P ROF . V INCENZO V ULLO CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza Università di Roma - Viale del Policlinico 155 - 00161 Roma Telefono 0649970313 Cellulare 3391522222 Fax 0649972625 E-mail [email protected] Nazionalità Italiana Codice Fiscale = VLLVCN49M20H501T Data di nascita 20/08/1949 Esperienze lavorative QUALIFICA Preside della Facoltà Di Farmacia e Medicina Sapienza Università di Roma Date (da – a) Dicembre 2014 a tutt’oggi Date (da – a) Dal 1994 a tutt’oggi Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza Università di Roma Tipo di azienda o settore Sapienza Università di Roma Tipo di impiego Professore Ordinario di Malattie Infettive Principali mansioni e responsabilità Direttore del Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza - Università di Roma Direttore del DAI di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali - Azienda Policlinico Umberto I. Direttore UOC di Malattie Infettive A - Azienda Policlinico Umberto I. Titolare dei seguenti insegnamenti: Malattie Infettive nel Corso Integrato di Patologia Integrata V (V anno – I semestre) del Corso di Laurea A in Medicina e Chirurgia; Malattie Infettive nel Corso Integrato di Medicina Clinica e Farmacologia (II anno – I semestre) del Corso di Laurea B in Infermieristica; Farmacologia e Terapia delle Malattie Infettive al IV anno della Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive. Coordinatore del corso integrato di Patologia Integrata V e del I semestre del V anno del Corso di Laurea A in Medicina e Chirurgia. Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica B. Coordinatore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive. Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Infettivologiche. Membro del Comitato Scientifico e del Consiglio d'Amministrazione

PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento

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Page 1: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento

P R O F . V I N C E N Z O V U L L O



Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma

Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza Università di Roma - Viale del Policlinico 155 - 00161 Roma

Telefono 0649970313 Cellulare 3391522222

Fax 0649972625 E-mail [email protected]

Nazionalità Italiana Codice Fiscale = VLLVCN49M20H501T

Data di nascita 20/08/1949

Esperienze lavorative

QUALIFICA Preside della Facoltà Di Farmacia e Medicina Sapienza Università di Roma

Date (da – a) Dicembre 2014 a tutt’oggi

• Date (da – a) Dal 1994 a tutt’oggi

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro

Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza Università di Roma

• Tipo di azienda o settore Sapienza Università di Roma • Tipo di impiego Professore Ordinario di Malattie Infettive

• Principali mansioni e responsabilità

• Direttore del Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive – Sapienza - Università di Roma

• Direttore del DAI di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali - Azienda Policlinico Umberto I.

• Direttore UOC di Malattie Infettive A - Azienda Policlinico Umberto I. • Titolare dei seguenti insegnamenti: Malattie Infettive nel Corso Integrato

di Patologia Integrata V (V anno – I semestre) del Corso di Laurea A in Medicina e Chirurgia; Malattie Infettive nel Corso Integrato di Medicina Clinica e Farmacologia (II anno – I semestre) del Corso di Laurea B in Infermieristica; Farmacologia e Terapia delle Malattie Infettive al IV anno della Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive.

• Coordinatore del corso integrato di Patologia Integrata V e del I semestre del V anno del Corso di Laurea A in Medicina e Chirurgia.

• Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica B. • Coordinatore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive. • Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Infettivologiche. • Membro del Comitato Scientifico e del Consiglio d'Amministrazione

Page 2: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento

della Fondazione "Eleonora Lorillard Spencer Cenci" della Sapienza Università di Roma.

• Membro della Commissione Terapeutica Aziendale dell’Azienda Policlinico Umberto I.

• Membro del Comitato per il Controllo delle Infezioni Ospedaliere dell’Azienda Policlinico Umberto I.

• Date (da – a)

1977 – 1994

• Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro

Dipartimento Malattie Infettive e Tropicali – Sapienza Università di Roma

• Tipo di azienda o settore Sapienza Università di Roma • Tipo di impiego Ricercatore Universitario – Malattie Infettive

Page 3: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento


• Date (da – a) 1982 • Nome e tipo di istituto di

istruzione o formazione Specializzazione

• Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello


Malattie Infettive

• Qualifica conseguita Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive

• Date (da – a) 1979 • Nome e tipo di istituto di

istruzione o formazione Specializzazione

• Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello


Malattie Tropicali

• Qualifica conseguita Specializzazione in Malattie Tropicali

• Date (da – a)

28/6/1974 • Nome e tipo di istituto di

istruzione o formazione Laurea

• Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello


Medicina e Chirurgia

• Qualifica conseguita Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia





Inglese • Capacità di lettura Buono

• Capacità di scrittura Buono • Capacità di espressione

orale Buono


Responsabile di progetti di ricerca del MIUR e dell’ISS; è inoltre sperimentatore principale in numerosi studi clinici nazionali ed internazionali sulla terapia antiretrovirale



Partecipazione come relatore o moderatore a numerosi congressi e convegni nazionali ed internazionali quali, a titolo di esempio, i Congressi SIMIT, ANLAIDS, ICAR, ecc.


E' autore di oltre 290 pubblicazioni in extenso riguardanti temi di Malattie Infettive e Immunologia applicata alle malattie infettive e parassitarie pubblicate su riviste nazionali ed internazionali. E' stato inoltre relatore a numerosi congressi nazionali ed internazionali.

Page 4: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento

Oltre a numerose ricerche su argomenti di patologia infettiva, dedicate specialmente allo studio dell'idatidosi, delle salmonellosi, delle infezioni da micobatteri e delle epatiti virali, da più di 15 anni svolge una continuativa attività di ricerca nel campo della malattia da HIV e patologie correlate. In particolare, sono stati approfonditi i seguenti argomenti: • patogenesi dell'infezione da HIV, con particolare riguardo ai markers

prognostici di progressione; • manifestazioni neurologiche HIV-correlate ed identificazione di markers

liquorali di danno neurologico in corso di AIDS dementia complex; • studio degli aspetti patogenetici, immunologici e diagnostici di alcune

infezioni opportunistiche • monitoraggio virologico ed immunologico della terapia antiretrovirale; • studio dell’immunità naturale in corso di infezione da HIV ed effetto dei

farmaci antiretrovirali


Oltre 330 pubblicazioni su riviste peer reviewed


ALLEGATI Principali pubblicazioni scientifiche degli ultimi 5 anni

Roma, 21/10/2015

Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali

Roma, 21/10/2015

Ai sensi e per effetto del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 ‘Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali e sensibili’, autorizzo al

trattamento dei dati e delle informazioni contenute nel curriculum vitae ai fini del procedimento ECM, consapevole che il CV verrà incluso nell'allegato all’atto della validazione della richiesta di accreditamento, e che sarà visibile nella

Banca Dati del sito ECM, accessibile a tutti gli utenti e tramite INTERNET (motori di ricerca). Autorizzo altresì il

trattamento ai fini della trasmissione (successiva allo svolgimento dell’evento formativo) alla Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua

Page 5: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento


ñ Oliva A, Gizzi F, Mascellino MT, Cipolla A, D’Abramo A, D’Agostino C, Trinchieri V, Russo G, Tierno F,

Iannetta M, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Bactericidal and synergistic activity of double-carbapenem

regimen for infections caused by carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Clinical

Microbiology and Infection. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.09.014

ñ Oliva A, Pavone P, D’Abramo A, Iannetta M, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Role of sonication in the

microbiological diagnosis of implant-associated infections: beyond the orthopedic prosthesis. Advances

in Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Public Health. In press.

ñ Fantauzzi A, Floridia M, Falasca F, Spanedda P, Turriziani O, Vullo V, Mezzaroma I. Backbone switch

to abacavir/lamivudine fixed-dose combination: implications for antiretroviral therapy optimization. New

Microbiol. 2015 Oct 20;38(4).

ñ Falcone M, Russo A, Iraci F, Carfagna P, Goldoni P, Vullo V, Venditti M. Bloodstream infections

secondary to Clostridium difficile infection: risk factors and outcomes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.

2015 Oct 19.

ñ Ceccarelli G, Oliva A, d'Ettorre G, D'Abramo A, Caresta E, Barbara CS, Mascellino MT, Papoff P,

Moretti C, Vullo V, Visca P, Venditti M. The role of vancomycin in addition with colistin and meropenem

against colistin-sensitive multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii causing severe infections in a

Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Sep 30;15(1):393.

ñ Antinori A, Marcotullio S, Andreoni M, Ammassari A, d'Arminio Monforte A, Galli M, Girardi E, Mazzotta

F, Mussini C, Puoti M, Lazzarin A; Italian HIV Guidelines Working Group. Italian guidelines for the use

of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update

December 2014. New Microbiol. 2015 Jul;38(3):299-328.

ñ Martini H, Citro A, Martire C, D'Ettorre G, Labbadia G, Accapezzato D, Piconese S, De Marzio P,

Cavallari EN, Calvo L, Rizzo F, Severa M, Coccia EM, Grazi GL, Di Filippo S, Sidney J, Vullo V, Sette

A, Barnaba V. Apoptotic epitope-specific CD8+ T cells and interferon signaling intersect in chronic

hepatitis C virus infection. J Infect Dis. 2015 Sep 19.

