Science & Technology Vocabulary of the Arrival of Human Cloning Dr. Patcharee Imsri Group 8 EFL– 400 “Words @ Work

Project II: Science & Technology

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Science & Technology

Vocabulary of the Arrival of Human Cloning

Dr. Patcharee Imsri

Group 8 EFL– 400 “Words @ Work

Page 2: Project II: Science & Technology

The Arrival of Human Cloning

Human cloning is finally here, and it is going to spark a political

conflagration. First, some background.

The cloning era began when Dolly the sheep was manufactured in 1996.

Dolly was cloned via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This is accomplished

by removing the nucleus from a skin or other cell (in Dolly’s case, a mammary

gland cell, hence her naming after Dolly Parton). That nucleus is then inserted

into an egg whose nucleus has been removed. The engineered egg is stimulated,

and if the cloning works, an embryo comes into being through asexual

reproduction. Once that happens, the cloning is complete.

If the cloned embryo is implanted in a mother—often called “reproductive

cloning”—and all goes well, it develops like a natural embryo through the fetal

stage to birth. Hello Dolly.

Many mammals are now routinely cloned—mice, pigs, cattle, to name a few.

Monkeys proved a difficult species to create via SCNT until a few years ago,

and even now scientists have not succeeded in bringing a cloned monkey to birth.

Human cloning has been even more technically challenging. But an

international group of scientists announced in the June 6 Cell—a prominent,

peer-reviewed scientific journal—that they created scores of cloned human

embryos, developing four of them in a dish for about 10 days to the blastocyst

stage (about 150-200 cells). This is the stage at which embryos created in vitro

are usually implanted if they are to be gestated to birth. However, that was not

the purpose of the recent experiments. Instead, the cloned embryos were

destroyed and embryonic stem cell lines created—a process sometimes called

“therapeutic cloning.” While these scientists have no interest in reproductive

cloning, if a cloned baby is ever born, their experiments will have been a big step

toward making it possible.

The successful cloning of human beings—whether for research or birth—is

momentous: Even if the technique is used only in pursuit of biological knowledge

and medical treatments, those will come at the very high ethical price of

manufacturing human life for the purpose of harvesting it like a corn crop—that

is, for the purpose of destroying it.

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Cloning, moreover, is essential to foreseeable endeavors such as the

genetic engineering of embryos, the creation of human/animal chimeras, the

gestation of cloned fetuses in artificial wombs as a means of obtaining patient-

compatible organs, and eventually the birth of cloned babies. With the struggle

over whether and to what extent the technology should be regulated still

unresolved, we can expect fiery contention going forward over matters like the


The legal status of human cloning. Competing bills are likely to be

introduced in Congress and state legislatures, as they have been in the past, to

outlaw human cloning. The devil will be in the definitions.

In particular, cloning opponents should beware phony bans that pretend

to outlaw cloning but actually legalize the SCNT process using human DNA. This

sleight-of-hand has been tried before. In 2007, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-

Calif.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) coauthored the Human Cloning Ban and Stem

Cell Protection Bill, which not only would not have banned human cloning, it would

have legalized it by codifying an inaccurate definition: “The term ‘human cloning’

means implanting or attempting to implant the product of nuclear

transplantation into a uterus or the functional equivalent of a uterus.” But

cloning is the asexual creation of the cloned embryo, regardless of whether it is

implanted. A real ban would make it illegal to use human cells and nuclei in SCNT.

Public funding. President George W. Bush triggered intense debate by

placing minor restrictions on the funding of embryonic stem cell research by the

National Institutes of Health. Despite the false claim that Bush had banned

embryonic stem cell research, he actually funded it to the tune of hundreds of

millions of dollars.

In contrast, the federal government is already prohibited by law from

financing human cloning. Under the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, federal funds

may not be used to create embryos for use in research or to support research

that harms or destroys embryos. President Obama circumvents Dickey-Wicker

by sophistry: Private money pays for the destruction of the embryos, then

federal funds support research on the resulting stem cell lines.

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Manufacture /manjʊˈfaktʃə/ v. = Make (something) on a

large scale using machinery. ผลต

Synonym: make, produce, mass produce, build,

construct, and assemble

Collocation: verb + noun

Example of use: This firm manufactures cars at

the rate of two hundred per day.

