curriculum reform, curriculum reform, assessment and assessment and accountability accountability consultation consultation A briefing for primary school leaders Sept/Oct 2013 1

Primary national curriculum reform, assessment and accountability consultation

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Primary national curriculum reform, assessment and accountability consultation. A briefing for primary school leaders Sept/Oct 2013. Aims of the session. Summarise DfE response Share revised timescale/key dates Outline changes to subject content - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Primary national Primary national curriculum reform, curriculum reform, assessment and assessment and accountability accountability consultationconsultationA briefing for primary school leadersSept/Oct 2013


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Aims of the session Aims of the session Summarise DfE responseShare revised timescale/key datesOutline changes to subject contentShare the updated progression tool

for the core subjectsShare models for formative

assessmentReview proposed changes to

assessment/accountabilityExplore strategic and curricular

planning for a smooth transition

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Key dates:Key dates:June ’12 – Primary core subject drafts shared Feb ’13 – NC Framework released for

consultation 16 April ’13 - Public consultation closesSummer ‘13 – consultation reportSept ‘13 – final NC Framework publishedSept ’13 – Disapplication allowed for Y3/4,

Foundation Subjects in other yearsSept ’14 – Statutory adoption except for..Sept ‘15 - Y2/6 Eng/Ma/SciSept ’15 – PoS for core subjects at KS4 to be

introducedSummer ‘16 – Statutory Assessment of new


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The impact of the The impact of the consultation: consultation: the government responsethe government response


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Consultation: government Consultation: government responseresponseOverarching and subject aims retainedSpoken language programme of study (Y1-

6)Improved D&T structured according to the

process: Design/Make/Evaluate/Technical knowledge incl. separate section for cooking/nutrition

KS2 history reduced, better matched to aims

Removal of levels confirmedSchools to devise own formative


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Consultation: government Consultation: government responseresponseComputing replaces ICTP scales should be reviewedClarity of core subjects and the

removal of levels will help parents understand

Disapplication (2013) remains for Y3/4, Foundation Subjects only for other years

All adopted in Sept 2014 except for Y2 and Y6 En/Ma/Sci 2015


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Transition issuesTransition issuesYear 3 and 4, and foundation

subjects – current situation re disapplication

Assessment and tracking 2013 – 2016 (retaining current systems as new systems are introduced)

Need for detailed assessment information to identify any gaps in knowledge/skills on transition


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Formative assessment and Formative assessment and trackingtrackingERYC models (examples):

ØAttainment targets for each year: emerging, expected, exceeding

ØClass list + attainment targets, Yes or No

ØAPP styleØShort term planning with

assessmentØRoos Primary School models


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Transition issuesTransition issues

Planning for the new expectationsØEnglishØMathematicsØScience

What has changed since 1999?

Consider the impact of delaying implementation for Y2 & Y6 until

Sept 2015.9

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Consultation: government Consultation: government responseresponseHeadteachers/teachers to decide what

they need to support implementationHigher expectations will be reinforced

through accountability systemsUse existing INSET days Use teaching schools/peer to peer

learningDfE are working with publishers and



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Consultation: government Consultation: government fundingfunding

Science Learning CentresNational Centre for Excellence in the

Teaching of Mathematics (plus £300,00 to develop training to teach fractions at KS3)

Match funding for phonics extended Oct 13

Ring fenced funding for sport in schools£2 million for computing teachers£2 million for teaching schools/national

support schools11

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Additional Consultation: Additional Consultation: launched 8launched 8thth July – closed 8 July – closed 8thth AugustAugustSought general comments re. the

draft Order and each subjectFramework document shared

unexpectedly in July had the following filename


The final curriculum - 11th Sept


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Summary of changes July Summary of changes July - Sept- SeptDrama expectation All history content now non

statutory guidanceSome additional content and

guidance notesRephrasing for clarificationReduction of content in KS1



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National curriculum National curriculum framework September framework September 2013:2013:changes made as a result changes made as a result of informal and formal of informal and formal consultationsconsultations


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National Curriculum 2014National Curriculum 2014

Key Stage 1 2 3 4

En/Ma/Sc Y Y Y Y

Art & design


Citizenship Y Y

Computing Y Y Y Y

Design & technology


Geography Y Y Y

History Y Y Y

Languages Y Y(MFL)

Music Y Y Y



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Subject changes - EnglishSubject changes - English

Attainment target added for spoken language (same for Y1-6 – no progression)

PLUS a few small changes to terminology and content (see handout – review of changes February to Sept)


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Mathematics and Mathematics and differentiationdifferentiation

…the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. …decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.


