REPORT QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT Probing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2 *, Andreas Elben 1,2 *, Petar Jurcevic 1,2 , Benoît Vermersch 1,2 , Christine Maier 1,2 , Ben P. Lanyon 1,2 , Peter Zoller 1,2 , Rainer Blatt 1,2 , Christian F. Roos 1,2 Entanglement is a key feature of many-body quantum systems. Measuring the entropy of different partitions of a quantum system provides a way to probe its entanglement structure. Here, we present and experimentally demonstrate a protocol for measuring the second-order Rényi entropy based on statistical correlations between randomized measurements. Our experiments, carried out with a trapped-ion quantum simulator with partition sizes of up to 10 qubits, prove the overall coherent character of the system dynamics and reveal the growth of entanglement between its parts, in both the absence and presence of disorder. Our protocol represents a universal tool for probing and characterizing engineered quantum systems in the laboratory, which is applicable to arbitrary quantum states of up to several tens of qubits. E ngineered quantum systems that consist of tens of individually controllable inter- acting quantum particles are currently being developed using a number of differ- ent physical platforms, including atoms in optical arrays (13), ions in radio-frequency traps (4, 5), and superconducting circuits (69). These systems offer the possibility of generating and probing complex quantum states and dynamics particle by particle and are finding application in the near term as quantum simulators and in the longer term as quantum computers. As these systems are developed, more and more sophisti- cated protocols are required to characterize themi.e., to verify that they are performing as desired and to measure quantum phenomena of interest. A key property to measure in engineered quantum systems is entanglement; for example, for quantum simulators and computers to pro- vide an advantage over their classical analogs, they must generate large amounts of entangle- ment between their parts (10). Furthermore, en- tanglement provides signatures of a wide range of phenomena, including quantum criticality and topological phases (11) as well as thermalization dynamics (12) and many-body localization (13, 14). In addition, entanglement underpins the working mechanism of widely used numerical methods based on tensor network states (11). Entanglement can be probed by measuring entanglement entropies. In particular, consider the second-order Rényi entropy S ð2Þ ðr A Þ¼log 2 Trðr 2 A Þ ð1Þ with r A as the reduced density matrix for a part A of the total system described by r. If the en- tropy of part A is greater than the entropy of the total systemi.e., S ð2Þ ðr A Þ > S ð2Þ ðrÞ bipartite entanglement exists between A and the rest of the system (15). Thus, measuring the entropy of the whole system and that of its subsystems provides information about the entanglement contained in the system. Additionally, a measure- ment of the entropy of the total state r provides a test of the overall purity of the system, as for pure quantum states S ð2Þ ðrÞ¼ 0. Recently, a protocol to directly measure the second-order Rényi entropy, S ð2Þ , has been de- monstrated, requiring collective measurements to be made on two identical copies r of a quan- tum system (1619). In (18), that protocol was used to study entanglement growth and ther- malization in a six-site Bose-Hubbard system, realized with atoms in an optical lattice. Here, we introduce and experimentally de- monstrate a different protocol to measure the second-order Rényi entropy S ð2Þ , which is based on and extends the proposals in (2023). Key strengths of the protocol are that it requires pre- paration of only a single copy of the quantum system at a time and can be implemented on any physical platform with single-particle readout and control. In contrast to recently developed, efficient