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Priority 1 Registration: May 1 - 2 Priority 3 Registration ...€¦ · materials including cover letters and resumes. Particular emphasis will be placed on self-promotion for jobs,

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  • Priority 1 Registration: May 1 - 2Priority 2 Registration: May 3Priority 3 Registration: May 4 - 10Priority 4 Registration: May 11Priority 5 Registration: May 14Schedule of Classes: Fall 2018


    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to the computer spreadsheet sof tware. A hands-on approach to learning terms, commands, and applications of a spreadsheet program. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Also listed as CSIS 121. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or equiv alent computer experience.

    ACCT 121: Spreadsheet - MS Excel

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jconrey @gav ilan.eduACCT 121 BU-11111:25 am - 02:15 pm W10470 25Conrey , Janet2.0Lec

    9/19/2018 - 12/15/2018

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduACCT 121 HOL-309:00 am - 12:55 pm F10476 25Mendez, Frank2.0Lec

    10/12/2018 - 12/14/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, GAV-GE:D2, F

    The history and philosophy of justice as it ev olv ed throughout the world; in-depth study of the American sy stem and v arious sub-sy stems; roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society ; concepts of crime causations, punishments and rehabilitation; ethics, education and training f or prof essionalism in the social sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 10: Introduction to the Adm inistration of Justice

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1010558 30LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:10/23/2018 - 12/15/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    The course examines the complex, dy namic relationship between communities and the institutions of the justice sy stem in addressing crime and conf lict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering justice within a div erse multicultural population. It also examines new strategies, skills, tools, and cultural knowledge necessary f or personnel engaged in all aspects of the criminal justice sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 160) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260; AJ 10.

    AJ 18: Com m unity Relations and the Justice System

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rlacarra@gav ilan.eduAJ 1810588 30LaCarra, Roberto3.0Online:10/22/2018 - 12/15/2018


    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:C1

    This Portf olio Dev elopment course is intended f or Studio Art majors. Focus will be placed on the planning and production of personal portf olios and self -promotion materials including cov er letters and resumes. Particular emphasis will be placed on self -promotion f or jobs, self -employ ment, or adv anced education in the Studio Art f ield. Students will leav e the class with one or more portf olios representing their work. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. No college credit f or those who hav e passed DM 79 or CSIS 79.

    ART 79: Portfolio Developm ent for Studio Art Majors

    Page 1 of 19

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ccanepa@gav ilan.eduART 7910874 5Canepa, Christine1.0Online:10/29/2018 - 12/14/2018


    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Theory , strategy , technique, practice and conditioning of baseball to prepare the indiv idual student in all aspects of play ing and coaching the sport. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 11A: Fundam entals of Baseball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 11A ATHFLD-BASBLL03:00 pm - 04:30 pm M10876 40Andrade, Neal2.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 11/15/2018

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 11A ATHFLD-BASBLL03:00 pm - 04:55 pm WR Andrade, NealL/L

    8/27/2018 - 11/15/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course of f ers rev iew and adv anced instruction in the theory , strategies, and techniques of baseball f or the purpose of preparing the indiv idual student in all aspects of play ing and coaching the sport. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: PE 11A or KIN 11A or ATH 11A.

    ATH 11B: Fundam entals of Baseball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rsanchez@gav ilan.eduATH 11B ATHFLD-BASBLL03:00 pm - 04:30 pm M10877 40Sanchez, Robert2.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 11/15/2018

    rsanchez@gav ilan.eduATH 11B ATHFLD-BASBLL03:00 pm - 04:55 pm WR Sanchez, RobertLab

    8/27/2018 - 11/15/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Basic organization and administration of a f ootball program inv olv ing equipment, practice schedules, personnel, conditioning, scouting, weight training, and f ootball specif ic drills. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 12A: Fundam entals of Football

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jlango@gav ilan.eduATH 12A ATHFLD-FTBLL02:30 pm - 03:50 pm M10878 50Lango, John2.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 11/24/2018This course is designed f or student-athletes on the Intercollegiate Football team.

    jlango@gav ilan.eduATH 12A ATHFLD-FTBLL02:30 pm - 03:50 pm TWR Lango, JohnLab

    8/27/2018 - 11/24/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    The administration and organization of a f ootball program inv olv ing practice schedules, personnel, equipment, scouting, conditioning, weight training, and f ootball drills. May be repeated once f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: PE 12A or KIN 12A or ATH 12A.

    ATH 12B: Fundam entals of Football

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduATH 12B 02:30 pm - 03:50 pm M10883 20STAFF, STAFF2.0L/L

    8/27/2018 - 11/24/2018This course is designed f or student-athletes on the Intercollegiate Football team.

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduATH 12B 02:30 pm - 03:50 pm TWR STAFF, STAFFL/L

    8/27/2018 - 11/24/2018


    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is an FAA Part 147 course designed to prepare the student f or their FAA Airf rame and Powerplant (A and P) certif icate. The course will prov ide the student with a thorough understanding of the use of basic hand tools and measuring dev ices; basic phy sics and math; aircraf t materials, processes and hardware, procedures f or clean and corrosion control; weight and balance techniques; and human f actors. Both theory and practical application to aircraf t sy stems are taught. Approv al f rom a Gav ilan College counselor must be obtained bef ore registering f or this class. COREQUISITE: AMT 110, Airf rame Maintenance Technology . ADVISORY: Mathematics 430.

    AMT 100: General Aircraft Technology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 100 AV-SM108:00 am - 09:20 am MTWRF10156 25Spenner, Herbert9.0Lec

    8/8/2018 - 12/15/2018

    hspenner@gav ilan.eduAMT 100 AV-SM109:25 am - 10:15 am MTWRF Spenner, Herbert

    8/8/2018 - 12/15/2018


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:D2, F

    A surv ey in business prov iding a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society , the economic sy stem, the legal env ironment, international and political issues, f inancial institutions, and human behav ior interact to af f ect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and abroad. Demonstrate how these inf luences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design, leadership, human resources management, organized labor practices; marketing; organized communication; technology ; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, f inancial practices; the stock and securities markets; and theref ore af f ect a business's ability to achiev e its organizational goals. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as GBUS 1. (C-ID: BUS 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BUS 1: Fundam entals of Business

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    EHorca@gav ilan.eduBUS 110562 30Horca, Emmanuel3.0Online:10/23/2018 - 12/15/2018


    Power Skills f or the Workplace teaches skills v ital to workplace success. The topic f or 291A is Interpersonal Communication. Need not be taken in sequence. This is a pass/no pass course. Course was prev iously listed as 191A.

