Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success! Dr. Sarah McCormick, Age 33 (Lost 20 lbs, 9 inches in 3 months; ran first 10K) Bonnie Kaye met me at a time in my life where I was at my heaviest weight.I was about 20 lbs overweight, I was starting to feel hopeless in my battle against the bulge. My first impression of Bonnie on my first day in personal training was mostly in amazement by how fit and gorgeous she is, but also her incredible energy and positive attitude. In 3 months time she whipped me back into the best shape of my life. I trained with Bonnie 2-3 x a week for 5 years. Her bootcamps were the hardest bootcamps of my life, but afterwards I felt strong and had a great time getting fit.I looked forward to my workouts with her, but also knew that I'd get a SERIOUS workout in an hours time. It's not always an easy day going to personal training. After a hard stressful day, Bonnie was always there to motivate me to get past personal issues and carry that over into my workouts instead. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through my medical residency without Bonnie, her friendship and her training. She helped me become strong inside and out, and taught me to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sarah McCormick OB/GYN

Profiles of Success!

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Page 1: Profiles of Success!

Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

Dr. Sarah McCormick, Age 33(Lost 20 lbs, 9 inches in 3 months; ran first 10K)

Bonnie Kaye met me at a time in my life where I was at my heaviest weight.I was about 20 lbs overweight, I was starting to feel hopeless in my battle against the bulge. My first impression of Bonnie on my first day in personal training was mostly in amazement by how fit and gorgeous she is, but also her incredible energy and positive attitude. In 3 months time she whipped me back into the best shape of my life. I trained with Bonnie 2-3 x a week for 5 years. Her bootcamps were the hardest bootcamps of my life, but afterwards I felt strong and had a great time getting fit.I looked forward to my workouts with her, but also knew that I'd get a SERIOUS workout in an hours time. It's not always an easy day going to personal training. After a hard stressful day, Bonnie was always there to motivate me to get past personal issues and carry that over into my workouts instead. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through my medical residency without Bonnie, her friendship and her training. She helped me become strong inside and out, and taught me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sarah McCormickOB/GYN

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Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

John Holzberger, Age 55(Lost 50 lbs, 13 inches in 9 months; ran first 5K)

Since I started working out with Bonnie, I have lost a lot of weight, gotten rid of my “spare tire,” and have a stronger, more sculpted physique. My biceps look great in tee-shirts and my cardio endurance has improved to the point I can finally keep up with my grandkids. My blood pressure meds have been cut in half and I feel much better about my appearance. Bonnie also helped me make better food choices, so I feel good about my diet and have an overall healthier lifestyle. What I like most about Bonnie is her personality—she has a great sense of humor and makes working out fun. She is a tough trainer, and her workouts are challenging, but somehow I make it through, and actually enjoy it. Bonnie talked me into signing up for a 5K Charity Run and helped me train for it. At first I couldn't even run a mile, but by the end of our six-week training program, she had me running all 3.1 miles at a pretty good clip. I was surprised to discover that I liked running, and was actually pretty good at it. I signed up for more 5K Runs and improved my time to the point that I placed Top Ten in my division. I can now run five miles a day, whenever I want to. At my age, I never imagined being a competitive runner, but Bonnie found a way to bring out the best in me. I feel more confident, have a better outlook on life, and can handle stress much better. My doctor says Bonnie Kaye is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

John Holzberger

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Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

Vicki Witset, Age 63(Lost 12 lbs, 11 inches in 6 months; improved strength, balance, and posture)