tomographic methods (24, 25) to char- acterize weakly entangled states, our approach imposes no a priori assumption on the struc- ture of the quantum state. Instead, it provides direct access to properties of the density matrix that are invariant under local unitary transfor- mations, such as S ð2Þ , without the need for prior tomographic reconstruction. S ð2Þ can therefore be estimated with a significantly lower number of measurements than is necessary for quan- tum state tomography (see last paragraph). In our experiments, we used the protocol to measure the dynamical evolution of entangle- ment entropy of up to 10-qubit partitions of a trapped-ion quantum simulator. The key insight of the protocol is that infor- mation about the second-order Rényi entropies of a system is contained in statistical correlations between the outcomes of measurements per- formed in random bases. Specifically, for a system of N qubits, the approach (21) is to apply a pro- duct of single-qubit unitaries U ¼ u 1 ::: u N , where each unitary u i is drawn independently from the circular unitary ensemble (CUE) (26), and then to measure the qubits in a fixed (logical) basis. For each U, repeated measurements are made to obtain statistics, and the entire process is repeated for many different randomly drawn instances of U. The second-order Rényi entropy, S ð2Þ , of the density matrix r A for an arbitrary partition A ¼fi½1; :::; i½N A g of N A N qubits is then obtained from S ð2Þ ðr A Þ¼log 2 " X ; with X ¼ 2 NA X sA;sA ð2Þ D½sA;s 0 A Pðs A ÞPðsA Þ ð2Þ In Eq. 2, the bar denotes the ensemble aver- age of (cross-) correlations of excitation probabil- ities Pðs A Þ¼hs A jU A r A U A js A i; s A are the logical basis states of partition A, U A ¼ U j A is the restriction of U to A, D½s A ; s 0 A is the Hamming distance between s A and s 0 A , and represents the Hermitian conjugate. " X is equal to the pu- rity Trðr 2 A Þ of the density matrix r A . Equation 2 represents an explicit formula, proven in the sup- plementary text (27), to reconstruct the second- order Rényi entropy of the subsystem of interest directly from statistical correlations between ran- domized measurements. As a result, compared with the recursive scheme presented in (21), an exponential overhead in the classical postpro- cessing is avoided. For the partition of a single qubit, N A = 1, the Bloch sphere provides a simple graphical repre- sentation to clarify the relation between the purities and the distribution of excitation prob- abilities (Fig. 1A). For a pure state, Trðr 2 A Þ¼ 1, the quantum state can be represented as a unit Bloch vector on the sphere, with random rotations leading to a uniform distribution of probabil- ities covering the full range [0, 1]. For a mixed state, Trðr 2 A Þ < 1, the length of the Bloch vector is less than 1, and the probabilities take values in a reduced interval. Generalizing to the multi- qubit scenario, the purities are directly inferred from the mean of the statistical distribution of a weighted sum of cross-correlations by using Eq. 2. Examples of cross-correlations that were measured for different partition sizes of the trapped-ion system are shown in Fig. 1B, togeth- er with the estimated purities. Our experiments were implemented by using strings of up to 20 trapped 40 Ca + ions, each of which encodes a qubit that can be individually manipulated by spatially focused, coherent laser pulses. When dressed with suitably tailored laser fields, the ions are subject to a quantum evolution that is equivalent to a model of spins interact- ing through a long-range XY model (28) in the RESEARCH Brydges et al., Science 364, 260263 (2019) 19 April 2019 1 of 4 1 Center for Quantum Physics and Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. 2 Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Corrected 9 April 2020. See full text. on June 14, 2020 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine

