1 PROBOL I NGGO, I NDONESI A 17-21 Apr 2015 Servant's H ear t (I ssue 9) Spiritual Awakening

Probolinggo mission trip (17 21 apr) spiritual awakening

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Page 1: Probolinggo mission trip (17 21 apr) spiritual awakening



Servant 'sHeart

(Issue 9)

Spiritual Awakening

Page 2: Probolinggo mission trip (17 21 apr) spiritual awakening


I t ineraryDay 1 (17 Apr 15)

Arr ival @ Surabaya AirportAll of us woke up super early to catch the f l ight to Surabaya. Thank God for journey mercy and that we arrived at Surabaya without any problems!

Upon reaching, we had A&W for breakfast! After breakfast, we made our way for house visitation, where we had a cellgroup meeting. While we were on our way, we had a magnum each, following the tradition we have.

Cellgroup Meet ing @ Mt . BromoAs we were making our way there, we were praising and worshipping God in the car and His presence was so strong in the car.

This was the f irst t ime we have a cellgroup meeting at Mt. Bromo, preached there and there were 2 salvations. God is indeed moving and opening doors at Mt. Bromo, the ground definitely has been softened and it is a stronghold that we have conquered since the f irst t ime we were there! We believe that this is the start of something great and there will def initely be many more to come!

Home Visitat ion @ Mt . BromoWe then went to our hostel to unpack a bit before heading out again to do another visitation.

We visited this couple at Mt. Bromo who were facing some persecution. Due to the strong oppression from their surroundings, we had to whisper our prayers for them. After praying for them, we went around the house and cleansed the house, casting out the few evil spirits left in the house.

They prepared a scrumptious dinner for us after that and we had a great fellowship there before heading back to the hostel.

Sharing Session in the HostelAfter we returned to the hostel, we went around and share our thoughts and what we have learned that day.

We then prayed and worshipped God, thanking Him for Day 1. Shortly after that, we went to wash up and went to sleep. We started to feel the fatique, especially since we have to head out at 3am the next day.

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By the end of Day 1, it was already worth the trip. Seeing how God has moved so mightily in Mt. Bromo indeed confirms that the stronghold has indeed been broken. Indeed, the harvest is ready for us to reap what the team has sowed since 2012. By the end of Day 1, there has already been a spiritual awakening in us. We looked forward to the next 4 days and believed that

God will continue to do a mighty work in Mt. Bromo and Probolinggo.

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I t ineraryDay 2 (18 Apr 15)

Sunrise & Prayer Walk @ Mt . Bromo CraterWe were up very early to catch the sunrise at Love Hill, near Mt. Bromo. We were just so amazed with what God has created. The beautiful sight and scenery just reveals the majesty and greatness of our Jehovah God.

We then took the jeep to the foot of Mt. Bromo where we rode a horse up the mountain, before doing a prayer walk up the 242 steps to the crater of the active volcano. As we prayed, we felt the love of God for His people and there is def initely more peace this time round. The stronghold has definitely been broken!

Youth Service @ GBI Bukit SionAfter we had a short rest in our new hostel, we went to Pastor Daud's church, GBI Bukit Sion for a youth service. The service started off with praise and worship and the presence of God was strong.

Zheng Wei shared during his testimony on how God has totally transformed his life, providing for him in his academic studies, despite serving God actively in church. Not only that, God has also opened doors for him and opened the hearts of his family members where his parents received salvation last Easter!

Ai Hwa gave a short sharing, explaining the dif ference between living and not dying, encouraging the youths to have a purpose in living. We can live with service of ourselves, of others, but most importantly, we need to live with service of God and to live out the purpose of what God has created us to be.

Mabel then preached the word of God. Despite changing her sermon just one day before the service as she felt God wanted her to preach her story, many youths were touched and impacted by her sharing. She shared that our God is a God who gives us a future and a hope. Even when we get lost, we will be found by God and we will def initely f ind God.

Home Visitat ion @ ProbolinggoAfter the delicious dinner we had, we did a house visitation.

