Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 1 Our 11-16 plans continue to move forwards and since the October bulletin, Key Stage 4 curricula continue to be developed; current Year 9 pupils have been allocated into provisional option groups; building plans are nearing the point of being submitted for planning permission and we are close to completing a bid to the Government for funding. I will share further 11-16 details with parents at the Parent Forum meeting on Tuesday 2 December, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm. You will also be able to hear from Mrs McKenzie, Head of Religious Studies and a member of our Extended Senior Leadership Team, regarding how GCSE RS is being delivered to current Year 9 pupils. We recently provided the opportunity for members of the governing body to undertake ‘Learning Walks’ on three separate occasions. Governors visited lessons across several curriculum areas and made the following comments:- “Impressed with pupils enthusiasm for learning”, “very peaceful air with all keen to expand knowledge”, “pupils happy to see Principal and Governors”, “pupils engaged in all lessons”, “staff very enthusiastic in their delivery”, “classrooms were a positive working environment, enhanced by wall displays”, “infectious enthusiasm and passion from teachers”. Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition Welcome to the First Edition of our new style bulletin, which we hope will make for a more engaging and colourful review of life at Brockington College. If you have any comments about the new bulletin, your feedback to [email protected] would be most welcome. In order to recognise the significance of this year’s Remembrance Day, we held a very special service at 11.00 am on Tuesday 11 November. You can read about this event in the bulletin, but I wanted to thank those parents that attended and to praise all our pupils for an outstanding tribute during the two minute silence. Congratulations also to Mrs Clark and her team of Eco-Warriors for achieving re-designation of our ‘Green Flag’ Award for the fourth occasion. The flag flies proudly at the front of the College. Mr Chris Southall Principal

Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

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Page 1: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 1

Our 11-16 plans continue to move forwards and since the October

bulletin, Key Stage 4 curricula continue to be developed; current Year

9 pupils have been allocated into provisional option groups; building

plans are nearing the point of being submitted for planning

permission and we are close to completing a bid to the Government

for funding.

I will share further 11-16 details with parents at the Parent Forum

meeting on Tuesday 2 December, 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm. You will also

be able to hear from Mrs McKenzie, Head of Religious Studies and a

member of our Extended Senior Leadership Team, regarding how

GCSE RS is being delivered to current Year 9 pupils.

We recently provided the opportunity for members of the governing

body to undertake ‘Learning Walks’ on three separate occasions.

Governors visited lessons across several curriculum areas and made

the following comments:- “Impressed with pupils enthusiasm for

learning”, “very peaceful air with all keen to expand knowledge”,

“pupils happy to see Principal and Governors”, “pupils engaged in all

lessons”, “staff very enthusiastic in their delivery”, “classrooms were a

positive working environment, enhanced by wall displays”, “infectious

enthusiasm and passion from teachers”.

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition

Welcome to the First Edition of our new style bulletin, which we hope will

make for a more engaging and colourful review of life at Brockington College.

If you have any comments about the new bulletin, your feedback to

[email protected] would be most welcome.

In order to recognise the significance of this year’s Remembrance Day, we

held a very special service at 11.00 am on Tuesday 11 November. You can

read about this event in the bulletin, but I wanted to thank those parents that

attended and to praise all our pupils for an outstanding tribute during the

two minute silence.

Congratulations also to Mrs Clark and her team of Eco-Warriors for achieving

re-designation of our ‘Green Flag’ Award for the fourth occasion. The flag

flies proudly at the front of the College.

Mr Chris Southall


Page 2: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 2

Introduction from the Principal News

Brockington Eco-Schools Programme- Another Success!

Brockington Remembers This year, being the centenary of the start of The Great War, 1914-

1918, we decided to create a display of poppies in our central

courtyard area. The staff and pupils worked together on the project

to make one poppy to represent each of the 5,293 lives lost in World

War 1 by Leicestershire citizens.

The display was helped on its way by almost every member of the

school community in a superb team effort, from designing and

building to making and displaying each poppy. The resulting display

is quite stunning and was the focal point of our act of Remembrance,

which took place on Tuesday 11 November 2014.

