INDIA September 2017 I Vol. 18 I No. 9 FBO SPOTLIGHT Surjit Singh PRODUCT FOCUS Forever Hand Sanitizer SUCCESS DAY Jalandhar

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INDIA September 2017 I Vol. 18 I No. 9


PRODUCT FOCUS Forever Hand Sanitizer


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I simply began Forever with a dream, as many Forever Business Owners do. How we accomplish with that dream, is entirely up to each one of us individually.

There’s an adage based on Parkinson’s Law that says,

“work expands to fill the time we allot to it.”

Putting this in our language, if you tell yourself that it will take you one year to become a Manager, then it will take you one year. If you tell yourself that it will take you three months to become a Manager, then it will take you three months. The question you must ask yourself then is how badly do you want to reach your goals and how much work are you willing to put into accomplishing them?

Today, Not Someday

This is motivation by deadline. As I’ve gotten to know many of our FBOs around the world, I’ve been fascinated by their stories. What makes them successful? What makes them unique? There’s one FBO whose story has ignited my interest in this theory, one that exemplifies Parkinson’s Law.

When this young mother found the opportunity, she knew she only had a short time to prove this was a viable business for her family. Her motivations tugged at her daily, reminding her she needed a way out of the current life she and her family lived.

With the constant pain her family was enduring daily, she committed to proving this business would work in just a few weeks. There wasn’t just a dedication to this time frame, there was urgency and dependency on the belief that Forever would be her saving grace. She gave herself six weeks and did you know that six weeks was all it took for this FBO to make Manager?

In fact, using the same principles, this FBO landed a coveted position in the Global Leadership Team in just a few short years, changing her life completely.

It was all because of urgency. Urgency is defined as importance requiring swift action. Think about how quickly you’d like to create second income for yourself, quit your day job, get a new car that you can depend on or even afford to give your children better education.

Are you ready to make massive progress in your business? Be motivated by deadline and give yourself that sense of urgency to see your dreams come to life.

Forever Yours,

Rex MaughanCEO, Forever Living Products

As we get closer to Forever’s 40th birthday, I’m reminded that I didn’t begin Forever knowing that in 40 years it would operate in more than 150 countries and have a sales force of millions of independent business owners.


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Together We Rise

There is the recognition it comes with, but more importantly, there are traits that define the type of FBO an Eagle Manager represents. These following four characteristics are not the only identifiers of a true leader, but they are several of the strongest qualities seen in these high-achievers.


Having faith in yourself, the products, the business and the journey is not only a core ingredient of an excellent Forever leader, but it’s also the special power that keeps Eagle Managers positive and persevering. When an Eagle has true belief, they can accomplish anything because believing and desire is half of the secret to success. With strong belief, nothing can shake a leader.


If you asked an Eagle Manager what they want to achieve next month, they may tell you that they want to increase their sales by 15%. When you go back to that Eagle the following month, you can bet they have achieved it and they are ready to report on how they did it. Part of being an Eagle means you’re committed to do what it takes to complete your goal.


You may be thinking that communication is an obvious trait for a network marketer, but you’ll be surprised at how many FBOs don’t fully understand what communication entails. Leaders are masters at this skill using it to influence others to accomplish their mission by providing direction, motivation and purpose. Communication is verbal, as well as non-verbal. It means being able to express positive news and recognition, but also being able to give criticism and report on negative feedback.


Possibly one of the most important traits of a leader is consistency. Ensuring that you have steadfast adherence to the same principles means you’ve become an unsinkable ship. No matter how rough the seas get, your ship never fails you. Consistency is built through building the right habits and keeping the end in mind. Eagles are a true representation of consistency because they have built businesses that bring not only themselves into the light of success, but they also focus on bringing others up. To accomplish this, they must be able train, mentor and guide other FBOs through their journeys.

Qualification for Eagle Manager 2018 is open until April 30th, 2018. Are you up for the challenge? I urge you to talk to other Eagles to ask them about their success and discover what it takes to be one of these leaders. Also, be sure to follow the events happening at this year’s Eagle Manager’s Retreat by following Forever on social media and searching the hashtag #EMR17. You’ll soon find out why you don’t want to miss the opportunity to be part of this elite group.

Keep Smiling,

Gregg MaughanPresident, Forever Living Products

In less than a month, several of the staff and a few thousand FBOs will be waving off the coast of Barcelona as the Freedom of the Seas cruise ship takes them through the Mediterranean. This is one of the rewards of being an Eagle Manager, but while it’s a significant part of the Eagle incentive, there’s something I believe we haven’t talked about enough – what it means to be an Eagle.

What Eagle Managers Represent

Part of being an Eagle means you’re committed to do what it takes to complete your goal.



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JALANDHAR SUCCESS DAYSUNDAY, 20TH AUGUST 2017 | Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium

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in return. It’s our cheerful expectant attitude that says to everyone with whom we come in contact that we expect the best in our dealings with our world.

Our attitude is something we can control and nurture, we can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day, in fact we do just that whether we realise it or not and all the people in our world will reflect back to us, the attitude we present to them. It is therefore our attitude towards life that determines the life’s attitude back towards us, cause and effect, everything we say or do, will cause a corresponding effect. If we are happy and cheerful, others will reflect that good cheer back to us, we are the kind of person others enjoy being around, the opposite is also true. You and I are responsible for our lives, you and I produce causes all day long every day of our lives and our environment can only return to us the corresponding effect. That’s why each of us determines the quality of our own lives, we get back what we put out.