    BOT 291A: Pow er Skills for the Workplace

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduBOT 291A HOL-309:00 am - 12:00 pm S10549 25Mendez, Frank1.0Lec

    10/13/2018 - 11/17/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduBOT 291A BU-11809:00 am - 12:20 pm F10566 25Mendez, Frank1.0Lec

    9/7/2018 - 10/5/2018


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    First aid training to prepare child care prof essionals to meet the need of emergencies when medical assistance is delay ed. Includes inf ormation on the prev ention of childhood injuries and the prev ention of communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS and the use of Univ ersal Precautions. (Satisf ies the Calif ornia Community Care Licensing requirement f or 15 hours of specialized health and saf ety training.) This is a pass/no pass course. $12.00 course material f ee.

    CD 160: Child Care First Aid and CPR

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    salonzo@gav ilan.eduCD 160 CDC-11006:00 pm - 09:10 pm F10821 12Alonzo, Susan1.0Lec

    10/12/2018 - 10/20/2018

    salonzo@gav ilan.eduCD 160 CDC-11009:00 am - 11:50 am S Alonzo, SusanLec

    10/12/2018 - 10/20/2018

    salonzo@gav ilan.eduCD 160 CDC-11012:20 pm - 04:25 pm S Alonzo, SusanLec

    10/12/2018 - 10/20/2018


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1

    Basic principles of ef f ectiv e human communication and their f unction in contemporary public settings; emphasis is on the speeches to inf orm and persuade, with special consideration giv en to f undamental communication skills, including organization, reasoning, explanation, rhetoric and listening. (C-ID: COMM 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 1A: Introduction to Public Speaking

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    v andrade@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A CDC-11002:30 pm - 05:50 pm TWR10810 FULLAndrade, Veronica3.0Lec

    10/2/2018 - 11/1/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1

    This course prov ides an ov erv iew of the history of the communication studies f ield and areas of specialization with the f ield as well as communication research methods. Instruction and application of theory and practice in v arious communication contexts including the self concept, interpersonal, interv iewing skills, small group dy namics, and public speaking. Emphasis is placed on analy tical and organizational skills, listening, nonv erbal and v erbal communication, and public speaking communication methodology . (C-ID: COMM 180) ADVISORY: English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 5: Fundam entals of Com m unication Studies

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dbesson@gav ilan.eduCMUN 5 CDC-11002:30 pm - 05:50 pm M10812 FULLBesson-Silv ia, Denise3.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 10/1/2018

    dbesson@gav ilan.eduCMUN 5 Besson-Silv ia, DeniseOnline:8/27/2018 - 10/1/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1

    An introductory course that dev elops basic indiv idual reasoning skills, insights and experiences in inf ormation-sharing, interacting, decision-making, problem-solv ing, persuasion, and resolution of disputes and other issues central to group processes. (C-ID: COMM 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 10: Sm all Group Com m unication

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kglass@gav ilan.eduCMUN 10 CDC-11002:30 pm - 05:50 pm TWR10811 FULLGlass, Kelly3.0Lec

    11/6/2018 - 12/11/2018


    Page 4 of 19

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:E2

    An introduction to terminology , design, operation f or the nov ice user. Student will gain experience using the Internet f or searches and email. They will complete projects using v arious sof tware including word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation graphics, and integration. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260; completion of CSIS 122.

    CSIS 1: Com puter Literacy - MS Office

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sgaf f ney @gav ilan.eduCSIS 1 BU-11109:00 am - 11:20 am MW10708 25Gaf f ney , Sandra2.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 10/15/2018

    sgaf f ney @gav ilan.eduCSIS 1 06:00 pm - 08:30 pm T10709 25Gaf f ney , Sandra2.0Lec

    9/11/2018 - 12/4/2018

    sgaf f ney @gav ilan.eduCSIS 1 BU-11109:00 am - 11:20 am MW10713 24Gaf f ney , Sandra2.0Lec

    10/17/2018 - 12/5/2018

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:E2

    Introduction to business inf ormation management sy stems. Topics include database management sy stems, computer hardware and sof tware, networking, ethics, data security , ecommerce; includes hands-on experience apply ing these concepts to solv e practical business problems using word processing sof tware, spreadsheets, database management sy stems, presentation graphics and Internet applications. Students cannot receiv e credit f or both CSIS 2 and CSIS 2L. Please see a counselor about degree, certif icate, and transf er requirements. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: BUS 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or Mathematics 233, English 260 and English 250, and CSIS 122

    CSIS 2: Com puters in Business

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 210769 30Stoy kov , Alexandre4.0Online:10/22/2018 - 12/15/2018

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 2 Stoy kov , Alexandre10/22/2018 - 12/15/2018

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course is an introduction to programming using BASIC. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or equiv alent experience.

    CSIS 10: Introduction to Program m ing using BASIC

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    f thompson@gav ilan.eduCSIS 10 BU-11106:00 pm - 09:10 pm R10711 24Thompson, Frank3.0Lec

    9/13/2018 - 12/6/2018

    f thompson@gav ilan.eduCSIS 10 Thompson, FrankOnline:9/13/2018 - 12/6/2018

    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to the computer spreadsheet sof tware. A hands-on approach to learning terms, commands, and applications of a spreadsheet program. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Also listed as ACCT 121. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or equiv alent computer experience.

    CSIS 121: Spreadsheet - MS Excel

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jconrey @gav ilan.eduCSIS 121 BU-11111:25 am - 02:15 pm W10473 25Conrey , Janet2.0Lec

    9/19/2018 - 12/15/2018

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 121 HOL-309:00 am - 12:55 pm F10480 25Mendez, Frank2.0Lec

    10/12/2018 - 12/14/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    Page 5 of 19

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CSIS 12110544 STAFF, S Cancelled

    10/12/2018 - 12/14/2018


    Adv anced techniques in tinting, lightening, hair and design and cosmetic chemistry . PREREQUISITE: Completion of COS 200, 201 and 202. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250, 260 and Mathematics 205.

