Programa ISO 14000 para niños.pdf

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  • 8/10/2019 Programa ISO 14000 para nios.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 Programa ISO 14000 para nios.pdf


    ISO Central Secretariat

    1, rue de VarembCase postale 56CH- 1211 Genve 20SwitzerlandTel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 733 34 30Web

    ArTechInternational Art & TechnologyCooperation Organization

    Tomigaya 1-39- 2,Suite 104Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo,151-0063JapanTel. + 81 3 3467 6250Fax + 81 3 3467 6277E-mail [email protected] japanese/kids/

    ISBN 92-67- 10388-1 ISO, 2003-12 /2 000Printed by Imp rimerie Genevoise,Switzerland

    W hat is it ?

    W hy is it so sp ecial ?

    W ho created it ?

    W hats ISO s invo lvem ent ?

    W hats the link w ith ISO 14000 ?

    W ho supports it ?

    H ow does it w ork ?

    W hat exactlys in the p rogram m e ?

    W hat results does it achieve ?

    W hat if w e w ant to participate ?

    W hats the path forw ard ?

    W hom do w e contact ?













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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme1

    The K id s ISO 14000 P rogram m e d evelop s environ m ental

    aw areness am ong child ren andyoung p eo p le ;

    teach es the m to im p lem en tenvironm en tal m anag em en tb ased on the ISO 14000 ap p roa ch in the ir hom es a ndco m m un ities, an d

    op en s the m to the value ofne tw orking w ith youn g p eo p le

    in other schools, com m unitiesand countries in ord er to b ringthe force of collective action tog lob al environm ental issues.

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    2 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    Tw enty p er cent of the w orld sp op ulation is ag ed b etw ee n 1 0and 19. C learly, w hat child renand youn g p eop le think and d oab out the environm ent tod ay w illin uence the en vironm ent they live

    in tom orrow . The environ m entalaw arene ss they d evelop w henthey are young w ill shap ethe im p ac t the y m ake on theenviron m ent as ad ults.

    The K id s ISO 14000 P rogram m e

    b eg ins b y d eve lop ingen viron m en tal aw aren ess b ut g oe s m uc h furthe r. W ha tm ake s it sp ecial is that it nurtures

    autonom ous, environm entallym ature ch ild ren an d you ngp eop le w ho are confid ent in theirab ility to act p ositively on theenvironm ent.

    They learn b y the ir ow n

    exp erience that their actions canhave a b en eficial im p act on theenvironm ent. In a d d ition, theylearn to netw ork w ith child ren inothe r sch oo ls, co m m un ities an dcountries and so d iscover that

    collective action can b e a forcem ultip lier for resolving g lob alenvironm ental issu es.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme3

    The K id sISO 14000

    P rogram m ew as crea ted b y P rof. TakayaK aw ab e and M s. M iyuki K oyam a,resp ective ly Presid ent andS ecretary-G eneral of the Jap anesenon-p rofit, non-g ove rnm ental

    org anization A rTech w hichop erates the p rog ram m e.Prof. K aw ab e exp lains :

    Follow ing the W orld Sum m iton Sustaina ble D eve lop m en t inJohanne sburg in 2002, the U nited

    N ations announced p lans tolaunch the D ecade of Educationfor Sustainab le D eve lop m en t for 2005-2015. It is evident that

    the environm ental education ofch ild ren and young peop les is nowone of the keys for the so lution ofg lobal environm ental p roblem sand for achieving sustainab ledevelop m en t.

    ArTech PresidentProf.Takaya Kawabe(right) andSecretary- General M s.Miyuki Koyama(left).

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    4 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    On 24 October 2003,ISO Secretary- GeneralAlan Bryden(left) andArTech President Prof.Takaya Kawabe (right)signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) i nTokyo, Japan.

    In O ctob er 20 02 , IS O sig ne d aM em orand um of U nd erstand ing

    (M oU ) w ith A rTech g ivingp erm ission for the use of itsnam e in the title of The K id s

    ISO 14000 P rog ram m e and

    allow ing A rTec h to u se theIS O log o to d em on strate theorg anizations sup p ort.

    In O ctob er 20 03 , IS O sig ne da new M oU under w hich ISOC entral S ecretariat p led g ed

    active sup p ort b y u sing itscom m unication m ed ia top rom ote the p rog ram m e,an d b y enc ou rag ing itsd issem ina tion w orld w id ethroug h IS O s n etw ork o f

    national stand ard s institutesin 148 countries.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme5

    IS O S ecretary-G ene ral A lanB ryd en co m m en ted : Just ab ou teve ryone is ag ree d on the ne edto d o som ething to controlthe neg ative im p acts o f m ansactivities on the environm ent.