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Page 1: Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine



Probing Rényi entanglement entropyvia randomized measurementsTiff Brydges1,2*, Andreas Elben1,2*, Petar Jurcevic1,2, Benoît Vermersch1,2,Christine Maier1,2, Ben P. Lanyon1,2, Peter Zoller1,2, Rainer Blatt1,2, Christian F. Roos1,2†

Entanglement is a key feature of many-body quantum systems. Measuring the entropy ofdifferent partitions of a quantum system provides a way to probe its entanglement structure.Here, we present and experimentally demonstrate a protocol for measuring the second-orderRényi entropy based on statistical correlations between randomized measurements. Ourexperiments, carried out with a trapped-ion quantum simulator with partition sizes of up to10 qubits, prove the overall coherent character of the system dynamics and reveal the growth ofentanglement between its parts, in both the absence and presence of disorder. Our protocolrepresents a universal tool for probing and characterizing engineered quantum systems in thelaboratory, which is applicable to arbitrary quantum states of up to several tens of qubits.

Engineered quantum systems that consistof tens of individually controllable inter-acting quantum particles are currentlybeing developed using a number of differ-ent physical platforms, including atoms in

optical arrays (1–3), ions in radio-frequency traps(4, 5), and superconducting circuits (6–9). Thesesystems offer the possibility of generating andprobing complex quantum states and dynamicsparticle by particle and are finding application inthe near term as quantum simulators and in thelonger term as quantum computers. As thesesystems are developed, more and more sophisti-cated protocols are required to characterize them—i.e., to verify that they are performing as desiredand tomeasure quantumphenomena of interest.A key property to measure in engineered

quantum systems is entanglement; for example,for quantum simulators and computers to pro-vide an advantage over their classical analogs,they must generate large amounts of entangle-ment between their parts (10). Furthermore, en-tanglement provides signatures of a wide rangeof phenomena, including quantum criticality andtopological phases (11) as well as thermalizationdynamics (12) andmany-body localization (13, 14).In addition, entanglement underpins theworkingmechanism of widely used numerical methodsbased on tensor network states (11).Entanglement can be probed by measuring

entanglement entropies. In particular, considerthe second-order Rényi entropy

Sð2ÞðrAÞ ¼ �log2Trðr2AÞ ð1Þwith rA as the reduced density matrix for a partA of the total system described by r. If the en-

tropy of part A is greater than the entropy of thetotal system—i.e., Sð2ÞðrAÞ > Sð2ÞðrÞ—bipartiteentanglement exists between A and the rest ofthe system (15). Thus, measuring the entropyof the whole system and that of its subsystemsprovides information about the entanglementcontained in the system. Additionally, a measure-ment of the entropy of the total state r provides atest of the overall purity of the system, as for purequantum states Sð2ÞðrÞ ¼ 0.Recently, a protocol to directly measure the

second-order Rényi entropy, Sð2Þ , has been de-monstrated, requiring collective measurementsto be made on two identical copies r of a quan-tum system (16–19). In (18), that protocol wasused to study entanglement growth and ther-malization in a six-site Bose-Hubbard system,realized with atoms in an optical lattice.Here, we introduce and experimentally de-

monstrate a different protocol to measure thesecond-order Rényi entropy Sð2Þ, which is basedon and extends the proposals in (20–23). Keystrengths of the protocol are that it requires pre-paration of only a single copy of the quantumsystem at a time and can be implemented on anyphysical platform with single-particle readoutand control. In contrast to recently developed,efficient tomographic methods (24, 25) to char-acterize weakly entangled states, our approachimposes no a priori assumption on the struc-ture of the quantum state. Instead, it providesdirect access to properties of the density matrixthat are invariant under local unitary transfor-mations, such as Sð2Þ, without the need for priortomographic reconstruction. Sð2Þ can thereforebe estimated with a significantly lower numberof measurements than is necessary for quan-tum state tomography (see last paragraph).In our experiments, we used the protocol tomeasure the dynamical evolution of entangle-ment entropy of up to 10-qubit partitions of atrapped-ion quantum simulator.

The key insight of the protocol is that infor-mation about the second-order Rényi entropiesof a system is contained in statistical correlationsbetween the outcomes of measurements per-formed in randombases. Specifically, for a systemof N qubits, the approach (21) is to apply a pro-duct of single-qubit unitariesU ¼ u1 � :::� uN ,where each unitary ui is drawn independentlyfrom the circular unitary ensemble (CUE) (26),and then tomeasure the qubits in a fixed (logical)basis. For each U, repeated measurements aremade to obtain statistics, and the entire processis repeated for many different randomly drawninstances of U. The second-order Rényi entropy,Sð2Þ , of the density matrix rA for an arbitrarypartition A ¼ fi½1�; :::; i½NA�g ofNA ≤ N qubits isthen obtained from

Sð2ÞðrAÞ ¼ �log2 �X ;with X ¼


ð�2Þ�D½sA;s0A�PðsAÞPðs′AÞ ð2Þ

In Eq. 2, the bar denotes the ensemble aver-age of (cross-) correlations of excitation probabil-ities PðsAÞ ¼ hsAjUArAU

