20.66 21.564 .061 26.636 .1501, g(S) 21.732 .057 23.142 .063

1, VE(S) 22.422 .033 22.913 .039

1, g(S), VE(S) 22.459 .078 22.976 .027

VE(S) 22.437 .049 22.970 .024

100 1 30.70 32.001 .062 39.308 .1591, g(S) 32.121 .063 34.241 .063

1, VE(S) 33.253 .049 33.889 .030

1, g(S), VE(S) 33.166 .047 33.864 .028

VE(S) 33.113 .036 34.035 .041

110 1 41.62 43.279 .045 52.311 .0801, g(S) 43.256 .067 45.982 .043

1, VE(S) 44.763 .058 45.631 .055

1, g(S), VE(S) 44.653 .060 45.595 .052

VE(S) 44.598 .061 45.732 .047

Table 5.5: Price estimations of American-style call options on the maximum of 10 assetsexpiring in T = 3 years with n = 9 exercise opportunities. Parameters are δi = 0.10,σi = 0.20, ρ = 0, K = 100 and r = 0.05. Approximate prices to the corresponding European-style option are calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation with 1000000 paths.

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B# {Ψ}

B1 1B2 1, AB3 1, SB4 1, S, AB5 1, A,A2

B6 VE(S)B7 1, g(S)

B8 1, VE(S)

B9 1, g(S), VE(S)

B10 1, A, VE(S)

(K, T , σ) B# Euro. Amer. Low s.e. Dual-V s.e. Dual-τ s.e.

(100, 0.25, 0.15) B1 2.165 2.321 1.761 .006 2.674 .024 2.368 .011B2 2.089 .012 2.795 .010 2.345 .008B3 2.099 .009 2.813 .010 2.347 .008B4 2.114 .013 2.792 .010 2.359 .005B5 2.207 .013 2.754 .007 2.350 .005B6 2.224 .008 2.790 .010 2.336 .003B7 2.166 .010 2.371 .014 2.366 .003B8 2.207 .006 2.636 .013 2.337 .004B9 2.306 .006 2.363 .004 2.327 .006B10 2.195 .010 2.691 .010 2.337 .004

(100, 0.25, 0.25) B1 3.364 3.650 2.741 .011 4.236 .033 3.724 .016B2 3.284 .016 4.501 .016 3.716 .013B3 3.290 .016 4.490 .023 3.711 .011B4 3.293 .016 4.472 .019 3.720 .007B5 3.424 .012 4.378 .017 3.678 .011B6 3.529 .018 4.471 .018 3.676 .007B7 3.377 .012 3.727 .028 3.739 .014B8 3.483 .014 4.212 .011 3.694 .007B9 3.627 .022 3.716 .008 3.663 .005B10 3.486 .014 4.289 .017 3.682 .007

(100, 0.50, 0.25) B1 4.927 5.332 3.976 .015 6.216 .035 5.463 .024B2 4.841 .016 6.555 .027 5.400 .016B3 4.835 .017 6.537 .029 5.404 .015B4 4.852 .024 6.559 .033 5.386 .012B5 5.019 .026 6.353 .022 5.378 .017B6 5.102 .021 6.469 .025 5.390 .009B7 4.933 .023 5.434 .045 5.453 .010B8 5.134 .024 6.129 .019 5.392 .013B9 5.287 .018 5.437 .010 5.361 .008B10 5.087 .022 6.304 .028 5.381 .009

(105, 0.50, 0.25) B1 2.806 2.966 1.990 .012 3.203 .047 2.994 .019B2 2.593 .014 4.169 .030 3.010 .015B3 2.587 .020 4.176 .028 3.007 .011B4 2.593 .014 4.202 .014 2.982 .013B5 2.802 .014 3.933 .018 2.994 .006B6 2.801 .015 3.889 .017 2.981 .009B7 2.808 .014 2.990 .041 3.001 .010B8 2.790 .011 3.704 .027 2.966 .011B9 2.968 .006 3.109 .007 2.977 .006B10 2.790 .015 3.799 .011 3.010 .007

Table 5.6: Price estimations of American-style Asian options with n = 13 exercise oppor-tunities. Parameters are S0 = 100, r = 0.05, δ = 0. Columns Euro. and Amer. can in thiscontext be considered as true values and are results from Ben-Ameur et al. [2002] derivedusing a dynamic programming formulation. Reg - 1000 paths, Low - 10000 paths, Dual - 50subpaths

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S0 {Ψ} European Low s.e. Dual-V s.e.