    P ractical tools for achieving this,an d for im p roving environ m entalp erform an ce , are p rovid ed b yInternational S tand ard s likethe ISO 14001 en vironm entalm anag em ent system stand ardtha t is im p lem en ted b y m ore tha n50 000 org aniza tions in11 8 countries.

    Therefore, it is n orm al that IS Oshould resp ond p ositive ly toA rTechs d esire for coop erationb ecau se its p rog ram m e

    d em on strates even to you ngchild ren that the sm all, p racticalstep s the y take ca n h aveincrem ental, p ositive results.

    Mr.Alan Bryden , Secretary- General of ISO.

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    6 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    14000 stand ard s on environm ental

    m anag em ent system s. Thech ild ren lea rn to use the P D C Acyc le to estab lish environm entalb ase line s (suc h as d om esticw ater consum p tion), se t targ ets

    to red uc e ne g ative im p ac tsand m onitor im p lem entation o fm easures to a chieve the targ ets.

    C o-found er of the p rog ram m e,P rof. Takaya K aw ab e, com -m en ted : In m any ca ses in

    Jap an, the p arents o f child renp articip ating in the p rog ram m e

    w ork in b usiness org aniza tions thatare im p lem enting ISO 14001 ,and

    The K id sISO 14000

    P rogram m eteaches child ren to p ut intop ractice the P lan-D o-C heck-A ct (P D C A ) cyc le w hich is theop erating p rincip le of the ISO

    The ISO brochure,Environmental

    Management TheISO 14000 Family ofInternational Standards, 2002, which was speciallyproduced for the WSSD(World Summit onSustainable Development)in Johannesburg, SouthAfrica, proved a muchappreciated vehiclebringing the message in aclear and understandablemanner to manydelegates.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme7

    the fam ilies live in m unicip alitiescertified to ISO 14001 , or seekingcertification.

    IS O 14001 enjoys recog nition

    on the international scale as atool for im p roving environm ental

    p erform ance. A rTec h is thereforehap p y to incorp orate referenceto the ISO 14000 fam ily in thenam e of its prog ram m e b eca useit aim s on the international sc aleat ed ucating child ren to the

    p ractical m easures they c antake to im p rove the e nvironm ent,

    first in their hom es, then in theirco m m un ities.

    In ad d ition to IS O , The K id sISO 14000 Prog ram m e receivesp ractical sup p ort from the U nitedN ations Environm en t P rog ram m e(U N E P ), an d the U nited N ation sU niversity (w hich has coop eratedsince the launch of theprogram m e).

    It has received exp ressionsof sup p ort from the Jap an eseM inistry of E d ucation (M E X T)and the Jap anese E nvironm en tM inistry (M O E ).

    S up p ort has com e from anum b er of Jap ane se business

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    8 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    org an ization s an d the Jap an eseop erations of m ultinationalcom pa nies.

    La un ched in Jap an in 20 00 , thep rog ram m e is now on its w ay tob ecom ing an international one.

    B y D ecem b er 2003 , schools orother org aniza tions (includ ing IS Onational m em b er institutes) fromm any countries w ere p rep aring to,or exp ressing strong interest in,im p lem enting or sup p orting

    the prog ram m e.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme9

    First of all, child ren and youngp eop le p articipating in The K ids

    ISO 14000 P rog ram m e learn toapp ly the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PD C A)cyc le at the heart of the ISO 14000 environm ental m anag em ent sys-

    tem standards. They do so b y im p le-m en ting PD C A in their ow n hom es to :

    m easure environm ental asp ec ts

    such as w ater and energyconsum ption ,

    set targets to reduce negative

    im pac ts,

    achieve concrete results andcom pare them w ith the target,

    d raw lessons from theexperience in order to m akefurther im provem ents.

    C hild ren thus learn b y exp eriencethat they can reduce neg ativeen viron m en tal im p ac ts andim p rove en vironm en talp erform ance .

    N ext, in case s w here the child rensp arents w ork in organizationsp ursu ing certi cation to ISO 14001 ,

    there is a p otential for synerg yb etw een p rog ram m es in the w ork

    p lace a nd activities at hom e.The p ossib ilities are increased

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme11

    The K id sISO 14000

    P rogram m eis a p ow erful learning tool. H ereand now , it help s child ren toac hieve m ea surab le environ m en talresu lts on their ow n d oorstep s.For tom orrow , it form s resp onsib le,

    environm entally m ature citizensw ith a g lob al p ersp ective.