Last October, we visited this Car Workshop. During this trip, we visited the owner's house and we did a house cleansing as there were disturbances in their house. They have been hearing explosions in the second level. During the house cleansing, a doll that was sensed to be a time capsule was spotted. Subsequently, we brought the doll out of the house and left the entire place uplif ted. We then burned the doll outside Pastor Daud's church.

Home Visitat ion & Visit ing a SchoolWe visited this couple who were persecuted for their faith in Christ. They were thrown into prison and beaten up for a few days. Nevertheless, they were open for us to visit them and intercede for them.

We then visited a school where we played games with the students there. There was indeed joy experienced by both the students and the team as they were playing the games. We also took the opportunity to pray for the students there and they were very open to our prayers.

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By the end of Day 2, there were already so many breakthroughs and encounters in our personal walk with God! It was the f irst t ime we ministered at a school in the new village on Mt. Bromo. We believed that there will be many signs and wonders

in the next 3 days and God will continue to perform miracles in our midst!

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I t ineraryDay 3 (19 Apr 15)

Morning Devot ionWe started the day off with a morning devotion. Even though we have to wake up an hour earlier for that and we were all exhausted physically, we felt recharged after that! It was like a spiritual force preparation for us before we went to f ight a spiritual war against the devil.

Main Services @ GBI Bukit SionAfter our morning devotion, we went back to Pastor Daud's church for our main services. Once again, God never failed to show Himself so real during the services.

In Service 1, Christina shared her life testimony on how God took away everything she had before knowing God. She reached her lowest point of l ife and became suicidal and wanted to give her life up. God then rescued her and her friend called her up and invited her to church, just 15 minutes before she jumped down from her window. Since then, her life was never the same and she is totally renewed!

Edwin then preached the word of God to the congregation. He shared with them on how we, as Christians, will experience dif ferent seasons in our lives. However, our attitudes and behaviour must be focused on God despite the challenges we may face. God is always in control, God is always certain in His promises for us and He does things according to His time. Hence we must continue to seek God and we can turn to Him for peace and comfort when we get t ired and weary. His sharing about his marriage life has definitely brought restoration to many marriages and families. There was this couple who cancelled their wedding due to some conflict. However after hearing Edwin's sermon, they approached Pastor Daud and decided to continue with their wedding!

Audrey then gave an offering message and reminded us that we are worth more than sparrows. If God does not forget even a single sparrow, God will def initely not forget and forsake us. If God takes care of even the sparrows f lying in the air, surely He will take care

In Service 2, Jedd and Karen shared their testimony on how God allowed them to go through several challenging moments. Despite all that, their characters got moulded, their attitudes got ref ined, and their love for God deepened, as they walk out of those challenges. Our Jehovah God became very real for them as He blessed them in their f inances, in their careers and in their marriage!

Wei Siang then preached to the congregation on "Guarding your thoughts in life". He preached about having a positive mindset, encouraging them to always think postive. The spiritual atmosphere in the hall was so strong.

During ministry, Zerus felt drawn to pray for this lady. It turns out that she came into service with her crutches as she had a broken leg. After the service, she was completed healed in Jesus name, walking out of the hall without needing her crutches anymore! Indeed, God is very real and He is a miracle-working God! The presence was really strong in that service and Pastor Daud confirmed that many evil spirits departed.

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Children ChurchAs most of us were enjoying the church service in Service 2, Philip led a group of team members and conducted a church service for the children. The presence of God was also present in the midst of the children as they praised and worshipped God.

They also experienced much joy and laughter through the games led by Philip. Indeed, the joy the children had also brought joy and fulf il lment to the team members who were there to help out as well.

Home Visitat ion @ ProbolinggoAfter eating the superb lunch, Rawon prepared by Ebu Lily, we visited this couple.

The couple recently lost their son and the lady had been having nightmares and could not sleep properly. We then prayed for her deliverance and one of our member encouraged her during the prayer that our God is a God of peace and there is no room for fear to come in. She was reminded that anything of fear is def initely not from God.