ñ d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Giustini N, Serafino S, Calantone N, De Girolamo G, Bianchi L, Bellelli V,

Ascoli-Bartoli T, Marcellini S, Turriziani O, Brenchley JM, Vullo V. Probiotics Reduce Inflammation in

Antiretroviral Treated, HIV-Infected Individuals: Results of the "Probio-HIV" Clinical Trial. PLoS One.

2015 Sep 16;10(9):e0137200.

ñ Lichtner M, Mascia C, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Vita S, Marocco R, Belvisi V, Russo G, Vullo V,

Mastroianni CM. Multifunctional Analysis of CD4(+) T-Cell Response as Immune-Based Model for

Tuberculosis Detection. J Immunol Res. 2015;2015:217287.

ñ Paganotti GM, Russo G, Sobze MS, Mayaka GB, Muthoga CW, Tawe L, Martinelli A, Romano R, Vullo V. CYP2B6 poor metaboliser alleles involved in efavirenz and nevirapine metabolism: CYP2B6*9 and

CYP2B6*18 distribution in HIV-exposed subjects from Dschang, Western Cameroon. Infect Genet Evol.

2015 Oct;35:122-6.

ñ Cascella R, Stocchi L, Strafella C, Mezzaroma I, Mannazzu M, Vullo V, Montella F, Parruti G, Borgiani

P, Sangiuolo F, Novelli G, Pirazzoli A, Zampatti S, Giardina E. Comparative analysis between saliva

and buccal swabs as source of DNA: lesson from HLA-B*57:01 testing. Pharmacogenomics. 2015


Page 6: PROF VULLO CURRICULUM VITAE - uniroma1.it Vinc… · CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Nome Vincenzo Vullo Indirizzo Via Cassia 52 – 00192 Roma Indirizzo professionale Dipartimento

ñ d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Andreotti M, Selvaggi C, Giustini N, Serafino S, Schietroma I, Nunnari G,

Antonelli G, Vullo V, Scagnolari C. Analysis of Th17 and Tc17 Frequencies and Antiviral Defenses in

Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue of Chronic HIV-1 Positive Patients. Mediators Inflamm.


ñ Russo G, Miglietta A, Pezzotti P, Biguioh RM, Bouting Mayaka G, Sobze MS, Stefanelli P, Vullo V,

Rezza G. Vaccine coverage and determinants of incomplete vaccination in children aged 12-23 months

in Dschang, West Region, Cameroon: a cross-sectional survey during a polio outbreak. BMC Public

Health. 2015 Jul 10;15:630.

ñ Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Mascia C, Rossi R, Lichtner M, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM. Treatment of latent

tuberculosis infection induces changes in multifunctional Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4+ T

cells. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2015 Jun 25.

ñ Matteucci C, Minutolo A, Pollicita M, Balestrieri E, Grelli S, D'Ettorre G, Vullo V, Bucci I, Luchini A,

Aquaro S, Sinibaldi-Vallebona P, Macchi B, Perno CF, Mastino A, Garaci E. Thymosin α 1 potentiates

the release by CD8(+) cells of soluble factors able to inhibit HIV-1 and human T lymphotropic virus 1

infection in vitro. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2015;15 Suppl 1:S83-100

ñ Schultze A, Phillips AN, Paredes R, Battegay M, Rockstroh JK, Machala L, Tomazic J, Girard PM,

Januskevica I, Gronborg-Laut K, Lundgren JD, Cozzi-Lepri A; EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD. HIV

resistance testing and detected drug resistance in Europe. AIDS. 2015 Jul 17;29(11):1379-89.

ñ d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Zaccarelli M, Ascoli-Bartoli T, Bianchi L, Bellelli V, De Girolamo G, Serafino S,

Giustini N, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Impact of switching from lopinavir/ritonavir to boosted and un-

boosted atazanavir on glucose metabolism: ATAzanavir & GLUcose metabolism (ATAGLU) sudy. Int J

STD AIDS. 2015 Jun 10.

ñ Cingolani A, Zona S, Girardi E, Cozzi-Lepri A, Monno L, Quiros Roldan E, Guaraldi G, Antinori A,

D'Arminio Monforte A, Marcotullio S; Community-Oriented Study Group of the Icona Foundation Study

Group. Incidence and factors associated with the risk of sexually transmitted diseases in HIV-infected

people seen for care in Italy: data from the Icona Foundation cohort. HIV Med. 2015 Aug;16(7):412-20.

ñ Bandera A, Gori A, Sabbatini F, Madeddu G, Bonora S, Libertone R, Mastroianni C, Bonfanti P,

d'Arminio Monforte A, Cozzi-Lepri A; Icona Foundation Study Group. Evaluation of the Prognostic Value

of Impaired Renal Function on Clinical Progression in a Large Cohort of HIV-Infected People Seen for

Care in Italy. PLoS One. 2015 May 1;10(5):e0124252.

ñ Pietropaolo V, Bellizzi A, Anzivino E, Iannetta M, Zingaropoli MA, Rodio DM, Morreale M, Pontecorvo S,

Francia A, Vullo V, Palamara AT, Ciardi MR. Human polyomavirus JC replication and non-coding

control region analysis in multiple sclerosis patients under natalizumab treatment. J Neurovirol. 2015

May 1.

ñ Russo G, Vita S, Miglietta A, Terrazzini N, Sannella A, Vullo V. Health profile and disease determinants

among asylum seekers: a cross-sectional retrospective study from an Italian reception centre. J Public

Health (Oxf). 2015 Apr 28.

ñ Sauzullo I, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM. Detecting latent tuberculosis in compromised patients. Curr Opin

Infect Dis. 2015 Jun;28(3):275-82

ñ Grint D, Peters L, Rockstroh JK, Rakmanova A, Trofimova T, Lacombe K, Karpov I, Galli M, Domingo

P, Kirk O, Lundgren JD, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA in EuroCoord. Liver-related death among HIV/hepatitis C

virus-co-infected individuals: implications for the era of directly acting antivirals. AIDS. 2015 Jun


ñ Mocroft A, Lundgren JD, Ross M, Law M, Reiss P, Kirk O, Smith C, Wentworth D, Neuhaus J, Fux CA,

Moranne O, Morlat P, Johnson MA, Ryom L; D:A:D study group; Royal Free Hospital Clinic Cohort;

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INSIGHT study group; SMART study group; ESPRIT study group. Development and validation of a risk

score for chronic kidney disease in HIV infection using prospective cohort data from the D:A:D study.

PLoS Med. 2015 Mar 31;12(3):e1001809.

ñ Monteleone K, Selvaggi C, Cacciotti G, Falasca F, Mezzaroma I, D'Ettorre G, Turriziani O, Vullo V,

Antonelli G, Scagnolari C. MicroRNA-29 family expression and its relation to antiviral immune response

and viro-immunological markers in HIV-1-infected patients. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Feb 12;15:51.

ñ Orsi GB, Natale F, d'Ettorre G, Protano C, Vullo V, De Curtis M. Mobile phone microbial contamination

among neonatal unit healthcare workers. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Apr;36(4):487-9.

ñ Bruyand M, Ryom L, Shepherd L, Fatkenheuer G, Grulich A, Reiss P, de Wit S, D Arminio Monforte A,

Furrer H, Pradier C, Lundgren J, Sabin C; D:A:D study group. Cancer risk and use of protease inhibitor

or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based combination antiretroviral therapy: the D: A: D

study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Apr 15;68(5):568-77

ñ Zuccaro O, Romanò L, Mele A, Mariano A, Clementi M, Tosti ME, Taliani G, Galli C, Zanetti AR, Spada

E; Study Group. Clinical, epidemiological and virological features of acute hepatitis B in Italy. Infection.

2015 Aug;43(4):431-41.

ñ Oliva A, Mascellino MT, Cipolla A, D'Abramo A, De Rosa A, Savinelli S, Ciardi MR, Mastroianni CM,

Vullo V. Therapeutic strategy for pan-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae severe infections: short-

course treatment with colistin increases the in vivo and in vitro activity of double carbapenem regimen.

Int J Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 15.

ñ Maggio R, Viscomi C, Andreozzi P, D'Ettorre G, Viscogliosi G, Barbaro B, Gori M, Vullo V, Balsano C.

Normocaloric low cholesterol diet modulates th17/treg balance in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus

infection. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 22;9(12):e112346. doi: 10.1371.

ñ Fabbiani M, Di Giambenedetto S, Quiros-Roldan E, Latini A, Vullo V, Antinori A, Castagna A, Orofino

G, Francisci D, Grilli E, Madeddu G, Grima P, Rusconi S, Del Pin B, Mondi A, Borghetti A, Focà E,

Colafigli M, De Luca A, Cauda R. Simplification to atazanavir/ritonavir+lamivudine in virologically

suppressed HIV-infected patients: 24-weeks interim analysis from ATLAS-M trial. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014

Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19808.

ñ Cozzi-Lepri A, Antinori A, Bonora S, Cingolani A, Cassola G, Angarano G, Vullo V, Mussini C, Gori A,

Maggiolo F, Castagna A; d’Arminio Monforte on behalf of the ICONA Foundation Study, Antonella. An

observational comparison of first-line combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) with 2NRTI and ATV/r

or DRV/r in HIV-infected patients in Italy. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014 Nov 2;17(4 Suppl 3):19771.