Would you say people tend to react to you in a smiling positive manner with friendly greetings when you meet them, or the opposite? Your answer to that question will tell a story! Earl Nightingale remembers the time when a couple bought a home across the street from him in Florida, apparently they had been planning the move for years. Only several months later it was surprising to see them packing so he walked across the street and asked the man why they were leaving so soon after they made the move?

‘My wife hates it here, we are going back home’ the neighbour replied. He asked him why his wife hated it here and he replied ‘because she hasn’t

It is largely accepted today that where you are today is mainly due to your attitude towards moving on in life? You are not born with your attitude, it has to be consciously shaped and groomed in the right direction, but of course that again depends on your attitude. Wise men and women consider everyone and every situation to be their teacher. I love personal development materials like ‘Lead the Field’ by Earl Nightingale that are full of ideas that can turn your life around. Suddenly the lights get turned on and we can see the world differently! When that happens opportunities take on a new meaning, even though they have been there all the time, unnoticed.

Every day we put in play, actions and ideas that will determine what our tomorrow brings. For some, these ideas lead to extraordinary achievements and rewards, but for most they tend to produce a kind of middle ground in which great number of people follow those who themselves don’t know where they are going. Their actions and ideas lead to repeated frustration and problems as they don’t change their attitude. Success or failure is not a matter of luck or circumstance or fate or the breaks we get or who we know, it’s a matter of following a common-sense rules of success. Out of many of these rules that determines our levels of success, if you had to pick one what would that be?

Amongst many of my mentors who have helped me shape my attitude and my destiny, is Earl Nightingale. In ‘Lead the Field’ he describes this one attribute which is fundamental to all success and it is a healthy attitude, attitude is the magic word. Our attitude tells the world what we expect

been accepted here, the other women in the community have left her alone, she has made no friends, she hasn’t been asked to participate in any of the community activities’.

He asked ‘has your wife let the other women know that she is interested in participating in the community activities?’ He stopped what he was doing, thought for a moment and said ‘No, no she hasn’t, she has been waiting for the women to ask her!’ She didn’t know that the community could only give her back a reflection of her own attitude. Here was a woman in her 60’s who had never learned the first important rule of a successful living. Our surroundings, our environment is often a mirror of ourselves, it will only reflect back our own attitude.

Wishing you a very healthy attitude!

Amarjit Ubhi Country Sales Manager


ATTITUDE is the magic word


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Aloe Vera As History has recorded it!

Find out more in Good Health - The Aloe Way

The first detailed discussion of Aloe's medicinal value is probably that which is found in the Papyrus Ebers, an Egyptian document written around B.C. 1550. This document apparently gives twelve formulas for mixing Aloe with other agents to help correct both internal and external human disorders. The first milestone in Western man's detailed understanding of medicinal plants is the work of Hippocrates (460B.C.- 375B.C.), also known as the “father of modern medicine.” His Material Medica makes no direct mention of Aloe, but during that same period, the plant, according to Copra's Indigenous Drugs of India, had come into widespread use.

In Greek pharmacology, the plant was first mentioned by Celsius (B.C. 25 - 50 A.D.), but his comments were limited to its power as a purgative. The first Western benchmark in man's understanding of Aloe is the Greek herbal of Dioscorides (41 A.D.- 68 A.D.). This master of Roman pharmacology developed his knowledge and skill as he travelled widely with the armies of that empire. Dioscorides gave the first detailed description of the plant we call Aloe Vera, and attributed to its juices "the power of binding, of inducing sleep." He noted as well that it "loosens the belly, cleansing the stomach." He further added that this "bitter" Aloe (the sap) was beneficial to heal for boils; that it eased hemorrhoids; that it aided in healing bruises; that it was good for the tonsils, the gums, and all general mouth irritations; and that it worked wonders for the eyes. Dioscorides further observed that the whole leaf, when pulverized, could help stop the bleeding of many wounds.

It took early man thousands of years to develop what we know today as the modern understanding of plants, of what can and cannot be consumed, of what will heal and what will harm. Most of our marketed medicines are distillations, combinations, reproductions or variations of substances found in nature.

A well known proverb says that "only a healthy man can be free." It is only when we lose our health that we realize what is our biggest asset in life.

Man is a part of Nature. The evolution of the civilizations saw men drifting apart from Nature, resulting in a loss of the natural equilibrium of life. As man's awareness of disadvantages of modern lifestyle gained ground, he finds himself drawn towards the benefits of organic food and natural medicinal plants. People are now beginning to find a solution for increasing health problems in products based on safer and more natural remedies with no side effects. The plants have again entered our households!

The revived interest in herbalism is focusing on over 30,000 registered plants that have medicinal and nutritional properties. Aloe Vera holds a top position on that list, thanks to its healing and nutritional capacity. Aloe Vera contains many active nutrients and medicinal compounds which synergistically help complex and interdependent biochemical processes.