บรษท นผลตรถยนตสองรอยคนตอวน

Accomplished /əˈkʌmplɪʃt/ adjective= Highly trained or

skilled in a particular activity.สมบรณ, ซงบรรลผล

Synonym: expert, skilled, skilful, masterly,

virtuoso, master, consummate, proficient

Collocation: verb. adj. prep

Example of use: The task will be accomplished in a


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งานจะท าส าเรจไดในปน

Engineered /ɛndʒɪˈnɪə/ noun = A person who designs,

builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures. .

วศวกร, นายชาง, คนขบ, รถไฟ, ผสราง

Synonym: designer, planner, builder, architect,


Collocation: adj.

Example of use: This guy is an engineer who

designs and builds humanoid robots that are capable of

standing and walking on their own.



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stimulated /ˈstɪmjʊleɪt/ verb= Raise levels of physiological

or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system)

กระตน, เราใจ, เรา, ปลกใจ, สงเสรม

Synonym: restorative, tonic, invigorating, bracing,


Collocation: ADV. Example of use: Together, all of

these treatments are supposed to cleanse your body

and stimulate your immune system.

ทงหมดของการรกษาเหลานควรจะท าความสะอาดรางกายของคณและชวยกระตนระบบ


Asexual /eɪˈsɛkʃʊəl/ adjective= without sexual feelings or

associations. ไรเพศ

Synonym: nonsexual

Collocation: -

Example of use: While I agree that this

predicament probably sucks for his girlfriend, I also

don't see why it would be a blessing for many other

women, unless they too, were asexual.

ในขณะทผมยอมรบวาสถานการณนอาจจะไมดส าหรบแฟนสาวของเขาผมยงไมเหนวา

ท าไมมนจะเปนพรสวรรคของผหญงอน ๆ อกมากมายเวนแตพวกเขากเปนกะเทย

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Reproductive /ˌriːprəˈdʌktɪv/ adjective= Relating to or

effecting reproduction. เกยวกบหรอท าใหเกด

Synonym: generative, procreative, and propagative

Collocation: noun

Example of use: This dietary effect on

reproductive hormone metabolism may be especially

influential to the prepubertal heifer.


Mammals /ˈmam(ə)l/ noun= A warm-blooded vertebrate

animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of

hair or fur, females that secrete milk for the nourishment

of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young. . สตวเลยง


Synonym: beast, creature, vertebrate

Collocation: adj, prep.

Example of use: The whale is a very large mammal

which lives in the sea.


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Challenging /ˈtʃalɪn(d)ʒɪŋ/ adjective= Testing one’s


Synonym: demanding, testing, taxing, exacting

Collocation: verb, adv.

Example of use: The nine-mile route with 4000 ft.

of climb is a challenging proposition.

การไตเขาเสนทางเกาไมลกบ 4000 ฟตเปนเรองททาทาย

Blastocyst /ˈblastə(ʊ)sɪst/ noun= A mammalian blastula in

which some differentiation of cells has occurred. ตวออนของสตว

เลยงลก ดวยนม

Synonym: embryo

Collocation: verb + noun

Example of use: Many scientists believe

blastocysts - stem cells taken from days-old embryos -

have much greater potential.

นกวทยาศาสตรหลายคนเชอวาตวออน - เซลลตนก าเนดตวออนทมอายนาน มศกยภาพ


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Implanted /ɪmˈplɑːnt.ɪt / verb= Insert or fix (tissue or an

artificial object) in a person’s body, especially by surgery.ใส,

สอดใส, ใสเขาไปใน, ฝง

Synonym: insert, embed, bury, and lodge

Collocation: adv. permanently

Example of use: A pacemaker is a small, battery-

powered device that implanted permanently into

the body.


Gestated /dʒɛˈsteɪt.ɪt / verb= Carry a fetus in the womb

from conception to birth.ตงครรภ

Synonym: pregnant, pregnancy

Collocation: to + infinitive

Example of use: It would be possible for one

partner to donate the egg, for the other partner to

donate the cell nucleus with its DNA, and for the first

partner to gestate and give birth to the child.

