PROGRAM PLANNING About Educational Programs ...................................... 2 Timeline for Planning a Brown Bag Lunch Program ..... 4 Brown Bag Lunch/Section Program Form ................. 5 CLE Program Flow Diagram ........................................ 6 Duties of the CLE Program Chair ............................... 7 CLE Checklist ............................................................... 8 CLE Brochure Form ..................................................... 9 All About CLE Books & Materials ............................. 11 CLE Programs 2008-2009 .......................................... 13 On-Line Broadcasting ................................................ 16 Speaker Release Form ............................................... 17 Audio Visual Resources ............................................ 18 General Guidance Public Service Government Relations Program Planning BBA Contacts & Information Return to Handbook Index

PROGRAM PLANNING General Guidanceo Direct mail brochures to broad audience including BBA and non-BBA members o CLE electronic postcards to broad audience o CLE Digest to entire membership

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About Educational Programs ......................................2

Timeline for Planning a Brown Bag Lunch Program .....4

Brown Bag Lunch/Section Program Form .................5

CLE Program Flow Diagram ........................................6

Duties of the CLE Program Chair ...............................7

CLE Checklist ...............................................................8

CLE Brochure Form .....................................................9

All About CLE Books & Materials .............................11

CLE Programs 2008-2009 ..........................................13

On-Line Broadcasting ................................................16

Speaker Release Form ...............................................17

Audio Visual Resources ............................................18


























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� Boston Bar Association | Member ServicesSection & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

About Educational Programs

Types of programs

• Brown Bag Lunch Program – a one to one and a half hour program run by Sections or Committees that features 1-2 speakers covering an update or a very discreet area of the law

• Symposium - a panel discussion, usually in the early evening. Symposiums typically involve a topic that is more academic or policy oriented than practical but do not lend themselves to the practical detail and materials in a CLE.

• CLE Program (Continuing Legal Education) - a two to four hour program that covers an in-depth subject designed to provide practitioners a comprehensive overview or an area of law, including practice tips and advice. The program must be accompanied by written materials. CLE programs are advertised broadly, are always available to non-BBA members and are provided to members at a discounted price.

How are Educational Programs Advertised?

• Brown Bag Lunch Programs

o Weekly Upcoming Events noticeso Individual reminder depending on RSVPs and e-mail traffic for that weeko Listing on BBA on-line calendaro BBA Weeko Section pages of BBA website

• Symposiums

o Same as Brown Bag Lunch programs are advertisedo Depending on the topic, may be highlighted in CLE Digest to entire membershipo Mass Lawyers Weekly

• CLE Programs

o Weekly Upcoming Events notices to sponsoring sectionso Direct mail brochures to broad audience including BBA and non-BBA memberso CLE electronic postcards to broad audienceo CLE Digest to entire membershipo Side-Bar Ad in BBA Weeko Mass Lawyers Weeklyo May be highlighted through West LegalEd marketing campaign to a national

audienceo BBA Week

Choosing Topics

• Choosing the format for a program is usually best accomplished at the Steering Committee meeting. If you need assistance determining the best format, the staff member at the Steering Committee meeting can offer guidance.

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�Boston Bar Association | Member Services Section & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

• Start planning now! • Put CLE programs and brown bag lunch programs on your monthly Steering

Committee meeting agenda.

• Appoint Steering Committee members to be in charge of CLE programs, brown bag lunch programs or both.

• If you have a well-attended meeting or brown bag lunch program consider expanding it into a broader CLE program.

• Assign different Committees in your Section to do a CLE program or brown bag lunch program during a certain month of the year.

• Think of new issues, legislation and cases in your area of practice.

• Think of new people in the field whom your members may want an opportunity to meet and hear from.

Who’s in Charge of…?