ñ D'Abramo A, Zingaropoli MA, Oliva A, D'Agostino C, Al Moghazi S, De Luca G, Iannetta M, Mastroianni

CM, Vullo V. Immune Activation, Immunosenescence, and Osteoprotegerin as Markers of Endothelial

Dysfunction in Subclinical HIV-Associated Atherosclerosis. Mediators Inflamm. 2014;2014:192594.

ñ d'Ettorre G, Baroncelli S, Micci L, Ceccarelli G, Andreotti M, Sharma P, Fanello G, Fiocca F, Cavallari

EN, Giustini N, Mallano A, Galluzzo CM, Vella S, Mastroianni CM, Silvestri G, Paiardini M, Vullo V.

Reconstitution of Intestinal CD4 and Th17 T Cells in Antiretroviral Therapy Suppressed HIV-Infected

Subjects: Implication for Residual Immune Activation from the Results of a Clinical Trial. PLoS One.

2014 Oct 23;9(10):e109791.

ñ Milito C, Carello R, Fantauzzi A, Vullo V, Mezzaroma I. Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies

equisimilis bacteraemia in an HIV-1 patient with HBV/HCV co-infections: case report and literature

review. Infez Med. 2014 Sep;22(3):241-6.

ñ Scorzolini L, Lichtner M, Iannetta M, Mengoni F, Russo G, Panni AS, Vasto M, Bove M, Villani C,

Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Sonication technique improves microbiological diagnosis in patients treated

with antibiotics before surgery for prosthetic joint infections. New Microbiol. 2014 Jul;37(3):321-8.

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ñ Sauzullo I, Mastroianni CM, Mengoni F, Ermocida A, Mascia C, Salotti A, Falciano M, Vullo V. Long-

term IFN-γ and IL-2 response for detection of latent tuberculosis infection in healthcare workers with

discordant immunologic results. J Immunol Methods. 2014 Aug 8. pii: S0022-1759(14)00245-2.

ñ Lichtner M, Cicconi P, Vita S, Cozzi-Lepri A, Galli M, Lo Caputo S, Saracino A, De Luca A, Moioli M,

Maggiolo F, Marchetti G, Vullo V, d'Arminio Monforte A; for the ICONA Foundation Study.

Cytomegalovirus Coinfection Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Severe Non-AIDS-Defining

Events in a Large Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients. J Infect Dis. 2014 Jul 31.

ñ d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Giustini N, Mastroianni CM, Silvestri G, Vullo V. Taming HIV-related

inflammation with physical activity: a matter of timing. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014


ñ Smith CJ, Ryom L, Weber R, Morlat P, Pradier C, Reiss P, Kowalska JD, de Wit S, Law M, el Sadr W,

Kirk O, Friis-Moller N, Monforte Ad, Phillips AN, Sabin CA, Lundgren JD; D:A:D Study Group. Trends in

underlying causes of death in people with HIV from 1999 to 2011 (D:A:D): a multicohort collaboration.

Lancet. 2014 Jul 19;384(9939):241-8.

ñ Mocroft A, Ryom L, Begovac J, Monforte AD, Vassilenko A, Gatell J, Florence E, Ormaasen V, Kirk O,

Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD. Deteriorating renal function and clinical outcomes in HIV-

positive persons. AIDS. 2014 Mar 13;28(5):727-37.

ñ Mocroft A, Reiss P, Rakhmanova A, Banhegyi D, Phillips AN, De Wit S, Ristola M, Lundgren JD, Grarup

J, Kirk O; EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD. A survey of ATRIPLA use in clinical practice as first-line therapy in

HIV-positive persons in Europe. Infection. 2014 Aug;42(4):757-62.

ñ Mastroianni CM, Lichtner M, Mascia C, Zuccalà P, Vullo V. Molecular mechanisms of liver fibrosis in

HIV/HCV coinfection. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 May 26;15(6):9184-208.

ñ Ermocida A, Mengoni F, Sauzullo I, Rossi R, Ajassa C, Lichtner M, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V.

Extravirologic modulation of immune response by an NRTI-sparing antiretroviral regimen including

darunavir and maraviroc. New Microbiol. 2014 Apr;37(2):225-9.

ñ Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Ermocida A, Massetti AP, D'Agostino C, Russo G, Salotti A, Falciano M, Vullo

V, Mastroianni CM. Interferon-γ release assay in HIV-infected patients with active tuberculosis: impact

of antituberculous drugs on host immune response. New Microbiol. 2014 Apr;37(2):153-61.

ñ Scrivo R, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Riccieri V, Altieri AM, Cantoro L, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM, Valesini G.

The role of interferon-gamma release assays in predicting the emergence of active tuberculosis in the

setting of biological treatment: a case report and review of the literature. Clin Rheumatol. 2014 May 15.

ñ Rota MC, Fontana S, Montaño-Remacha C, Scaturro M, Caporali MG, Vullo V, Scorzolini L, Ercole A,

Ricci ML. Legionnaires' disease pseudoepidemic due to falsely positive urine antigen test results. J Clin

Microbiol. 2014 Jun;52(6):2279-80.

ñ Kamara DA, Ryom L, Ross M, Kirk O, Reiss P, Morlat P, Moranne O, Fux CA, Mocroft A, Sabin C,

Lundgren JD, Smith CJ; D:A:D study Group. Development of a definition for Rapid Progression (RP) of

renal function in HIV-positive persons: the D:A:D study. BMC Nephrol. 2014 Mar 25;15:51.

ñ Fantauzzi A, Digiulio MA, Cavallari EN, d'Ettorre G, Vullo V, Mezzaroma I. Guillain Barrè syndrome in

an HIV-1-infected patient after the beginning of combined antiretroviral therapy: an immune

reconstitution inflammatory syndrome? New Microbiol. 2014 Jan;37(1):103-7.

ñ Sauzullo I, Scrivo R, Mengoni F, Ermocida A, Coppola M, Valesini G, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM.

Multifunctional flow cytometry analysis of CD4+ T cells as an immune biomarker for latent tuberculosis

status in patients treated with TNF antagonists. Clin Exp Immunol. 2014 Feb 15.

ñ A. Oliva, A. D’Abramo, C. D’Agostino, M. Iannetta, Maria T. Mascellino, C. Gallinelli, C. M. Mastroianni

and V. Vullo. Synergistic activity and effectiveness of a double-carbapenem regimen in pandrug-

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resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae bloodstream infections. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2014

Feb 11.

ñ Rossi R, Lichtner M, Iori F, Ermocida A, Mascia C, Mengoni F, Sauzullo I, Dini D, Mastroianni CM, Vullo

V. Dendritic cells in blood and urine samples from bladder cancer patients undergoing BCG

immunotherapy. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2013 Dec 31;85(4):157-63.

ñ D'Abramo A, D'Agostino C, Oliva A, Iannetta M, D'Ettorre G, Vullo F, Mancone M, Ciardi MR,

Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Early Atherosclerosis in HIV Infected Subjects on Suppressive Antiretroviral

Treatment: Role of Osteoprotegerin. ISRN AIDS. 2013 Dec 5;2013:737083.

ñ Falcone M, Russo A, Massimo M, Carriero G, Mazzesi G, Miraldi F, Pennacchi M, Pugliese F, Tritapepe

L, Vullo V, Fedele F, Sardella G, Venditti M. Early, intermediate and late infectious complications after

transcatheter or surgical aortic-valve replacement: a prospective cohort study. Clin Microbiol

Infect. 2013 Nov 25.

ñ Nelson Cavallari E, d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Serafini S, Pierangeli A, Impagnatiello A, Ascoli Bertoli T,

Bianchi L, Antonelli G, Vullo V, Indinnimeo M. High prevalence of anal HPV infection among HIV-

positive male subjects in the absence of anal intercourse. Sex Health. 2013 Nov;10(6):571.

ñ Fabbiani M, Mondi A, Colafigli M, D'Ettorre G, Paoletti F, D'Avino A, Ciccarelli N, Sidella L, Murri R,

Fortuna S, Vullo V, Cauda R, De Luca A, Di Giambenedetto S. Safety and efficacy of treatment switch

to raltegravir plus tenofovir/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine in patients with optimal virological

control: 48-week results from a randomized pilot study (Raltegravir Switch for Toxicity or Adverse

Events, RASTA Study). Scand J Infect Dis. 2013 Oct 28.

ñ Meini G, Rossetti B, Bianco C, Ceccherini-Silberstein F, Di Giambenedetto S, Sighinolfi L, Monno L,

Castagna A, Rozera G, D'Arminio Monforte A, Zazzi M, De Luca A; on behalf of the ICONA Foundation

Group.Longitudinal analysis of HIV-1 coreceptor tropism by single and triplicate HIV-1 RNA and DNA

sequencing in patients undergoing successful first-line antiretroviral therapy. J Antimicrob

Chemother. 2013 Oct 23.