Evolution Theories of the Wonder Plant:As we noted earlier - everything old is gaining new interest again! The virtues of the plant have been recorded by many great civilizations, from those of Persia and Egypt in the Middle East, to those of Greece and Italy in Europe, to those of India and the African continent. The plant is widely known in Asia and the Pacific, and is found in the folklore of the Japanese, the Philippines and the Hawaiians. The Spanish used Aloe, and carried it with them to their new world colonies in South America and the Caribbean. Among the plant's earliest champions were some of the great figures in the history of medicine and medical thought. In each age, on each continent, in each culture, Aloe Vera has drawn the attention of the most sophisticated of minds.


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Kaptan Singh & Meena Rani

Ajay Kumar Anmol Manish Kumar Pandey

Subir Mondal

Achieved by developing two (2) 1st generation sponsored recognized managers. Full details in Company Policy


For all Position AchieversAll photographs should be taken against a plain background with a straight pose. Size should be 4 inches by 6 inches, if submitted with a cc request card. Photos printed with computer printers will not be accepted. If you are sending your photo via email, please scan the photo (4 inch by 6 inch) in 300 dpi. Please do not forget to mention your FBO ID, achieving position and contact details. The attachment size should not exceed more than 2mb. Send your photographs to [email protected]. Attire should be business (suit and tie) with no busy patterns. Your photos should reach Mumbai Head Office before the 25th of the achieving month. Only clear photos of FBOs and spouse will be accepted. Photos of couple should be together as shown below (Photos with other family members other than spouse will not be accepted.)

Photos of couple should be together as shown in Fig. 1 in small size, separate photos like in Fig. 2 will not be taken for print.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2


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Chanpreet Singh Dindi Anil Kumar Leaderson Syntem

Maninder Burfiwala Manmohan Singh Mukesh Kumar

Pramod Kumar Soni Raghu Prasad Challur Rajat Sharma

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

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Achieved by accumulating 120 CC in 1 or 2 consecutive months. Full details in Company Policy

Karam Chand & Krishna

Shikha & Gopal

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma Sanjib Mandal


Dipak Kumar Das

Hardeep Singh

Harvinder Singh

Kamalpreet Singh

Karamjeet Singh

Kirna Rani & Ramesh Kumar

Parimal Roy

Rais Ahmad

Ramandeep Singh

Ravinder Singh

Ritumani Thakuria

Sandeep Singh

Satish Kumar

Sikanderpal Singh

Subir Mondal

Sunita Rathod

Tarushi Datta

Treesa & V.R. Kishore

For all Position AchieversAll photographs should be taken against a plain background with a straight pose. Size should be 4 inches by 6 inches, if submitted with a cc request card. Photos printed with computer printers will not be accepted. If you are sending your photo via email, please scan the photo (4 inch by 6 inch) in 300 dpi. Please do not forget to mention your FBO ID, achieving position and contact details. The attachment size should not exceed more than 2mb. Send your photographs to [email protected]. Attire should be business (suit and tie) with no busy patterns. Your photos should reach Mumbai Head Office before the 25th of the achieving month. Only clear photos of FBOs and spouse will be accepted. Photos of couple should be together as shown below (Photos with other family members other than spouse will not be accepted.)

Photos of couple should be together as shown in Fig. 1 in small size, separate photos like in Fig. 2 will not be taken for print.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2


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with Aloe & HoneyForever Hand Sanitizer™


With the kind of fast paced life that we lead, it is practically impossible to avoid those trillions of unseen organisms termed germs that swarm our planet. Exposure to the various elements like heat, humidity, pollution, toxic emissions, garbage, wasteland etc. makes us susceptible to sickness and diseases. Much as we may wish them away, they are a living reality and to be equipped to deal with them effectively was never as paramount as perhaps the modern times.

When you’re trying to keep yourself and your family healthy, some of your biggest enemies are the ones you can’t see. Being an active person it is expected that you come in contact with just about everything—including plenty of germs. However, just like on so many previous occasions, Forever Living Products has once again come to our rescue! Forever Hand Sanitizer with Aloe & Honey is designed to kill 99.99% of germs. While the alcohol being a good antiseptic ensures complete protection from pathogens, stabilized Aloe Vera Gel soothes the skin while honey helps hydrate and moisturize. The pleasing scent of lemon is a great up lifter and mood enhancer, while lavender besides the lovely soothing aroma, has excellent anti-septic and anti-fungal properties.

Additionally, the 2-oz bottle makes it the perfect size for us to have on hand anywhere, any time! Let’s face it – if you’re an active family, there’s not much you can do about picking up a few germs. But you do have a choice to get rid of them quickly. Forever Hand Sanitizer – a big peace of mind in a tiny bottle. As the saying goes, most good things come in small packages!!

Instructions to Use:

Take Rs.5/- coin size of Forever Hand Sanitizer on your palm and wet hands thoroughly with the product. Briskly rub hand together until dry. Children under 6 years of age should be supervised when using this product.

Warnings: This product is meant for external use only and is flammable, so keep away from fire of flame. Do not use this product in or near the eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water. Avoid contact with broken skin. Keep out of reach of children.

THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED by the Food & Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.


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2) Can I claim a refund/exchange from the FBO?

Yes, all products that bear an invoice or cash memo and have not been tampered with, are eligible for exchange, return and refund from the FBO that you have purchased the product from..

3) I purchased FLP product from xyz.com website? Is it genuine? What is the guarantee on that product?

