CPT111 Principles of Programming Semester 1 , Academics Session 2012/2013 Assignment 21 Course:CPT111 Principles of Programming School:School of Computer Science Name: Nur Izzati Zafirah Group:C

Principle of programming c++

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Page 1: Principle of programming c++

CPT111 Principles of ProgrammingSemester 1 , Academics Session

2012/2013Assignment 21

Course:CPT111 Principles of Programming

School:School of Computer Science

Name: Nur Izzati Zafirah


Question 1

Page 2: Principle of programming c++

Specification requirement

1. First find 2 random number and display arithmetic calculation type.

2. Ask user to choose type of calculation.

3. The calculation will be process.

Problem analysis

Input Process Output Test data

User need to input

calculation type

The process involved in this

stage is the selection of

switch condition case.

And then the calculation will

be perform.

div= max / num



add = num1+num2

The output that will

appear on the screen is

the addition,

calculation ,

subtraction or


Input = 1

Output= 60


Pseudo code

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2 random number will be generate.

Display choice of arithmetic calculation

Case 1 : AdditionCase 2 : SubtractionCase 3 : MultiplicationCase 4 : Division

Switch (case)

Case 1 : Addition = a + b

Case 2 : Subtraction = a - b

Case 3 : Multiplication = a * b

Case 4 : Division = a/b Remainder = a%b or b%a

Print the total calculationEnd



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Source code

Add= num1 + num2


Case 1

Read type calculation

Print addition

You enter wrong number



Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Subtraction= num 1 – num2

Multiplication= num1 x num2

Division = num1 ÷ num 2

Print subtraction

Print Multiplication

Print Division







Random number generate

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#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int biggest(int x,int y);int lowest(int x,int y) ;

int main(){ srand((unsigned)time(0)); int num1 , num2 ; { num1 = (rand()%99)+1;

num2 = (rand()%99)+1; cout <<"2 random number = "<< num1 <<" & "<< num2<< endl; }

int type , add , sub , mul , div , max , x , y , num , remainder ; cout<<"please choose your calculation type"<<endl ;

cout<<"1 : Addition"<<endl ;cout<<"2 : Subtraction"<<endl ;

cout<<"3 : Multiplication"<<endl ; cout<<"4 : Division"<<endl ; cin>>type ;

switch(type){case 1 :cout<<"addition"<<endl ;

add = num1+num2 ;cout<<num1<<"+"<<num2<<"="<<add<<endl ;break ;

case 2 :cout<<"Subraction"<<endl ; sub=num1-num2 ;

cout<<num1<<"-"<<num2<<"="<<sub<<endl ;break ;

case 3 :cout<<"multiplication"<<endl ;mul=num1*num2 ;cout<<num1<<"*"<<num2<<"="<<mul<<endl ;break ;

case 4 :cout<<"division"<<endl ; x=num1 ; y=num2 ;

max=biggest( x ,y);

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num=lowest (x , y);div= max / num ;remainder = max%num ;cout<<max<<"/"<<num<<"="<<"\nquotient ="<<div<<"\nremainder

="<<remainder<<endl ;break ;

default : cout<<"you enter wrong number"<<endl ;} return 0;}int biggest(int x,int y){ if(x>=y)

return x;else

return y;;}

int lowest(int x,int y){ if(x<=y)

return x;else

return y;;}

Print screen of output

The input = 1 ,Output= 41 , 19 , 60

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The input = 2 output = 3,12 ,9

The input = 3 , output = 21 , 89 and 1869

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The input = 4 output = 66 , 89 , 1 , 23

The input = 0 output = 96 , 32, wrong number

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Question 2(a)#include<iostream>#include<cmath>using namespace std;int main(){int i;int x_sqr[100];double x_sqr_rt[100];for(i=0;i<=100;i++){x_sqr[i]=i*i;cout<<"x_sqr[i]"<<x_sqr[i]<<endl;}for (i=0;i<=100;i++){x_sqr_rt[i]=sqrt(i);cout<<"x_sqr_rt[i]"<<x_sqr_rt[i]<<endl;cout<<"thats all"<<endl;}return 0;}

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Question 2(b)#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;

const int inputSIZE = 17;void print(int *input){ for ( int i = 0; i < inputSIZE; i++ )

cout << input[i] << " "; cout << endl;}void merge(int* input, int p, int r){ int mid = floor((p + r) / 2); int i1 = 0; int i2 = p; int i3 = mid + 1; int temp[r-p+1]; while ( i2 <= mid && i3 <= r ) if ( input[i2] < input[i3] ) temp[i1++] = input[i2++]; else temp[i1++] = input[i3++]; while ( i2 <= mid ) temp[i1++] = input[i2++]; while ( i3 <= r ) temp[i1++] = input[i3++];

for ( int i = p; i <= r; i++ ) input[i] = temp[i-p];


void merge_sort(int* input, int p, int r){if ( p < r ) { int mid = floor((p + r) / 2); merge_sort(input, p, mid); merge_sort(input, mid + 1, r); merge(input, p, r); }}

int main(){ cout<<"a_array= {10, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 37, 45, 68, 89}"<<endl; cout<<"b_array= {5, 1, 3, 14, 50, 150}"<<endl; int input[inputSIZE] = {10, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 37, 45, 68, 89,5, 1, 3, 14, 50, 150}; cout << "Input: ";