ñ Svicher V, Alteri C, Montano M, Nori A, D'Arrigo R, Andreoni M, Angarano G, Antinori A, Antonelli G,

Allice T, Bagnarelli P, Baldanti F, Bertoli A, Borderi M, Boeri E, Bon I, Bruzzone B, Barresi R, Calderisi

S, Callegaro AP, Capobianchi MR, Gargiulo F, Castelli F, Cauda R, Ceccherini-Silberstein F, Clementi

M, Chirianni A, Colafigli M, D'Arminio Monforte A, De Luca A, Di Biagio A, Di Nicuolo G, Di Perri G, Di

Santo F, Fadda G, Galli M, Gennari W, Ghisetti V, Costantini A, Gori A, Gulminetti R, Leoncini F,

Maffongelli G, Maggiolo F, Maserati R, Mazzotta F, Meini G, Micheli V, Monno L, Mussini C, Nozza S,

Paolucci S, Palù G, Parisi S, Parruti G, Pignataro AR, Quirino T, Re MC, Rizzardini G, Sanguinetti M,

Santangelo R, Scaggiante R, Sterrantino G, Turriziani O, Vatteroni ML, Viscoli C, Vullo V, Zazzi M,

Lazzarin A, Perno CF. Genotypic testing on HIV-1 DNA as a tool to assess HIV-1 co-receptor usage in

clinical practice: results from the DIVA study group. Infection. 2013 Oct 22.

ñ Scarpino M, Pinzone MR, Di Rosa M, Madeddu G, Focà E, Martellotta F, Schioppa O, Ceccarelli G,

Celesia BM, d'Ettorre G,Vullo V, Berretta S, Cacopardo B, Nunnari G. Kidney disease in HIV-infected

patients. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 Oct;17(19):2660-7.

ñ Zaffiri L, d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Andreotti M, Marcellini S, Giustini N, Ascoli-Bartoli T, Mastroianni

CM, Vella S, Vullo V. Recovery of Interleukin-17 Production from Interleukin-15-Stimulated CD4+

Mononuclear Cells in HIV-1-Infected Patients with Sustained Viral Suppression. J Interferon Cytokine

Res. 2013 Oct 8.

ñ Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Marocco R, Potenza C, Skroza N, Tieghi T, Lichtner M, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM.

Interferon-γ release assay for tuberculosis in patients with psoriasis treated with tumour necrosis factor

antagonists: in vivo and in vitro analysis. Br J Dermatol. 2013 Nov;169(5):1133-40.

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ñ Grint D, Peters L, Schwarze-Zander C, Beniowski M, Pradier C, Battegay M, Jevtovic D, Soriano V,

Lundgren JD, Rockstroh JK, Kirk O, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA in EuroCoord. Temporal changes and

regional differences in treatment uptake of hepatitis C therapy in EuroSIDA. HIV

Med. 2013 Nov;14(10):614-23.

ñ Bona R, Baroncelli S, D'Ettorre G, Andreotti M, Ceccarelli G, Filati P, Leone P, Blasi M, Michelini Z,

Galluzzo CM, Mallano A, Vullo V, Cara A.Effects of raltegravir on 2-long terminal repeat circle junctions

in HIV type 1 viremic and aviremic patients. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2013 Oct;29(10):1365-9.

ñ Lapadula G, Cozzi-Lepri A, Marchetti G, Antinori A, Chiodera A, Nicastri E, Parruti G, Galli M, Gori A,

Monforte Ad; ICONA Foundation Study.Risk of clinical progression among patients with immunological

nonresponse despite virological suppression after combination antiretroviral treatment. AIDS. 2013 Mar


ñ Iannetta M, Bellizzi A, Lo Menzo S, Anzivino E, D'Abramo A, Oliva A, D'Agostino C, d'Ettorre G,

Pietropaolo V, Vullo V, Ciardi MR. HIV-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy:

longitudinal study of JC virus non-coding control region rearrangements and host immunity. J

Neurovirol. 2013 Jun;19(3):274-9.

ñ CD4 cell count and viral load-specific rates of AIDS, non-AIDS and deaths according to current

antiretroviral use. Mocroft A, Phillips AN, Gatell J, Horban A, Ledergerber B, Zilmer K, Jevtovic D,

Maltez F, Podlekareva D, Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA study in EuroCOORD. AIDS. 2013 Mar


ñ Pinzone MR, Di Rosa M, Malaguarnera M, Madeddu G, Focà E, Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Vullo V,

Fisichella R, Cacopardo B, Nunnari G.Vitamin D deficiency in HIV infection: an underestimated and

undertreated epidemic. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 May;17(9):1218-32. Review.

ñ Eron JJ, Cooper DA, Steigbigel RT, Clotet B, Gatell JM, Kumar PN, Rockstroh JK, Schechter M,

Markowitz M, Yeni P, Loutfy MR, Lazzarin A, Lennox JL, Strohmaier KM, Wan H, Barnard RJ, Nguyen

BY, Teppler H; BENCHMRK Study Teams.Efficacy and safety of raltegravir for treatment of HIV for 5

years in the BENCHMRK studies: final results of two randomised, placebo-controlled trials. Lancet

Infect Dis. 2013 Jul;13(7):587-96. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70093-8. Epub 2013 May 7.

ñ D'Ettorre G, Lo Presti A, Gori C, Cella E, Bertoli A, Vullo V, Perno CF, Ciotti M, Foley BT, Ciccozzi M;

HIV-2 Study Group. .An HIV type 2 case series in Italy: a phylogenetic analysis. AIDS Res Hum

Retroviruses. 2013 Sep;29(9):1254-9.

ñ Grint D, Peters L, Reekie J, Soriano V, Kirk O, Knysz B, Suetnov O, Lazzarin A, Ledergerber B,

Rockstroh JK, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA in EuroCoord (European Coordinating Committee for the

Integration of Ongoing Coordination Actions Related to Clinical and Epidemiological HIV Research).

Stability of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels among interferon-naïve HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals

treated with combination antiretroviral therapy. HIV Med. 2013 Jul;14(6):370-8.

ñ Rotger M, Glass TR, Junier T, Lundgren J, Neaton JD, Poloni ES, van 't Wout AB, Lubomirov R,

Colombo S, Martinez R, Rauch A, Günthard HF, Neuhaus J, Wentworth D, van Manen D, Gras LA,

Schuitemaker H, Albini L, Torti C, Jacobson LP, Li X, Kingsley LA, Carli F, Guaraldi G, Ford ES, Sereti

I, Hadigan C, Martinez E, Arnedo M, Egaña-Gorroño L, Gatell JM, Law M, Bendall C, Petoumenos K,

Rockstroh J, Wasmuth JC, Kabamba K, Delforge M, De Wit S, Berger F, Mauss S, de Paz Sierra M,

Losso M, Belloso WH, Leyes M, Campins A, Mondi A, De Luca A, Bernardino I, Barriuso-Iglesias M,

Torrecilla-Rodriguez A, Gonzalez-Garcia J, Arribas JR, Fanti I, Gel S, Puig J, Negredo E, Gutierrez M,

Domingo P, Fischer J, Fätkenheuer G, Alonso-Villaverde C, Macken A, Woo J, McGinty T, Mallon P,

Mangili A, Skinner S, Wanke CA, Reiss P, Weber R, Bucher HC, Fellay J, Telenti A, Tarr PE;

MAGNIFICENT Consortium; INSIGHT; Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Contribution of genetic background,

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traditional risk factors, and HIV-related factors to coronary artery disease events in HIV-positive

persons. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Jul;57(1):112-21.

ñ Oliva A, Lichtner M, Mascellino MT, Iannetta M, Ialungo AM, Tadadjeu Mewamba S, Pavone P,

Mengoni F, Mastroianni CM,Vullo V. Study of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

carriage in a population of HIV-negative migrants and HIV-infected patients attending an outpatient

clinic in Rome.Ann Ig. 2013 Mar-Apr;25(2):99-107.

ñ Matusali G, Tchidjou HK, Pontrelli G, Bernardi S, D'Ettorre G,Vullo V, Buonomini AR, Andreoni M,

Santoni A, Cerboni C, Doria M.. Soluble ligands for the NKG2D receptor are released during HIV-1

infection and impair NKG2D expression and cytotoxicity of NK cells. FASEB J. 2013 Jun;27(6):2440-50.

ñ Ryom L, Mocroft A, Kirk O, Worm SW, Kamara DA, Reiss P, Ross M, Fux CA, Morlat P, Moranne O,

Smith C, Lundgren JD; D:A:D Study Group. Association between antiretroviral exposure and renal

impairment among HIV-positive persons with normal baseline renal function: the D:A:D study. J Infect

Dis. 2013 May 1;207(9):1359-69.

ñ De Luca A, Dunn D, Zazzi M, Camacho R, Torti C, Fanti I, Kaiser R, Sönnerborg A, Codoñer FM, Van

Laethem K, Vandamme AM, Bansi L, Ghisetti V, van de Vijver DA, Asboe D, Prosperi MC, Di

Giambenedetto S; SEHERE collaboration in Chain. .Declining prevalence of HIV-1 drug resistance in

antiretroviral treatment-exposed individuals in Western Europe. J Infect Dis. 2013 Apr 15;207(8):1216-


ñ Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Vullo V. The challenge of cardiovascular diseases in HIV-positive patients: it's

time for redrawing the maps of cardiovascular risk? Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Jan;67(1):1-3.