Service 3 @ GBI Bukit SionAfter the visitation, we went back to the hostel and had a short rest before we head back to GBI Bukit Sion for our 3rd service of the day.

In Service 3, Benson shared during his testimony about how God changed his character and gave him dreams and visions. Ever since he received his salvation, his perspective to many things in life, including friendship, have changed by the grace of God.

Zerus shared during his testimony that no one has ever gone poor by giving unto the Lord. As we give and sow into the kingdom of God will def initely lead to breakthroughs in our lives, just l ike how God has blessed Zerus f inancially as he continue to sow into the kingdom of God.

Philip then preached about the veil being torn, allowing us to access the Holies of Holies and come face to face with our Creator God. His preaching blessed the congregation tremendously and everyone was touched by the presence of God during the service.

After the preaching, Bryan gave an offering messgage. He shared his personal struggles that he had and the subsequent victories he experienced in the area of giving. He reminded us to see giving as a physical investment into the spiritual realm, an investment of faith. As we give out of faith, we can have the assurance that God will def initely take care of us.

Church Service @ GBI MaronWhile most of the team members were at the church service at GBI Bukit Sion, a group of 7 members went to another church, GBI Maron, for a concurrent church service. It was an hour ride from Probolinggo and this is the f irst t ime we preached in another church in Probolinggo!

During testimony, Ashleigh shared about how broken she felt and that she slipped into depression. As she cried out and prayed to God for comfort and for peace, God sent help to her as she decided to rely on God. Today, she is no longer fearful, totally free from depression and she is l iberated from all the negative feelings as she experience the love and grace of Jesus.

During preaching, Edwin encouraged the congregation to trust God when we are afraid as God has given us 3 beautiful gif ts, Hope, Faith and Love. He reminded us that we can continue to trust God, believing in His word, and have the confidence and assurance in Him when we are afraid or have fears in our lives. That way, we can continue to experience God's love in a personal way for each and everyone of us.

Visitat ion to OrphanageAfter that, both groups went and visit Pak Ayen. He prepared a delicious dinner for us and even prepared 3 dif ferent types of soup! After dinner, we walked over to an orphanage that he built and prayed for him and his business before going in. This was the f irst t ime we visited an orphanage! The visit was heartwarming as we see the children being so joyful and contented even when they do not have much. We praised and worshipped God together with the children and we prayed for them after that.

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By the end of Day 3, we have witnessed so many signs and wonders and miracles taking place! The presence of God was so strong in all the services! Indeed, this great and mighty God that we serve, our Jehovah God, dwells among and inside us. The

Holy Spirit was indeed at work in the past 3 days!

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I t ineraryDay 4 (20 Apr 15)

Marketplace CellgroupWe started the day off with praise and worship and prayer before heading out for a Marketplace cellgroup meeting where Rosy shared a message about business. God's presence was strong during the meeting and we simply f lowed with the spirit for the meeting.

Visitat ion to PreschoolAfter the marketplace cellgroup, we visited this preschool. As we entered the preschool, we were welcomed by the joy of the kids there.

Our hearts were warm upon seeing how much laughter we can bring to them, simply by slapping Hi-5 with them or to carry them. After playing with them for awhile, we gathered them in a circle and we prayed for them individually. After that, while some of the members went to talk to the leaders of the preschool, the others went to play with the kids there. Indeed, the love and the joy of the Lord came upon them!

Visitat ionsWe first visited Pak Amos and cleansed his house before entering. He went through surgery just 1 week before we visited him as he almost died. He was so weak and bed-ridden and it saddened us as we were there at his house. We began to worship God and prayed for his healing. Despite of his circumstances, he continued to have faith in God. His faith has indeed

made him well and our Jehovah Rapha, our God who heals, has moved mightily in his life. Just 5 days after we visited and prayed for him, he has recovered!

After visit ing Pak Amos, we went to visit this cracker shop and prayed for their business to prosper.

