PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL) 2 Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (BRAZIL) Virtual Presentation Paper ID 1489 Brazil Oct, 2014

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)

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Page 1: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)


Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1

Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte2

1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)2 Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (BRAZIL)

Virtual Presentation Paper ID 1489

BrazilOct, 2014

Page 2: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)


Much has been said about the qualifications of teachers and principals in public schools, assigning them the problems for which the primary and secondary education have been enduring. On the other hand, give teachers and principals the best private schools level of training and updating. Although the media and, often, the population itself disclose these facts as true, the data does not lead us to these conclusions, as published in the book "Education: Caring and Work" (1999/2000). The data we will present, once again, show that the training of teachers and principals is higher than formally required and that other factors such as experience, interfere in the teaching-learning process. Education has suffered since then, a series of changes that emerges from the Vargas period to the modern times. Being competent teacher is being committed to teaching and your student helping him to be a capable and dutiful citizen of his duty. It is one that seeks ways to make learning more enjoyable and focused on student interest lecture using various resources to improve their performance in the classroom. It's the one keeping informed and empowered. Educational policies have been a factor that has discouraged many teachers, the crisis passes the school is the result of the indifference of the rulers. Working conditions that teachers have is unsatisfactory that reaches even students. It is the lack of professional preparation that Brazilian educator who is missing so that it carries more pleasure the more he can do: educating for citizenship. Both agents of capital and workers are demanding a high level of education, although each segment postulates a school in its own way with its own criteria of educational quality. The teachers face these new realities and complexity of knowledge presently involved in professional training, needs further theoretical training, operational capacity requirements of the profession and the essential correction in wages, working conditions and professional practice. In this sense, to this paper focuses on competent teacher committed to teaching. It is necessary, therefore, we review the history of education, ranging from Vargas to the New Era of Education, which very attached Citizenship, education and the world of work, conceptions of vocational education, social inequalities and a brief commentary on the New Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, noting that no changes nor pedagogical proposals without such professional who is almost forgotten: the teachers and their profession.

Keywords: Professional development, Brazilian teacher, educational policies.

Page 3: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)


In recent decades, the world has undergone profound transformations and large so scientific, social and cultural, technological, political, economic, has led us to tackle complex and successive events that change our lives in many different aspects. Some of these events are related to the social and economic functions that the information and knowledge have occupied in society, as well as with the advances of telematics, which have facilitated the production and circulation of large volumes of information. Universities are perhaps the institutions more calls by society to follow the transformations of human life. Where as this monitoring requires effective participation of universities in society and that institutions are socially represented by humans, the teachers working in the universities of our time become agents directly responsible for attending this call. It can be stated that both the integration of universities with society as the level of innovation that we expect of them, which should characterize them as institutions that are always ahead of his time, greatly depend on the actions of one of its most important segments: the formation of the Brazilian educator. This, in turn, supported by relevant educational policies, must be permanently appropriating knowledge produced with a view to the objectification of that knowledge through the functions of teaching, research and extension in line with social demands present and future.

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Empire and Vargas period With the Proclamation of Independence, Brazil had more pressing problems, or at least it seemed to the men of that day, to worry about than the foundation of a university or establishment of a network of primary and secondary education. The system of loose classes would have to be recognized by the new state and continue, unable to immediately replace it by a real school system as we understand it today, or as it existed in the time of the Jesuits. The Imperial Government founded two law schools, one in São Paulo and one in Recife; the spare classes continued to exist without government control, but in practice teachers taught only what was required for entry to the few schools existing higher education in Brazil at that time, ie, the approval preparatory exams installments, which were a kind a certificate of secondary education. Although at first such tests were carried out with the colleges, were not a college entrance exam and yes, as stated, a certificate of secondary education. The then existing colleges at the beginning of the empire were basically founded by Dom João VI over the two law schools of São Paulo and Recife. Thus there was in the Empire, in principle, neither primary nor secondary courses themselves. However, besides this, nothing prevents the existence of separate classes, the first Brazilian Constitution of 1824 stipulated that primary education would be free to all citizens and a law of October 15, 1827 determined that schools should be created first letters in all the cities, towns and villages. Thing, however, was never fulfilled to a great extent. That is, the intent of the law was that, although for entry into higher education was not necessary frequency to the primary and secondary courses, continue simply because the approval in installments examinations were gradually emerging primary and secondary schools obeying regulations government.