    COS 203: Practicum

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 203 COS-10208:10 am - 09:25 am TWRF10882 5Ramirez, Gilbert1.0Lec

    8/28/2018 - 9/4/2018

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 203 COS-10209:35 am - 12:00 pm TWRF Ramirez, Gilbert

    8/28/2018 - 9/4/2018

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 203 COS-10212:30 pm - 03:30 pm TWRF Ramirez, Gilbert

    8/28/2018 - 9/4/2018

    COS 203 COS-10208:10 am - 09:30 am TWRF10884 5STAFF, S2.0Lec

    8/29/2018 - 9/12/2018

    COS 203 COS-10209:35 am - 12:00 pm TWRF STAFF, S

    8/29/2018 - 9/12/2018

    COS 203 COS-10212:30 pm - 03:30 pm TWRF STAFF, S

    8/29/2018 - 9/12/2018


    Transf erable: GAV-GE:E2

    Students will acquaint themselv es with college and univ ersity requirements, educational alternativ es, and strategies f or academic success. This will include an orientation to college programs, serv ices, policies and f acilities. Students will apply assessment test results, dev elop an indiv idualized education plan and class schedule, and/or enroll in f irst semester classes. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    GUID 210: First Year College Student Sem inar

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rsharboneau@gav ilan.eduGUID 21010418 30Riv era-Sharboneau, Rosa0.5Online:10/1/2018 - 11/3/2018This class meets online f or 5 weeks f rom October 1 - Nov ember 11, 2018.

    jostewart@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1911:20 am - 12:50 pm M10419 28Stewart, Johanna0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets 5 weeks, f rom August 28th to October 2nd. There will be no class on September 3rd to observ e Labor Day .

    barteaga@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1902:30 pm - 04:00 pm M10427 28Arteaga, Blanca0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f or 5 weeks f rom August 27 to October 1. There will be no class on September 3 to observ e Labor Day .

    rsharboneau@gav ilan.eduGUID 21010431 28Riv era-Sharboneau, Rosa0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets online f or f iv e weeks, f rom August 27 to September 30, 2018.

    Ltenney @gav ilan.eduGUID 21010436 28Tenney , Leslie0.5Online:8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets online f or f iv e weeks f rom August 27 to October 1, 2018

    cmarquez@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1902:00 pm - 03:30 pm T10437 28Marquez, Celia0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This course meets 5 weeks f rom August 28 - September 25, 2018.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • cmarquez@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1904:05 pm - 05:35 pm T10443 28Marquez, Celia0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f or f iv e weeks f rom August 28 - September 25, 2018.

    cv elardebarros@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 HOL-311:20 am - 12:50 pm W10445 24Velarde-Barros, Carla0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.THis class meets f iv e weeks f rom August 28 - September 26. The class meets at the Hollister-Briggs site.

    ddelcarmen@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1902:30 pm - 04:00 pm W10446 28Del Carmen, Darlene0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f iv e weeks f rom August 29 - September 26, 2018.

    jweiler@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1906:00 pm - 07:30 pm W10447 28Weiler, Jessica0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets 5 weeks, f rom August 29 - September 23, 2018. This class is open to all, but is designed f or Nursing, CSIS and Digital Media students.

    dechristensen@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 MHG-802:30 pm - 04:00 pm W10466 28Gilstrap, Debbie0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.This class meets f or 5 weeks, f rom August 29 - September 26, 2018.

    lpalacios@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1908:10 am - 09:40 am R10468 28Palacios, Leticia0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f or 5 weeks, f romAugust 30 - September 27, 2018.

    v parakati@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1905:30 pm - 07:00 pm R10471 28Parakati, Vania0.5Lec

    9/3/2018 - 10/6/2018This class meets f or f iv e weeks, f rom September 6 - October 4, 2018. This class is open to all, but designed f or Basic Skills students.

    srey es@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1908:10 am - 09:40 am F10474 28Rey es, Simone0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f or f iv e weeks, f rom August 31 - September 28, 2018. This class is open to all, but is designed f or EOPS and Foster Youth students.

    dechristensen@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1910:00 am - 11:30 am F10478 28Gilstrap, Debbie0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This is a f iv e week class, beginning August 31 - September 28, 2018.

    dgonzalez@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1912:00 pm - 01:30 pm F10479 28Gonzalez, Diana0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class is a f iv e week course, f rom August 31 - September 28, 2018. Although this couse is open to all, it is designed f or STEM students.

    lpalacios@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1902:00 pm - 03:30 pm F10482 28Palacios, Leticia0.5Lec

    8/27/2018 - 9/29/2018This class meets f or f iv e weeks, f rom August 31 - September 28, 2018.

    cv elardebarros@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 HOL-311:20 am - 12:50 pm W10484 24Velarde-Barros, Carla0.5Lec

    10/8/2018 - 11/10/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.This class meets f or f iv e weeks, f rom October 10 - Nov ember 7, 2018. This class meets at the Hollister-Briggs site.

    ddelcarmen@gav ilan.eduGUID 21010486 28Del Carmen, Darlene0.5Online:10/15/2018 - 11/17/2018This class meets online f or 5 weeks f rom October 15 - Nov ember 18, 2018.


    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is certif ied by the Commission on Peace Of f icer Standards and Training (POST) and meets the content and hour requirements established by POST f or Lev el I Reserv e Police Of f icers. This course combined with Lev el III and Lev el II certif icates meets the regular basic academy requirements. (544 hours) PREREQUISITE: Successf ul completion of POST Lev el I course entry requirements; POST entry reading and writing exam; Academy phy sical agility test; Medical insurance; Valid Calif ornia Driv ers License; Medical exam clearance by a licensed phy sician; DOJ clearance per Penal Code 13511.5; BAM III, BAM II

    JLE 144: Basic Police Academ y Modular, Level I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • JLE 144 OFFSTE-SNJOSE10001 FULLVaughn, Linda13.0Lec

    1/29/2018 - 9/6/2018

    JLE 144 OFFSTE-SNJOSE Vaughn, LindaLab

    1/29/2018 - 9/6/2018


    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2

    This course identif ies and clarif ies issues relev ant to student-athletes. Students will be exposed to the student serv ices av ailable to them and learn practical skills which will assist them in obtaining their educational objectiv es. Learning sty les as well as academic eligibility and transf er rules will be cov ered.

