Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural production and Improved access to better nutrition Project coordinator Francis Ouruma Alacho Contact person name: Francis Ouruma Alacho Contact person phone: +256772693806 Contact person email: [email protected] Project's Partners § Africa Innovations Institute (AfrII). § National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI). § Uganda Oilseeds Producers and Processors Association (UOSPA). § FICA Seeds Ltd. Project's website: www.afrii.org Keywords: Sesame productivity, Climate Smart innovations, knowledge sharing. Duration: January 1 st 2015 – December 31 st 2017 Budget: Euro 374,063 (EU contribution 80 %) Contract number: W 08.270.308

Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

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Page 1: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Project Fact Sheet


Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural production and Improved access

to better nutrition

Project coordinator

Francis Ouruma Alacho

Contact person name:

Francis Ouruma Alacho

Contact person phone:


Contact person email:

[email protected]

Project's Partners

§ AfricaInnovationsInstitute(AfrII).

§ NationalSemiAridResourcesResearchInstitute(NaSARRI).

§ UgandaOilseedsProducersandProcessorsAssociation(UOSPA).

§ FICASeedsLtd.

Project's website:


Keywords: Sesame productivity, Climate Smart innovations, knowledge sharing.

Duration: January 1st 2015 – December 31st 2017

Budget: Euro 374,063 (EU contribution 80 %)

Contract number:

W 08.270.308

Page 2: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Summary The overall objective of the project is to stabilize and improve sesame productivity in the Lango region, northern Uganda. Specifically, the study is aiming to achieve 4 objectives namely: [i] Increased awareness and better planning to reduce sesame production losses due to

climate change impacts; [ii] Higher and more stable yields and production of good quality sesame as a result of

adoption and use of climate smart innovations; [iii] Better informed stakeholders able to innovate to reduce risks of climate change on

sesame production and [iv] Through the new knowledge and sesame production variety an increase in income

and employment of the target group is achieved. The study is addressing low yields and instability in sesame production in the Lango region, Northern Uganda. It is estimated that about 80% of the population in this region depend on sesame for food and income security. Despite its importance, yields and production of sesame in this region are low and unstable, causing frequent food shortages in the region.



Thiswillintensifysesameproductivityandcommercializationbysmallholdersinthedistrictsof Otuke, Lira and Amolatar districts. This will contribute to food security and inclusiveeconomicgrowthofthepoortomitigatetheimpactofincreasinginequalityandpopulationgrowth. It will thus offer an opportunity to processors, export firms, SMEs, KnowledgeinstitutionsandNGOstopartnerinareasofsesamevaluechain,financialservices,seedsandagribusiness.

Project’s results Result 1

Increased access to information on the main challenges caused by the impact of climate change on sesame production in the Lango region among the sesame value chain stakeholders. Targets: [i] Extension personnel. [ii] Sesame Farmers. [iii] Policy makers. [iv] Traders and processors. Indicators: [i] An assessment report on the impact of climate change on sesame

Page 3: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

production in Otuke, Lira and Amolatar districts is available to sesame value chain stakeholders on paper and online. [ii] The main sesame production chain stakeholders viz farmers, extension agents, policy makers and traders in Otuke, Lira and Amolatar share their information on the impact of climate change on sesame value chain in 2 workshops. Achievements: Keyfindingsonclimatetrendsfromthemodelling;

Literature search showed that the climate of the region is controlled by the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone, Indian Ocean and variable topography. The analysis of historical climate trends in the region between 1980-2010 established that precipitation during the long rains (February-June) reduced by an average of 0.64 to 2.34 mm while air temperatures increased by 0.05 to 0.060C per year. However, during the short rains (August-December), which is the traditional sesame growing season, the rains increased more proportionately by 3.5 to 5.75 mm per year while air temperatures increased by the same margin as in long rains. This confirmed a change in the climate patterns. The modeling study of predicted climate trends for the periods 2050s and 2070s showed that most parts of northern Uganda are projected to get increased annual precipitation between 50-90 mm while air temperatures are projected to increase in the range 0.9-1.80C (Source: Report on assessing the challenges and constraints caused by the impact of climate change on sesame value chain performance in the Lango Sub region, 2016). Impact on policy management and implementation implications of the cropmodelling