We were privileged to be joined on this day by World War II veterans,

Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-

World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site

Manager at the college).

Every pupil, member of staff and visitor to the college gathered in the

courtyard area at 10.30 am. The brass ensemble played a fanfare,

then Mr Southall, Principal, welcomed all guests and visitors, and

spoke about just one of the lives represented by the poppies in the

display, that of Private Frank Timson from Enderby. A full account of

the life of Private Timson can be found on the following page.

Phoebe Howe (8I) read a WW1 poem, The Solider, by Rupert Brooke

and a college governor, Fran Speake, gave an address about the

Gospel of Saint John which was printed and given to all servicemen in

WW1 as a source of comfort. More information about the Gospel of

Saint John is also provided later in this bulletin.

Just before 11.00 am, The Last Post was performed by Jessica

Lapworth (9N) and a two minute silence followed, which was

impeccably observed by all. The veterans laid their wreaths on the

poppy display, and Yvonne Doores (Staff Governor), Samantha

Parsons (9O), Laura Hall (8I) and Joe Matthews (7G) were joined by

invited parents and grandparents in scattering the remaining poppies

in the display to bring the total to 5,293. This poignant act of

Remembrance was brought to a close by Sue Williamson (School

Health Coordinator) as she sounded the Reveille.

Please remember that vehicles should only be driven

through the barrier to the main college entrance if absolutely


Drivers should be mindful of the 5mph speed restriction and

proceed with caution, especially just before and after

school , to ensure the safety of our pupils as they walk along

the drive way.

Thank you.

Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their

sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the

heart of school life. There are 46 countries around the world that run the Eco-Schools

programme, linking more than 40,000 schools – from the UK to France, from Morocco

to South Africa. Eco-Schools is administered in England by Keep Britain Tidy.

Pupils at Brockington College are the driving force behind Eco-Schools – they lead the

Eco-Committee and help carry out an audit to assess the environmental performance of

their school. Through consultation with the rest of the school and the wider community

it is our pupils that decide which environmental themes they want to address and how

they are going to do it. Brockington College has been awarded its 4th prestigious Green

Flag award in early November, which symbolises excellence in the field of

environmental activity.

Our main long–term environmental projects concentrate on recycling of paper, plastic

and cans, waste reduction, healthy eating and green travel. We have participated in a 2

year SCoRE programme on reducing our energy consumption. The project was a great

success with huge savings of over £12,000 on our energy bill for electricity and heating.

Now, we are looking into starting new projects on biodiversity and creating links with

local, as well as international, schools to share and improve our eco-schools work.

If you care about Brockington College being more eco- friendly then take part! You can

become an Eco–warrior and represent your form or you can take an even more active

part by becoming a member of our Eco–Committee.

New Year 7 pupils - Brockington Eco –Schools need you! Come along and take part in

exciting projects and activities. Come along and make a difference! Mrs I Clark.

Pupil Safety

Find out more

For more information on Brockington College’s Remembrance

Day service, photographs taken on the day,

information on Private Frank Timson and a

history of how the St. Johns Gospel was

distributed during the First World War please

visit http://goo.gl/I4l7Kw or scan the QR code

on the right..

Page 3: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 3

Maths Update - Trips,

Challenges and Speakers Welcome to the first in a series of maths updates in the Brockington

Bulletin. The Intermediate and Junior Maths Challenges will continue

this academic year, where students get to apply their mathematical

skills to solving challenging questions.

In addition, in March 2015, Brockington College will be taking a team

from Year 8 and 9 to compete against other schools within the East

Midlands Region in a day of problem solving and participation in

creative challenges. We will keep you updated as to the progress and

success of Brockington College in the above challenges!

The Maths Department will be hosting STEM external speakers on

November 28th to talk about the application of Mathematics in day to

day jobs and how developing their Mathematical knowledge beyond

KS3 can help them in the discipline of Engineering. Guest speakers

from industry will talk about their career paths and how a secure and

solid understanding of maths has led to their success.