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Before, however, that such projects become reality, a constitutional amendment in Brazil that would seriously complicate the destinies of education throughout the rest of the Empire occurred. In a few years the computer it became small enough to be carried and used by people, acquiring a speed to process information thousands of times greater than its predecessor. Today research is designed to put the chip on the soles of shoes and get folding screens so they can be carried in the pocket of an individual, is the computer age, that draws ever more man. Even in media scholars confused education with instruction. Crisp contours, education is but an island, an accident on the continental map. So, training people is the great challenge. It educates, indeed, for the exercise of citizenship. Education is the responsibility of the School; education, family, anything that prevents the complete. However, due to lack of awareness and politicization, family, alienated, not educate. Previously, parents exercise authority firmly. Hitting or missing, did so safely, protected by an authoritarian mask. Today, the educational mission requires authority and rejects authoritarianism. Remember that awareness of citizenship forms at home, by the example of parents who transmit that lives. Involved fathers, engaged in the community, take their children to tread the same path. It is conscious citizen who fulfills his duties and fight for their rights.

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The individual who does not omit, respecting the rights of others, participates in the change of individualistic mentality the solidarity process. The sanitation problem of society is all. Citizenship presupposes freedom and fraternity. Parents should show their children a democratic, lucid and serene experience, through which will dawn the duties and the validity of fighting for their rights. You need to rethink the future, reassess the economic plan that, on one hand, accounts for currency stabilization, another drastically cuts funds for education and works of social interest, generating unemployment and misery. Economic difficulties, the specter of recession, the proliferation of pockets of poverty, illiteracy, promiscuity of tenements and slums, where people huddle in "inhumane garrets" impede access to citizenship. The educational system live your most devastating crisis. The Brazilian Universities without resources and mismanaged, which should be levers of national development and their greater incentives, the setback is a weight that feeds the technological and scientific backwardness, causing a lack of preparation of professional educators. The dissolution of morals, disbelief in eternal values, attachment to the transitory, the requirement of rights without compensation acceptance of duties, reflect a collective bad example. One must believe in the restoration of lost values, But do not build the greatness of a nation without sacrifice, without citizenship or duties. And there is no strong action without well structured families: the consciousness of citizenship depends crucially family.

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The Brazilian schools and universities are being sought by people with growing anxiety, with queues for registration of the same nature queuing for meat. The shifts are multiplied, the buildings are congesting; candidates for the entrance exams are much higher than the number of vacancies and the limitations of registration are serious social problems, sometimes even public order. The primary role of teaching is teacher education. We are all teachers and students teach and are taught in ongoing interaction, in every moment of our lives. In this concept, we do not need any didactic, learned spontaneously in our midst, with each other, with our own experiences with our thoughts. This is the first assumption of the educator. The educator is the professional who intentionally engaged in the activity of creating conditions for development and desirable behaviors, and for both, need a structured methodological learning process. The pedagogical action delights that purpose. Awareness of the need of the school, so hard to create in other times, came to us, so unforeseen, greedy, demanding, forcing the expansion of school facilities. We can not deceive this awareness. The duty of government - democratic duty, constitutional duty, indefeasible duty - is to offer the Brazilian a primary school able to give you the basic training necessary to their common work, a middle school able to meet the range of their skills and occupations diverse middle level and high school able to give you the highest culture and at the same time the most delicate specialization. We all know how far these goals, but the challenge of Brazilian development is to achieve them in the shortest possible time, otherwise perish to the weight of our own progress.

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Very mechanical, unreal and abstract character of our schools will disappear because of these policies and administrative measures, resurfacing, in its place, as the Brazilian virtues genius of its creator, in other spheres, has been producing adaptations so characteristic of your civilization training in that mix so complex and delicate features all sorts of influences, towering over all aspects creator of a dynamic and optimistic, without the hardships of American rivalry, but balanced in their fever for a grain of humanistic solidarity. Education adjusted to Brazilian cultural conditions will be authentic and real, identifying with the country and helping to discover it best to cooperate, as he should, in the great task of building the Brazilian culture. Educational reconstruction of the nation have to do with this freedom and this respect for their conditions, as the supreme affirmation of our confidence in Brazil, whose people, now unified and energetic, we deliver, with maximum local autonomy, the work of their own training.