[i] The government of Uganda through the ministry of agriculture, animal industries and fisheries and local governments should be keener on following up on the resources allocated to several agricultural projects to ensure that services reach the grass-root farmers. [ii] Further investigation on the impact of climate and other sesame-crop growth stresses needed. [iii] Research data limitations was a major challenge encountered hence better weather data and crop data is needed to enable better quality future research. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were further used to understand climate change patterns in the region. These were held in the 9 project target sub counties of the districts of Lira, Otuke and Amolatar with 164 smallholder farmers of whom 33.5 % were female. The study confirmed that farmers, aggregators, store owners, transporters and processors had noticed changes in climate. The main extreme weather events experienced over the 21 years were droughts, floods and hailstorms which reduced yields by 83-90 percent accompanied with decline in quality and volumes available for sale leading to high fluctuations in farm-gate prices. During the study, coping mechanisms and innovations to mitigate risks of climate change on sesame production by value actors were documented and shared with stakeholders as will be elaborated in section 4. These will be integrated into new climate smart technologies and innovations (Source: .Focus groups discussions report on

Page 4: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

the Impact of Climate Change on Sesame Value Chain in Lango Sub Region, Northern Uganda, 2015)

Stakeholders during the inception and stakeholder workshops at Ngetta.

Result 2 Climate smart sesame innovations that increase yields and stabilizes production in Lango Sub region is available and used by sesame value chain stakeholders. Targets: [i] Extension personnel. [ii] Sesame Farmers. [iii] Policy makers. [iv]Traders. Indicators: [i] At least 20% of the communities in each of the three target districts are utilising a new climate smart variety for sesame production. [ii] The new climate smart sesame variety can be accessed and bought by farmers of the target districts through at least one market per district. Achievements:

Sesim 2 Sesim3 On-station trials

On-farm trials using new sesame varieties, fungicide, insecticide & fertilizers. On-station and on-farm varietal trials.

Page 5: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

The following sesame cultivars were tested on 3 farmers’ field in Otuke, Lira and Amolatar as well as in 5 on-station multi-locational trials for drought tolerance and field performance:

• Sesim1, • Sesim2, • Sesim3, • (Sesim 2//5181)-2-2-1 • (Sesim 2//5181)-2-2-1//7029-1-2-1 • Ajimo A1-6//7029-1-1 • 4036-1-10-2 • 4036-1-10-2//Local 158 • 4036-1-10-2//Renner 1-3-1-16-1 • 4036-1-10-2//Renner 1-3-1-16-2 • (Local 158//6022)-1-2-1//4036-1-2-2-5 • Renner 1-3-17-1

At on-farm trials 12 cultivars were planted in an area of 2.7 m (10 rows) and 5 m in length for each cultivar. For multi-location trials at NARO’S Trial Centers 20 cultivars were planted in an area of 2.1 m x 4 m with 8 rows. Plots for each variety were replicated 3 times. Performance data is being analysed but some new lines performed as well as the released varieties such as indicated at Agweng below.

Table: Performance of the sesame cultivars

No. Variety Yield in Kg/ha at Agweng S/county

1 Sesim1, 741* 2 Sesim2, 1,111** 3 Sesim3, 664* 4 (Sesim 2//5181)-2-2-1 370 5 (Sesim 2//5181)-2-2-1//7029-

1-2-1 667*

6 Ajimo A1-6//7029-1-1 370 7 4036-1-10-2 444 8 4036-1-10-2//Local 158 444 9 4036-1-10-2//Renner 1-3-1-

16-1 519*

10 4036-1-10-2//Renner 1-3-1-16-2


11 (Local 158//6022)-1-2-1//4036-1-2-2-5


12 Renner 1-3-17-1 1,111**

Sesame fertilizer Demonstrations

The fertilizer trials were demonstrated with the specific objectives to:

• Determine yield response of two varieties of sesame to macro nutrient application

• Establish the profitability of soil and foliar application methods of macro nutrients for two sesame varieties

On-farm sites were at;

• Lira, Otuke & Amolatar districts

Page 6: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

• 3 farmer fields per district, each farmer field was a replicate

• The demonstration fields in the above sites were established between 4-8/08/2016 with Plot sizes of 8m by 6m.

On-station sites were NaSARRI-Serere district and NgettaZARDI-Lira district with plot sizes of 5m by 3m.

Treatments; 2 varieties

Local sesame & Sesame II - in a split plot design


1. Control

2. 40kgN/ha

3. 20kgP/ha

4. 10kgK/ha

5. 40N+20P+10K

6. Foliar application of NPK (was not used)

7. N source was urea, P source was SSP and K source was Muriate of Potash

Method of Application; ● Phosphorus (P) using SSP and Potassium (K) using potash of Muriate were

all applied at planting by broadcasting in the plot.

● Half of the nitrogen using Urea was applied at planting and the remaining half during flowering (due to its faster use in the soil).