In the Easter term, a trip to Bletchley Park, the scene of the code

breakers in the Second World War will be organised for pupils to

witness the use of mathematics in breaking down codes and forms of

communication by the Germans. This trip will involve both mathematics

and humanities staff and students visiting the site of an integral part of

England’s history in combating the German’s aerial strikes during the


We are also looking into students attending the famous ‘Christmas

Lectures’ in December 2015 where students will get to participate in

workshops showing real life and fun applications of mathematics to

every day life. We will keep you posted about dates and availability of

this popular event as more information becomes available.

Finally, please remember that the maths Moodle site, available through the pupil links on the Brockington website, has worksheets with answers given to help pupils enhance their learning. In addition, mock tests are available for students to practice before their end of topic tests. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact

your child’s teacher.

Introduction from the Principal News

Brockington Pupils Spread Some Cheer

Adult Learning at Brockington

Astronomy - Winter Sky Wonderland

Mon 12 January 2015 to 23 March (19:00-21:00)

Reiki - Natural Energy Healing

Sat 17 January 2015 (19:00-21:00)

Makaton Foundation Course

Mon 26 January to 9 March 2015 (19:00-21:00)

FREE ENGLISH, MATHS AND ICT courses (subject to terms and

conditions). Up to 100% discount on courses for those in

receipt of certain benefits.

For more information or to enrol please call 0116 2867944 or

0800 988 0308 or visit www.leics.gov.uk/golearn

Staying safe online Brockington College appreciates that, along with the wide range of useful resources that the

internet brings, come a number of inherent dangers.

We take our responsibilities with regards child e-safety extremely seriously and all students are

actively taught how to use the web in a safe and responsible manner throughout their time at

the college.

In addition to working with students we are also trying to help parents/carers make the internet

safer for their children. Last half-term Mr Patel, ICT Co-ordinator at the college, facilitated an

E-Safety event at the college run by members of the Police Child Exploitation team and Youth

Offending Services, and attended by over 40 parents.

For more information on E-Safety please visit our e-safety blog at

http://goo.gl/a1FDg4 (or scan the QR code) where we will be regularly

posting updated guidance tips and advice which we feel may be useful.

Please do get in touch via the IT Support Team on

[email protected] if you have any concerns or


Anti-Bullying Week

A group of four students at Brockington decided to

spread a bit of cheer around Brockington this week in

the spirit of ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. They selected 60

students at random across Year 7, 8 and 9 and left an

anonymous note and gift in their morning registers for

them. The notes included positive phrases such as

‘You are beautiful, no matter what they say’. The idea

behind it was to ‘make somebody’s day’, and create a

bit of care and cheer around the building. The group

did not want to be identified as they felt that would

detract from the point of it, but instead wanted to

enjoy seeing the impact without any credit being

assigned to them. A true act of kindness which

strengthens our ethos of Koinonia!

We offer a variety of daytime and evening classes for adults in

the following curriculum areas: Living for Wellbeing, Arts,

Languages, Skills for Life, ICT and ESOL.

The term of office for one of our four parent governors, Mr Paul Johnson, is due to come to an end at the start of 2015. Mr Johnson would ideally like to serve another term of office, however we need to check if there are any other eligible parents/carers who would like to be nominated, in which case we would have to hold a ballot.

Parent governors contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people by:

> setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction > holding the principal to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils > overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Parent governors must have good interpersonal skills, effective levels of literacy and numeracy and a strong commitment to im-proving outcomes for children and young people.

For further information, please contact Mrs L Nixon, Clerk to the Governors, on 0116 2863722 or at [email protected] by Friday 5 December 2014.

Parent Governor Vacancy

Page 4: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 4

More News & Reminders

Voice It As a result of our ‘Anti-Bullying Survey back in 2012 we launched two new

‘Voice It’ systems to make it easier for pupils to log concerns about bullying,

anti-social behaviour and any other concerns they may have in and around

the college. The systems have proven to be highly successful and are used

on a regular basis. To find out more, or to log a concern, please visit http://


Summary of Issues this year

5 Issues with Pupils: Dealt with by Pastoral Manager/Head of Year

Parents As Partners Please take a few minutes to have a look over our newly created ‘Parents as

Partners’ blog to get the latest information on what you can do to help your


To view the latest tips please visit http://goo.gl/AeJW0C

Parent Pay FAQ Q: Can I see my child’s balance and what he/she has bought in the


A: Following the change to Biometrics you should now be able to view your

child’s purchases in school.