มนจะเปนไปไดส าหรบหนงคทจะบรจาคไขส าหรบคอน ๆ ทจะบรจาคนวเคลยส

ของเซลลทมดเอนเอของตนและครกใหตงครรภและใหก าเนดเดก

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Embryonic /ˌɛmbrɪˈɒnɪk / adjective. = it's starting to

develop or come together. An "embryo" is a person or animal

that is still growing in the womb or egg, and embryonic

means "like an embryo. เกยวกบตวออน หรอตนออน, แรกเรม, พนฐาน, ซงยงไม


Synonym : immaturestar,undevelopedstar,

incipientstar, beginning

Collocation: Noun: cell , stem , development etc. /

Verb: be , derive , target etc. / Adjective,Adverb : early

Example of use: Slight differences in embryonic



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Process /ˈprəʊ.ses/noun = a particular course of action

intended to achieve a result

กระบวนการ, ระบบ, การด าเนนการ, แนวทาง, กรรมวธ, วธปฏบต, ขนตอนการปฏบต

Synonym: procedure

Collocation: ADJ. gradual, lengthy, long, slow

VERB + PROCESS: go through PREP. ~ for | ~ of

Example of use: “it was a process of trial and



Therapeutic /ˌθɛrəˈpjuːtɪk/ adj. = Relating to the healing of

disease เกยวกบการรกษาโรค, เกยวกบการ บ าบดโรค

Synonym: alterative, curative, healing, remedial,

sanative, healthful

Collocation: cognitive , behavioral , term

Example of use: Whether you’re talking about a

therapeutic drug or a therapeutic exercise plan, something

that is therapeutic helps to heal or to restore health.

ไมวาคณจะพดคยเกยวกบการรกษายาเสพตดหรอวางแผนการออกก าลงกายการรกษาบางอยางทจะชวยให


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Scientists /ˈsʌɪəntɪst/ noun = A scientist is a person with

some kind of knowledge or expertise in any of the sciences

นกวทยาศาสตร (โดยเฉพาะวทยาศาสตร ธรรมชาตหรอฟสกส)

Synonym: researcher, technologist

Example of use: Scientists haven't found a cure

for cancer yet.


Experiments /ɪkˈspɛrɪm(ə)nt/ n.= a test, trial, or tentative


การทดลอง, การทดสอบ.

Synonym: test, trial

Collocation: ADJ. animal, field, laboratory/ VERB +

EXPERIMENT carry out, conduct, do, perform/ PREP. by

Example of use: It's a timed experiment and it has to run

for a precise period.

มนหมดเวลาการทดลองและควรเปนไปตามเวลาทก าหนด

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Pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/ n.= The action of pursuing someone or


การตดตาม, การไลตาม, การตามจบ, การด าเนนตอไป, การด าเนนตาม, อาชพ, การงาน

Synonym: n. hunt, chase, quest

Collocation: ADJ. relentless, ruthless, single-

minded etc. / VERB + PURSUIT be engaged in

Example of use: the cat crouched in the grass for

pursuit of a bird


Biological /bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ adjective = Relating to biology or

living organisms. ชววทยา

Synonym: biotic, biologic, organic

Collocation: noun. Child

Example of use: It might be their last chance to

have a biological child.


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Manufacturing /manjʊˈfaktʃə/ Verb = Make (something) on

a large scale using machinery

ผลต, ท าสราง, ประดษฐ, กเรองขน, สงทผลตขน

Synonym: make

Collocation: ADJ. large-scale, small-scale/

MANUFACTURING + NOUN business, company,

enterprise, etc.

Example of use: The manufacturing interests of

Nevada are unimportant.

ผลประโยชนการผลตของเนวาดาไมมความส าคญ

Harvesting /ˈhɑːvɪst/n.= The process or period of gathering

in crops

ฤดเกบเกยว, การเกบเกยว, ปรมาณทเกบเกยวได, ผลพนธ,

Synonym: reaping, picking, collecting

Collocation: Adj. busy

Example of use: While busy harvesting, they are

exposed to the raids of the Bedouins

ในขณะการเกบเกยวทวนวาย พวกเขาก าลงเผชญกบการบกของเบดอน

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Essential /ɪˈsɛnʃ(ə)l/ adj.= Absolutely necessary จ าเปนทสด, ซงขาด


Synonym: fundamental, necessary

Collocation: VERBS appear, be, seem | become/

ADV. really | absolutely | almost, / PREP. For, to

Example of use: Discipline is essential in an army.