    KIN 1: Orientation for Student-Athlete Success

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ddelcarmen@gav ilan.eduKIN 1 LS-10608:10 am - 10:40 am F10856 35Del Carmen, Darlene1.0Lec

    8/31/2018 - 10/5/2018This class is designed f or members of intercollegiate athletic teams at Gav ilan College.

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course prov ides students majoring in Kinesiology with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in KIN 3. Emphasis is placed on handling an emergency situation, acute injury management, prev ention of athletics injuries, wrapping and taping techniques and basic injury rehabilitation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Successf ul completion (C grade) requires the students to complete 75 hours of lab work in addition to the course's academic requirements. This course was prev iously listed as KIN 3A. ADVISORY: KIN 3

    KIN 4A: Athletic Training Practicum I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rnorthon@gav ilan.eduKIN 4A GY-ATHTRNG10820 15Northon, Rebecca2.0Lab

    8/6/2018 - 11/24/2018Lab Materials Fee: $35.00 pay able at registration.First Class meeting will be at 12 noon, Monday August 27, 2018 in the

    Athletic Training Room.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course prov ided students with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in KIN 3 and KIN 4A. Emphasis is placed on taping, bracing, padding, splinting, protectiv e equipment, recognition and management of specif ic sports injuries and conditions and f ormulating treatment plans. Prov ides practical exposure to the athletic training prof ession and increases student's prof iciency in athletic training competencies. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Successf ul completion (C Grade) requires students to complete 75 hours of lab work in addition to the course's academic requirements. PREREQUISITES: KIN 3 AND KIN 4A

    KIN 4B: Athletic Training Practicum II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rnorthon@gav ilan.eduKIN 4B GY-ATHTRNG10835 15Northon, Rebecca2.0Lab

    8/6/2018 - 11/24/2018Lab Materials Fee: $35.00 pay able at registration.First Class meeting will be at 12 noon, Monday August 27, 2018 in the

    Athletic Training Room.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course prov ides students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in KIN 3, KIN 4A and KIN 4B. Emphasis is placed on the hands-on experience of recognition, management and ev aluation of athletic injuries and assisting the Certif ied Athletic Trainer with daily management of an athletic training f acility . Prov ides continued practical exposure to the athletic training prof ession and increases student's prof iciency in athletic training competencies. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Successf ul completion (C grade) requires the students to complete 75 hours of lab work in addition to the course's academic requirements. PREREQUISITES: KIN 3, KIN 4A and KIN 4B.

    KIN 4C: Athletic Training Practicum III

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rnorthon@gav ilan.eduKIN 4C GY-ATHTRNG10836 15Northon, Rebecca2.0Lab

    8/6/2018 - 11/24/2018Lab Materials Fee: $35.00 pay able at registration.First Class meeting will be at 12 noon, Monday August 27, 2018 in the

    Athletic Training Room.


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B4, IGETC:2A, GAV-GE:B4

    Math 8A prepares the student f or the study of calculus by prov iding important skills in algebraic manipulation, interpretation, and problem solv ing at the college lev el. Topics will include basic algebraic concepts, complex numbers, equations and inequalities of the f irst and second degree, f unctions, and graphs, linear and quadratic equations, poly nomial f unctions, exponential and logarithmic f unctions, sy stems of equations, matrices and determinants, right triangle trigonometry , and the Law of Sines and Cosines. PREREQUISITE: Mathematics 233 with a grade of 'C' or better. The instructor will be using and supporting TI-83 Plus graphing calculator in all classroom demonstrations.

    MATH 8A: First Half of Precalculus

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kwagman@gav ilan.eduMATH 8A SS-20608:30 am - 10:35 am MTWR10141 FULLWagman, Kenneth4.0Lec

    10/22/2018 - 12/14/2018

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:B4

    This is a second course of algebra and is designed f or STEM and other math based majors. It will cov er solv ing sy stems of equations with matrices, graphs and f unctions, absolute v alue equations and inequalities, radical, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic expressions and f unctions, complex numbers, conic sections, and problem solv ing strategies. PREREQUISITE: Math 430 with a grade of C or better, or Math 205, Math 205B, or Math 233A with a grade of C or better, or assessment test recommendation.

    MATH 240: Algebra II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kwagman@gav ilan.eduMATH 240 SS-20608:30 am - 11:10 am MTWR10104 FULLWagman, Kenneth5.0Lec

    8/27/2018 - 10/19/2018To enroll in this section of Math 240 y ou must obtain an add code f rom the instructor, Ken Wagman, kwagman@gav Students enrolled in this section must also enroll in Math 8A (CRN 10141). Students taking these accelerated classes are STRONGLY encouraged to sign up f or the Math Preparation Workshop and join the STEM Acceleration Academy . Please see http://www.gav .php f or more inf ormation.


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This course is designed to help indiv iduals who by the nature of their disability such as wheelchair use, back injury , cardiov ascular impairment, multiple sclerosis or other disabling condition require a specif ic aquatic exercise program that will contribute to their phy sical f itness. May be repeated as necessary based on measurable progress as documented in the student's educational contract. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    APE 34: Adapted Aquatic Exercise

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    APE 3410238 STAFF, S Cancelled

    10/1/2018 - 12/16/2018

    APE 3410241 STAFF, S Cancelled

    10/1/2018 - 12/15/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:28 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • Designed to help indiv iduals who by the nature of their disability such as wheelchair use, back injury , cardiov ascular impairment, multiple sclerosis or other disabling condition require a specif ic aquatic exercise program that will contribute to their phy sical f itness. May be repeated as necessary based on measurable progress as documented in the student's educational contract. This is a pass/no pass course.