After that, we went to visit a land which will be used to build a Christian primary school, integrated with Christian Pre-school for long term impact on the city. We prayed for the land and this is the f irst t ime we prayed over this particular piece of land.

Prophesy by Pastor DaudAfter all the visitations, we head over to church for lunch.

That was when Pastor Daud prophesied for everyone of us. It was the f irst t ime we had so many individual prophecies and the f irst t ime that he prophesied that our ministry will have 3000 decisions in the year 2015 & 2016. This is another confirmation that we are in a season of harvesting!

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Easter Big Day ServiceWe then went back to our hostel to rest and prepare ourselves for the long-awaited event, the Easter Big Day Service! This was the f irst t ime we preached at a big day event l ike this.

During the service, there were a total of 460 attendees! We started the service with praise and worship, the presence of God just saturated the entire hall.

Shortly after that, our very own dancers went up to stage and performed! Their dance indeed brought down the presence of God. We were able to even have this Easter service is mainly because the dance item.

Kim Peng then preached the word of God to the congregation. He shared about the 3 gif ts God gave us freely and that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. The 3 gif ts that we received are the love of God the Father, the power of the Cross, and the gif ts of the Holy Spirit. Many are touched by his preaching and responded during altar call, they were hungry and thirsty for God. There were a sea of hands during altar call, there were a total of 237 salvations! Indeed, when one is saved, the whole heaven rejoices! This was the f irst t ime we have had such a high number of decisions for Christ in one single event!

After the altar call, the representative of the Mayor went up to the stage and addressed the crowd. He was on f ire for God and encouraged the people to grow more and grow deep for God. He mentioned that if not for God, he will not be where he is currently. That truly touched the people in the event. There is def initely a breakthrough for the team for him, a government off icial, to mention that Probolinggo is a city of prayer. This is def initely the start of something great in the kingdom of God!

After that, all the senior pastors went up to the stage and sang. This was a signif icant milestone as everyone from dif ferent churches came together, as one body of Christ, regardless of which church they belong to, edifying the body of Christ. Indeed, there is power whenever there is unity!

The event ended in a good note, with many photo-taking sessions, fellowship going on. There was indeed great joy among the team, sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that we felt because of the sheer number of salvations in this service! The event was definitely a success!

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By the end of Day 4, we have accomplished so much by the grace of God! We have come so far ever since the f irst t ime we went to Probolinggo for missions. There have been so many breakthroughs and open doors in the past 4 days and God is

def initely working in our midst to piece all these together to fulf il l His purpose!

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I t ineraryDay 5 (21 Apr 15)

Home Sweet Home!After a good rest, we moved out of our hostel and head towards Surabaya Airport. We stopped by A&W to have an early lunch

and thereafter we bid farewell to Kaleb, Pastor Daud and Pastor Lily.

On the way back, we praised, worshipped and thank God for all that He has done during the past 5 days. We went around and share our thoughts on the trip. We then took the f l ight back to Singapore, bringing the f ire back!

Upon reaching Singapore, we parted ways and went back home. Despite parting ways physically, our hearts will always be united as one, One mission team, One family, One church, and ultimately, One Body of Christ!

Throughout the past 5 days, there was definitely a spiritual awakening in all of us. All of us grew spiritually and learned a lot from this trip. There was definitely breakthroughs after breakthroughs, victories after victories! The land has indeed been

softened as we continue to intercede and pray for Mt. Bromo and Probolinggo.

We thank God for all the good works that He has done during the trip; for using us as His vessels to impact l ives, for our growth, for open doors, for all the signs and wonders and miracles that took place, for strength that last us through, for

journey mercy back and forth, for the 237 salvations, and most importantly, for His strong presence throughout the trip!

All glory to God! Amen!

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Individual Reflect ionsAGNES : I believe that it is not by chance that God has placed me in this mission team, a trip that will indeed change my life totally. I am so humbled and privileged to be part of this Probolinggo trip serving the Lord along with 27 gentle giants. What impacted me the most out of this trip was, Loving God, really touched to see how they have laid down their l ives just to Love God. This has really lead me to want to serve God more for these people. Thank God for giving me these opportunity, using me as a vessel to send His message and love across.