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The Disposal of the Professor

The learning is a process of problem solving. When we do not understand something, it is difficult to establish a relationship and we make predictions and this occurs not only with students but also with the educator. All the knowledge we have today was purchased through our history through dilemmas and problems, solved, made use of our actions. One problem that usually occurs in school is the alienation of the teacher. This alienation is always determined by the direction and relevance of what should be memorized, for example, where we left the car parked at the mall, forget that night, any item that was forgotten in the schedule of the meeting planning, material shortages teaching, salary, etc. These situations occur a lot in school, and it is in these situations that have caused alienation and discouragement as a result much has hampered the work of educator and also stopped to assist student learning in school. The disposal of the educator in the classroom is through two prisms: objective nature - where conditions of work are central to its development may even be decisive for this state of alienated, and the aspect of subjective conditions, which may possibly be a lack of clarity of the teacher in relation to their work, which is clearly responsible for much of its effective performance in educational change, because this is precisely the alienation that is this educator. The sale comprises one state in which people become strangers to themselves and around themselves, and can not interfere in your organization, or justify why their latest accomplishments, thoughts, emotions, causing the loss of meaning, disorientation, lack of assimilation and mastery of these manifestations.

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This alienation however is not the privilege only of educators but a reality that occurs in every society as it is in the organization and exploitation of the workforce of man in a capitalist system. Thus the worker does not dominate their own work, because it does not know for sure how and why it produces, generating alienation not only the product but the process of production. But alienation is not only what is real livelihood belonging to another, but that everything is something other than yourself, and that every activity as well as anything else is an inhuman power that intervenes on all (Marx, 1989: 217). In this process there is a possibility of overcoming alienation by the revolutionary transformation of the mode of production of existence. By being a citizen and being inserted in a broader context of society, the educator is also hit by this alienation which generally is imposed on all forms of social organization, and as a professional participant of this alienation is a result of their work. The work of teaching-learning is often taken by the teacher as a mere means of survival and the student as a form of business, losing its size and reducing it to a masked terms of trade standards. Therefore, the educational activity under the conditions they are in, is pure alienation where the teacher may be responsible for school failure, and that is not realizing that reflects the determinations that the school is holding. In this sense, lack clarity about the reality in which the educator lives, makes and acts more specifically on pedagogical dimension, for the vision of reality and purpose, makes it difficult for the educator, the realization of practice that is transforming education. Some time ago, it was the teacher who controlled a little over their tasks, and although without depth, teaching content, summarizing the issues and spent his students, which were mostly lectures. Currently, and in numbers far superior to those long ago, the teacher has noticed that was malformed and is incapacitated for that reality, because when you go to practice, re-engaging with the fragments of his work, then when will the textbooks their lifeline, to give a structure to your course.

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All this is because the limit of your knowledge and matters of curriculum are pre-established a program in function of the vestibular requirements. These difficulties listed as formerly, are still consequences of lack of control, consistency and reasoning, added to the time when they were also students of a school. When faced with this situation, it is customary to seek assistance in fine speeches about the role of educators, who generally back a fusion of pedagogical concepts and theories fragments that compose without dialogue and criticism, forming an almost ineffective body. These palliative end up forming an abyss that even the teacher knows their dimensions. Marx (1989) comments that the job of the educator is a reality that comes from within and is externalized, becoming an autonomous power in opposition to him, being a challenging and opposite force. In this perspective, the Doctrine and teaching (didactic) method prepares the teacher to be a professional person and has the faculty of control of the process and the result of their work. The industrial machines consist of a system of parts that produce specific products that the mechanical act of repeating, requires no cognitive effort. Teachers are not machines, and therefore, can improve the quality of education that is the result of your product (production). In this sense, the teacher is always in process of alienation, but that certainly snatch this state, is planning to teaching that will make you strong and effectively able to rule out any source of alienation. It is for this reason that the teaching methods were systematic and all his servants.