    APE 534: Adapted Aquatic Exercise

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ksato@gav ilan.eduAPE 534 GY-POOL11:20 am - 12:45 pm MW10785 30Sato, Karen0.5

    10/16/2018 - 12/15/2018

    An indiv idualized program of activ ities designed f or students with phy sical disabilities to improv e f lexibility and range-of -motion, increase joint mov ement, improv e circulation, and improv e control ov er body mov ement through water adjustment and activ ities. Dev elops an appreciation of phy sical activ ity as a regular planned contribution to one's ov erall f itness. May be repeated as necessary based on measurable progress as documented in the student's educational contract. This course is pass/no pass.

    APE 535: Adapted Sw im m ing for Total Fitness

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    APE 53510585 STAFF, S

    10/11/2018 - 12/7/2018

    An indiv idualized program of adapted phy sical education activ ities designed to meet the needs of students with phy sical disabilities. Dev elops an appreciation of phy sical activ ity as a regular planned contribution to one's ov erall f itness. May be repeated as necessary based on measurable progress as documented in the student's educational contract. This is a pass/no pass course.

    APE 536: Adapted Physical Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ksato@gav ilan.eduAPE 536 APE-10109:45 am - 11:10 am MW10581 30Sato, Karen0.5

    10/15/2018 - 12/15/2018


    Prev ocational skills f or adults with impaired cognitiv e f unctioning. Entry lev el work preparation is emphasized. Skills taught include basic work routine orientation, communication skills, job ability assessment, and self -management skills.

    AE 600: Vocational Training I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cbrown@gav ilan.eduAE 600 OFFSTE-HOPEH10060 40Brown, Chery l

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018HOPE Serv ices, 650 San Benito St., Suite #120, Hollister. Open Entry /Open Exit.

    Contact the Accessible Education Center Of f ice (LI 117).

    cbrown@gav ilan.eduAE 600 OFFSTE-HOPEG10063 40Brown, Chery l

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018HOPE Serv ices, 8855 Murray Av e., Gilroy . Open Entry /Open Exit.Contact the Accessible Education Center Of f ice (LI 117).

    tmerrill@gav ilan.eduAE 600 OFFSTE-HOPEG 40Merrill, Tamara

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018HOPE Serv ices, 8855 Murray Av e., Gilroy . Open Entry /Open Exit.Contact the Accessible Education Center Of f ice (LI 117).

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • sgaitan@gav ilan.eduAE 600 LI-11710198 75Gaitan, Stephen

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018WorkAbility 3 Employ ment Serv ices

    Practical training and on-the-job work experience f or students with disabilities. This course also prov ides preparation f or entry lev el employ ment utilizing a number of work alternativ es and settings.

    AE 602: Vocational Training III

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tmerrill@gav ilan.eduAE 602 OFFSTE-HOPEG10199 100Merrill, Tamara

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018HOPE Serv ices, 8855 Murray Av e., Gilroy . Open Entry /Open Exit.Contact the Accessible Education Center Of f ice (LI 117).

    cbrown@gav ilan.eduAE 602 OFFSTE-HOPEH10201 100Brown, Chery l

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018HOPE Serv ices, 650 San Benito St., Suite #120, Hollister. Open Entry /Open Exit.

    Contact the Accessible Education Center Of f ice (LI 117).

    sgaitan@gav ilan.eduAE 602 LI-11710204 75Gaitan, Stephen

    8/27/2018 - 12/31/2018WorkAbility 3 Employ ment Serv ices. Open Entry /Open Exit.

    An indiv idualized program of adapted phy sical education activ ities designed to meet the needs of students who hav e phy sical limitations or disabilities. The course assists in the dev elopment and appreciation of phy sical activ ity as a regular planned contribution to one's ov erall phy sical f itness. This course is f or the non-matriculating student, is not graded and is without college credit. ADVISORY: Students must be able to document a phy sical disability .

    AE 636: Adapted Physical Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ksato@gav ilan.eduAE 636 APE-10809:45 am - 11:10 am MTWR10572 15Sato, Karen

    9/11/2018 - 12/16/2018Contact the AEC Of f ice (LI 117).

    ksato@gav ilan.eduAE 636 GY-POOL11:20 am - 12:45 pm MW10573 15Sato, Karen

    9/11/2018 - 12/14/2018Contact the AEC Of f ice (LI 117).

    elopez@gav ilan.eduAE 636 GY-POOL11:20 am - 12:45 pm TR Lopez, Eric

    9/11/2018 - 12/14/2018


    A wide v ariety of lectures on general themes of f ered to students throughout the academic y ear who want short-f ormatted content to augment their personal, academic and career dev elopment. General themes to be explored are: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Pre- employ ment, Decision-Making, Financial Literacy , Career and Personal Dev elopment and Self -Management with Nutrition. This noncredit course is a combination of lecture, self -assessments, group activ ities and indiv idual modules.

    AH 793: Personal and Career Developm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    AH 793 OFFSTE-SBCJ108:00 am - 12:15 pm R10530 100Vargas, May raLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    dsanidad@gav ilan.eduAH 793 OFFSTE-SBCS09:00 am - 12:00 pm R10531 50Sanidad, DanielLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    nf ortino@gav ilan.eduAH 793 OFFSTE-SBCJ109:00 am - 12:00 pm W10537 100Fortino, FrankLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • nf ortino@gav ilan.eduAH 793 OFFSTE-TRANCEN01:00 pm - 03:00 pm W10538 50Fortino, FrankLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduAH 79310689 40Gutierrez, AnnetteHy brid

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduAH 793 OFFSTE-SBCJ101:00 pm - 05:15 pm S10690 100STAFF, STAFFLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018


    Writers' Workshop is an open enrollment class that allows community members and students f rom all disciplines to participate in a regularly scheduled, instructor-f acilitated writing response group. Activ ities include f ocused response to participants' writing, generativ e writing games and prompts and interaction with v isiting writers and scholars.

