The Prom Handbook


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The Prom Handbook

Page 2: prom

Dazzling skin…

How to…Spotty, oily skin could ruin an otherwise perfect prom, so your preparations should begin well in advance of the big night. Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out impurities, and embark upon a thorough cleansing, toning and moisturising regime.Remember to have fun.

Avoid over cleansing too close the the actual night, as that tends to irritate the skin and produce a red rough appearance. A couple of days before, only employ a mild facial cleanser twice daily, to keep face clean and fresh.

Many girls make the mistake of choosing prom makeup which is dramatically different from the makeup they normally wear. While tempting to go all out with an amazing new look, or to pile on the products for a flawless appearance, try to resist going overboard. Prom is not the time to try something new: instead, your aim should be to look like a more glamorous version of yourself: choosing makeup you'll be comfortable in, but which will still make you look your absolute best.

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When it comes to choosing foundation, the most important factor is to find one that matches your skin tone. To do this, go foundation shopping in natural daylight, and test foundation against your jaw line, not the backs of your hands! The skin on your hands won't necessarily be the same color as the skin on your face, so make sure you don't make this common mistake! Apply a couple of shades on your face near your jaw, take a mirror and head outside to double check the perfect color to match your neck.

Next, research that your foundation matches your skin type. If you have oily skin, you'll want to select a matte foundation that will soak up extra moisture; if you're lucky enough to have dewy skin already, a light, shimmery foundation will be all you'll need.

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Sparkle at prom with glitter eye shadow…

Before applying eye makeup, clean your face and wipe it with a soft cloth.

• Before you start applying eyeshadow, you must apply foundation. After applying the foundation evenly, apply a neutral-color gel-based eye shadow. You could use beige, creme or white color.

• Using foundation and eyeshadow is necessary. This is to ensure that the glitter doesn't get smeared all over your face.

•Now you need to add the glitter eyeshadow on your eyelids. Use an eyeshadow brush to spread the glitter from the middle portion of the upper eyelid towards the outside corner of the eyelids.

•Make sure that the glitter is kept away from the inner corner of the eye.

• Too much of glitter can look garish, therefore, you must use it in moderation.

• You can also use a mascara dipped in a glitter powder and curl your eye lashes to get the perfect evening makeup look.

How to…

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If you are going to apply glitter eyeshadow, you need to select the right eyeshadow palette that will accentuate your eyes. Your eye makeup should be attention-grabbing. Your glitter eyeshadow must be of a color that goes well with your skin tone and the color of your eyes.

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Kissable lips…

Keep your lips kissable by piling on plenty of lip balm prior to the big event. On the night itself, make sure your lipstick lasts by bringing your foundation down over your lips first, outlining with lip liner and then coloring in the lips themselves with the same liner. Now add your lipstick to your prom makeup sceme, blot once and powder, then apply and blot again. Your lipstick should last all night, but carry a little extra in a small makeup bag for those necessary touch ups.

How to…

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We recommend…

For added "glam," slick on a little lipgloss for that full, pouting look, and you're good to go!

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