• Section Requirements: Section Co-Chairs

• Brown Bag Lunches: Each Committee is expected to put on monthly Brown Bag Lunch programs, and the Committee Chairs usually organize the programs

• CLE programs: The Section will designate a Program Chair(s) to organize the program

• Marketing and Scheduling: BBA staff

• Great deference is given to the Steering Committee when choosing programs

• Sometimes the BBA cannot put on a program. The BBA staff will discuss this with the Program Chair and the Section Co-Chairs if this comes up

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Timeline for Planning a Successful Brown Bag Lunch Program or Symposium

June:All Section Co-Chairs and Committee Co-Chairs will receive their meeting schedule (based on last year’s schedule) for the entire year. If you have any conflicts, you have until July 15th to request a new schedule of meeting dates. We will do our best to accommodate you. To request a new schedule of meeting dates or to reschedule a meeting at any time, contact the Section & Committee Assistant, Christine Cheung, (617) 778-1918, [email protected].

Monthly, September - June:Try to fill out as much of your meeting schedule as possible with potential topics. Notify the Section & Committee Assistant of meeting information as it is confirmed.

3 weeks before your meeting:Submit the Meeting Form to the Section & Committee Assistant. Please consider any information you send to be final and ready for advertising to your members.

Ask your speaker(s)’ permission to broadcast live on West LegalEd or record for podcasting, and return all necessary Speaker Releases.

Reserve audio/ visual equipment

3 days prior to your meeting: Confirm any reserved audio/visual equipment and submit materials to the Section & Committee Assistant.

A few minutes before your meeting:Arrive to welcome your speaker and let staff know about any last minute details.

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5Boston Bar Association | Member Services Section & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

Brown Bag Lunch / Section Program Form1. Title:

2. Sponsoring Sections and Committees:

3. Meeting Date & Time:

4. How many people do you reasonably expect at your program?

5. Will you have any materials at your program? (we will needyour materials 3 business days prior to your date)

6. Do you have any special A/V needs? (Powerpoint, Flip Chart…)

7. Do you or your speaker have any objections to having your program broadcasted on West LegalEd Center? In order to broadcast, we will need materials (handouts, powerpoint…). If you have any questions, please contact Christine Cheung [email protected] or (617) 778-1918.

8. Please describe your program in detail:

9. For further marketing purposes, please summarize your program in one or two short sentences:

10. List of speaker(s) and affi liations:

Please return this form back to Christine Cheung at [email protected] 2-3 weeks before the program.

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� Boston Bar Association | Member ServicesSection & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

Ten Weeks Prior to CLE Program

Program Chair designated, CLE program date set

Complete brochure form, program description and panel list. Inform panelists of BBA deadlines and online broadcasting.

Send completed forms to CLE & Events Manager, Megan Leppert at

[email protected]

Two Weeks Prior to CLE Program

Collate all materials from the panelists and send them to CLE & Events Manager

Three Days Prior to CLE Program

Reserve any A/V equipment

Inform CLE & Events Manager of any guests

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�Boston Bar Association | Member Services Section & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

Duties of the CLE Program Chair

As the program chair, you are the person who organizes the program. You will pick the panel, set the deadlines and be the primary contact for the panelists and the BBA. This list summarizes what you will need to do:

• Pick a date. Our programs are usually held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays from 4pm-7pm, or Friday mornings.

• Recruit panelists. Remember that you will have to ask panelists to provide written materials. Please consider the following:

o Choose respected experts who are willing to provide written materials.o Consider diversity in race, gender, and area of practice.o CLE is not a forum for inexperienced attorneys to learn how to teach.o Try to steer away from the same cast of characters.o Include no more than two members of the same firm on your panel.

• Submit the brochure information form on time. The due date is usually on the 15th of the month, 2 months before the month of your program, (e.g. if your program is on April 20th, the brochure information is due on February 15th.) The brochure form is included with these materials. The form asks you to identify the speakers and topics for the program.

• Gather the written materials and send them to the CLE Department. We would like the written materials about 2 weeks before the seminar. See included “All About CLE Materials”.

• Room set-up. Let the CLE Department know if you have any special needs for the room (AV etc.).

• Arrive early. Arrive to the program a few minutes before to confirm panel seating and set-up.