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Subject changes - Subject changes - mathematicsmathematics

Measures becomes MEASUREMENT Data becomes STATISTICS Efficient changed back to FORMAL

written methodsFractions decimals percentages

combined PLUS a number of changes to

terminology and content (see handout – review of changes February to Sept)


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Subject changes - scienceSubject changes - science

Working scientifically – recognising different ways of finding answers to their questions (throughout)

PLUS a number of changes to terminology, content and organisation (see handout – review of changes Feb to Sept)


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Subject changes - historySubject changes - history…chronological BUT not sequential…to be taught through overview and depth studies…programme ends 1066 not 1707 (Union of the Parliaments) BUT…not LESS history - there are 9 themes or studies to fit into the Key Stage 2 curriculum BUT…all content is now non-statutory


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Subject changes - historySubject changes - historyPurpose of study changes:Inspire pupils’ curiosityEquip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgementTo understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, diversity of societies and relationships between groups, their own identity and the challenges of their time


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Subject changes - historySubject changes - history

Changes to the aims:Added how Britain has been influenced by the wider worldAdded characteristic features of past non-European societies


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Subject changes - historySubject changes - history

KS1 Subject Content:to ask/answer questions, show they know and understand key features and understand ways in which we learn about the pastchanges within living memory addedevents beyond living memory of local/global significance addedinternational as well as national achievementsMary Seacole/Florence Nightingale re-appear and Rosa Parks added as examples23

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Subject changes - historySubject changes - history

Subject Content:KS2 – to develop chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history establishing clear narratives within and across periods they study.


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Foundation subject changesFoundation subject changesArt & design

Purpose of study improved to include challenge, experimentation, invention, critical thinking……

Computing Few changes: concepts of computer science and abstraction added plus greater detail on e safety

D & T Aims and content organised to cover practical skills, design and make, evaluate and test and nutrition and cookery. Improved programme with good progression from KS1 to 2. More explicit for non-specialists.

Geography Few small changes of wording/lists of features plus better organisation of content under headings: Location knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and physical geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork.

Languages Any language, modern or ancient can be chosen and an appreciation of classical civilization has been added for those schools that select an ancient language

Music Few changes to content. Love, talent, self-confidence, creativity and achievement appear in the purpose of study as well as critical engagement. Appropriate use of technology added to aims.


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Progression ToolProgression ToolCore subjects FS – Y6Core subjects FS – Y6

This tool, shared at each round of Headteacher/subject leader briefings, has been revised in the light of the final framework.

It demonstrates ProgressionRaised expectations (RED)New material to the KS (BLUE)

..\En Ma Sci tool v6.2.xls

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Primary assessment and Primary assessment and accountability under the accountability under the new national curriculumnew national curriculumConsultationLaunch date: 17 July 2013Closes: 11 Oct 2013


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The case for change The case for change Need to raise

performance/expectationsSecondary readiness essentialL4C – only 47% 5 x A-C incl E/ML4B/A – 72% achieve 5 x A-C incl E/M(2012 results)


All pupils (except those with learning difficulties) should be secondary ready.

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Key Principles Key Principles taken from The Bew Reporttaken from The Bew Report

Formative assessment - left to schoolsGovt. prescribes statutory end of KS

assessmentNeed for fairness – progress and

attainment to have equal weighting (Pupil Pr. £1,300)

Wide range of performance information should be published

TA and testing both important and should be published


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Proposals – Teacher Proposals – Teacher assessment and reporting assessment and reporting Levels/level descriptors WILL be

removedNo single system for ongoing

assessmentSchools decide on curriculum, how

to teach it/track progressFormative assessment to focus on

essential knowledge (and skills)Schools to decide on their method of

reporting suited to their curriculum


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Schools (expected to have) - Schools (expected to have) - Curriculum and assessment Curriculum and assessment framework, with these framework, with these principles:principles:Sets out steps to reach expectationsEnables trackingAllows diagnosis of gaps in learning and

recognition of exceptional perfromanceSupports planning for all pupilsEnables reporting to parentsProvides clear information about

strengths, weaknesses and progress on transition


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Question 1:Question 1: Will these principles Will these principles underpin an effective underpin an effective curriculum and curriculum and assessment system?assessment system?


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Assessment practiceAssessment practice

Schools free to devise own, some have already begun ( as have we)

Outstanding/teaching schools take a lead

Government will provide good examples and signpost a range of approaches

Schemes of work may have assessment built in


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Question 2:Question 2: What other good What other good examples of assessment examples of assessment practice can we share practice can we share more widely? Is there more widely? Is there additional support we can additional support we can provide for schools?provide for schools?


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Proposals - testingProposals - testing

To continue at KS 1 and 2First (more demanding) tests in

2016A single test – with range of

challengeTo ensure secondary readinessMust demonstrate how well a pupil

has met the standard to encourage high attainment for all pupils

STA responsible for development35

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Proposals – testing (cont)Proposals – testing (cont)Scaled scores proposed based on

deciles/compared to national (no grades)Pupil progress measured by comparing

pupils’ performance with those with similar prior attainment

Raw test marks to be converted to scaled scores (number of marks will fluctuate as a result of variations in test difficulty)

Writing will continue to be teacher assessment

Phonics testing will continue


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Question 3:Question 3: Does a scaled score, Does a scaled score, decile ranking and value-decile ranking and value-added measure provide added measure provide useful information from useful information from national curriculum tests?national curriculum tests?