ASHLEIGH: I have had my spiritual breakthroughs and this means a lot to me. This, I pray, marks the beginning of an exciting journey with the Lord. In such a short period of 4 days, we witnessed miraculous healings ? both physical and inner wounds; reaped a good harvest of decisions for Christ; and received individual prophecies. What more, the unity and spirit of togetherness that bind the team together is just so incredible. In Christ, we are ONE!

AUDREY: This trip has been meaningful to me and Edwin as we served God together once again in the mission trip. We did not know what God had in store for both of us as there was no medical outreach to be done. In fact, we had a dif f icult week before coming! But we came along anyways, wanting to contribute in small or big ways and ended up receiving more than we can ever imagine or think! What moved me deeply how a body of Christ, regardless what denomination they came from, coming together to lif t the name of Jesus high! I sense a huge spiritual awakening about to unravel in Probolinggo and I can't wait to see what God has in store next for the people!

BENSON: It is never a coincidence that we are serving the Lord together in this team. We are brought together as part of His plan, to make a dif ference in Indonesia. Every trip we go, we come back with a huge victory. We are not doing this by ourselves, but we are partnering with the Holy Spirit. With God, all things are possible. If God is for us, who can be against us? Every joint supplies. Everyone is important. We all work together to do the will of God! I'm happy to say that when I was praying on Mount Bromo, I don't really feel any form of oppression. I believe it 's really a victory for us, as the stronghold has been broken!

BRYAN: This trip has been a trip of signs and miracles, as well as a time of yielding and humbling. I saw the Holy Spirit moving powerfully, with signs and wonders. Mistakes were made during the trip and God reminded me how I have made the same mistakes before, and it is happening again because I have certain hard attitudes that need to be changed. It was an awakening and I realize I need to be more yielded and humble.

AI HWA: This trip felt the same but something was dif ferent. I felt many promptings and clear instructions from the Holy Spirit in this trip. I feel very privileged to serve alongside with my housemates, each of us holding a new role during this trip. In this trip, I am very glad that there were so many plans in place to spread the gospel of Christ. We do not only preach but now we have plans to engage the people in Probolinggo on the words of God. Last but not least, I thank Jesus for another privilege to serve Him in the mission f ield. Indeed, the words "Open the Floodgates" have taken place in Probolinggo.

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EDWIN: This trip was just amazing and overwhelming and God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. It was just so beautiful to see people healed physically and emotionally, and see the love of the people at work. This was the very f irst t ime that I had to prepare 2 sermons. It was indeed a challenging time for me. But by God's grace, I was f inally able to settle myself spiritually and emotionally, and to deliver His word with a clear & assured heart. Through His word, I was able to encourage others, and also to encourage myself . This was also a trip where I tried to open myself up more and attempt to engage more with the rest of the members, due to the introverted nature of mine.

JEDD: The ability to be able to dwell in God?s presence means more to me than a lot of things in life. To be able to serve Him, not only in Singapore, but overseas in missions is a privilege and honour. There are just so many things in the trip that amazed and drew me closer to Him. All of these just confirmed that we indeed serve a good and faithful God. There is no real way to put all that happened on the trip into words. However, what is clear is that God is real and we serve a God who is above all things.

KAREN: Going to Probolinggo marks the 3rd mission of 2015 for me, fulf il l ing my agreement with God. The f irst thing I asked God on this trip: "Is this the last trip for me for 2015?" And His answer is... It will be a new beginning after this trip. I could not understand at f irst what it means but now I do!It was all worth it as we see the sunrise. A new day has begun, a new beginning for the land of Mount Bromo, a new beginning for my walk with God. Probolinggo will always have a special place in my heart. For this is the place where I experienced spiritual awakening. Indeed, it is a new beginning!