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� Boston Bar Association | Member ServicesSection & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

CLE Checklist for Program Chairs

_____ Seminar date and time scheduled with the BBA.

_____ Panelists and subject matter contacted and confirmed.

_____ Inform all panelists about West LegalEdcenter broadcast. If you anticipate a problem contact Megan Leppert, CLE & Events Manager, (617)778-1924.

_____ Brochure form to Megan Leppert, CLE & Events Manager, at [email protected]

_____ Remind each panelist about written materials and biographies. Tell them they are due three weeks before program.

_____ Program chair to submit materials no later than 2 weeks prior to the date of the seminar. (preferably in electronic form)

_____ Submit request for room set-up and audio-visual needs 3 days before the program.

_____ Panelists are allowed one guest for BBA programs held on-site. Please e-mail CLE with the list of guests 3 days before the program.

_____ Arrive to the program a little bit early to ensure set-up and greet panel members.

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�Boston Bar Association | Member Services Section & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

CLE Brochure FormDue Approximately 10 weeks before program

The CLE & Events Manager will give you the exact deadline

Remember: the earlier this form is submitted to BBA staff, the more marketing we can provide for your program…resulting in higher attendance!

The purpose of this form is to help the CLE Department make a brochure that will interest the audience that you want. While you don’t have to answer every question, the more information you can give us about your program the better!



Sponsoring Sections/Committees:

Program Chair(s):


Do you have a goal of how many people you’d like to attend this program? If yes, please state it.

What type of law do they practice?

Are they novice attorneys or experienced? (please don’t say all because that is rarely true, and if it is you will probably have a

program that will not interest half of the audience half of the time).

Is some of your audience outside of the BBA? Who are they? How many?


Why this program NOW?



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10 Boston Bar Association | Member ServicesSection & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10


___ Hypothetical

___ Q/A

___ Group Discussion

___ Lecture

___ Break out groups

___ Other


Is there anything special about the materials? (Please include any that may need reprint permission).


Will any aspect of this program deal with any area of legal ethics, professionalism, the prevention of malpractice and substance abuse or attorney-client relations?

If yes, please state the topic(s) and the estimated time allocation to be dedicated to each one.


Brief introductory narrative (1-2 paragraphs):

List of Topics or an agenda:


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All About CLE Books & Materials


• We need written material in order to give people CLE credit, although many non-CLE programs will also have hand-outs for the reference of the attendees.

• For formal CLE programs, we compile these materials into a course book. The books serve as a resource for people to use after the program.

• People like them. • We offer materials for sale after the program and we send the written materials to

people who are unable to attend.

What will the materials include?

• The content will depend on the type of program and what the program chairs and panel feel is necessary to submit.

• CLE books should be at least 50 pages in length, but not longer than 400 pages.

• CLE books generally include outlines, articles, cases, statutes, a bibliography, forms and samples, PowerPoint presentations, and public domain documents. All are encouraged to provide a detailed outline of their presentation.

• Include a biography of all of the panelists – it is important to recognize the speakers, for both their expertise and for generously contributing their time.

• Include an agenda or outline of the program.

• Include the order you want the materials put in the book.

When are materials due?

• The due date is up to the program chair. Materials, however, are due to the BBA approximately 2 weeks before the date of the seminar. If they are going to be late, call!

• Exception -- please know that we may need materials earlier if we need copyright permission. Even if you wrote the article, you may not have the authority to have us reprint it. For example, this is the case with MCLE. If you have questions about this, please contact the CLE & Events Manager, Megan Leppert (617) 778-1924, [email protected].

How do you submit materials to the BBA?

• We prefer materials in electronic form. We also understand that this is sometimes not possible.

• We prefer a Word, PowerPoint or Excel document rather than a PDF.

• For CLE programs, the materials should be compiled and sent at once by the

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program chair. When submitting the materials the program chair should include the order that they want the materials presented in the book. Please do not send in materials one-by-one. Please e-mail them to the CLE & Events Manager, Megan Leppert, (617) 778-1924, [email protected].