    ENGL 749: Writers' Workshop

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ENGL 749 OFFSTE-SBCJ101:00 pm - 05:00 pm M10540 100Morris, JulieLab8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course is designed to prepare the student to pass the f iv e General Education Dev elopment (GED) tests in Writing, Social Studies, Science, Literature and Mathematics. English grammar and usage, reading comprehension, writing, v ocabulary and computational skills are emphasized. The course is designed f or students who are 18 y ears of age or older and elect to take the High School Equiv alency Examination. This course may be repeated.

    ENGL 756: High School Equivalency/GED Preparation

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    bgonzalesramirez@gav ilan.eduENGL 756 HOL-508:15 am - 12:35 pm S10302 25Gonzales-Ramirez, BeatriceLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    bgonzalesramirez@gav ilan.eduENGL 756 HOL-501:05 pm - 05:20 pm S Gonzales-Ramirez, BeatriceLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    rjimenez@gav ilan.eduENGL 756 HOL-408:15 am - 12:35 pm S10304 25Jimenez, RicardoLab

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    rjimenez@gav ilan.eduENGL 756 HOL-401:05 pm - 05:20 pm S Jimenez, RicardoLab8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    bgonzalesramirez@gav ilan.eduENGL 756 OFFSTE-SBHS45506:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10305 25Gonzales-Ramirez, BeatriceLab8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018


    This course is designed f or second language learners that want to prepare f or the United States Citizenship test giv en by the Department of Immigration and U. S. Naturalization Serv ices. The f ocus will be on communicativ e English skills and knowledge of American History and Gov ernment required f or passing the test to become a citizen of the United States. Readings are at the high-beginning/low-intermediate ESL lev el and will f ocus on the historical period beginning in the 1600's on through to 1980.

    ESL 702A: ESL Citizenship

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 702A10091 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018

    ESL 702A10095 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • dmcmullen@gav ilan.eduESL 702A HOL-306:00 pm - 09:10 pm M10306 24McMullen, Dav idLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    sav ila@gav ilan.eduESL 702A OFFSTE-CTC206:30 pm - 08:35 pm TR10310 25Av ila, SaraLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sav ila@gav ilan.eduESL 702A MHG-06:30 pm - 08:35 pm MW10311 20Av ila, SaraLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course is f or ESL students who hav e little or no experience with computers and nav igating the internet. This course will introduce students to parts of a computer, basic desktop tools, browsers, email, security , v irus protection, and social media. ADVISORY: ESL 786 or ESL Assessment Recommendation.

    ESL 706: NC Com puter and Internet Basics for ESL Students

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 706 OFFSTE-CTC206:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10691 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/31/2018 - 9/14/2018

    ESL 706 HOL-306:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10692 25STAFF, SLec

    8/31/2018 - 9/14/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    lbernabe@gav ilan.eduESL 706 MHG-809:00 am - 12:00 pm F10693 25Bernabe Perez, LindaLec

    8/31/2018 - 9/14/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course introduces ESL students to presentation graphics using Microsof t Of f ice's "Power Point" sof tware to create a computerized (slide show) with text and objects. ADVISORY: ESL 786 or ESL Assessment Recommendation, and ESL 705

    ESL 707: NC Presentation Basics for ESL Students

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 707 OFFSTE-CTC206:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10697 25STAFF, SLec10/12/2018 - 10/26/2018

    ESL 707 HOL-306:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10698 25STAFF, SLec10/12/2018 - 10/26/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    lbernabe@gav ilan.eduESL 707 MHG-809:00 am - 12:00 pm F10699 25Bernabe Perez, LindaLec

    10/12/2018 - 10/26/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course prov ides ESL students with an introduction to the terms, commands, and applications of a spreadsheet program. ADVISORY: ESL 786 or ESL Assessment Recommendation, and ESL 705

    ESL 709: NC Excel Basics for ESL Students

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 709 OFFSTE-CTC206:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10701 25STAFF, SLec

    11/2/2018 - 11/16/2018

    ESL 709 HOL-306:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10702 25STAFF, SLec

    11/2/2018 - 11/16/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    lbernabe@gav ilan.eduESL 709 MHG-809:00 am - 12:00 pm F10703 25Bernabe Perez, LindaLec

    11/2/2018 - 11/16/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course introduces ESL students to the basic word processing skills of creating, sav ing and printing a document. Students will also learn to cut, copy and paste text, change f onts and sty les, and use the spelling, grammar and thesaurus f eatures. ADVISORY: ESL 786 or ESL Assessment Recommendation, and ESL 705.

    ESL 710: NC Word Processing Basics for ESL Students

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 710 OFFSTE-CTC206:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10694 25STAFF, SLec

    9/21/2018 - 10/5/2018

    ESL 710 HOL-306:00 pm - 09:00 pm F10695 25STAFF, SLec

    9/21/2018 - 10/5/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    lbernabe@gav ilan.eduESL 710 MHG-809:00 am - 12:00 pm F10696 25Bernabe Perez, LindaLec