Online Selling on websites other than the company’s official website www.foreverliving.com is NOT endorsed, neither promoted, nor approved by the Company. Products of Forever Living can only be bought through an authorized FBO of the company or directly from the company either through the offices across India or through the ‘Aloe Store’ which is accessed only through the company website or through emails addressed to the company’s order processing team.

FLP CANNOT and will NOT guarantee the quality, shelf life, authenticity of the product if purchased from any 3rd party online selling websites. Moreover, FLP cannot be held responsible for any consequences due to the consumption or application of the products purchased through these online portals.

FLP does not sell its products through any 3rd party websites. The official online selling portal for FLP India is the Aloe Store India, which is accessed through the FBO Login at www.foreverliving.com

1) How can you be sure that you are purchasing a product from a genuine Forever Business Owner (FBO)?

Offline: While purchasing a product, ask the individual who is providing you with the product for their FBO ID# card. Ensure that the FBO provides you with an invoice or a cash memo for your purchases. All such purchases, which hold the 12-digit FBO ID and a valid cash memo, along with an un-tampered product label, will be treated as a genuine sale by the company.

Online: You will receive an email from the company with the Company Logo along with your Aloe Store Order Details and a 12-digit FBO ID#. This ensures that your online purchase is genuine.


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With such uncertainties on portals and other unauthorized sources, are you willing to take the risk?

It’s not JUST YOUR money, it’s YOUR HEALTH at stake


4) Can I claim a refund/exchange from xyz.com website?

Just like the product, there are NO guarantees on refunds from 3rd party online websites. If purchases are made through the Aloe Store India and if the product has not been dispatched, FLP can refund the amount of that purchase and cancel the order.

5) I purchased a product from a medical/general store? Is it a genuine product?

Products purchased through a registered Forever Business Owner with a 12-digit FBO ID#, or directly through the company offices can be deemed as genuine. Any products purchased from any other medium cannot be deemed as genuine.

6) I purchased a product, but I noticed that the MRP label is damaged? Is it safe?

IT IS A SERIOUS OFFENCE TO TAMPER WITH QUALITY SEALS AND/OR MRP LABELS. IT ATTRACTS LEGAL & PUNITIVE ACTIONS BY THE AUTHORITIES. Whether or not, this was purchased from an FBO or an online website, you have the right to return the product and claim for a refund or exchange from the FBO/3rd party online website (Please refer to Question 5).





For any complaints, email [email protected]

Issued in the interest of General Public and Customers of Forever Living Products Iindia


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• Each FBO is required to become familiar with the company policy. For quick reference each FBO application has an “Abridged Version” of the company policy.


1. DOES NOT claim/guarantee that an FBO will achieve financial success without working or by relying solely on the efforts of others. Compensation in FLP is based only on the sale of the products. An FBO is an independent contractor whose success/ failure depends on his / her personal efforts. You DO NOT get paid merely by recruiting people.

2. DOES NOT give rights / sole selling agency to any individual / concern / organization of a particular area / territory / city. FLP offers a business opportunity to individuals to build and develop their own networks and team.

3. DOES NOT ask / compel you to purchase products in more quantities than your immediate requirement either for sale or consumption. NO investments or bulk purchases are allowed in FLP. If you come across any individual offering investment schemes, please notify the company for immediate action.

4. DOES NOT allow sales of its products on 3rd party E- commerce sites. FLP does not extend product guarantees to product bought off these sites. FLP products should only be bought from registered FBOs or the Company counters and website.

• FLP products are NOT to be sold loose/ repacked etc. except for the official packing. FBO's are not permitted to sell or display FLP India literature or products in retail stores. FBOs who have service-oriented offices, barber shops, beauty shops and health clubs are exceptions and will be allowed to display and sell products within their office, shop or club with prior approval from the head office. However, Exterior signs or window displays by such FBOs to advertise FLP, FLP India or FLP products will not be permitted.

• FLP has NO joining fee, NO annual fee, NO renewal fee (ref. page 2 of the FBO Application)

• FLP makes NO Medical claims on their products. We are NOT DOCTORS & our products are NOT MEDICINES. FBOs of Forever Living Products are prohibited to promote any product of this company to solve or cure any kind of disease. To associate our products with any disease is not allowed and is a violation of the company policy and liable for termination. If you have any kind of health problem you should consult your physician. Please read “The Fine Line” to clearly understand the difference between Drugs / Medicine and dietary supplements. The Fine Line PDF can be downloaded by visiting http://bit.ly/FineLine

Each FBO must understand, follow & implement the above and teach the same to their team members.


1. You should be aware that unapproved promotional items cannot be used or sold. Pre-approved newspaper adverts, flyers, banners, FBO visiting cards are now available to download on Foreverliving.com under the FBO login. Most promotional and official marketing material can be downloaded from here.

2. The only approved book by FLP, that you may use as a tool for Aloe Vera is, “Good Health the Aloe Way”


• Bonus Payments through cheque will incur a deduction of Rs 50/-. Please sign-up for Electronic Clearance using our ECS Form available at www.foreverliving.com. Please note this form is also given to you with your application prospectus

• The minimum Bonus Payment each month is Rs. 250/- (Rs. Two hundred fifty). If the bonus earned in a month is less than the minimum limit, the bonus will be paid once the accumulated bonus payment crosses the minimum limit criteria i.e. Rs 250/- or at the end of the Financial Year.

