Wa3rm AB Veolia Water Technologies AB Projekt: Food Valley i Bjuv RAS 2020 Landbaserad Fiskodling April 2017

Prisuppskattning RAS 2020 WWTP 170425 - 3R Movement3rmovement.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/RAS-202… ·  · 2017-05-08Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 1 (6)

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Wa3rm AB

Veolia Water Technologies AB

Projekt: Food Valley i Bjuv

RAS 2020 Landbaserad Fiskodling

April 2017

25 april 2017

Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 1 (6) Klosterängsvägen 11A, 226 47 Lund Phone +46 46 18 21 50, Fax. +46 46 13 32 01, [email protected] Org. nummer: 556273-8582 www.vaing.se

Hej Thomas,

Med hänvisning till samtal då vi kom fram till att RAS 2020 skulle kunna vara ett intressant koncept för er

kommer här en prisuppskattning och information om denna typ av landbaserad fiskodling. Konceptet

RAS 2020 har utvecklats av Veolia och har ett antal fördelar jämfört med en traditionell RAS, både vad

gäller konstruktion, installation och drift;

1) Det finns inga rör/ledningar under mark och ett begränsat antal ovan jord.

2) RAS 2020 är utformat som ett LEGO med prefabricerade element vilket minskar byggtiden.

3) Konceptet har en låg footprint, där den faktiska storleken av RAS 2020 reduceras med ungefär

30 till 40% jmf med konventionell RAS, vilket minskar kostnaderna för bygg.

4) Hanteringen av fisk förenklas genom direkt tillgång till tankarna vilket ger en bra översikt,

säkerhet och förenklad drift. Därmed slipper man komplicerade arrangemang för fisktransporter

inom anläggningen.

5) Mottagande av ny fisk (smolt) av udda storlekar får mindre konsekvenser för produktionen då

tankvolymen i RAS 2020 enkelt kan justeras och anpassas efter olika storlek på satserna.

6) Det finns flexibilitet att gradera och flytta fisk då man i RAS 2020 kan dimensionera tankarna

efter den faktiska mängden fisk av olika storlek.

7) Vid skörd får den planerade mängden fisk passivt simma genom en röranslutning vilket

begränsar insatsen från personalen och inte stressar eller svälter fisken som inte skall skördas.

8) Gångvägen mellan de två cirkulära tankar ger en mycket bra översikt och optimerar utfodringen i

tankarna. En effektiv foderjustering är viktigt för att kunna optimera foderanvändningen.

9) 99.6% of the water is treated and recirculated.

Veolia Water Technologies i Sverige är en ledande funktionsleverantör inom vattenbehandling som i

över 24 år genomfört projekt från idé till färdig anläggning. Vi erbjuder garantier för både funktion och

prestanda tillsammans med en komplett portfölj av högteknologiska process- och automation/IT-

lösningar varav hundratals egna teknologier och produkter samt även service och underhåll. Veolia är ett

av världens 10 största miljöföretag och vi har Kvalitetcertifiering enligt ISO 9001:2000 och Miljö- och

Arbetsmiljöcertifiering enligt ISO 14001. Veoliakoncernen jobbar i ett öppet nätverk vilket möjliggör för

oss att verka på den svenska marknaden integrerat med den expertis och teknik som finns globalt.

Uppskattat pris

Uppskattat pris för en st RAS 2020 med kapacitet för ca 1 000 ton slaktbar fisk per år redovisas nedan.

Priset är exkl. mervärdesskatt och som en totalentreprenad enligt ABT06. Markarbete och grundläggning

ej ingår i byggpris.

Med vänlig hälsningar,

Clara Tamm

Key Account Manager, Veolia Water Technologies

25 april 2017

Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 2 (6) Klosterängsvägen 11A, 226 47 Lund Phone +46 46 18 21 50, Fax. +46 46 13 32 01, [email protected] Org. nummer: 556273-8582 www.vaing.se

1 x RAS 2020

Veolia equipment 50 000 000

Civil Works (bygg) 50 000 000

Total SEK 100 000 000

Fish handling equipment, fish tank equipment,

mechanical filtration (Hydrotech), Biofilter (MBBR),

purging tank, CO2 degasification, pumps, flow

makers, valves, UV plant, oxidation, dosing NaOH,

cooling & heating equipment, feed system,


The RAS 2020 concept

The RAS 2020 concept is designed for ease and flexible production. The production capacity for one unit

is 1200 ton round fish per year (approximately 1000 ton round fish gutted, head on). Harvesting may be

performed all year round. RAS 2020 is designed for intake of 6-12 batches of juvenile (100-140g) per

year for optimal production output. Less than 6 intakes per year are manageable with some reduction in

annual output, but will have effect on harvest regime.

The fish are farmed in two large tanks which each are subdivided into 7 tanks of variable sizes, meaning

the individual tank size can be adjusted to the size of the individual batch, and be increased as the fish

are growing. Fish will normally be graded 2 times from arrival and up to when the fish are transferred to

the outer tank at a size of 800-1200 gram, where they will be grown up to harvest size without further


The fish can be harvested daily, without impact on feeding rates to fish not harvested, and the facility

includes a purging tank for making fish ready for harvest. Fish can be harvested every second day with

up to 14 days of purge time. The purging system exists inside the unit, with dewatering system, so that

the fish can enter a container for transport to slaughter, optimally with reduced temperature to calm the


All grading and transport of the fish takes place from the central platform, with a very simple setup for

pumping fish directly from one of the tanks in the inner circle tank, to the dewater unit, in front of the

grader, and from the grader through one of the counters back to either one of the tanks in the inner circle

or to one of the first two tanks in outer circle. Fish transport from the last tank to purge through valve

connection between fish tank and purge tank.