95 1 3.80 4.629 .012 7.558 .0381, g(S) 5.142 .012 5.487 .009

1, VE(S) 5.176 .009 5.348 .007

1, g(S), VE(S) 5.175 .020 5.353 .005

VE(S) 5.186 .012 5.361 .005

100 1 6.65 7.759 .027 12.534 .0401, g(S) 9.580 .006 9.867 .006

1, VE(S) 9.586 .015 9.730 .006

1, g(S), VE(S) 9.582 .013 9.730 .003

VE(S) 9.589 .013 9.726 .006

105 1 10.22 11.513 .041 17.503 .0321, g(S) 14.550 .007 14.648 .005

1, VE(S) 14.515 .011 14.610 .005

1, g(S), VE(S) 14.534 .009 14.603 .004

VE(S) 14.416 .022 14.614 .006

Table 5.7: Price estimations of American-style Basket options on 10 assets expiring inT = 1 year with n = 13 exercise opportunities. Parameters are K = 90, r = 0.05, δi = 0.10,σi = 0.20 and correlation ρ = 0.2. European option values are calculated using Monte Carlosimulations with 100000 paths and the analytical approximation as control variate.

S0 {Ψ} European Low s.e. Dual-V s.e.

95 1 7.52 9.699 0.017 12.693 0.0691, g(S) 10.240 0.032 10.254 0.017

1, VE(S) 10.237 0.018 10.288 0.009

1, g(S), VE(S) 10.233 0.032 10.263 0.015

VE(S) 10.156 0.024 10.300 0.015

100 1 12.16 14.107 0.031 17.722 0.0541, g(S) 14.683 0.024 14.791 0.013

1, VE(S) 14.680 0.030 14.786 0.014

1, g(S), VE(S) 14.677 0.023 14.787 0.009

VE(S) 14.756 0.034 14.766 0.017

105 1 17.01 18.917 0.022 23.095 0.0731, g(S) 19.469 0.031 19.596 0.020

1, VE(S) 19.457 0.025 19.620 0.012

1, g(S), VE(S) 19.562 0.046 19.602 0.015

VE(S) 19.467 0.044 19.593 0.024

Table 5.8: Price estimations of American-style Asian Basket options on 10 assets expiring inT = 1 year with n = 13 exercise opportunities. Parameters are K = 90, r = 0.05, δi = 0.10,σi = 0.20 and correlation ρ = 0.2. European option values are calculated using Monte Carlosimulations with 100000 paths and the analytical approximation as control variate.

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6.1 Pricing American Options using Simulation

Due to the forward nature of Monte Carlo simulations and backward nature of pricingAmerican options is seems hard to produce practically usable Monte Carlo estimatesthat converge to the true value with increased computational effort.

More convincing results come from methods where either the stopping rule or thesolution is limited by a parametric class, such as the parametrization of stopping rulemethod or the regression method. In the parametrization of the stopping rule goodinformation of the optimal stopping rule is required to select a suitable parametricclass. The only tested case is the standard American put option for which the stoppingrule is well researched and easy to visualize. In higher dimensions, where Monte Carlomethods show their strength, this is not the case. The regression based method insteadlimits the shape of the option value, or the continuation value to be exact, by theselection of basis functions.

Estimators based on approximations of stopping rules produce good results eventhough the approximations themselves may be rough. An advantage of these estima-tors is that they can be used with an arbitrary number of simulated paths to get thedesired stability.

6.2 Choice of Basis Functions in Regression Methods

The closer the option gets to maturity, the more the option values resembles the payofffunction. This is an argument why the payoff function is a good basis function. Itis also logical that the value of the corresponding European-style option is a goodbasis function because in the last timestep m− 1 it will give the exact option value.This reasoning renders the use of the payoff function as a basis function useless incombinations with the European option value. However, using both in the same setseems to give better values, especially in the case where European option values areapproximated, indicating that the payoff contains some additional information.

A seemingly good choice in set of basis functions for the evaluated contracts is{1, g(S), VE(S)}; that is a constant, the payoff function and an approximation to thevalue of corresponding European-style option (or the exact value if available). Whilenot always the very best set it showed good performance in all tested cases. Anotheradvantage of this set is that the basis functions do not have to be altered when chang-ing the problem dimensions; there are thus always only three basis functions givingbetter performance in the regression. One can assume that much of the information


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in correlations etc. is still captured in the approximation of the European option.The disadvantage of using these basis functions is that the analytical approximationstakes more time to calculate than just simple polynomials of underlying assets.