†AjsAi; sA are the logical

basis states of partition A, UA ¼ U jA is therestriction of U to A, D½sA; s0A� is the Hammingdistance between sA and s0A , and † representsthe Hermitian conjugate. �X is equal to the pu-rity Trðr2AÞ of the density matrix rA . Equation 2represents an explicit formula, proven in the sup-plementary text (27), to reconstruct the second-order Rényi entropy of the subsystem of interestdirectly from statistical correlations between ran-domized measurements. As a result, comparedwith the recursive scheme presented in (21), anexponential overhead in the classical postpro-cessing is avoided.For the partition of a single qubit, NA = 1, the

Bloch sphere provides a simple graphical repre-sentation to clarify the relation between thepurities and the distribution of excitation prob-abilities (Fig. 1A). For a pure state,Trðr2AÞ ¼ 1, thequantum state can be represented as a unit Blochvector on the sphere, with random rotationsleading to a uniform distribution of probabil-ities covering the full range [0, 1]. For a mixedstate, Trðr2AÞ < 1, the length of the Bloch vectoris less than 1, and the probabilities take valuesin a reduced interval. Generalizing to the multi-qubit scenario, the purities are directly inferredfrom the mean of the statistical distribution of aweighted sum of cross-correlations by usingEq. 2. Examples of cross-correlations that weremeasured for different partition sizes of thetrapped-ion system are shown in Fig. 1B, togeth-er with the estimated purities.Our experiments were implemented by using

strings of up to 20 trapped 40Ca+ ions, each ofwhich encodes a qubit that can be individuallymanipulated by spatially focused, coherent laserpulses. When dressed with suitably tailored laserfields, the ions are subject to a quantum evolutionthat is equivalent to a model of spins interact-ing through a long-range XY model (28) in the


Brydges et al., Science 364, 260–263 (2019) 19 April 2019 1 of 4

1Center for Quantum Physics and Institute for ExperimentalPhysics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.2Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information,Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Corrected 9 April 2020. See full text. on June 14, 2020



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Page 2: Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine

presence of a transverse field

HXY ¼ ℏXi<j

Jijðsþi s�j þ s�i sþj Þ þ ℏB


s zj ð3Þ

Here, ℏ is Planck’s constant divided by 2p,sbi ðb ¼ x; y; zÞ are the spin-½ Pauli operators,sþi ðs�i Þ the spin-raising (lowering) operatorsacting on spin i, and Jij ≈ J0=ji � jja the cou-pling matrix with an approximate power-lawdecay and 0 < a < 3. For further experimentaldetails, see (27, 29). Optionally, a locally dis-ordered potential could be added (30, 31), real-izing the Hamiltonian H ¼ HXY þHD , with

HD ¼ ℏX


zj andDj themagnitude of disorder

applied to ion j. For entropy measurements, thefollowing experimental protocol was used through-out: The system was initially prepared in theNéel ordered product state r0 ¼ jyihyj withjyi ¼ j↓↑↓:::↑i. This statewas subsequently time-evolved under HXY (or H) into the state rðtÞ.The coherent interactions arising from thistime evolution generated varying types of en-tanglement in the system. Subsequently, random-ized measurements on rðtÞ were performedthrough individual rotations of each qubit bya random unitary (ui), sampled from the CUE(26), followed by a state measurement in the zbasis. Each ui can be decomposed into threerotations Rzðq3ÞRyðq2ÞRzðq1Þ, and two randomunitaries were concatenated to ensure thatdrawing of the ui was stable against small driftsof physical parameters controlling the rotationangles qi (27). Finally, spatially resolved fluores-cence measurements realized a projective mea-surement in the logical z basis. To measure theentropy of a quantum state, NU sets of single-qubit randomunitaries,U ¼ u1 �…� uN , wereapplied. For each set of applied unitaries, U,the measurement was repeated NM times.In the first experiment, a 10-qubit state r0 was

prepared and subsequently time-evolved underHXY (Eq. 3), without disorder, for t ¼ 0;…; 5ms.