ñ Scrivo R, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Priori R, Coppola M, Iaiani G, DI Franco M, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM,

Valesini G. Mycobacterial interferon-γ release variations during longterm treatment with tumor necrosis

factor blockers: lack of correlation with clinical outcome. J Rheumatol. 2013 Feb;40(2):157-65.

ñ Oliva A, Nguyen BL, Mascellino MT, D'Abramo A, Iannetta M, Ciccaglioni A, Vullo V, Mastroianni

CM.Sonication of explanted cardiac implants improves microbial detection in cardiac device infections. J

Clin Microbiol. 2013 Feb;51(2):496-502.

ñ Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Riccardo F, Ceccarelli C, Chiaretti M, Picciarella A, Pacifici LE, Vullo V.

Urinary schistosomiasis in asylum seekers in Italy: an emergency currently undervalued. J Immigr Minor

Health. 2013 Aug;15(4):846-50.

ñ Baroncelli S, Mezzaroma I, Fantauzzi A, Galluzzo CM, Antoni AD,Vullo V, Francisci D, Ladisa N,

Vivarelli A, Cirioni O, Sighinolfi L, Weimer LE, Fragola V, Fidanza R, Cara A, Palmisano L .No evidence

of autoimmune disorders in antiretroviral-experienced HIV-1-infected individuals after long-term

treatment with raltegravir. Antivir Ther. 2013;18(3):321-7.

ñ Response to raltegravir-based salvage therapy in HIV-infected patients with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis

B virus coinfection. Weimer LE, Fragola V, Floridia M, Guaraldi G, Ladisa N, Francisci D, Bellagamba

R, Degli Antoni A, Parruti G, Giacometti A, Manconi PE, Vivarelli A, D'Ettorre G, Mura MS, Cicalini S,

Preziosi R, Sighinolfi L, Verucchi G, Libertone R, Tavio M, Sarmati L, Bucciardini R; ISS-NIA Study

Group. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2013 Jan;68(1):193-9.

• Duration of first-line antiretroviral therapy with tenofovir and emtricitabine combined with

atazanavir/ritonavir, efavirenz or lopinavir/ritonavir in the Italian ARCA cohort. Di Biagio A, Prinapori R,

Giannarelli D, Maggiolo F, Di Giambenedetto S, Borghi V, Penco G, Cicconi P, Francisci D,

Sterrantino G, Zoncada A, Monno L, Capetti A, Giacometti A; ARCA Collaborative Group. J

Antimicrob Chemother. 2013 Jan;68(1):200-5.D'Ettorre G, Douek D, Paiardini M, Ceccarelli G, Vullo

V. Microbial translocation and infectious diseases: what is the link? Int J Microbiol. 2012;2012:356981.

• Baroncelli S, Mezzaroma I, Fantauzzi A, Galluzzo MC, Antoni AD, Vullo V, Francisci D, Ladisa N,

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Vivarelli A, Cirioni O, Sighinolfi L, Weimer LE, Fragola V, Fidanza R, Cara A, Palmisano L. No

evidence of autoimmune disorders in antiretroviral-experienced HIV-1-infected subjects after long-

term treatment with raltegravir. Antivir Ther. 2012 Oct 9.

• Reekie J, Kowalska JD, Karpov I, Rockstroh J, Karlsson A, Rakhmanova A, Horban A, Kirk O,

Lundgren JD, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA in EuroCoord. Regional differences in AIDS and non-AIDS related

mortality in HIV-positive individuals across Europe and Argentina: the EuroSIDA study. PLoS One.


• Scrivo R, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Iaiani G, Vestri AR, Priori R, Di Filippo E, Di Franco M, Spinelli FR,

Vullo V, Mastroianni CM, Valesini G. Serial interferon-γ release assays for screening and monitoring

of tuberculosis infection during treatment with biologic agents. Clin Rheumatol. 2012 Aug 5

• Bucciardini R, D'Ettorre G, Baroncelli S, Ceccarelli G, Parruti G, Weimer LE, Fragola V, Galluzzo

CM, Pirillo MF, Lucattini S, Bellagamba R, Francisci D, Ladisa N, Degli Antoni A, Guaraldi G, Manconi

PE, Vullo V, Preziosi R, Cirioni O, Verucchi G, Floridia M; ISS-NIA study group. Virological failure at

one year in triple-class experienced patients switching to raltegravir-based regimens is not predicted

by baseline factors. Int J STD AIDS. 2012 Jul;23(7):459-63..

• Scientific Coordination Committee, Marcotullio S, Andreoni M, Antinori A, d'Arminio Monforte A, Di

Perri G, Galli M, Ippolito G, Perno CF, Rizzardini G, Lazzarin A; Rapporteur Committee, Cinque P,

Fares G, Foglia E, Gervasoni C, Murri R, Nozza S, Rusconi S. The Less Drugs Regimens (LDRs)

therapy approach in HIV-1: an Italian expert panel perspective for the long-term management of HIV-

1 infection. New Microbiol. 2012 Jul;35(3):259-77. Epub 2012 Jun 30. PubMed PMID: 22842596.

• Marcone V, Recine N, Gallinelli C, Nicosia R, Lichtner M, Degener AM, Chiarini F, Calzolari E, Vullo

V. Epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis endocervical infection in a previously unscreened

population in Rome, Italy, 2000 to 2009. Euro Surveill. 2012 Jun 21;17(25).

• De Luca A, de Gaetano Donati K, Cozzi-Lepri A, Colafigli M, De Curtis A, Capobianchi MR, Antinori A,

Giacometti A, Magnani G, Vullo V, Cauda R, Iacoviello L, d'Arminio Monforte A; ICoNA Foundation

Study Group. Exposure to abacavir and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in HIV-1-infected

patients on suppressive antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.

2012 Jul 1;60(3):e98-101.

• Bibas M, Trotta MP, Cozzi-Lepri A, Lorenzini P, Pinnetti C, Rizzardini G, Angarano G, Caramello P,

Sighinolfi L, Mastroianni CM, Mazzarello G, Di Caro A, mDi Giacomo C, d'Arminio Monforte A, Antinori

A; ICONA Foundation Study Group. Role of serum free light chains in predicting HIV-associated non-

Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma and its correlation with antiretroviral therapy. Am J

,Hematol. 2012 Aug;87(8):749-53.

• Antinori A, Marcotullio S, Ammassari A, Andreoni M, Angarano G, Armignacco O, ,Carosi G, Cinque

P, d'Arminio Monforte A, Di Perri G, Ensoli B, Floridia M, Galli M, Mastroianni C, Matteelli A, Mazzotta

F, Moroni M, Pal G, Puoti M, Puro V, Rizzardini G, Sagnelli E, Vella S, Vullo V, Lazzarin A; Italian HIV

Guidelines Working Group. Italian guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents and the diagnostic-

clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. Update 2011. New Microbiol. 2012 Apr;35(2):113-59.

• Colafigli M, Torti C, Trecarichi EM, Albini L, Rosi A, Micheli V, Manca N Penco G, Bruzzone B, Punzi

G, Corsi P, Parruti G, Bagnarelli P, Monno L, Gonnelli A, Cauda R, Di Giambenedetto S; ARCA,

UCSC and Brescia HIV resistance study groups. Evolution of transmitted HIV-1 drug resistance in

HIV-1-infected patients in Italy from 2000 to 2010. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012 Aug;18(8):E299-304.

• Mammone A, Pezzotti P, Angeletti C, Orchi N, Carboni A, Navarra A, Sciarrone MR, Sias C, Puro V,

Guasticchi G, Ippolito G, Borgia P, Girardi E; SENDIH Study Group. HIV incidence estimate

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combining HIV/AIDS surveillance, testing history information and HIV test to identify recent infections

in Lazio, Italy. BMC Infect Dis. 2012 Mar 20;12:65.

• Svicher V, Alteri C, Montano M, D'Arrigo R, Andreoni M, Angarano G, Antinori A, Antonelli G, Allice T,

Bagnarelli P, Baldanti F, Bertoli A, Borderi M, Boeri E, Bon I, Bruzzone B, Callegaro AP, Capobianchi

MR, Carosi G, Cauda R, Ceccherini-Silberstein F, Clementi M, Chirianni A, Colafigli M, D'Arminio

Monforte A, De Luca A, Di Biagio A, Di Nicuolo G, Di Perri G, Di Pietro M, Di Santo F, Fabeni L,

Fadda G, Galli M, Gennari W, Ghisetti V, Giacometti A, Gori C, Gori A, Gulminetti R, Leoncini F,

Maffongelli G, Maggiolo F, Manca G, Gargiulo F, Martinelli C, Maserati R, Mazzotta F, Meini G,

Micheli V, Monno L, Mussini C, Narciso P, Nozza S, Paolucci S, Pal G, Parisi S, Parruti G, Pignataro

AR, Pollicita M, Quirino T, Re MC, Rizzardini G, Santangelo R, Scaggiante R, Sterrantino G, Turriziani

O, Vatteroni ML, Vecchi L, Viscoli C, Vullo V, Zazzi M, Lazzarini A, Perno CF; DIVA group.