• Please do not add fancy formatting to your materials.

o do not include page numberso use a standard font (Times New Roman, 12pt preferred) o use bullets and outline functions as little as possibleo single space or double space your document, but keep the spacing uniform

What will the BBA do with the materials?

• In short, we compile them into a book.

• We will add page numbers and create a table of contents.

• When necessary, we will obtain the necessary permission to reprint.

• Compile and edit the biographies so they are all of a similar length and format.

• Have the materials copied put in to a book or booklet format.

• Create CD with cases & statutes if the book is over 400 pages. If you think this will be the case, please contact the CLE & Events Manager, Megan Leppert, (617) 778-1924, [email protected].

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1�Boston Bar Association | Member Services Section & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

CLE Programs 2008-2009September

Making the Federal CaseSponsor Section(s): LitigationDate & Time: September 24, 2008, 3:00pm – 6:30 pmProgram Chair(s):Jonathan Handler; Lisa Tittemore

The Growing Problem of Consumer Medical DebtSponsor Section: Health Law and Solo & Small PracticeDate & Time: September 25, 2008, 9:00am – 12:00 pmProgram Chair(s):Barbara Anthony; Clare D. McGorrian

Written Description Guidelines for Patents RevisitedSponsor Section: Intellectual PropertyDate & Time: September 30, 2008, 3:00pm – 5:00 pm


Basics of Tax-Free ReorganizationsSponsor Section: Tax SectionDate & Time: October 7, 2008, 3:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Patricia Ann Metzer; Sarah A. Rana

Corporate Governance 2009Sponsor Section: Business LawDate & Time: October 15, 2008, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Susan Permut; Russel Hansen

The Cost Containment, Transparency and Efficiency ActSponsor Section: Health LawDate & Time: October 21, 2008, 2:00pm – 5:00pmProgram Chair(s):L. Scott Harshbarger; William Mandell

Current Issues in Privacy & Security Law for the Health Care and Financial Services IndustriesSponsor Section: Intellectual Property, Health Law, and Business LawDate & Time: October 24, 2008, 9:00am– 12:30pmProgram Chair(s):Peter M. Lefkowitz

Trust ReformationSponsor Section: Trust & EstatesDate & Time: October 24, 2008, 4:00pm– 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Kelly Aylward; Susan A. Robb


Understanding the Credit CrisisSponsor Section: Business and Bankruptcy LawDate & Time: November 3, 2008, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):John Morrier

U.S. and Canadian Immigration Law Perspectives on the North American Free Trade Agreement in the Post 9/11 EraSponsor Section: Business and International LawDate & Time: November 12, 2008, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Douglas Hauer; Ellen Kief

Representing a Pro Bono Debtor(Free Program)Sponsor Section: Bankruptcy LawDate & Time: November 14, 2008, 10:00am – 1:00pmProgram Chair(s):Mark C. Rossi


Recent Developments Affecting Officers & Directors of Financially Distressed BusinessesSponsor Section: Bankruptcy LawDate & Time: December 2, 2008, 4:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):James M. Wilton

Legal Issues in Same Sex RelationshipsSponsor Section: Family Law and Trusts & EstatesDate & Time: December 8, 2008, 4:00am – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Francine Gardikas

Mistakes New Lawyers Make(Free Program)Sponsor Section: New Lawyers SectionDate & Time: December 17, 2008, 4:00am – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):David Wilson

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Damages in Employment Discrimination and Retaliation CasesSponsor Section: Labor & EmploymentDate & Time: January 12, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00 pmProgram Chair(s):Bret A. Cohen; Ellen J. Zucker

A Primer for the New Child Support GuidelinesSponsor Section: Family LawDate & Time: January 14, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Gayle Stone-Turesky (Moderator)

Intellectual Property Year in ReviewSponsor Section: Intellectual Property Date & Time: January 15, 2009, 2:00pm – 5:00pmProgram Chair(s):Jason Gish; Matthew B. Lowrie