Figure 2, A and B, respectively show measuredpurities and entropies of all connected parti-tions that include qubit 1 during this quench. Theoverall purity (and thus entropy) remained ata constant value of Tr½r2� ¼ 0:74 T 0:07, withinerror, throughout the time evolution, implyingthat the time evolution was approximately uni-tary. The initial state’s reconstructed purity is

in agreement with control experiments, whichshow a purity loss of 0.08 caused by imperfectstate preparation and an underestimation of thepurity by ~0.17 caused by decoherence duringthe random spin rotations (27). At short times,the single-spin subsystem became quickly en-tangled with the rest of the system, seen as arapid decrease (increase) of the single-spin

Brydges et al., Science 364, 260–263 (2019) 19 April 2019 2 of 4

Fig. 1. Measuring second-order Rényi entropies through randomizedmeasurements. (A) Single-qubit Bloch sphere. The purity is directly relatedto the width of the distribution of measurement outcomes after applyingrandom rotations ui. Initial pure state (blue) and mixed state (red) cases areshown. See text. (B) Generalization to multiple qubits: Measuring NA-qubit(up to 10) partitions of a 20-qubit string, as shown (top). Repeated

measurements (NM = 150 and NU = 500) were made to obtain statistics; seetext. Experimental data (bottom): Histograms of the weighted sum X ofcross-correlations (as defined in Eq. 2), with mean values correspondingto the purities (dashed lines). Results are shown for two different times duringevolution under HXY (Eq. 3), starting from a highly pure, separable state(blue) and evolving into a high-entropy state (red).

2 4 6 8 10i





S(2)ρ [


2 4 6 8 10i




Trρ2 [1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10NA



S(2) (ρ A


i = 1i = 3i = 2

i = 10







Fig. 2. Purity and second-order Rényi entropies of a 10-qubit system. (A) Measured purity and(B) second-order Rényi entropy of a Néel state, time-evolved under HXY (J0 = 420 s−1, a = 1.24), forconnected partitions ½1→i�. Dotted curves are purities derived from a numerical simulation; seesupplementary materials (27). Maximally mixed states with minimal purity fall on the boundary of

the shaded area. (C) Second-order Rényi entropy, Sð2ÞðrAÞ, of all 210 − 1 = 1023 partitions at t = 5 ms,with NA denoting the number of ions in a partition A. For all data points, NM = 150 and NU = 500.

Error bars, which increase with subsystem size (27), are standard errors of the mean �X. Lines in (C)are drawn at three standard errors above the full system’s entropy (black, dashed) and threestandard errors below the minimal subsystem’s entropy (blue, solid).


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Page 3: Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine

purity (entropy) (Fig. 2, A and B), until the re-duced state became completelymixed. At longertimes, the purity (entropy) of larger subsystemscontinued to decrease (increase), as they becameentangled with the rest. The dotted curves rep-resent numerical simulations for the experimentalparameters, including decoherence, during stateinitialization, evolution, and measurement (27).Although Fig. 2, A and B, correspond to a specificset of connected partitionsA, the data give accessto the purities for all partitions A of the system,

as shown in Fig. 2C for a specific time t = 5 ms.Because the second-order Rényi entropy of everysubsystem is, within three standard deviations,larger than for the total system, this demonstratesentanglement between all 29 – 1 = 511 bipartitionsof the 10-qubit system.Next, a 20-qubit experimentwas performed, in

which the entropy growth of the central part ofthe chain was measured during time evolutionunder HXY, for partitions of up to 10 qubits. Ourobservations (Fig. 3) are consistent with the for-mation of highly entangled states. The entropyincreases rapidly over the time evolution of 10 ms,with the reduced density matrices of up to sevenqubits becoming nearly fully mixed. The ex-perimental data agree very well with numericalsimulations (dotted curves) obtainedwith amatrix-product state algorithm (32), which includes the(weak) effect of decoherence using quantumtrajectories (33). The measurement highlightsthe ability of our protocol to access the entropyof highly mixed states, despite larger statisticalerrors compared with pure states (27).Monitoring the entropy growth of arbitrary

yet highly entangled states during their timeevolution constitutes a universal tool for studyingdynamical properties of quantum many-bodysystems, in connection with the concept of quan-tum thermalization (12). In this context, a slowentropy growth can be used to signify localiza-tion in generic many-body quantum systems(14). Generically, in interacting quantum systemswithout disorder, a ballistic (linear) entropygrowth is predicted after a quantum quench(12). Such growth is assumed to persist untilsaturation is reached, signaling thermalization ofthe system at late times. On the contrary, in thepresence of (strong) disorder and sufficiently