Q: Can I receive an alert from Parent Pay when my balance is low?

A: Yes, just log on to Parent Pay and go to ‘Mobile/Email Alerts & School


Q: Biometrics

A: To avoid the queues in school remember to check your balance and top up

regularly. Credits are now automatically applied, so there is no need to

use the loaders to check money has been uploaded.

Q: Do I need to pay for all the items due for payment?

A: No, please only pay for the items relevant for your child.

Q: Why is an item still showing on my account, when I have paid out?

A: Some school items are permanently available because over the course of

a year more than one may be required. Other whole school items need to

remain on the system until payments are complete.

Q: How do I check my trip payments?

A: 1. Log in to Parent Pay

2. Select Transaction History tab

3. Select child (if more than one)

4. Select Payment item – Name of trip

5. Change dates to cover period of payments

6. Search

7. Summary of payments is provided, including total paid

Designer of the Month Every month the Design Department select a student who has shown

exceptional creative and design talent. This month: congratulations to

Serena Ho (9L)

Spiritual Reflection Each week, pupils spend time in form and assembly spiritually reflecting on

our theme, value and word of the week.

To find out more about the themes this half-term, or what our pupils are

doing in spiritual reflection please visit http://goo.gl/3SKTS8

Pupil Charity Committee The Charity Committee have continued to help raise money for a number of

Charities this term. The group helped to raise £840.00 on the non-uniform

day for the Royal British Legion in remembrance of those in WW1.

Wanted Food technology require plastic food tubs, large margarine tubs, takeaway

boxes and clean plastic bags. Thank you.

Emergency Medication We have a number of children in school that carry ‘Emergency Medicines’

Can we please ask that:

(a) Your child carries these with them at ALL times

(b) That expiry dates are checked

(c) That the medicine is labelled with your child’s name on it

(d) That you consider providing a ‘spare one’ to be kept in the First Aid Room

(e) Inhalers accompany your child with them to PE lessons (a small labelled

container to keep the inhaler in will help to prevent loss of the item).

(f) That your child takes them on school trips

ALL other medicine users, including those with an inhaler, must have a

medicines consent form, signed by the parent/carer. These are available on

the college website or at reception.

If you would like further information or are unsure of procedures to follow,

please do not hesitate to ask:

Mrs Williamson - Health Co-ordinator (ext. 109)

Literacy Stars of the Month Please visit our literacy blog on http://www.brockington.leics.sch.uk/

literacy_blog to view our Literacy Stars of the Month. Thank you.

Emergency Contacts Please can you ensure that your contact details are always kept up-to date

and if possible add alternative contacts, such as a work phone number, so

that we may get hold of you in an emergency. Any new details should be

provided to: Mrs Barnes on 0116 2863722 (ext. 110)

Risk Assessments Following an injury or a period of illness, if your child requires specific care

when returning to school, please can you call to arrange for a risk

assessment. We can then help to establish what health and safety measures

are required in order to support your child. Mrs Williamson on 0116

More News & Reminders

Page 5: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 5

Dates & Events

2014-15 2015-16

Autumn Term

School Opens 1 September 2015

Mid-term Break 19 - 23 October 2015

School Closes 19 December 2014 18 December 2015

Spring Term

School Opens 6 January 2015 5 January 2016

Mid-term Break 16 - 20 February 2015 15 - 19 February 2016

School Closes 27 March 2015 23 March 2016

Summer Term

School Opens 13 April 2015 11 April 2016

May Day 4 May 2015 2 May 2016

Mid-term Break 25 May - 29 May 2015 30 May - 3 June 2016

School Closes 10 July 2015 15 July 2016

Term Dates

Dates for the Diary

Brockington College Christmas Fayre Friday 5 December 16:00 -19:00

Year 9 Consultation Evenings Band 1: Monday 12 January 2015

Year 8 Consultation Evenings Band 2: Monday 20 April 2015

Year 7 Consultation Evenings Band 1: Monday 11 May 2015

Band 2: Wednesday 13 May 2015

Please note that these term dates have been agreed and will be the same as

all primary schools in our catchment area, other than for Danemill who have

chosen two alternative dates in 2015/2016

Upcoming Events

Parents’ Forum Meeting The next Parents’ Forum Meeting of this academic year will