    9/21/2018 - 10/5/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This is the f irst course in a series of integrated skills courses designed to dev elop the reading, writing and grammar skills of ESL students. This beginning course f ocuses on v ocabulary dev elopment, basic reading strategies and comprehension, basic grammar and beginning writing skills (sentence lev el and basic paragraphs.) The aim of this course is to assist beginning lev el students in becoming more literate while participating in holistic reading and writing activ ities based on engaging multicultural topics. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 727: NC Integrated Reading, Writing I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kcampbell@gav ilan.eduESL 727 HU-10408:30 am - 10:35 am MWF10202 25Campbell, KathleenLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 727 MHG-406:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW10456 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This is the f irst course in a series of integrated skills courses designed to dev elop the listening, speaking and pronunciation skills of ESL students. Activ ities which include listening exercises, role-play , pair work, small and large group discussions, interv iews, oral presentations and pronunciation drills (f ocusing on English sounds and rhy thm), are presented in the context of relev ant, contemporary and intellectually challenging themes. This course is designed especially f or students with academic objectiv es but is highly appropriate f or students with personal language goals as well. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 728: NC Integrated Listening, Speaking I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CElKassed@gav ilan.eduESL 728 SS-11111:45 am - 01:50 pm MWF10214 20El-Kassed, CeliseLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 728 LI-10006:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10451 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    marodriguez@gav ilan.eduESL 728 HOL-106:00 pm - 09:05 pm M10457 25Rodriguez Juarez, MartinLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    marodriguez@gav ilan.eduESL 728 HOL-306:00 pm - 09:05 pm W Rodriguez Juarez, MartinLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    This is the second course in a series of integrated skills courses designed to continue the dev elopment of reading, writing, and grammar skills of low-intermediate ESL students. The course f ocuses on v ocabulary dev elopment through the application of dif f erent reading strategies to a v ariety of selections of topics of interest to academically -bound students. It also inv olv es the practice and ref inement of sentence and paragraph skills, structure and pronunciation. PREREQUISITE: ESL 727 or ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 737: NC Integrated Reading, Writing II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    blawn@gav ilan.eduESL 737 LI-10010:00 am - 11:25 am MTWR10216 30Lawn, BeatrizLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 737 MHG-1109:00 am - 12:05 pm MW10448 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • epeeren@gav ilan.eduESL 737 LI-10006:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW10452 25Peeren, EliseLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    jhowell1@gav ilan.eduESL 737 HOL-106:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10458 25Howell, JohnLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    This is the second in a series of integrated skills courses designed to dev elop the listening, speaking and pronunciation skills of low intermediate ESL students. Activ ities which include listening exercises, role play , pair work, small and large group discussions, interv iews, oral presentations, and pronunciation (f ocusing on English sounds, rhy thm and intonation) are presented in the context of relev ant, contemporary and intellectually challenging themes. This course is designed especially f or students with academic objectiv es but is highly appropriate f or students with personal language goals as well. PRERQUISITES: ESL 728 or ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 738: NC Integrated Listening, Speaking II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ncisneros@gav ilan.eduESL 738 HU-10412:00 pm - 01:25 pm MTWR10218 30Cisneros, NicoleLec8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course expands listening and speaking skills through extended listening exercises, open-ended dialogues, pair and group discussions, oral interv iews, and oral reports. Students broaden v ocabulary while listening to and speaking in both f ormal and inf ormal, conv ersational and academic situations. PREREQUISITE: ESL 738 or ESL assessment recommendation.

    ESL 741: NC Interm ediate ESL Listening/Speaking II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    CElKassed@gav ilan.eduESL 741 SS-20308:20 am - 09:35 am MWF10219 30El-Kassed, CeliseLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course begins the expansion of reading skills and v ocabulary dev elopment through the application of dif f erent reading strategies to a v ariety of selections on topics of interest to academically -bound students including selections f rom literature. PREREQUISITE: ESL 737 or ESL Assessment Recommendation.

    ESL 742: NC Interm ediate ESL Reading/Vocabulary II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ncisneros@gav ilan.eduESL 742 LI-10008:30 am - 09:55 am TR10229 30Cisneros, NicoleLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course rev iews basic tenses learned in prev ious courses, pronouns, and nouns and expands the grammar ov erv iew into modal auxiliaries, gerunds and inf initiv es, and other intermediate-lev el grammar structures. Students continue dev eloping sentence and paragraph skills begun in prev ious courses. PREREQUISITE: ESL 737 or ESL Assessment Recommendation.

    ESL 743: NC Interm ediate ESL Gram m ar/Writing II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kcampbell@gav ilan.eduESL 743 HU-10410:45 am - 11:55 am MTWR10236 30Campbell, KathleenLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This is the third course is a series of integrated skills courses designed to expand the dev elopment of reading, writing, and grammar skills of high-intermediate ESL students. The course f ocuses on v ocabulary dev elopment through the application of dif f erent reading strategies to a v ariety of selections of topics of interest to academically - bound students. It also inv olv es the f urther practice and ref inement of sentence and paragraph skills, structure and punctuation. PREREQUISITE: ESL 737 or ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 747: NC Integrated Reading, Writing III

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    crhodes@gav ilan.eduESL 747 HU-10406:00 pm - 09:05 pm MW10453 30Rhodes, Cuiy ingLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This is the third in a series of integrated skills courses designed to dev elop listening, speaking and pronunciation skills of high intermediate ESL students. Activ ities which include listening exercises, role play , pair work, small and large group discussions, interv iews, oral presentations, and pronunciation drills (f ocused on English sounds, rhy thm and intonation) are presented in the context of relev ant, contemporary , and intellectually challenging themes. This course is designed especially f or students with academic objectiv es, but is highly appropriate f or students with personal language goals as well. PREREQUISITE: ESL 738 or ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 748: NC Integrated Listening, Speaking III

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    marellano@gav ilan.eduESL 748 HU-10406:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10454 30Arellano, MatthewLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    LHasbany @gav ilan.eduESL 748 MHG-409:00 am - 12:05 pm TR10455 25Bowles Hasbany , Ly nnLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    This course f ocuses on academic and critical thinking skills needed to increase reading comprehension and ef f iciency . Emphasis is on analy zing, making inf erences, taking notes, supporting opinions, summarizing and expanding v ocabulary . Readings are f rom academic texts and literature. PREREQUISITE: ESL 742 or ESL 747.

    ESL 752: NC Advanced ESL Reading/Vocabulary I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cgane@gav ilan.eduESL 752 SS-11108:30 am - 09:45 am MWF10239 25Gane, CarolineLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course is a composition course f or ESL students that dev elops college composition skills through a rev iew of the parts and elements of the English paragraph and an introduction to the essay f orm. The course f ocuses on the dev elopment of a paragraph and expands to the writing of multiple paragraphs in an essay . Basic rhetorical patterns and methods of organization are cov ered using the multiple-draf t approach to writing. PREREQUISITE: ESL 743 or ESL 747.

    ESL 753: NC Advanced ESL Com position I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ncisneros@gav ilan.eduESL 753 BU-11910:15 am - 11:25 am MW10254 25Cisneros, NicoleLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    ncisneros@gav ilan.eduESL 753 SS-11110:15 am - 11:25 am TR Cisneros, NicoleLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course is designed to help students improv e their grammar usage so that they will be able to expand their use of grammar structures in oral and written communication. Students begin the study of more sophisticated grammar structures such as past perf ect, passiv e v oice, and modal auxiliaries f or past time, and they rev iew present perf ect and modals f or present and f uture time. Students will enhance their understanding of grammar by comparing and contrasting new and prev iously encountered structures and better appreciate the subtleties of English grammar. PREREQUISITE: ESL 743 or ESL 747.