Performance of genotypic tropism testing on proviral DNA in clinical practice: results from the DIVA

study group. New Microbiol. 2012 Jan;35(1):17-25.

• Nozza S, Canducci F, Galli L, Cozzi-Lepri A, Capobianchi MR, Ceresola ER, Narciso P, Libertone R,

Castelli P, Moioli M, D'Arminio Monforte A, Castagna A; ICONA Foundation. Viral tropism by

geno2pheno as a tool for predicting CD4 decrease in HIV-1-infected naive patients with high CD4

counts. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 May;67(5):1224-7.

• Sterrantino G, Zaccarelli M, Colao G, Baldanti F, Di Giambenedetto S, Carli T, Maggiolo F, Zazzi M;

ARCA Database Study Group. Genotypic resistance profiles associated with virological failure to

darunavir-containing regimens: a cross-sectional analysis. Infection. 2012 Jun;40(3):311-8.

• Turriziani O, Montagna C, Falasca F, Bucci M, Russo G, Lichtner M, Sobze MS, Vullo V, Pistello M,

Antonelli G. Analysis of the Integrase Gene from HIV Type 1-Positive Patients Living in a Rural Area

of West Cameroon. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Mar 2.

• Gramegna P, Latronico T, Branà MT, Di Bari G, Mengoni F, Belvisi V, Mascellino MT, Lichtner M,

Vullo V, Mastroianni CM, Liuzzi GM. In vitro downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rat glial

cells by CCR5 antagonist maraviroc: therapeutic implication for HIV brain infection. PLoS One.


• Kowalska JD, Reekie J, Mocroft A, Reiss P, Ledergerber B, Gatell J, d'Arminio Monforte A, Phillips A,

Lundgren JD, Kirk O; EuroSIDA study group. Long-term exposure to combination antiretroviral therapy

and risk of death from specific causes: no evidence for any previously unidentified increased risk due

to antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2012 Jan 28;26(3):315-23.

• d'Ettorre G, Andreotti M, Ceccarelli G, Galluzzo CM, Mallano A, Massetti AP, Tierno F, Stella S, Amici

R, Vella S, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. The role of IL-15 in challenging Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome. Cytokine. 2012 Jan;57(1):54-60.

• Molina JM, Lamarca A, Andrade-Villanueva J, Clotet B, Clumeck N, Liu YP, Zhong L, Margot N,

Cheng AK, Chuck SL; Study 145 Team. Efficacy and safety of once daily elvitegravir versus twice

daily raltegravir in treatment-experienced patients with HIV-1 receiving a ritonavir-boosted protease

inhibitor: randomised, double-blind, phase 3, non-inferiority study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012


• d'Ettorre G, Francone M, Mancone M, Ceccarelli G, Ascarelli A, Vullo F, Baroncelli S, Galluzzo MC,

Catalano C, Strano S, Fedele F, Mastroianni C, Palmisano L, Vullo V. Significant coronary stenosis

detected by coronary computed angiography in asymptomatic HIV infected subjects. J Infect. 2012


• Esposito A, Floridia M, d'Ettorre G, Pastori D, Fantauzzi A, Massetti P, Ceccarelli G, Ajassa C, Vullo

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V, Mezzaroma I. Rate and determinants of treatment response to different antiretroviral combination

strategies in subjects presenting at HIV-1 diagnosis with advanced disease. BMC Infect Dis. 2011 Dec


• Mastroianni CM, Lichtner M, Citton R, Del Borgo C, Rago A, Martini H, Cimino G, Vullo V. Current

trends in management of hepatitis B virus reactivation in the biologic therapy era. World J

Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep 14;17(34):3881-7. Review.

• d'Arminio Monforte A, Cozzi-Lepri A, Girardi E, Castagna A, Mussini C, Di Giambenedetto S, Galli M,

Cassola G, Vullo V, Quiros-Roldan E, Lo Caputo S, Antinori A; Icona Foundation Study Group. Late

presenters in new HIV diagnoses from an Italian cohort of HIV-infected patients: prevalence and

clinical outcome. Antivir Ther. 2011;16(7):1103-12.

• Rossi R, Lichtner M, De Rosa A, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Massetti AP, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. In vitro

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monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol. 2011 Nov;166(2):184-90.

• Reekie J, Gatell JM, Yust I, Bakowska E, Rakhmanova A, Losso M, Krasnov M, Francioli P, Kowalska

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• Paredes R, Puertas MC, Bannister W, Kisic M, Cozzi-Lepri A, Pou C, Bellido R, Betancor G, Bogner J,

Gargalianos P, Bánhegyi D, Clotet B, Lundgren J, Menéndez-Arias L, Martinez-Picado J; EuroSIDA

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risk of virological failure to nevirapine therapy. J Infect Dis. 2011 Sep 1;204(5):741-52.

• Vescini F, Cozzi-Lepri A, Borderi M, Re MC, Maggiolo F, De Luca A, Cassola G, Vullo V, Carosi G,

Antinori A, Tozzi V, Monforte AD; Icona Foundation Study Group. Prevalence of hypovitaminosis D

and factors associated with vitamin D deficiency and morbidity among HIV-infected patients enrolled

in a large Italian cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Oct 1;58(2):163-72.

• Camoni L, Dal Conte I, Regine V, Colucci A, Chiriotto M, Vullo V, Sebastiani M, Cordier L, Beretta R,

Fiore JR, Tateo M, Affronti M, Cassarà G, Suligoi B. Sexual behaviour reported by a sample of Italian

MSM before and after HIV diagnosis. Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2011;47(2):214-9.

• Prosperi MC, Di Giambenedetto S, Fanti I, Meini G, Bruzzone B, Callegaro A, Penco G, Bagnarelli P,

Micheli V, Paolini E, Di Biagio A, Ghisetti V, Di Pietro M, Zazzi M, De Luca A; ARCA cohort. A

prognostic model for estimating the time to virologic failure in HIV-1 infected patients undergoing a

new combination antiretroviral therapy regimen. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2011 Jun 14;11:40.

• Sauzullo I, Massetti AP, Mengoni F, Rossi R, Lichtner M, Ajassa C, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM.

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• Lichtner M, Mastroianni CM, Rossi R, Russo G, Belvisi V, Marocco R, Mascia C, Del Borgo C,

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depletion of circulating plasmacytoid dendritic cells in patients with 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection.

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• 33: Prosperi MC, Mackie N, Di Giambenedetto S, Zazzi M, Camacho R, Fanti I, Torti C, Sönnerborg

A, Kaiser R, Codoñer FM, Van Laethem K, Bansi L, van de Vijver DA, Geretti AM, De Luca A;

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European multicentre cohort study. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2011 Aug;66(8):1886-96

• Antinori A, Marcotullio S, Ammassari A, Andreoni M, Angarano G, Carosi G, Cinque P, d'Arminio

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Monforte A, Di Perri G, Ensoli B, Ferrazzi E, Galli M, Mastroianni C, Matteelli A, Mazzotta F, Moroni

M, Palù G, Puoti M, Puro V, Rizzardini G, Sagnelli E, Suter F, Vella S, Lazzarin A; Italian HIV

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clinical management of HIV-1 infected persons. New Microbiol. 2011 Apr;34(2):109-46.

• Prosperi MC, Ciccozzi M, Fanti I, Saladini F, Pecorari M, Borghi V, Di Giambenedetto S, Bruzzone B,

Capetti A, Vivarelli A, Rusconi S, Re MC, Gismondo MR, Sighinolfi L, Gray RR, Salemi M, Zazzi M,

De Luca A; ARCA collaborative group. A novel methodology for large-scale phylogeny partition. Nat

Commun. 2011;2:321.

• Kruk A, Bannister W, Podlekareva DN, Chentsova NP, Rakhmanova AG, Horban A, Domingo P,

Mocroft A, Lundgren JD, Kirk O; EuroSIDA study group. Tuberculosis among HIV-positive patients

across Europe: changes over time and risk factors. AIDS. 2011 Jul 31;25(12):1505-13.

• Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Vullo V. Purulent Meningitis as an Unusual Presentation of Staphylococcus

aureus Endocarditis: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Report Med. 2011;2011:735265.

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• Viard JP, Souberbielle JC, Kirk O, Reekie J, Knysz B, Losso M, Gatell J, Pedersen C, Bogner JR,

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infection: results from the EuroSIDA study. AIDS. 2011 Jun 19;25(10):1305-15.

• Marchetti G, Cozzi-Lepri A, Merlini E, Bellistrì GM, Castagna A, Galli M, Verucchi G, Antinori A,

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Microbial translocation predicts disease progression of HIV-infected antiretroviral-naive patients with

high CD4+ cell count. AIDS. 2011 Jul 17;25(11):1385-94.

• Kowalska JD, Mocroft A, Ledergerber B, Florence E, Ristola M, Begovac J, Sambatakou H, Pedersen

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underlying cause of death in HIV infection as AIDS or non-AIDS related: results from the EuroSIDA

study. HIV Clin Trials. 2011 Mar-Apr;12(2):109-17.