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The Enigma of Knowledge

The education is a process that is in a continual process of evolution. When we are born, we are not yet complete, a process immediately trigger our instincts, and move on to the learning phase. So everything is still pretty weird. It is a new world that is opening up before us. To assist man in his relation to the world, there are mediating tools. We can say that there are two types of mediators elements which are the instruments and symbols. Through systems of signs and codes, we can communicate with other people. Icons, which are a kind of sign created by man to establish communication may be used. For a teacher, you must be well aware of the differences of deep structure of language students. Always what it seems clear to us teachers, it is not clear to the student. The relationship between language and thought has been a subject discussed by both psychology and linguistics, and in this respect, there are views completely unknown. In the theory of behaviorism, one of the currents of psychology, thinking is nothing more than a process designed to explain what we do not understand human behavior. For behaviorism anyone seen or measured thought, because nothing is more than a whispered speech, with no need to introduce the concept of thought to explain it.

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Pavlov's theory gave rise to a point of view as extreme as behaviorism, which according to his theory, the thought is socially determined. Adults talk initially to control children and soon after, children learn to speak for themselves control their behaviors. When you eliminate the sound of the voice to talk to herself, came to mind. Other theories, to oppose these approaches, completely separated thought from language. However, it is difficult to imagine a person speak, without having ever thought intelligently. A cognitive approach to language and thought is the one that comes closest to one plausible explanation, because language reflects the human thought and is not fundamentally different from other cognitive activities. Thus, influence influence thought and through it makes a large amount of learning. During the development, more and more are becoming learning language. A learning disability is not related to intelligence, motivation or desire but through the organization of and access to information that medium. The language has an important role in thinking and facilitates learning. This conundrum of knowledge has something to do with the formation of the educator? Certainly. If we educators do not know how to decipher these symbols, we can not assimilate the language that only education behind us.

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THE EDUCATIONAL PLANNING IN THE TRAINING OF EDUCATOR The educational planning is a dynamic process and has a goal and enables us to achieve this goal, that part of the present moment to that future situation where education must meet both the individual and society as a whole. Thus, educational planning function is to efficiently meet the exacting demands of the social system mode, offering subsidies effective in correcting the distortions perceived in the social system itself. Educational planning must walk within a scientific study and real, considering the socio-cultural values of the country, have targeted the population, physical resources, school legislation and the goal that aims to therefore as a system, all will be achieved pedagogically. Without good planning, it becomes almost impossible for the educator to reach a good education.

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The Practice of Teaching

The practice of teaching, here understood as a discipline of training courses for teachers, has placed the teacher on the challenge of building an education project in which theory and practice form a unit. A discussion of education as human praxis leads us often to a basic sociological concept: the notion of working toward building the kingdom of freedom. Understand the teaching practice as a human work and therefore constructed by subjects placed in a historical space and socially located. From this perspective, it becomes essential to understand the work as a fundamental dimension of human life, able to qualitatively transform the environment both in their goals and subjective aspects. It also enables to realize how work has historically gone through transformations in relation to the forms of organization of production and specialization. From there, we began to discuss the fragmentation of knowledge and the hierarchy of disciplines. Verified the complexity of social relations established from the organization of production, i.e., labor understood as painful and sacrificial, institutionalized, especially in modernity occupation.

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We understand that in seeking to overcome the inhuman character assumed by work in modernity, generated by the division of labor and capitalist exploitation of man is implied the need to rescue their creative and reflective character, taking these as necessities of man. We seek in this way to overcome the notion of work as merely mechanical, abstract and indifferent or alienated activity, to seek one in which man is the subject of the production process. The practice of teaching, being a theoretical and practical discipline, perhaps the only one with this characteristic in the case of teacher education today is developed from educational experiences within the school, theorizing it. In its development the contact with the educational environment of the school is essential because it is this reality that teaching proposals should emerge. The lack of a more effective link students with the reality of the school, has also restricted the pedagogical experience to an artificial contact, formal fulfillment of teaching practice, which does not guarantee a thorough reflection on the lived. The reflection on the everyday, especially from the real questions of the teacher, constitutes the condition that there should be a clearer and more consistent training with reality. The lack of a more systematic partnership working between schools and universities has led to the construction of atomized proposals and with little impact on the educational community, making interventions from single disciplines in sporadic activities not actualize the changes necessary in the context of Brazilian public schools nor to create the conditions for the teacher to form a real engagement with the problems of Brazilian education.