    The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PD C A )cyc le is the op erating p rincip leof IS O s m an ag em en t systemstand ard s for the environm ent(IS O 14000) and q uality (IS O


    Plan estab lish ob jectives andm ake p lans (analyse the situationyou are in, estab lish your ove rallob jectives and se t your interimtargets, and develop p lans toachieve them ).

    Do im p lem en t you r p lans (dow hat you p lanned to d o).

    ! ! ! !

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    12 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    Check m easure your results(m easure/m onitor how far yourac tua l achievem ents m eet your

    p lanned ob jectives).

    Act correct andim prove your p lans andhow you put them intop ractice (correct andlearn from your m istakes

    to im prove your p lans inorder to achieve better

    resu lts next tim e).

    A C T P

    A N

    D O

    C H

    E C K

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme13

    The K id sISO 14000

    P rogram m eb eg ins w ith training of E co-K id sInstructorsw ho, in turn, trainteachers at schools that haved ecid ed to p articip ate.Th e tea ch ers lea rn ho w to

    m anage the p rogram m e inthe ir classes and how to u sethe p rog ram m e w orkbooks andevaluation m anu als.

    Th e p rog ram m e is suitab lefor child ren from the ag e of 10.

    It com p rise s four leve ls :

    1. The Introductory Level

    en ha nc es the en viron m en talsensitivity a nd aw areness ofchild ren. It also introd uces

    them to the m etho d olog y ofenvironm ental m ana g em entb ased on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (P D C A ) cyc le o fthe ISO 14000 environm entalm an ag em en t stan d ard s. It take sab ou t tw o w eeks to com p letethis level.

    2. The Primary Level introd uces the PD C A cyc le to theparticipating child rens fam ilies

    w ho put it into p ractice together

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    14 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    in the fam ily hom e. For exam ple,w ith the help of their fam ilies, thechild ren estab lish environm entalbase line s (such as d om esticw ater or energy consu m ption ,or am ount of w aste g enerated

    by the household ), se t targets tored uce neg ative im pac ts, andm onitor their im p lem entation.Their actions a re recorded intheir w orkb ooks for evaluation bytheir teachers. This leve l takesab out eight w eeks.

    3. The Middle Level d evelops g reater m astery ofthe ISO 14000 PD C A approach

    to environm ental m anag em entby app lying it to reg ionalenvironm ental issues. Theyoung peop le p ractise itsim p lem entation in a p roject onw hich they w ork as a g roup .

    W orking through this leve l takesfrom several m on ths to on e yea r.

    4. The Highest Level ag ain has the youngpeop le ap p lying the ISO14000 app roach to reg ional

    environm ental issues, but thistim e in collaboration w ith otherg roups in foreign countries.D uration is one to tw o years.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme15

    A fter the p articip ants com p letetheir w orkb ooks or p rojects, theseare sent to A rTech for eva luationand m arking b y the E co -K id sInstructors a nd then returned tothe child ren. This recog nition of

    the child rens w ork a nd p ositivefee d b ac k valorises the m an denco urag es the m to c on tinue.

    O n succ essful co m p letionof the p rim ary, m id d le a ndhig hest leve ls, the young

    p eop le are invited to an aw ardce rem on y w he re the y receive acertificate from The K id s ISO14000 P rog ram m e International

    C om m ittee , w hich is ap p ointedb y A rTech and com p risesrep rese ntative s of org aniza tionscoop erating on, or sup p ortingthe prog ram m e.

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    16 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    The three g uid ing p rincip les forim p lem entation o f The K id s ISO14000 P rog ram m e, in w ha tevercountry it take s p lace, are thefollow ing :

    1. Retain the essential points

    of the original concept andthe aims of the programmein the workbooks at eachlevel .

    D eve lop an un d erstan d ing ofthe p rog ram m e in its totality,

    w hich consists o f instructors,w orkb ook, training course ,m an ual for evalua tion, m anu alfor teachers.

    2. Take account of thedifferent geographic,climatic and socio-economic characteristicsin different countriesand regions, and respectcultural differences.