JUDE: The reason I went on this mission trip was because I felt that I have an "unfinished" business in Probolinggo. I went to search for an answer from God. I went to confirm if the years of recurring thoughts (thoughts of Ps Daud's vision of a 1st Christian school) are of me or of God. I went without the expectation of receiving any prophecies and God gave me 3 prophecies! From this mission trip, I have learned that I need to believe in my relationship with God. I need to just receive and do what He tells me. I believe that God will sweep Probolinggo and the whole of Indonesia by storm through the works of this team.

DAVID: I never knew that dancers, photographers, guitarist play such an important role in the mission f ield. Truly I understand now, no one is too litt le for God to use. They can bring down the presence of God just l ike anyone else. Hence, never underestimate a will ing vessel. God will use anyone who is will ing. Also, as we pursue to fulf il l the role in the Kingdom, there is no need to worry about f inances or daily l iving. God will always be there, not just provision but OVERPROVISION. We can never outgive God.Will I want to go mission trip again? Definitely!

CHRISTINA: This trip has taught me what it means to live your life and lay down your life for Christ. I had some original objectives before I joined this mission trip but what I brought home was waaaayyy more than what I have expected. During this trip I begin to see how dif ferent verses in the bible come alive to what I see before me. I have also encountered what it meant to be slain for the f irst t ime in my life. I am glad that God has rekindled the passion I used to have for Christ in my youth all over again and I look forward to many more such encounters and opportunities to serve with this wonderful team in the near future.

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MABEL: This trip has renewed my vision and purpose in Christ, my gif ts of the Holy Spirit were exercised and I really experienced God?s presence in a tangible manner. I found myself growing closer to the Lord each day, learning to be yielded to Him and deepening my understanding of who He is and who I am in Christ through this trip. It was a trip of personal breakthroughs and discovery for me. I found new amazing, inspiring, awesome, faithful friends, and most importantly I found God. God who never left me nor forsake me. God who has constant thoughts towards me. God who desires me a future and a hope.

PHILIP: Our God is a God of breakthroughs!!! There were just so many breakthroughs and across so many fronts during the trip. It was amazing to see God breaking through on behalf of us. Indeed, when we are as one body of Christ, united with one heart, to carry His Name, nothing can stop us. Indeed, signs and miracles will follow those who believe. It will follow those who are called believers. My greatest takeaway, is that in the midst of all these breakthroughs, it became more evident and clear who was there to orchestrate all these seemingly impossible breakthroughs. These events could only happen because God is the author and f inisher of all the works! My excitement cannot be contained as I look at possibil it ies coming out of the breakthroughs. It is l ike the doors were f lung open wide and opening the f loodgates for more things to come.

ROSY: Love is l ike the Five Loaves and Two Fishes; it doesn?t start to multiply until you gave it away! Though I ain?t no thirteen nor thirty-one, just l ike the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 f ishes, I brought my ?lunchbox? to this mission trip. In return of the 5 loaves and 2 f ishes, I have 12 baskets full of 12 manner of fruits of the Tree of l ife, and she yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations. In this trip, it is so evident that people are God?s resources for answering prayers. I just want to thank God and all team members for a fruitful and victorious trip.

KIM PENG: This trip certainly marks a major milestone in our ministry not just because we preached at a major event and received a record number of decisions, nor was it just the miracles, sign and wonders that we experienced. This trip signif ies the calling and vocation of our ministry, an evangelistic ministry to reach out to the lost souls and win the lost for the Lord. It?s not just a Spiritual Awakening for the land of Probolinggo, it?s not just Spiritual Awakening for each individual in our team. It?s also a Spiritual Awakening for our Mission Ministry. In closing, all I can say is: To Love, To Serve. Jesus!

LIANNA: There are many things that I have learned and encountered in this trip. I relied on God more throughout the trip. Being a translator has definitely been a privilege for me, I am only His mouth piece to f low through the message and the touch of God. I have seen myself grow in my translation ministry; from nervous, stress, overwhelmed to composed, assured, and convicted. God is just simply amazing! I may have come with no expectation for this trip, but God has given me so much more than what I expected and could have imagined. All in all, I want to give thanks to God, for He is good and all the glory and praises are His!

