Project Name Green Tech Center 7. august 2015

ProjectName Green Tech Center 7. august 2015. ProjectName Dagsorden 1.Danish Cleantech Hub og Greentech Center Denmark 2.Nyt fra New York 3.NYC Climate

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Green Tech Center

7. august 2015

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1. Danish Cleantech Hub og Greentech Center Denmark 2. Nyt fra New York 3. NYC Climate Week 2015 4. Spørgsmål

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Danish Cleantech Hub is a public-private partnership, led by the Confederation of Danish Industry and State of Green. We support the visibility and commercialization of Danish cleantech solutions and expertise in New York.As a New York-based platform for knowledge sharing and green partnerships, we provide a single point of entry for all cleantech-related activities between Denmark and New York.




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allocated by New York State to fund large-scale, clean energy generation projects

million buildings in New York City

higher electricity prices than US average




located to resiliency and climate adaptation in New York between 2014-2020$20bn

allocated to protect 520 miles of coastline

reduction in greenhouse gas emission targeted by 2050

of sea level rise estimated by 2050

of all greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings





Why Cleantech in New York?

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The changing climate impacts cities and society, and as extreme climate events become more frequent, cities like New York face increased risks from rising sea levels, storm surges and floodings. The Danish Cleantech Hub is concerned with coastal protection, flood mitigation and reducing overall environmental impacts. Examples of smart climate adaptation include green roofs, who can collect up to 50% of rainwater while providing heating and cooling for the building.

Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Water is increasingly considered an asset with enormous potential to enhance daily life for people living in cities. Cities are growing and many face increasing pressures of rising sea levels and extreme weather events, bringing with them the risk of flooding and/or periods of drought. Solving these challenges requires investments in the city’s blue infrastructure but it also presents an opportunity to rethink urban development and gain greater value from those investments. Innovative water solutions are able to improve quality of life in cities facing increased urbanization and impacts of climate change – challenges Copenhagen and NYC share.

Urban Water

The world population is growing and so is the need for a better environment, efficient energy services and good mobility. At the same time more people prefer to live in cities. Cities grow and new cities develop. This is a challenge, but also an opportunity to serve the population with environmentally friendly solutions in a smart and sustainable way. In smart energy cities low-carbon energy can be provided in a more cost effective way to buildings than in remote areas. ‘Smart Cities’ use ICT to become more intelligent and efficient in their use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint – all supporting innovation and a low-carbon economy.

Energy should be used efficiently, intelligently and renewable sources should be integrated to the best possible extent. Smart grids intelligently manage energy production and consumption according to end user demand and ensure a more reliable energy supply. Due to the widespread implementation of smart grids in Denmark, extensive know-how has been generated. Energy efficiency in buildings is of particular focus to our efforts, as NYC’s one million buildings account for 75% of all greenhouse gas emissions. New York has implemented regulation and incentives to improve energy efficiency in buildings, an area where Danish companies are among the world leaders.

Smart Grid and Energy Efficiency Smart Cities

Our Focus Areas

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1 2 3Strategic Planning

Incubation Growth

• Market analysis• Feasibility studies• Fact-finding tours• Business plan• Strategy

• Urban Future Lab –NYC cleantech incubator

• Visibility: showcase your solution in our exhibition space

• Conferences, workshops, seminars

• Tap into our strong, local network

• Partner search

• Lead generation and sales meetings

• Access to public decision-makers and programs

• Subsidiary establishment• Office space, meeting facilities

and representation (virtual and sales)

Success in the US – How?

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Denmark New York

Organizations &



Organizations &




Our Network

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Services for GTC companies Support internationalization of GTC companies and startups Provide direct access to business opportunities, projects and

partners in New York One-on-one support from DCH consultant in New York Desk at the Urban Future Lab on demand Fact finding tours for groups of GTC startups in New York

Resiliency Partnerships Facilitate and support the development of resiliency partnerships

and projects between Vejle and New York

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Nyt fra New York City

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Vision 3: Our Sustainable City

• 80% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050• New plans on how also solid waste, transport and power can be part

of 80x50 goal • Zero waste to land fields by 2030 (waste reduction and recycling) • Environmental justice - more investments in poorer neighborhoods• The REV process and regional commitment to wind power project

pipeline• Net-zero energy in waster water treatment plants by 2050• Expand green infrastructure and storm water management

(Southeast Queens) • Brownfield cleanup program

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Vision 4: Our Resilient City

• Continuation of a stronger, more resilient New York (2013)

• Focus on community development and civic engagement

• New FEMA maps show 71.500 buildings in floodplains

• Further investments in green infrastructure

• Adaption of agencies creating standardized resiliency design


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Expected 10 year budget

• $40,8 bn. energy and water

• $28,6 bn. recovery and


• $95,9 bn. rail, subway and


• $7 bn. housing

NYC budgets:

10 year capital plan: $84 bn.