    O b viously, from country toco un try, or eve n b etw ee n

    reg ions, there m ay b e im p ortantd ifferences in h eating andcooling system s. These needto b e taken into account inp rep aring the w orkb ooks.In ad d ition to the p hysicalenvironm ent, the d ifferent

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme17

    techn olog ies used are p rod uctsof the w isd om of the nationalor reg ional culture and thishe ritag e m ust b e und erstoo dan d resp ec ted to e nsu re therelevance and effectiveness of

    the prog ram m e.

    3. Nurture a sense oftogetherness for workingon global environmentalissues.

    The ultim ate targ et of the

    p rog ram m e is to form a w orld -w id e netw ork of environm en-

    tally m ature child ren. It is w ellknow n that environm ental

    p rob lem s

    know nofrontiersand that, forexam p le, onecountry actingalone canno t stop g lob al

    w arm ing . Therefore, it is c rucialfor child ren to und erstand theneed to w ork tog ether to reso lveg lob al environm ental issu es.

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    18 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    The K id s ISO 14000 Program m ehas achieved the follow ing resu ltsd uring three yearsop eration2000-2003) in Jap an

    Increasing participation

    The program m e w as launchedin 2000, w hen 450 child ren tookpart in a p ilot p roject. B y thethird q uarter of 2003, m ore than50 000 Jap anese schoo lch ild renhad p articipated .

    A clea r tren d ha s bee nestab lished : once a localg overnm ent ad m inistration orlocal ed ucation a uthority hold s

    a p ilot p roject in one sc hool,the p rog ram m e sp read s toother schools and m unicip alitiesthroug hout the ad m inistrativearea, and from there toneig hb ouring p rovinc es.

    W ith the ab ove rip p le e ffect,the num b er of E co -K id sInstructors trained to sup port thep rog ram m e increase s w hichstim ulates further g row th.

    Children take leadership !Environmental Education Programme System

    and International Network of Children

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme19

    Growing awareness S urvey evidence p oints to

    increased environm entalaw areness am ong 80 % ofchild ren that have p articipated .

    O ne stud y of child ren threem onths a fter their p articipation

    sho w ed tha t environ m en talaw areness persisted .

    E nviron m en tal aw aren ess alsoincreased am ong 60 % of fam ily

    m em b ers, includ ing p arents, ofparticipating children. This revealedthe effectiveness of environm ental

    education of adults b y children.

    Improved communication P articip ating child ren req uire

    the coop eration of theirfam ilies in im p lem enting thep rog ram m e in the ir ho use ho ld s.

    This increases the num ber of

    exchang es by as m uch as85 % in one hou seho ld stud iedand generally im p rovescom m unication w ithin the fam ily.

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    20 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    O ne Jap an ese city is usingthe p rog ram m e in its e ffortsto red uce c rim e b y youngoffenders b ecause it b elieves

    tha t im p roved com m unica tionw ithin fam ilies rem oves o ne ofthe factors that can d rive youngpeo p le to crim e.

    Reduced emissions

    R ed uc tion s of ca rb ond ioxid e em ission s of 10 -15 %p er household have b eend em on strated .

    Synergy with enterpriseand communityenvironmental programmes

    B usiness and local g overnm en torg anizations in Jap an have takena keen interest in The K ids ISO

    14000 P rog ram m e. R eaching

    their em p loyees a nd citizens intheir hom es, it com p lem ents,

    reinforces, or even m ultip lies theirow n en terp rise or com m unityp rog ram m es and efforts tob uild e nvironm en tal aw arenessand in their ow n ISO 14001 im p lem entation p rog ram m es.

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme21

    Value-added learning The K ids ISO 14000 Program m e

    ha s p rove d to b e effec tive w he nused in com bination w ith othe renvironm en tal p rog ram m es,such a s na ture stud y andconserva tion.

    The program m e has beenshow n to b e value -ad d ingand enhancing in its effect.

    Fo r exam ple, one su rveyshow ed tha t ch ild ren w ho had

    p articip ated w ere keener tored uce the num b er of p lasticb ag s used at sup erm arkets.

    The p rog ram m e has also p rovedto interact w ell w ith otherschool sub jects. For exam ple,program m e w orkbooks have

    b ee n u sed in n ation al an dforeig n languag e teac hing , andthe p rog ram m e has a lso insp ireden viron m en tal the m es for d ram aclasses.

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    22 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    A s the creator and ove rallcoo rd inator of the p rog ram m e,A rTec h (see contact d etails oninsid e b ack cover) is the initia lcontact for enq uiries a b outp artic ip ating in, or su p p orting

    the p rog ram m e, ab out w he the rit is o p erating in a p articularcountry, w hether any p artnersh ip shave b een estab lished w ithlocal org aniza tions, and ab outthe availab ility of m aterial in thenational lang uag e.

