promoter PUBLICATION OF THE OKLAHOMA STATE ASSOCIATION OF FREE WILL BAPTISTS THE UNFINISHED TASK April 25th is World Missions Offering Sunday D6 CONFERENCE Family Ministry meets in Orlando, Florida OKLAHOMA STATE MEETING Randall University hosts 3-day event MAR/APR 2021 VOLUME 42 ISSUE 2

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THE UNFINISHED TASKApril 25th is World Missions Offering Sunday

D6 CONFERENCEFamily Ministry meets in Orlando, Florida

OKLAHOMA STATE MEETINGRandall University hosts 3-day event



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UNFIN SHED TASKGIVE in obedience to the Great Commission.

Your financial gift has an impact: lives are changed, people find hope,

churches are planted, and discipleship begins.lives are


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churches are planted, and discipleship begins.churches are planted,




Bible Training

Church Planting

National Youth Camps

Cross- Cultural


Pastoral Training

National Missionaries


Fulfi lling the Great Commission“Only as the church fulfi lls her missionary obligation does she justify her existence.”


Since inception Free Will Baptists have worked to establish new fi elds around the world. We have seen missionaries obey God’s command, go to the mission fi eld, and work tirelessly for sometimes decades until these fi elds have matured. But when the missionaries come home, does that mean the work is fi nished?

As Christians we should want to continue our support for the work that has been established and continued by the national pastors and leaders. These partnership countries include Cuba, Panama, Brazil, Cote d’Ivoire, India and others. Providing the needed funds for these partners can greatly accelerate Christian growth and ensure the Work will continue!

Contributions will help fund: • National Missionaries• National Youth Camps• Pastoral Training• Church Planting• Bible Training/Institutes• Cross Cultural MinistriesFor these reasons and more,

we support the World Missions Offering (WMO). Will you join us in supporting the Great Commission? Contact our offi ce at (405)912-9036 or board member Gary Curry at (580) 320-1473 for promotional resources, questions answered, or additional assistance.

“T he will of God is the evangelization of the

world; if you refuse to support world missions,

then you are opposed to the will of God.”



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Speaker Nathan Teeters

Speaker Johnny Miller

Encounter 1 June 13-18

Encounter 2 June 27-July 2

Encounter Kids 1 July 11-14

Encounter Kids 2 July 14-17

Location: KBA Talihina, OK

Location: Oakridge Christian Camp Anadarko, OK

For more info Daniel Sweet 405.655.9468 or [email protected] or visit okstatece.com

Like our Facebook page for highlight videos to help promote camp. Search Encounter Camp or @encountercampok

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Randall University would like to leverage Giving Tuesday to finish our year-long #Give60 Campaign. We have asked all friends and alumnus to consider giving at least $60 to the Dr. Thomas Marberry Christian Ministry Scholarship. We have over 55 students in the School of Christian Ministry. Every year this program has grown and the need to fund these scholarships for our students continues. The growth in this program has allowed us to send out three singing

groups, Abide, Revive, and New Life to our local churches. In addition, with more ministerial students on campus, we are better able to fill the vacancies in our pulpits.

The responses to the #Give60 Campaign thus far have been humbling. We have received single donations of $60 to $60,000 dollars, and have already raised over $135,000 to date! Our current goal is to reach $150,000, which would provide 15 scholarships for our students this year. Some of you have already given and we are so thankful for your generosity. Several of our donors are willing to give again because they can see what these scholarships are accomplishing. For those of you who have not yet given, there is still time!

We believe the harvest is ready and we want to prepare as many laborers as we can. We need your financial support to make this possible. This year, on Giving Tuesday, please consider making a donation to Randall University at ru.edu/give60. Let’s work together to reach the goal of $150, 000.

Be the first to download your Randall University app!

Text RUApp to 844-390-2165 to stay in the loop on our NEW APP coming soon! Plus get RU news and information straight to your phone.

Check out the 60th Anniversary concert online at www.youtube.com/randalluniversity

Colossians 1:10 is a verse I’ve prayed over my children many times. “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing with the knowledge of God.”

For years, you pour Jesus into your children while they rest under the safety of your home. Then, the time comes for them to venture into the world, and you hold your breath as you watch new infl uences enter their lives. Some will give wise counsel, all will not. Will your son or daughter cling to the Biblical principles on which they’ve been raised, or be swayed by the insurmountable pressures of secular world views? Scared yet, Mom and Dad? You don’t have to be.

Being a member of a Free Will Baptist congregation, I had heard of Randall University. It’s “the Christian University off of I-35.” My son had friends from church who were going to attend for concurrent enrollment, so it seemed like a logical choice.

After just his fi rst few weeks of class, I quickly realized that this “logical choice” was a gift from the Lord. Caleb was receiving instruction from faculty who professed Jesus as Lord, and whose teaching refl ected their profession. He was rejuvenated in his Christian walk and became excited about what the Lord had planned for his life. My husband and I knew he was being surrounded by people who would continue to infl uence and teach him in the same ways he was raised.