● During application of Urea at flowering, it was applied without it touching the plants but only between the row as it affects the plants

● The fertilizer should be slightly mixed in the soil e.g. urea would be heated by the sun and evaporates


Data taken:

Ø Plant height

Ø Number of pods/capsules per plant

Ø Number of branches per plant

To be weighed:

§ Yield per plot

§ Yield per hectare/acre

Other factors:

ü Leaf size, number of seeds/capsule, seed weight, oil content, disease/pest infection rate.

Page 7: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Integrating resistant varieties and pesticides in the management of leaf spot, webworm and gall midge on Sesame

Specific objective was to demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating resistant variety and pesticides in the management of leaf spot diseases, webworm and gall midge insect pests on sesame.

Gall midge and webworm damage can be minimized by management measures such as use of resistant varieties, destruction of crop residue, use of proper crop rotation and effective systemic insecticides. Cercospora leaf spot disease can be minimized by integrating use of resistant varieties, destruction of crop residue, proper crop rotation, seed treatment with with thiram + Bavistin and spraying with fungicides.

Treatments used were: • Sesame Varieties (3)- Sesim 3, Sesim 2 and Farmers’ local variety) • Pesticides regimes: • Fungicide (Rhodazim) – 15 mls/15 litres water • Insecticide (Cypercal) – 40 mls/15 litres water • Insect +Fung - 15mls + 40 mls/15 litres water • No spray

Planting: Places where the trials were planted and date of planting:

• Otuke district (Olilim, Orum & Adwari on 5 & 6th August 2016) • Lira district (Agweng, Barr & Ogur, on 6 & 8th August 2016) • Amolatar district (Muntu, Aputi & AgikDak on 9th August 2016).

Maintenance: Thinning, Weeding and harvesting by farmers Spraying was done once, 3 to 7th October, by NaSARRI at flowering Data collected:

• Leaf spot severity • Gall midge damage

Preliminary results show effectiveness of:

• Sesim 3 varietal resistance in the management of leaf spot and gall midge.

• Combination of fungicide + insecticides in the management of leaf spot disease.

• Besides all these, a farmer needs to regularly monitor the field for signs of infestations.

Result 3 Main sesame value chain stakeholders in Otuke, Lira and Amolatar districts have access to all information needed to apply climate smart sesame production. Targets: [i] Extension personnel. [ii] Sesame Farmers. [iii] Policy makers. [iv]Traders. Indicators: [i]Access to information on climate smart sesame production is ensured through at least 3 manuals, extension bulletins, policy briefs, dissemination workshops, mass media or show activities.

Page 8: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

[ii] 20 % of stakeholders apply the newly acquired knowledge on the risks of climate change to their sesame production. Achievements: [i]

Held a write-shop to produce pamphlets, brochures and fliers for dissemination. The following are in production:

• Project fact sheet - sesame production. (F.O. Alacho) • Historical and predicted climate trends in Lango (F.O.Alacho). • Crop yields, production trends and weather relationships in sesame

(F.O.Alacho) • Stakeholder analysis, priority challenges and opportunities

(F.O.Alacho). • Recent advances in developing and promoting suitable climate smart

sesame innovations. (Walter Anyang et al). ü Varietal development and seed multiplication. ü Integrated soil fertility management for increased sesame

production. ü Integrated pest and disease management in sesame

production. • Enhancing access to improved sesame seed (Ray Agong and Narcis

Tumishabe) ü Farmer preferences. ü Volumes multiplication. ü Farmer adoption. ü Impact on sesame production.

• Sesame marketing (Ray Agong and Narcis Tumishabe)

ü Sesame Seed trade and market preferences. ü Sesame Grain trade and market prefrences. ü Sesame Quality standards.

Result 4 Increased income and employment of the target group is achieved through

new knowledge and new sesame production variety. Targets: [i]Sesame farmers. [ii]Traders and processors. Indicators: [i] At least 30 % increase in profits from sale of sesame seed and grains by 20 % of beneficiary farmers. [ii] At least 20 % increase in income of 20 % beneficiary farmers and traders

Page 9: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

from sesame seed and grain sales per acre. [iii] At least 10 % increase in employment of farmers and traders along the sesame value chain. Achievements:

Increasing farmer access to new improved sesim 2 and sesim 3.






Homesaved Localmarket

neighbour seedcompanies

Process being undertaken to increase access to improved seeds by farmers

Quality declared seed multiplication • Farmers capacity built in seed multiplication: Training in seed quality –

emphasized %moisture content, germination and seed purity. • Contracted to multiply seed under NARO & breeder supervision. • Establish network of seed stockiest in community. • Increase farmers’ linkage to seed companies.