• d'Ettorre G, Forcina G, Ceccarelli G, Andreotti M, Andreoni C, Rizza C, Massetti AP, Sarmati L,

Mastroianni CM, Vella S, Andreoni M, Vullo V. Adherence and genotypic drug resistance mutations in

HIV-1-infected patients failing current antiretroviral therapy. J Chemother. 2011 Feb;23(1):24-7.

• d'Ettorre G, Paiardini M, Zaffiri L, Andreotti M, Ceccarelli G, Rizza C, Indinnimeo M, Vella S,

Mastroianni CM, Silvestri G, Vullo V. HIV persistence in the gut mucosa of HIV-infected subjects

undergoing antiretroviral therapy correlates with immune activation and increased levels of LPS. Curr

HIV Res. 2011 Apr;9(3):148-53. PubMed PMID: 21457131.

• Bannister WP, Cozzi-Lepri A, Kjær J, Clotet B, Lazzarin A, Viard JP, Kronborg G, Duiculescu D,

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drug resistance in a cohort of patients on antiretroviral therapy. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2011


• Parisi SG, Andreoni C, Sarmati L, Boldrin C, Buonomini AR, Andreis S, Scaggiante R, Cruciani M,

Bosco O, Manfrin V, d'Ettorre G, Mengoli C, Vullo V, Palù G, Andreoni M. HIV coreceptor tropism in

paired plasma, peripheral blood mononuclear cell, and cerebrospinal fluid isolates from antiretroviral-

naïve subjects. J Clin Microbiol. 2011 Apr;49(4):1441-5.

• Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Marchetti F, Rizza C, Mastroianni CM, Carlesimo B, Vullo V. Development

of Buffalo Hump in the course of antiretroviral therapy including raltegravir and unboosted atazanavir:

a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2011 Feb 17;5:70.

• d'Ettorre G, Paiardini M, Ceccarelli G, Silvestri G, Vullo V. HIV-associated immune activation: from

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bench to bedside. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Apr;27(4):355-64. doi: 10.1089/aid.2010.0342.

Epub 2011 Mar 8. Review.

• Ceccarelli G, d'Ettorre G, Mancone M, Francone M, Vullo V. Accelerated coronary atherosclerosis

after execution of percutaneous coronary intervention in patient with HIV/HCV coinfection: case report

and review of the literature. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2011 Jul-Aug;12(4):262-5

• Torti C, d'Arminio-Monforte A, Pozniak AL, Lapadula G, Cologni G, Antinori A, De Luca A, Mussini C,

Castagna A, Cicconi P, Minoli L, Costantini A, Carosi G, Liang H, Cesana BM; MASTER, Chelsea &

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• Gianotti N, Galli L, Zazzi M, Ghisetti V, Bonora S, Micheli V, Meraviglia P, Corsi P, Bruzzone B,

Menzo S, Di Giambenedetto S, De Luca A, Filice G, Penco G, Castagna A; ARCA database initiative.

No pol mutation is associated independently with the lack of immune recovery in patients infected

with HIV and failing antiretroviral therapy. J Med Virol. 2011 Mar;83(3):391-8.

• Indinnimeo M, d'Ettorre G, Fiore A, Ceccarelli G, Ciardi A, Degener AM, Moschella CM, Izzo L, Izzo

S, Antonelli G, D'Angeli I, Vullo V. Diagnosis of anal human papillomavirus infection: polymerase

chain reaction or cytology? Int J Infect Dis. 2011 Apr;15(4):e232-5.

• Reekie J, Reiss P, Ledergerber B, Sedlacek D, Parczewski M, Gatell J, Katlama C, Fätkenheuer G,

Lundgren JD, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA study group. A comparison of the long-term durability of

nevirapine, efavirenz and lopinavir in routine clinical practice in Europe: a EuroSIDA study. HIV Med.

2011 May;12(5):259-68

• Falcone M, Massetti AP, Russo A, Vullo V, Venditti M. Invasive aspergillosis in patients with liver

disease. Med Mycol. 2011 May;49(4):406-13.

• Prosperi MC, Cozzi-Lepri A, Antinori A, Cassola G, Torti C, Ursitti MA, Pellizzer GP, Giacometti A,

d'Arminio Monforte A, De Luca A; Icona Foundation Study Group. Favourable evolution of virological

and immunological profiles in treated and untreated patients in Italy in the period 1998-2008. HIV

Med. 2011 Mar;12(3):174-82.

• Tordato F, Cozzi Lepri A, Cicconi P, De Luca A, Antinori A, Colangeli V, Castagna A, Nasta P, Ladisa

N, Giacometti A, d'Arminio Monforte A, Gori A; ICONA Foundation Study Group. Evaluation of

glomerular filtration rate in HIV-1-infected patients before and after combined antiretroviral therapy

exposure. HIV Med. 2011 Jan;12(1):4-13.

• Prosperi MC, Zazzi M, Punzi G, Monno L, Colao G, Corsi P, Di Giambenedetto S, Meini G, Ghisetti V,

Bonora S, Pecorari M, Gismondo MR, Bagnarelli P, Carli T, De Luca A; ARCA Collaborative Group.

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line lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral treatment in clinical practice. J Med Virol. 2010


• Svicher V, D'Arrigo R, Alteri C, Andreoni M, Angarano G, Antinori A, Antonelli G, Bagnarelli P,

Baldanti F, Bertoli A, Borderi M, Boeri E, Bonn I, Bruzzone B, Callegaro AP, Cammarota R, Canducci

F, Ceccherini-Silberstein F, Clementi M, Monforte AD, De Luca A, Di Biagio A, Di Gianbenedetto S,

Di Perri G, Di Pietro M, Fabeni L, Fadda G, Galli M, Gennari W, Ghisetti V, Giacometti A, Gori A,

Leoncini F, Maggiolo F, Maserati R, Mazzotta F, Micheli V, Meini G, Monno L, Mussini C, Nozza S,

Paolucci S, Parisi S, Pecorari M, Pizzi D, Quirino T, Re MC, Rizzardini G, Santangelo R, Soria A,

Stazi F, Sterrantino G, Turriziani O, Viscoli C, Vullo V, Lazzarin A, Perno CF; OSCAR Study Group.

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Performance of genotypic tropism testing in clinical practice using the enhanced sensitivity version of

Trofile as reference assay: results from the OSCAR Study Group. New Microbiol. 2010 Jul;33(3):195-


• Oliva A, Belvisi V, Iannetta M, Andreoni C, Mascellino MT, Lichtner M, Vullo V, Mastroianni CM.

Pacemaker lead endocarditis due to multidrug-resistant Corynebacterium striatum detected with

sonication of the device. J Clin Microbiol. 2010 Dec;48(12):4669-71. Epub 2010 Oct 13. PubMed

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• Arlotti M, Grossi P, Pea F, Tomei G, Vullo V, De Rosa FG, Di Perri G, Nicastri E, Lauria FN, Carosi

G, Moroni M, Ippolito G; GISIG (Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulle Infezioni Gravi) Working Group on

Brain Abscesses. Consensus document on controversial issues for the treatment of infections of the

central nervous system: bacterial brain abscesses. Int J Infect Dis. 2010 Oct;14 Suppl 4:S79-92.

• Trullas JC, Mocroft A, Cofan F, Tourret J, Moreno A, Bagnis CI, Fux CA, Katlama C, Reiss P,

Lundgren J, Gatell JM, Kirk O, Miró JM; EuroSIDA Investigators. Dialysis and renal transplantation in

HIV-infected patients: a European survey. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Dec 15;55(5):582-9.

• d'Ettorre G, Barbarini G, Corti F, Gobber M, Pastecchia C, Ricci GL, Siciliano M, Annicchiarico BE,

Vullo V. Seroconversion of HBsAg in HBeAg positive and HBeAg negative patients with chronic HBV

treated with entecavir: a case series. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2010 Jun;14(6):551-4.

• Mocroft A, Reiss P, Gasiorowski J, Ledergerber B, Kowalska J, Chiesi A, Gatell J, Rakhmanova A,

Johnson M, Kirk O, Lundgren J; EuroSIDA Study Group. Serious fatal and nonfatal non-AIDS-

defining illnesses in Europe. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Oct;55(2):262-70.

• Reekie J, Kosa C, Engsig F, Monforte A, Wiercinska-Drapalo A, Domingo P, Antunes F, Clumeck N,

Kirk O, Lundgren JD, Mocroft A; EuroSIDA Study Group. Relationship between current level of

immunodeficiency and non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining malignancies. Cancer.

2010 Nov 15;116(22):5306-15.

• Rossi R, Lichtner M, Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Marocco R, Massetti AP, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V.

Downregulation of leukocyte migration after treatment with CCR5 antagonist maraviroc. J Acquir

Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Aug;54(5):e13-4.

• Trotta MP, Cozzi-Lepri A, Ammassari A, Vecchiet J, Cassola G, Caramello P, Vullo V, Soscia F,

Chiodera A, Ladisa N, Abeli C, Cauda R, Buonuomi AR, Antinori A, d'Arminio Monforte A; ICONA

Foundation Study. Rate of CD4+ cell count increase over periods of viral load suppression:

relationship with the number of previous virological failures. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Aug 15;51(4):456-


• Richetta AG, Lichtener M, Mattozzi C, Miccoli A, Giancristoforo S, D'Epiro S, Vullo V, Calvieri S.