take place on:-

Tuesday 2 December 2014

7.00 pm - 8.00 pm

All parents and carers are invited to hear about the current

delivery of GCSE Religious Studies to Year 9 pupils at the

college, with an update on 11-16 plans.

Refreshments will be provided.

Christmas Lunch

Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 December

Roast Turkey or Vegetable Slice

(Roast potatoes and vegetables)

Christmas Pudding or Chocolate Log

Price - £2.90

Christmas Show This year’s Christmas Show will take place on

Thursday 11 December, starting at 7.00 pm

Tickets will be £3.00 and will be available in advance from Performing Arts and on the


Christmas Fayre Brockington College will be hosting a Christmas Fayre on:

Friday 5 December, 4.00pm - 7.00pm

Stalls include jewellery, cards, cosmetics, toiletries, hand-made toys, pottery, books,

sweets, candy floss, cookware, cupcakes, paintings, gifts and bags.

Festive food and drink including hog roast, hotdogs, mince pies, Christmas cakes and


Only 50p Entry (in aid of Kash4Kenya). We look forward to seeing you!

*** Donations ***

We are currently looking for donations which we could use as raffle or tombola prizes.

If you have anything which you feel may be suitable we would be extremely grateful.

Alternatively, if you would like to donate some time and help please contact the

college on [email protected] or 0116 2863722

Brockington College are holding a Christmas Jumper Day on

Friday 12 December. All pupils will be asked to bring in £1.00

for the non-uniform/Christmas Jumper Day, in aid of Save the


Enterprise Club Will be involved in preparing for The Christmas Fayre and also it is an opportunity to

extend the skills they have learnt in Design and try out new things.

Page 6: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 6


For the 100th commemoration of the start of World War I, Jake Summers,

James Kumagai and Mr Carr went to the First World War battlefields to

research soldier’s lives, visit the military graveyards and former battlefields

and to soak up the incredible atmosphere that exists in the area of northern

France and southern Belgium, where during the three and a half years of The

Great War, millions of men gave their lives.

They travelled with students and teachers from over 20 other schools from

Leicestershire and spent the first night at the Kingswood Activity Centre in

Kent, where they completed some preliminary research on soldiers from

Leicestershire and where those soldiers may be buried.

Jake recorded: “The trip was very engaging from the beginning. When we got

off the coach at Kingswood we literally just threw down our bags in our

rooms and began using the many facilities. These were “outdoor pursuits”

such as high ropes and obstacle courses. Later we were taken into a rock

climbing area where we could climb, play basketball or football. Later on we

researched the lives of some soldiers and found there were lots of local


James recalled: “We made friends with the people that we shared a

dormitory with and we got to know the others on trip better and better as the

trip went on. In the morning of the second day we went on the Eurotunnel,

which was my first time and quite strange.

When we got to France, we immediately went on to the Langemark cemetery.

It was an experience like no other. Seeing thousands of almost identical

graves lined up. It was unforgettable. We visited a museum next and saw

many things such as a replica trench and many artefacts. Even though it was

very serious, the day was fun and quite an adventure.”

Jake: “In the evening we went on a very thought provoking trip was to the

famous Menin Gate in Ypres,

Belgium. A ceremony is held

there every single night and

has been since 1928. The Last

Post is played and there is a

two minute silence, a silence

all of those on our trip took

part in. During our visit to Ypres, we had a chance to look around the town

and even buy some tasty Belgian chocolates and souvenirs to take home!”

The trip involved a great deal of travelling which in itself was an education-

James recalled: “Just on the coach through Belgium, the amount of war

cemeteries was staggering; the scale only hits you when you see it in real life.