    IS O is encourag ing the nationalstand ard s institutes that m akeup its m em b ership to b ecom e

    p rog ram m e facilita tors andnational p artners o f A rTec h.

    In the p ub lic se ctor, IS O m em b erscould consid er con tac ting andestab lish ing p artnersh ip s aroundthe p rog ram m e w ith m inistries

    and other ad m inistrationscentral, reg ional and localresp onsib le for areas suchas ed ucation, youth, the

    environm ent, trad e, consum ers,national heritag e and culture.

    In the p rivate se ctor, p otentialp artne rs an d sp on sors co uld

    includ e ind ustry an d b usiness

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    The Kids ISO 14000 Programme23

    associations, ind ivid ualb usinesses and consum erorg aniza tions.

    O nce the p rog ram m e m aterial is

    ava ilab le in the national lang uage,a typ ical im p lem entation in a

    school, or other organiza tion,w ould take p lace as follow s.

    A n E co-K id sInstructor visitsthe e stab lishm ent and p rovid esthe follow ing exp lanations of the

    program m e :

    1. The aim s.

    2. Th e c on ten ts.

    3. H ow to im p lem ent theprogram m e.

    4. H ow to instruc t tea ch ers w ho seclasses p articip ate.

    5. H ow to evalua te the w orkbooksafter com p letion by the child ren.

    6. H ow to return the evaluationsh eets to the child ren w ith theirw orkbooks.

    7. H ow to lead child ren to the nextleve l (P rim ary Leve l).

    8. H ow to ob tain the internationalcerti ca te of Th e K id s ISO14000 Program m e.

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    24 The Kids ISO 14000 Programme

    9. H ow to m an ag e the instruc torsof Leve l 1, Leve l 2, Leve l 3and Level 4.

    10. H ow to o rganize trainingcourse s for the instructors.

    11. W hich program m e m anuals

    are ava ilab le.

    If a sc hool, or other org aniza tion,d ecid es to g o ahead , then itsig ns a c ontract w ith A rTech a ndd esig nates a rep resentative fortraining at an Eco-K id sInstructor.

    A rTec h then p rovid es the follow ing :

    1. M anual for eva luation of theIntrod uctory Level w orkb ook.

    2. M anual for p rintingthe eva luation sheets for thech ild ren w ho co m plete thew orkbook.

    3. S am p le of the Introd uctoryLevel w orkbook.

    4. S am p le of the P rim ary Le velw orkbook.

    5. M anual for eva luation of theP rim ary Level w orkbook.

    6. Teachers m anual.

    7. O ther inform ation as req uested .

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    Design: Public Relations ServicesISO Central Secretariat

    Photos: Pages, calligraphy *(cover), P. KriegerOther photos, ISO

    * The calligraphy made to theshape of a child walking represents

    the Chinese/Japanese ideogramCercle, World

    Printed by Im primerie Genevoise,Switzerland

    Launched in Jap an in 2000 ,

    The K id s ISO 14000 Program m ew as sched uled for its international

    roll-out in 2004 w ith the

    d evelop m ent of p rog ram m e

    m aterial in E ng lish for sub seq uent

    national ad op tions and


    P rim ary contact for The K id s

    ISO 14000 P rog ram m e :

    P rof. Takaya Kawabe ,P resid ent and D irector G eneral,

    A rTec h (International A rt & Technolog yC oop eration O rg anization),

    Tom ig aya 1-39-2, S uite 104,

    S hib uya-ku, Tokyo ,

    Japan 151-0063.

    Tel. + 81 3 34 67 62 50 .

    Fax + 81 3 3467 6277.

    E -m ail kaw ab e@

    W eb w w w .artec

  • 8/10/2019 Programa ISO 14000 para nios.pdf


    ISO Central Secretariat

    1, rue de VarembCase postale 56CH-1211 Genve 20Switzerland

    Tel. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 733 34 30Web

    ISBN 92-67-10388-1 ISO, 2003-12/2 000

    Printed by ImprimerieGenevoise, Switzerland

    Tomigaya 1-39-2, Suite 104Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 151-0063

    J apan

    Tel. +81 3 3467 6250

    Fax +81 3 3467 6277E-mail [email protected]

    ArTechInternational Art & TechnologyCooperation Organization