Current issues with LLC’s and FLP’sSponsor Section: Trusts & EstatesDate & Time: January 21, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Kelly Aylward; Susan Robb

PERM Filings in Today’s Economy Using Tomorrow’s FormsSponsor Section: International LawDate & Time: January 27, 2009, 3:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):Ellen Kief (Moderator)

February Managing Site Cleanup and Development Projects under Massachusetts’ Emerging Vapor Intrusion PoliciesSponsor Section: Environmental Law and Real EstateDate & Time: February 5, 2009, 9:30am – 1:00pmProgram Chair(s):Gregory Bibler

Securities Fraud 2009Sponsor Section: Criminal Law Date & Time: February 10, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):John Falvey; Jonathan Kotlier; Michele Adelman

March Superior Court Bench Meets Bar ConferenceSponsor Section: Administration of Justice and LitigationDate & Time: March 4, 2009, 4:00pm – 6:30pmProgram Chair(s):Theodore J. Folkman; Allen N. David

Emerging Issues in Representing Debtors and CreditorsSponsor Section: Bankruptcy LawDate & Time: March 5, 2009, 2:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):William McLeod; Sanjit Korde

Environmental ExpertsSponsor Section: Environmental LawDate & Time: March 12, 2009, 3:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):Laurel Mackay

The New Massachusetts Uniform Probate CodeSponsor Section: Trusts & EstatesDate & Time: March 12, 2009, 3:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):Kelly Aylward; Nancy Dempze; Anne Marie Towle

Litigating Wage and Hour Class ActionsSponsor Section: Labor & EmploymentDate & Time: March 18, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Mark H. Burak; Sharen Litwin

Practicing Before the BBOSponsor Section: Litigation and New Lawyers SectionDate & Time: March 31, 2009, 3:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):Amy E. Goganian; Elizabeth A. Houlding

April _____

Green Initiatives in Affordable HousingSponsor Section: Environmental Law and Real EstateDate & Time: April 3, 2009, 8:30am – 12:00pmProgram Chair(s):Dayna Hutchins; Sarah Boehs

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Health Care FraudSponsor Section: Criminal and Health Law SectionsDate & Time: April 15, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Kevin McGrath; Martin Murphy; Damian Wilmot

Hot Topics in Internet LawSponsor Section: Intellectual Property Date & Time: April 29, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Jennifer C. Muto; Anne Marie Longobucco

May _____

Workshop for Public Sector Labor Relations Specialists Sponsor Section: Labor & EmploymentDate & Time: May 2, 2009, 9:00am – 12:30pmProgram Chair(s):Amy Davidson; Peter Berry; Marc Greenbaum

Litigating Fair Housing and Fair Lending Cases Sponsor Section: Civil Rights & Civil LibertiesDate & Time: May 4, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Nadine Cohen

Green Building and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Sponsor Section: Real Estate and Environmental Law Date & Time: May 5, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Matthew Lawlor; Renee LeFevre; John Connelly; Michael Healan

The New Massachusetts Drug and Medical Device Marketing Code of Conduct and Public Reporting SystemSponsor Sections: Health Law and Intellectual PropertyDate & Time: May 6, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):William Mandell

Working with Parenting Coordinators Sponsor Section: Family lawDate & Time: May 7, 2009, 4:00pm – 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Gayle Stone-Turesky; Steven Gurdin

19th Annual Bankruptcy Bench Bar Conference Sponsor Section: Bankruptcy LawDate & Time: May 14, 2009, 3:00pm – 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):Adrienne Walker; Donald Lassman

Charitable Board Service Sponsor Section: PILPDate & Time: May 29, 2009, 9:00am – 12:00pm

June _____

Thriving in Challenging Times: A Law Practice Toolbox for Solos and Small Firms Sponsor Section: Solo & Small Firm and New Lawyers SectionDate & Time: June 4, 2009 4:00pm – 7:00pm