short-ranged interactions, the existence of themany-body localized (MBL) phase (13) is predictedin one-dimensional systems (34). This phase ischaracterized by the absence of thermalization,the system’s remembrance on the initial state (35)at late times, and, in particular, a logarithmicentropy growth (36, 37), which constitutes thedistinguishing feature between an MBL stateand a noninteracting Anderson insulator. Experi-ments probing this entropy growth have beenrealized with superconducting qubits by usingtomography (8) and ultracold atoms based onfull-counting statistics of particle numbers (38).The persistence and stability of localization inlong-range interacting systems have also beenexplored, both theoretically (14, 34, 39) and ex-perimentally (30). The measurement of a long-time entropy growth rate is beyond the presentcapabilities of our trapped-ion quantum simu-lator, owing to its limited coherence time; however,wewere able to observe the effects of local, randomdisorder on the entropy growth rate at early times.Figure 4A displays the measured evolution of

the second-order Rényi entropy at half partitionas a function of time, both in the absence and inthe presence of local random disorder. Withoutdisorder, a rapid, linear growth of entropy is ob-served, in agreement with theoretical simulationsincluding the mentioned sources of decoherence(solid lines). To investigate the influence of dis-order, the initial Néel state was quenched withH ¼ HXY þHD , where the static, random dis-order strength Dj was drawn uniformly from½�3J0; 3J0�. To efficiently access directly disorder-averaged quantities, our protocol offers the pos-sibility to reduce the number of randomunitariesthat must be applied per disorder pattern andinstead average in addition over different dis-order patterns (27). Hence, only 10 randomunitaries per disorder pattern (NM = 150 mea-surements per unitary) and 35 randomly drawndisorder patterns were used to obtain an ac-curate estimate of the disorder-averaged purityTr½r2A�e ( ~::: denotes the disorder average) andsubsequently the second-order Rényi entro-py Sð2ÞðrAÞe ≈� log2Tr½r2A�e (27). The measured,disorder-averaged entropy growth clearly dem-onstrates how disorder reduces the growth ofentanglement. After an initial rapid evolution,a considerable slowing of the dynamics is ob-served, with a small but nonvanishing growthrate at later times, a behavior consistent withthe scenario ofMBL. The system retainsmemoryof the initial Néel state during the dynamics,which is manifest in the measured time evolu-tion of the local magnetization (fig. S5) (27).Finally, Fig. 4B shows the evolution of the

second-order Rényi mutual information (RMI),defined as

I ð2ÞðrA : rBÞ ¼ Sð2ÞðrAÞ þ Sð2ÞðrBÞ

�Sð2ÞðrABÞ ð4Þ

In the presence of disorder, the RMI saturatesquickly to approximately constant values, whichdecrease with increasing distance between the

Brydges et al., Science 364, 260–263 (2019) 19 April 2019 3 of 4

Fig. 3. Second-order Rényi entropy of 1- to10-qubit partitions of a 20-qubit system.The initial low-entropy Néel state evolves underHXY (J0 = 370 s−1, a = 1.01) within 10 msinto a state with high-entropy partitions,corresponding to nearly fully mixed subsystems.For the data taken at 6ms (10ms) of time evolution,the two (three) data points correspondingto highly mixed states are not shown, because theyhave large statistical error bars. For detailsregarding numerical simulations (dotted curves)and error bars, see (27).

Fig. 4. Spread of quantum correlations under HXYwith and without disorder.The Hamiltonianparameters are J0 = 420 s−1, a = 1.24. (A) Half-chain entropy growth versus time without disorder(red data points) and with disorder, drawn uniformly from ½�3J0;3J0� (blue data points). Numericalsimulations based on unitary dynamics (dotted curves) including known sources of decoherence(full lines) are in agreement with the measured second-order Rényi entropies [see supplementarymaterials (27)]. (B) Second-order RMI of selected subsystems versus time in the presence of

disorder (see Eq. 4). The decrease of Ið2Þ with distance between subsystems is a manifestation of theinhibition of correlation spreading by local disorder. For longer time scales, decoherence leads to a slow

increase in the entropy of the total system [Sð2ÞðrÞ ≈ 0:9 for t = 10 ms for the full system (27)].Consequently, there is an additional contribution to the slow entropy growth of the system from thisdecoherence, compared with the case of purely unitary dynamics. Error bars are the standard error ofthe mean, calculated with jackknife resampling of the applied random unitaries (40).