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print(input); merge_sort(input, 0, 16); cout << "Output: "; print(input); return 0;

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Question 2(c) [i]#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>#include <cmath>#include <fstream>

using namespace std;int compress (string fileName, string newFileName){

ifstream readfile;readfile.open (fileName.c_str());

if (readfile.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


ofstream outputfile;outputfile.open(newFileName.c_str());

if (outputfile.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


char x;int i = 0;readfile.get(x);while (!readfile.eof()){

if (x == ' '){


}else if ( i == 0 )

;else if ( i >= 4 ){

outputfile<<"$"<<i<<"$";i = 0;continue;


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{for (i; i > 0; i--){

outputfile<<' ';}i=0;




return 0;}int expand (string openFile, string writeFile){

ifstream readfile2;readfile2.open(openFile.c_str());

if (readfile2.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


ofstream output2;output2.open (writeFile.c_str());

if (output2.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


char x;int i = 0;readfile2.get(x);while (!readfile2.eof()){

if ( x == '$')readfile2.get(x);



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}if ( x == '$' ){


}else if ( (x == '1') | (x == '2') | (x == '3') | (x == '4') | (x == '5') | (x == '6') | (x == '7') | (x ==

'8') | (x == '9') | (x == '0')){

char numx[5];int i = -1, j = 0;while ( (x == '1') | (x == '2') | (x == '3') | (x == '4') | (x == '5') | (x == '6') | (x == '7')

| (x == '8') | (x == '9') | (x == '0')){

i++;numx[i] = x;readfile2.get(x);

}if ( x != '$'){

output2<<'$';for (j = 0; j <= i; j++){



j = i;int y = 0;for ( i; i >= 0; i--){

numx[i] -= '0';static_cast <int> (numx[i]);y += numx[i] * pow ( 10, (j-i));

}for ( y; y >0; y--){

output2<<' ';}readfile2.get(x);



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}}return 0;


int main (){

string fileName, newFileName, newFileName2;int compressFlag, expandFlag, reproduce;cout<<"Enter the name of the file you would like to edit: ";cin>>fileName;cout<<"Enter the name of the new file for the edited file: ";cin>>newFileName;compressFlag = compress (fileName, newFileName);if ( compressFlag == 0)

cout<<"The file have been successfully edited."<<endl;else

cout<<"The file have not edited."<<endl;

cout<<"Do you want to convert the file to reproduce the original file?";cin>>reproduce;if ( reproduce == 1){

cout<<"Enter the name of the new file: ";cin>>newFileName2;expandFlag = expand ( newFileName, newFileName2);if ( expandFlag == 0)

cout<<"The file have been successfully edited.";else

cout<<"The file have not edited.";}return 0;

}Question 2(c) [ii]#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>#include <cmath>#include <fstream>

using namespace std;int compress (string fileName, string newFileName){

ifstream readfile;readfile.open (fileName.c_str());

if (readfile.fail()){

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cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


ofstream outputfile;outputfile.open(newFileName.c_str());

if (outputfile.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


char x;int i = 0;readfile.get(x);while (!readfile.eof()){

if (x == ' '){


}else if ( i == 0 )

;else if ( i >= 4 ){

outputfile<<"$"<<i<<"$";i = 0;continue;


for (i; i > 0; i--){

outputfile<<' ';}i=0;




return 0;

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}int expand (string openFile, string writeFile){

ifstream readfile2;readfile2.open(openFile.c_str());

if (readfile2.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


ofstream output2;output2.open (writeFile.c_str());

if (output2.fail()){

cout<<"Error Opening.";return 1;


char x;int i = 0;readfile2.get(x);while (!readfile2.eof()){

if ( x == '$')readfile2.get(x);



}if ( x == '$' ){


}else if ( (x == '1') | (x == '2') | (x == '3') | (x == '4') | (x == '5') | (x == '6') | (x == '7') | (x ==

'8') | (x == '9') | (x == '0')){

char numx[5];int i = -1, j = 0;while ( (x == '1') | (x == '2') | (x == '3') | (x == '4') | (x == '5') | (x == '6') | (x == '7')

| (x == '8') | (x == '9') | (x == '0')){


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numx[i] = x;readfile2.get(x);

}if ( x != '$'){

output2<<'$';for (j = 0; j <= i; j++){



j = i;int y = 0;for ( i; i >= 0; i--){

numx[i] -= '0';static_cast <int> (numx[i]);y += numx[i] * pow ( 10, (j-i));

}for ( y; y >0; y--){

output2<<' ';}readfile2.get(x);



}}return 0;


int main (){

string fileName, newFileName, newFileName2;int compressFlag, expandFlag, reproduce;cout<<"Enter the name of the file you would like to edit: ";cin>>fileName;cout<<"Enter the name of the new file for the edited file: ";cin>>newFileName;compressFlag = compress (fileName, newFileName);if ( compressFlag == 0)

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cout<<"The file have been successfully edited."<<endl;else

cout<<"The file have not edited."<<endl;

cout<<"Do you want to convert the file to reproduce the original file?";cin>>reproduce;if ( reproduce == 1){

cout<<"Enter the name of the new file: ";cin>>newFileName2;expandFlag = expand ( newFileName, newFileName2);if ( expandFlag == 0)

cout<<"The file have been successfully edited.";else

cout<<"The file have not edited.";}return 0;