Profitability of Sesame

Item Unit cost Total cost

Seed 3kg X 10,000 30,000

Land preparation 3 times x 28 x 2500 210,000

Weeding 1 once X 28 x 2500 70,000

Harvesting 1 once x28 x 25000 70,000

Drying/shade Materials plus staking 30,000

Page 10: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Threshing/cleaning 1 once x 5 x 2000 10,000

Bags 3 bags x 1000 3,000

Total cost/acre 423,000 Income estimations per acre

Current price UgX 2,700/kg Yield 300kg Gross income 300kg x 2700 = UgX 810,000 Net Income: 810,000 – 423,000 = UgX 387,000 Holding other factors constant, this indicates great profitability in sesame production. Strategies to produce what the market prefers

• Produce white seeds, not mixed (brown and white). • Improve bulk marketing and negotiations through a future Farmer

Sesame Co-operative. • Increased yield. • Value addition in processing oil fetches UGX 20,000/= a litre.

Current potential markets that sesame farmers can explore in Uganda

• CBI – Coach and link organizations to European market • SITA – Promote investment, technology transfer and trade in 5 East

African countries • Lira Resort – Main buyer for export in Lango • SHARES – Main buyer for export in Lango • OLUM – Lira • Nile Agro – Lira • Yield Uganda – Jinja • FICA – Planting seeds found in Kampala • UOSPA – to form a cooperative to support formers in the aspect of

marketing (bulk marketing). Limitations to achieving results so far: [i] Some research activities still on-going. [ii] Use of one planting season (July-November) in trials per year. [iii] Poor weather in 2015. [iv] Development related support to commercialize sesame innovations limited. [v] Limited finance at farmer level to procure new sesame varieties and agro-chemicals. [vi] Limited availability, high costs and doubtful quality of fungicides, insecticides and

fertilizers in the open market. Lessons learnt Lesson 1

There is need for dual strengthening of the capacity of farmers in the production and marketing of the Sesame seed and grain.

Lesson 2 Farmers still need a clearer understanding of the importance of planting improved seed.

Lesson 3 Need for wider and stronger partnerships with key stakeholders to achieve and sustain the achievements of the research study.

Last updated: 31.01.2017 Annex: Preliminary host farmer reactions:

Page 11: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

Farmer District/Sub-

county Host farmer reactions

Benson Oyaro

Otuke District-Orum Subcounty

• Sesim 3 with fertilizer was best.

• Sesim 2 (with fertilizer) is also good.

• The Experiments enabled him gain more experience in crop management including timely planting, timely weeding, and planting in rows.

• The yield for Sesim 2 with fertilizer was good.

Patrick Abwango

Otuke District- Adwari sub county

• (Sesim 2) with spray is good

• Sesim 2 was good even with scarce rain

• Timely planting is good

• Even in late planting, the Sesim 2 yield is still ok,

• Still grows well when there is scarcity of rain

• Chose Sesim 2 because to him, much as the yield is less, the crop performed better in the garden.

• Sesim 3 variety, if not for the spray you will not get good yield unlike for Sesim 2.

David Olot Lira District-Agweng subcounty

• Sesim 2(with spray)

• Sesim 2 (with fertilizer)

• Crop management is very key

• Sesim 2 performed very well in the field.

• Row planting is very good

• Sesim 2 with fertilizer is good. It has high susceptibility with pests and diseases

• Field well maintained.

• He practiced row planting, weeded twice and sprayed.

• Sesim 3 when sprayed does better than the other varieties. in the field the yield is ok.

• Sesim 3 yield has bigger grain seeds than that

Page 12: Project Fact Sheet...Project Fact Sheet STABILIZING SESAME YIELDS AND PRODUCTION IN THE LANGO REGION, NORTHERN UGANDA Main information Key Action: Increased sustainable agricultural

Stabilizing sesame yields and production in the Lango Region, Northern Uganda (W 08.270.308)

of the

o un -sprayed yield.

o Its white color is attractive.

others. The taste indicates high oil content.

Sesim 3 is good for its oil content.

Hellen Ogwal Amolator District

Sesim 3 (with spray) Tolerant to drought, pests and diseases.

Whiter than the rest.

Its production is very high and gets ready very quickly.

Plots with fertilizer had more yields than where there was none

Concerned with the seed mixture of the local variety (Achara (local), sesim 2 and Sesim 3)

in the field made it less interesting and less attractive.

Sesim 2 with fertilizer did very well in the field.

With Support from the Governmentof Netherlands