I came to Bonnie after I lost my balance and fell while doing everyday chores. I was bruised and nervous that I was losing my basic level of fitness. I was overweight, lethargic, and dealing with arthritis and a hip replacement. I was a wreck! Bonnie was very patient and encouraging. We started with basic strength training, cardio and balance exercises, and gentle stretching. Gradually, I started to see improvements. Bonnie asked me to do things I said I couldn't do. She always said, “How do you know you can't do something, if you have never even tried?” Then I'd try it—and I'd do it. She pushed me to try new things, but was always kind, warm and caring. Bonnie made me feel like I mattered. After coming in three times a week for six weeks, my posture and balance improved, my muscles were more toned and I started noticing my clothes were fitter looser. I am more mindful of what I'm eating and have improved my diet. Just knowing that Bonnie was going to ask me what I ate that day made me think twice before having that extra cookie! My overall quality of life has definitely improved and I can get around a lot better. Even just carrying laundry up and down the stairs is much easier. I have more stamina and feel stronger. I am still a work in progress, but feel better than I have in years!

Vicki Whitsett

Page 4: Profiles of Success!

Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

Jan Jorgensen, 58(Lost 16 lbs, 13 inches in 8 months; ran first 5K)

My favorite thing about working with Bonnie is that I'm getting results. Bonnie makes my workouts fun and effective. She is experienced and knowledgeable in her profession and has helped me achieve my personal goals of losing weight and building a stronger body.Today I like the way I look and feel in my clothes. I have lost weight and inches and have improved my muscle tone. I find that I take pride in what I'm wearing instead of using my clothes to just “cover up.” I have more energy, strength, and endurance in all that I do. The most gratifying change for me is psychological. I love the way that I feel! Bonnie's program has given me my confidence back in everything I do and has really changed my life. When I started it was exhausting to just walk a mile. Now I can run 3 miles without stopping and have participated in three 5K Runs, something I never thought I could do—and finished! This gift of working with Bonnie as my personal trainer is the best thing I have ever done for myself—ever! I would recommend Bonnie to all my friends. She knows what she's doing!

Jan Jorgensen

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Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

Bill Jorgensen, 57(Lost 40 lbs, 22 inches in 10 mons; ran first 5K)

My number one goal was to get back to feeling healthy and reduce bodyfat. With Bonnie's help, I have lost 40 pounds and 22 inches (my beer gut is gone!) and have revamped my diet. Now I have total confidence in my appearance, and actually enjoy working out, which has never happened before. I think this program worked because it was diverse—I never knew exactly what we were going to do which made it fun and interesting. We tried different types of training and mixed things up—I was never bored and kept seeing results, week after week. Bonnie has worked hard to allow me to reach my goals. I never believed personally it was achievable—I haven't had much success in the past. Bonnie is an excellent motivator and invites you to get involved in activities outside the gym, such as running 5K's. I never ran in my 57 years and thought this activity impossible. I tried my first 5K run after 10 months of training (wow!) and thanks to Bonnie, it was a great experience. I will be ready for the next run! I can't say enough about how great a trainer Bonnie is, and how unique her skills are in being able to motivate people to do things they never thought they could do. I had such a great experience I recommended her program to my wife, and she also achieved great results. Previously non-runners, we now run 5K's together. Bonnie is a gifted trainer--she is very persuasive.

Bill Jorgensen

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Bonnie Kaye, ACE-Certified Personal Trainer: Client Testimonials Profiles of Success!

Holly Schuler, 43(Improved strength, muscle tone, self-confidence; ran first 5K; maintained 225 lb weight loss)

Working with Bonnie over the course of ther last seven months has not only increased my physical strength with more definition in my arms and legs, but my self-confidence, allowing me to maintain my significant weight loss. She has introduced me to different fitness methods, i.e., high intensity interval training and kettlebells, to my program in conjunction with my current cardio exercise. I am now running 5K races, which is something I had been talking about doing but never put into action on my own until Bonnie trained and coached me on how to run a race, then signed me up for a 5K and ran it with me. I have run several more since, and have even received a medal for coming in first in my division. Bonnie cares very much about her clientele and provides encouragement and inspiration in every way she can whether it be with fitness and/or daily life. I appreciate everything Bonnie has done and am thankful for all the time and effort in helping me achieve my goals now and in the future.

Holly Schuler