Feeding is supplied with a centralized feeding system using a conveyor system which is gentler than the

usual systems relying on blowers which will fragment the feed pellets resulting in organic waste. One

hose connected to a spreader in each tank section.

The advanced control system is equipped with oxygen and temperature probes in all tank sections

including level tank, purge unit and MBBR. The system is furthermore equipped with CO2 sensors to

monitor performance of degasser, level sensors, flow meters, salinity probes and with double pH sensors

and alkalinity probes including automatic adjustment of pH and alkalinity. The control system is

25 april 2017

Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 3 (6) Klosterängsvägen 11A, 226 47 Lund Phone +46 46 18 21 50, Fax. +46 46 13 32 01, [email protected] Org. nummer: 556273-8582 www.vaing.se

supported by UPS units and the entire electrical system of the facility is supported with emergency


The intake system is equipped with mechanical filtration, ozone treatment, protein fractionation and UV

to eliminate any pathogens from entering the system. To enhance biosecurity the facility is equipped with

a quarantine system with individual quarantine system to secure biosecurity when introducing smolts

from outside. 99.6% of the water is treated and recirculated.

The RAS 2020 from above

Heating&chilling requirements

The main contribution to the heating of the water is the metabolism of the fish which at maximum feed load

of 4000 kg feed per day will produce 50 million KJ per day. In our standard calculation, we assume that 85

% of the heat production will be transferred to the water which equals 492 kW. Furthermore there will be

input from engines, aeration, ventilation from the degasser using outside air, thermal input to the building


Intake of water (price not included in this price estimate)

The RAS 2020 requires approximately 50 m3/h of new intake water at full production. If needed, it will be

possible to reduce the intake water volume by reusing the discharge water from the waste water treatment

system. The intake system and the wastewater treatment system are designed for a maximum flow of 72

m2/h. Even if the quality of water is good we use both mechanical filtration, ozone and UV on the intake.

25 april 2017

Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 4 (6) Klosterängsvägen 11A, 226 47 Lund Phone +46 46 18 21 50, Fax. +46 46 13 32 01, [email protected] Org. nummer: 556273-8582 www.vaing.se

Possible layout of RAS 2020 unit

Advantages of RAS 2020 concept

The RAS 2020 has a number of advantages compared to a traditional tank based layout, both during the

construction/installation phase and later for operation. The concept has few disadvantages, the main one

being, that it is a new way to do fish farms:

Advantages during construction /operation:

1) There is no underground piping, and very little above ground piping in the RAS 2020 concept. The

piping installation is normally the most risky part of a RAS installation, especially on a growout

facility where we expect a lifetime of 20 years, without interruption break in operation. The risk on

piping on a standard RAS installation are: a) Errors during installation of underground piping. B)

Errors in pipe dimensioning, c) The pipework is often underestimated on time, cost and complexity,

leaving a bill not counted for and delays in construction. D) The pipework is interfering with the

concrete structures, and then extending the construction time, beyond scheduled.

2) The RAS 2020 concept is designed as a LEGO like concept, where all construction elements

comes as premade elements. This generates a reduction in construction time, which means a

RAS production unit can be erected in half the time of a conventional system.

3) Due to a design with variable size of the production tanks/sections, and a design which efficiently

take use of space. The actual size of the plant is reduced by roughly 30-40%, which is reducing

costs on buildings.

4) Construction /concrete base at two levels (kotes) only, and no piping whatsoever below the lower

level. This is generating a very simple and efficient construction process.

5) The construction of the facility is generally least costly and will be less risky compared to building

a facility to conventional concepts.

25 april 2017

Veolia Water Technologies – VA-Ingenjörerna 5 (6) Klosterängsvägen 11A, 226 47 Lund Phone +46 46 18 21 50, Fax. +46 46 13 32 01, [email protected] Org. nummer: 556273-8582 www.vaing.se

Advantages during operation:

1) The central platform where all handling of the fish, can take place with direct access to the tanks

with fish of less than a kilo, which really are the fish which will be handled, and with only 5 meters

of distance to the tanks furthest away, provides excellent conditions for overview, safety, ease and

simplicity in operation. No complicated arrangements, for fish transport within the facility, are


2) A batch of smolt of odd sizes received will not have consequences for production output. Normally

a smaller batch would still take up the space of the batch, which was planned for in the production

plan. In the RAS 2020, the tank volume is simply adjusted for accordingly, and then the size of the

following batch will be increased, to compensate for the previously received batch, and make up

for that in production output.

3) There are flexibility on when to grade and move fish, as grading is only required when there is a

need for it, and during grading, then the fish can be graded according to the actual size distribution.

In a conventional tank layout, when grading into three groups, with three tanks available, for the

batch, all three groups should be with roughly the same amount of fish, even if that is not how the

batch is distributing in size. In the RAS 2020 concept, each of the three tanks can be sized to the

actually amount of fish, in each size range of fish.

4) Daily harvest can be done without a big effort from the staff, and without disturbing or starving any

fish, which are not to be harvested. The planned amount of fish will passively swim through the

pipe connection to the purge tank, as they will be attracted to the purge tank, when the intensity

in this tank is reduced, or the fish are squeezed a little in the production tank.

5) In the connection to the pipe connection to the purge tank, a fish counter is installed, and once the

planned amount of fish have entered the purge tank, then, the automatic valve will close, and no

more fish can enter the purge tank, before the harvest procedure from the production tank has

been initiated again.

6) The circular walkway between the two circular tanks, provides a very simple access to over see

and optimise feeding in the tanks. A routine which typically will be cut down if staff is under time

pressure, even effective feed adjusting is essential for optimising the use of feed in the system.