ระเบยบวนยเปนสงส าคญในกองทพ

Foreseeable /fɔːˈsiːəbl/ adjective = Able to be foreseen or


รลวงหนา, มองไกล, มองเหนลวงหนา

Synonym: presage, anticipate, divine ,etc.

Example of use: For the foreseeable future, then,

we can expect the euro to rise and fall in its now-standard

pattern of unpredictable volatility.

ส าหรบอนาคตแลวเราสามารถคาดหวงวาเงนยโรจะเพมขนและลดลงในรปของ

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Sophistry/ ˈsɒf.ɪ.stri/Noun. = the clever use of arguments

that seem true but are really false, in order to deceive

people การโตตอบถอยความแตมเหตผลทอางผด, การอางเหตผลผด, การหลอกลวง, การตบตา

Synonym: false argument

Collocation: prep. of

Example of use: They are a strange blend of

sophistry, superstition, sound sense and solid argument



Engineering /ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə.rɪŋ/ noun.= Engineering is defined as

an act of skilled managing or the practical application of

science and math skills to everyday life วศวกรรม, วศวกรรมศาสตร, การ

ชาง, งานวศวกรรม

Synonym: maneuvering

Collocation: prep. of

Example of use: The engineering of the Sirikit

Dam took many years.


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Chimeras /kaɪˈmɪə.rə/Noun.= The definition of chimera is a

fire-breathing female monster in Greek myths with the

head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent.

สตวประหลาดนากลว , ความเพอฝน , พนธตอ กงผสม

Synonym: chimaera, dream, fancy, phantasmagoria,

will-o' the-wisp, delusion, vagary, fantasy

Collocation: noun

Example of use: The loud lament of the

disconsolate chimera.

คร าครวญดงลนจากกลดกลมเพอฝน

Gestation /dʒesˈteɪ.ʃən/Noun.= the development of a child

or young animal while it is still inside its mother's body ตงครรภ

, กระบวนการตงครรภ, ระยะการ ตงครรภ

Synonym: gravidity, pregnancy, hatching,

incubation, engendering, propagation, maturation

Collocation: prep.

Example of use: The period of gestation of rats is

21 days.

ระยะเวลาของการตงครรภของหนคอ 21 วน

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Artificial /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/ Adjective.= made by people, often as

a copy of something natural เทยม, ปลอม, ไมแท,ประดษฐขนเอง, ท าขนเอง, ไม


Synonym: manufactured, synthetic, made-up,

manmade, imitation, factitious

Collocation: noun

Example of use: A bouquet of artificial flowers,

artificial pearls.

ชอดอกไมประดษฐ, ไขมกเทยม

Struggle /ˈstrʌɡ.l/Verb.= to experience difficulty and make

a very great effort in order to do something ดนรน, ตอส, แขงขน,

ฝาฟน, ตะเกยกตะกาย, พยายาม, รกหนาดวยความ พยายาม

Synonym: exert, strain, strive

Collocation: to+ infinitive, adverb, preposition

Example of use: The dog had been struggling to

get free of the wire noose.


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Unresolved /ˌʌn.rɪˈzɒlvd/Adjective.= If a problem or

difficulty is unresolved, it is not solved or ended ไมมขอยต, ไมได

แกไข, ไมไดลงมต

Synonym: indefinite, open, uncertain, undecided,

undetermined, unsettled, unsure, vague

Collocation: noun

Example of use: That's what they do; chase old

unresolved cases.