We visited cemeteries such as Tyne Cot, the largest Commonwealth cemetery

for any war in history with almost 12,000 graves”.

Jake: “The next day, after a good sleep we went to the Somme and to many

different memorials. It was a day of really interesting and different learning.

We then returned to the hotel to eat and see 3 British soldiers talk us through

their equipment and compare it to what the World War I Tommies used. We

went to bed tired and woke up bright and early for the next day’s activities.”

James: “We visited Ypres twice; the second time was on the last day when we

went to an incredible museum filled with really interesting displays and

videos. After that we went to a pottery workshop where we had the privilege

of making one of the thousands of soldier sculptures which will be included

in a memorial by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Each one will

represent the 800,000 soldiers who died in and around Ypres. They will be

placed in a field which will show just how many lost their lives.

I really enjoyed the trip. It was even more interesting than I thought before

going. The cemeteries I will never forget. This trip really was a once in a

lifetime opportunity.”

Jake: “We headed home in the afternoon. I felt really glad that I had seen the

battlefields. I will never forget them. They were awe inspiring. It was a very

long journey back from Belgium to Leicester in one day and when I did get

home it felt so rewarding to just lie down in my own bed! It was a great trip.”

WW1 Battlefields Tour

For more photos from the trip please visit http://goo.gl/R7b7Fa or scan the QR code to the right.

More Information

Page 7: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 7


A message from Zama Montessori, South Africa

Dear Brockington

It has been 4 months since your group visited our school, and

our children have not stopped talking about your visit.

First, I want to thank you for the 2 weeks you spent with us.

Please convey our thanks to every teacher and every child who

came. Especially thank them for the work they did under difficult

conditions, without complaining. It was not the best time for the

school too, I hope some of you will get an opportunity to visit

when our circumstances are more normal; it might help you

understand our struggle during an abnormal period. Your

children are great, I hope they remain like that and never

change. Zama children learned so much from them about

commitment and caring about others! These are just some of the

things that come up in their conversations. Thank you for the

bags of gifts, we still have to move them to the school because

they will be put to use when we begin the new year in January.

What has been put to good use are the soccer kits! Our teams

have not lost a single match since they began turning out in their

smart kits, even against teams that used to beat them



Recycle and raise funds for the Kash4Kenya meal aid scheme!

Don’t send your unwanted textiles to land fill, recycle them

using the textile bank at Brockington.

The Salvation Army will give us 50% of the proceeds made

from donated textiles.

So please bring in good quality clean textiles, including

curtains, bed linen, clothing accessories and paired shoes.

The textile bank is situated in the main car park.


We entered 10 children in the spelling bee, 4 went on to the

provincial leg, and Nomvula will be competing in the

nationals on the 29th. Please tell Jo that Mahlatse got up to

provincials in the spelling bee, won a trophy for guitar duet

( using the guitar she bought her) as well as for vocal duet at

eisteddfod, and got provincial colours for


We moved back to the school building last month. It is not

quite done yet, some things like floors will be done later

when we have raised enough funds. We are very pleased

with the result, it is beautiful, spacious and bright. The

playground is also taking shape. The children do a bit of

work every week. We have planted many flowers and shrubs

and have started creating a log stair. I'm sending you some

photos now, but I shall keep you informed about

developments. I hope you did not have too many regrets

about not being able to go to Kenya. Your visit was definitely

the highlight of our school year. The photos are not good

quality, but they will convey the growth to which your group

contributed so much.

Warmest regards,

Bukelwa Selema (Zama Montessori Centre)

Page 8: Principal - Brockington College...Eric Lockley and Peter Winkless (Governor at the college), and post-World War II veterans, Roger Palmer and Dale Richardson, (Site Manager at the

Brockington Bulletin | November 2014 Edition | Page 8

Bench Ball Event for Feeder Primary Schools

The following Sports Leaders helped to organise and run a year 5 and 6 Bench

Ball event for our feeder primary schools. Their attitude and enthusiasm was

outstanding. Events like this could not be ran without the help of the Sports Leaders.

