Promotional Methods When promoting my magazine, I have to take into consideration the different ways to make my magazine popular and well known quickly. When my magazine is first released, I want it to gain a high circulation and readership and this can be successful if I choose the right promotional methods.

Promotional methods

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Page 2: Promotional methods

First of all, I think promoting my magazine around cities will prove to be successful as these are busy locations where teenagers and young adults (my target audience) tend to be. One of the ways I could go on to promote my magazine may be on buses and bus shelters as this is a main type of transportation, especially amongst people who may buy my magazine. Although my target audience are of a higher working class so may not take the bus, they may live in busy cities such as London and see buses (including the advertisements placed on them) a lot. Another way of promoting my magazine will be on billboards as these also appear a lot in cites and across shopping centres to advertise specific products. If I were to promote my magazine this way, many people would see it as billboards tend to big and located in busy areas. When people are out shopping they will view this advertisements plus people who are also driving past on motorways will see these in car journeys. As motorways are also very busy, this promotional method will guarantee many people will see my magazine advertisement. On the billboards I will include a large image of the artist as this will look more interesting than a large photo of a magazine. I will also include the release date of my magazine and make it clear that this is a new product.

Across Cities & Other Busy Locations

Page 3: Promotional methods

Social Media

I will also use social media to promote my magazine, not only the first issue but also issues throughout. To do this, I will make my front cover artist tweet about their appearance in my magazine to their fans/followers. I will also create my own Twitter account for my magazine as well as Facebook to constantly post about the release of my new product to remind my audience. I will use these two types of social media as I think they are the most popular within my target audience and many young adults/teenagers use them daily.

On my social media accounts, I will also advertise exclusive competitions and opportunities to win tickets, back stage passes etc. as a way to persuade people to go ahead and buy my first issue. Therefore if they like the first copy, they will continue to buy my magazine and look forward to the offers I will include.

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Other promotional methods I could use to raise my magazine’s popularity is ‘word of mouth’ where people can talk about my new music magazine and tell their friends/relatives/work colleagues about the new product.

I could also hand out leaflets around busy areas and locations (for example cities and shopping centres around London). This is a relatively cheap and easy way of proportioning my magazine compared to other methods as well as posters on shops (especially fashion shops). Having posters of my magazine on fashion shops may be successful as my target audience are into fashion so having leaflets handed out or posters up around specific shops such as ‘Urban Outfitters’, ‘Topshop’ and ‘River Island’ will attract the right type of audiences.