นนคอสงทพวกเขาท า, กรณเกาทยงไมไดรบการแกไข

Opponents/əˈpəʊ.nənt/Noun.= a person who disagrees with

something and speaks against it or tries to change itผขดขวาง, ผ

คดคาน, คปรปกษ, คแขง, ฝายตรงขาม

Synonym: antagonist, rival, emulator, competitor,

claimant, disputer

Collocation: preposition

Example of use: Leading opponents of the

proposed cuts in defense spending will meet later


ชนน าของฝายตรงขามลดการใชจายทน าเสนอในการปองกนจะไดพบตอมาในวนน

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Pretend /prɪˈtend/Verb.= to behave as if something is true

when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive

people or as a game แสรงท า, เสแสรง, หลอกลวง, อวดอาง, อางสทธ

Synonym: fake, feign, affect, simulate, imitate,

impersonate, sham, counterfeit, dissemble, dissimulate,

profess, claim, allege, purport

Collocation: preposition, + (that), + to infinitive

Example of use: The children pretended that they

were dinosaurs.

เดกแกลงท าเปนวาพวกเขาก าลงเปนไดโนเสาร

Co-authored /kəʊˈɔː.θər/Noun.= to write a book, article,

report, etc. together with another person or other people นก

ประพนธรวม, ผแตงรวม, นกเขยนรวม

Synonym: written

Collocation: noun

Example of use: Robert and his daughter have co-

authored a diet book.


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Banned /bæn/Verb.= to forbid (= refuse to allow)

something especially officially หาม, ประกาศหาม, สงหาม, ขบออกนอกศาสนา,

ประณาม, สาปแชง

Synonym: bar, veto, taboo

Collocation: from + -ing verb

Example of use: She was banned from driving for

two years.


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Inaccurate /ɪnˈakjʊrət/ adjective = not correct or accurate

with mistake

ไมแมนย า, ไมละเอยด, ไมเทยง, ไมแนนอน

Synonyms: imprecise, inexact, faulty, incorrect,

and erroneous

Collocation: adv. Clearly, notoriously, extremely,

grossly, hopelessly, seriously,

Example of use: Xenophon was an eyewitness in

406-403, but is clearly inaccurate in his details and

prejudice throughout.

เซโนพล เปนสกขพยานใน 406-403 แตไมถกตองอยางชดเจนในรายละเอยดและควา


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Implanting /ɪmˈplɑːnθɪŋ / verb = To put an organ, group of

cells, or device into the body in a medical operation ใส, สอดใส,

ใสเขาไปใน, ฝง, ปลกฝง, ยายใส

Synonyms: instill, inculcate

Collocation: prep. in

Example of use: Alerted to her passage through

the perimeter by the microchip implant in her brain, Mr.

Tim intercepted her before she reached the command and

control hub.


เธอ นายทมดกฟงเธอ กอนทเธอครอบง าค าสงและการควบคมศนยกลาง

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Codifying /ˈkəʊ.dɪ.faɪŋ/ verb = To arrange something, such

as laws or rules, into a system การเขารหส, การลงรหส

Synonyms: classify, collect, digest

Collocation: to + infinitive

Example of use: Charles also attempted to codify

the obscure and contradictory laws of Bohemia; but this

attempt failed through the resistance of the powerful

nobility of the country.

ชารลสยงพยายามทจะประมวลกฎหมายทคลมเครอและขดแยงแหงโบฮเมย; แต



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Regardless / rɪˈɡɑːd.ləs / adverb = paying on attention to

something; treating problem and difficulties as unimportant

ไมระมดระวง, ไมค านงถง, ไมเอาใจใส, ไมสนใจ,

Synonyms: anyways, anyhow, nevertheless

Collocation: prep. on, off

Example of use : I suggested she should stop but

she carries and on regardless.

ฉนแนะน าใหเธอควรจะหยด แตเธอยงคงด าเนนการและโดยไมค านง

Triggered /ˈtrɪɡ.ər/ verb. = To make something happen

suddenly กอใหเกด

Synonyms: generate, give rise to

Collocation: verb + noun

Example of use: This kind of hunger is common and

generally is what has triggered food riots, now and in the

past. ชนดของความหวนเปนเรองปกตและโดยทวไปคอสงทกอใหเกดการจลาจลอาหารทง


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Restrictions /rɪˈstrɪk.ʃən/noun = something ( sometimes a

rule or law) that limits on something การจ ากด, การจ ากด, การก าหนด,


Synonyms: constraint, limitation,

Collocation: prep. without

Example of use : Citizens of the EU can travel

without restriction within the EU.