Yearly executive budget: $78 bn.


25% city funded – 75% region


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Additional budget breakdowns

• Resiliency spending will increase from $20 bn. to $30 bn.

• Costal defense maintains $3.7 bn. (50% funded as of now)

• $14.7 bn. to DEP to invest in water and sewers - including $2 bn. on flood mitigation where $1.2 bn. goes to Southeast Queens

• 80x50 goal in city buildings receives $1.75 bn. (One City Build to Last)

• NYCHA has $3 bn. FEMA funding to resiliency program for 33 housing developments

• Almost $8 bn. to preserve the 200.000 affordable buildings

• $12.6 bn. to grow/restore roads and bridges

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Sydøstlige Queens - 100-year flood plain prognose

Sydøstlige Queens projekt: Stormsikring – forebyggelse af oversvømmelse ($3 mia FEMA funds udover NYC budget)

DEP udvikler handlinsgplan, der skal afhjælpe længerevarende oversvømmelse-tilstande i et område der påvirker over 400.000 beboere.

Udbygning af kloaknettet Innovative løsninger som Bluebelts og

grøn infrastruktur Skal fungere som showcase for resten

af NYC kvarterer i tilsvarende udsatte områder

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NYC Climate Week 2015

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Hvem & hvad i NYC under Climate Week

Underskrivelse af FNs nye Bæredygtighedsmål 2015-2030

Størstedelen af verdens statsoverhoveder Utallige CEOs inden for grøn energi og klima-sektoren,

inkl. Vestas, Rambøll og DHI fra dansk side Privat sektor forum parallelt med FN-aftale Åbningen af FNs generalforsamling med Mogens

Lykketoft som formand (28. sep) Adskillige danske ministre og politikere

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NYC Climate Week 2015 Overordnede faglige temaer for DCHs indsats i klimaugen  Energy Efficiency (herunder også smart grid) Smart Urban Water


Workshops Individuelle møder med potentielle kunder og samarbejdspartnere indenfor de 2 tracks Muligheder

Markedsinformation: markedsmuligheder, kunder, regulering, finansiering, ”doing business in New York” Pilot projekter i New York: Pitch sessions med NYC pilot programmer (NYSERDA ETAC og NYC DCAS IDEAS

program) for energi efficiency og smart grid. Matchmaking med potentielle samarbejdspartnere og kunder  Relevante counterparts NYC Economic Development CorporationNYC Department of Citywide Administration Services Rambøll (Environ), BIG Architects, Building Energy Exchange: Urban Future Lab/Danish Cleantech HubCity University of New York (Building Performance Lab), NY Smart Grid Consortium

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Konference program fredag 25. sep

13.00-13.30 Registration and networking

13.20-13.30 Welcome and opening remarks

Finn Mortensen, CEO State of Green

Morten Kabell, Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs, City of Copenhagen

Emily Lloyd, Commissioner NYC Department of Environmental Protection

13.30-16.30 Deep-dive workshops:

Urban Climate Lab (Smart Urban Water)

The Urban Climate Lab provides Danish stakeholders to showcase Danish climate adaptation technology and solutions to high-level US counterparts. To New York City, urban water solutions in a climate adaptation context is a relatively new business area, both when it comes to water management and urban livability. The workshop is thus a timely opportunity to attract US business partners US policymakers. Also, Danish stakeholders will have the opportunity of engaging in dialogue with clients and learn more about customer aspects in NYC, and the US market in general.

 Energy in Cities: Spurring an Energy Efficient Future

 New York City aims to reduce GHG emissions by 80% by 2050, and is focusing its efforts on the City 1m buildlings. The city expects to invest +40bn USD in its water and energy infrastructure, creating a huge market opportunity. This session will focus on how policy, technological innovations, knowledge data, and finance plays a role in promoting and spurring energy efficiency. This session offers insight into cases, technologies and new innovations within energy efficiency and provide an excellent opportunity to engage directly with high-level decision-makers from the public and private sector

16.30-17.00 Networking, break and arrival of additional guests

17.00-18.30 Plenary session: Urban Innovation for Livable Cities

Key note speakers: Connie Hedegaard, Chairman KR Foundation, Bjarke Ingels, Founder BIG Architects

Panel discussion

18.30-19.30 Reception and Networking

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Praktisk information

Dato: 23-26 September 2015