Professor Martinez ENGR 096

Professor Martinez ENGR 096. Space Shuttle Flip (Click to open clip) Space Shuttle Flip The above clip is of the STS-123 Space Shuttle performing

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Professor MartinezENGR 096

Space Shuttle Flip (Click to open clip) The above clip is of the STS-123 Space

Shuttle performing an orbital flip in space.

NASA is extra careful that the thermal tiles underneath the shuttle have not been damaged upon take-off

There are literally thousands of engineering related YouTube clips (maybe millions!)

Who are the first engineers? Why?

What would you consider the first engineering project?

Continue on to find the answers…

Ancient Egyptians (4000-2000 B.C.) Developed systems of math, quarrying,

surveying, construction techniques Stone & metal tools, plow Built large masonry structures (Pyramids,

temples, statues)

People who showed special aptitude in certain areas were identified and assigned to specialized tasks The first real engineers

Construction of Pyramids (2700-2500 B.C.)

Largest masonry structure ever built. WHY? Masonry structures are not as earthquake

resistant than today’s steel framed building Today, bricks/stone are used more for aesthetic

purposes than for structural purposes

58,000,000 tons, 2.3 million limestone blocks

(1 ton = 2,240 lbs.)

The Egyptians made the pyramid with less than a single inch of error

All angles on the pyramid are accurate!

Parthenon (447 B.C.) Made entirely of marble Column ratios in harmony

Roman Aqueduct (312 B.C.) Provided running water and sanitation Major construction using laws of gravity Still exist today in Italy, Spain, and France

The Great Wall of China (220 B.C.) Built to repel Mongolian invaders 3,080 miles long

Longer than the distance from here to New York!! So large you can see the wall from outer space

Satellite Photo

Leonardo DaVinci Could not read Latin, prevented him from

learning from other scientists. Architect, engineer, sculptor, painter

Johannes Gutenberg Invented the printing press Growing need to spread information

spawned the need for quicker means to copy literature

Borrowed ideas from Chinese method

What do engineers do? Invent, design, develop,

manufacture, test, sell, and service products AND services

Engineering defined: Profession in which

mathematics and natural sciences gained by study & experience are needed to utilize materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind

Aimee Lopez, Civil Engineer


Proficiency and interest in math and science Suggested by high school counselor Relative is an engineer Job prospects High starting salaries

YES & NO!!Ultimately its up to you and your job


Most lucrative college degrees: Nine out of 10 employers see higher competition for qualified engineering graduates, according to a new survey. Why it pays to be a nerd. (Ha-Ha!)

Click here to see a ranking of engineering salaries

Scientists search for answers Engineers search for answers, but always with

an application in mind. Science is discovery, advancing knowledge. Engineering tackles problems that prevents

product or service (Not maintenance!!) Engineers are not mechanics or maintenance

workers Mechanics/maintenance workers require specialized

classes not normally taught at the university level

Scientist Engineer

Study planets to understand them

Study planets to build spacecraft

Study atomic structure Study atoms to make more efficient microchips

Study neurological system to cure disease

Study system to design artificial limbs

Create new chemicals Mass Produce chemicals

Predict earthquakes Use earthquake data to design safer buildings

What do engineers have to know?

How different factors and disciplines overlap each other

Examples:– Design of an aircraft engine fan blade

Federal Regulations (Noise, Safety, Quality)

– Artificial limb design Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Mechanical Engineering

– Toothpaste pump production Cost, Productivity Small design changes can save millions of dollars

In the movie, I, Robot, Will Smith has a robotic/bionic arm that looks and moves just like a normal arm. (A robot ripped off his old arm) This is not science fiction, there are

engineers working on how to connect human nerves to robots so that when the brain thinks movement the robot can respond quickly

Imagine if the engineers never took a biology, anatomy or physiology course…(check the next slide to find out!)

Let’s get JIGGY!!

Page 27 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 Due Wednesday, September 9th

Grab a laptop and get online Find three(3) different engineering articles that interest

you and briefly summarize them in no more than 200 words each.

For each summary, include the type of engineering or engineers that the article refers to.

Be prepared to share one summary with the entire class. Turn in your research lab to the professor

News source suggestions: www.latimes.com www.bbcnews.com www.popsci.com www.msnbc.msn.com