Well, as a mom, I did exactly what moms do…I began to tell everyone about this little gem of a university in Moore, Oklahoma. Many were like me, they knew of Randall

University, but didn’t really know Randall University. And so, God had yet another gift in store.

The summer before Caleb’s freshman year of college, a family friend sent my husband and I a job notice – Recruitment Coordinator for Randall University. I wasn’t looking for a job, but after months of talking about how to get the

word out about Randall, my husband encouraged me to send in my resumé. “There’s no way this will work,” I thought. “I’m a homeschooling mom. I haven’t worked for anyone other than myself for 15 years. What do I have to offer, Lord?”

To be honest, I had a bit of a Zacchaeus moment from Luke 19. I was pretty comfortable watching Jesus work from my tree. Did I have the faith to “make haste,” and come down and join Jesus in His work?

Today, I’m sitting in my offi ce at Randall University—not in a tree—feeling quite blessed. God made a way as He always does. I have the great privilege of sharing with high school students, parents, counselors and many others about the Christian values and Biblical truths being taught on this campus.

Getting Out of The Tree

Continued on page 6

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Even better, I get to share Jesus with them. I get to pray God’s best for these students, whether that is Randall University (and I hope it is!) or something else that God has in store for them. And I get to watch God work in the life of my son and

RANDALL UNIVERSITYfrom page 4 Want to learn more

about Randall University? Visit our website at ru.edu, or register your high school student to attend our Campus Days on March 25th and 26th. Register at ru.edu/campusdays.

2021 Oklahoma State MeetingApRIL 29 - MAY 1 | RANDALL UNIVERSITY | MooRE, ok

(Pre-registration information on back cover)


Mike Cousineau

Eddie Moody

Clint Morgan

MEETING SCHEDULEThursday9:30 am General Board Meeting12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch1:30 - 3:30 pm Ministers Conference with Clint Morgan7:00 pm Evening Service with Dr. David Crowe

Friday9:00 - 11:00 am Business Session Morning Worship with Dr. Edward E. Moody12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch1:30 - 4:00 pm Business7:00 pm Evening Service with Mike Cousineau

Saturday9:00 am CTS Competition

HoTEL INFoRMATIoNLaQuinta (1/2 mile north)2140 Riverwalk Dr., (405) 759-7700I-35 & 19th St. Exit

Hampton Inn & Suites (3 miles north)614 N.W. 8th Street, (405) 735-6821I-35 & Exit #118 (12th St.)

Holiday Inn Express (3 miles north)621 N.W. 8th Street, (405) 735-9400I-35 & Exit #118 (12th St.)

Spring Hill Suites Marriott (3 miles north)613 N.W. 8th Street, (405) 759-2600I-35 & Exit #118 (12th St.)

Listed above are just a few of the hotels in Moore, but there are additional ones in the area.

in His purpose for Randall. I’m honored to be a small part of His very exciting plan.

If there is ever a time I can be of assistance to you or a potential student you know, please contact me at 405-912-9011 or [email protected].

Lori CoodeyRecruitment Coordinator

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Things Above . . .Mike Wade,Executive Directorfor Oklahoma Free Will Baptists

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Let me begin this article with a confession. The last few months have been a challenge for me to obey the above instruction given to the believers in Phillipi by the Apostle Paul. I have been guilty of concentrating far too much on the chaos of this present day. My thought life has focused far too much on disease, division, violence, political unrest, and a society that has drifted far from the truth of

God’s Word.Daily I have watched or read the

news of the day and usually I grow uneasy, anxious and even angry at what is taking place. I do not think it is wrong to try to keep up with current events. However, according to Paul’s instruction, it is wrong to allow those negative and often hate-fi lled events to dominate my mind. I am confi dent that as a believer in Jesus Christ I do not have to allow the dirt of this world to soil my thought life and cause me undo heartache and anxiety.

You see, all of the evils that I mentioned above were present in Paul’s day as well. He was not oblivious to the chaos that existed in his time. Yet he was able by God’s grace to set the thoughts of his mind on higher things. He went on to say, “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you”.

I do not want to live daily in the mire of turmoil. I want to follow the apostle’s example and live in a

manner that reveals my faith in a Sovereign God who is ultimately in control and who loves those who have accepted Christ and live in His kingdom.

To the believers in Colosse this same Paul wrote, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

The Greek word that is translated ‘set your affection’ means to ‘set your thinking’ or ‘set your mind’. Here the Apostle Paul is again reminding believers in Christ to lift their thoughts above the unsavory aspects of life here on earth and to concentrate on better and heavenly matters.

It is my sincere desire to do a far better job of this in the coming days. I desire to repent of placing so much of my thought life on the temporary things of this life and too little of my thinking on the eternal. I feel more at peace already. Join me.

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2021 Oklahoma State MeetingPRE-REGISTER ONLINE FOR THE

2021 Oklahoma State MeetingIf you would like to pre-register for the State Meeting, go to www.okfwb.org.

Click on Calendar and under Oklahoma State Meeting you will see a register here box.If you don’t have access to a computer, please fi ll out the form below and mail it in.

Pre-registration must be sent by April 27, 2021.

If you have any questions, please call the FWB State offi ce at (405) 912-9400




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