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Page 4: Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine

two partitions A and B. This indicates a spatialdecay of correlations in the system, a charac-teristic feature of localization caused by the pre-sence of disorder; this conclusion is supported bya numerical comparison of the RMI to the vonNeumannmutual information, showing that theybehave in qualitatively the same way (27).In our experiments, we studied the entropy of

partitions of up to 10 qubits because technicalrestrictions currently limit our experimental re-petition rate. Straightforward technical improve-ments should allow the entropy of 20-qubitsystems to be measurable. Numerical simu-lations (27) indicate that the total number of mea-surements required to access the purity within astatistical error of 0.12 is, for a pure product stateof NA qubits, given by 27:7 T 0:3 þ ð0:8 T 0:1ÞNA . Thenumber of measurements required to obtainthe purity of entangled pure states can be sig-nificantly lower (27). Purity measurements ofsystems containing tens of qubits are likely alsoin reach in experiments with high quantumstate–generation rates, such as state-of-the-artsuperconducting qubit setups. The number ofmeasurements could be further decreased by re-placing the local random operations by globalrandom unitaries acting on the entire Hilbertspace of a subsystem of interest, by means of ran-domquenches (21, 22), at the expense of obtainingaccess to the purity of a single partition only.


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Funding: We acknowledge funding from the ERC Synergy GrantUQUAM, the European Research Council (ERC) under the EuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grantagreement no. 741541, the SFB FoQuS (FWF project no. F4016-N23),and QTFLAG–QuantERA. Also, the project leading to this applicationhas received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innovation programme under grant agreement no. 817482(PASQUANS). Author contributions: P.Z. suggested the researchtopic, which was further developed by A.E., B.V., B.P.L., and C.F.R. A.E.,B.V., and P.Z. developed the theoretical protocols. P.J., C.M., T.B.,B.P.L., C.F.R., and R.B. contributed to the experimental setup. T.B.,P.J., C.M., and C.F.R. performed the experiments. A.E., B.V., andC.F.R. analyzed the data and carried out numerical simulations. T.B.,A.E., B.V., B.P.L., P.Z., and C.F.R. wrote the manuscript. All authorscontributed to the discussion of the results and the manuscript.Competing interests: There are no competing interests. Data andmaterials availability: All data are publicly availableon Zenodo (41).All code used for data evaluation and numerical simulations ispublicly available on Zenodo (42).


science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6437/260/suppl/DC1Supplementary TextFigs. S1 to S8References (43–46)

15 June 2018; accepted 19 March 201910.1126/science.aau4963

Brydges et al., Science 364, 260–263 (2019) 19 April 2019 4 of 4


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Page 5: Probing Rényi entanglement entropy - ScienceProbing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements Tiff Brydges 1,2*,AndreasElben*, Petar Jurcevic1,2,BenoîtVermersch, Christine

Probing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements

Christian F. RoosTiff Brydges, Andreas Elben, Petar Jurcevic, Benoît Vermersch, Christine Maier, Ben P. Lanyon, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt and

DOI: 10.1126/science.aau4963 (6437), 260-263.364Science 

, this issue p. 260Scienceof the system to grow, which was reflected in the growth of the Rényi entropy.

resteach of which encoded a qubit. As the system evolved, interactions caused entanglement between the chain and the monitored the build-up of the so-called Rényi entropy in a chain of up to 10 trapped calcium ions,et al.system? Brydges

quantum entanglement is key to this superior performance. But how does one gauge the degree of entanglement in a Quantum systems are predicted to be better at information processing than their classical counterparts, and

An entropic look into entanglement

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