KALEB: This is my 5th mission trip with this team, and the 3rd time I am serving as an interpreter. This event marks my breakthrough in my walk with God. I found my purpose in this mission trip and I thank God that I am part of this mission team. I have learned so many things and now I feel that I am walking in a new level in my spiritual l ife. I can see clearly that God is working through this mission team and through everyone of us. Indeed there's a massive spiritual awakening in this mission trip, for myself , for the team, and for the city of Probolinggo. All glory to God!!!

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ZERUS: This trip was phenomenon not only because of miracles, but really because God hold up to His word, a word that was told during my f irst trip to Probolinggo. I received a prophecy from Pastor Daud this trip which was a comforting point for me that even when men reject me, God will look at me dif ferently, and will always send me on an uncharted waters just for a single soul. It gave me the confidence to continue my path and even now more doors are opening for me. I thank God for my friends and this will def initely not be my last trip. 

No one has ever gone poor by giving and surrendering our hearts to God can never be a wrong choice. Let us dedicate our lives unto God and be on an adventurous journey with Christ.

ZHENG WEI: This trip was definitely an eye-opener and life changing for me. I was very impacted by many things during the trip. I have encountered God in so many ways in just the short 5 days. I have witnessed signs and wonders, and saw miracles happening in our midst. All these was definitely the work of God and God was indeed in our midst during the trip! It is truly a joy to serve His people in this mission trip, especially with the company of this team. I def initely had fun and enjoyed myself . Even though it was physically t iring, it was all worth it. This is my f irst mission trip, but it will def initely not be my last one. I thank God for all the good things that happened; for allowing me to grow spiritually, for all the signs and wonders and miracles that took place, for strength that last us through, for journey mercy, for His strong presence throughout the trip, for the 237 souls saved, for using us as a will ing and yielded vessels to impact l ives, and for opening the doors in Probolinggo and Mt. Bromo.

WEI SIANG: Many trips have passed, we have grown to be ministers and the honest truth is that I have forgotten those fervent cry from that simple heart, but God remembers. This trip, 237 hands were raised, a lady walked into church with crutches and left totally healed, a bed-ridden man sat upright once again, a vil lage once inaccessible welcomes us to minister to its school. The atmosphere throughout the trip was just charged with faith. I stopped counting for a second and realized what a great victory the Lord has given us. He tells me that He was here with us right from the start and will always be. We do not need to worry about our lives for He has all of us in the palm of His hands, man may have forgotten but God will never forget. On a personal note, I once asked from God to just let me be His humble servant to serve Him in any capacity, but I left this trip knowing my true identity, that in His eyes, I?m not a servant but a son, a child of the most high God.

TETTY: Every mission trip is just l ike a new chapter of my life. Probolingo is pretty new to me as this is the 2nd time I am there. This trip has reminded and taught me a few things, that is to be humble before the Lord, to put Jesus in the center of our relationships, believing in what we have sowed, to be a will ing vessel and led by the Holy Spirit. During this trip, it was my f irst t ime covering as a main photographer at such a big event. Even though I was extremely beat and tired, I was happy, happy to get a chance to wonder around with God's strength and grace. I managed to cover the whole event with some beautiful shoots and also managed to experience the f low of the spirit.

RACHEL: The one thing that amazed me the most in this trip is the salvation during the Easter event. 51% of the people receiving salvation is just ... mind blowing. It is a privilege to see what God is doing in Probolinggo and watch things unfold and doors open every trip there. In the init ial trips, I would have let certain factors determine if I would sign up for mission trips and it was by His grace that everything was going smoothly then. But i know He wants to take away these 'if 's so that it wouldn't stand in the way of me serving in future. In this trip, I have learned how to trust Him fully in all circumstances and to just be stil l and trust Him for strength and recovery. And He did give me the joy and strength to go on with the rest of the trip! He will always carry us through!

Page 17: Probolinggo mission trip (17 21 apr) spiritual awakening


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