Lauren Stewart 9B | Olivia Brown 9B | Sammie Parsons 9O | Tia Elliott 9N | Corrine Bownes 9I

Ashleigh Wilcox 9I | Cerys Goodson 9I | Beth Blanksby 9I | Lucy Smith 9G | Aimee Dawson 9I

Maisie Wallbank 9L | Jack Durrance 9K | Grace Walton 9B | Alice Hewitt 9L | Shayleigh Holt 9G

Charlotte Moore 9R | Joel Plant 9O | Macey Harris 9G | Emma Johnson 9G | Owen Bloor 9B | Ella Bee 9B

Lauren Hubbard 9O | Beth Swain 9B |

Here at Brockington College, we recognise the importance that learning to play a musical instrument can have on a

young adult. It can help to promote a sense of self-discipline, self-esteem and enhance self-expression/creativity. We,

therefore, encourage as many pupils as possible to start and learn a musical instrument. If you are interested in booking

lessons for your child, then please contact the teacher of the instrument you are interested in . They will then send out

their information and contracts in order to start lessons with them.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Styles at the school on 0116 286 3722 or via email

[email protected]


Performing Arts Sports

Instrument Name of Teacher Contact Details

Flute Ms Teresa Bexon 01455 239373 | 07791 456054 | [email protected]

Keyboard/Piano Mr Ian Maw [email protected]

Drum Kit Mr Adam Stringer 07941 549962

Guitar (Electric/Bass/Classical) Mr Dave Jobson 0116 2920622 | 07948 402728 | [email protected]

Singing Mrs Sarah Woodhall 07866 015774

Clarinet/Saxaphone Mr Patrick White [email protected]

Violin/Viola Ms Sally Smith [email protected]

Ukelele Mr Mark Ferraby 07901 560215 | [email protected]

Extra-Curricular Activities

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Break Practice rooms available for all musicians wishing to practice

Lunch Vocal Group - 024



Y9 Drama Club Brockington Orchestra

Music theory club 024

Y7&8 Drama Club

Practice rooms available

for all musicians to use

Every Tuesday in Room 022 from 3.30 - 4.30 pm.

Open to all musicians.

See Miss Styles or Miss Pilgrim for more information.

Orchestra Every Tuesday in the Drama Studio 3.10 - 4.10 pm.

Open to any year 9 pupils interested in developing their

performance skills. See Mrs Hawthorne for more info.

Drama Club

PE Kit

Can all pupils remember to bring ALL their equipment and PE kit

on the day they need it. Telephone calls home will not be made

for forgotten kits and equipment.

House Rugby


Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

7 Windsor Tudor Stuart Plantagenet

8 Windsor Tudor Stuart Plantagenet

9 Plantagenet Stuart Tudor/Windsor

Overall Windsor Tudor Plantagenet Stuart

Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

7 Stuart Tudor Plantagenet Windsor

8 Plantagenet Stuart Tudor Windsor

9 Stuart Tudor Windsor/Plantagenet

Overall Stuart Plantagenet Tudor Windsor

House Hockey

Stars Rising Stars

Kayleigh Knight (7I) Dance Courtney Griffin (7I) Hockey Jenna Moore (7O) Hockey Megan Walls (7C) Dance Taryn Harris (7O) Dance Imogen Payne (7G) Hockey Hayley Cheesman(7K) Hockey Katie Grocock (7R) Hockey Ariane Fisher (7L) Dance Elizabeth Burt (7B) Dance Alice Kilby (7T) Dance


Saskia Palmer (7O) Dance Paige Shilcock (7N) Dance Olivia Mayer (7N) Hockey Lois Pickering (7C) Hockey Unity Bryant (7L) Hockey Lucy Monk (7T) Hockey Jessica Metcalfe (7R) Hockey Paige Donoghue (7L) Dance Amber Saqladi (7R) Dance Niamh Pratt (7T) Dance

In celebration of all the hard work and commitment of our pupils we have

decided to award two pupils each month as our Star and Rising Star.

Star: Jessica Lapworth - For excellent solo performance during the Remembrance Service

Rising Star: Daryl Dimouamoua - Excellent work in drama lessons

Department Stars