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Understand, through reading and discussion in class, the issues related to this teaching are directly linked to a larger and more complex process of scrapping the Brazilian public school. Such dismantling of the public school translates into low wages paid to professional education (when they receive), the poor working conditions, management of tied to corporate interests or political and electoral education system and the lack of an educational proposal aimed at training of citizens. Molecular studies, in dimension as possible, have served as encouragement for those who believe in the changes in education, beginning with the formation of the educator. Are still isolated and not expressive initiatives that do not advance beyond the classroom. This perspective of activity is also indicated as a threshold to be overcome by education researchers. Thus, the changes in the educational field are constructed from the changes in the practices of teachers and schools as a whole, this assumes a positive investment in innovative experiences that are already present in this medium. It becomes therefore important and necessary to stimulate action proposed training sites that are linked to questions and perceived in everyday school and the region in which it is located. In the construction of a project (or design), this should seek the collaboration through dialogue, its closest partners, to investigate and propose possible solutions. Thus, argues that the protagonists of a given situation should rethink it and reflect on the possibilities of overcoming the problem collectively. These discussions have served as a reference for the work that is developed with students of Teaching Practice, with whom we seek to build alternative proposals for intervention in the school reality, despite the constraints of the curriculum organization, both on course and in school that receives.

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Similarly the content of official, academic-scientific, students and teachers speeches, the results showed that the design of teacher prevails in the minds of the university community is one which presents itself as one of the elements that can contribute to the quality of teaching and for professional and personal development of teachers. However, in a real and concrete world of the university, the political, economic, social, institutional, professional and personal issues tend to hinder the occurrence of such training so that the process does not occur at the level of quality expected by students, nor in the personal and professional satisfaction of teachers. This assertion stems from several factors of order personal, professional, institutional, political and economic highlighted by the research subjects as obstacles of effective and systematic occurrence of the formation process of the Brazilian educator. For teachers, the factors that hinder the process of teacher education are fundamentally wage policy that, given the high costs of acquiring information in the present world, has largely made impossible in its formation; policies to contain costs, especially regarding the absence, reduction and budget cuts intended for that purpose. All these issues have prevented both the spacing for training in graduate level as the distance to the formation of the teachers. This table shows directly or indirectly, the neglect of the Federal Government with the public higher education, whose current educational policies have led to devaluation, precarious, teacher disqualification and, consequently, have resulted in poor quality of education.

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Among the institutional elements of internal character already crystallized in the structure of universities, which, historically part of the university culture in our country, teachers highlight fundamentally the existing bureaucracy in the structure of teacher education. Express their opinions on this has been the most discouraging factor in their efforts to participate in scientific meetings and in placements and technical institutions located in other States visits. We note that despite all these difficulties, the process of formation of the educator is permeated instituted concurrently by aspects considered by the subjects themselves as enablers of their occurrence. For teachers, the availability of services and varied information products in the world, government policies directed specifically at post-graduate level masters, doctorate and post-doctorate, as well as the policy of encouraging the formation adopted by the Departments are very factors that enable the engagement of staff in teacher training this process.Globally, we can say that despite the teacher malaise and lack of policies and / or plans of continuing education enabling them to overcome bureaucracy, power relations, corporatism and the very lack of organicity that such a policy level requires. This leads us to infer that teachers dispense the personal training process of its formation efforts, seeking to address the lack of institutional support, because they believe in this process as synonymous with technical-scientific and pedagogic competence and improving personal and professional life.

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In general, these professionals also tend to use the same channels to seek updated information about your area of expertise and establish new contacts with teachers and researchers to exchange information and to communicate new scientific discoveries and / or socialize academic-knowledge scientific. Therefore, we can not say that teachers are being alienated from all of their right to appropriate information necessary to process of objectification, here understood as the realization of the traditional functions of the University: Teaching, Research and Extension. On the other hand, the process of formation, with respect to the exchange of information within the institution itself, tends to occur more at the individual than collective. This statement resonates with the finding that the channels of information such as: participation in scientific meetings and study groups, discussions, conversations with colleagues, events held and / or promoted by the universities, which, presumably, could be contributing to the collective exchange of knowledge in the academic environment are, however, being minimally used by teachers.