Please revert to [email protected] for any queries or clarification.


General Queries & Customer Care: [email protected] FOR QUERIES RELATED TO:



Website Passwords/ Re-sponsoring/ Novus Customer 6-month Policy/ International Sponsoring/ Change of FBO details/ Dispatches of Bonus Cheques/ Incentive Qualifications/ Events. [email protected]


Product/ Literature Orders and deliveries/ Aloe [email protected]


ECS Facility/ Bonus Cheques/ Form 16/ TDS & Service Tax

[email protected]


FLP360 / Literatures / Recognition Photos / Testimonials / Social Media

[email protected]

Emailing Guidelines: Kindly quote your Forever Business ID and Name with your contact details in your email. Please do not send out multiple emails to different email addresses as this will slow down our response process. Emails should be sent to IDs specific to your query.

1. New FBO Applications will not be accepted during the last 2 days of the month. We request you to register new applications at the counter 2 days prior to the last day of the month.

2. For all online joining: Please note that we are happy to accept your online printed forms and the supporting documentation to complete your registration process until the last day of the month, however the system will require one working day for the process to be completed and for the information to reflect in our regional offices.



Monday, 2nd Gandhi Jayanti All India Offices

Thursday, 19th Diwali Laxmi Pujan All India Offices

Friday, 20th Diwali (New Year)

Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Jaipur,

Delhi, Mohali, Jammu, Meerut, Banglore,


Saturday, 21st Diwali (Bhai Dooj)Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Delhi, Meerut,

Wednesday, 25th All FLP Offices will Remain Open

Thursday, 26th

Chhat Puja Ranchi, PatnaFriday, 27th



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ASSISTANT MANAGERS Achieved by accumulating 75 CCs in 1 or 2 consecutive months. Full details in Company Policy


Akram Hussain

Archana Sanjay Zadokar

Ashok Daulatrao Tapre

Atula Imchen

Avdhesh Kumar

Baldev Singh

Batskhem Dhar

Beauty Sarkar Mondal

Bhawani Parshad

Davinder Singh

Devadathum I V

Dharm Singh

Jancy Paulson

Jitendra Kumar

Johnson K. K.

Kausik Mukherjee

Kazhuni Phesao

Kiranjeet Kaur & Jugraj Singh

Krishna Singha Das

Laxmi Narayan

Navdeep Sharma

Neetu & Anil Tiwari


Pothuri Srinivasulu

Priti & Vineet Nandan Pandey

Ravi Kumar

Reenu & Yogendra Kumar

Rohit Rupchand Wasnik

Sahab Singh

Sangeeta Rani & Jawahar Lal

Sawarn Singh

Shailesh Kumar Yadav

Sufiya Akhtar & M. Ahmad

Sulekha Devi

Sunil Kumar

Suresh Chand

Varughese Koshy

Vicky Kumar Keshri

Zaki Anwar

Forever Living India is happy to announce it’s second Rise Against Hunger India movement in October.

For more information,



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Achal Kumar

Akash Kumar Gupta

Amandeep Singh

Amarjit Kaur

Amiable Myrchiang

Amit Poonia

Amita & Pawan Kumar Nigam

Anil Kumar


Arun Sharma

Ashish Sharma

Ashish Thakorbhai Patel

Avneet Singh

Babita Sinha

Bal Kishan Gupta

Balwinder Singh

Bipasha Roy

Bipin Kumar Yadav

Biplob Kanti Paul

Brij Kishore Sinha

Chandra Shekhar Bhatt

Dalbir Singh


Debasish Bouri

Deshranjan Jana

Dharmender Singh

Dinabandhu Sahu

Divanshu Kumar

Embhahlangki Sumer

England War

Fahim Ahmed Khan

Furkan Ali


Gaurav Aggarwal

Gaurav Sharma

Gopal Singh

Gurmukh Singh

Hardeep Singh

Harsh Wadhwa

Harshit Sachar

Himanshu Sawhney


Jai Shankar Yadav

Janardhan Bommilla

Jaspreet Singh

Joni Kumari Devi & Bijendra Kumar Ram

Joseph M. J.

Jyot & Indarpal Singh Chopra

Kallol Chatterjee

Kanta Kumari

Kavita Chaudhary

Khaliquddin Nasir Shaikh

Khursheed Anwar

Kiran Bubna

Kiran Devi Agarwal

Kokkiligadda Sambasivarao

Krishna Jaladanki

Krushna Ashok Tapre

Kuldeep Singh

Kumari Mukta

Kumri Velu Kizhaknadath

Kusum Devi & Raju Beldar

Lalit Kumar Sharma

Madhavi & Karunakar Bommi

Madhulika Datta

Mahesh Ch. Kalita

Mamata Debnath

Maninder Singh Litt

Manmohan Yadav

Manoj Kumar

Mathew Kutty P. C.