Fusariosis and skin T cell lymphoma: concomitant more than a differential diagnosis. Clin Ter.


• Sauzullo I, Mengoni F, Scrivo R, Valesini G, Potenza C, Skroza N, Marocco R, Lichtner M, Vullo V,

Mastroianni CM. Evaluation of QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube in human immunodeficiency virus

infection and in patient candidates for anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha treatment. Int J Tuberc Lung

Dis. 2010 Jul;14(7):834-40.

• d'Ettorre G, Marchetti F, Ceccarelli G, Gizzi F, Tierno F, Falcone M, Venditti M, Carlesimo B, Vullo V.

Surgical debridement with muscle flap transposition and systemic teicoplanin therapy for infected hip

arthroplasty. Hip Int. 2010 Apr-Jun;20(2):255-7

• Friis-Møller N, Thiébaut R, Reiss P, Weber R, Monforte AD, De Wit S, El-Sadr W, Fontas E, Worm S,

Kirk O, Phillips A, Sabin CA, Lundgren JD, Law MG; DAD study group. Predicting the risk of

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cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected patients: the data collection on adverse effects of anti-HIV

drugs study. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2010 Oct;17(5):491-501.

• Mocroft A, Kirk O, Reiss P, De Wit S, Sedlacek D, Beniowski M, Gatell J, Phillips AN, Ledergerber B,

Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA Study Group. Estimated glomerular filtration rate, chronic kidney disease

and antiretroviral drug use in HIV-positive patients. AIDS. 2010 Jul 17;24(11):1667-78.

• Sarmati L, Parisi SG, Andreoni C, Nicastri E, Buonomini AR, Boldrin C, Dori L, Montano M, Tommasi

C, Andreis S, Vullo V, Palù G, Andreoni M. Switching of inferred tropism caused by HIV during

interruption of antiretroviral therapy. J Clin Microbiol. 2010 Jul;48(7):2586-8.

• Malan N, Su J, Mancini M, Yang R, Wirtz V, Absalon J, McGrath D; CASTLE Study Team.

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the CASTLE study. AIDS Care. 2010 Jun;22(6):677-86.

• d'Ettorre G, Zaffiri L, Ceccarelli G, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. The role of HIV-DNA testing in clinical

practice. New Microbiol. 2010 Jan;33(1):1-11.

• Baroncelli S, Villani P, Weimer LE, Ladisa N, Francisci D, Tommasi C, Vullo V, Preziosi R, Cicalini S,

Cusato M, Galluzzo C, Floridia M, Regazzi M; ISS-NIA Group. Raltegravir plasma concentrations in

treatment-experienced patients receiving salvage regimens based on raltegravir with and without

maraviroc coadministration. Ann Pharmacother. 2010 May;44(5):838-43. Epub 2010 Apr 6.

• Prosperi MC, Cozzi-Lepri A, Castagna A, Mussini C, Murri R, Giacometti A, Torti C, Costantini A,

Narciso P, Ghinelli F, Antinori A, d'Arminio Monforte A; Icona Foundation Study Group. Incidence of

malignancies in HIV-infected patients and prognostic role of current CD4 cell count: evidence from a

large Italian cohort study. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 May 1;50(9):1316-21.

• Reekie J, Mocroft A, Ledergerber B, Beniowski M, Clotet B, van Lunzen J, Chiesi A, Pradier C,

Machala L, Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA Study Group. History of viral suppression on combination

antiretroviral therapy as a predictor of virological failure after a treatment change. HIV Med. 2010

Aug;11(7):469-78. Epub 2010 Feb 22.

• D'Agostino C, Scorzolini L, Massetti AP, Carnevalini M, d'Ettorre G, Venditti M, Vullo V, Orsi GB. A

seven-year prospective study on spondylodiscitis: epidemiological and microbiological features.

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• Steigbigel RT, Cooper DA, Teppler H, Eron JJ, Gatell JM, Kumar PN, Rockstroh JK, Schechter M,

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Rhodes RR, Strohmaier KM, Barnard RJ, Isaacs RD, Nguyen BY; BENCHMRK Study Teamsa. Long-

term efficacy and safety of Raltegravir combined with optimized background therapy in treatment-

experienced patients with drug-resistant HIV infection: week 96 results of the BENCHMRK 1 and 2

Phase III trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 15;50(4):605-12.

• Soriano V, Mocroft A, Peters L, Rockstroh J, Antunes F, Kirkby N, de Wit S, Monforte A, Flisiak R,

Lundgren J; EuroSIDA. Predictors of hepatitis B virus genotype and viraemia in HIV-infected patients

with chronic hepatitis B in Europe. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010 Mar;65(3):548-55.

• Worm SW, Friis-Møller N, Bruyand M, D'Arminio Monforte A, Rickenbach M, Reiss P, El-Sadr W,

Phillips A, Lundgren J, Sabin C; D:A:D study group. High prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in

HIV-infected patients: impact of different definitions of the metabolic syndrome. AIDS. 2010 Jan


• Russo G, Lichtner M, Carnevalini M, Mascellino MT, Mengoni F, Oliva A, Miccoli GA, Iannetta M,

Trinchieri V, Massetti AP, Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. Primary retroperitoneal abscesses due to

Rhodococcus equi in a patient with severe nephrotic syndrome: successful antibiotic treatment with

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linezolid and tigecycline. Int J Infect Dis. 2010 Jun;14(6):e533-5.

• Cicconi P, Cozzi-Lepri A, Castagna A, Trecarichi EM, Antinori A, Gatti F, Cassola G, Sighinolfi L,

Castelli P, d'Arminio Monforte A; ICoNA Foundation Study Group. Insights into reasons for

discontinuation according to year of starting first regimen of highly active antiretroviral therapy in a

cohort of antiretroviral-naïve patients. HIV Med. 2010 Feb;11(2):104-13.

• Ghosn J, Flandre P, Cohen-Codar I, Girard PM, Chaix ML, Raffi F, Dellamonica P, Ngovan P, Norton

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2010 Feb;11(2):137-42.

• D'Agostino C, Lichtner M, Mastroianni CM, Ceccarelli G, Iannetta M, Antonucci S, Vullo V, Massetti

AP. In vivo release of alpha-defensins in plasma, neutrophils and CD8 T-lymphocytes of patients with

HIV infection. Curr HIV Res. 2009 Nov;7(6):650-5.

• Podlekareva DN, Mocroft A, Post FA, Riekstina V, Miro JM, Furrer H, Bruyand M, Panteleev AM,

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• Camoni L, Regine V, Colucci A, Conte ID, Chiriotto M, Vullo V, Sebastiani M, Cordier L, Beretta R,

Fiore JR, Tateo M, Affronti M, Cassarà G, Suligoi B. Changes in at-risk behavior for HIV infection

among HIV-positive persons in Italy. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2009 Oct;23(10):853-8.

• Muratori C, Cavallin LE, Krätzel K, Tinari A, De Milito A, Fais S, D'Aloja P, Federico M, Vullo V,

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infected cells and by Nef transfer to bystander cells. Cell Host Microbe. 2009 Sep 17;6(3):218-30.

• d'Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Turriziani O, Andreotti M, Massetti P, Rizza C, Vella S, Antonelli G,

Mastroianni CM, Vullo V. The absence of HIV mutations in cerebrospinal fluid and in peripheral blood

mononuclear cells during a regimen containing Trizivir plus tenofovir. J Chemother. 2009


• Zazzi M, Prosperi M, Vicenti I, Di Giambenedetto S, Callegaro A, Bruzzone B, Baldanti F, Gonnelli A,

Boeri E, Paolini E, Rusconi S, Giacometti A, Maggiolo F, Menzo S, De Luca A; ARCA Collaborative

Group. Rules-based HIV-1 genotypic resistance interpretation systems predict 8 week and 24 week

virological antiretroviral treatment outcome and benefit from drug potency weighting. J Antimicrob

Chemother. 2009 Sep;64(3):616-24. Epub 2009 Jul 19.

• Cozzi-Lepri A, Phillips AN, Martinez-Picado J, Monforte A, Katlama C, Eg Hansen AB, Horban A,

Bruun J, Clotet B, Lundgren JD; EuroSIDA Study Group. Rate of accumulation of thymidine analogue

mutations in patients continuing to receive virologically failing regimens containing zidovudine or

stavudine: implications for antiretroviral therapy programs in resource-limited settings. J Infect Dis.

2009 Sep 1;200(5):687-97.

• d'Arminio Monforte A, Cozzi-Lepri A, Castagna A, Antinori A, De Luca A, Mussini C, Caputo SL,

Arlotti M, Magnani G, Pellizzer G, Maggiolo F, Puoti M; Icona Foundation Study Group. Risk of

developing specific AIDS-defining illnesses in patients coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C virus with

or without liver cirrhosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Aug 15;49(4):612-22.

• Morsica G, Bagaglio S, Cicconi P, Capobianchi MR, Pellizzer G, Caramello P, Orani A, Moioli C,

Rizzardini G, Uberti-Foppa C, Puoti M, Monforte AD; Hepa I.C.o.N.A the Icona Foundation Study

Groups. Viral interference between hepatitis B, C, and D viruses in dual and triple infections in HIV-

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