ประชากรของสหภาพยโรปสามารถเดนทางไดโดยไมมขอ จ ากด ในสหภาพยโรป

Funding /fʌndɪŋ/ noun an amount of money saved, collected,

or provided for a particular purpose: เงนทน, ทน, กองทน, เงน, เงน

สะสม, เงนฝาก

Synonyms: stock, money, cash, capital, subsidy,

bank account

Collocation : prep. into, in

Example of use: The money received is paid

directly into a pension fund.

เงนทไดรบเปนคาใชจายโดยตรงในกองทนบ าเหนจบ านาญ

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Embryonic /ˌem.briˈɒn.ɪk/ adjective = a baby, an animal or

a plant in the early stages of development before birth

เกยวกบตวออน หรอตนออน, แรกเรม, พนฐาน, ซงยงไมเจรญเตบโต

Synonyms: unfinished, undeveloped, incipient,


Collocation: adj. surrounded

Example of use: The fruit is berry-like, and the

seeds are remarkable for having their embryo surrounded

by an endosperm as well as by a perisperm.

ผลไมเปนผลไมเลก ๆ เหมอนและเมลดพนธทมความโดดเดนส าหรบการมตวออนของพวกเขา

ทลอมรอบดวย endosperm เชนเดยวกบ perisperm

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Prohibited /prəˈhɪb.ɪt/ verb = To officially refuse to allow


หาม, ปองกน, ขดขวาง.

Synonyms: hinder, forbid,

Collocation: prep. from

Example of use : The president is constitutionally

prohibited from serving more than two terms in office.

ประธานถอเปนขอหามตามรฐธรรมนญจากการใหบรการเกนสองวาระในส านกงาน

Destroys /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ verb = To damage something so badly

that it cannot be used:

ท าลาย, ผลาญ, ดบ, ฆา, ท าใหไมไดผลหรอ ใชการไมได

Synonyms: demolish, ruin, , exterminate

Collocation: prep. by

Example of use : Their lives have been virtually

destroyed by this tragedy.

ชวตของพวกเขาไดถกท าลายอยางแทจรงจากโศกนาฏกรรมในครงน

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Circumvents /ˌsɜː.kəmˈvent/ verb = To avoid something,

especially cleverly or illegally ลอมรอบ, โอบรอบ

Synonyms: thwart, forestall

Collocation: to + infinitive

Example of use : They were using an unnatural

method to circumvent God's decision - that they would not

have a child of their own.

พวกเขาไดใชวธการทผดธรรมชาตทจะหลกเลยงการตดสนใจของพระเจา – วาพวกเขาจะไมได


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Sophistry /ˈsɒf.ɪ.stri/ noun = The clever use of arguments

that seem true but are really false, in order to deceive

people การหลอกลวง

Synonyms: fallacy, quibble, sophism

Collocation: prep. of

Example of use : The sophistry of English party

politics that it was difficult for Englishmen to form any

impartial opinion.

การหลอกลวงของพรรคการเมององกฤษวามนเปนเรองยากส าหรบองกฤษในรปแบบ


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Destruction /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ noun = The act of destroying

something, or the fact of being destroyed การท าลาย, ภาวะทถกท าลาย

, สาเหตของ การท าลาย, วธการท าลาย.

Synonyms: ruin, extirpation, devastation

Collocation: noun + verb

Example of use : The destruction brought about

by war, he gasped as he saw how much destruction she had

wrought with the hammer.

การท าลายโดยน ามาเกยวกบสงคราม เขาอาปากคางในขณะทเขาเหนวาการท าลายสวนมาก

เธอไดกระท าดวยคอน

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Resulting /rɪˈzʌl.tɪŋ/ adjective = Caused by the event or

situation that you have just mentioned

Synonyms: appear, emanate

Collocation: noun. damage

Example of use : The tape was left near a magnetic

source, and the resulting damage was considerable.

เทปถกทงไวใกลกบแหลงแมเหลกและความเสยหายเกดขนเปนจ านวนมาก

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The members of group 8

Miss Pentida Lertkrai 55115570 Miss Ajjima Prommajun 55162564

Miss Naparat Fuachart 55113799 Miss Wimonrat Banjongchauy 55117386