Health Law Legislative Update 2009Sponsor Section: Health LawDate & Time: June 8, 2009, 4:00pm- 6:30pmProgram Chair(s):Michael Sroczynski; Garrett Gillespie

Spotlight on Washington: 2009 Legislation and RegulationsSponsor Section: Labor & EmploymentDate & Time: June 9, 2009, 4:00pm- 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Nina Joan Kimball

Trusts & Estates Year in Review 2009Sponsor Section: Trusts & EstatesDate & Time: June 15, 2009, 4:00pm- 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Dennis Delaney; Peter Shapland

Massachusetts Tax UpdateSponsor Section: Environmental LawDate & Time: June 16, 2009, 4:00am- 7:00pmProgram Chair(s):Lutof Awdeh; Philip Olsen

Beacon for New Lawyers 2009(Free Program)Sponsor Section: New Lawyers SectionDate & Time: June 30, 2009, 5:00pm- 6:00pmProgram Chair(s):David E. Wilson (Moderator)

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1� Boston Bar Association | Member ServicesSection & Committee Chair Handbook 2009+10

On-Line Broadcasting of ProgramsWhat is On-Line Broadcasting?

The Boston Bar Association broadcasts many of its programs over the Internet through West LegalEdCenter – live! After the program, many programs are available on-demand. People from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection, can view BBA programs on-line. Many states will give people CLE credit for on-line programs.

What do we broadcast?

We broadcast all CLE programs and most Brown Bag Lunch and Section programs held at the BBA. Programs must have written materials to be broadcast, and do qualify for on-line CLE credit. If you believe your program would be good to broadcast on-line, please contact Christine Cheung at [email protected] or 617-778-1982.

Why do we broadcast?

Offering programs on-line gives the BBA and the program speakers’ nation-wide exposure. We have been broadcasting regularly for a number of years, with over 90% of our viewers from outside of Massachusetts. West LegalEdcenter also offers discounts to BBA members.

Will the recording affect or interrupt the program?

No. A small permanent wall-mounted camera is located very discreetly in the corner of the room and is present even when not in use. The camera is activated remotely to ensure that the recording of a program does not intrude in any way on the program itself.

What if I don’t want to be on-line?

Please tell us. It will not be a problem.

Is there any additional work involved?

No. The BBA just needs all speakers to sign a form (a BBA staff member will contact you in advance with a speaker release form) giving us your permission to broadcast your presentation on-line.

Do I give up the rights to my materials and presentation when I agree to be part of an on-line program?

No. You do not give up the right to your written materials or presentation. We only ask to use the materials for the broadcast and for on-demand programs. You retain the rights to use your materials and presentations at later programs. If at anytime you do not want the program available on-line, the BBA will have the program removed.

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Continuing Legal Education


By participating in the seminar and submitting the materials you grant to the BOSTON BAR ASSOCIATION and WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY, a distribution license worldwide to use, copy, broadcast and distribute the Content you presented and submitted for the _________ Boston Bar Association Program, ______________________________________, including audio, video and written materials for the purpose of sale and broadcast over internet based technologies with West LegalEdCenter and other digital technologies (such as CD and DVD) through the Boston Bar Association.

It is understood that nothing in this release bars the undersigned speaker from using and reproducing his or her own presentation and materials in the same or other forms and for other purposes with full credit to the undersigned speaker as the author and owner of all rights with respect to such materials, except those rights granted by this license:I agree to the grant of license and other terms set forth in this document.


Name: _____________________________________ (print) Dated: ______________

Firm/Company: ____________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________


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Audio Visual Resources

• 6 Table-top microphones

• 1 wireless lapel microphones

• 1 wireless handheld microphone

• 1 podium microphone

• Record high-quality audio on to CD

• DVD recording

• Video Recording

• TV with DVD Player

• High Speed internet

• 2 projectors (1 Dell, 1 InFocus LP690)

• In ceiling screen

• 3 portable screens

• Portable CD recorder

• 2 Polycom telephones

• 1 Permanent Polycom Phone

• 3 Dell Laptop Computers