Meenal Dharia

Mohammad Athar

Mohammad Azhar

Mohammad Jawed

Mohammad Shahzad

Mohammed Zakiuddin

Mohd. Danish

Mohd. Masroop

Mohd. Tahir

Mohinder Lal

Mukesh Kumar

Nahar Singh

Narendra Kumar


Page 19: PRODUCT FOCUSs3.foreverliving.com/a1J0V00000CilmhUAB/1504868980782Newsletter... · INDIA September 2017 I Vol. 18 I No. 9 FBO SPOTLIGHT Surjit Singh PRODUCT FOCUS Forever Hand Sanitizer

From January 2013 recognitions, we will be printing only those Supervisor names who are active in the final month of qualification of their level.

Achieved by accumulating 25 CC in 1 or 2 consecutive months. Full details in Company Policy

Naveen Grover

Navin Kumar Sinha

Nirmal Das

Nirosh Devi

Nisha Bansal

Noor Jahan

Nripendra Das

Om Prakash Sharma

Palisetti Haritha

Pandi Rama Mohan

Pankaj Maurya

Parmod Gupta

Pawan Kumar Singh

Pemmiwon S.

Pinki Kumari

Poonam Devi & Rajesh Kumar

Prabhat Upadhyay

Prabhdeep Singh Gill

Pranab Ghosh

Prasanna Kumar Panda

Pratima Ghosh

Punit Dheer

Punmeshwar Kumar

Radha Vasantha Kumar Bathala



Rakesh Kumar

Rakesh Kumar Karush

Ram Bhawan Misra

Ram Kishore Awasthi

Ramesh Yadav

Ramveer Singh

Randhir Singh

Ratnam Singamsetty

Ravi Kumar Gupta


Richa Sharma

Rohit Jaiswal

Rupinder Singh

S Venkateshwar Rao


Sandeep Kumar

Sandeep Kumar

Sandhya & Piyush Prakash Singh

Sanjay Darla

Sanjay Dutt Sharma

Sanjay Kumar Saini

Sanjeev Kumar

Sanjib Mitra

Sanjoy Sarkar

Santhosh P. M.

Shevanti Atmaram Girmil

Shiv Pratap Singh

Shivam Kakkar

Sona Ram Das

Sonu Kumar Modi

Sridevi Gummadi

Subhash Chand

Suchandra Mitra

Sujit Kumar Murmade

Sukamal Maity

Sukhdeep Singh

Sumati Nayak

Sumitra Biswas

Sunil Kumar Verma

Suraj Kushwaha

Suraj Soni



T. Anungla Jamir

Thankachan K. G.

Usha Tensingh

Uttam Gorai

Valikala Srinivasulu

Vallepu Anjali

Vaseem Khan

Vidharthi Rao

Vijay Kumar

Vikram Kumar

Vimlesh Khandelwal

Virendra Jaggi


Wilson Paul A.

Yash Pal Singh

Yogesh Kumar

Yogesh Kumar Saini

Zuber Ali


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Mondays 1:00 p.m.Skin Care/ Personal Care**

Tuesdays 11:00 a.m. BOPP

Wednesdays No Seminars*

Thursdays No Seminars*

Fridays 11:00 a.m.Marketing Plan/ FBO Training**

Saturdays 1:00 p.m.Personal Care/ Health & Nutrition**

Sundays Closed

* Product Centre will be open ** Please refer to the notice board for more details.


Mondays3:30 p.m. Skin Care

5:30 p.m. Marketing Plan / BOPP*


3:30 p.m. Products (M)

5:30 p.m.BOPP / FBO Training /Marketing Plan* (M)

Wednesday Closed

Thursdays No Seminars (Product Centre Open)


1:30 p.m. BOPP / FBO Training*

3:30 p.m. Weight Management / Health & Nutrition*

5:30 p.m. Product Demo / Motivational Training*

1:30 p.m. BOPP


3:30 p.m. Personal Care

5:30 p.m.FBO Training / Marketing Plan*


1:30 p.m. BOPP

3:30 p.m. Health & Nutrition

5:30 p.m. BOPP

(M)=Marathi *Please refer to the notice board for more details.


Mondays12:00 noon Health & Nutrition

3:00 p.m. BOPP

5:00 p.m. Marketing Plan

Tuesdays1:00 p.m. Personal Care

3:00 p.m. Skin Care

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Wednesdays Closed

Thursdays3:00 p.m. BOPP

5:00 p.m. Aloe Drinks & Bee Hive


12:00 noon BOPP

3:00 p.m. Marketing Plan

5:00 p.m. FBO Training

12:00 noon Health & Nutrition

Saturdays 3:00 p.m. FBO Training

5:00 p.m. Marketing Plan

Jalandhar Success Day on 20th August 2017 at Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar

Mohali Success Day on 23rd August 2017 at Inderdhanush HUDA Auditorium, Panchkula


Mondays 5:00 p.m.

BOPP (H) 1st & 5th

Health & Nutrition (H) 2nd

Marketing Plan (H) 3rd

FBO Training (H) 4th

Tuesdays No Seminars*

Wednesdays Closed

Thursdays No Seminars*

Fridays No Seminars*

Saturdays 4:00 p.m. BOPP (T)

Sundays3:00 p.m.

Health & Nutrition Products (T)

5:00 p.m. Marketing Plan (T)

(H)=Hindi (T)=Telugu *Please refer to the notice board for more details.