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Thus, according to Behrens (. 1996, P. 229), it is expected that teachers:

...able to theorize their practice, in order to renew it, and this authority (to theorize practice) is not realized with mass training, but with questioning, individual and collective reflection, critical and creative thinking, own production and continuing education. The challenge is to abandon the immediacy courses that address reproductive action to trigger procedural mechanisms, collective, dynamic and continuous training of teachers. The construction of pedagogical proposal entails autonomy and creativity in teaching, involvement, competence and search quality.

The teaching work in universities officially endowed with didactic and scientific autonomy presupposes individual and collective freedom. Castoriadis (1992) believes that freedom is an enabler factor of realization of human life, but that is only fully realized from the awareness of people that their freedom can not be like today, only passive, negative or defensive, but positive and active.

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The lack of commitment of the Federal Government towards public higher education, reflected in budget cuts, low wages and lack of replacement staff, among others; university structures that exude power, bureaucracy and corporatism; a teacher and technical-administrative body divided, formed on the one hand, for subjects who resist because they believe in the reversal of the situation in a different place on the other, those who take the path of servitude, and arises from submissively to the market logic, aside or background engaging with the public university, is a panorama that seems little motivation for the implementation of any projects for concrete and effective changes. Despite the tensions, crises and contradictions that this scenario refers, but above all respecting the theoretical stance we adopt in this study, we believe in the possibility of reframing and demystify the academic practice at the University. That for us is, among other things, propose concrete actions, even though resistance to them will also be concrete. A realistic view of the pedagogical relationship, does not reject the teaching authority expressed in its function of teaching, but one should not confuse authority with authoritarianism, as it is manifested and is based on fear of the teacher to see his authority threatened. The pedagogical relationship is a relationship with a group and the group climate is essential pedagogy.

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The disposal of the teacher there, but we can and should fight, not to integrate Basic Education and Vocational Education, where the dimensions are other and certainly greatly reduce the level of learning. The time of the empire can not come back, unless we take measures of caution. We must invest in education and planning is the weapon we have as an investment and this investment should proceed from each one of us. We know that human complexity prevents us to take being in its entirety. It is worth recalling the advice of Leonardo Boff that "every point of view is the only view point." Thus, it is necessary humility to take the stories heard in understandings always partial. Another important aspect is the one that refers to a certain ability to share their experiences with other peers, as the potter mentioned by Walter Benjamin (1994). The narrative produced by teachers has no claim to convey information. Like Benjamin, the council tissue in the living substance of existence has a name: wisdom. And only with the wisdom that comes from daily experiences of public school, so sometimes forgotten, devalued and ignored, is that teacher training can be rethought. Even speaking in singular stories, by their individual dimensions, are not without this sociocultural dimension, are nonetheless reflect this dimension, as well as reflect its particularities in social whole.

Page 24: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)

The individual being that is constructed as a subject in a particular group, or moving through a diversity of groups, is manifold and one at the same time: the multiple dialogue with diversity, and one, the unique construction that gives this diversity. Being one, synthesizes multiple; which contains multiple diversity and ambiguity. Therefore, it seems that the difficulties encountered by the trainers and future teachers are not solely linked to the conceptual and attitudinal change, ie, the effort to break away from the known and familiar, but also to choose a particular course within a extremely complex change; provide input and guide future teachers for choosing a style of teaching group seems an interesting and promising suggestion, from the perspective of a dynamic training. As already part listed above, the State has its share of responsibility in the training of their educators. It is therefore the duty of government - democratic duty, constitutional duty, indefeasible duty - is to offer the Brazilian a primary school able to give you the basic training necessary to their common work, a middle school able to meet the variety of their skills and diversified occupations mid-level and high school able to give you the highest culture and at the same time the most delicate specialization. We all know how far these goals, but the challenge of Brazilian development is to achieve them in the shortest possible time, otherwise perish to the weight of our own progress.

Page 25: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF BRAZILIAN TEACHER Antônio Ferreira do Norte Filho 1 Naira Neila Batista de Oliveira Norte 2 1 Universidade Nilton Lins (BRAZIL)

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