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Proposals - BaselinesProposals - BaselinesRetain baseline at the end of KS1

using NC tests and publish them to reduce the incentive to under-report

Introduce a baseline check at the start of reception to give credit to the whole of primary schooling and enable EY provision to be evaluated, making the FSP non-statutory


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Questions 4, 5 & 6:Questions 4, 5 & 6: Should we continue to Should we continue to measure progress from the measure progress from the end of KS 1, using internally-end of KS 1, using internally-marked NC tests?marked NC tests? If end of KS1 NC test results If end of KS1 NC test results are used as a baseline to are used as a baseline to measure progress, should measure progress, should school-level results be school-level results be published?published? Should we introduce a Should we introduce a baseline check at the start of baseline check at the start of reception?reception? 39

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Baseline checks – other Baseline checks – other optionsoptions

Schools could choose from a range of comparable baseline tests and report the results

Make the baseline optional for schools that would accept judgement on attainment measures only in tables and floor standards

NB All schools will have to track internally

and make that information available to Ofsted


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Baseline checks – other Baseline checks – other optionsoptionsWith a baseline at the start of reception:KS1 tests would only be statutory for infant schools, providing a baseline for junior schoolsKS1 tests would be non-statutory for through primary schools


Would it be possible to use a reception baseline for junior schools

as well? What are the pros/cons?

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Questions 7, 8 & 9:Questions 7, 8 & 9: Should we introduce a Should we introduce a baseline check at the start of baseline check at the start of reception?reception? Should we allow schools to Should we allow schools to choose from a range of choose from a range of commercially-available commercially-available assessments?assessments? If we take a baseline from If we take a baseline from the start of reception, should the start of reception, should end of KS1 NC tests become end of KS1 NC tests become non-statutory for all-through non-statutory for all-through primary schools?primary schools? 42

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Proposals - AccountabilityProposals - AccountabilityFloor standards will focus on

threshold attainment and value added progress

Ofsted inspections to focus on schools just above the floor

Key threshold to be 85% secondary ready

Wide range of data to be published via a new data portal (2015)


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Proposals – floor standardProposals – floor standard85% - must reach the standard in

all measures including teacher assessed writing

85% - allows for some children being unable to meet the standard/not performing their best in the test

Good progress results will place schools above the floor even where they are below 85%


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Proposals – floor standardProposals – floor standardEvery pupils scaled score (compared

to similar pupils nationally) will be used to measure progress…….therefore

No perverse incentive to focus on borderline pupils

Precise ‘floor’ progress measure to be defined but expected to be between 98.5 and 99 (100 = average progress)

In time the progress ‘floor’ may be raised to 100


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Proposals – floor Proposals – floor standard/APSstandard/APSAny school missing the 85%

target and not on a fast upward trajectory likely to be inspected

An APS measure could be applied to schools who are above the 85% floor to prevent schools focusing on pupils close to the standard thus maximising the achievement of all their pupils


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Questions 10, & 11:Questions 10, & 11: Do you have any Do you have any comments about these comments about these proposals for the proposals for the department’s floor department’s floor standards?standards? Should we include an Should we include an average point score average point score measure in floor measure in floor standards?standards? 47

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Proposals - published Proposals - published performance dataperformance dataNew portal or ‘data warehouse’

accessible to schools, governors & parents

Allow comparison of different schools/groups of pupils


Proposed measures for inclusion

% meeting the secondary standard

Teacher assessments

Average scaled score /compared to national

3 year rolling averages (fairer for small schools)

Where the pupils fit into the national cohort and their rate of progress

Pupil premium - attainment and progress incl 3 year rolling averages

Proportion of pupils in the highest-attaining group nationally

Comparison with similar schools – links to ofsted judgements

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Question 12:Question 12:Are there any other Are there any other measures we should measures we should prioritise in performance prioritise in performance tables?tables?


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Proposals – recognising Proposals – recognising attainment & progress of all attainment & progress of all pupilspupilsCurrent access arrangements continue

As far as possible all to benefit from full curriculum and have attainment and progress acknowledged

Most should be able to take the testsP-scales should be reviewed to align

with the revised national curriculumLow attainers progress will be

inspected /reported subject to protection of privacy


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Question 13:Question 13: What data could be What data could be published to hold schools published to hold schools (including special schools) (including special schools) accountable for the accountable for the attainment and progress attainment and progress of the lowest-attaining of the lowest-attaining pupils?pupils?


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