Seminar Schedules(15th September 2017 - 16th October 2017)




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Seminar Schedules(15th September 2017 - 16th October 2017)


Mondays No Seminars

Tuesdays 4:00 p.m. Personal Care

Wednesdays Closed

Thursdays 4:00 p.m.Weight Management (1st & 3rd)

Health & Nutrition (2nd & 4th) 6:00 p.m. BOPP

Fridays 6:00 p.m. Motivational Training* (1st Friday only)

Saturdays4:00 p.m. Skin Care

6:00 p.m. Marketing Plan

1:00 p.m. BOPP

Sundays 3:00 p.m. Health & Nutrition

5:00 p.m. FBO Training

Ahmedabad Product Fair on 17th September 2017 at Ahmedabad RDO *Please refer to the notice board for more details.


Mondays3:00 p.m. Personal Care

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Tuesdays3:00 p.m.

Aloe Vera, Health & Nutrition Products

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Wednesdays Closed

Thursdays3:00 p.m. Skin & Beauty Care

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Fridays3:00 p.m. Wt. Mgmt.

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Saturdays12.00 noon3:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.

Motivational Training (1st) Personal CareMarketing Plan


11.00 a.m. BOPP

1.00 p.m. Product Trainning

3.00 p.m. Marketing Plan

5.00 p.m. FBO Training

Please refer to the notice board for more details.


Mondays3:00 p.m. BOPP5:00 p.m. Wt. Mgmt.

11.00 a.m. Personal Care


1:00 p.m. Skin Care*3:00 p.m. BOPP5:00 p.m. Marketing Plan

7:00 p.m. Aloe Vera, Health & Nutrition Products

Wednesdays Closed


3:00 p.m. BOPP

5:00 p.m. Aloe Vera, Health & Nutrition Products

7:00 p.m. Motivational Training


3:00 p.m. BOPP

5:00 p.m. FBO Training

7:00 p.m. Aloe Vera, Health & Nutrition Products


11:00 a.m. Motivational Training3:00 p.m. Personal Care

5:00 p.m. BOPP

7:00 p.m. FBO Training


11.00 a.m.

BOPP1.00 p.m.3:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.

Delhi Success Day on 17th September 2017 at Thyagraj Sports Complex, Shri Ganga Nath Marg, INA Market,

New Delhi -110003.

Lucknow & Patna

Mondays 5:00 p.m. BOPP

Tuesdays 3:00 p.m.Health & Nutrition/

Weight Management*

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Wednesdays Closed

Thursdays 3:00 p.m. Skin Care/ Personal Care*

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Fridays 5:00 p.m. BOPP

Saturdays1:00 p.m.

FBO Training/ Marketing Plan *

3:00 p.m. Health & Nutrition

5:00 p.m. BOPP

Sundays No Seminars

Patna Success Day on 14th October 2017 at Sri Krishna Memorial Hall, North Gandhi Maidan, Patna- 800 001

*Please refer to the notice board for more details.


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Thyagraj Sports Complex, Shri Ganga Nath Marg, I N A Market, New Delhi -110 003.

Day & Date: Sunday, 17th September, 2017

Time: Registrations: 11:00 am to 1.00 pm

Success Day commences: 1:00 pm onwards Entry Passes available at your nearest RDO!

FBOs are requested to inquire at the Delhi RDO for more details.



1st Floor, Krishna House, D-8 Rajhans Soc, Nr. Nabard Residency, H.L Comm. College Rd,

Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009

Day & Date: Sunday, 17th September, 2017

Time: Product Fair Training: 12:00 noon onwards

Product Fair: 4:00 pm onwardsFBOs are requested to inquire at the Ahmedabad RDO for more details.


Sri Krishna Memorial Hall, North Gandhi Maidan, Patna- 800 001.

Day & Date: Saturday, 14th October, 2017

Time: Registrations: 11:00 am to 12.30 pm

Success Day commences: 1:30 pm onwards Entry Passes available at your nearest RDO!

FBOs are requested to inquire at the Patna RDO for more details.

VIEW YOUR BUSINESS ON YOUR MOBILE To know more, visit http://bitly.com/FLP360In

As all of us are aware that India has adopted a new tax regime of GST which has been implemented from 1st of July, 2017.

Those with a turnover of sales (bonus) of over Rupees TWENTY LACS per annum or are making any inter-state sale must be GST registered. This limit has been reduced to TEN LACS for special category states as mentioned under sub-clause (g) of clause (4) or article 279A of the Constitution.

In order to avail any benefits under this act, we request you to please provide us with your Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN). This number will be printed on all invoices generated for you by the company.

If you are liable to come under GST, please start sending the company your GSTIN’s with a copy of the registration certificate as soon as you receive them to [email protected], along with the below mentioned details: 1) Full Name of the FBO, 2) FBO ID PAN number and 3) GSTIN

Please note that in case a FBO wants any specified address on the invoice and other communication we request you to please change the same by filing the Change of Status (COS) form and send the same to the company or make the address change on the website of the company www.foreverliving.com

Please note that GST re-imbursement on the commission which will be paid on the 15th of the month, will only be made to those FBO’s who have registered their GSTIN with the company till the 15th of the month the re-imbursing month. FBO GSTIN’s received after the said date will be updated for next month’s GST re-imbursement.