The tested cases for the high-dimensional options are unrealistic in the sense thatall underlying assets had the same properties and correlations. It would be interestingto see how the recommended set of basis functions would perform with more realisticinput data.

The method of analysis was rather rudimentary as it was basically the use trialand error. The real question to be answered is: Given this set of basis functions {Ψ},which subset best approximates the value in the regression method. A more refinedmethod could make use of statistical methods and the uncertainty for each coefficientgiven in the regression.

6.3 Future Work

One possible development of this thesis would be to investigate if the use of quasi-Monte Carlo would improve speed of convergence for the regression based method.

Calculation of upper bounds for the regression based method take much time dueto nestled simulations. An interesting solution of this problem is the ‘regression now’approach of Glasserman and Yu [2002] where upper bounds are produced withoutnestled simulations. It would be interesting to evaluate the choice of basis functionsfor this method which adds the criterion that basis functions has to be Martingales(Are analytical approximations martingales?).

All the major difficulties of American option pricing can be considered to becontained in the early exercise premium (EEP). A considered but not yet implementedapproach is to apply regression only on the EEP, by simply subtracting Europeanoption value or an approximation of the European option value first. The EEP couldbe an easier function to approximate and it also effectively limits the price of theAmerican option to be higher than the corresponding European option.

An interesting but unexplored area of American options are their sensitivities– hedge parameters. The most important being the ∆, the derivative of the pricewith respect to the price of underlying asset(s). By using the fact that the optimalstopping rule does not depend on the price of underlying assets it seems reasonablethat for an optimal stopping time τ

∆ =d

dSVt =


dS{E[gτ (S)]} = E



dSgτ (S)


. (6.1)

If this is valid it would be most interesting to see how a pathwise estimator [Glasser-man, 2004, §7.2] together with a stopping rule (the low estimator) would perform forestimation of ∆.

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S(n)m Asset n at time tm.g(s) The payoff of the option.

(x)+ ≡ max(x, 0)

Et [X] ≡ E[X| Ft]


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Derivation of Analytical Approximations

This appendix include derivations of analytical approximations for certain Europeanoptions using moment matching techniques.

The payoff from many contracts can be written on the form (for a call and putrespectively):

g = (A−K)+


g = (K −A)+


If A is lognormal, the value of the contract is given by the Black-Scholes formula(equations 2.10 and 2.12). Assuming A is only approximately lognormal, an approx-imation for the value of the option can be found by fitting a lognormal variable A toA by giving it the same first two moments. This determines the constants A0 and σin the formulation below.

At = A0e(r− 1

2σ2)t+σW (t) (B.3)

The first two moments of our lognormal variable At are:




≡ E[


= A0ert (B.4)




≡ E[



= A20e

(2r+σ2)t. (B.5)

We can thus use the following inputs in the Black-Scholes formula to get anapproximation to the value of the option:

S = A0 = e−rTµ1(A) (B.6)

σ2 = σ2 =1






. (B.7)

B.1 Basket Option

Am =



δiS(i)m (B.8)

µ1 (Am) =n∑


δiS(i)0 ertm (B.9)


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(Am)2 =n∑




δiδjS(i)m S(j)

m (B.10)


S(i)m S(j)



= e2rtmS(i)0 S

(j)0 eρijσiσjtm (B.11)

µ2 (Am) = e2rtm





δiδjS(i)0 S

(j)0 eρijσiσjtm (B.12)

B.2 Arithmetic Asian

Am =1




Si (B.13)

µ1 (Am) =S0




erti (B.14)

(Am)2 =1






SiSj =1




Si2 + 2








= S20e

(2r+σ2)ti (B.16)

When ti < tj :

E[SiSj ] = E[

SiSie(r− 1


√tj−ti Z



= E[





√tj−ti Z



= E[



er(tj−ti) = S20e

(2r+σ2)+r(tj−ti) (B.19)

= S20er(tj+ti)+σ2ti (B.20)

This gives that

µ2 (Am) = E[







e(2r+σ2)ti + 2m∑



. (B.21)

B.3 Asian Option on a Basket

Using the approximation for the basket (Section B.1) the option is approximatedwith an Asian option. Applying the approximation for an arithmetic Asian option(Section B.2) on that option in turn gives a standard call option, for which we havethe analytic solution.

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