    ESL 754: NC Advanced ESL Gram m ar I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    blawn@gav ilan.eduESL 754 LI-10011:45 am - 12:55 pm TWRF10258 25Lawn, BeatrizLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • This course prepares ESL students f or mainstream college classes by rev iewing a v ariety of reading skills, strategies, and topics f rom dif f erent academic disciplines. Students expand their academic v ocabulary and read short stories or a nov el f or literacy appreciation. PREREQUISITE: ESL 752 - NC Adv anced ESL Reading/ Vocabulary I, or ESL Assessment Recommendation.

    ESL 762: NC Advanced ESL Reading/Vocabulary II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    blawn@gav ilan.eduESL 762 LI-10008:30 am - 09:45 am MWF10450 25Lawn, BeatrizLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course is a composition course f or ESL students that ref ines and f urther expands college composition skills through the writing of essay s. The course f ocuses on the structuring and dev elopment of an essay with the use of personal examples. Students write in response to a v ariety of prompts using dif f erent rhetorical patterns such as classif ication, narration, argumentation, and cause/ef f ect. PREREQUISITE: ESL 753 - NC Adv anced ESL Composition or ESL Assessment Recommendation.

    ESL 763: NC Advanced ESL Com position II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cgane@gav ilan.eduESL 763 SS-11110:00 am - 11:35 am MWF10261 25Gane, CarolineLec8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This course is designed to expand grammar usage to include adjectiv e, noun, and adv erb clauses in oral and written communication. Students learn the meaning and use of clause connectors and are introduced to conditionals, both real and unreal. These grammar structures constitute some of the most complex structures in English and expose students to a rich v ariety of structures that can ef f ectiv ely enhance their oral and written expression. PREREQUISITE: ESL 754 with a grade of 'P' or ESL Assessment Recommendation. ADVISORY: Recommended concurrent enrollment in ESL 762 and ESL 763.

    ESL 764: NC Advanced ESL Gram m ar II

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kcampbell@gav ilan.eduESL 764 HU-10408:30 am - 09:55 am TR10449 25Campbell, KathleenLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This is a pre-ESL surv iv al course that is designed f or students with v ery limited reading/writing skills. The f ocus is on letter f ormation, sight-sound recognition and decoding skills. ADVISORY: Placement by the CASAS test.

    ESL 775: ESL Literacy I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    PReinhart@gav ilan.eduESL 775 OFFSTE-LLC08:30 am - 11:00 am TR10315 25Reinhart, PatriciaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This is the f irst course in a series of English classes f or students with basic oral or written English competency . It will giv e students basic v ocabulary and f amiliarity in lif e skill areas such as f amily , school, time and shopping to manage in the English speaking community . This course integrates listening, speaking, reading and writing. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 784: NC ESL Lifeskills 1A

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 78410109 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • ESL 78410110 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018

    lriv oallon@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-PD08:30 am - 11:35 am MW10316 25Riv oallon, LisaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    jv illicana@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-CALAVRD607:40 pm - 09:45 pm MWF10318 25Villicana, JesusLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    nv argas@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-CTC109:00 am - 12:05 pm MW10320 25Vargas, NellieLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    mv argaspadilla@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-CTC106:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10321 25Vargas-Padilla, MiriamLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    pclaros@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-ELIOT10705:30 pm - 08:35 pm MW10322 25Claros, PatriciaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    av angundy @gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-FIRSTFIVE06:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10323 25Van Gundy , AmyLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    dnarv a@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-GVLIBRARY08:30 am - 11:35 am TR10326 25Narv a, DianaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    marodriguez@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-CHISPA09:00 am - 12:05 pm TR10330 25Rodriguez Juarez, MartinLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 784 MHG-1106:30 pm - 09:35 pm MW10334 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    pclaros@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-PALIBRARY06:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10337 25Claros, PatriciaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    kengland@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-FIRSTFIVE06:00 pm - 09:08 pm MF10346 25England, KimberlyLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    sstaf f @gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-RUCKERRM1308:15 am - 11:20 am MW10361 25STAFF, STAFFLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    eporcella@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-SBCL09:00 am - 12:05 pm MF10363 25Porcella, ElizabethLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    ESL 78410365 STAFF, S Cancelled

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    epeeren@gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-SUNNY06:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10367 25Peeren, EliseLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    LHasbany @gav ilan.eduESL 784 OFFSTE-LLC08:20 am - 10:20 am MWF10760 20Bowles Hasbany , Ly nnLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    This is the third course in a series of English classes f or students with low beginning oral or written English competency . Through listening, speaking, reading and writing activ ities, students learn to use grammatical structures of English with increasing accuracy while gaining basic lif e skills. ADVISORY: ESL Assessment Recommendation

    ESL 786: NC ESL Lifeskills 2A

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ESL 78610097 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018

    ESL 78610105 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/17/2018 - 7/26/2018

    jv illicana@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-CALAVRD605:30 pm - 07:35 pm MWF10410 25Villicana, JesusLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    rjimenez@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-CTC306:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10411 15Jimenez, RicardoLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    jhowell1@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-CTC309:00 am - 12:05 pm MW10412 15Howell, JohnLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • jhowell1@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-ELIOTLAB05:30 pm - 08:35 pm MW10413 25Howell, JohnLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    ESL 786 OFFSTE-CHISPA09:00 am - 12:05 pm MW10578 25Williams, SheilaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    dmcmullen@gav ilan.eduESL 786 HOL-06:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10579 25McMullen, Dav idLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    crhodes@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-PAWALSHR606:00 pm - 09:05 pm TR10580 25Rhodes, Cuiy ingLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

    lriv oallon@gav ilan.eduESL 786 OFFSTE-RODK3608:00 am - 11:05 am TR10784 20Riv oallon, LisaLec

    8/27/2018 - 12/15/2018

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 3/29/2018 3:02:29 PM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m.the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]