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1. Placing an Order: Visit a Regional Distribution Office (RDO) OR Email to [email protected] OR Fax it to 022-6641 4007 OR Post the order to any of our RDOs

2. Forever Business Owner (FBO) Details required with every order FBO ID# & Name • Sponsor ID# & Name Delivery address with contact details of consignee Name & Contact Details of the person placing the order

3. Payment Modes a. Cash b. Credit/Debit Card (only Visa & Master Cards) c. Direct Deposit/NET Banking - Please note that for direct deposit payments, FBO orders can only

be processed once FLP gets a deposit confirmation from the bank. This may take upto 6 hours for some banks.

HSBC Bank A/C # 030-768568-001 IFSC Code: HSBC0400002 SBI Bank A/C # 0031692275772 IFSC Code: SBIN0005343 Axis Bank A/C #912020005824465 IFSC Code: UTIB0001621 Please Note: (1) Cash deposits into our SBI account will only be possible at those SBI branches which

have Core Banking Facility and Internet connectivity. Please ask your bank teller before making any deposits. (2) Effective 1st February 2016, all Direct Deposit slips sent via Email, Fax, Courier or at the FLP counter will have to be accompanied with the Direct Deposit Claim Form duly filled in with a self-attested copy of the photo ID proof. The form is available upon request at your local FLP office or by download at bitly.com/DirectDepositFormJan16

d. Demand Drafts/ Cheques: To be drawn in favour of “Forever Living Trading (India) Pvt. Ltd.”

Important Notes:• Orders with Payment on Delivery Facility will be accepted for deliveries within Delhi prior to the last

5 working days of the month and for Mumbai prior to last 2 working days of the month.• Please safeguard your money by ensuring that you make Cash/Direct Deposit payment only in the

company account. The company will not take any responsibility for financial transaction between individual Forever Business Owners.

• Orders placed in the last 3 days of the month will be processed in the same month however will be dispatched only after the 3rd/4th of the following month. Orders placed in the first 3 days of the month will be processed and dispatched only after the 5th.

• With effect from 1st June 2016, it is recommended that a copy of the Applicant’s PAN Card is submitted along with the FBO Application Form in order to facilitate the Income Tax Act Amendment dated 31st December 2015. Please note that Wholesale Price (WHP) orders through Cash/Direct Deposit transactions will NOT be processed if your PAN details are not in our system.



1st Floor, Krishna House, D-8 Rajhans Soc, Nr. Nabard Residency, H.L Comm. College Rd, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009.

Office Hours 11.00 am - 8.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


A – Santhanam Chambers, Ground Floor, Union Street No.6, Off Infantary Rd., Opp. Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Bangalore - 560 001.

Office Hours 11.00 am - 8.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm - 8.00 pm on Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


C – 150, Naraina Indl. Area, Phase I, New Delhi - 110 028.

Office Hours 10.30 am – 7.30 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm - 8.00 pm on Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


Unit No G17, Ground Floor, Geras Imperium, EDC Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa - 403 001.

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Mon. to Sat. 11.00 am - 7.00 pm Tues. & Thurs.

Closed on Sunday


8-2-293 / 82 / L / 1-A, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Opp. Omega Hospital, Hyderabad - 500 034.

Office Hours 11.00 am - 8.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


G-2, Coral Studio-I, Sahkar Marg, Lal-Kothi Scheme Jaipur - 302015

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.00 pm - 7.00 pm on Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


Chopra Central Building, Sector 8, New Bye Pass Road, Near Railway Station, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu - 180 012.

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.00 pm - 7.00 pm on Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


1st Floor, Premises No. 1, Loudon Street 1, Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Kolkata - 700 016.

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


Ground Floor, Kamal Niwas, 15 Ashok Marg, Behind SBI, Near Shakti Bhavan, Lucknow - 226 001.

Office Hours 10.30 am - 7.30 pm Fri. to Tues. 2:00 pm – 7.30 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


Gr. Flr., Sharda Plaza, Punjabipura, Delhi Road, Meerut - 250 002.Office Hours Mar. to Oct. 10.30 am - 7.30 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm - 7.30 pm Thurs. Nov. to Feb. 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.30 pm - 7.00 pm Thurs.Closed on Wednesday


Plot No. 380, Bulk Material Market Phase 11, Sector 65A, Mohali - 160 063.

Office Hours 10.30 am - 7.30 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm – 7.30 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


Forever Plaza, 74 Hill Road, Opp. St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra(W), Mumbai - 400 050.

Office Hours 11.00 am - 8.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


1st Floor, Lakheswari Bhawan, Above LG Showroom, Near Old Museum, Budh Marg, Patna - 800001

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


First Floor, Jyoti Plaza, Harmu Road, Near Kishorganj Chowk, Ranchi - 834 002

Office Hours 10.00 am - 7.00 pm Fri. to Tues. 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm Thurs.

Closed on Wednesday


First Floor, Shillong Local Centre, Barik Point, Shillong - 793 001.

Office Hours Nov – Jan 8.00 am – 5.00 pm Feb – Oct 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Closed on Sunday


















Shop Online: bitly.com/ForeverAloeStoreGuide: bitly.com/StepstoShopOnline


CALL 022-6641 4000 AND PRESS '2'

FAX 022-6641 4007EMAIL

[email protected]


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/flpindia /flpindia gplus.to/flpindia /flpindiaInsta


M.R.P. (incl. of all taxes) `50/-